May grace and peace be yours --2 Peter 1:2
Programs and Activities 2017-18
CHURCH OF ST. TIMOTHY PARISH OFFICE 707 89th Avenue NE Blaine MN 55434 763-784-1329 Office hours:
Monday - Wednesday 8:00 AM-9:00 PM
September thru May (See bulletin for summer hours)
Thursday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM-4:00 PM Saturday CLOSED Sunday 8:00 AM-12:30 PM ******************************************************************************************** LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday evening: 5:00 PM Sunday:
*8:30 & 10:30 AM *Mass is signed for the hearing impaired.
9 AM Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 AM Communion Service on Monday
8:30:AM Weekdays in Parish Center Chapel
Holy days:
Variable — See weekly bulletin.
Reconciliation: Individual: Immediately after Saturday 5:00 PM Mass or by appointment. Call Parish Office to schedule. Additional opportunities during Advent and Lent. Baptisms:
On selected Sundays during Mass and one Sunday per month after last Mass of the day. Parents are expected to attend a Baptismal Preparation Session. Call Parish Office for scheduling.
Arrangements must be made by calling the Parish Office at least six months prior to the wedding.
Open during 8:30 & 10:30 AM Sunday Masses. Closed during June, July, and August. Nursery is sometimes available during education programs. Call Parish Office for details. If you have any questions regarding any of the programs or ministries listed in this brochure, please call 763-784-1329 or stop by our Parish Office.
WELCOME TO ALL ST. TIMOTHY PARISHIONERS This booklet is meant as a help for all our parishioners to be aware of the programs and services that are available through St. Timothy. In order for us to be a healthy, dynamic, and faith-filled community, we suggest that each member volunteer for at least one ministry each year. The following pages contain as much information as we can project at the time of the printing. This information, with updates, can also be found on the website: In the Spirit, St. Timothy Parish Staff
MISSION STATEMENT We are a progressive, welcoming Catholic community that values full participation in worship and community service. We commit to being a peace-loving, Eucharistic community providing integrated faith formation and applying Gospel values to daily living. Approved by St. Timothy Parish Pastoral Council February, 2000
2015-16 2,463 5,758
2016-17 2,485 5,556
Average Age of Members:
Infant Baptisms:
Median Age of Members:
Children Initiated:
Largest Age Group (902):
60-69 yrs
Adults Initiated:
Smallest Age Group( 350):
20-29 yrs
First Communions:
First Reconciliation:
44 42
Single Adults (19 & older):
Separated & Divorced:
Children (Ages 0-18):
New Households Registered:
Thanksgiving Baskets:
Christmas Baskets:
Grade 1:
Grade 5:
Grade 2:
Grade 6:
Level One:
Grade 3:
Grade 7:
Level Two:
Grade 4:
Grade 8:
TABLE OF CONTENTS ADULT ENRICHMENT .................................................................................... 3-4 WAYS TO SERVE—ADULT ENRICHMENT ...................................................... 5 YOUTH FAITH FORMATION.............................................................................. 6 WAYS TO SERVE—YOUTH FAITH FORMATION ............................................. 7 PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY ........................................................................... 8 WAYS TO SERVE—PASTORAL CARE ............................................................ 9 ST. TIM’S COMMUNITY EVENTS .................................................................... 10 LITURGY AND MUSIC MINISTRY ................................................................... 11 SACRAMENTS ................................................................................................. 12 WAYS TO SERVE—SACRAMENTAL ............................................................. 13 WAYS TO SERVE—OUTREACH ..................................................................... 14 PARISH GROUPS ............................................................................................ 15 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS ......................................................................... 15-17 PARISH COMMITTEES .................................................................................... 18 PASTORAL COUNCIL ..................................................................................... 19 SECURING OUR FUTURE .......................................................................................... 19 STAFF ......................................................................................................... 20-21 PARISH CALENDAR................................................................................... 22-24 Page 2
ADULT ENRICHMENT CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Journey In Faith The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the
process by which adults are welcomed into the Catholic Church. This includes unbaptized adults, adults baptized in another Christian denomination, and those baptized in the Catholic Church who have not celebrated Confirmation or First Eucharist. Inquirers meet weekly for formation and instruction in the Catholic tradition and participate in various liturgical rites along the journey. Throughout the process, the inquirers discern their readiness for the Sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist—which will be celebrated at the Easter Vigil. Sessions start on Wednesday, September 27, 2017. Those interested in becoming fully-initiated Catholics meet individually with the Coordinator beforehand to determine their needs and desire to enter into this Journey In Faith process. Parishioners are invited to serve as a sponsor or RCIA team member to assist those interested in becoming full members of the Catholic Church. Inquirers, i.e., those exploring the possibility of becoming Catholic, need the presence and support of those who are practicing Catholics and witnesses of what it means to be and to live as a Catholic, even in the midst of struggles. It is not necessary to be a model Christian or expert on the Catholic faith. A team member/sponsor needs only to be one committed to the Catholic faith enough to want to grow in his or her own faith and help others do so by being welcoming, accepting, and open to the Spirit working in and through themselves and others. Contact: Johanna Scanlan
BIBLE STUDY Our Bible study group meets Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at the parish center. The group decides what topics they want to study using the free online Catholic resources from the Agape Bible Study series They have studied the “Didache,” “Salvation History,” “Acts of the Apostles,” several Gospels, and more. The study includes: reading the Bible passages themselves, along with explanations of the background and context in which the Scripture passages were written; questions and explanations; discussion and faith-sharing; and growing in faith through the process. Those in the group have increased their understanding of the Bible and been inspired by shared faith experiences, while also enjoying a level of comfort and trust among the group. New members are always welcomed at any time! Contact: Johanna Scanlan or Deacon Joe Frederick
BREAKING OPEN THE WORD Intended as part of the formation process for those enrolled in RCIA, these Sunday morning sessions are also open to parishioners who would like to get a more in-depth understanding of the Sunday readings. Anyone committed to regular attendance is invited to participate in these sessions held on Sundays during the time between morning Masses (9:35 to 10:20 AM), starting in November and continuing to Palm Sunday. The group is led by RCIA team members using At Home with the Word and other resources. This is a good way to increase your Bible knowledge and boost your faith, while also supporting and inspiring those people on their journey in faith to becoming Catholic. Participants should contact Johanna in September to order the At Home with the Word book containing background information on the Sunday readings for the next entire liturgical cycle. Contact: Johanna Scanlan
Be sure to read your bulletin regularly, check our website, check the bulletin boards at the church entrances, and listen to announcements for details on all upcoming Adult Enrichment opportunities.
