Messenger March 2011

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Thomas said to him, “My Lord and My God”. (St. John 20:28)

Issue No. 3 Vol. V

March 2011

A Monthly publication for the St. Thomas Mar Thoma Parish, Kuwait

Let light shine out of darkness ... 2 Corinthions 4:6 P.O. Box 25562 Safat 13116 Kuwait Tel : 2563 5253 (Res.) Mob : 6603 0775 St. Thomas Centre Tel: 2564 7060 E-mail:

Rev. Thomas Koshy Panachamoottil Vicar (For Private Circulation only)

Parsonage Location Salmiya, Street 10, Bldg No. 20 1st Floor, Flat No. 14 Al-Dhahok Bin Qays Street Opp. Bestow Super Market

LENT A TASTELESS TIME OR TIME OF DIVINE TASTE? Dearly beloved in Christ, The Great Lent (Valia Nombu) of the Church begins on 6th March 2011. We commemorate the forty days lent of the Lord in the desert during the first forty days and the passion and death of Christ and together observe fifty days as the lent period. Though it may have many shades of meaning, Lent is primarily a time set apart. In the life of the community of faithful, the Church, lent provides a time set apart for spiritual discipline. Christian life is a journey in faith. It is a growth toward maturity in Christ. It is based on the spiritual practice of fasting and prayer, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. Jesus begins His public ministry with forty days of fasting and communion with God (Matt. 4:2, Mk 1:13, Lk 4:2). Fasting and prayer is an undeniable character of the Church from the early days (Acts 13:2, 14:23). In addition to fasting and praying as an individual member of the Church, Lent is a time and occasion of communal fast. The Great Lent or the Fifty Day lent is thus connected to the passion of Christ which has accomplished salvation from sin and death. It is a challenge to prepare us to take up the cross and follow Christ. Lent is in fact a spiritual retreat of the church, though which it meditates upon the cross of Christ and submits it in a sense of complete repentance. Its purpose is a real and more intimate experience in abiding in Christ. “During the season of Lent, every member is expected to set apart time for serious reflection, self examination and renewed commitment with fasting and prayer. Fasting should never be observed with ostentation or spiritual pride. Neither is it intended to win favors from God by changing His mind. This is a time in which we wait upon the Lord in fellowship and are transformed to fulfill His will.” (Roots and Wings, p.60) The exercise of Lent is time of rebuilding the Alters of :Prayer • Meaningful and confident personal prayer time • Restarting a ceased Family prayer time • Deepening and enriching a shallow prayer time Word • Intentional and focused reading of scripture • Take one or two books to read and study deeply during this time (you can have your choice) • Try to get a daily devotional book Relationships and Giving • Combating our own shortcomings, addictions (if any), wrong relationships, etc. • Healing time for hatred, anger, mistrust…. • Set apart a certain amount from your income for helping others and for the Mission Work. Lent is the spiritual power to say enough. • Enough to more and more extravagant clothes • Enough to exotic food • Enough to spending spree; to indiscriminate shopping, either at ebay or the local mall • Enough is a bad word in this world of plenty, but can we dare say it, to us and others? Lent is shedding a little taste • To spread the taste of love around • To become the divine taste and fragrance. I urge all of you to please observe this Great Lent with a passion to see and adopt the life of Christ. Yours in Christ’s love Panachamoottil Achen

Theme : ‘ WALK IN MY WAYS ’ Venue : ST. THOMAS CENTRE, SALMIYA. Date: 17th March 2011 - 25th March 2011 Time: 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM Under the leadership of a well experienced director from Bombay. Kids explore the Bible through story, music, art, crafts, movement and drama & will experience how hearing, seeing, and believing are connected; Understand that, knowing Jesus influences decision-making, Realize that a welcoming spirit brings glory to God, be Encouraged to spread the good news of Jesus Christ all over the world! Let’s throw a fiesta of praise and thankfulness!. For further information please contact : Mr. Varghese Oommen Convener (VBS) Tel #: 25621469, 66420854

