Street Savvy Streetwear isn’ t just for skaters and rappers anymore, it is one of the most influential movements in the fashion world. Streetwear inspired graphic tees are a huge t-shirt trend for 2021. Get creative and bold with the graphics and m essages you design.
get graphic graffiti elements
oversized prints
Repeating your message is a surefire way to get your point across. It will make the desired impact, and result in a well-designed shirt at the same time.
WARP I T wave text
tw i r l ed tex t
Gi ve it textur e h alftones
w i ref ra me sh a p es
The saying goes, “Out with the old, in with the new,” but retro trends always seem to make a comeback sooner or later. Nostalgia is at the heart of this classic vintage tee trend, and the concept will probably forever remain a staple when it comes to t-shirt design. Get your groove on with a funky tee that will serve you well.
good vibes only p sychedelic colors
f u n ky fo n ts
rock n’ rollout meta l b a n d tees 70’s band tees
old school style h ip hop elem ents
5 0 ’s sty l e
Basics Hand drawn designs always hold so much character and importance. The return to textured drawings on tees is a great design trend that brings a distinctive and playful tone to any tee. Your drawings can be done in any which way; thin lines, wavy lines, shapes of all colors and sizes, you name it. Let your imagination take over and then print it on your merch!
flower power pencil-like drawings
d o o d l e a r two r k
inject some personality hand written l e t te ri ng
p l ay f u l c h a ra c ter s
Take the typography in your
{frame it}
design from ordinary to extraordinary by using arched text.
Whether it’s applied as a full circle, or as a partial-circle, adding a curved effect to your text is an easy way to enhance the quality of your shirt’s design
keep it simple
Sometimes your t-shirt just needs to say what it needs to say, boldly and clearly. Minimalistic designs are thoughtful and express purpose and me aning with strong statments in simple fonts. This popular design trend is especially effective if your apparel is advocating for a cause, political campaign, or social movement.
p u ff i n k
p u re ly positive
I mp r i nt p l a cem ent will take your s i mp lis i ti c d esign to the next level
m aki e i t colo r f u l
Collegiate cool is always in style, but don't be afraid to freshen up your look! Tie in traditional academic apparel with current trends for a design that's timeless yet in season. Bold monograms, block lettering, and school pride are always in fashion! Try shifting your school crest into a different location or upgrade it to a full color imprint.
cool collegiate
landmark specific
pocket tee decoration
faded distress effect
Ke e p i t fre sh on an d o ff t h e fie l d w i t h M V P at h l et ic ap p arel. M i xi n g stre e twe a r w i t h at h l e i s u re i s t h e p e rfe c t way to ens ure th e re ' s som e th i n g fo r eve ryo n e o n yo u r c amp u s w it h a s p o r t y a ppa re l col l e c ti on. H i g h l i g h t e ac h o f yo u r s p o rt teams fo r s eason a l te e s to l a st al l ye ar! Th e s ky i s t h e l i mi t w h e n it co mes to c re ati n g a n a l l - st ar co l l e c t i o n w i t h b o l d d e s i g n s and all- over pr i n ti n g.