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Polar Explorer, Educator, Environmental Ambassador, Writer, Photographer
Sunday, November 12, 2017 6:30-8:00 PM Presented in the Church Will Steger is a formidable voice calling for understanding and the preservation of the Arctic and the Earth. Best known for his legendary polar exploration, Steger has traveled tens of thousands of miles by kayak and dogsled, leading teams on some of the most significant polar expeditions in history. He is the founder of: Will Steger Wilderness Center in Ely, MN, Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy, Minneapolis, MN, Global Center of Environmental Education at Hamline University, World School for Adventure Learning at the University of St. Thomas.
THE LABYRINTH The labyrinth is an ancient symbol representing wholeness that is over 3,500 years old. When this symbol is transferred to the ground and walked with purpose, we are discovering a long forgotten mystical tradition. Walking the labyrinth has reemerged today as a metaphor for the spiritual journey and a powerful tool for transformation. Watch the bulletin and our website for labyrinth events. Contact: Carole Mathena
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PARISH MISSION FEBRUARY 2018 Franciscan Sister Michelle L’Allier, OSF, will be leading our parish mission on February 18-20. Having lived in community with people of all ages and many cultures, she is well-versed in Gospel living and the importance of living out one’s spirituality in a practical ways through our relationships with another and our world. Sister Michelle has done retreat and pastoral work in the Midwest and the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as in Canada, Nicaragua, Kenya and Tanzania. Currently she serves at the Franciscan Life Center based out of Little Falls by offering retreats, workshops and spiritual direction. Sr. Michelle is very much aware of the mystery and invitation to live in communion with God and fostering community wherever we are. A creative and engaging presenter, Sr. Michelle brings keen insight and diverse resources to the challenges facing people of faith today! BOOK AND GIFT SHOP As a service to the members of St. Timothy, we provide new books for continued growth, used books for low prices and a variety of gift items for all your special occasions. New items are added regularly. The Shop is located in the Parish Center just off the reception area. It is open after each of the Sunday Masses and during regular Parish Office hours. Contact: Parish Office
CORNERSTONE Our parish newsletter is published 3 times a year. It’s purpose is to inform and inspire, while promoting a sense of community. Writers, reporters, photographers, and people to help with editing and layout are always welcome to share their skills. For any issue, parishioners are invited to submit articles that reflect how a particular life experience connects to their faith. Contact: Carole Mathena
WAYS TO SERVE—ADULT ENRICHMENT FAITH-SHARING SMALL GROUPS Lenten Faith Sharing Groups come together for six weeks during Lent to read and discuss a small book related either specifically to Lent or to our faith life in general. These groups meet at various times and places, depending on the needs of the group: in homes or the parish center; some during the day, in the evening, or weekends. Being in such a group provides an opportunity to be involved in a shortterm, faith-centered commitment --whose impact may extend well beyond the Lenten season! Each group is led by a member of the group who serves as the contact person and meeting facilitator. Leaders do not need any particular knowledge or skill set other than being hospitable, having a willingness to read over and prepare the material before the meeting, and being mindful of guidelines for promoting good group dynamics and discussions. Those who want to be in a group may join an existing or newly-formed group, depending on schedules and availability. Warning: you may become friends with those in your group! Topic-Centered Small Groups are groups that form to focus on a particular book or topic, according to faith interests. Each small group meets on a regular, short-term basis, determined by the group members. Past such groups include the Caring for the Earth focusing on the Pope’s encyclical On Care for Our Common Home; a Mercy small group that used the book Mercy, A Bible Study Guide for Catholics as a way to learn more about mercy during the Year of Mercy; and a Sunday Readings small group that used the book This Transforming Word to ponder readings for the upcoming Sunday. Resources for future small group possibilities could include Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel or his more recent apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love. A Traits of a Healthy Spirituality small group will meet this fall. Brief chapters--each with practical suggestions, inspirational quotes, reflection questions, and a prayer--make this book by Melannie Svoboda, SND, a good resource for small groups and individuals alike. If you are interested in being in a group, forming a group with your friend(s), or simply reading this book on your own, please call the parish office at 763-784-1329 in September to order a book.
