Spartan Magazine, Summer 2021

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S T E P H E N’ S



Summer 2021

The Class of 2021 Graduates from The Hill

SNAPSHOT Chapel Acolytes lead the Upper School graduation procession


10 2 Head Lines 3 Honoring Our Spartan Retirees 8 Proteus Monthly 12 Graduation Ceremonies 24 Spartan Life 32 Alumni News 31 head of school Christopher L. Gunnin

chief marketing and communications officer David E. Perryman, Ph.D.

managing editor Anne Marie Becka

class notes editor Michelle Geo Olmstead

graphic design Ellen Buckmaster, Bucko Design



Liza Ayres ’14, Cynthia Bartek, Sherry Buchanan, Chris Caselli ’82 , Kathy Coe, Mike Dolan, Melody Harman, Jenny Huth, Ph.D., Kim Meyer, Miriam Murtuza, Ph.D., Michelle Geo Olmstead, David E. Perryman, Ph.D., Kathy Rainey, Chelsea Richards, Elizabeth Zepeda Spartan magazine is published twice a year for constituents of St. Stephen’s Episcopal School. Copyright © 2021 St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

subscription information and address changes Emily Crouch-Ponder, or 512.327.1213 x158

P H OTOS COVER: Malika Chauhan, a member of the Class of 2021, celebrates her graduation TOC: A frozen live oak on The Hill during the February freeze; one of the many classroom showcases from Grand Day; alumna America Gonzalez ’20 sharing her emergency services skills with Austin residents



Summer 2021


YEAR THAT DEFIED DESCRIPTION This issue of Spartan magazine showcases some of the innovative ways we responded to these questions by harnessing the enduring spirit of St. Stephen’s. These included reinventing MLK Day, as guest speakers visited virtually to share their best practices for diversity, equity and inclusion, and students participated in “At The Table with Dr. King,” a musical, visual and spokenword performance that taught them about King, the American Civil Rights Movement and valuable life lessons on equality and respect for others. We reimagined traditional events, such as the Literary Festival, Grand Day and Reunion, to engage an even greater number of Spartans from around the world via online

In a school year that defied description, the 12th-grade bell-ringing ceremony on May 14 was a singular moment of clarity that I will remember for many years to come. As I savored the sights and sounds of the students shouting and the bell clanging, it felt as if the entire St. Stephen’s community had let loose a joyous cheer that reverberated off the buildings and cascaded down The Hill. The bell ringing celebrated not only our beloved 12th graders but all of our students who bravely navigated uncharted waters this year, their loving and supportive families, and—of course—our remarkable faculty and staff who served devotedly amid extraordinary circumstances. On another level, the bell-ringing tradition reminded me of those transcendent aspects of our school—such as our mission and core values—that distinguished us at our inception and continue to guide us more than 70 years later. The adversity we faced this school year came in many shapes and sizes—from the global pandemic, to the divisive national election and insurrection at the

conferencing. Meanwhile, our Middle School theatre students created a robot actor for their performance of “Waiting for Godot,” and Upper School students developed an online companion to the visual arts and literary journal Proteus that allowed more students to reach a broader audience. Most importantly, perhaps, our students discovered new pathways to learning while our teachers explored inventive ways to teach remotely. I hope that you draw strength and inspiration from these and other stories exemplifying the Spartan spirit. Finally, I would like to recognize all those who helped our school not only survive but thrive during this unusual year. I give thanks for the energy and resilience of our students, the commitment and endurance of our faculty and staff, the expertise and care of our medical advisory committee and Health Center team, the wisdom and leadership of our board, the support and understanding of our parents, and the goodwill of many volunteers. All these wonderful gifts and more, you gave generously, and for that I am deeply grateful. Sincerely,

U.S. Capitol, to the winter storm that caused us to cancel school for a week but could not chill our fierce spirit. These events forced us to reevaluate who we are as a school and what is required of each of us to sustain our living and learning community.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Chris Gunnin, Head of School


Spartan Magazine

to offer Kiva loans to worthwhile causes around the world. She previously

HONORING Our Spartan Retirees

served as dean of faculty and a dorm parent. I first came to St. Stephen’s in 1990, when my husband, Jim, was hired. A few years later, Linda Douglass, the esteemed Middle School head, asked me to teach creative writing and fill an open English position. I had great trepidation about teaching Middle School, but Meg Phillips and Octavia Sadler adopted me and taught me to teach. I quickly fell in love with my students—with all their raw honesty, biting criticism at the hypocrisy of adults and hope-filled dreams. Yes, all that. Middle schoolers are

St. Stephen’s is deeply grateful to the talented and devoted faculty and staff who have made indelible impressions on school members throughout their time with us. Whether instructing and mentoring students in classrooms, enjoying a meal with us in the dining hall or sharing their hymnal in morning Chapel, each of this year’s retirees has touched our lives in unique and special ways. Collectively, these five employees have dedicated 116 years to St. Stephen’s students and the larger school community. Although we will continue to draw inspiration from their tremendous work ethic and tireless support of our mission, we will miss their presence in our daily lives. We wish them all good health and great happiness as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.

definitely my people. I have had wonderful mountaintop moments at St. Stephen’s: camping by the Caribbean while visiting St. Etienne, our partner school in Haiti; trekking across Ireland, Scotland, England and Greece with student groups; serving as dean of faculty, a high honor indeed and the greatest professional moment of my life; and being named the John D. Gerhart ’61 Master Teaching Chair, which enabled me to pursue my own professional development for four years. However, what I have enjoyed most have been the ordinary moments: going to the dining hall or Health Center and talking to friends and acquaintances of three decades. Walking the familiar path back and forth between Gunn Hall and my on-campus home, first known as the old Foster house, then the Woodruff house, now the Adams house. And relishing in the growth and achievement of my 6th and 7th graders. My favorite moments hands-down? When kids looked at me and said, “I get it!” What’s next? I am going to do a little tutoring and a lot of grandmothering, and I will pursue some independent interests, quite possibly in the fields of writing and mental health advocacy. I am waiting for my future to reveal itself to me clearly. But I know this beloved place, St. Stephen’s, will remain my home, a touchstone, a compass point, a place I return to again and again in memory and actuality. So here I am, thinking back: One day I am 36 and a mom of little children living on an old goat-farm-turned-school; the next day I am 67, about to retire after a quarter century of teaching and 30 years of Spartan living. Quicker than I can say “AARP,” the years have gone by. The school buildings, once a little run-down, are now large and impressive. The

Vicki Woodruff has faithfully served Spartans for 25

formerly scrawny oak trees now reach the endless sky, and the sweeping vistas stretch across a new landscape of a much-changed Austin. What’s

years, most recently as the 6th-grade English teacher and advisor. A

the same? Incredible colleagues, bright-eyed 6th-grade students and a

passionate service coordinator, she has been an ardent supporter of

curriculum based on critical thinking. Oh, St. Stephen’s. I have been one

St. Etienne, our partner school in Haiti, and has worked with students

lucky duck indeed.



has been a celebrated

Kindy Verderber

member of the St. Stephen’s

has taught Middle School

community for 26 years. Since

science and ecology at

joining the school faculty

St. Stephen’s for 11 years of

Robert Lewis

her 40-year teaching career.

in 1994, he has served as Spanish instructor, modern

During her tenure on The Hill, she was the driving force behind the 6th-

languages department

grade “Invention Convention.” Additionally, she has served as 6th-grade

chair and service learning

team leader, a member of the Health Team and puberty educator, and

coordinator, providing

Middle School StuGov sponsor. She also lovingly taught Spartans to tend

thoughtful and steady

the Middle School garden and harvest honey from the bee hives.

leadership throughout all endeavors.

I was 12 years old when I realized I could teach: I taught my younger brother, resistant to adult instruction, how to read. After that, I wanted to teach.

I had heard about St. Stephen's when I was a Ph.D. student at The

Making a difference in my brother’s life awakened a passion I still feel a half

University of Texas at Austin in the late ’70s, but I never came out to

century later. Early in my career, I carried the mantle of awakening scientific

visit. In the mid-’90s, I was teaching in Baton Rouge, La., first at

imagination in young women so that they will at least consider careers in

Louisiana State University and then at Episcopal High School, when

science. This led me to teach at an all-girls private preparatory school in

the opening at St. Stephen’s came up. I knew the then-chair of the

New Orleans for 23 years.

languages department, Hildeyardo Ramírez, from graduate school days, so I decided to apply. It had been 13 years since I left Austin, so

My return to teaching in a coed science program at St. Stephen’s was both

it was time to come back!

challenging and inspiring, as I have been committed to demonstrating the power of problem solving is not associated with a specific gender, race or

I have taught Upper School Spanish for 26 years and have been the modern

socioeconomic group of students. My goal has been to help my students

languages department chair for the past six. For many years, I was the

find their “voice” within their individual understandings of scientific

faculty sponsor of a Saturday tutoring program in East Austin, at what is

phenomena. I am grateful to St. Stephen’s for giving me the opportunity

now Any Baby Can. For years, I also participated in and co-directed the

to continue to practice my passion.

school’s summer study program in Spain, first in Salamanca and later in León. I also went with student volunteers to El Salvador to work with

This past year, during the pandemic, our reliance on computer-aided

underprivileged children and young people in the city of Santa Ana.

instruction was transformational. I did not want to part with my hands-on/minds-on approach to teaching science, but struggled to

What I have always appreciated the most about St. Stephen’s have been

source out materials and supply these materials to all of my students last

my colleagues and students. The people here are what make it such a

spring. I made multiple trips to the post office and individual students’

great place to study, to work, to spend one’s days. I will miss all the great

homes to ensure that students both near and far could still build their

people that working here brought me into contact with every day.

mousetrap cars and ping-pong launchers.

I have had a very rewarding career at St. Stephen's. I also have always felt it an honor and a privilege to work here. I will miss the place a lot!

Living and working through this pandemic has taught me many life lessons—living each day to the fullest, cherishing relationships with

My retirement plans are fairly conventional. They include some travel,

family and friends, and appreciating good health. My decision to retire

possibly renewing my hobby of restoring old cars, and visiting my sons

has come slowly. There are so many things I have put off and now want to

and their families in Massachusetts and Taiwan.

explore, such as pickle ball, sailing and traveling once again. I will forever be grateful to the school for providing me and my family with so many interesting opportunities and lasting friendships.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Spartan Magazine

A steadfast

Our students should be able to walk into any group, anywhere on

supporter of our

campus and be able to trust that they are accepted and part of the

founders’ vision,

community. And I want our alumni to be able to go anywhere in the

Christine Aubrey has retired from her most recent role as associate head of school for advancement. During her remarkably robust 28-year tenure, Aubrey has overseen 32 major campus improvements and additions, launched numerous fundraising initiatives totaling $160 million,

world and move into groups of people different from themselves, feeling comfortable and excited. It makes for a much more exciting and abundant life. Looking back on my tenure at St. Stephen’s, I have most enjoyed creating and maintaining ongoing relationships with donors. I enjoy sharing the institution’s progress and letting donors know they are part of that success. Fundraising offers donors a great gift—the opportunity to be involved in something bigger than themselves.

including growing the school's endowment to more than $30 million, and generated critical annual income for the school’s operating budget that supported every aspect of St. Stephen’s academic excellence and campus life.

During her 26 years in the Business Office, controller

I learned about Bishop John Hines and St. Stephen’s founding values

Carol Smith

early on after moving to Austin in the 1970s. I wanted those same values

has helped the school recover

for my daughters and enrolled them in the Middle School. I started

from financial distress and then

working as a major gifts officer for the school in 1993, after serving on

set us on a path to financial

the board of trustees for six years. It’s a whole different thing to work

stability through her steadfast

here and be part of the daily life of the school. I found my people. I truly

commitment to achieving and

love this community.

maintaining balanced budgets.

I learned to do fundraising as a volunteer, from the ground up, first

After working for several years

at Planned Parenthood and then Austin Travis County Aids-HIV

in public accounting, I had a

Commission. Jim Woodruff, who was head of Advancement when I

desire to work for one company,

was hired, taught me everything I know about major gifts fundraising.

rather than auditing multiple

Like Jim, I have always been fascinated with John Hines’ vision and

ones. I also wanted to work for

focused on weaving his story through the school’s fundraising efforts.

an organization with a cause I could believe in. I joined the St. Stephen’s

Thankfully, today we still emphasize community and the importance of

staff in 1995, after applying and interviewing for a posting I saw in the

understanding and embracing people different from ourselves. The four

Austin American-Statesman newspaper. I hope my time here has helped

capital campaigns I have overseen provided an opportunity to create

position the school financially for sustainability!

buildings and space for students and teachers to gather and be together in a common space, to become comfortable with one another.

