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SEI Structural Columns
The Newsletter of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE Structural Columns
Make your plans to attend the Structures 2013 Congress in Pittsburgh, PA, May 2-4, 2013. The focus of this highly regarded specialty conference is Bridging Your Passion with Your Profession. The ASCE/SEI Structures Congress is your annual opportunity to broaden your technical knowledge, sharpen your business skills, deepen your understanding of cutting-edge research, and network with your peers and colleagues. In addition to eleven technical tracks, the congress will offer Pre-conference seminars.
Pre-conference Seminars
Design of Bridges for Accelerated Bridge Construction The design of bridges that employ Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) technologies is similar to the design of bridges built using conventional means; however, there are certain differences that bridge design engineers should be aware of. The seminar will include information on the current state of ABC in the United States, including the most common technologies and details that are in use. The focus will be in the design development process as it relates to ABC projects. Discussion will include the design of precast concrete deck panels, modular superstructure elements, substructures, foundations, and full scale bridge installations using Self Propelled Modular Transporters and lateral sliding techniques. The basis of the seminar will be a manual entitled Engineering Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems, that is under development by the Federal Highway Administration. New Essentials for Your Sustainability Tool Kit This interactive seminar will provide attendees with a hands-on overview of the new list of “essentials” that every engineer should have in their Sustainability Tool Kit. The seminar will focus on: how to decipher and use Life Cycle Assessment on a project; exploring how disaster resilience can help you avoid unsustainable rebuilding, both before and after failures caused by natural
Local Activities
disasters; how to recognize and design around thermal bridges; what green infrastructure means, and what resources are available to lower the environmental impact of infrastructure projects. Attendees will participate in interactive exercises designed to support the information that was shared in presentations. By attending the seminar, participants will gain a functional understanding of the tools and strategies presented, and be better prepared to apply this knowledge on their next project. For more information and to see the matrix of Technical Sessions, visit the Congress website: http://content.asce.org/conferences/structures2013.
Bridges 2013 Calendar $10 each when you buy 2 or more
A must-have for bridge lovers, the ASCE Bridges 2013 calendar continues to delight and inform! Bridges 2013 offers spectacular images of bridges from the United States and around the world. This calendar celebrates the unique blend of technology and art that is the hallmark of great engineering. BRIDGES2013ASCE Calendar2013_FinalArt.indd 1 9/7/12 4:42 PM Each month features a different bridge accompanied by an explanation of its technical or historical significance and an inset highlighting a unique characteristic. With brilliant photographic detail, this collection of distinguished bridges celebrates the form, function, and style central to excellence in civil engineering. To view bridge photos, visit www.asce.org/calendar. Advertise Your Business. Advertise your company name and logo on the Bridges 2013 calendar, printed on upgraded, premium paper stock that displays your message professionally all year long. For more information, visit www.asce.org/calendar.
Illinois Valley Chapter
SEI and the Central Illinois Section of ASCE welcome the SEI Illinois Valley Chapter, chaired by Mike McLaren mmclaren@Dewberry.com. The affiliation with SEI will enable the SEI Illinois Valley Chapter to extend services and continuing structural-related education to local members. Recent activities include an inaugural kick-off meeting, two $250 scholarships to Bradley University students to attend Structures 2012 Congress, and serving on the review panel for the steel bridge competition. Plans are underway for the upcoming year.
Local groups offer a variety of opportunities for professional development, student and community outreach, mentoring, scholarships, networking, and technical tours. To get involved with the events and activities of your local SEI Chapter or Structural Technical Group (STG), visit the SEI Local Activities Division webpage: http://content.seinstitute.org/committees/local.html. Nebraska Section Meeting
The Nebraska Section’s Structural Technical Group hosted a joint dinner meeting in association with the Structural Engineers Association of Nebraska (SEAON) and the Annual Structural Conference in Omaha on Thursday, September 13th. After enjoying some great BBQ, the group of over 40 attendees listened to a presentation by Matt Farber, P.E., S.E. (DLR Group, Lincoln NE) and Michael David (Buro Happold, New York NY). Matt and Michael presented on the Structural Engineering Challenges for the Pinnacle Bank Arena. The 32nd Annual Structural Conference was held the following day, on Friday, September 14th at the Scott Conference Center in Omaha, Nebraska. The conference was well attended again this year, with nearly 240 participants. For the first time in conference history, two $2,500 fellowships were awarded to University of Nebraska students pursuing advanced structural engineer degrees. The Nebraska Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (NEASCE), the Structural Engineers Association of Nebraska (SEAON), the University of Nebraska, and the Peter Kiewit Institute are joint sponsors of the Conference.
