14 minute read
Masonry Preservation education
Education issuEs
Imagine studying historic restoration while surrounded by historic structures and conservation experts in a city with over two thousand years of history. Is there any better way to learn?
Europe Bound
discussion of core requirements and continuing education issues
While finishing up my undergraduate degree, I began researching graduate programs. I had a strong interest in historic preservation and rehabilitation, and wanted to pursue further education in this subject area. I looked at many programs offered in North America, but they were mainly geared towards architects. As an engineer, I wanted to find a program that had a focus on structural stability and analysis of historic structures, as well as aesthetics and material preservation. When restoring a historic structure, it is important to understand the structural system and how it was built in order to ensure its stability for future generations. The Masonry Preservation Education North American programs in restoration do not offer this type of focus; they are architecturally oriented. While interviewing for an A Look Inside the engineering post-graduate position at a university in Canada, a professor told me about Advanced Masters the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions (SAHC) program. After researching the program of Monuments and further, I knew I had found the perfect match Historical Constructions for my interests and engineering background.
By Lindsay M. Hofgartner, Ing.
The SAHC Masters Program
The SAHC masters program is a one-year Master of Science program on the engineering of conservation of structures, with a focus on architectural heritage. It consists of both coursework and a dissertation. Coursework is concentrated in two countries each year, and dissertation work is divided between all involved institutions. The academic institutions involved in the program are the University of Minho, Portugal, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, the University of Padova, Italy, the Technical University of Catalonia, Spain, and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Czech Republic. The coursework consists of six units including History of Construction and of Conservation, Structural Analysis Techniques, Seismic Behaviour and Structural Dynamics, Inspection and Diagnosis, Repairing and Strengthening Techniques, Restoration and Conservation of Materials, and an Integrated Project. It is an international program that is taught in English. In my 2012 graduating class, there were students from Australia, Canada, France, Greece, India, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, South Korea, Turkey, and U.S.. Professors from all over Europe and the world came to give us lectures on their areas of expertise. I performed my coursework at the Czech Technical University in Prague with thirteen other students. Prague (Figure 1) is a beautiful and architecturally rich city with buildings that date back almost a thousand years. I worked with Professor Maria Rosa Valluzzi and Professor Claudio Modena during my dissertation at the University of Padova. The title of my dissertation thesis was Kinematic Analysis and Intervention Design of a Complex Building Aggregate in Villa Santa Lucia degli Abruzzi in L’Aquila Province. The thesis was a study of the seismic vulnerability of a historic masonry building in a province of Italy that has high seismic hazard. The research
Lindsay M. Hofgartner, Ing., is a Design Engineer at Ryan Biggs | Clark Davis Engineering & Surveying, P.C. (formerly Ryan-Biggs Associates), in Skaneateles Falls, NY where she works on many of the firms historic preservation, masonry restoration, and forensic engineering projects. She can be reached at LHofgartner@ryanbiggs.com.

Figure 2. Class photo at Valtice Chateau, Czech Republic.
focused on the collapse mechanisms of the building and various intervention techniques to prevent failure in future earthquakes. I recently published a paper and presented on this same topic at the 9th International Masonry Conference in Guimarães, Portugal. The SAHC masters program was a very enriching experience for me. It was a great opportunity to study in a different country with people from all over the world. My professors and classmates taught me a lot about engineering and conservation practices in their home countries. I built many strong friendships with my classmates and learned about their different cultures. It was incredible to study historic conservation in a place like Europe, where there are historic masonry buildings at every turn. The coursework material came to life during our field trips to historic structures around the Czech Republic and Italy. Figure 2 is a class photo taken during a field trip to Valtice Chateau in the region of Southern Moravia in the Czech Republic. The courses focused on conservation from a structural and material degradation point of view. They were academically rigorous and very interesting. One of my favorite courses was History of Construction and of Conservation. In this course, we explored the different restoration strategies throughout history, learned about historic construction and design techniques, and discussed damage mechanisms for masonry and timber structures. In Figure 3, I am completing a building evaluation in the attic of the Church of Our Lady Victorious in Prague for one of the class assignments. I also especially enjoyed the Restoration and Conservation of Materials course. In this course, we learned about the material properties of historic masonry and other common building materials, how they degrade, and how they can be restored. There were also many lab experiments as part of this course, with lots of hands-on experience. As part of the Integrated Project course, I studied the structural stabilization and moisture remediation of a historic monastery, as well as the damage mechanisms of a medieval stone arch, seen in Figure 4.
