A QUICK REFERENCE All coordinators can be contacted by: calling the Parish Office at 763-784-1329 or by using e-mail addresses listed under their names on page 3. You are invited to contact a staff member whenever you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Information about the parish is available online at: www.churchofsttimothy.com
Deadlines and Fees....................................................................p. 2 Faith Formation Staff ...............................................................p. 3 Vacation Bible School ...............................................................p. 4 Liturgy of the Word for Children ...........................................p. 4 Preschool .................................................................................. p. 5 Special Needs .............................................................................p. 5 Grades 1-5 ..................................................................................p. 6 Family Home Program .............................................................p. 6 First Reconciliation (Confession) ............................................p. 7 First Communion ......................................................................p. 7 Grades 6-8 ..................................................................................p. 8 Grades 9-12 ................................................................................ p.10 Frequently Asked Questions.................................................... p.12 Unbaptized Children ................................................................. p.14 Children Without Previous Religious Ed............................... p.14 Photo Release Information ...................................................... p.15 Policies and Parent Authorization Forms .............................. p.16
Faith Formation Registration & Fees Registration deadline is Monday, August 28, 2017. Please register early! Fees are as follows:
Tuition: On or before July 15, 2017 $55 per child with maximum fee per family $130 $85 per child for non-parishioners
Forms postmarked after July 15th will be returned for additional fee.
Mid-Summer Tuition: July 16-Aug. 15, 2017 $80 per child with maximum fee per family $200 $110 per child for non-parishioners
Forms postmarked after August 15th will be returned for additional fee.
Late Summer Tuition: After Aug. 15, 2017 $105 per child $135 per child for non-parishioners
• The proper fee must accompany the registration form. • A scholarship equal to one student’s tuition will be applied toward the registration fee for each class taught. • Financial aid is available for those who need assistance. Call the Coordinator at 763-784-1329. -2-
Faith Formation Staff Coordinator: Mustard Seed/VBS Liturgy of the Word Elementary
Coordinator: Christian Initiation of Children First Communion First Reconciliation
Robbie Raaen rraaen@churchofsttimothy.com
Johanna Scanlan jscanlan@churchofsttimothy.com
Coordinator: DRE Middle School
Coordinator: Youth Ministry
Erin Kelly
Margaret Kelly mkelly@churchofsttimothy.com
St. Timothy’s Cruise Line Vacation Bible School July 31- August 9:00 AM—Noon For one week during the summer, children ages 4 through those entering 6th grade are offered the opportunity to engage in experiential and fun learning related to faith and values. The half-day sessions are filled with learning activities, crafts, snacks, music, and prayer designed to reinforce Christian living. Many volunteers — both adults and youth entering 7th grade and above — work together to provide this wonderful experience for our children. Coordinator: Robbie Raaen
Liturgy Of The Word For Children Offered for children in grades 1-5 at both the 8:30 & 10:30 AM Sunday Masses. There are two nine-week sessions — one in the fall and one in the winter. Children are sent forth after the opening prayer to more fully experience God’s Word. They share the Scriptures, pray in a large group, and conclude with small group discussions. They then rejoin the full assembly for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Volunteer ministers (youth in grades 7-12 & adults) help with large & small group sessions. Minister training & materials are provided. No registration necessary for children to participate. Fall Session begins: September 24 Winter Session begins: January. 14 Coordinator: Robbie Raaen -4-
“Mustard Seed” Classes (Sunday Preschool)
This program is for children ages 3 yrs.— Kindergarten. Classes are held Sunday mornings for 24 weeks. We begin each week as a large group with story time and music. Our curriculum for the “Seedlings” (three years old) and “Sprouts” (Pre-Kindergarten) levels is Bright Beginning’s “Exploring God’s World.” Each lesson is based on a Bible concept. The activities include a Bible story & verse, music, interactive prayer, games, and art projects. The “Blossoms” level (Kindergarten) curriculum concentrates on Bible Stories that support Catholic Social Teachings. Each week the students will focus on a Bible Story and through prayer, art projects, and discussion will learn how Jesus’ teachings connect our spiritual growth with the mission of helping all of God’s creation. Different types of prayer, saints, and basic Church terminology will be introduced throughout the year. Significant Dates: Sept. 10 Open House for families after 8:30 & 10:30 AM Masses Sept. 17 First Class Coordinator: Robbie Raaen