RCIA SPONSORS/TEAM Adult practicing Catholics are invited to serve on the RCIA team as a sponsor, team member, and/or Breaking Open the Word leader to support those who are inquiring about becoming a member of the Catholic Church or becoming a fully-initiated Catholic by receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Team members represent the parish community and support inquirers on this journey of faith by living out what it means to be a Catholic in the everyday joys and struggles of life. Each inquirer is assigned a particular sponsor to assist them during this period of instruction and formation in the Catholic faith. Team members are not experts on Catholicism. They are simply people who value our Catholic faith and find it the best way for them to nurture their relationship with God. Being on the team is a good way to deepen one’s faith and be inspired by the faith journey of others! Please contact the Coordinator if you have an interest in being a sponsor, or if you know someone who may want to explore the possibility of becoming Catholic and would like more information. Contact: Johanna Scanlan VIRTUS
All volunteers working with children and at-risk adults are required to attend a VIRTUS training session. St. Tim’s will be offering a session on Thursday, September 14 at 6:30 PM in Room 224 of the Parish Center for those who have not attended previously. Contact: Margaret Kelly SMALL GROUP LEADERS Facilitators are needed for Lenten small groups and various other faith-centered small groups that meet on a short-term basis to participate in a video series, review a book, or study a particular topic (e.g. grace, simple living, social justice, etc.). Facilitators serve as the contact person and overseer for each group, while also being welcoming during sessions and gently keeping the group on track.
If you have interest in any of the above -- or an idea for another type of faith-based small group -- please contact the adult enrichment coordinator! Contact: Johanna Scanlan Page 5
While the parents are the primary faith formation educators of their children and youth, we are here to help with that process. To enhance the faith formation of your children, we encourage you to register them for the age-appropriate classes. Each year builds on the previous one, so it is important to enroll them through Confirmation and beyond.
Registration materials are mailed to all registered families with children ages 3 through grade 12. If you did not receive them, please contact the Parish Office. Page 6
WAYS TO SERVE—YOUTH FAITH FORMATION Whenever Jesus called anyone to follow him, he invited and welcomed them to join his community of believers and to share in their fullness of life. VOLUNTEER TEACHERS CONFIRMATION This includes teachers, substitute teachers, aides, SMALL GROUP LEADERS office help, and nursery helpers involved in You will facilitate a small group of approximately providing religious education for preschool, eight to ten. The groups usually meet twice a elementary, and middle school students. Teachers month in the homes of the leaders or students. You and aides relate directly with students in a faith must be at least 21, a confirmed, practicing sharing environment. Others provide support by Catholic, and have a “heart” for youth. This is a two working in the Religious Education Office during -year commitment. class time or overseeing the Nursery for children of teachers and aides. Volunteers are parents of “GUARDIAN ANGELS” students, other adults, and senior high or collegeConfirmed adults and teens commit to aged students who enjoy working with young anonymously supporting, in daily prayer, a student people. The time commitment depends on the type in the final year of their Confirmation process. An of involvement and session length. occasional note of encouragement is sent to the Contact: Robbie Raaen student via the Parish Office. Contact: Margaret Kelly CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF CHILDREN (CIC) TEACHERS LITURGY OF THE WORD Children/Youth (Ages 7–14) FOR CHILDREN Children (ages 7–14), who have not been baptized L.W.C. is a wonderful opportunity for someone who or lack sufficient previous faith formation, often would like to volunteer with children but does not need supplemental instruction in addition to being have the time to teach an evening class. The enrolled in regular faith formation classes. Contact volunteers and the children have their own the coordinator if you are willing to meet separate liturgy in the Parish Center during the periodically with a small group of these students. time of the Sunday readings, Gospel, and homily. Materials will be provided. Volunteers are given a liturgy plan that contains the Contact: Johanna Scanlan readings from the children’s lectionary, prayers, and intentions. There are questions written to be YOUTH ACTIVITIES LEADERS discussed with small groups pertaining to the We are looking for those with a “heart” for youth to readings and Gospel. L.W.C. meets for two ninefacilitate activities for older youth, Gr. 6-12. week sessions each school year. There are many volunteers, so the weeks are rotated. EARLY CATHOLIC FAMILY LIFE Contact: Robbie Raaen ECFL is a parent-child program modeled after the school districts’ ECFE program. The purpose is to NURSERY assist parents with children from birth to age five Volunteers are needed to do child care in the with the tools they need to teach their children the Nursery on Sunday mornings during the 8:30 and Catholic faith. Volunteers are needed to lead both 10:30 AM Masses, as well as weekday evenings the parent and children’s lessons. There are two 7during the year. If you enjoy being with children, week sessions offered, one in the fall and one in check out this opportunity. the spring. Contact: Robbie Raaen Contact: Robbie Raaen OPEN GYM Volunteers are needed to chaperone Open Gym on Wednesday evenings between the Middle School Faith Formation classes. Time: 6:45-7:45 PM.