Bringing My Knowledge Back Across the Atlantic
Since graduating from the SAHC masters program, I have worked at Ryan Biggs | Clark Davis Engineering & Surveying, P.C. (formerly RyanBiggs Associates), a consulting firm in New York State specializing in structural engineering, civil engineering and surveying. I specialize in structural restoration services including nondestructive testing, building investigations, masonry restoration, timber rehabilitation, and renovations of historic structures. The knowledge and experience I gained from the SAHC program has been incredibly useful. The analysis, inspection, diagnosis, and non-destructive testing techniques I learned while overseas have been particularly relevant to my work.

Figure 3. Investigating the roof structure of Church of Our Lady Victorious, Prague.
North America has a rich architectural history and many historic structures. Although they are not as old as many of the structures in Europe and other parts of the world, they played a significant part in our history and should be preserved for future generations. In order to preserve these structures, engineers must understand historic construction techniques, materials, and structural systems in order to design suitable restoration and rehabilitation strategies. The SAHC masters program provides a wealth of information that we can use in North America to preserve our historic structures and keep the past alive. I would recommend the SAHC masters program to all engineers who are interested in historic restoration and rehabilitation. It is a beneficial program for both those who have recently finished their undergraduate degrees, and those who have been practicing engineering but would like to become more specialized in historic structures. The program is geared towards those with engineering backgrounds. However, architects with technical backgrounds will also find this program worthwhile. The SAHC masters program is very unique and provides an incredible opportunity to travel, to study with engineering students from all over the world, and to learn from a diverse group of experts from leading European universities in the field of conservation. It is an excellent program and I highly recommend it. For more information about the SAHC masters program, please visit www.msc-sahc.org/. ▪
Steel/Cold-Formed Steel ProduCtS Guide
a definitive listing of steel/cold-formed steel product manufacturers/distributors and their product lines
Aegis Metal Framing
Phone: 314-851-2200 Email: answers@aegismetalframing.com Web: www.aegismetalframing.com Product: Ultra-Span®, Steel Engine, Aegis Design Description: A division of MiTek®; the leading provider of pre-fabricated cold-formed steel truss and panel systems, and services for commercial, institutional and residential construction. Aegis provides a complete line of cold formed steel framing (also known as light gauge steel framing) including the UltraSpan truss system and WallSolutions™ prefabricated panels.
Albina Co., Inc.
Phone: 866-252-4628 Email: info@albinaco.com Web: www.albinaco.com Product: Curved and Rolled Steel Description: Produce virtually any metal component that needs to bend or curve. Impeccable reputation in the steel bending and fabrication industry, for producing difficult and unusual parts. Pipe, tube, structural steel, plate and specialty bending and rolling for structural, architectural, industrial, manufacturing, ornamental and recreational applications.
Alpine TrusSteel
Phone: 224-358-9449 Email: jmandel@alpineitw.com Web: www.trussteel.com Product: Cold-Formed Steel Truss System Description: TrusSteel™ is the non-residential construction industry’s premier cold-formed steel truss system. Innovative Double-Shear™ fastening technology and patented symmetrical profiles efficiently transfer structural loads. TrusSteel provides greater stability for ease of handling and installation, reducing the need to install external restraints. Integrated software provides full design, modeling and project management functionality.

CADRE Pro 6 for Windows
Solves virtually any type of structure for internal loads, stresses, displacements, and natural modes. Easy to use modeling tools including import from CAD. Much more than just FEA. Provides complete structural validation with advanced features for stability, buckling, vibration, shock and seismic analyses.
CADRE Analytic Tel: 425-392-4309
Armadillo NV
Phone: 800-580-3984 Email: sales@armadillonvinc.com Web: www.armadillonvinc.com Product: Armatherm Description: Provides thermal bridging solutions to improve building envelope performance. Armatherm thermal break material prevents cold bridging in structural steel connections including shear and moment connections, masonry shelf angles, cladding and curtain walls. Thermal modeling and structural design available as part of your design-build team.