Special Needs Please inform the coordinator or place on the registration form any special needs your child has that may affect his or her classroom experience — for example: reading or comprehension ability, physical impairment, emotional or behavioral levels, allergies, etc. Communication between coordinators and parents is very important in helping us meet your child’s needs. Coordinator: Robbie Raaen -5-
Elementary School Youth (Grades 1-5) Faith Formation classes are scheduled for 21 sessions on Tuesday evenings from September through March. Classes are held for an hour and 15 minutes in the Parish Center. Parents have the option of signing up their child for either the 5:15— 6:30 PM or the 7:00—8:15 PM session. Along with the curriculum the children’s classes are supplemented with art projects and other hands on activities to help with both the development of their faith and community building with their class. Please note: These classes are NOT considered sacramental preparation for First Communion or First Reconciliation. Children who are of age for these sacraments should be signed up for both Grades 1-5 Tuesday classes AND the specific sacramental preparation. TIME: 5:15-6:30 PM or 7:00-8:15 PM BEGINNING: Tuesday, September 12 Teachers’ Workshop: Wed., September 6 at 6:30 PM Coordinator: Robbie Raaen
At Home with Jesus “At Home with Jesus” is a family based religious education program for children in grades 1-5. Families will be provided with the curriculum needed for at home family study. Monthly meetings with activities are scheduled for the families Program begins first Sunday in October
Coordinators: Margaret Kelly and Robbie Raaen If your child is 3rd grade or older and has not been in religion classes, see page 14
First Reconciliation The Archdiocese has established the following requirements in order for an individual to receive the sacrament of First Reconciliation: · A child must be at least seven years of age (may be older). · Provide a certificate of Baptism for the child. · The child must be enrolled and attending an approved religious education class for their grade level. · A parent must attend the initial parent meeting for preparation. · Attendance at the two designated parent-child meetings. · Sufficiently prepare the child for First Reconciliation using the resources provided by the parish. Parent session: Tuesday, Sept. 19 at 5:15 & 7:00 pm Parent & Child Sessions: to be announced
First Communion
($15 book fee) The Archdiocese has established the following requirements in order for a child to be considered a candidate for the reception of First Holy Communion: · The child and at least one parent or guardian are expected to participate in Sunday Mass each week. · The child must be at least seven years of age, having already celebrated First Reconciliation. · The child must be enrolled and attending an approved religious education class for this/her grade level. · A parent must attend the initial parent meeting for preparation. · Attendance at the two designated parent-child meetings. · Sufficiently prepare the child for First Communion using the resources provided by the parish. Parent session: Tuesday, Jan. 9 at 5:15 & 7:00 pm Parent & Child Sessions: to be announced First Communion all Masses: April 28-29, May 5-6 Coordinator: Johanna Scanlan -7-
Middle School Youth (Grades 6-8)
To provide a balanced spiritual life, we expect Middle School Youth to participate in each of the following areas: catechesis, service, worship (especially Sunday) and community. Catechesis: Faith Formation classes are held on 18 Wednesday evenings from September through March. Classes run for 1 hour and 15 minutes. There is a choice of either 5:45 or 7:30 PM for 6th8th grades. All programs provide each youth with a curriculum book. In 6th grade, each youth receives their own bible which they will use through Confirmation preparation. The curriculum promotes dynamic, age-appropriate faith learning. It helps the young people know, understand, and rely on their faith as they navigate the changes and challenges of their daily life. It is rich with prayer for youth and family. 6th & 7th graders’ curriculum is a three-fold curriculum from Our Sunday Visitor. 6th grade will study: Revelation, Sacraments, & Jesus Christ 7th grade will study: Morality, The Trinity, & The Church
8th graders’ curriculum is called “Faith Fusion”: Knowing, Loving, and Serving Christ in the Catholic Church. Classes for grades 6-8 are: 5:45-7:00 PM OR 7:30-8:45 PM Kick-Off Mass for students & parents: September 13 at 7:00 PM ● Classes will start at 5:45 followed by Mass at 7:00 PM on September 13 only. ● 7:30 will have class after Mass until 8:45 PM as normal on September 13 only.