Mrs. Cuckoo John Secretary (VBS) Tel #: 25659153, 97271489

Mrs. Renjini Sunil Treasurer (VBS) Tel #: 25349052, 66106515

New Members Member Number : 0415 Name : Rajesh Mathew Prayre Group : Mizpah Mother Parish : Elamkulam Jerusalem Contact No. : 66033408 Member Number : 0416 Name : Jacob Chacko Abraham Prayre Group : Kadesh Mother Parish : Pazhavangadikara Immanuel Contact No. : 99228442, 25617209 Member Number : 0417 Name : Ebey Abraham Prayre Group : Emmaus Mother Parish : West Kallada Immanuel Contact No. : 99132184, 23717060

We wholeheartedly welcome all the new members to St. Thomas Family


dh. tUm. tPmÀPv amXyp, IpÁnbn temI¯nsâ hosØSp¸n\mbn \½psS hmgv¯s¸« IÀ¯mhv kln¨ ]oVm\p`hs¯bpw Ipcnip acWs¯bpw A\pkvacn¨psImØv, XncpÊ` D]hmk¯nepw {]mÀXvY\bnepw IqSn B kl\t¯mSv GIo`hn¡p¶ kμÀ`amWv henb t\m¼v Asæn ‘A¼Xpt\m¼v’. t\m¼mNcWwhgn hnizmknIfpsS A\pXm]¯n\pw ]pXp¡¯n\pw ssZhnI c£bn ]¦pImcmIp¶Xn\pw CSbmIp¶p. henb t\m¼nsâ DXv`hhpw hnImkhpw thZ ]pkvXI¯nsâbpw k`mNcn{X¯nsâbpw Bcm[\m ]mc¼cy¯nsâbpw shfn¨¯n hnebncp¯p¶Xn\mWv Cu ]T\¯neqsS ]cn{ian¡p¶Xv. t\m¼v thZ]pkvXI¯n ]gb\nba¯nepw ]pXnb \nba¯nepw t\m¼v BNcWs¯¡pdn¨v iIvXoIcn¨p ]dªn«pØv. hnIeam¡s¸« t\m¼mNcWs¯ {]hmNI·mcpw \½psS IÀ¯mhpw hnaÀin¨n«pØv. PohnX¯nsâ {]XnkÔnL«¯nepw IpÁt_m[apÅt¸mgpw A\pX]n¨v D]hmkw A\pjvTn¡p¶ ]Xnhv blqZ·mcpsS CSbn DØmbncp¶p. A\pXm] kqNIambn D]hmkw hnfn¨p Iq«phm³ cmPm¡·mcpw {]hmNI·mcpw Blzm\w sNbvXncp¶Xmbn ImWmw (tbm\m. 2: 5,7) henb t\m¼pIme¯nse BZys¯ 40 Znhk§Ä, \½psS IÀ¯mhnsâ 