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PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY PASTORAL MINISTRIES St. Timothy’s Pastoral Care Department is able to assist you through support, counseling, or referrals for: Abuse Alcohol/drug addiction Anointing of the sick Annulments Crisis counseling Depression Death of a loved one Eucharist Financial difficulties HIV/AIDS Homebound Homelessness Hospitalization Hunger Illness Job loss Loneliness Mental Illness Sexual confusion Separation/divorce Spiritual crisis Contacts: Fr. Joe Whalen Maggie Philbrook ANNULMENTS If you have been married at least once and divorced and would like to see if it is possible to re-marry in the Church, you will have to apply for one of two processes: an Annulment or a Defect of Form. St. Timothy’s has people who can help you in further understanding the process and in providing you with forms and information for applying for an annulment. Contact: Deacon Joe Frederick
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GROWING THROUGH LOSS St. Timothy’s parish is a member of the North Metro Grief Support Coalition. Twice a year the coalition conducts a series, which provides an opportunity for individuals to obtain information and support for a variety of loss and grief issues. The Fall 2017 Series will be hosted by Zion Lutheran Church. The six-week series will be held Thursday evenings from October 12 through November 16. The Spring 2018 Series location and dates are to be determined. Read the Sunday bulletin or check our website for additional information or call the Parish Office for a complete program flyer. Contact: Parish Office
WAYS TO SERVE—PASTORAL CARE BEFRIENDERS BeFrienders are compassionate companions during difficult situations. They bring with them the art of listening, the gift of compassion and caring presence of God. BeFrienders visit the elderly homebound, provide grief support, lead communion prayer services, and visit the sick in their homes, hospital, and other care facilities. BeFrienders receive extensive initial training and participate in ongoing, bi-weekly ministry reflections, accompanied with peer support and staff supervision. Ten training sessions are held Monday nights in the Parish Center, November 2017 to February 2018 Contact: Maggie Philbrook PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY All knitters, crocheters, and interested beginners are invited to make prayer shawls as they pray for a person who may be experiencing a life challenge or celebration. Prayer Shawl Ministry gatherings are held twice a month on the first Monday in the evening and on the third Wednesday in the afternoon, September—May. Yarn is often available at our gatherings. Prayer shawls are available in the Parish Center. Contact: Maggie Philbrook
PARISH PRAYER LINE The parish provides a resource for praying for our members. People submit a name to the prayer line and, in a prayer chain fashion, each person calls the next on the list to pray for those people each day for two weeks. If you are a person called to prayer, please join our Parish Prayer Line by calling 763-784-2818. Contact: Marce Holland FUNERAL ASSISTANTS One of our primary ministries is to help bury the dead. Funeral assistants help with all areas of our funeral ministry: meeting with families, wake services, visitations, and funerals. Each funeral assistant is trained and supervised in the ministry that they provide. Contact: Parish Office COMMUNION SERVICE PRESIDERS IN SENIOR CARE FACILITIES The parish provides regular communion services to many of our local senior care facilities. We are in need of individuals that, with training, could minister on a regular schedule at one of these care facilities. Communion presiders go into senior facilities and provide a weekly Liturgy of the Word with communion service to our many parishioners that are now in these facilities. Often they rotate with a team and offer a service once a month. Contact: Maggie Philbrook
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CHRISTMAS CONCERT Saturday, January 7, 2018 3:00 p.m. in the Church St. Timothy’s Music Ministry will present a concert filled with the sounds of Christmas on Epiphany Sunday, January 7, 2018. This concert is open to all, and is a wonderful opportunity to support the various music groups and to praise God at the conclusion of the Christmas Season. Please mark your calendars and bring your family and friends to this joyous event. A free will offering will be collected.
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LITURGY AND MUSIC MINISTRY ACOLYTES Acolytes are fully initiated members of the Church who serve at liturgy on a rotating basis. In conjunction with altar servers (see below), they make necessary preparations and assist the presider during the liturgy.
ALTAR SERVERS Altar servers are young people (grade 5 through Confirmation) who pair with the acolytes to make necessary preparations for liturgy and assist the presider during the liturgy. Scheduled on a rotating basis.
ART AND ENVIRONMENT Plan, set up, maintain, and tear down church décor to suit the Church’s liturgical seasons and feasts.
LECTORS A lector is one who is at ease speaking before a large group of people, has a love of Scripture, and is willing to spend time preparing the readings. Preparational materials are provided.
PROJECTIONISTS The projectionist uses a computer and remote control mouse to operate screen projectors for liturgical music and prayer. A basic understanding of liturgy and some computer know-how is needed, as well as an unflappable spirit.
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF COMMUNION These ministers are scheduled to distribute the Eucharist, either in the form of bread or wine, at Eucharistic liturgies on a rotating basis.
MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY (Ushers and Greeters) Men, women, and youth are invited to be part of a team which greets and seats worshippers, collects the offering, directs an orderly flow at communion time, passes out bulletins at the end of Mass, and ensures that the church is neat and orderly after the liturgy.
CROSS BEARERS Carry the processional cross in the opening procession at Mass. To participate in any of the above ministries, contact Bill Steffl.
ADULT CHOIR Open to high school students through adults. Sings most weekends at either 8:30 or 10:30 AM Sunday, or at an occasional 5:00 PM Saturday liturgy, with weekly rehearsals on Wednesdays from 7:15 – 9:30 PM, September through May.
WOMEN’S GROUP By audition only. Sings once a month at a weekend liturgy following two prior rehearsals on Wednesdays, 5:45-7:00 PM
LIVING STONES Open to high school and college students. Sings once a month at a weekend liturgy following two prior rehearsals on Wednesdays, 5:45 – 7:00 PM.
