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October Birthdays
Since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly…acting like mere humans? Corinthians 3:3
We live in a world of discord, and Christians are not immune. “Discord” is another possible translation of the word for “quarreling.” Other options could be “contention,” “strife,” and “rivalry.” The idea here isn’t just intellectual debate, or even strong disagreement. Discord has to do with allowing our disagreements to separate us.
Christians are supposed to have the Spirit of God, who knows the deepest things of God. Over time, the Spirit helps us to understand God and to live more and more in line with God’s will.
When we don’t understand other Christians or we flat-out disagree with them, perhaps instead of trying to lecture them about what we think, we should engage in times of healthy and humble sharing and questioning together. We should try to recognize the signs of the Spirit’s work in each other and wonder at the Spirit is doing in the person we do not understand. The most likely scenario is that God has each of us on different learning paths, and perhaps by intertwining those paths, even uncomfortably, we could advance in the process of maturing in Christ.
In your relationships today, what can you do to work toward unity in the Spirit rather than discord?
Lord, we make slow progress against our vices and toward your virtues. Help us to recognize that people who have a sincere but different relationship with you might have some understanding that can help us grow closer to you. Amen.
Scott DeVriesUnity in the Church
The Church is the unity of all worlds, earthly and heavenly, of angels and men, of the living and the dead. We obtain real communion with God and we participate in God’s uncreated energy. God does not stay in heaven, directing history from there. He directs the world with His uncreated governing energies. We do not aim at appeasing God, but to heal ourselves, so that the vision of God becomes light for us and not fire. Furthermore, in the Church we live eternal life starting from now. We do not simply await the life to come, but we experience and enjoy it from the present. The Kingdom of God, according to the Fathers, is not life beyond the grave, but communion with God, above all, the vision of the uncreated Light.
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In Memoriam
Remembering those who reposed in the months of September and October:
Elias Solomon, George Nimmer, Nicholas Correy, Christos Nassif, Mary David, Mary Corey, Shaheen Jacobs, Jack Jacobs, Joyce Murad, George K. Miller, Sr., Delia Ferris, Samuel Nimmer, Anna Palmolea, Mary George, Mercherd Headid, Kathryn David, Selma Yanney, Abraham S. Abdouch, Salom Rizk, Charles M. Saide, Habooba Hanna, Thomas Duane Jr. Corey, Mike O. Gebran, George Ellis, Alexander Shuminsky, Mary D. Ellis, Mary Abdouch, Abraham Jacobs, Mary K. Abdouch, Margaret G. Abdo, Clarence David, Thomas T. Corey, Eli L. Skaff, Dr. Donald D. Kivlighn, Mary A. Haddad Kruse, Mary Sellers, Charles Albert Risk, Mahlon H. Headid, Roxelle Kay Gioccone, Rose Murad Johnson, Mable Frangia Nimmer, Edwin F. Nassiff, Ceroga George Dorashkevich, Fr. John Barrett, Murrish J. Yanney, John Stanley Bekish, Francis Hanna, Sarah J. Gosen, Pauline C. Kivlighn, Joseph Kott, Freda (Melham) Homsey, Arnold.F. Larsen, Jennie Marie Mulneaux, Lorene M. David, Sophie Skaff, Selma M. Corey, Florence Counter, George Kazos, Michael Skaff, Sr., Ronald L. Counter
Ladies Club
The ladies had their meeting on the 6th of September. We had originally date an August date for making Fatayeh but changed it to September 24th, 2022. We did reduce the number of dozen Fatayeh that we would be making so we will make less, but we will hopeful we able to make them more with shorter work time. We should be able to make about $1,000. We are going to have a book club for the ladies with the book “Mary as the early church knew her”. It may take a while for us to get this going, but we will start with it. We did give a donation to the Tree House project in Wichita which helps mothers keep their babies rather than have an abortion. Frank came to our meeting as well an gave an update on some projects that we could possibly help out with. We are having a mini appreciation dinner on October 29th which hopefully we can get helpers for.
God bless.