40 Znhks¯ D]hmkw A\pkvacn¨psImØmWv k` BNcn¡p¶Xv (a¯m 4:2, amÀt¡m.1:13, eqt¡m 4:2). acp`qanbnÂsh¨v tami 40 Znhkw {]mÀXvYn¨Xnsâ A\pkvacWhpw ChnsS ]cmaÀin¡p¶p. (]pd. 24:18). {InkvXphnsâ ]oVm\p`ht¯mSpv GIo`hn¨v {hXm\pjvTm\¯nepw PohnX hnip²nbnepw PmKcW¯nepw BßX]\¯nepw IqSn ssZht¯mSv ASp¯p Pohn¡p¶ [\y\nanj§fmWv t\m¼pImew. 40--mw shÅnbmgvN¡ptijw DbnÀ¸phscbpÅ Znhk§Ä k` IÀ¯mhnsâ ]oVm\p`hpw {IqipacWhpw DbnÀ¸pw {]tXyIambn [ym\n¡p¶ ]¯p Znhk§fmWv. A§s\ 50 Znhkambn henb t\m¼v Nn«s¸Sp¯nbncn¡p¶p. AXn\mÂ- henb s\m¼v -- 50 t\m¼v F¶ t]cnepw Adnbs¸Sp¶p. t\m¼mNcWw BZnak`bn 4-mw \qÁmtØmSpIqSn k`bn At\zjIcmbn h¶ hnizmknIsf kv\m\s¸Sp¯p¶Xnsâ apt¶mSnbmbn«mWv D]hmkhpw t\m¼pw BNcn¨ph¶Xv. F¶m ]n¶oSv IÀ¯mhnsâ ]oVm\p`h¯ntâbpw {IqioIcW¯nsâbpw [ym\w Cu t\m¼pambn _Ôs¸Sp¯n BNcn¡p¶ ]XnhpØmbn. BZy Ime¯v, kv\m]\¯n\mbn Hcp§p¶hÀ Hcp Znhkw am{Xw D]hkn¨ncp¶m aXnbmbncp¶p. 2-mw \qÁmØn Cu D]hmkw (t\m¼v) 2 Znhkam¡nbncp¶p. 4-mw \qÁmØnsâ BZy ]IpXnbn t\m¼mNcWw 40 Znhkam¡n. \nJykp¶ltZmknsâ (F.Un. 325) 5-mas¯ Imt\m\n Cu t\m¼mNcWs¯ Ipdn¨v ]cmaÀin¨n«pØv. IÀ¯mhv ]ckyip{iqj¡v ap¼v 40 Znhkw D]hkn¨Xnt\mSv GIo`hn¨psImØmWv, 40 Znhks¯ t\m¼mNcWw F¶v t\cs¯ kqNn¸n¨ncp¶tÃm. kv\m\mÀXvYnIÄ am{Xaà FÃm hnizmknIfpw Cu D]hmk¯n ]¦ptNcWsa¶v \njvIÀjn¡s¸«p. 40 Znhk§Ä IW¡m¡p¶XnÂ, hnhn[ k`IÄ hyXykvX§fmb coXnIfmWv ]n³XpSÀ¶p hcp¶Xv. At´ymJym Bcm[\m coXnIÄ ]n³XpScp¶ kpdnbm\n k`IÄ, i\nbmgv¨ DbÀ¸n\mbn Im¯ncn¡p¶ {]XymimZn\ambpw, RmbdmgvN DbnÀ¸nsâ BtLmjambpw IW¡m¡nbncp¶Xn\m B Znhk§Ä t\m¼pZn\ambn IW¡m¡nbncp¶nà (F¶mÂ