Phone: 416-806-3521 Email: info@castconnex.com Web: www.castconnex.com Product: Innovative Connection Solutions Description: The leading supplier of cast steel components for use in the design and construction of building and bridge structures. Universal Pin Connectors™ and Architectural Tapers™ bring off-theshelf simplicity and reliability to AESS, while custom designed components enable unparalleled opportunity for creativity in design.
Decon® USA Inc.
Phone: 866-332-6687 Email: frank@deconusa.com Web: www.deconusa.com Product: Anchor Channels Description: The exclusive representative of Jordahl in North America. Hot rolled Anchor Channels are embedded in concrete and used to securely transfer high loads. Their main application is for flexible connections of glazing panels to high-rise buildings. Anchor Channels with welded-on rebar or corner pieces are available.
Product: Studrails® Description: The North American standard for punching shear enhancement at slab-column connections. Studrails are produced to the specifications of ASTM A1044, ACI 318-08, and ICC ES 2494. Decon Studrails are increasingly used to reinforce against bursting stresses in banded posttension anchor zones.
Halfen USA
Phone: 800-423-9140 Email: pschmidt@halfenusa.com Web: www.halfenusa.com Product: Anchor Channel Description: Halfen anchor channel and t-bolt systems are engineered to provide adjustable connections for concrete construction. The channel comes in cold rolled or hot rolled profiles.
All Resource Guide forms for the 2015 Editorial Calendar are now available on the website, www.STRUCTUREmag.org. Hardy Frames, Inc.
Phone: 800-754-3030 Email: dlopp@mii.com Web: www.hardyframe.com Product: Hardy Frame® Panels, Brace Frames and Special Moment Frames Description: Hardy Frames, a MiTek® Builder Product, manufactures pre-assembled shear wall systems. HFXSeries Panels and Brace Frames are fabricated with CFS in wood and steel stud heights; custom heights are available. HF Special Moment Frames are the first preassembled SMF and features the AISC CPRP Certified SidePlate® moment connections.
Heckmann Building Products Inc.
Phone: 708-865-2403 Email: info@heckmannanchors.com Web: www.heckmannanchors.com Product: Pos-I-Tie® Brick Veneer Anchoring System Description: The Pos-I-Tie Family of Products allows worry-free attachment of Brick or Stone Veneers to Structural Steel Studs. The Barrel Screw allows lateral load transfer between the backup and the veneer without any loads affecting the sheathing. A thermal break system is available for Brick Veneers.
Simpson Strong-Tie
Phone: 800-999-5099 Email: web@strongtie.com Web: www.strongtie.com Product: Total Solution Provider for CFS Commercial Construction Description: A total solution provider for coldformed steel (CFS) commercial construction, delivering innovative CFS connector, anchor and fastener solutions. We reduce your installed costs by designing products that minimize screw count, eliminate the need for pre-drilling and minimize tool clearance issues without compromising strength and durability.
Product: LSUBH Bridging Connector Description: Simpson Strong-Tie now offers a lowercost option to its popular SUBH line of u-channel bridging connectors for cold-formed steel construction. The new LSUBH 20-gauge bridging connector provides all of the benefits of the SUBH connector, and is suitable for many wind- and load-bearing situations with light to moderate load demand.
Taylor Devices, Inc.
Phone: 716-694-0800 Email: taylordevi@aol.com Web: www.taylordevices.com Product: Seismic Dampers Description: Fluid Viscous Dampers literally soak up the energy of earthquake induced motion, preventing structural damage. Compact, yet powerful, increasing structural damping levels to as much as 50% of critical, the results being truly dramatic stress and deflection reduction, actually lowering the total cost of the structure.
Steel/Cold-Formed Steel ProduCtS Guide
a defi nitive listing of steel/cold-formed steel product manufacturers/distributors and their product lines
Phone: 951-245-9525 Web: www.hardyframe.com Product: Z4 Tie-Down System Description: Utilizes the innovative CNX Cinch Nut that ratchets along the length of a threaded rod to compensate for wood shrinkage and deformation. Th is System provides cost eff ective designs, easy installation, and perpetual ratcheting to assure tight connections that are uncompromised for the life of the building.