Teachers’ Workshop: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 6:30 PM -8-
Service Projects:
Middle School youth are expected to participate in a service totaling a minimum of 3 hours either here at the parish or in the broader community. The service project and hours must be reported to the Coordinator before April 1. Some of the service opportunities that are available are: Mass greeters, Living Stations, Feed My Starving Children, carnival, nursery helpers, children’s choir, Liturgy of the Word, Preschool or Vacation Bible School helpers, lectors, ushers/hospitality, leaf raking, pumpkin carving, and assembling Mother’s Day corsages. Young people, you are the life of our parish and community. So call and get connected!!
**If a parental permission form is needed for some of the Middle School activities, the form can be found on the website or at the Parish Office.
Youth Ministry Activities:
Open Gym is available on Wednesday evenings during the middle school religious education classes from 6:45-7:45 PM. Winter Blast, fun night with pizza, Zero Gravity, Bowling & Laser Tag, Sleigh Ride and others youth activities are held on a Wednesday night when there is not class. Check the bulletin, the youth bulletin board (lower level of Parish Center), parish website, and flyers that come home from Wednesday class, as well as your email for additional activities. Worship: All middle school youth are expected to participate in weekend liturgies, receiving Eucharist and celebrating Reconciliation. These experiences are necessary for the youth to fully participate in the faith formation classes and as parishioners of St. Timothy. If your child is of middle school age and has not been in religion classes, call the parish office 763-784-1329.
Coordinator: Margaret Kelly -9-
High School Youth (Grades 9-12) All high school youth are expected to participate in weekend liturgies, reconciliation, community, and service. These experiences are necessary for the youth to fully participate in their faith formation and as parishioners of St. Timothy’s. Confirmation Preparation: When a high school youth feels ready to affirm the promises their parents made for them at Baptism and to complete their initiation into full membership with the Catholic Church, they are encouraged to begin the 2-year preparation process using the “Chosen” curriculum. (They may begin in fall of 9th, 10th, or 11th grade). Once enrolled in Confirmation preparation, youth are responsible for: 1. participating in the sacraments, especially weekend Mass; 2. attending small group and large group sessions; 3. reading the material in the Candidate Handbook; 4. meeting with their sponsors; 5. experiencing retreats; 6. participating in justice and service projects. In-home groups, led by volunteer catechists, groups meet approximately two times a month to enter into our faith and share their own faith experiences. Parents, sponsors, and Guardian Angel prayer partners also play crucial roles in supporting youth in their preparation for Confirmation. CONFIRMATION MASS: (The Archdiocese has not yet given
us our date and location for Confirmation in 2018.)
Wednesday, September 13, 2017 7:00pm Mass in the Church
Level 1: Parents and Youth meet in room 224 at 6:00pm on Sept. 13, 2017
Level 2: Parents and Youth meet in the church with their small group after the Mass.
The following opportunities — although not on the Faith Formation registration form — may also be of interest: FUSION (High School Youth Group): Youth gather once a week on Wednesdays from 7:00—8:15 PM in Room 125 for food, fun, and fellowship. Food and pop included. FUSION is open to any high school student. No registration necessary — friends invited as well!
