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2021 Proposed Resolutions

1. Proposed Resolution on Sigma’s Support of Integral Involvement of Nurses in

Collaborative National and International Strategic Planning Processes

Whereas, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, since its founding in 1922, has continued to connect and empower nurses by promoting nursing scholarship, leadership, and service in transforming healthcare around the world; and

Whereas, more than 135,000 Sigma members residing in over 100 countries support the vision of connected, empowered nurses and Sigma’s mission of developing nurse leaders while embracing the 2019-2021 presidential call to action to “Infuse Joy” anytime, anywhere even during challenging times; and

Whereas, to accomplish Sigma’s mission, the Board of Directors has outlined overarching strategic goals focused on global growth, expansion, innovation, and development of strategic global relationships; and

Whereas, Sigma is actively involved in the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), International Council of Nurses (ICN), and more; and

Whereas, Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 1 (2030 Agenda) identifies specific health priorities to mobilize global efforts, including universal health coverage to promote physical and mental health and well-being, and to extend life expectancy for all, ensuring human resources to attain the health targets, and end poverty, foster peace, safeguard the rights and dignity of all people, and protect the planet; therefore, be it

Resolved, that Sigma, the world’s second-largest nursing organization, continues to collaborate with international partners to ensure that nurses are integrally involved throughout the 2030 Agenda’s ongoing strategic planning process from priority setting, through formulation, adoption, implementation, administration, and evaluation of national and international policies and strategies.

1 United Nations. (2015) General Assembly Resolution A/RES/70/1. Transforming Our World, The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. [cited 2016 Feb 10]. Available from: un.org/en/development/desa/population/migration/ generalassembly/docs/globalcompact/A_RES_70_1_E.pdf.

2. Proposed Resolution to Express Appreciation for All Nurses and Healthcare

Providers Serving in the Global Epicenter of COVID-19

Whereas, frontline nurses and other healthcare providers serving in the global epicenter of COVID-19 have willingly risked their health and lives to care for patients suffering with COVID-19 and its sequelae and who have been liaisons and surrogates for families who were not permitted to be near their loved ones due to COVID-19’s significant virulence; and

Whereas, those nurses and healthcare providers who clinically and administratively supported frontline nurses and other healthcare providers in the global community and those who diligently conducted research to address the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of COVID-19; and

Whereas, nurse educators across the world continued to faithfully educate the world’s nursing workforce to maintain the progression of a prepared workforce by revising, adapting, and creating curricula and teaching strategies in the presence of rapidly changing healthcare and academic environments with minimal disruption; and

Whereas, nurses and healthcare providers in the global community who disseminated accurate and credible information about the deadly virus, strategically worked to mitigate the transmission of the disease, voiced the importance of prevention, and administered vaccinations; therefore, be it

Resolved, that this House of Delegates expresses sincere appreciation and honor to all nurses and healthcare providers who are on the frontlines, who support those on the frontlines, who promote COVID-19 mitigation and prevention strategies, and those who have lost their lives.

3. Proposed Resolution in Support of Person First Language

Whereas, Person First Language respects the dignity, worth, and unique attributes of each person. Words are powerful and referring to persons by a diagnosis or disability is dehumanizing, stigmatizing, and runs counter to fundamental principles of nursing, unless an individual wants to be recognized by their disability, or Identity First Language; and

Whereas, Person First Language is congruent with the mission of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) to support nurses’ efforts to improve the health and well-being of the world’s people by using respectful language; and

Whereas, Person First Language is congruent with the values of the World Health Organization, which focus on striving to make people feel safe, respected, empowered, fairly treated, and duly recognized; and

Whereas, Person First Language is congruent with the vision of the International Council of Nurses which inspires nurses to advocate for health and well-being for all; and

Whereas, Person First Language is endorsed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, including but not limited to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, TrinityHealth.org, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Employee and Research Education Program, and the Community Health Centers; and

Whereas, Person First Language and Identity First Language are endorsed by the American Psychological Association, including, but not limited to the American Nurses Association, the Florida Nurses Association, and the International Association for Human Caring; therefore, be it

Resolved, that Sigma reaffirms its commitment to using Person First Language as appropriate and as preferred by individuals.

4. Proposed Resolution in Recognition of the Global Leadership Mentoring

Community Program

Whereas, the Global Leadership Mentoring Community (GLMC) is a program developed by international nurse leaders in 2015 to provide leadership mentoring opportunities for emerging nurse leaders; and

Whereas, the founding leaders of GLMC, Dr. Ellen Buckner and Dr. Claudia Lai, identified strategic program objectives to ensure the success of the professional nurse mentor/mentee experience; and

Whereas, the GLMC successfully coordinated three (3) biennial cohorts that provided international mentoring opportunities and promoted global collaboration for Sigma members—global nurse leaders and emerging nurse leaders—in all professional domains; and

Whereas, GLMC program data documented the positive impact GLMC intentional mentoring has had on the development of next-generation Sigma leaders as well as global leaders who support the mission and vision of Sigma to improve the health of the world populations; therefore, be it

Resolved, that this body affirms its ongoing appreciation for the dedication of the GLMC developers and current coordinators in offering this global opportunity to Sigma members to enhance joyful collaboration and mentoring experiences.