Bentley Systems
Phone: 800-236-8539 Email: structural@bentley.com Web: www.bentley.com Product: RAM Structural System Description: Tackle projects with confi dence and produce high quality and economical designs, using various concrete, steel and joist building materials; all in compliance with your local building codes. Quickly design, analyze and create documentation for your building projects. Design anything from individual components to large scale building and foundations.
Product: STAAD.Pro Description: Design any structure and share your synchronized model data with confi dence among your team. Ensure on time and on budget completion of steel, concrete, timber, aluminum, and coldformed steel projects, regardless of complexity. Design structures anywhere in the world using over 80 international codes, reducing the need to learn multiple software applications.
Product: RAM Elements Description: Analyze and design, including quickly performing 3D fi nite element analysis, of almost any type of structure or structural component. Save time and money by performing daily design tasks for all of your building projects, simple or complex, all within a single easy to learn and use application.


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Design Data
Phone: 402-441-4000 Email: marnett@sds2.com Web: www.sds2connect.com Product: SDS/2 Connect Description: Enables structural engineers using Revit Structure for BIM to intelligently design steel connections and produce detailed documentation on those connections. SDS/2 Connect is the only product that enables structural engineers to design and communicate connections based on their Revit Structure design model as part of the fabrication process.
IES, Inc.
Phone: 800-707-0816 Email: info@iesweb.com Web: www.iesweb.com Product: VisualAnalysis Description: So you have a light-gauge truss? Model, load, design with us. Crunch it fast with I.E.S. Alleviate your stress…
Nemetschek Scia
Phone: 410-290-5114 Email: info@nemetschek-scia.com Web: www.nemetschek-scia.com Product: Scia Engineer – New Version Description: Easily integrated Cold Form Steel Design into your BIM workfl ows with Scia Engineer. Download the Free CFS Scia Engineer Benchmark report from John Hopkins: http://bitly.com/CFSteel.
Product: Scia Design Forms Description: Integrate custom checks into your engineering analysis workfl ow. Easy script custom calculations that can run as standalone checks or link to Scia Engineer’s FEA workfl ow. Having the ability to write your own checks inside your FEA software is a real game changer. Try it for free!
Powers Fasteners
Phone: 845-230-7533 Email: Mark.Ziegler@sbdinc.com Web: www.powers.com Product: Powers Submittal Generator (PSG) Description: PSG is a new submittal and substitution online tool that helps contractors create submittal packages in just a few steps and allows them to include all applicable code reports and technical details with a few clicks. Contact us for a free demonstration!
Product: Powers Design Assist (PDA) Description: Anchor design software now includes ACI 318-11 code provisions. Download or update to version 2.2 today, to take advantage of the most current code standard. RISA Technologies
Phone: 949-951-5815 Email: info@risa.com Web: www.risa.com Product: RISA-3D Description: Get the most out of your steel designs with RISAFloor and RISA-3D. Th e ability to use multiple materials in one FEA model makes these programs your fi rst choice for both hot rolled and cold formed steel. With 16 steel databases and 21 steel codes, RISA has all your bases covered.
Strand7 Pty Ltd
Phone: 252-504-2282 Email: anne@beaufort-analysis.com Web: www.strand7.com Product: Strand7 Description: An advanced, general purpose, FEA system used worldwide by engineers and analysts for a wide range of structural analysis applications. Strand7 can be used as a standalone system, or with Windows applications such as CAD software. It comprises preprocessing, solvers (linear and nonlinear static and dynamic) and postprocessing.
Phone: 847-966-4357 Email: info@structurepoint.org Web: www.StructurePoint.org Product: Concrete Design Software Description: pcaMats-spMats: Analysis, design and investigation of concrete foundations, mats, combined footings, pile caps and slabs on grade. pcaSlabspSlab: Analysis, design and investigation of elevated reinforced concrete beams, joist, one-way, two-way and slab band systems.
All Resource Guide forms for the 2015
Editorial Calendar are now available on the website, www.STRUCTUREmag.org. Listings are provided as a courtesy. STRUCTURE® magazine is not responsible for errors.
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