Judy StevensParish Council
October 5, 2022
7 pm Meeting called to order
Members present: Fr. Peter, Frank B, Judy S, Pete, George S Jr. Julie K
Others present: George Stickney Sr.
Fr Peter gave opening prayer
Judy S moved to approve last meeting’s minutes. Frank B seconded. Motion carried
Fr. Peter: Visited Dean Lockwood. If anyone knows of other shut ins let Fr. Peter know so he can reach out to them. Gospel Book cover is unrepairable. Fr will research cost of new cover.
Pete: Church should be receiving a refund check from the insurance co for premium refund
Frank: Church did not get MHRD grant. Will reapply in May 2023. Getting on schedule for dinner. Sign up sheets are in Church Hall. A team of youths will be helping. Concerns raised if all members were notified of dinner. Fr. Peter will send member list for review.
Judy: Fatiya sale went well. Made 50 dozen fatiya. Hopefully will clear $1000.00
Pete has volunteered to do some housekeeping in conference room, counting rooms, Fr. Peter’s office and various other rooms. Randy Headid will assist with any maintenance required with wall cracks, moving furniture.
Frank moved to make the Ladies Club officially responsible for supplies in the kitchen while the parish council would handle any appliance repairs. Judy seconded. Motion carried.
Next Meeting: November 9th, 7pm
750 pm. Judy moved to adjourn. Frank seconded. Motion carried.
Fr. Peter closed with prayer.
2022 Pledges 4,833.40
Miscellaneous 410.45
Other Donations 150.00
Other Income 0.00
Total Income $5,393.85
401 Maintenance -395.48
402 Lawn & Snow 0.00
403 Education 0.00
404 Internet -135.23
406 Trash Pick-Up 0.00
407 Insurance on Church Property -287.00
408 Church Utilities -1,320.84
409 General Expenses -99.85
410 Office Expense -145.12
411 Copier & Copy Expense -91.43
412 Benevolence -500.00
413 Transfer between Accounts 0.00
416 Travel and Conferences 0.00
431 Priest Base Salary -2,650.00
432 Priest Cell Phone -100.00
433 Priest Health Insurance -800.00
434 Priest Life Insurance -135.00
436 Priest IRA -200.00
437 Priest Medical Expense 0.00
438 Priest Auto Allowance -400.00
439 Priest Auto Insurance -50.00
440 Priest SS & Medicare 0.00
441 Priest Housing & Utilities -1,050.00
442 DOWAMA -1,050.00
451 Archdiocesan Assessment 0.00
460 Online Fees 0.00
Total Expenses -$9,409.95
Net -$4,016.10
2022 Pledges 19,245.22
Miscellaneous 1,273.70
Other Donations 150.00
Other Income 1,829.81
Total Income
401 Maintenance -665.48
402 Lawn & Snow 0.00
403 Education 0.00
404 Internet -405.69
406 Trash Pick-Up -98.28
407 Insurance on Church Property -3,770.25
408 Church Utilities -3,506.49
409 General Expenses -824.84
410 Office Expense -145.12
411 Copier & Copy Expense -274.29
412 Benevolence -1,500.00
413 Transfer between Accounts 0.00
416 Travel and Conferences -767.95
431 Priest Base Salary -7,950.00
432 Priest Cell Phone -300.00
433 Priest Health Insurance -2,400.00
434 Priest Life Insurance -405.00
436 Priest IRA -600.00
437 Priest Medical Expense 0.00
438 Priest Auto Allowance -1,200.00
439 Priest Auto Insurance -150.00
440 Priest SS & Medicare 0.00
441 Priest Housing & Utilities -3,150.00
442 DOWAMA -1,050.00
451 Archdiocesan Assessment
460 Online Fees 0.00
Total Expenses -$30,081.21
Net -$7,057.73
Let no man's place, or dignity, or riches, puff him up; and let no man's low condition or poverty abase him.
For the chief points are faith towards God, hope towards Christ, the enjoyment of those good things for which we look, and love towards God and our neighbor.
- Saint Ignatius of Antioch
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