16 minute read

A Message from the Headmaster


William L. Burke III has been Headmaster of St. Sebastian’s since 1990. An English teacher, Mr. Burke earned a B.A. at Middlebury College and an M.A. with Distinction at Boston College. He is a member of the Headmaster’s Association and has served on the boards of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and the Association of Independent Schools in New England.

Mr. Burke is married to Dr. Patricia B. Burke, a child psychologist. The Burkes have fours sons, all St. Sebastian’s men: William IV ’95 (Harvard ’99), Daniel ’97 (Dartmouth ’01), Matthew ’00 (Middlebury ’04), and Sam ’04 (Harvard ’08).

St. SebaStian'S iS

a Mission Driven School

We believe that the essence of life is in relationships. At St. Sebastian’s, where the order of the day is love God, work hard, and take good care of one another, we nurture and develop eternal relationships with God and neighbor.

We engage in sacred partnership with our students’ parents—focused on the same goal: How to help each young man become all that God wants him to be in body, mind, and soul.

Neither arrogant nor apologetic about our Catholic faith, we strive to be the very strongest, very best Catholic School that we can be, and we are so wonderfully enriched by the many students, faculty, and staff who come to us from other faith traditions, or from no faith tradition at all. Clearly, the message of Jesus Christ is one of inclusion, not exclusion.

When we express our mission—the pursuit of truth through faith and reason—we struggle to put into words the ineffable dynamic that defines us. By expanding our spiritual lives and by intensifying our scholarship, we strive to become the most complete, most integrated people that we can be. >>>

St. Sebastian’s prepares young men for fulfilling lives of perpetual discovery.

St. Sebastian’s prepares young men for fulfilling lives of perpetual discovery.


a School of Academic Rigor

We believe that, in his heart, every young man wants to be part of something great. He wants to become as wise, as just, as balanced, and as brave as he can be. He wants to be in love with learning. Now, he may not know all of this right away, but we do. Our job is to evoke from each student his greatness.

Our focus is firmly fixed on the individual. Our approach, for instance, is not to teach Algebra to a student, but, rather, to teach a student Algebra. Teachers get to know their students right away and connect with them soul to soul. Because of the nurturing care they receive, students gain the confidence needed to take risks.

In small, intimate settings—average class size of 11—extraordinarily talented, devoted educators challenge bright, promising students to throw their hearts and souls into the learning process, to become the most engaged, industrious, erudite scholars that they can possibly be. To enjoy success in our structured liberal arts curriculum, students must expend hours upon hours of energy in disciplined, focused study.

We pursue excellence in every discipline, but it is perhaps our unique commitment to verbal skills development, which most dramatically distinguishes us from other excellent schools. Our students write every day, and they speak all the time. They memorize literary passages and vocabulary lists; they churn out a multitude of five paragraph essays, longer papers, poems, and narrative pieces; they stand before their classmates and in front of the entire student body to deliver speeches. And every step of the way, they work with caring, committed, knowledgeable teachers, who draw the very best from them.

The Honor Code, at the core of our academic program, calls each young man to pledge on his sacred honor that the work he turns in is his own. Hence, students are reminded several times a day that they must be young men of unquestionable integrity who give their best, most honest effort in the classroom and in all areas.

Our students leave us prepared for and excited about the challenges they will face in college and beyond. >>>

Within our structured liberal arts curriculum, we place a particular emphasis on verbal skills development. In short, we strive to give our students a comprehensive writing and speaking experience that simply cannot be found elsewhere.

Grade 8

The DART, Football, Lacrosse

“I now understand what it means to be a St. Sebastian’s Arrow in the classroom, on the field, and as a person. I enjoy the classroom environment because we have group discussions that help me understand the material and develop closer relationships with my teachers and classmates. My teachers are always available for extra help, and Math Lab has been a very useful resource for me. Competing with my Arrow brothers on the field is always a great experience. Our coaches not only want us to be great athletes, but also to have sportsmanship and character. St. Sebastian’s has taught me the importance of having a good relationship with God, my family, and my friends. An Arrow will always be there to help someone facing a challenge. I have been encouraged academically, physically, and personally at St. Sebastian’s, and I am so happy to be part of this community. My teachers and classmates are the people who have made coming to St. Sebastian’s one of the best decisions of my life.”