During my time at the school, I have really enjoyed getting to know our dedicated teachers and seeing the real difference they make in our

I hope St. Stephen’s continues to push the boundaries of justice for

students’ lives. I’m going to miss the regular interactions I have had with

all people, including people of different nationalities, sexual identities,

people who really care about this world.

socioeconomics and religious beliefs. I want the school to continue to evolve as a leader in showing others how to move past the fear of

For retirement, I plan to split my time between Segovia, Texas, and Taos,

someone different from themselves and learn to embrace people’s

N.M., nurturing my long ignored artistic side and creating handmade


wooden objects that can be touched and enjoyed.



Summer 2021



I love seeing that moment when 'the light goes on and students are as excited as I am about the material. I also love when a student asks a question that stumps all of us or takes the classroom discussion to another level. I have had great conversations with students while working on a lab, coaching them in track, sitting with them at a lunch table or driving them to the store.


— Melissa Livsey, Upper School Chemistry Instructor


I came to St. Stephen’s because the school celebrates excellence. The kids enjoy that; they expect it. The whole purpose of me giving an assignment is not for me to just transfer knowledge. The purpose is for them to grapple with it, to come up with their own questions.


— Jin Chung, J.D., Middle School History Instructor


I cannot think of an independent school that is more tied to the land it sits on, whose identity is more defined by the real estate it occupies. It is just a beautiful place, where you can find wonder and reverence. Children who spend time in nature understand how nature works, how interrelated ecology is, and they begin to appreciate that and then want to take care of it.


— Charlton Perry, Director of Outdoor Education


Spartan Magazine

The best thing about our school is that we focus on the students as people. We create opportunities for them to explore their passions and interests. Kids who graduate from St. Stephen’s are prepared for a life of learning and purpose. When they think about what they want to do with their lives, it is always motivated by the core question of what they can do to make the world around them better and the people around them better.


— Andy Aceves, Upper School English Instructor


‘Dynamic’ is what comes to mind when I think of our academic program. We are developing that growth mindset where we want kids to think ‘well, what else is there?’ To get preadolescents outside of themselves is hard to do, but we want them to think about the bigger picture and develop awareness.



—Kerry Patterson, Middle School Math Instructor

The philosophy of teaching at St. Stephen’s is all about connections. Teachers are there to talk with kids about their lives and their experiences, in addition to the materials they teach. I think the way teachers interact with students here impacts the educational experience. They make students feel safe to explore and take a risk with an idea—that they are not going to be judged or put down for it, that there is room to build and develop and imagine.


—Jenneken Van Keppel, Ph.D., Upper School English Instructor



Summer 2021


roteus, the literary and visual arts magazine of St. Stephen’s, has featured the work of Spartan artists and writers for decades. Yet, producing the print publication has had its challenges. Page limits and budget constraints meant that not all outstanding pieces could be included in the journal, and the submission process could be cumbersome for the faculty sponsor. Now, thanks to the great initiative of student editors Fer Hurtado and Sofia Messer, both members of the Class of 2021, students can submit their works and have them showcased online via the new Proteus Monthly website.

“Before Proteus Monthly, all publication content had to be directly emailed to Dr. Huth for submission,” Messer said of faculty sponsor Jenny Huth, Ph.D. “We wanted to create a platform that would streamline the submission process and display every single artwork and writing piece so no one got left out. This, in turn, incentivized more students to submit their work without the fear of rejection.” “The process of creating the site was quite easy, as we used a website builder called Wix to assist us in the process,” Messer said. “This allowed us to focus our efforts on making the site as user-friendly as possible while adding our own creative touches to the interface.” “Sofia and I created the website to exhibit all of the art and writing submitted to the publication and not leave anything—or anyone— out,” Hurtado said. “The website also includes a database that makes it easier for the editors and Dr. Huth to select the pieces that will go in the journal. Plus, we can now display all the art and writing submitted to the publication, but that don’t necessarily make it in.” According to Messer, the idea for Proteus Monthly sprang from the two editors’ desire to create a platform that is routinely updated with fresh content as students create and submit it. “Each month we add new art and writing to the website to reflect the creativity constantly blooming on campus,” Messer said. “In this way, Proteus Monthly serves as a less formal, ‘living’ companion to our end-of-year print publication.” “It’s a companion to the printed booklet because it's a digital extension of the journal,” Hurtado added.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Spartan Magazine

Huth was thrilled with the site they produced, as well as its many benefits. She was also extremely impressed with their determination to make the entire process better for everyone. “They are true pioneers,” Huth said of the two editors. “No one assigned them to do this; the desire and work came from them. They were enthusiastic to grow the journal into something more engaging: an evolving collection of student art and writing. The new online Proteus Monthly means students are just a couple clicks away from checking out their peers’ most recent art and writing at any time.” To ensure the new site met a range of needs, Hurtado and Messer surveyed users for improvements they wanted to see. “After consulting with teachers and students on their experiences submitting art and writing, we already have made some changes to our website,” Messer said. “For example, at first we only accepted PDF files of literary works. However, this proved to be time-consuming in the editing process, as we had to download and send each piece to our publishers. Instead, we decided to use Google Docs for submissions. This made the process much easier for both the Proteus team and students. “We also heard from a couple of art students that they preferred their pieces be grouped together on the website, rather than displayed separately,” Messer continued. “After hearing this, Fer and I decided to experiment with different ways of displaying the content on the site.” “We have gotten a lot more submissions through the website than we received in previous years, because it's easier to access and nice to look at,” Hurtado said. “Also, we have asked all writing and visual arts teachers to ask their students to submit through the website. I think that has really made a huge difference in the number of submissions.” Hurtado, whose favorite subject in English, said she has heard from creative writing students that they have enjoyed reading their classmates’ works on the new site. She also values the positive feedback she has received from her English teachers. “I think English has always been my favorite class because my teachers have made me feel that my voice and opinions are appreciated and special,” she said. “The discussions we have in class are always the highlights of my days. “My passion for English inspired me to help create Proteus Monthly because I really wanted to display and appreciate different perspectives in writing from each unique writer who is willing to share their work with us,” she added. Hurtado, who enrolled at St. Stephen’s as a 9th grader, chose the school because of the strong academic programming and inviting campus environment. “My parents pushed me to enroll at St. Stephen's because they wanted me to pursue better options for my education,” noted Hurtado, a boarding student from Mexico. “St. Stephen's has opened so many doors for me that my home country could not have offered. I can say that I do not regret my decision to come here because without St. Stephen's I would have not accomplished what I have today.”

‘‘ fully anticipate the quality of education I have received—not just from my teachers in core classes, but in class discussions, fine arts seminars, club meetings and conversations with my peers. St. Stephen’s has taught me to seek knowledge not just inside the classroom, but in every moment possible.” Messer calls the school’s fine arts department her second home. “I have played the cello in the orchestra and taken art classes every year,” she said. “Art is an outlet for me to express myself and allowed me to converse with other artistically minded students. I believe this experience gave me first-hand knowledge of the department and exposed me to the many talented artists in our community, which inspired me to create Proteus Monthly.” When they graduated in May, the two editors left St. Stephen’s knowing they made a significant mark on the school and student-run publication they both love. “They have ushered our beloved journal into the 21st century,” Huth concluded. “Their work has allowed us to showcase Spartan art and writing even more powerfully than ever before.” For a first-hand view of the school’s new literary and visual arts site, please visit Proteus Monthly at proteus. P H OTOS OPPOSITE PAGE: Fer Hurtado (left) and Sofia Messer

Her co-editor, Messer, a day student from Austin, said she feels the same. “I came to St. Stephen’s in the 7th grade after hearing about the academic opportunities the school has,” she noted. “However, I did not



BEAUTY Beyond Adversity Following a night of freezing rain on Feb. 11, millions of Texas residents and the St. Stephen’s campus suffered more than a week of record low temperatures and historic accumulated losses of essential utilities, including access to medical care, electricity, heat, water, food and transportation. Even after the arctic chills subsided and temperatures rose, it took another week for stores to restock and life to return to “normal” amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Damage and recovery costs from the unprecedented winter storm surpassed that of any other disaster in state history, exceeding more than an estimated $125 billion. We hope enough time has passed since "Snowpocalypse 2021" that our readers can appreciate the beauty and youthful wonder that our resilient Spartan community was able to find amid the chaos. Please enjoy this rare glimpse into an unusual moment in our school’s history and student life.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Summer 2021

Spartan Magazine


CL AS S OF 2020


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Summer 2021

Spartan Magazine

2021 The Class of


Nestled in the St. Stephen’s Chapel on a stormy morning, Head of School Chris Gunnin addressed members of the Class of 2021, their families, teachers and staff who had gathered on The Hill for the school’s 71st Commencement Exercises on May 22.

“And through it all, you have endured, exhibited remarkable grit and shown generosity of spirit at a commendable level,” he concluded. “You have found new ways of learning, being, creating and connecting. Your spirit has been nothing short of inspiring.” Following Gunnin’s enthusiastic welcome and heartfelt remarks by faculty speaker Ben Hines ’91, senior speaker Betsy Goodrum took the podium. “I can say with confidence that the teachers here are among the best in the world, and many of us would not be where we are today without the countless hours we’ve spent with these amazing people, both inside and outside the classroom,” said Goodrum, who was selected by her classmates to speak about their collective experiences during the ceremony. “We all found a home inside the classrooms here at St. Stephen’s, and we will always be thankful for the time and energy you put into being the greatest teachers you can be,” she continued. “All of you make this school what it is. We love you. “Unfortunately, many of our classmates have not been able to come to school this year and also cannot be here with us today,” she said of the 14 members of the class who lived and learned from their homes around

the world throughout the pandemic and participated in the ceremony via videoconference. “Our grade feels incomplete without you here, and we wish that you could have been here to celebrate good times and bad at the senior tables, in the dorms and in our classrooms. “I think we are all thankful for different things from our time at St. Stephen’s, but I think we can all agree that we are thankful for the beautiful campus, the ability to create lasting friendships and memories, for the grit, growth and persistence to fight through adverse circumstances, and the ability to learn how to adapt,” she said. “As I reflected on our four years together, I think about how we have all learned resilience, experienced happiness; for that I think that we should all have a lot of gratitude,” Goodrum added before congratulating her classmates and wishing them great happiness in their lives. Following tradition in a truly untraditional school year, the ceremony concluded with the presentation of major awards and diplomas, followed by the recitation of the school prayer and the benediction, led by the Rt. Rev. Kathryn Ryan, bishop suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. Congratulations, graduates!

P H OTOS LEFT PAGE: Connor Dodd and Annie Earthman RIGHT PAGE: Anouk Martin-Gachot, Michelle Ramirez, Ebube Oraelosi and Jolie Pham; Bryan Lugo Carrasco, Billal Lyzzaik, Mariana Garcia Vera, Patricio Solis and J.P. Lugo Carrasco



“I would be remiss if I did not point out that you have faced what no St. Stephen’s class before you has,” Gunnin continued. “You have excelled as much and in some cases more, and you have faced unprecedented challenges of the last 16 months, having lived your formative high school years in a time of great anxiety created from a global pandemic.


“Graduates, today marks a special milestone in your lives,” Gunnin said. “We have gathered as a community today to applaud you for the work you have done, for the skills and concepts you have mastered, and for the young adults you are becoming. We give thanks to God for the relationships you have formed and the character you have forged. By every measure, you are committed to excellence, you are eager to engage in the world around you, and you are ready to make your mark in the world—just as you have made your mark here in the St. Stephen’s community.


Summer 2021

Medals and Honors The Bishop John E. Hines Medal was named after the Rt. Rev. John Hines, founder of St. Stephen's Episcopal School, who was a man of extraordinary vision and bold action. The Bishop Hines Medal is awarded to the member of the graduating class who maintained the highest academic standing throughout their 11th- and 12th-grade years. The 2021 Bishop Hines Medal was presented to Linda Liu. Named for the school’s first headmaster, The William Brewster Medal was established in 1960 by the St. Stephen’s faculty to recognize the 12th-grade student who made the greatest total contribution to the life of the school. The recipient is an engaged and talented student—strong across all disciplines and genuinely interested in “the life of the mind.” The 2021 Brewster Medal was presented to Betsy Goodrum. The Dobbie Leverton Fenton Medal is awarded annually to a member of the 12th-grade class who promotes the values of social justice. This year’s Dobbie Leverton Fenton Medal was awarded to Grace Mugo. The Velberta Asher Towner Award in the Performing Arts was named for a longtime member of the St. Stephen’s faculty and former chair of the fine arts department. This award is presented to two students who excelled in the performing arts. The 2021 Towner Award was presented to Bella Salazar Harper and Matthew Kim.