D]hmkw XpSÀ¶Xmbn«mWv ImWp¶Xv). AXn\p ]Icambn 40-mw shÅnbmgvN apX 10 Znhkw IqSn t\m¼mNcWw ZoÀLn¸n¨v 7 BgvNIfmbn ¢n]vXs¸Sp¯n. A§s\bmWv 50 t\m¼v F¶ t]cv e`yambXv. ]mivNmXy Bcm[\m ]mc¼cyapÅ k`IÄ (DZm. B¥n¡³, kn.Fkv. sF. apXembh). RmbdmgvN, DbnÀ¸nsâ BtLmjambn IW¡m¡nbncp¶Xn\m A¶v t\m¼v ZnhkaÃ. 40 Znhkw IW¡m¡phm³ Nm¼Â _p[\mgvN apX t\m¼v Bcw`n¡p¶ coXnbmWv DÅXv. A\pXm]¯nsâ kqNIambn IpcnimIrXnbn s\Ánta Nmcw ]pc«n \S¯p¶ {]tXyI ip{iqjbmWv Nm¼Â _p[\mgvNs¯ (Ash Wednesday) ip{iqj. It¯men¡mk`bnepw, Bt¥b k`bnse Nne hn`mK§fpw Cu ip{iqj \nehnepØv. BZnaIme§fn kÔy¡pam{Xw `£Ww Ign¡p¶ ]XnhmWv \nehnencp¶Xv. aXvkyw, ap«, amwkw, £otcmev]¶§Ä F¶o t]mjI aqey§Ä DÅ `£W ]ZmÀXvY§Ä Dt]£n¨ncp¶p. D]hmkw ]n¶oSv D¨hsc am{Xambn {Ias¸Sp¯n. XpSÀ¶v Hcp t\cw am{Xw `£n¡msXbncn¡p¶ coXnbpw \nehn h¶p. Nne ]uckvXy k`Ifn IÀ¡iamb `£W{Iaw Ct¸mgpw \nehnencn¡p¶p. Ip«nIsfbpw tcmKnIsfbpw t\m¼mNcW¯n \n¶v Hgnhm¡nbncp¶p. t\m¼pIme§fn hnhmlw \S¯p¶Xv ]pcmX\ Imew Xs¶ \ntcm[n¨n«pÅXmWv. t\m¼v ]uckvXyk`Ifn kpdnbm\n Bcm[\m ]mc¼cyapÅ ]uckvXyk`Ifn (amÀt¯m½, HmÀ¯tUmIvkv, bmt¡m_mb, ae¦c Imt¯men¡, sXmgnbqÀ F¶o k`IÄ) henb t\m¼v (kptamdmt_m) F¶mWv CXns\ Adnbs¸Sp¶Xv. 7 BgvN¡mew \oØp\nev¡p¶ Cu t\m¼v BZys¯ Xn¦fmgvNs¯ \nc¸nsâ ip{iqjtbmSpIqSnbmWv Bcw`n¡p¶Xv. t\m¼nsâ {]m[m\ys¯ hnfn¨dnbn¡p¶Xpw BßmÀXvYamb Hcp¡¯n\v hnizmknIsf {]m]vXcm¡p¶ ip{iqjbmWv \nc¸nsâ ip{iqj (ip_vt¡mt\m). ktlmZc§fpambpÅ A\pcRvP\amWv DbnÀ¸nsâ ssNX\y¯n ]¦ptNcphm\pff BZyhgnbpw ssZh¯n\v kzoImcyamb t\m¼pw F¶v Cu ip{iqj hnizmknIsf HmÀ½n¸n¡p¶p. ]«¡mcpw P\§fpw tZhmeb¯n Hcpan¨pIqSn ]ckv]cw £ambmN\w \S¯n A\pcRvP\s¸«v t\m¼mNcW¯n {]thin¡p¶ Cu ip{iqj hfsc lrZyamWv. Cu ip{iqj C¶v amÀt¯m½m k`bn \n¶v A{]Xy£ambns¡mØncn¡p¶p. hfsc AÀXvYh¯pw kwKXhpw Bb Cu ip{iqj \½psS FÃm ]ÅnIfnepw \St¯ØXmWv. t\m¼pImew D]hmk¯n\pw bma{]mÀXvY\bv¡pw IÀ¯mhnsâ ]oVm\p`hs¯bpw IpcnipacWs¯bpw DbnÀ¸ns\bpw [ym\n¡p¶Xn\papÅ kμÀ`§fmWv. ]m]s¯ 'tcmKambn' ImWp¶ thZ]pkvXI Nn´ Xs¶bmWv k` ChnsS ]Tn¸n¡p¶Xv. \à sshZy\mb IÀ¯mhv (Htkym tXmt_m) ]m]nItfmSp a\Êenªv tcmK kuJyhpw ]m]tamN\hpw \ÂIp¶ kw`h§fmWv Cu BgvNIfnse {][m\ Nn´mhnjbw. t\m¼nse thZhmb\IÄ IÀ¯mhnsâ ]ckyip{iqjbn sNbvX AXv`pX {]hÀ¯nIfpw kuJyZmbI ip{iqjbpamWv t\m¼pIme¯nse Bdp RmbdmgvNIfn [ym\n¡p¶Xv. ]uckvXy k`bn t\m¼v cq]m´c¯nsâbpw ssZhcmPy A\p`h¯nsâbpw DbnÀ¸nsâ kt´mj¯n ]¦p tNcp¶Xnsâbpw kμÀ`amWv. Cu RmbdmgvNIfnse kphntij hmb\IÄ, Hmtcm kw`hpambn tNÀ¯v Adnbs¸Sp¶p. sIm¯ns\ RmbÀ (Im\mbn h¨p shÅw hoªm¡nb kw`hw), KÀt_m RmbÀ (IpjvT tcmKnsb kuJyam¡nbXv), aidntbm RmbÀ (]£]mX¡mcs\ kuJyam¡nbXv) Iv\mbnt¯m RmbÀ (I\m\y kv{XobpsS aIsf kuJyam¡nbXv). Iv]n]vt¯m RmbÀ (Iq\nbmb kv{Xosb kuJyam¡nbXv), kvantbm RmbÀ (IpcpSs\ kuJyam¡nbXv), F¶o t]cpIfnemWv Adnbs¸Sp¶Xv.