“Thoughtful, kind, and a true leader among his peers, Brendan enters every class with a smile, and his joy is infectious. Never one to “check the boxes” or study solely for the grade, Brendan is motivated by higher pursuits: the desire to understand Shakespeare, to tease out layers of meaning in a poem, or to express his thoughts more eloquently in writing-- in short, to learn for learning’s sake. Nothing is more satisfying or inspiring to an English teacher. It’s been a delight to see Brendan’s talents grow and his observations deepen as he has tackled each new challenge over the course of the school year.” Erin O’Launaigh, English Department


a Community of Spiritual Depth

A School of heart as well as head, we seek to motivate the better angels of our students’ natures, encouraging them to do the right thing regardless of the consequences. By inspiring the pursuit of moral and intellectual excellence, St. Sebastian’s prepares young men for fulfilling lives of perpetual discovery.

We believe that there is an objective reality, an absolute right and wrong, a way we ought and ought not to behave. There is indeed a truth to be apprehended, and to grasp as much of it as possible, we must open our souls to the Eternal as well as our minds to the knowable. As our Chaplain urges, we open ourselves to the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our weakness.

We want our students to know that the spiritual world is no less real than the natural world. Both must be experienced, examined, explored. Our understanding of each realm must be deepened, expanded exponentially. The power of St. Sebastian’s, then, is the synergy of faith and reason in the focused, determined, inexorable pursuit of Truth.

Faith informs reason; reason informs faith. Blessed Pope John Paul II says it best: It is faith which stirs reason to move beyond all isolation and willingly to run risks so that it may attain whatever is beautiful, good, and true. Faith thus becomes the convinced and convincing advocate of reason.

We pray together in Chapel and in Church. We sing hymns and psalms. We receive the sacraments. In praise and thanksgiving, we worship and glorify our Heavenly Father, the Giver of all gifts.

Theologians assert that devotion to God and service to others should be our chief concerns. In thousands of ways over thousands of days, we seek to advance these goals within our walls, throughout the Greater Boston area, and in such far reaches as Haiti. >>>

In accord with the School’s ethos of service, all seniors perform five weeks of community service in the spring. Many describe the experience as transformative.

Grade 10

Arrowheads, Arrows Together, Communications Club, Jazz Band, Latin Club, Latin Honor Society, Mass Ensemble, Cross Country

“When I was attending admissions events just a few years ago, I could have never imagined how much of a positive and formative impact this school could have on me. In my two years at St. Sebastian’s, I have grown in so many different facets. I have formed lifelong friendships with my fellow Arrows, and I have grown as a student inside and outside of the classroom. To my surprise, I have also participated in clubs that I would have never thought to join. Thanks to the persuasion to the persuasion of faculty members and friends, I now participate in all but one of the music ensembles and in many other clubs. My teachers, mentors, and classmates at St. Sebastian’s are some of the greatest people on earth, and I feel lucky that there are so many people looking out for me.”

“Colin is truly a gem. He has a gift for music, and he works with great effort and enthusiasm to develop his talents. As a collaborative peer and natural leader of our St. Sebastian’s music clubs and ensembles, Colin thrives in group performances and as a soloist. Perhaps what is most remarkable about Colin is his dedication to his dream of being a professional organist. Knowing that talent alone will not be enough, Colin works tirelessly to realize his dream. It is a joy to work with students like Colin who are dedicated to their craft, their school, and our music program.” Karl Grohman, Fine Arts Department

Unusually small classes stimulate honest discussion, allow for individual attention, create an intimate learning community, and foster the pursuit of truth.


a School Marked by Excellence in the Arts and Athletics

When students engage in the arts and athletics, they learn valuable lessons about themselves and about life, lessons that they simply could not learn in any other way. It is indeed an honor and a joy to create, to compete, to strive for excellence in all things.

Our students are encouraged to draw, to paint, to shape and form, to act, and to make music. Some write and direct plays. Some build sets; others work on sound and lighting. We have had painters and photographers gain admission to the best art schools in the country, we have had a piano player win a New England Concerto competition, we have had a singer perform for the Pope in Rome and for the President in the White House, and a number of our alumni are enjoying successful writing and acting careers in Hollywood.

Our talented and devoted art, music, and drama teachers and our beautiful arts facilities conspire powerfully, providing the prompting and the platform for creative expression.

Hard work and fair play, full commitment and good sportsmanship—these are the hallmarks of the St. Sebastian’s athletic program.

At every level and in every season, our interscholastic teams are coached by full-time members of our faculty. As a result, the fully integrated St. Sebastian’s experience does not suffer a lapse in the afternoon. Coaches and athletes work in harmony to advance our most important mission in all that they do.