P H OTOS THIS PAGE CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Head of School Chris Gunnin; senior speaker Betsy Goodrum; Troy Lanier, Carson Murtuza-Lanier and Miriam Murtuza, Ph.D.; Grace Mugo with Claire Simmonds; RIGHT PAGE: Vincent Moroz, Max Schaffer, A.J. Francois, Pato Garcia Muriel Pasquel and Jeronimo Perez Rocha Solorzano; Lina Kim, Annie Mooney and Fer Hurtado


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School




Spartan Magazine


Summer 2021

P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Hunter Thu, Sloan Wittliff, Jayan Nitzsche, Nic Valdes, Katherine Cline and Hattie White; Kate Beveridge; Yixuan Zhou, Jessica Shi, Zoe Zhao, Tyler Kuang, Cathy Xue, Miranda Zheng, Eddie Gao, Linda Liu, Watson Tao, James Li and Frank Fan


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Spartan Magazine

Diplomas with Honors Elly Abikhaled Olivia Avant Griffin Ball Whitney Ball Cavan Bennigson Kate Beveridge Trey Butter Veronica Cabeza de Vaca Penelope Cano Joseph Carruth Katherine Cline Gus Cosby Rose Danuser Jacob Dell Connor Dodd Jess Erben Maddie Ford A.J. Francois Eddie Gao Lauren Gill Kate Golson Jason Han Fer Hurtado Jada January Chiraag Kambalimath Lina Kim Matthew Kim Peter Lee Elizabeth Luciano Madeleine Lucid Anouk Martin-Gachot Sofia Messer Layla Metni Salma Mohamed Vincent Moroz Nina Mosler Grace Mugo Jayan Nitzsche Jolie Pham Abbie Prewitt Cooper Price Nick Rubin Bella Salazar Harper Marshall Schechter Sadie Shea Jessica Shi

was presented to Matthew Kim, Peter Lee, Billal Lyzzaik and Abbie Prewitt.

Cum Laude Society

Equity and Inclusion Leadership and Service Award Fer Hurtado Chiraag Kambalimath Olivia Korensky Grace Mugo

Whitney Ball Rose Danuser Jason Han Jada January Chiraag Kambalimath Olivia Korensky Peter Lee Linda Liu J.P. Lugo Carrasco Billal Lyzzaik Carling McQuinn Sofia Messer Layla Metni Nina Mosler Carson Murtuza-Lanier Cooper Price Bella Salazar Harper Evan Schlesinger James Stephens Lara Tanner Nic Valdes Isabella Villarreal Hattie White

Student Leadership and Service Awards The Catherine Elliott Montgomery Prize is awarded by a committee of teachers to the 12th-grade student whose creativity, character and scholarship give promise of a contribution in history or the social sciences. The 2021 Montgomery Prize was awarded to Linda Liu. The Jan Hines Leadership Award is presented to those students who have made positive contributions to our school and worked tirelessly to make our community a better place. This year’s award

Service Learning Distinction Whitney Ball Isabella Villarreal

DCWP Christian Goop Award Carson Murtuza-Lanier International Student of the Year Peter Lee National Chinese Honor Society Elly Abikhaled Mathematics Award: TXML Carson Murtuza-Lanier Proctor Medals Jorge Carzo Madero Jason Han Fer Hurtado Lina Kim Peter Lee Alex Liu Linda Liu J.P. Lugo Carrasco Billal Lyzzaik Salma Mohamed Annie Mooney Ebube Oraelosi Jolie Pham Bella Salazar Harper Chelsea Saucedo Patricio Solis Watson Tao Eliah Ugarte Nic Valdes Miranda Zheng

P H OTOS TOP TO BOTTOM: Ronik Gupta with Nina Mosler; Mia Gonzalez, Alexandra Weatherspoon, Casey Bray and Abbie Prewitt; Ethan Alphonso, Peter Lee and Matt Hutchison



Olivia Korensky Linda Liu J.P. Lugo Carrasco Billal Lyzzaik Carling McQuinn Carson Murtuza-Lanier Evan Schlesinger James Stephens Lara Tanner Nic Valdes Isabella Villarreal

Patricio Solis Hunter Thu Hattie White Cathy Xue Serena Yao Hansen Zhang Zoe Zhao Yixuan Zhou


Diplomas with High Honors


Summer 2021

Book Prizes

P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Dylan Young, Jacob Dell and Ian Chamoun; Jada January; Colleen Hynes, Ph.D.; Elly Abikhaled


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

English 12 Cooper Price Chinese 4 Salma Mohamed Chinese 6 Max Goldberg Chinese 7 Elly Abikhaled Spanish 5A Linda Liu Spanish 7 Carson Murtuza-Lanier Advanced Calculus AB Lara Tanner and Isabella Villarreal Multivariable Analysis Peter Lee Statistics and Selected Topics Jeronimo Perez Rocha Solorzano Advanced Statistics Jason Han Engineering Cooper Price Theology Anouk Martin-Gachot Advanced European History H.P. Weber Advanced Physics Jason Han Advanced Biology II Billal Lyzzaik Advanced Chemistry II J.P. Lugo Carrasco Visual Studies III Layla Metni Advanced Art Anouk Martin-Gachot Advanced Art History Bella Salazar Harper Astrophysics Olivia Korensky and James Stephens Hammer Geology Award Carson Murtuza-Lanier Cloos Geology Award Olivia Korensky Projects in Science and Technology Peter Lee

Spartan Magazine

Fine Arts Awards The Rev. Charles Abram and Virginia Sumners Music Award is presented annually to a member of the 12thgrade class who made the greatest overall contribution to music at the school. The 2021 Sumners Music Award recipient was Linda Liu. The Anne Dewey Guerin Award is awarded each year to the 12th-grade student who made the greatest contribution to the theatre program. This year’s Anne Dewey Guerin award was presented to Gus Cosby.


Awards of Excellence Creative Writing Linda Liu Outstanding Percussionist Jess Erben Outstanding Thunder Drums Nick Rubin Outstanding Piano Student Carson Murtuza-Lanier Orchestra Director’s Award Matthew Kim Outstanding Orchestral Leadership Linda Liu Outstanding Principal Players Nina Mosler and Bella Salazar Harper Outstanding Violin Student Salma Mohamed Outstanding Viola Student James Stephens Outstanding Cello Student Sofia Messer Excellence in Ceramics Anouk Martin-Gachot Excellence in Photography Sarah Courtney Outstanding Theatre Technician Eliah Ugarte Outstanding Dance Performer Sadie Shea Outstanding Choreographer Annie Earthman Outstanding Choral Student Cooper Price Spartan Film Eli Black Person-Up Award Dylan Young Theatre Focus Award Gus Cosby, Kate Golson, Layla Metni and Eliah Ugarte

P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Matthew Kim; Elizabeth Hansing Moon with Bella Salazar Harper; Devlin Hieber and Mary Grace Wieland



Summer 2021

Athletics Awards The Don Cunningham Memorial Awards are presented to a female and male Spartan who lettered in three sports in their 12th-grade year and demonstrated outstanding talent, leadership, dedication and sportsmanship. This year’s Cunningham Awards were presented to Whitney Ball and Luke Near. The David Paschall Award was created to recognize and honor outstanding accomplishments of students in academics and athletics. To be eligible for the award, a student must earn a varsity letter during each term and maintain honor roll status during the fall and winter terms. The 2021 award recipients were Whitney Ball, Olivia Korensky, Luke Near, Abbie Prewitt and Hunter Thu. The Athletic Leadership Award is presented each year to two student-athletes who demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities throughout Upper School. The 2021 Athletic Leadership Award was presented to Connor Dodd and Abbie Prewitt.

All-South Zone Award Winners

PHOTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Jon McCain with Luke Near; the Rt. Rev. Kathryn Ryan; Jon McCain with Whitney Ball


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Cross Country Sloan Wittliff Cross Country Jayan Nitzsche Cross Country Katie Cline Cross Country Hattie White Field Hockey Sarah Courtney Boys Volleyball Griffin Ball Boys Volleyball J.P. Lugo Girls Volleyball Whitney Ball Girls Basketball Whitney Ball Girls Soccer Alex Weatherspoon Boys Soccer Ian Chamoun Boys Soccer Hudson Seade Boys Soccer Max Schaffer Boys Lacrosse Jason Layton Girls Lacrosse Whitney Ball Boys Tennis Davis Wallin Boys Tennis Chiraag Kambalimath Boys Tennis Vincent Moroz Girls Tennis Veronica Cabeza de Vaca Girls Track Katie Cline Girls Track Hattie White Boys Track Jayan Nitzsche Boys Track Sloan Wittliff Baseball Max Goldberg

Spartan Magazine

P H OTOS TOP: Rebecca Gibbs, La-Mont King, Charlton Perry; BOTTOM: Hai Zheng Olefsky, Andy Aceves, Octavia Sadler and Gretchen Inman, R.N.

Special Faculty and Staff Recognition At the end of the academic year, awards of excellence were presented to the following outstanding teachers and staff. Rebecca Gibbs, Upper School mathematics instructor, and La-Mont King, Middle School P.E. coordinator and head basketball coach, were awarded the Dean H. Towner Master Teaching Chair. Director of Outdoor Education Charlton Perry was awarded the John D. Gerhart ’61 Master Teaching Chair. Hai Zheng Olefsky, Chinese instructor and assistant director of the International Program, was awarded the Master Teaching Chair in Critical Languages. English instructor Andy Aceves received the Upper School Teacher Excellence Award. History teacher Octavia Sadler received the Middle School Teacher Excellence Award. Gretchen Inman, R.N., director of health services, received the Staff Excellence Award.

Fond Farewells to the FitzGerald Family It is with great sadness, yet full hearts, that the St. Stephen’s Episcopal School community bids farewell to the FitzGerald family as they leave campus this summer to embark on the next chapter of their life in the northeast. The school will miss the leadership of the Rev. Todd FitzGerald, who has inspired and supported our community as school chaplain since 2012, the valuable contributions of Amy FitzGerald, who served as our school archivist and library assistant, and their daughters, Stella ’20 and Florie (a rising 7th grader). “Father Todd shared with me that he has accepted the call to serve as priest in charge at St. John's Episcopal Church in West Hartford, Conn.,” Head of School Chris Gunnin announced in late spring. “I am deeply grateful for Todd's leadership and service to the St. Stephen’s community. “Throughout the past nine years, Father Todd bolstered our sense of Episcopal identity and taught us how to live into it daily,” Gunnin said. “In addition to enhancing our service learning program and strengthening our partnership with St. Etienne in Haiti, he made significant contributions to our diversity, equity and inclusion work, particularly in creating our shared vision for the Bishop Hines Center for Social Justice. His positive impact will be felt within our school community and beyond for many years to come.



Summer 2021


closing ceremony On May 28, the St. Stephen’s community celebrated 8th-grade students’ graduation from Gunn Hall and the numerous accomplishments of all Middle School students. The morning kicked off with the Middle School Closing Ceremony and was followed by a festive campus car parade for students and their families. During the morning ceremony, Head of School Chris Gunnin and Middle School Head Magnus Maccow recognized the students’ tremendous energy and great resilience throughout the year. Following their remarks, a number of special academic, artistic, athletic and community leadership awards were presented. The Academic Hall of Fame Award, which is presented each year to the students who achieved High Honor Roll status every term for the three years of Middle School, was presented to Alexander Agrawal, Evan McGinnis, Audrey Wan and Claire Wan. Audrey Wan (8th grade), Emma Ton (7th grade) and Abby Cohen (6th grade) were recognized for their outstanding scholarship and for achieving Highest Academic Standing in Their Class. Named for the first head of Middle School, the Priscilla Foster Award recognizes an inspiring student leader with a can-do spirit and desire to help others. Eighth grader Annabel Furlong was awarded the 2021 Priscilla Foster Award. Levi Skaistis (7th grade) and Eli Sahely (6th grade) were recognized with the Citizenship Award for reflecting the highest traditions and core values of our school. The Linda Douglass Spirit of Hope Award, which recognizes a student leader who exemplifies what it means to make a difference in the school community and beyond, was presented to Rett Berger. Golden Pen Awards were presented to Rebecca Cole (8th grade), Clare Burkhart (7th grade) and Abby Cohen (6th grade). The Middle School’s Spiritual Leadership Award was given to Annie Ehrlich. The Anne Teel Athletics Award was presented to Clara Rogers, and the Hunter Paschall Athletics Award went to Zach Prager.