]IpXn t\m¼pw 40-mw shÅnbmgvNbpw t\m¼pXpS§n 25-mw Znhkw ]IpXn t\m¼pw 40-mw Znhkw 40-mw shÅnbmgvNbpw BNcn¡p¶p. “tami acp`qanbn ]n¨f kÀ¸s¯ DbnÀ¯nbXpt]mse a\pjy]p{Xs\bpw DbÀt¯ØXmIp¶p”. F¶ {]XoImßIamb ip{iqjbmWv ]IpXn t\m¼n \S¯p¶Xv. (kwJy. 21:5,7,8, tbml. 3:13---21). tZhmeb at²y Ipcniv DbÀ¯n AXnte¡v {i² Xncn¡p¶ ]Xnhv Nne ]uckvXy k`Ifn ]IpXn t\m¼nsâ {]tXyIXbmWv. t\m¼nsâ 40-mw Znhkw, IÀ¯mhnsâ 40 Znhks¯ D]hmks¯ A\pkvacn¡pIbpw XpSÀ¶pÅ 10 Zn\§Ä IÀ¯mhnsâ ]oVm\p`hpw IpcnipacWhpw DbnÀ¸pw Xncpk` `b`IvXn]qÀÆw [ym\n¡p¶p. 40-mw shÅnbmgvN, D]hmk¯neqsS ]co£Isf AXnPohn¨ IÀ¯mhns\ [ym\n¨v {]tXyI ip{iqjIÄ \S¯n hcp¶p. (a¯m.4: 1--11) ]oVm\p`h hmcw tlmim\, s]klm, ZpxJshÅn F¶o {][m\s¸« Zn\§fneqsS henb t\m¼pImew AXnsâ AXyp¨ tImSnbn F¯p¶p. ]oVm\p`h BgvNsb ]uckvXy k`IÄ lmim BgvN (Passion Week) hnip² hmcw Fs¶ms¡ ]dbmdpØv. IÀ¯mhnsâ sbcqiteante¡pÅ cmPIobamb {]thi\hpw FfnabpamWv tlmim\ RmbdmgvNs¯ Nn´m hnjbw. hymgmgvN, IÀ¯mhp hnip² IpÀ_m\ kvYm]n¨Xnsâbpw injytcmsSm¯v A¯mgw Ign¨Xnsâbpw HmÀ½sb s]klm hymgmgvN BNcW¯neqsS BtLmjn¡p¶p. {InkvXp s]klm IpªmSmbn Adp¡s¸«Xnsâ A\pkvacWw IqSnbmWnXv. (1 sImcn. 5: 7,8) IÀ¯mhnsâ ]oVm\p`hs¯bpw Ipcnip acWs¯bpw I_dS¡s¯bpw HmÀ¯psImØv \S¯p¶ ZoÀLamb ip{iqjIfmWv ZpxJ shÅnbmgvN \S¯p¶Xv. IÀ¯mhnsâ alXzIcamb DbnÀs¯gpt¶ev]ns\ (IrwXm) BËmZ]qÀÆw DbnÀ¸p RmbdmgvN sImØmSp¶p. t\m¼pImew D]hmk¯nsâbpw A\pXm]¯nsâbpw \mfpImfmWv. F¦n DbnÀ¸pImew hnPb¯nsâbpw kt´mj¯nsâbpw ]pXpPohsâ {]XymibpsSbpw ImeL«amWv. AXpsImØv DbnÀ¸p apX s]´t¡mkvXp hscbpÅ ImeL«¯n ]uckvXy k`Ifn D]hmktam, t\mt¼m BNcn¡p¶nÃ. IÀ¯mhnsâ DbnÀ¸neqsS e`yamb ]pXpPoh\nte¡v k` (hnizmk kaqlw) {]thin¡p¶ kμÀ`amWnXv. D]kwlmcw a\pjy icocw ssZhoI aμnc§fmbn ip²oIcn¡phm\pw kaÀ¸n¡phm\pw t\m¼mNcW¯neqsS hnizmk kaql¯n\p km[n¡Ww. IÀ¯mhnsâ Ipcninsâ ASp¡Â h¶v AhnSps¯ IjvSXIfn \mw ]¦mfnIfmbn IpcnineqsS t\Sn¯¶ ]pXpPohsâ Hmlcn¡mcmIphm³ t\m¼v \s½ Blzm\w sN¿p¶p. A\pXm]t¯mSpIqSn ssZht¯mSpw ktlmZc§tfmSpw \nc¶v IÀ¯mhnsâ km£nIfmbn Pohn¡phm³ Hcp§p¶ kμÀ`amWv t\m¼pImew. \mw `£Ww shSnbp¶XpsImØpw D]hmkw \S¯p¶XpsImØpw, ssZhs¯ {]oXns¸Sp¯phm\Ã, adn¨v PohnX¯nsâ t`mK CNvOIfnÂ\n¶v hnSpX {]m]n¨v, hni¡p¶htcmSpw Bhiy¯nencn¡p¶htcmSpw GIo`hn¨v Ahsc IcpXphm\pw kvt\ln¡phm\pw t\m¼mNcWw \s½ shÃphnfn¡p¶p. {InkvXphnsâ `mhw DÄs¡mØv \nÀ½e a\pjycmbn Xocphm³ IÀ¯mhnsâ ]oVm\p`hpw IpcnipacWhpw DbnÀ¸pw [ym\n¡pI hgn \½p¡v IgnbWw. D]t`mK kwkvImc¯nepw BVw_c¯nepw [qÀ¯nepw PohnXw \bn¡p¶ ss{IkvXh kaql¯n\v {]mÀXvY\bnepw ]cnXymK¯nepw in£W¯nepw IqSn ssZht¯mSpw ktlmZc§tfmSpw tNÀ¶v kacks¸«v ssZh cmPyaqey§fn A[njvTnXamb PohnXw \bn¡phm³ henb t\m¼v CSbmIs«sb¶v {]mÀXvYn¡p¶p.