SEI Board of Governors Welcomes Newly Elected Board Members
Congratulations to David Odeh, P.E., M. ASCE and Stephen S. Szoke, P.E., M. ASCE on their election to the SEI Board of Governors. Each will serve a four year term beginning October 1, 2012. Mr. Odeh is Vice President and Principal at Odeh Engineers, Inc. in North Providence, Rhode Island, and serves as an adjunct faculty member of the Brown University School of Engineering. David has served as Co-Chair of the Joint SEICASE Committee on Building Information Modeling since 2009, and has served on the SEI Business and Professional Activities Division Executive Committee since 2010. Mr. Szoke is Director of Codes and Standards for the Portland Cement Association in Skokie, Illinois. Steve has been a corresponding member of the SEI Codes and Standards Activities Division Executive Committee since 2001. He is active in the International Code Council code development process and serves on the Industry Advisory Committee. The following SEI Board members will serve as FY2013 SEI Board Officers: President: Sam A. Rihani, P.E., F.SEI, F. ASCE, Vice President: Taka Kimura, P.E., F. SEI, M. ASCE, and Treasurer: Ed DePaola, P.E., F. SEI, M. ASCE The SEI Board of Governors would also like to recognize and thank Robert E. Bachman, P.E., F. SEI, M. ASCE, for his distinguished leadership and service to the SEI Board representing the Codes and Standards Activities Division. Bob’s term on the Board concluded September 30, 2012. The full SEI Board of Governors is available at www.asce.org/SEI. SEI established the SEI Fellow (F.SEI) grade of membership to recognize a select group of distinguished SEI members as leaders and mentors in the structural engineering profession. SEI members who meet SEI Fellow criteria are encouraged to apply to advance to the grade of SEI Fellow. The benefits of becoming an SEI Fellow include recognition via SEI communications and at the annual Structures Congress, along with a distinctive SEI Fellow wall plaque and pin and use of the F.SEI designation. There is no increase in dues for the SEI Fellow member grade. Completed application packages are due December 1 for induction at Structures Congress the following year. Visit www.asce.org/SEI for SEI Fellow benefits, requirements, and instructions to apply online.
New Make Your Mark Poster Now Available
SEI and the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA) have produced a new poster to promote structural engineering careers to students. We invite you to include this exciting poster in your outreach efforts to encourage students to pursue a career in structural engineering. This Make Your Mark poster features the 2012 Summer Olympics Stadium in London. Limited supplies of the complimentary poster are available upon request to Suzanne Fisher at sfisher@asce.org. Be sure to include the number of posters you are requesting and where they should be sent. The poster is also available for download from the SEI Website: www.asce.org/SEI. For more resources and ideas for outreach with young students visit the SEI Kids page: http://content.seinstitute.org/SEIKidsPage.html.
SEI/ASCE Student Structural Design Competition
Call for Applications
SEI sponsors a structural design competition for student teams. Innovative projects demonstrating excellence in structural engineering are invited for submission. A written submission will be judged and three finalist teams will be invited to present their designs at the Structures 2013 Congress in Pittsburgh, PA, May 2 – 4, 2013. The finalist teams will be judged on an oral presentation during the conference and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards will be determined as a combination of the written and oral presentations. Awards include cash prizes and complimentary registration to the conference for the three finalist teams (up to three student registrations and one full registration for the faculty advisor). The three finalist teams will be notified within four weeks of the submission deadline and invited to Structures 2013 Congress to compete for the final awards and cash prizes. Details regarding the oral presentation will be provided with the invitation to Structures Congress. ELIGIBILITY: Any team of undergraduate civil engineering students is eligible to submit a structural design. Projects from classes and other university assignments may be used (e.g. capstone design classes, senior assignments, class design projects). Projects solely performed as an employee of a design firm for which no university credit was obtained are not eligible. A maximum of one design from each university will be allowed. Any structural engineering design will be accepted, including but not limited to new building and bridge design, and existing building and bridge retrofit.
Competition deadline is January 15, 2013.
For more information about the Student Structural Design Competition and how to enter, visit the SEI website: www.asce.org/SEI.
SEI posts up-to-date errata information for our publications at www.asce.org/SEI. Click on “Publications” on our menu, and select “Errata.” If you have any errata that you would like to submit, please email it to Paul Sgambati at psgambati@asce.org.