PH OTO S (FROM TOP TO BOTTOM): Emma Eggleston, Kaitlyn Wurtsbaugh and Talia Alphonso; Steely Horne-Lalande, Nevita McCormick and Magnolia Lowrey-Sugg; Rex Lauryssen, Will Perkins, Evan McGinnis, Finn Springer and Jake Chapman


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P H OTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Eason Zhao, Aaron Bellm, Charlie Dugan and Gabe Sahely; Gene and Marlexa Phillips with Trey Phillips; Josie Mullan; Lizzie White and Jade Wong



Summer 2021



Ali Michael Discusses Racism with Faculty and Staff On the first Monday in January, as students savored the final day of winter break, St. Stephen’s faculty and staff attended in-service meetings and special programming. As part of the school’s ongoing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work, guest speaker Ali Michael, Ph.D., engaged employees in a two-hour interactive discussion on Zoom about racism in American schools. Co-founder and co-director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators, Michael teaches in the Diversity and Inclusion Program at Princeton University and is author of several books, including “Raising Race Questions: Whiteness, Inquiry and Education.” Michael told program participants that as a white girl growing up in a predominately white, affluent suburb of Pittsburgh, she was unaware of the different worlds that white people and people of color can live in. “I didn't grow up talking about race or even realizing that racism impacted my life,” she said. “I grew up, as many white children do today, thinking that racism had nothing to do with me.” However, thanks to her undergraduate studies in political science and African culture at Williams College, she came to a startling realization: “I learned that racism in America is a white problem, not a black problem,” she said. “It’s built into our systems and institutions in ways that are invisible to white people but that benefit white people immensely. Change must start with this understanding and selfawareness.” In her subsequent graduate studies in anthropology and education at Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania, Michael gained greater insights into the entrenched racism in American school systems. “Eighty-five percent of the K-12 teachers in America are white, and the educational system is largely designed for white, middle-class and upper-class students. If we don’t change it, we are complicit in its perpetuation.” Today, she conducts research aimed at helping teachers mitigate the unintentional, pervasive effects of institutional racism in their classrooms. “Contrary to what I once believed, I have found that racial competence can be learned,” she noted. “I believe everyone, including white people, can get better at talking about race and addressing the radicalized inequality we have in education.”


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

During the Zoom presentation, Michael fielded questions from St. Stephen’s faculty and staff and offered strategies for addressing racism. She noted that students’ personal relationships with teachers and peers—in which students feel valued and seen—are a primary factor in their success in school. As such, she advised teachers to practice deep empathetic listening, both inside and outside of class, and to create safe spaces for them to voice their opinions and feelings. Michael also noted that reading group and inquiry group exercises can help students learn to reflect critically on their own attitudes and behaviors. —david e. perryman, ph.d, chief marketing and communications officer

Spartan Magazine

St. Stephen’s Hosts Racial Literacy Expert for MLK Day

A longstanding tradition at St. Stephen’s is to celebrate the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday by providing special programming about racial inequities in our country and the ongoing fight for civil rights. Rather than take the holiday off, we gather in community to share lessons and learnings about King’s endearing work toward racial equity and social justice. “Leading up to MLK Day, the Chapel leadership team and student affinity group leaders planned activities to prepare our minds and hearts for discussions surrounding racial justice and building community,” explained Yvonne Adams, director of equity and inclusion. “Topics included how fear inhibits inter-racial connections, dialogue as the pathway to MLK’s beloved community and examples of courageous racial leadership.” Then, on the Jan. 18 holiday, students and employees participated in a range of remote programs and Chapel services. The capstone events of the day were talks with Howard Stevenson, Ph.D., who teaches in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. A national expert on racial stress and trauma, his work focuses on resolving encounters that reflect racial profiling in public spaces, fuel social conflicts in neighborhoods, and undermine student emotional well-being and academic achievement in the classroom.

He then noted, “We have to know and share our own stories. We need to know how to use our voice to speak to injustice. “Racial moments are extremely stressful and overwhelming,” he added. “We need to develop racial literacy—the skills and tools needed to help us negotiate these moments. Doing so will give us the chance to read, recast and resolve racially stressful encounters.” Stevenson explained that practice is the only way to get better at finding the power of our voices and being racially courageous. “A good way to practice finding your voice is to be an ally and speak up for others,” he said. “You also have to learn to be OK with a lack of resolution or rejection. Don’t carry hate and stress with you. The goal is not to lose sight of the other person’s humanity.” A highlight of the day for Middle School students was participating in “At the Table with Dr. King,” a musical, visual and spoken-word performance that teaches students about King, the American Civil Rights Movement, and valuable life lessons on equality and respect for others. Following the day’s events, the school community focused on applying the day’s teachings to life on The Hill and beyond.

Stevenson spoke with our community about how we can all speak out against racism, manage in-the-moment racial stress and reduce the racial trauma that undermines the well-being of students. “We are living in a very difficult time, reminiscent of our history in this country, navigating around race and violence,” he said during his morning Chapel talk with Upper School students. “We often think of racism as embedded in structural policies and systems. My work focuses on proximal racism—face-to-face and in-the-moment racism.” Stevenson started his presentation by sharing an old African proverb: “The lion’s story will never be known as long as the hunter is the one to tell it.”



Summer 2021

Reflections on Girls and Women in Sports Day National Girls and Women in Sports Day is celebrated annually during the first week of February. While our celebration moved to a digital platform this year, it was no less important to take a few minutes to recognize the impact of sports participation, past and present, in our own school community and celebrate female achievement in an industry traditionally dominated by men.

It took me a long time to recognize inequities in sport.

I do not think it was until I got to college that I realized how differently men’s and women’s sports were supported or celebrated. My collegiate career began 35 years after Title IX legislation had passed, and while I recognize how far women’s athletics have come, I have seen the loopholes and inequities firsthand. In some ways, growing up a bit naive about that imbalance allowed me to gain confidence in myself. As I look back on my athletic career, I can attribute a lot of my characterbuilding moments to successes or failures on a field or in a gym. As I began to train more seriously and specialize in field hockey during my junior and senior years of high school, I learned how to set goals, push myself outside of my comfort zone and confidently promote myself during the recruiting process.

There are so many valuable takeaways from sports participation. From maintaining good health and promoting social

change, to realizing individual potential, sports allow people to impact the world around them and become the best versions of themselves. Sport is medicine. Exercise is prevention. When I was growing up, USA Women’s Soccer superstar Mia Hamm showed me that women could play sports that were traditionally considered men's sports. It was not until I saw Hamm and the women's world cup team competing in televised matches at the highest international level that I had a role model in my own sport. I was finally watching women play the game I loved, and it meant so much. Before that, televised women’s sports mostly consisted of tennis, ice skating, gymnastics and random individual sports on ABC's “Wide World of Sports.” At the time, women were stereotyped on TV, and it was hard to find role models in the sports that I loved. I’m so appreciative of the fact that now girls know that they can play collegiately and professionally. Truly, it’s important for us all to recognize the impact of “if you can see her, you can be her.” —kathy rainey, head athletic trainer


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

I chose to be part of a top-tier NCAA Division I program, so I figured out how to balance my priorities and become a better self-advocate—and a lot of that was through failure rather than successes. After graduating, sports took on a new place in my life. As an adult, I still play recreationally in leagues with friends, and I even met my husband on a soccer field. In fact, we held a bride vs. groom kickball game on our wedding day, and I am still bitter about losing that one! Now, as a coach, I think my biggest takeaway has become the importance of being a good listener and creating a space where athletes are not afraid to fail. Long story short, each phase of my life has allowed me to take something from sport and, hopefully, become a better person. —chelsea richards, assistant athletic director and sports information director

Spartan Magazine

Librarians Host Online Literary Festival At the end of January, Becker librarians hosted a talented array of writers for our all-school Literary Festival. The longstanding biennial festival spotlights a variety of writers and connects St. Stephen’s students to creative professionals in a relaxed setting. Both Middle School and Upper School students served in leadership roles during the festival. Student moderators led the individual festival sessions, and faculty and staff proctors were in charge of running the Zoom rooms, admitting participants and assisting in the sessions as needed. “Due to COVID-19 constraints, this year’s Literary Festival was held virtually,” said Cynthia Bartek, head librarian. “Despite the challenge, our students and faculty rose to the occasion!” Since this was the school’s first all-remote Literary Festival, none of the organizers or participants knew exactly what to expect, but they quickly discovered the benefits of a remote format. “We were able to invite presenters from a number of areas around the country,” Bartek noted. “Also, since we had no physical constraints relative to the audience size, everyone got to participate in their preferred sessions; and more faculty and staff participated than ever before.

“We also found that giving students of all ages the role of moderator helped many of them gain a variety of skills and allowed them to engage in direct conversations that were of particular interest to their peers,” Bartek added. During the festival, the school community enjoyed the chance to hear poetry performances, see graphic novel drawing demonstrations, ask novelists questions about their work process, and learn more about journalism and business building. Participating writers, representing a wide range of genres, included Traci Chee, Young Adult (YA) novelist; Carrie Fountain, Poet Laureate of Texas; Lamar Giles, YA novelist; Chris Hooks ’08, journalist; Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed, graphic novelists; Tim O’Brien, novelist; Lara Prescott, novelist; Ngozi Ukazu, graphic novelist; Mikaila Ulmer, St. Stephen’s student and entrepreneur; Eduardo Vega, poet and spoken-word artist; and Bryan Washington, novelist. Many thanks to Literary Festival Chair Marianna Sher for her guidance and assistance with this major event, which benefits everyone at St. Stephen’s! P H OTO Fabi Garza with alumnus Chris Hooks ’08 via videoconference



Summer 2021

Scholastic Art and Writing Award Honorees

St. Stephen’s is pleased to recognize our regional Scholastic Art and Writing Award honorees for 2021. Judges received nearly 1,200 individual student submissions and 41 senior portfolios, all of which were adjudicated by a panel of creative professionals. Thirty-six Spartan artists received 19 Gold Key awards, 32 Silver Key awards and 38 Honorable Mentions for their works in Film and Animation, Painting, Drawing, Fashion, Architecture and Industrial Design, Digital Art, Mixed Media, Photography, Cartooning, Ceramics and Glass, and Expanded Projects. Sixteen writers in the Middle School and Upper School received five Gold Key awards, eight Silver Key awards and 13 Honorable Mentions in categories ranging from Personal Essay and Memoir, Critical Essay, Science Fiction and Fantasy, Poetry, Short Story, and Dramatic Script. Special thanks go to our school’s outstanding fine arts and writing teachers, who helped prepare students for these important competitions: Elizabeth Zepeda, Chris Caselli ’82, Lisa Orr, Mike Dolan, Victoria Woodruff, John Keyes, Marilyse Figueroa and Michelle Avery.

2021 HONOREES – ART Allie Routh Blue Change, Honorable Mention, Mixed Media Amanda Bell Reflection of Home, Gold Key, Photography Light in the Foliage, Honorable Mention, Photography The Road Home, Honorable Mention, Photography Annie Ehrlich Peeking, Silver Key, Photography Anouk Martin-Gachot Somewhere There's a Feather, Honorable Mention, Ceramics and Glass Crisis of Confidence, Gold Key, Mixed Media Paratha Ride, Silver Key, Mixed Media Life in the Eyes of an Observer, Silver Key, Art Portfolio Six Days Apart, Honorable Mention, Expanded Projects Boys Overheard, Honorable Mention, Film and Animation If I Were Sal, Honorable Mention, Mixed Media Gus Cosby Metalepsis, Music Video, Honorable Mention, Film and Animation

Cavan Bennigson Vintage Class, Gold Key, Photography Wheel to Wheel, Silver Key, Photography Closeup, Silver Key, Photography Virginia Visions, Honorable Mention, Photography Chang Shi loneliness, Gold Key, Photography in the rain among the fog, Gold Key, Photography a historic village in China, Gold Key, Photography single, Gold Key, Photography a second in the nature, Silver Key, Photography natural life, Silver Key, Photography lotus, Silver Key, Photography Chelsea Xue Ignite, Honorable Mention, Digital Art To Diana, Honorable Mention, Digital Art Chloe Legere Lonesome Lion, Honorable Mention, Photography

Ava Sadasivan AI-Generated Sea Creatures Utilizing Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks, Gold Key, Expanded Projects

Connor Dodd Light Searching for the Water, Silver Key, Photography A Glance into the Beauty of Change, Honorable Mention, Photography

Bella Salazar Harper East MLK Affordable Housing Project in Austin, Silver Key, Architecture and Industrial Design Industrialized Nature, Honorable Mention, Architecture and Industrial Design The ‘Anything but Plain’ A-Frame, Honorable Mention, Architecture and Industrial Design