Retreats, Events, and Service Opportunities: Spawning
from our FUSION program we will also have opportunities to go on retreats throughout the year, go on some fun trips, and offer up some of our time at service sights like Feed my Starving Children and other service programs. Keep an eye peeled on our webpage or bulletin
Night of WOH: “Wipe Out Homelessness” (WOH) is an overnight sleeping-outside-in-a-cardboard box experience to raise awareness and funds to help reduce homelessness. It will be held on a Saturday in early October. Watch for information on our website and in the bulletin this fall.
Mission Trip: Applications and information are available in the
fall for the following summer’s week-long mission trip. Sites vary from year to year, e.g. Native American reservation, inner city, rural, etc. Each trip provides service opportunities to the poor and exposure to different cultures and living conditions. Participants do some fundraising during the year to help offset the cost of the trip.
Living Stations: Middle and High School youth rehearse and
present the Stations of the Cross at a Good Friday service. Nonspeaking actors, narrators, and singers are needed. Good Friday 2018 will take place March 30th. Coordinator: -11-
Frequently Asked Questions Sacraments What if my child has not been baptized and is age 7 or more? Your child must sign up for the Christian Initiation of Children process. Call the Coordinator. Does my child have to be registered in one of the Faith Formation programs in order to celebrate any of the sacraments? Yes, your child must be registered in Faith Formation classes or be attending a Catholic school. How do I register for both? Be sure to complete the “GRADES 1 -5 FAITH FORMATION” box in the middle of the registration form AND the appropriate sacrament preparation box directly below it. Is there an additional fee for sacrament preparation? The registration fee for each child covers participation in Grades 1-5 Faith Formation. There is no fee for First Reconciliation preparation — if the book is returned in good condition. There is a $15 book fee for First Communion preparation. What are the ages for celebrating these sacraments? Parents must determine the appropriate age for celebrating the sacraments. Preparation does not begin before second grade. Parents must prepare and have their child celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to First Communion. Both sacraments may be prepared for in the same year. It is not recommended if the parent feels the child is unable to handle regular faith formation classes while also preparing for both sacraments. Confirmation preparation is a two-year process, usually beginning in the 9th grade, with the actual celebration of the sacrament in 10th grade.
Faith Formation: 3 yrs—8th grade What if my child is in 3rd—8th grade but has not been enrolled in Faith Formation classes? In order to gain the basic formation for celebrating the sacraments and continuing faith formation, your child must be registered in the Children’s Initiation process on Wednesday evenings. Call the Coordinator to register. -12-
What age does my child have to be in order to participate in the Mustard Seed Faith Formation program? Your child must be three years old by Sept. 1, 2013. How will I find out what day, time, and group my student is in? After you have registered, a letter will be sent to you just prior to the start of Faith Formation classes. Once we register, am I able to switch days or groups? Yes, only if space is available. Call the Coordinator. How can I place my child, grades 1—8, with a certain teacher? Call the Coordinator to make arrangements or write your request on the registration form.
Faith Formation: 9th—12th grade When and where does Confirmation Preparation take place? Teens preparing for Confirmation meet in small groups in the homes of volunteer leaders or a group member, usually on Sunday evenings. Several times per year all teens, parents, and leaders gather in church, usually on Sunday evenings. How are small groups arranged? Many factors are taken into consideration when forming groups: location of leaders’ homes, balance of male/female or single gender groups, schools, and requests to be placed with a particular leader or friend. We do our best to honor requests. Are teens finished with faith formation after they are confirmed? Confirmed teens are expected to be lifelong learners and encouraged to find concrete methods for continuing their faith formation throughout their lives. Some programs that are open for teens done with Confirmation include our youth group FUSION, the mission trip, Living Stations of the Cross, and other service programs throughout the year -13-
Christian Initiation of Children If your child needs to be enrolled in either one of the two classes listed below, call the Parish Office at 763-784-1329. Special registration form is needed.