5. Proposed Resolution in Recognition of the Regional Coordinators’

Accomplishments to Support and Promote Chapter Success during the

COVID-19 Pandemic

Whereas, the elected Regional Coordinators individually and as a collaborative committee have diligently served their regions despite professional and personal challenges and unexpected changes during this unprecedented time in healthcare; and

Whereas, each Regional Coordinator willingly and without hesitation adjusted their position responsibilities and communication processes to remain connected with chapter leaders and ensure ongoing support in each region; and

Whereas, Regional Coordinators worked collaboratively with the Sigma Constituent Services staff to develop and socialize innovative resources to support the immediate implementation of changes in chapter operations that ensured effective virtual chapter communications and organization success during the biennium; and

Whereas, the Regional Coordinators proactively recommended revision of current and future Chapter Key Award criteria and communicated considerations in the award to support and recognize ongoing efforts of chapters to continue successful operations and provide benefits to members and all nurses in their regions; and

Whereas, the collaborative efforts between Regional Coordinators and Sigma Chapter Specialists facilitated the implementation of innovative virtual strategies that enhanced intra- and interregional collaboration and fostered professional connections to promote resilience and social justice during the biennium; therefore, be it

Resolved, the body affirms its support for the work of the Regional Coordinators, Regional Chapters Coordinating Committee, and Sigma staff to advance the mission and vision of Sigma during this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.

6. Proposed Resolution to Affirm the Vision, Mission, Values, and Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity of the Society

Whereas, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) is an international community of nurses, dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, teaching/learning, and service through the cultivation of communities of practice, education, and research. Members value tradition that celebrates and honors our history and innovation and creativity that inspires desired futures; and

Whereas, members of the society value the development and use of knowledge because knowledge empowers nurses. By leveraging the intellectual and social capital of our members we generate research and scholarship. Members facilitate the dissemination and implementation of scholarship into practice to improve evidence-based practice. The society develops and provides access to research funding, publications, products, services, and learning opportunities to support members so they can lead and influence the transformation of healthcare; and

Whereas, the organization supports learning and the development of leadership and scholarship of members and the profession, whether in clinical practice, the academic setting, and wherever nurses work. Members value coaching and mentoring to develop nursing leaders anywhere. Members value collaboration and partnerships everywhere and on various levels to address global health issues. Members strive to create community among members and with organizations that have shared interests, goals, objectives, and values. Members value openness, truth, respect, integrity, diversity, and social responsibility grounded in ethical standards and principles of practice and service; and

Whereas, members value and celebrate excellence and are committed to quality and accountability in all our education, practice, and research endeavors—for our members and for the nursing profession; and

Whereas, members are proud of the reputation, legacy, evolution, community involvement, and contributions Sigma and its members have made in the past, are making in the present, and will make into the future; therefore, be it

Resolved, this body supports the vision of this society to connect and empower nurse leaders transforming global healthcare through the mission of developing nurse leaders anywhere to improve healthcare everywhere.

Resolved, this body values diversity, equity, and inclusion. Members strive, with integrity, to be a professional community where all members feel welcome, have an opportunity to be heard, feel safe, are treated with dignity and respect, and can contribute to the shared collective vision of improving world health through the exchange of knowledge, skills, and ideas. Together, through practice, research, education, teaching/learning, service, and partnerships, members of Sigma make a difference in health worldwide.

7. Proposed Resolution in Appreciation for the Leadership and Stewardship of

President Richard Ricciardi and Subsidiary Boards

Whereas, Richard Ricciardi, the 33rd President of Sigma, called on members to build upon our heritage, success, and knowledge through the infusion of joy into our lives each day as we contribute to the health and well-being of all; and

Whereas, boards of the International Honor Society of Nursing Building Corporation, the Sigma Theta Tau International Foundation for Nursing, and Sigma Marketplace ensure the sustainability, viability, and visibility of Sigma; and

Whereas, their efforts support and safeguard the organizational assets and human resources through the intelligent collection and dissemination of both funds and knowledge services; therefore, be it

Resolved, that this House of Delegates expresses sincere appreciation to President Richard Ricciardi and Sigma’s subsidiary boards for their dedicated leadership and commitment to the mission, values, and goals of Sigma.

8. Proposed Resolution in Appreciation for all Chairs and Members of

Committees, Advisory Councils, and Task Forces

Whereas, chairs and members of committees, advisory councils, and task forces enacted the president’s call to action and upheld the vision, mission, and values of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) through their leadership and sense of organizational purpose; and

Whereas, Sigma’s leaders gave their time and energy to support nurses who provide health services to individuals, groups, and populations worldwide and to enhance the relevancy and meaningfulness of Sigma to the global community of nurse scholars; and

Whereas, the editors of Sigma’s publications embraced excellence in scholarship and disseminated information that seeks to improve the health of the world’s people; and

Whereas, the regional coordinators facilitated and enhanced the work of chapters and members; and

Whereas, convention volunteers created an environment favorable to the dissemination of knowledge, conduction of Sigma’s business, and connectedness among the global community of nurse scholars; therefore, be it

Resolved, that this House of Delegates expresses sincere appreciation to the chairs and members of committees, advisory councils, and task forces, regional coordinators, and convention volunteers for their dedicated leadership and commitment to the mission, values, and goals of Sigma.

9. Proposed Resolution in Appreciation for the Sigma Staff and CEO for their

Tireless Work During the Pandemic

Whereas, the Sigma staff and CEO Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Madigan have provided outstanding service, unwavering commitment, and innovative leadership to Sigma and the nursing community during the COVID-19 pandemic; and

Whereas, the Sigma staff and CEO Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Madigan championed Sigma’s values throughout the COVID-19 pandemic by providing resources such as Sigma is Here for You and Find Your Forward to support and achieve Sigma’s mission—Developing nurse leaders anywhere to improve healthcare everywhere; therefore, be it

Resolved, that this House of Delegates expresses sincere appreciation to the Sigma staff and CEO Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Madigan for their commitment to providing exemplary service to Sigma’s global constituencies and the entire global nursing community to fulfill Sigma’s vision—Connected, empowered nurse leaders transforming global healthcare.

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