Devon Bell Confetti, Silver Key, Fashion

Carling McQuinn Infrared, Silver Key, Drawing and Illustration

Fer Hurtado The Stance, Silver Key, Expanded Projects


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Eric Xie Maiden Flight, Silver Key, Photography A Distant Shine, Honorable Mention, Drawing and Illustration

Georgia Lee Dark Figures, Honorable Mention, Photography Sunshine Stained, Honorable Mention, Photography Jack Gormin A Passerby, Gold Key, Photography Familial Ties, Gold Key, Photography Downtown on a Wednesday, Silver Key, Photography Rebel Rebel, Silver Key, Photography Seaward Wind, Silver Key, Photography From the View of an Onlooker, Honorable Mention, Photography Brewing, Honorable Mention, Photography Jacob McDaniel Midas, Honorable Mention, Ceramics and Glass Jaden Alvarez Haida Heads, Honorable Mention, Ceramics and Glass Jasmine Li The Bandwagon Effect, Silver Key, Editorial Cartoon Jason Layton Jack Action 2, Silver Key, Film and Animation Kayla Patel Reflections Are Not What They Seem, Silver Key, Photography Perspective, Silver Key, Photography Shadows, Honorable Mention, Photography Kristin Svahn The Light from Within, Honorable Mention, Photography Lockdown, Honorable Mention, Photography Layla Metni Raindance, Silver Key, Design Pop Art, Honorable Mention, Art Portfolio

Spartan Magazine

PHOTOS Works by Annie Ehrlich (left) and Anouk

Martin-Gachot; (clockwise from top) pottery by Jacob McDaniel; weaving by Devon Bell; work by Selina Lu

2021 HONOREES – WRITING MIDDLE SCHOOL Lizzie Ahlgren Honorable Mention, Personal Essay and Memoir Basil Baldwin Honorable Mention, Personal Essay and Memoir Rebecca Cole Gold Key, Poetry Annie Ehrlich Honorable Mention, Personal Essay and Memoir

Lara Tanner people doing things that people do, Gold Key, Mixed Media

Steely Horne-Lalande Honorable Mention, Poetry Honorable Mention, Personal Essay and Memoir

Penelope Cano Semper Fidelis, Silver Key, Digital Art

Tristan McCain Silver Key, Personal Essay and Memoir

Ray Swartz Family Portrait, Silver Key, Photography Portrait in Clownery, Honorable Mention, Photography

Charlie Navarre Gold Key, Personal Essay and Memoir

Sarah Courtney Stars and STRIPES, Honorable Mention, Photography Writing On the Wall, Honorable Mention, Photography


Tony Shan Harbour, Gold Key, Photography En Route, Gold Key, Photography Submerge in Darkness, Gold Key, Photography Metropolis, Gold Key, Photography Tension, Gold Key, Photography Dimension, Gold Key, Photography Passing by Pass, Silver Key, Photography Crossing with Pursuit, Silver Key, Photography Boundaries, Silver Key, Photography Exuberance/Warmth, Honorable Mention, Photography Approaching Within Sparkle, Honorable Mention, Photography Mirage? Esteem, Honorable Mention, Photography

Christopher Aung Silver Key, Science Fiction and Fantasy Honorable Mention, Short Story Honorable Mention, Short Story Henri Bariselle Silver Key, Poetry Devon Bell Silver Key, Poetry Honorable Mention, Poetry Honorable Mention, Poetry Honorable Mention, Short Story Zoe Ehrlich Gold Key, Poetry

Sofia Messer Feed Me, Silver Key, Ceramics and Glass Sophia Fan Time, Gold Key Photography The Last Leaf, Silver Key, Photography Watson Tao Side Glance, Silver Key, Drawing and Illustration A Day Out, Honorable Mention, Drawing and Illustration Wen Wen Morning, Honorable Mention, Photography Selina Lu Frozen, Silver Key, Drawing and Illustration Candy Transplant, Silver Key, Painting Feast, Honorable Mention, Mixed Media

Matthew Kim Silver Key, Personal Essay and Memoir Honorable Mention, Poetry Zoe Ehrlich "A Christmas Carol: A Radio Play" Poster Design, Gold Key, Design Fall Confetti, Honorable Mention, Photography Sun Shower Flower, Honorable Mention, Photography Striking Up a New Year, Honorable Mention, Photography To Grandmother's House We Go, Honorable Mention, Photography

Natalie Kim Honorable Mention, Critical Essay Linda Liu Silver Key, Short Story Grace Mugo Gold Key, Poetry, Silver Key, Poetry Silver Key, Poetry Honorable Mention, Poetry Sloan Witliff Gold Key, Dramatic Script



Summer 2021

The Show Must Go On!

Throughout the winter and into the spring Upper School fine arts students collaborated on an exciting musical showcase, “The Show Must Go On.” The cabaret-style production included 12 incredible student performances that were prerecorded by film students and then shown on The Hill for small groups of socially distanced audiences. “Production was a long process,” Film and Theatre Instructor Mike Dolan explained. “Once we knew we were going to make a cabaret-style show, we asked students to submit songs that spoke to the unusual times we are going through right now. For their auditions, students sang songs they hoped would be chosen for the show.” After the show was cast, the cast and crew spent weeks rehearsing the different songs. “There are three ensemble songs that all performers learned together in the Chapel while socially distanced and wearing masks,” Dolan said. “Other solos and duets were taught both on Zoom and in person. We met as a full company on Zoom to workshop and write the introductions to all the shows. The student advisory board chose the performance order and made many critical creative decisions along the way.” Dolan said he was proud to see students working together to creatively solve problems. “A good example of this is how the introductions to all the songs were created,” he said. “We had a big Zoom call, paired up company members and then they presented their ideas. We all discussed and edited the text, then the advisory board decided who would introduce the songs.” Although all the songs are entertaining, Dolan said that filming “Aquarius” was a highlight of the production. “It was a ton of fun,” he said. “It was the last song we made. We were outside in the woods, using drones and huge ladders for filming. The kids were having a ball—it is a great song. I can say that was an especially rewarding day. When one of the 8th-grade theatre students was only able to perform virtually in “Waiting for Godot," Middle School Theatre Director Jeremy Sweetlamb and his class brainstormed a creative solution: They borrowed a Robotics Club invention to serve as the mobile body of the remote actor, then attached a mannequin body and laptop for the head. The student then joined the class via Zoom on the robot’s laptop to perform his lines while another student operated the robot. How cool is that?


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

“Our students are endlessly creative,” he added. “If you give them a big project to really dive into, their commitment and performance are always

PHOTO Robot actor Rex Gilliland with Clara Rogers

Spartan Magazine

PHOTO A sampling of classroom showcases from Grand Day

A Virtually Perfect Grand Day On Friday, March 26, the St. Stephen’s community was excited to welcome Spartan grandparents and special guests to a virtual Grand Day celebration. Grand Day participants enjoyed a robust morning of campus activities from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The online event included more than 40 live and prerecorded programs, including a welcome message from Head of School Chris Gunnin; an opening Chapel service with our school chaplain, the Rev. Todd FitzGerald; and a wide array of Middle School and Upper School classroom showcases, fine arts and athletics offerings, campus tours, and more. More than 320 households from 27 countries and 182 cities from around the globe tuned in to view the work of our talented students and dedicated faculty. We were thrilled so many of you were able to join us. Special thanks go to the Parents Associations’ event chairs, Debbie Gonzalez and Desiree Botkin, as well as the Advancement staff, who worked hard to create a virtual version of this annual capstone event.

Thank You for Supporting the Annual Fund! Spartan Strong was the defining theme of the 2020–21 Annual Fund, so it was fitting that that our tremendous school community rallied in support of this essential fundraiser. We are grateful for the extraordinary generosity of parents, grandparents, alumni, trustees, faculty/staff, and community friends who made this year’s Annual Fund a success. Thanks to you, we achieved our fundraising goal! Thanks also go to Annual Fund Parent Chair Kat Erben and her outstanding team of class volunteers. They led the call to support St. Stephen’s and our annual operating budget in a year like no other. As we celebrate the success of the Annual Fund, the Advancement team wishes to recognize and honor Christine Aubrey, who retired this spring from her role as associate head of school for advancement. She leaves us a great legacy—28 years of dedicated service to our school. We will miss her dearly.

PHOTO The St. Stephen's Advancement team: (front) Hayden Blood, Christine Aubrey, Michelle Geo Olmstead, (back) Melody Harman, Judy Mullinix, Sherry Buchanan and Emily Crouch-Ponder



Summer 2021

Thank you to all of our alumni who participated in and attended our 20 virtual events during Reunion Weekend, April 16-18. We are also grateful to Reunion Co-Chairs Alice Nazro Nezzer ’87 and Shannon Powers ’96 and Spartan Alumni Association President Patricia Henna Rowe ’89 for planning such a fun celebration. It was a fabulous weekend that engaged those near and far. Spartans connected over and through various topics, including Episcopal identity, the school's COVID-19 response, admission to St. Stephen’s, the student experience and results of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Audit. Alumni played trivia with our very own game show host Gus Davis ’99 and learned from other Spartans about beer, journalism in 2020, astrophysics, modern art in Austin and charting fish populations in Hawaii. During the weekend we also recognized two amazing alumnae. At the Pioneer Reception on Friday, evening, Jill Matthews Wilkinson ’64 was honored with The Founders’ Distinguished Alumni Award. This honor is conferred by the Spartan Alumni Association to a person whose lifelong contribution to the school has been exemplary. The evening concluded with Wilkinson’s grandson, Dennis Wilkinson ’24, surprising her with a special gift. At the Leadership Reception on Saturday, Jennifer Stayton ’85 was honored with the Spartan Alumni Leadership Award. The award honors an alumnus/a who has provided outstanding volunteer leadership in service to St. Stephen’s and the Spartan Alumni Association. We are grateful to each of you for joining us, and we look forward to next April, when we will host Reunion 2022 in person and back on The Hill.   To learn more about the current student experience, we have put together a small video library at


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during trivia game night at Reunion; Jill Matthews Wilkinson ’64; Patricia Henna Rowe ’89; Alice Nazro Nezzer ’87; Shannon Powers Flahive ’96



Summer 2021

Reunion 2021 Spartan Spotlights Laura Christie ’04

A certified Cicerone, Laura Christie ’04 is a big fan of beer. And she is not just an ordinary fan of the fermented grain beverage itself, but the history, industries and communities built around it. Armed with a B.B.A. in entrepreneurship from Texas State University and a bad case of the Mondays from too many years in corporate tech sales, Christie dove into the world of craft beer. She showed up at the then-new 4th Tap Brewing Co-op and helped out with whatever they needed to open the doors.

The hard work led to a full-time job, and over the course of two-and-a-half years, Christie donned many hats. She worked in the office, taproom and packaging line on reporting, sales, events, pilot brews, charity donations, and sensory panels and merchandising, and she experienced some really long canning days. Through this cross-training, she was encouraged to pursue and become involved with the local chapter of the Pink Boots Society. This professional group provides resources and education to women in the fermented/alcoholic beverage industry. The chapter encouraged her to become a certified Cicerone in March 2018. This certification program provides education to beer professionals to elevate the beer experience for consumers.

Shea Little ’96

Shea Little ’96 is one of the co-founders of Big Medium and continues to serve as executive director, overseeing the artistic vision, direction and operations for the organization and all its programs. After graduating from St. Stephen’s in 1996, Little received his B.F.A. from the School of Visual Arts in NYC in 2000 and attended The University of Texas McCombs School of Business and achieved an arts management certificate in 2015. Little is also an artist and has shown his artwork in galleries and museums throughout Texas, both as an individual artist and as part of a three-person collaborative group called Sodalitas. Nowadays, most of his free time away from Big Medium is spent with his wife, Jana Swec, raising their three wonderful children.


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Spartan Magazine

Jennifer Stayton ’85

From covering a global pandemic to presenting the news during a sharply divided presidential election, 2020 pushed journalists like Jennifer Stayton ’85 into a new sense of normal, where breaking news happened daily. In her Spartan Spotlight session, Stayton shared what it was like to be a journalist in 2020 and some thoughts about where she thinks the profession is headed. After graduating from St. Stephen’s in 1985, Stayton received her B.A. in psychology from Williams College. While attending Williams, her career path took a turn after she started volunteering at Williams’ student radio station. She received her M.S. from Syracuse University in Radio-Television-Film. You can catch Stayton each morning on KUT 90.5 in Austin, where she serves as local anchor and host of NPR’s “Morning Edition.”