Unbaptized Children Ages 7-14 The Bishops of the Catholic Church have mandated that all children ages 7-14 participate in the Order of Christian Initiation for Children when preparing for baptism. From mid-September until Easter, children and their parents participate in regular faith formation and instruction in the Catholic tradition. During the formation period, parents work with their children at home and may celebrate special rites with them and the parish community. Parents with their child also meet periodically with the coordinator. The children are received into the Church through the celebration of the initiation sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil on April 15, 2017.
Children Without Previous Religious Education (In Grades 3-8) Special sessions are designed for children who have been baptized but have not been attending religion classes. Children are to be enrolled in the regular faith formation classes offered on Tuesdays/Wednesdays in addition to attending special sessions and working on supplemental resources at home with their parents. They will also enroll in sacrament preparation for First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Communion. Parents should call Johanna for more information about this and to complete the necessary registration forms. Regular faith formation fees apply. Coordinator: Johanna Scanlan -14-
PHOTO PERMISSION AND RELEASE INFORMATION Occasionally photos are taken of some of the activities in which your child may be involved. If you object to your child appearing in any photos, please initial the line that reads “NOTE: If you do NOT want pictures of your child/ren used in publications and/or website, please initial ________” when filling out the faith formation registration form each year. It is located at the bottom of the main information box (at the top of the registration form). If you grant permission for your child’s photo to be taken and possibly posted on a bulletin board or in one of our parish publications (bulletin, CORNERSTONE, parish website), no action is necessary, i.e. do not initial the blank on the registration form mentioned above. This means that you grant permission to the Church of St. Timothy, Blaine, MN, to publish photos and/or representations of your child(ren)’s image in publications of the Church of St. Timothy or publications highlighting events of the Church of St. Timothy. This permission is granted without compensation to the person/owner/copyright holder. It means that you understand that the Church of St. Timothy may use the photos and/or reproductions for any purpose, so long as it is in connection with this work. This permission applies to all publications, its related websites, and electronic media and in future editions and revisions thereof in all languages and countries.
Parent Authorization Forms For Minors Minors attending/participating in St. Timothy sponsored activities not occurring on church property must complete a current Parent Authorization Form, signed and dated by a parent or legal guardian. A separate Parent Authorization Form is required for each activity. Health information can no longer be kept from one activity to another. Forms are available in the Parish Office or on St. Timothy’s website at: www.churchofsttimothy.com>youth>forms
Code of Conduct Policy Individuals participating in St. Timothy’s sponsored activities agree to: • participate voluntarily, actively, and with respect for others, facilities, buildings, and others’ property. • turn off cell phones & iPods The following are not permitted: • firearms, ammunition, explosives, or other weapons • illegal substances • alcohol or tobacco for minors • harassment, violence, or uncooperative behavior • sexual innuendos or romantic displays of affection These rules are in place for the health and well-being of all, to help foster an atmosphere conducive to faith formation. Violation will result in the following disciplinary procedures and/or police being called if necessary.
Discipline Policy 1.
Catechist/leader informs the student of the problem and expectations for change. Program coordinator is notified. Parents may be notified. 2. If the problem persists, the young person must talk with the coordinator or appointed representative. Parents may be notified. 3. Should the problem arise again, parents are immediately called. A meeting of the coordinator, parents and/or the catechist/leader will be set to discuss the problem. 4. If the problem continues, the student may be dismissed from further participation.
Severe Weather Policy When severe weather creates extremely difficult or hazardous travel conditions, the Parish Office will be closed and all programs cancelled. Go to our website (www.churchofsttimothy.com) or call the Parish Office for cancellation announcements.
“May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith and may charity be the root and foundation of your life.” – Ephesians 3:17
Raising a family is a huge responsibility and something we Christians would not attempt without the help of God!
“May all of us in the parish community of St. Timothy’s be a support and inspiration for one another as we strive to live holy lives and raise children who have a growing faith, a deep love of God, and a humble sense of service. Amen!