We emphasize opportunity for all, fielding as many as five teams for each sport. Students report that, through their athletic experiences, they gain a deeper understanding of and a more sincere dedication to such virtuous qualities as humility, courage, sacrifice, patience, discipline, focus, encouragement, grace under pressure, and concern for others.

Our athletic teams are perennially among the most successful in the prestigious Independent School League, and, in recent years some of our teams have won New England championships. Many of our athletes go on to enjoy terrific careers in college, where a disproportionate number are elected to captain their teams. Some even make it to the professional ranks. >>>

Our students are taking advantage of myriad opportunities to create, perform, and compete. A number of them have found professional success as athletes, writers, actors, and artists.

When students engage in arts and athletics, they learn valuable lessons about themselves and about life.

When students engage in arts and athletics, they learn valuable lessons about themselves and about life.

Grade 12

Communications Club, Drama Club, History Club, Jazz Band, MPA, Mass Ensemble, National Honor Society, Student Council, The Quiver, St. Sebastian’s Journal, The Walrus, Cross Country, Wrestling

“Headmaster Burke once asked me what I considered the best part about St. Sebastian’s. After much thought I finally came to my conclusion: St. Sebastian’s is great because the people make you want to work hard. In my experience, much of the schoolwork is not only enjoyable, but fun. Even if I were working on a tough subject, I found that it was easy to motivate myself to put in time because I couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing my teachers. The disappointment would not have merely been a low mark, but it would have demonstrated that I was not engaging in the class. All of my teachers were passionate about their subjects, so participating in that excitement made my learning natural. I was a good student before St. Sebastian’s, but because of St. Sebastian’s, I am now a life-long learner. I know how to pursue my interests and expand my knowledge and my skills. Most importantly, I know how to incorporate the student mentality into different parts of my life.”

“Tony Perez has been a major force in the Drama Club, particularly during his senior year. In the fall, he was cast in the role of Pip in an adaptation of Dickens’s Great Expectations. Because the protagonist is on stage for virtually the entire play, this was an enormous undertaking and Tony performed extremely well. For the winter show, Tony and his co-president of the club wrote an original script entitled “Imaginary Friends.” Their poignant play is about the loss of a parent and it carefully explores the subject with humor and visual surprises. Tony and his co-author did a great job directing their cast, and they received playwriting awards for the production at the Massachusetts High School Drama Festival.” Mark Rogers, Chair, Fine Arts Department


a School of Ultimate Purpose

We seek to inspire the integrated, happy, healthy, holy life that God wants us to live. We

want our young men to go on to the most appropriate, most excellent colleges for them, and

we want them to graduate prepared to commit themselves to the mission of making this world

a much better place. And we want them to go to heaven. Everything we do at St. Sebastian’s

will be done with this sense of ultimate purpose ever before us. <<<

“At St. Sebastian’s, where the order of the day is love God, work hard, and take good care of one another, we nurture and develop eternal relationships with God and neighbor.” – William L. Burke III, Headmaster

Grade 12

Finance Academy, MPA, National Honor Society, Unity Day Discussion Leader, Football, Basketball, Baseball

“Six years after walking into St. Sebastian’s for my first day as a seventh grader, I can say that my decision to become an Arrow was the best decision of my life. The order of the day is “Love God, work hard, and take good care of one another.” I do not think there is any other institution that completely fulfills its mission and ideals the way St. Sebastian’s does each and every day. I cannot express enough gratitude to my parents for making the sacrifices so that I could attend St. Sebastian’s. I am thankful to have been in a school that is nurturing academically, athletically, and personally. Our teachers and coaches create an environment where there is a high level of mutual respect. I am proud to say that the friends I made on the first day of school are now my brothers for life. St. Sebastian’s took me in with open arms, and helped me grow from a young boy to a young man.”

“As both a teacher and coach of Alex, I am struck by his desire to improve in every aspect of life. Already a deeply talented student-athlete, he invests in the process of learning and getting better. When he makes a mistake on a math problem, he can’t wait to sink his teeth into the next one. When he misses a groundball, he craves another one. Alex has made enormous contributions to the football, basketball, and baseball programs here at St. Sebastian’s, while balancing a challenging course load and demanding schedule—all with a positive attitude. He embodies the characteristics we work to inspire in our students at St. Sebastian’s, and he will be missed as he embarks upon his college journey at Princeton.” Mark Nelson, Mathematics Department

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