Stayton served as president of the Spartan Alumni Association from 2017–20 and currently serves as past president. She is also a trustee on the St. Stephen’s Board and is chair of the Trustee Advancement Committee. She was recipient of the 2021 St. Stephen’s Alumni Leadership Award. Stayton serves on the Advisory Committee for KTSW 89.9 at Texas State University in San Marcos. She is also a member, mentor and board member of Women Communicators of Austin. Stayton lives in Austin with her husband, Charles, stepdaughter Samantha, and cats Tidbit and Durango. Her twin sister, Catherine, is a 1985 graduate of St. Stephen’s.

Ben Richards ’94

From getting his scuba license in Austin to exploring the waters off the coast of Hawaii, Ben Richards ’94 is passionate about marine biology. After graduating from St. Stephen’s in 1994, Richards went on to study at Hampshire College, where he graduated in 1998 with a B.A. in marine biology and photography. He then began his career as a program specialist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.

In 2004 Richards moved to Hawaii, taking a position with the Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research in the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) Coral Reef Ecosystem Division while pursuing his graduate studies. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Hawaii–Manoa in 2007 and 2010. In 2011, Richards transitioned to the Fishery Research and Monitoring Division Stock Assessment Program to begin development of a fishery-independent survey for the main Hawaiian Islands Deep 7 bottom fish stock (BFISH). Richards also led the development of the modular optical underwater survey system to collect imagebased, species-specific, size-structured abundance data for Deep 7 species. He transitioned to the Science Operations Division in 2020 and currently serves as lead scientist for the survey, responsible for developing or providing guidance or oversight for all aspects of experimental survey design, administration, implementation, technology development data analysis and reporting. Richards has served as PIFSC representative to the NOAA Fisheries Advanced Sampling Technology Working Group and chaired the NOAA Fisheries Strategic Initiative on Automated Image Processing. He also has served as chief scientist or science advisor on 10 PIFSC missions and serves as a central point of contact for artificial intelligence, machine learning and computer vision.



Summer 2021

In 2019, Richards received a U.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award for his work leading the NOAA Fisheries Strategic Initiative on Automated Image Processing, developing the first open-source toolkit for automated image analysis to harness big data for marine ecosystem science and ocean stewardship. He was awarded a U.S. Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award for his role in enhancing stock assessment methodologies with the unprecedented inclusion of research video-camera surveys and fishing industry engagement in 2020.

Sarafina Nance ’11

Sarafina Nance ’11 graduated from St. Stephen’s in 2011 and went on to study physics and astronomy at The University of Texas at Austin. Nance was especially inspired by her 11th-grade astrophysics teacher Frank Mikan, who worked with her on an independent study of dark energy and supernovae during her final year of St. Stephen’s. Mikan introduced Nance to her future college advisor, J. Craig Wheeler, Ph.D., whom she worked with throughout her undergraduate career on simulating exploding stars. During college, she spent a summer at the McDonald Observatory doing science communication and another summer at Harvard’s Center for Astrophysics, continuing her supernova research. Nance graduated with dual degrees in physics and astronomy, and she was the 2016 University of Texas College of Natural Sciences commencement speaker. She is now a National Sciences Foundation fellow and Ph.D. candidate in astrophysics at The University of California–Berkeley, where she researches supernovae and computational cosmology.

At the age of 23, she was diagnosed with the cancer-causing BRCA2 genetic mutation, giving her an 87 percent lifetime risk of breast cancer. At the age of 26 she moved forward with a preventive double mastectomy. She shares her experiences—in science and in breast cancer/preventive medicine—as a way to empower women and encourage others to advocate for themselves. She was chosen as one of Forbes 30 Inspirational Women, one of Arab American Institute’s 40 Under 40 and has been featured in BBC’s 100 Women, NPR, POPSUGAR, Refinery29, National Geographic and more. Nance hosts the astronomy TV show “Constellations on Seeker” to an audience of more than 5 million and is the author of two forthcoming books: Little Leonardo’s Fascinating World of Astronomy, a children’s book (forthcoming August 2021), and STARSTRUCK, a memoir (forthcoming 2023). She leads science communication efforts online and through speaking engagements around the world. Throughout her journey, she has recognized the importance of representation, and she hopes to be the woman that her younger self would have looked up to by empowering other women to advocate for themselves and pursue their dreams. She has been chosen to be part of the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation, a Mars Analog Astronaut Simulation on Mauna Loa.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Spartan Magazine

Alumna Making a Difference: America Gonzalez ’20 America Gonzalez ’20 has taken full advantage of her gap year by benefitting her community in countless ways. While she had always considered taking time off after high school before starting college, the pandemic confirmed her decision to defer matriculation at the University of Colorado–Boulder for a year so she could gain valuable work experience and also not miss out on normal first-year traditions due to remote learning. As a St. Stephen’s lifer, Gonzalez was able to explore many cocurricular opportunities and discovered a passion for both fine arts and medicine. She performed in both choir and the Madrigal Singers, held a position on the Theatre Focus Council for four years and put on a student production of “High School Musical.” Additionally, she became involved with Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Youth Explorer Post at the start of 11th grade and realized she held a special interest in emergency medicine. The Youth Explorer Post engages people age 14 to 21 in educational programs and volunteer opportunities, such as pop-up resource clinics for unhoused populations, medical supplies distribution events and emergency medical technician (EMT) skills workshops. Gonzalez has been commander of the Post for almost a year now and oversees all 40 youth participants, as well as nine officers. She has continued to serve in this role during her gap year, and she also earned her EMT certification, allowing her to work as a medic for a private EMS company. Working in emergency medicine during a pandemic has been eyeopening for Gonzalez. She has witnessed the ways in which COVID-19 has changed how organizations function, and she has worked in different capacities than she would have otherwise. Most often, she is stationed at Austin Energy for mandatory health screenings before employees are authorized to work together. She also assists at local events, such as film shoots and Stubb’s concerts and the Austin Rodeo, where bandaging competitors after the calf scramble was a highlight. As if her volunteer positions and 13-hour EMS shifts were not enough, Gonzalez is also in the process of starting a private nonprofit organization to give Austin-area schools more access to theater. “Because theater meant so much to me in high school, I wanted to take all of the theatrical experience I had and give those opportunities to people who don't have them,” Gonzalez explained. She has compiled theater kits, which include scripts she wrote for various age groups, as well as set pieces and costumes she made, which she hopes will make it easy for teachers with limited funding for the arts to engage their students in theatrical performances. Her new goal is

to determine where her kits would be most helpful, do a distribution test-run, and gain feedback from teachers to help her project grow. Gonzalez’s gap year has been very rewarding, and she is excited for what the next chapter will bring. She hopes to major in neuroscience and minor in either astrophysics or planetary sciences while also following a pre-med track. To earn her continuing education credits, she plans to join one of CU Boulder’s EMS student clubs, and she will try to work for the university’s emergency ambulance services. She also plans to participate in a theater or a cappella group to keep her creative energy flowing. Gonzalez certainly has not let the pandemic deter her from pursuing her passions, and her community is all the better for it. —liza ayres ’14, chair, communications and social media, Spartan Alumni Association Board



Summer 2021

Alumni Connect St. Stephen’s Alumni Facebook Group

This past winter, at the invitation of the school’s administration, the Spartan Alumni Association Board worked to determine the best path forward as it relates to the private St. Stephen’s Alumni Facebook Group. We were grateful to so many of you who shared constructive input on the administration’s initial response. The majority of feedback stated that political issues, social justice and human rights are inextricably intertwined with daily life and impossible to separate entirely from meaningful and productive dialogue about the school, its alumni, and this community's place in the world. Instead of attempting to eliminate certain types of discourse, we will focus instead on ensuring that communication on the platform is respectful toward all community members. To this end, the Spartan Alumni Association has rewritten the group's statement of purpose and added a code of conduct for all members. We expect all participants to read and abide by these new guidelines. Additionally, the Spartan Alumni Association Board named four alumni volunteers to serve as moderators of the St. Stephen’s Alumni Facebook Group. The board is pleased to announce that Liza Ayres ’14 will serve as chair of alumni communication and social media on the Spartan Alumni Association Board. This chair will help the Spartan Alumni Association engage its alumni through its many communication channels, including the St. Stephen’s Alumni Facebook Group (private), Spartan Alumni Network, St. Stephen’s Alumni Facebook Page (public) and St. Stephen’s Alumni Book Club. Kathryn Miller Anderson ’71, Booker Vance ’75 and Mark Sugeno ’87 have been named moderators of the group. All four will share primary responsibilities for the supervision and oversight of the Facebook group, and they will be provided ongoing training opportunities on social media and civil discourse.

Patricia Henna Rowe ’89 President Jennifer Stayton ’85 Past President Jane Dryden Louis ’69 Secretary Liza Ayres ’14 Chair, Alumni Communications and Social Media Mallory Boyle ’04 Alumni Regional Representative – Texas

All alumni are encouraged to participate in the St. Stephen’s Alumni Facebook Group, the Spartan Alumni Network, the public St. Stephen's Alumni Facebook Page and the St. Stephen's Alumni Book Club. All four provide online opportunities for alumni to connect with each other and the school in meaningful ways.

Louise McNutt Brazitis ’07 Chair, Alumni Recognition

Lunch on The Hill

Ben Chan ’95 Alumni Regional Representative – Washington, D.C.

This winter and spring, Spartan alumni were virtually busy with opportunities for connection. In January, our Discussion on The Hill series welcomed Elizabeth Hansing Moon, chair of the fine arts department, in a conversation about the arts at St. Stephen’s. In May, Jon McCain, athletic director, provided an update on student athletes, sports and athletics during COVID-19. Alumni, split up by decades, also spent time in Spartan Study Hall, where they reconnected with old friends and made new ones. Spartans in California, Houston, San Antonio and New York attended virtual events as part of the On the Road: Spartan Tour series. As life returns to normal, we plan to incorporate these virtual events into our regular alumni programming. Although we are looking forward to in-person events, it has been so fun to connect with alumni that we do not always get to see. We have learned so much this year and plan to put that knowledge to good use in engaging our Spartans near and far. Please be on the lookout for more information on Spartan alumni events and activities in August. Have an idea for an event or activity? Email the Spartan Alumni Association at


Spartan Alumni Association Board

St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Paul Byars ’07 Alumni Chair, Spartans Engage James Carter ’13 Alumni Regional Representative – New York

Jeannette Schaleben Cook ’58 Pioneer Spartan Representative Becky Hollis Diffen ’99 Alumni Co-Chair, Annual Fund 2020-21 Daniel Diffen ’99 Alumni Co-Chair, Annual Fund 2020-21 Shannon Powers Flahive ’96 Co-Chair, Reunion 2020-21 Alice Nazro Nezzer ’87 Co-Chair, Reunion 2020-21

Spartan Magazine

Class Notes 1958 St. Stephen’s and the Spartan Alumni Association would like to thank Jeannette Schaleben Cook for her three years of service as the Pioneer Spartans Representative on the Spartan Alumni Board. At Reunion in 2000, Sarah Ford ’61 re-met John Terrey. The couple married two years later in New York and recently celebrated 20 years together. The couple continues to be fine and well and can report that their five children and five grandchildren are all well. As the world navigates the pandemic, both alumni are grateful to be able to say this. Their oldest granddaughter is in her senior year at Dartmouth, and their next oldest seems to be on his way to Scotland to attend college. He will graduate from Boston Latin, where his sister is a sophomore. The last two grandchildren are in high school in New Hampshire, and the youngest is a 6th grader in Los Angeles. Each has brought the couple so much joy. Terrey retired from Raytheon a number of years ago and started publishing a magazine for collectors of antique radios. He is now trying to find new homes for his thousands of items on eBay. Ford’s current project is to recreate a video streaming version of her solo show, “Georgia & Me.” She also curates an online story writing circle that was inspired by COVID-19. The couple thanks St. Stephen’s for providing many blessings.

1964 Bayard Breeding recently enjoyed a class that he took on Chinese medicine. He also finished up a class on trading for the common good based on the works of Christian Felber. He found both interesting. Each year he looks forward to the time that he can start work on the garden. Breeding and his wife, Peggy, spend a lot of time taking their crazy Boston Terrier on outings. He hopes to make it back to Texas this fall on business and a visit. Bayard, make sure you put some time aside to visit your friends on The Hill. We would love to see you!

1965 David Hoster and Chris Phillips are serving on the St. Stephen’s board of trustees.

1968 Pam Pitzer Willeford is serving on the St. Stephen’s board of trustees.

1969 Jane Dryden Louis is currently serving as secretary of the Spartan Alumni Association. During alumni Chapel during Reunion, she presented the reading.

