3 minute read
ReWork Richmond, our capital campaign outreach project
A path to meaningful employment
ReWork Richmond continues to guide East End adults to meaningful, family-sustaining careers
ReWork Richmond, the workforce development program that came about through a partnership among St. Stephen’s, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Church Hill, the City of Richmond’s Office of Community Wealth Building and Challenge Discovery Projects, is changing the lives of East End Richmond residents.
ReWork’s mission is to empower underemployed adults living in Richmond’s East End to obtain the skills and support needed to qualify for and ultimately attain thriving, living-wage careers.
Born of the capital campaign that St. Stephen’s conducted as part of its centennial observance, ReWork takes a unique approach to employment. ReWork is about employment support and job sourcing for East End families, creating lasting career opportunities as opposed to entry-level jobs that cannot sustain a family. The program is structured to provide a comprehensive array of personal support and employment referral services tailored to meet the individual goals of each ReWork member (not “client” or “participant”). Each member works with the ReWork staff to strategically design their individual career plan.
With continuing financial support from St. Stephen’s and other invested community partners, ReWork Richmond is making a difference in the lives of East End adults and their families. Member enrollment continues to grow each month and members are making great progress on their path to meaningful, sustaining careers.
By Deb Lawrence
ReWork member Tonyelle B. displays her art at a community event.
for success. Tonyelle is excited to continue networking and teaching as she works towards opening her own community art studio where she can work, sell her pieces, and offer art classes for all ages.
We are excited to announce that ReWork will soon move to a new office space, just a few blocks away from its current location at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. We are extremely proud and grateful to have been housed at St. Peter’s since opening our doors in February 2019. Having our own office space will allow for more community awareness and visibility. The new office is located at 2123 Fairmount Avenue in the heart of the East End.
Member Tonyelle B. is a recent example. Tonyelle was recommended to ReWork by community partner Richmond Public School’s Parent Engagement Program and came to ReWork without a high school diploma, but with a goal and dream of using her artistic skills and talent to become an art teacher. Through ReWork’s partnership with Dream Academy, an organization that provides an opportunity for adults to earn a high school diploma, Tonyelle was able to complete course work and obtain her diploma in six months. She graduated in June.
Tonyelle was employed by UP RVA as a driver, but she did not want to abandon her dream of teaching art to children. After becoming a ReWork member and working with its staff, Tonyelle got an interview with the Boys and Girls Club in the East End, and one week later was offered the position of art teacher to children enrolled at the club.
Would you like to make a difference in the lives of ReWork members and support their rise out of poverty? There are several ways you can help.
Transportation to a new job or school can be a critical need for our members. If you have a roadworthy vehicle to donate, please let us know. Each car is thoroughly checked out and detailed prior to delivery. Mark Murphy (markmurphydmm@gmail.com or 203.249.2164) can provide additional details. All donations to ReWork Richmond are tax-deductible.
ReWork also seeks committed volunteers who are interested in career and financial coaching, or assisting with resume writing and interview skills. To explore how your generosity and skills can help, please contact Deb Lawrence at deblawrence@reworkrichmond.org or 804.869.3704. Please read more at reworkrichmond.org. Deb Lawrence is executive director of ReWork and St. Stephen’s former outreach director.