COBBLESTONES Open to young people, grades 2-8. Sings once a month at a weekend liturgy, with weekly rehearsals on Tuesdays from 6:00 – 7:00 PM.
CANTORS Support the assembly’s sung prayer during liturgies at which a choir is not present. Open to high school students through adults.
INSTRUMENTALISTS Open to high school students through adults who exhibit modest proficiency in strings, woodwinds, brass, or percussion.
ACCOMPANISTS Provide piano and/or organ accompaniment for sung prayer during liturgies in support of choirs or cantors. Open to high school students through adults who demonstrate proficiency in keyboard skills.
HANDBELL CHOIR Open to high school students through adults. Rings at weekend liturgies about once a month and at Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost, with weekly rehearsals on Tuesdays from 7:30 – 9:30 PM. Experience reading music and rhythms is beneficial.
SOUND BOARD OPERATOR Monitor sound, especially during liturgies with choirs. Training provided. To participate in any of the above ministries, contact Therese Jorgensen. Page 11
SACRAMENTS BAPTISM Baptism is a community celebration of new life welcoming an individual into the Christian community. Baptisms are celebrated on selected Sundays during Mass and one Sunday per month after the last Mass. Children (Ages Birth to 6 years): Parents who wish to have a child baptized should be registered members of St. Timothy or a parish close to their home and must attend a pre-baptism class if they have not done so in the past two years. Godparents may also attend. Instructions regarding choice of Godparents and details of the celebration are included in the class. Registration and the pre-baptism class should be completed prior to the birth of the child in order to complete the preparation. Contact: Parish Office Children/Youth (Ages 7-14) Children participate in the Order of Christian Initiation for Children (CIC) process beginning in September and celebrate Baptism at the Easter Vigil. Their regular Faith Formation classes are supplemented with additional sessions and home resources. More details available in the Faith Formation booklet. Contact: Johanna Scanlan
FIRST COMMUNION First Communions are celebrated at our usual Mass times over two weekends: April 28-29 and May 5-6, 2018. Once a child is prepared, parents select the Mass and weekend they prefer for their child’s First Communion. See the Faith Formation booklet for more details and specific preparation information FIRST RECONCILIATION Parents prepare their child for 1st Reconciliation using provided resources and attending several sessions. Once a child is prepared, the sacrament may be received: (1) during regular parish confession times following the Saturday evening Mass; (2) on Saturday, November 18th, 10:0011:15 am, specifically for 1st Reconciliation students; or (3) by making an appointment with the pastor. See the Faith Formation booklet for preparation details. RECONCILIATION Individual confession is available immediately after the Saturday 5:00 PM Mass each week or by appointment. Additional opportunities before Christmas and Easter. Page 12
CONFIRMATION Celebration of this sacrament will be April 15, 2018 at the Cathedral. It is a 2-year process usually during 9th and 10th grade years. See Faith Formation Booklet for preparation. CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Those who have been preparing and discerning to become fully-initiated Catholics through the journey in faith process known as RCIA, will be received into full membership in the Catholic faith through the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (Sacraments of Initiation) at the Easter Vigil liturgy on Saturday, March 31, 2018. MARRIAGE A period of preparation is provided for the couple to seriously consider the quality of their relationship and their readiness to freely make a lifetime commitment to one another. Couples are encouraged to contact the parish at least six months or preferably one year in advance of the wedding. Call the Parish Office to make an appointment. Our staff will also assist persons with marriagerelated issues such as validation (blessing) of a marriage or significant marriage anniversary celebrations (25th, 50th, etc.). Call the Parish Office to discuss these concerns.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is administered by the priest for “those of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by illness or old age. Elderly people may be anointed as they become weakened even though no serious illness is present” — (Anointing Ritual). It is important not to equate advanced years with poor health. When surgery is scheduled because of serious illness or disability, the parish may be notified to arrange for an anointing by the priest. To celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing with family and friends, call the Parish Office. The parish schedules occasional communal celebrations for the Anointing of the Sick. Information is provided through the bulletin.