Parish Festival Our 3rd parish festival was held on February 18th at The Indian Community School, Junior Branch from 9am to 5pm. It was inaugurated by ___________________________. It was a great gathering for St. Thomas family and members of sister churches in Kuwait with lots of events. We thank our Vicar Rev. Thomas Koshy Panachamoottil for his leadership and also thank the General Convener Mr. Roy Varghese and other committee members for their tremendous efforts to make the event a great success.

KECF Common Worship Kuwait Episcopal Churches Fellowship common worship will be held on Friday 18th March, 2011 at NECK Church & Parish Hall at 7.00 PM.

Good Bye …………….. Our member Mrs. Sunitha K. Baby, Member # 389 (Geehon Prayer group) has decided to go back to Living Kuwait. Let us thank Mrs. Sunitha for her valuable service to our parish and remember them in our prayers. Parish gave a farewell to her on 25th February 2011.

Annual Subscription, Sandharanam & Andavari. All the parish members kindly make sure that the annual subscription, sandharanam and andavari for the year 2010-2011 is handed over to the prayer group representatives, and prayer representatives should handover the same to the church trustee before March 31, 2011.



St. John 3:16-21


Jer. 18: 1-10


Phile. 8 - 22



Assistance by (Laymen, Lesson Reading & Offertory collection)


Eph. 2: 1-10




"God's Redeeming Love"

7:30 PM



2 Cor. 5:11-21



Ephraim & Ephrath



Edavaka Missaion

Gheehon / Shekhem

Ararath Isa. 58:1-10


Acts. 10: 34-48

Heb. 10: 1-10

St. John 2: 1-11

7:30 AM

St. Mark 1: 40-45

Joel 2: 12-20

Isa. 6: 1-8

Col. 3: 1-11


1 John 1: 5-10


St. Mark. 2: 1-12

St. Mat. 15: 21-28

Col. 1: 1-14

Phil. 4: 4-9



Acts. 9: 26-35


Cleansing Lord (2nd Sunday in Lent)

Illumination of Faith (3rd Sunday in Lent)

Lord who listen to the Cry

1 Kings 17:17-24

"Lent: Transformation and Renewal"



7:30 PM






7:30 AM

22 7:30 AM



25 7:30 PM


Prayer Groups are requested to select and assign appropriate persons as Laymen to assist, Lesson Readers and to collect offertory at Worship and Holy Communion services, both at St. Thomas Center and Hall of Peace. Please coordinate with Lay Readers.

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