Kathryn Anderson Miller ’71 (right) with best friend Lou Porter Bailey '71 and Mrs. Porter

1970 Ellen Jockusch wishes to thank Fred Myers '71, and his wife, Jennifer, for hosting the 50th reunion party for the classes of 1970 and 1971 on their gorgeous property, the Inn at Jennifer's Gardens. She especially enjoyed seeing Lynn and Phil Hadley, who she is pretty sure she had not seen since graduation. “While the last 18 months have been fraught with loss, most especially with the loss of our beloved Lou Porter Bailey ’71, these months have also been a time of deepening friendships among St. Stephen’s friends of my era, in particular Julia Buckthal Person ’71, Kathryn Miller Anderson ’71, Claire McKay ’71 and Scott Bailey ’70. I have also loved connecting with younger Spartan Katherine Bailey Brown ’05.” Dee Meador sends a big hello to all Spartan alumni. Dee and his wife, Jennifer, have been enjoying the retired life since fall of 2016. Between the two of them, the couple has six adult children ages 32 through 39, four granddaughters and one grandson. Meador worked for the Texas Information Technology for 42 years, the last 10 as chief information officer of two state agencies. He said he misses the social aspects of work, but not the stress and complexities of it. Jennifer is a registered nurse and spent her last few years at The University of Texas Urgent Care Center. Before COVID-19, the couple did a lot of traveling, including a couple of trips to Europe, one on a beautiful river boat on the Danube. Meador’s parents are both deceased, but he and his sister still co-own the house in Bandera, Texas, where they grew up. The family still spends a lot of time there. He reflected that it has been a great escape during the pandemic. He plays golf a couple of times a week, plays the guitar and piano regularly, flies his 1956 Cessna,

fishes, hangs out with grandkids and engages in lots of other activities. Meador said it is still a pretty full life, even without work taking up such a big chunk of it. He wishes everyone well!

1971 Walter Adams is still in Guatemala looking after his mother, who will turn 92 in March. He is finishing his sixth book stemming from the Field School of which he was co-director for 13 years. He hopes that it will be published by SAR Press out of New Mexico. Walter also began a master in public health program at Concordia University and is writing a grant proposal dealing with a nutritional supplement that may help reduce domestic violence stemming from alcohol abuse. He is also teaching a methods class to six Mayan university students studying health sciences. In his spare time, he makes cold processed soap and skincare products. Chris Butler has been busy keeping up with old Spartan friends. Last summer, he had lunch with Vicky Williams Harrison ’69 and Josh Harrison ’69 while he was in Santa Fe. He also spoke with Andy Fraser, who is close by in Los Alamos. He had a great time corresponding with other old friends Michael Emery and Michael Henderson. Chris is also playing his guitar and ukulele more lately and working on his vocals. He had a great time in the big blizzard here in Austin. He was able to practice his snow and ice driving like old times in Michigan. Will Dibrell just wrapped up four years as a Norwegian resident this June, having lived in the “temperate” Arctic for more than five years. Since 2019, he has missed spending some months each year in the U.S. and is



Summer 2021

1984 Congratulations to John Abikhaled, M.D. He was recently selected by his peers as Physician of the Year at Ascension Seton Medical Center Austin. As president of Travis County Medical Society, Abikhaled has worked tirelessly for the education of patients and physicians during the pandemic. He has protected physicians with advocacy and delivery of personal protective equipment during this crisis while also caring for his patients. Abikhaled currently serves as a member of the St. Stephen's medical advisory board. He and his wife, Shannon, are the proud Spartan parents of Andrew '17, Ben '18 and Elly '21.

1985 Alumni Spanish Club members Liz Foster ’72, Kathryn Miller Anderson ’71, Philip Doig ’81, Phil Hadley, Claire McKay ’71, Lynn Hadley, Tom Tuohy ’71 and Don Roth

hoping for a long return visit later this year. In the meantime, spring has arrived, and he has embarked on further adventures and experiments in Arctic vegetable gardening. Andy Fraser retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory in September. He reported that after 15 years, he left in a huff. When it is safer, he plans to travel, but plans to continue living in the town of Los Alamos. Larry Jones wrote, “High school is supposed to be an awful, awkward and unrelenting experience. Not for me. I relish that memory and appreciate all involved who were responsible for that moment and my memories.” Julie Person is serving on the St. Stephen’s board of trustees. Nine Spartans who were at St. Stephen’s in the late ’60s, ’70s and ’80s have formed a Zoom book club/Tertulia in Spanish! The group includes three former teachers, Don Roth and Lynn and Phil Hadley and six students, Jane Dryden Louis ’69, Tom Tuohy ’71, Claire McKay ’71, Kathryn Miller Anderson ’71, Liz Foster Luczycki '72, and current St. Stephen’s Spanish teacher Phillip Doig ’81. It has been especially cool for McKay, Anderson and Hadley, as he was their Spanish IV teacher 50 years ago! The group is reading Gabriel García Márquez again! Kathryn Miller Anderson wrote, “The classes of 1970 and 1971 celebrated their 50th at the April reunion! Those of us who joined the incredible Zoom reunion programs/games/trail tour were so impressed with how wonderful our school still is! And a group of us celebrated in person (carefully!) outside at Fred Myers ’71 and Jennifer Myers’ home.” Spartans at the party included Phil and Lynn Hadley, Scott Bailey ’70, Mary Pincoffs Wilson ’70, Hank Ewert ’70, Gaye Holcomb Everett ’70, Ellen Jockusch


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Garrison ’70, David Lindzey ’71, Claire McKay ’71, Fred Myers ’71, Ginger Borron ’71, Chris Edmonds ’71, Gwin Steph ’71, Chris Butler ’71, Phebe Davol ’72, Katherine Enyart ’73 and Mike Enyart, Kathryn Miller Anderson ’71, and Julie Person ’71 via Zoom. Mike Petry ’71 baked homemade bread and sent it from Dallas to be delivered during the party. The group plans to have a huge gathering of classmates, friends and former teachers at the next St. Stephen’s reunion! Kathyrn Miller Anderson has been named one of the three moderators for the St. Stephen’s Alumni Facebook Group. She is an active Spartan and serves as Class Representative for 1971.

1975 Booker Vance was named one of the three moderators of the St. Stephen’s Alumni Facebook Group. Vance lives in Chicago, where he is policy outreach coordinator for Elevate Energy. During Reunion Weekend, he delivered one of the prayers during alumni Chapel.

1982 Emilie Talbot is still living in the San Francisco Bay Area, although she gets to Austin as often as she can to visit her mother at Westminster. She is still acting, directing, teaching and doing voice overs —although this year has been a doozy. She had several major contracts canceled, and all stage work has evaporated. However, she just finished shooting a short film in March, so she believes that things may be looking up. Talbot has continued teaching through the shutdown at the Academy of Art University's Schools of Acting and Motion Picture and Film. Otherwise, her life is all about hiking and wine. If any Spartans are headed to San Francisco, please stop by! Check out more from Emilie at http://www.

Glen Reynolds is excited to announce that his daughter, Zoe, will be attending St. Stephen’s as a 9th-grade boarder in the fall of 2021. With daughter Charlotte going back to Sarah Lawrence for her sophomore year, Reynolds and his wife, Brenda, are anticipating emptynest syndrome for the first time. The couple lives in Los Angeles, and Reynolds is in his 15th year running his company, Circus Road Films, which is dedicated to helping independent filmmakers find distribution for their movies. Brenda works for the City of Los Angeles, approving grant applications for local artists.

1987 Alice Nazro Nezzer served as co-chair of Reunion 2021 and planned a successful weekend full of 20 virtual events and activities. Mark Sugeno is serving as one of the moderators of the St. Stephen’s Alumni Facebook Group. He recently moved to North Carolina from New York City.

1989 Jonathan Quander co-hosted a Spartan forum discussion on the school’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) audit summary during Reunion Weekend along with Yvonne Adams. The two are co-chairs of the DEI taskforce. Quander also serves on the St. Stephen’s board of trustees. Patricia Henna Rowe will begin her second year as president of the Spartan Alumni Association this summer. In this role, she also serves on the St. Stephen’s board of trustees.

1993 Rosa Lockett McCormick is serving on the St. Stephen’s board of trustees. Current St. Stephen’s teacher Kurt Oehler has been coordinating internships for students through the Saxena Student Program for several years. He has now joined forces with current parents Robyn Gill and Laura Scanlan Cho ’89, alumni Paul Byars ’07 and Patricia Henna Rowe ’89, and Michelle Geo Olmstead, director

of alumni relations, on the Spartans Engage initiative, which provides opportunities for students to gain career experience through internships and mentorships with parents and alumni.

Spartan Magazine



Paul Byars is serving as alumni chair of Spartans Engage for the Spartan Alumni Association Board.

David Houston and Roman Rhone helped with the Middle School track team this spring.

Travis Greig is currently serving on the St. Stephen’s board of trustees.

Louise McNutt Brazitis is serving as chair of alumni recognition. She interviews alumni for the Spartan Spotlight feature in the electronic newsletter for the Spartan Alumni Association.



Ben Chan is currently serving as Alumni Regional Representative for the Washington, D.C., area.

James T. Carter is currently pursuing his doctorate at Columbia University. He serves as Alumni Regional Representative for New York City.


1996 Shannon Powers Flahive served as co-chair of Reunion 2021 and planned a successful weekend full of 20 virtual events and activities.

1998 Michael Ybarra is serving on the St. Stephen’s board of trustees.


2014 Liza Ayres was named chair of alumni communications and social media for the Spartan Alumni Association Board. In this position, she will work with alumni relations staff to engage Spartan alumni through various communication and social media platforms. Ayres is currently working at St. Stephen’s as an International Program fellow.

Gus Davis stole the show during Saturday night’s Reunion activities. Gus, the host of Trivia Stream, hosted an amazing trivia event. It was filled with references to his time at St. Stephen’s. Fun was had by all. Becky Hollis Diffen and Daniel Diffen served as alumni co-chairs of the Annual Fund for 2020–21.

2001 John Turpin, wife Stephanie, and children Junia and Henry moved in April 2021 to Amman, Jordan, where he is pastor of an English-language church, Oasis Church. This past winter, Laura Neuhaus Zittrain collaborated with English Department Chair Jenny Huth, Ph.D., and spent three days co-teaching a unit on robots, artificial intelligence and Freud in Huth's English 12 elective, “Freud and Psychoanalytic Criticism.” Zittrain is the Wheatland Curatorial Fellow at Harvard University.


Liza Ayres ’14

2015 Congratulations to Colin Hancock for his Grammy nomination in the “Best Album Notes” category. His teachers report that he was a wonderful trumpet player in the St. Stephen’s jazz band, where he developed his love for early jazz and the gramophone.


Jordan Jaffe is serving on the St. Stephen’s board of trustees.

This year Maddie Almanza coached Middle School girls’ Lacrosse, and Maya Sampleton helped out with the Middle School track team.



Upper School Chaplain Adam Varner led and coordinated alumni Chapel during Reunion Weekend.

The past year at Emory University, Star Liu helped develop the school’s COVID-19 Equity Interactive Dashboard. To read more go to stories/2021/04/er_covid_19_dashboard_liu/campus.html

2004 Mallory Boyle is currently serving as Alumni Regional Representative for Texas on the Spartan Alumni Association Board.

2005 Lauren Klotzman opened a gallery in Marfa, Texas, in March. This unique art space opened with a show on healing. To learn more, go to

2018 Franklin Lassandro coached Middle School and Upper School Lacrosse at St. Stephen’s.

2019 Chloe Lawrence coached varsity tennis this year at St. Stephen’s. She also serves as the Class Representative for 2019.