WAYS TO SERVE—SACRAMENTAL BAPTISMAL COORDINATORS Individuals or couples serve as hosts and assist the presider in coordinating the Rite of Baptism (both during Mass and after Mass). Training will be provided. Contact: Parish Office
CHURCH LAUNDERERS Volunteers take church laundry (purificators, baptism towels, albs, etc.) to their homes to wash and iron. Contact: Bill Steffl
FUNERAL LUNCHEONS CHURCH CLEANERS Help is needed to keep our worship space sparkling. Wednesdays at 8:00 AM, volunteers gather to clean the church with the assistance of our custodial staff. If you are available on Wednesday mornings, maybe this could be your ministry at St. Timothy’s. Contact: Bill Steffl/Cathy Akerman
The Council of Catholic Women sponsors funeral luncheons. Volunteers from the parish help supply the food and also help prepare and serve the food for the luncheon. This is a special gift for the family and friends of the deceased. Contact: Parish Office
PREMARRIAGE MINISTRY Married couples enrich and share their own married life by assisting engaged couples in preparing for the sacrament of Marriage. PREPARE Ministry: Volunteer couples give premarriage inventory feedback on a couple-tocouple basis in the informal atmosphere of their home. Ministering couples determine how many couples they each will work with. Training provided. Contact: Deacon Joe Frederick
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WAYS TO SERVE—OUTREACH CEAP FOOD SHELF Volunteers sort and pack the food collected at the weekend liturgies on the first Sunday of the month after the 8:30 and 10:30 AM Masses. Contact: Maggie Philbrook CEAP GARDEN For many years the parish has had a vegetable garden on the church grounds. A crew of volunteers plants, weeds, and harvests the produce and takes it to the CEAP food shelf. In past years we have donated over 500 pounds of vegetables a year. We also encourage parishioners to plant an extra row in their own garden to be donated. Contact: Robbie Raaen FAMILY PROMISE IN ANOKA COUNTY In 2010, St. Timothy’s joined other area churches and formed Family Promise in Anoka County as part of a national interfaith hospitality network that assists families who are homeless. Our parish provides shelter, food, and fellowship for up to four families, one week at a time, four times a year. You are invited to take action and become involved by providing meals, serving and eating dinner with the families, assisting with children’s activities, serving as an overnight host, assisting with laundry, setting up/taking down the sleeping areas, transporting the families or joining the general committee which oversees our host weeks. 2017-18 Host Weeks are: Oct 15—22, 2017, Dec 31—Jan 7, 2018 April 15-22, 2018 July 8-15, 2018 Contact: Maggie Philbrook KITCHEN ASSISTANTS Both men and women are needed to help prepare and serve food, as well as help with cleanup for special events during the year. There are a variety of events throughout the year that require many hands. Day shifts prepare food and set up; evening shifts serve and clean up. Contact: Parish Office MEALS ON WHEELS Volunteers deliver meals to individuals on weekdays between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Both men and women are needed to drive. The commitment is only 3 to 4 times a year. Contact: Maggie Philbrook Page 14
PARISH MAILINGS Volunteers are needed occasionally to stuff envelopes on weekdays. Contact: Jill Hanson
SOUP LINE Volunteers prepare and serve soup and sandwiches for Sharing and Caring Hands, Catholic Charities, and Stepping Stone, emergency housing in Anoka. Our parish serves the third Thursday of the month, and food is prepared in the parish kitchen the Wednesday prior to serving. Soup Line is an opportunity to reach out to others in need and a great way to get to know other parishioners. Contact: Maggie Philbrook
THANKSGIVING/CHRISTMAS BASKETS An important outreach is the distribution of Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets to families in need in our community. Many volunteers are needed to make this happen. Bulletin announcements in November and December indicate times volunteers are needed. Contact: Margaret Kelly WELCOMING NEW PARISHIONERS “Welcome Ministers” are parishioner volunteers who extend a warm welcome to newcomers by helping them register as parishioners after one of the Masses on specified weekends once a month in the back of the church. These volunteers also share information about opportunities at St. Tim’s, answer questions, and in general provide a friendly face and gentle spirit in being the first people to officially represent our parish community in greeting and welcoming newly registered members. Frequency of serving over a one-year commitment depends on the number of volunteers for each Mass time. Expect 2-4 times. Training is provided. Contact: Johanna Scanlan BEYOND THE YELLOW RIBBON Partnering with the city of Spring Lake Park, which was named an official “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon City”, St. Timothy’s is committed to supporting our military servicemen and women and their loved ones, in particular during times of deployment. We welcome requests for prayer, counseling, and any help with household tasks, such as yard care, snow removal, repairs, etc. Contact: Bill Steffl
PARISH GROUPS 500 CARD CLUB All adults are welcome to join us on the 3rd Friday of the month from 7:00 – 9:30 PM in Room 128 to play 500. Bring $1 and a snack to share. Contact: Ken Langr WORSHIP SIGN CHOIR Learn to sign (American Sign Language) the lyrics to songs used in worship. The group meets Mondays at 6:30 PM. October through May. Contact: Bill Steffl DRUMMING MEDITATION CIRCLE Experience the calming and energizing effect of drumming with others. Participants who bring their own drums and rhythm instruments (Native American frame drums, rattles, African drums, etc.) are always happy to share with those who come without a drum. The group meets on the second Thursday of the month, from September through May, at 7:00 pm. Drum-making workshops are sometimes offered whenever there are enough people interested in making their own frame drum. Contact: Johanna Scanlan
QUILT GROUP Our St. Tim’s Quilt Group is open to all levels of interest from beginners to well accomplished. While the goal is to produce quilted items, the social aspect is given special attention. If you are interested in joining this fun group of people, call the Parish Office or just show up. The group meets Monday mornings, 9:30—11:30 AM, in Room 106 all year. Contact: Robbie Raaen
BLANKETIERS As a way to be a community caring for life, parishioners meet on Wednesday mornings from 9:00— 11:30 AM in Room 128 from September through December. Each year they cut and tie 200+ fleece blankets to be given to families with our Christmas baskets. Contact: Margaret Kelly
