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Youth pageant is back

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Advent speakers

Advent speakers

Ethan offers in ministry with young people is his personhood and orientation to the world as a young adult of deep faith. He knows by faith whose he is, and that baptismal identity shapes how he sees, values, and relates to those in his care. His presence is open and inviting, gentle and calming, and that is essential at this time and to this community as we emerge from the long shadow of the pandemic. For all of these qualities and characteristics, I am so pleased he accepted our invitation to join the family ministry team! He will be a generous and faithful presence to young people, and too, I expect, influential in their lives.”

“In the midst of a pandemic, it is a daunting task for a young person to balance academic expectations, sports, social life, and the college admission process,” Ethan reflects. “Carving out time to stay involved in a church community tends to add just one more layer of stress and expectation.”

He continues, “However, the pandemic has highlighted our collective desire for consistency, acceptance, and a deeper sense of meaning. This is especially important for young people at this unique crossroads. With our family ministry team, I am eager to provide meaningful experiences for youth and to nurture their sense of belonging and place here at St. Stephen’s. I feel excited and hopeful about growing with them in faith, hope, and love Ethan arrived in September and is an integral part of our reintroduction of the Journey to Adulthood program, one of the most acclaimed formation programs in the Episcopal Church. The three-tiered program begins with Rite 13 for grades 6 and 7, J2A for 8th and 9th, and 4Ward for 10th grade and up.

If you are ready to be part of this work, to build a vibrant culture in our church for youth, or if you have questions about youth ministry at St. Stephen’s Church, please be in touch with Ethan or John.

SUNDAY MORNINGS. 10:10-11:00 A.M. 6th-7th grades, Rite 13

Led by Cate Anthony and Mollie Mitchell; Room 17

8th-9th Grades, J2A

Led by Ethan White, Ashley Tunner, and Kendall Rempe; Room 4

10th–12th, 4Ward

Led by John Jenkins and Tony Anthony; Library

The numbered rooms are on the top floor of the parish house. The Library is between the Small Fellowship Hall and the Café @ St. Stephen’s.

The youth pageant returns!

After a year’s hiatus, we’ll have the pageant on December 19; registration will be required

St. Stephen’s youth pageant returns on the fourth Sunday of Advent as we prepare to celebrate the Feast of the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Few St. Stephen’s traditions are as long-lived or deeply loved as our Youth Christmas Pageant. For at least four generations, since the 1920s, some form of this pageant has been enacted; it is cherished by families whose children, grandchildren, and even greatgrandchildren have participated in this wonderful experience and rite of passage.

The pageant uses a mode of storytelling with medieval roots, the tableau vivant, a living picture. This way of retelling the Christmas story as found in Holy Scripture resembles the Great Vigil of Easter insofar as substantial passages of scripture are read to unfold the foretelling and fulfillment of God’s promises to God’s people. Senior youth portray in tableaux the story presented and are borne up the center aisle on floats moved along by younger youth.

Preparations begin in the fall, and there is tremendous excitement to restore this beloved event to our common life after our “pandemic Advent” as we prepare to celebrate the mystery of Christmas. Our safe distancing measures require that we limit seating, which will be managed through an online registration process. We are grateful, therefore, to have the means to livestream the pageant so that all who wish to experience it may do so as well as view the recording on-demand afterwards.

By the Rev. John Jenkins

Sunday, December 19, during the 11:15 a.m. service Information on registration will be available in the Spirit, the eSpirit and on our web site. Livestream at ststephensRVA.org/onlineworship

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