In Memoriam Hildegarde “Hilde” Brewster Bird ’53 passed away peacefully on May 27 surrounded by family. She was known for her strength of character, positive outlook, sense of fairness, amazing resourcefulness and genuine hospitality. She had the great gift of being present in the moment and making the ordinary seem remarkable. Bird was the second of six children of St. Stephen’s founding head of school, the Rev. William Brewster, and wife Elizabeth Brewster. She attended Simmons College in Boston to study nursing. During her first year she attended a church service and instantly was taken with its young preacher, Henry Bird. The attraction was mutual, and the couple married less than a year later. She put her studies on hold to support her husband's ministry, which took them to New England and out West. The couple raised five children: William, Holloway, Thaddeus, Paul and Anna-Sarah. They also welcomed a steady flow of foster children into their home. A true Renaissance woman, Bird was a scholar, an athlete, an artist and a musician. While continuing to support her husband’s work and family, she completed two degrees in education focused on children with special needs. She received a bachelor's degree from the University of Maine and a graduate degree from the University of New Mexico. Last February, Elaine DuPuy Harder ’53 passed peacefully at her Kansas home with family by her side. One of our pioneers, she graduated from St. Stephen's in 1953 and went on to study at Colorado College, where she graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. in chemistry and medical technology. While in Colorado, Elaine met Kansan Roy Harder. After the couple married, they made their home in Manhattan, Kan., and welcomed three children. As a medical technologist, Harder balanced her time in the lab with raising her children, playing golf and tennis, and finding the first piece of the ranch property that would eventually become Sun Rock Ranch. Her love of the outdoors was the foundation for her long love affair of ranching in the flint hills of Kansas. Harder loved her time on The Hill. She found great comfort in the teachers and classmates who were a part of such a groundbreaking experience. She served as proctor and loved the close friendships that she built with both faculty and students. Harder is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Michele Harder Gee '86 and Tommy Gee '85; sons Aldwin Harder and Kelcey Harder; and many family members. John Orms Heldenfels '56 passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family on Feb. 6, 2021. While on The Hill, John was a scholar and superb athlete. He played football for the Spartans and was the quarterback, defensive back and team captain. He led his team to the ATPS All-Conference Championship in 1955 and was honored to be named to the All-State Association Preparatory School Team. Following his



Summer 2021

graduation, Heldenfels continued his studies at Texas A&M. He was a walk-on for the Aggie football team and played under Coach Bear Bryant. He graduated in 1960 with a degree in civil engineering. In 1961, he married his love, Marion Conn. They had a beautiful life together, raising their two boys, Johnny and Steven. John worked for Heldenfels Brothers Inc. He also served as chief executive officer of HCM and president and CEO of 521 McBride Corp. He was a lifetime member of the Church of the Good Shepherd. Heldenfels is survived by his wife, Marion, of 59 years; his sons, John Heldenfels Jr. and Steven Heldenfels; granddaughters Catherine and Isabelle Heldenfels; his brother and sister-in-law, Fred Heldenfels III ’52 and Edna Noel Heldenfels ’53. Jim Lynch ’60 passed away on March 19. Lynch made his way to St. Stephen’s as a sophomore in 1957. While on The Hill he played football, continued his passion for playing classical piano, began his study of Christian theology, and met his lifelong best friend. He attended and graduated from The University of Texas. He then attended Virginia Theological Seminary (Episcopal) for one year, after which he completed additional graduate work at The University of Texas. While in Austin, he got married and was soon blessed with sons Jim and Terry. After divorcing his first spouse, he met Mary Ann, who would become his wife of 49 years. He attended Trinity University in San Antonio and earned an M.S. in hospital administration. He earned a M.Ed. in bilingual education from The University of Texas at El Paso. He is survived by wife Mary Ann; son Jim Lynch and his wife, Stephanie Lynch; son Terry Lynch; daughter Christina Morel and her husband, Robert Morel; and son Ben Lynch; and many close family members. Tom Flory '64 passed away peacefully at home on Feb. 14 with his family by his side. After Flory graduated from St. Stephen's in 1964, he earned his B.A. from The University of Texas at Austin. He went on to have a successful career in finance, serving as CEO of Texas Commerce Bank and later Chase Manhattan Foundation. In 2011, Flory returned to campus, but this time as a trustee. He served on the board from 2011–19. He was known for being a good listener, a remarkable problem solver and someone who understood how important it was to support the adults who inspire our students. Flory is survived by his wife, Rae; sons David '93 and James; brother and sisterin-law, Mark Flory '75 and Libby Brosier Flory '75; and many close family members and friends. Lou Porter Bailey ’71 passed away on Feb. 11. She was a devoted and loving Spartan for more than a half-century, initially as a student and later as a beloved employee and engaged alumna.


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Bailey arrived at St. Stephen’s as a 10th grader in 1968, graduating in 1971. She made lifelong friends as a boarding student, always delighting her classmates with her unforgettable sense of humor and great kindness. She then earned a B.A. from Duke University and a J.D. from The University of Texas at Austin, while continuing to serve our school as an alumna active in planning and attending class reunions and school-wide events. From 2004 to 2017, she served as our dedicated director of alumni relations and director of planned giving. During this time, she planned successful all-school reunions every year and parties with alumni across the country. Bailey welcomed alumni of all generations back to The Hill with a big smile and love of all things St. Stephen’s. Following her retirement, Bailey continued to participate in the life of our school. Her love for St. Stephen’s was a family affair. Her mother, Elizabeth Porter, was a librarian at the school. Her husband, Scott Bailey ’70, daughter Katherine Bailey Brown ’05, and son-in-law, T.J. Brown ’99, are all Spartans. Last summer, the family welcomed their first grandchild, John Field Brown. Annie Boddy McClintock '71 passed away peacefully on Jan. 22 after a long struggle with cancer. McClintock grew up north of Henrietta with her siblings Macon Clark and Ellen Boddy Randall '61. After graduating from St. Stephen’s in 1971, McClintock studied at The University of Texas, where she graduated with a B.A. in history in 1975. She then moved to New York City, where she taught at the Lycée Français and the Buckley School for Boys. She met her future husband, Stuart McClintock, in New York where they taught at the same school. They married in 1989 and moved to Texas following their honeymoon. McClintock became involved with the family cattle business and participated in local and state organizations. In 2000, she helped found the Clay County Animal Shelter with a few other concerned animal lovers who felt that there had to be an alternative to euthanizing stray and unwanted animals. The no-kill shelter has now been in operation for 21 years and has found forever homes for hundreds and hundreds of dogs and cats. McClintock is survived by her husband, Stuart; her brother, Macon Boddy, and sister, Ellen Boddy Randall '61; nieces Brooke Messer and Taylor Brownlee; niece Mollie Middleton; nephew David Middleton; and numerous cousins and in-laws. Bruce Spindler ’78 passed away on Oct. 5, 2020. After graduating from St. Stephen’s in 1978, Bruce went on to be a Plan II honor student at The University of Texas in Austin and attended Texas Tech University School of Law, where he received his J.D. in 1988. He began his law career as a briefing attorney for the 5th Court of Appeals in Dallas. He then moved to San Antonio, where he joined the firm Soules and Wallace, which became Langley & Banack in

2003. He practiced at the firm until his death last fall. Spindler met the love of his life, Laura, as a teenager. The couple met at Echo Hill Ranch in Medina, Texas, where they were both camp counselors. They have two beautiful daughters, Dava and Grace, a precious granddaughter, Eve, and step-grandson, Ben. He was a devoted husband, father and grandfather. Chris Smith ’79 passed away on Jan. 5 from complications related to Multiple Systems Atrophy, first diagnosed as Parkinson’s, when he was 48 years old. After graduating from St. Stephen’s, Smith received his B.B.A. in economics and international business and completed postgraduate studies in finance and accounting at Georgia State University. For most of his career, Smith served as a consultant in domestic and international private financial services. Most recently he worked for the start-up Global Food Exchange. Smith was married to Carol Hallman Smith for 36 years before she passed away in 2020. When Smith was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s 10 years ago, he said, “Don’t worry about me, I’m a warrior.” He is survived by his parents, Jane and Rod Smith; his stepmother, Annette Smith; her daughter, Juliet Waldrop; his brother and sister-in-law, David and Susan Smith; and his beloved last dog, Lily. Kevin Ramsey ’81 passed away on April 8. Ramsey attended St. Stephen’s, but graduated from Highland Park High School in Dallas. He earned a B.A. at The University of Texas at Austin. He is survived by his wife, Caroline Tracy Ramsey; children Siena Sarah Ramsey, Maximillian Mackay Ramsey, Kieran James Ramsey, and Sebastian Keith Ramsey; his parents Mary Stewart and Jim Ramsey; his brother Jimmy Ramsey; sister Rosemary Ramsey Stewart and husband Matt; and numerous other close family members. Garrett Lockhart '09 passed away on Nov. 23 in Los Angeles. Lockhart was a boarding student and a member of the St. Stephen’s Tennis Academy. Anyone who knew “G,” as friends and family referred to him, knew how focused he could be when learning something new. At the age of 12, tennis became that passion and he pursued it until he had a spot on a Division I team at George Washington University. After graduation, he studied electronic music at ICON Collective in Los Angeles, where he learned the music production trade. Lockhart’s DJ name was i_o and was named "one to watch" by Billboard Magazine in 2018. Lockhart poured his whole heart and soul into every dream he pursued, and because of that gift, he is missed by so many he touched throughout this world.

Spartan Magazine

Alumni Class Representatives Will Brewster ’51

Rhea Benbow Thomas ’95

Fred Heldenfels ’52

Meghan Alexander ’96

Edna Noel Heldenfels ’53

Shannon Powers Flahive ’96

Michael Hines ’54

Gerry DeLeon '96

Colin Phipps ’55

Elizabeth Anne Sykes Rains ’96

Ellen McCorquodale Martin ’56

Cam Beesley ’97

Ruth Wilson Witten ’57

Rebecca Hollis Diffen ’99

J.P. Bryan ’58

Claire Browder ’00

Tom Romberg ’59

Katharine Bayer ’01

Pat Fatter Black ’60

Juliet Frerking ’01

Steve Jolly ’61

Kean Tonetti ’02

David Sanders ’62

Rachel Katz ’05

Julia Cauthorn ’63

Sarah Cromwell Sheppard ’06

Joiner Cartwright ’64

Selina Strasburger ’06

Arthur Wright ’64

Cole Arledge ’07

Helen Candler Miller ’65

Anne Buckthal Chilton ’07

Dianne Duncan Tucker ’66

Amanda Kushner ’08

Randy Parten ’67

J.J. Botha ’09

Robert Henderson ’68

Chantal Strasburger ’09

Josh Harrison ’69

Carlotta Garza ’10

Dee Meador ’70

Omar Yaghi ’10

Kathryn Miller Anderson ’71

Ryann Young ’10

Darrell David ’72 and Brenda David

Lindsay Redman ’11

Douglass Anderson ’73

Henry Sikes ’11

Ann Rhodes McMeans ’74

Gray Twombly ’11

Dr. Mary L. Brandt ’75

Alia Yaghi ’11

Sylvia McIntyre-Crook ’75

Yosua A. Husodo ’12

Dan Norton ’76

Helen Elizabeth Old ’12

Robert Ettinger ’77

Jake Politte ’12

Mark Tucker ’78

Caroline Pringle ’12

Carroll Lively Reeser ’79

James Carter ’13

Peter Larkham ’80

Annie Nordhauser ’13

Charlotte Stuckey Brigham ’81

Nathan Goldberg ’14

Erica Peters Stafford ’81

Jaclyn Horton ’14

Wendy White Naughton ’82

Jim Old ’15

Laura Mears Mirecki ’83

Nick Goldreyer ’16

Suzanne Cantarino Pfeiffer ’84

Allie Goldreyer ’18

Libbie Walker Ansell ’85

Blossom Maduafokwa ’18

Chris Breckwoldt ’86

Andrew Yow ’18

Catherine Hoey Randall ’87

Wyatt Gill ’19

Mark Rowe ’88

Tom Guan ’19

Jonathan Quander ’89

Greta Kastner ’19

Joe Frisz ’90

Chloe Lawrence ’19

Liz Fleming Powell ’91

Lucy Schmidt ’19

Monika Powe Nelson ’92

Lizzy Jones ’20

Davis Baldwin ’93

Sophia Waugh ’20

Class Notes Submissions We encourage alumni to share personal updates with us for Class Notes. Spartan alumni are contacted by their Class Reps several times a year for news and information. For assistance contacting your Class Rep or to submit news directly by email, please contact Michelle Geo Olmstead, director of alumni relations, at 512.327.1213 x178 or Class Notes also can be submitted directly online at Select the “Stay Connected” box. We welcome high-resolution photographs with your Class Notes submission. Please send a JPG format in the largest size possible (at least 900 pixels; image 3 inches wide at 300 dpi). Please include the full names and class years of everyone pictured. Spartan magazine editors reserve the right to edit or omit any information submitted.

Get Social! Connect with St. Stephen’s and your classmates online.

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Facebook: StStephensAlumni Instagram: SSTX_OnTheHill YouTube: StStephensAustin Private Alumni Facebook Group: Facebook. com/Groups/StStephensAlumniGroup

Catherine Cook Weiss ’94 St. Stephen’s Alumni Book Club:

Seth Alley ’95 Ben Chan ’95 Hawkins Li ’95 Beth Cockerham Mack ’95 Ann Strauser Palmer ’95

We are seeking Class Representatives for the classes of 2003 and 2004 If you are interested, please contact Michelle Geo Olmstead at

If you have not received emails from the Alumni Office recently, we may not have your current email address. Please send your information to so you do not miss invitations to events and news about your classmates. Thanks!



Summer 2021

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To Plant a Seed Is to Believe in Tomorrow! Contact Melody Harman at


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