PARISH ORGANIZATIONS S.T.A.R.S. ST. TIMOTHY’S ACTIVE RETIRED SENIORS St. Timothy’s has an active group of Seniors who meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month, September—June (except January). They begin with the 9 AM Mass in church, followed by the rosary, and then gather in Room 224 for a business meeting, special event, and lunch. The S.T.A.R.S. organization purpose is fourfold: spiritual, social, educational, and service. Once a year the S.T.A.R.S. sponsor a Senior Retreat for all interested parishioners. More information will be published in the bulletin at a later date. Contact: Johanna Scanlan Page 15
COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN The Council of Women is an open organization and welcomes and invites any adult woman of the parish to join! We need new members in order to sustain all the vibrant ministries we provide for St. Timothy’s community and beyond. The Council is also affiliated with the National Council of Catholic Women and the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. We are committed to spiritual support, empowerment, and education of all Catholic women. We recognize and honor the gifts that women bring to a parish community. We also provide a social outlet for our members as we sponsor and hold many fun events, suppers, and celebrations throughout the year. We meet on the first Thursday of every month, September through May, at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. Our dues are only $3/year. Major activities of the Council of Women include the funeral luncheons, the Christmas Craft Fair, the Christmas Cookie Sale, and the Country Store at the Parish Carnival. In December we always have a Christmas potluck supper with live music. We host a Birthright shower every February, collecting gifts for young mothers. We also are involved in many outreach ministries including: Madonna Plan, CEAP, Bloodmobile, baptismal cloths, Our Lady of Peace Cancer Home, and Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets. This organization has provided financial support to our parish in assisting with many other projects when help is needed to replace aging equipment or miscellaneous needs from various other groups or ministries. We have a strong prayer line and are committed to being an active, vibrant help to our parish community and beyond. Please come and join us! Bring your talents to the table and don’t hide them under the lamp stand! We need you and you will find much fulfillment and support from the wonderful ladies who belong to this association. The Council of Women is a true blessing to anyone who cares to find out what they may be missing in their lives!! Contact:
Kathy Petron 763-755-5027 Cathy Hanzelka 763-785-2392
MEN’S CLUB Established in 1958, the purpose of this club is to promote the spiritual, social and general welfare of St. Timothy’s parish by providing service to the parish. Fr. Weir was the first president. Since its establishment, the Men’s Club has financed and provided manpower for many projects at St. Tim’s. We purchased the bell tower and front sign; helped construct the maintenance garage; provided funds so that the parish could buy automatic external defibrillators (AEDs); poured concrete slabs for the garage; laid sod; and purchased tractors, snow removal equipment and other maintenance items. The tables and chairs used in the Hospitality Center were purchased by the Men’s Club. We also contribute to the holiday basket program and sponsor the late fall Red Cross blood drive. Men’s Club and our individual members have helped the Knight’s of Columbus at events such as the Concertina Party, Wild Game Feed, and Italian Dinner. In 1969, the Men’s Club held a parish picnic at Cloverleaf Farm. The club provided labor, food and beverages. From this event, with the help of other parish groups, the Fall Carnival was born. Currently, the club provides all of the tents, tables and chairs for this event, while club members chair the bingo, pull tab, and beer tents. Spring and fall steak fries are popular social events for members. The club raises money for donations through the rental of tents, tables, chairs and PA systems. These rentals are available to parishioners and general public. Call the parish office @763-784-1329 to inquire about rentals. Every adult male in the parish is welcome to join the Men’s Club. Monthly meetings are held in the Hospitality Center on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 PM. We are in need of new members. Bring a friend and attend a meeting to find out what we are about.
Contact: Jim Gryniewski 763-780-2540
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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS You and your family are invited to join the Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus and the Auxiliary are a Catholic family non-profit organization dedicated to the virtues of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. They began in 1882 and today there are more than 1.5 million members in over 14,000 local councils. BlaineCoon Rapids Council #5141 began in 1961 and the Auxiliary began in 1967. The Knights of Columbus donates nearly $140 million annually to charitable causes and reports over 40 million volunteer hours. Our council raises funds through our Lenten fish fries and our monthly 2nd Sunday breakfasts. That money raised is given away to many of the events listed below. They offer a wide variety of volunteer opportunities which support the Church and the community. Time commitments vary and the camaraderie and friendship from the group are immense. The Knights of Columbus offers low-cost group insurance and investment plans for the entire family. We meet in St. Timothy’s Hospitality Center on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM. Community Lenten fish fries since the mid 1980s Seniors’ Christmas party Developmentally disabled fund Concertina Bowl CEAP Bibles for the penitentiary Caring and Sharing Hands MCCL Walk for Life Special Olympics Marathon for Non-Public Education Family Family of the Month/Year Memorial Mass Respect Life activities State and National Camporees Guidepost Newsletter
Contact: Jeremy Hadash
Council Prayer Leadership opportunities Fall fishing trip State bowling tournament Year-end dinner State Convention Awards Fellowship meals Knight of the Month/Year
Church Seven 2nd Sunday Breakfasts Parish Carnival Grill Seminarian/Diaconate sponsorship Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets St. Tim’s outreach St. Tim’s Capital Campaign Soup Line/Meals on Wheels
Youth Confirmation student volunteer hours Mission Trip Free throw contest MN Student loan fund Homeless awareness breakfast Father George Kolath Scholarship Fund
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LADIES AUXILIARY The Auxiliary was formed in 1967 to support the Knights of Columbus in their endeavors and to promote and support charitable works. The Auxiliary meets in conjunction with the men, and many activities are completed together. Programs/Activities ● Ronald McDonald House ● CEAP support ● Casino trips ● Concertina Bowl coat check ● Lenten fish fry bake sales
Contact: Jean Ackermann, 763-754-2265 Page 17
PARISH COMMITTEES The Pastoral Council oversees the following committees that are active in our parish: CARNIVAL COMMITTEE Work begins in February previous to the Fall Carnival. Parishioners are needed to co-chair the Carnival as a whole or a sub-committee such as publicity, ticket sales, donations, teen games, etc. All parishioners are asked to volunteer at least 3 hours during the Carnival in a booth, with food, or with cleanup tasks. Contact: Mary Mueller FINANCE COMMITTEE This Committee provides advice on fiscal matters to the Parish leaders. Each year they review and make recommendations regarding the annual budget plan. They review the management of the cash reserves and the Parish income and expenses compared to the current year’s budget. Generally the Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Contact: Rick Matlon, Chair SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE The Committee keeps abreast of social justice issues and endeavors to support awareness and practical responses. They provide opportunities for involvement in various activities, such as Habitat for Humanity, promoting fair trade practices, and good stewardship of the earth. They sponsor St. Tim’s Overseas Project (S.T.O.P.), peace prayers after Mass, our military honor board, and more. Meets 3rd week, August—May, at 7:00 PM. New members always welcome. Contact: Robbie Raaen
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RESPECT LIFE All Catholics hold a stance on the dignity of human life. From the womb to the tomb we are God’s children. If you would like to be more involved, check the Archdiocesan website. Contact: YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Committee focus is on the youth of our parish in grades 6-12. The purpose is: To actualize the vision of youth ministry; To help set goals and directions for the faith formation of our youth. Youth, parents and interested adults are encouraged to join. Meets August—May, 1st Tuesday. Contacts: Margaret Kelly WEBSITE MAINTENANCE AND
MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Our website is one way that we communicate with people in the parish and beyond. We need people to help with downloading photos, reformatting photos, inputting data, and the design of our website. Contact: Carole Mathena
PASTORAL COUNCIL The Pastoral Council is a visioning and policy discerning body whose purpose is to provide leadership (in cooperation with the Pastor, staff, and committees) in planning and long range goal setting. The Council includes the Pastor, a staff representative, two trustees (appointed to two-year terms), and eight members chosen by discernment. To be eligible, you must be a Confirmed parishioner and an active volunteer for at least one year. Terms are three years and limited to two consecutive terms. CURRENT MEMBERS: Pastor: Fr. Joe Whalen Chair: Anne Kocon, Vice-Chair: Patrick Brandt Trustees: Dave Falkner and Terry Pierce Members-at-Large: Rick Matlon, Gary Ackerman, Jim Harrington, Matt Bliss, Elyssa Bliss Recorder: Carol Schmidt The Pastoral Council generally meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. The present council has an experienced chairman and vice chairman, long term members with years of experience and some fairly new members who bring a new perspective to the council’s visioning process. The Pastoral Council will continue to seek input from all the other Parish committees in order to be informed of their planned activities for the coming year so that the Pastoral Council can assist the other committees to be supportive of each other and avoid duplication. The Council also needs to actively search out changing trends and directions of the parish community and to thoughtfully suggest policy changes and provide input to help the Pastor to prepare the Parish for the future.
SECURING OUR FUTURE—FACILITIES UPDATE The Facility Committee is charged with assisting the Pastor in planning for the most efficient use of the funds designated for maintaining the parish buildings and equipment, planning for timely replacement of high expense repairs and for planning for future building changes and additions. The Finance Committee also has a responsibility to make recommendations to the Pastor regarding prudent financial management of the funds of the parish. The Facility Committees spending recommendations will be to manage the Securing Our Future collections for those high cost maintenance projects which will allow the parish to maintain the facilities in good condition without resorting to borrowing money for such projects. The Facility Committee generally meets quarterly and reviews the progress of the high cost maintenance projects and makes recommendations for new high cost maintenance projects to be funded. Our success with the Securing Our Future capital campaign has allowed the parish to upgrade our facilities to where most areas are in good condition. However there are some really high cost issues that still remain such as the gym arch repair project, the rectory demolition and the aging church boiler. St. Timothy’s thanks you for your support of all these maintenance projects but we still need your support in the future to keep up with the maintenance challenges that lie ahead.
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PARISH CALENDAR 2017-2018 REGULARLY SCHEDULED GROUPS AND ACTIVITIES Baptism Class BeFriender Ministry CEAP Food Collection Council of Catholic Women Drumming Meditation Circle Facilities Committee Finance Committee Knights of Columbus Men’s Club Parish Registration Pastoral Council Prayer Shawl Ministry Quilt Group RCIA Rosary Social Justice Committee Soup Line STARS Meetings Weekday Masses Youth Advisory
Once a month. Call Parish Office to register 2nd & 4th Monday, 7pm First Sunday of the month 1st Thursday, Sept.-May, 7pm 2nd Thursday, Sept.-May, 7pm As needed 3rd Tuesday, Sept.-May, 7pm (no meeting in December) 3rd Wednesday, 7:30pm 3rd Monday, 6:30pm Generally 2nd weekend of the month 2nd Thursday, Sept.-May, 7pm; (no meeting in December) 1st Monday, 7pm & 3rd Wednesday, 1pm; Sept.-May Monday, 9:30am, except holidays Wednesday evening, beginning September 27 Weekdays, 8:30am in Chapel 3rd Thursday, August-May, 7pm; October-June, 9am 3rd Thursday, food is served; food is prepared the day before 3rd Thursday, September; 2nd Thursday, October-June 9am Tuesday-Friday in Parish Center Chapel, 9am; Communion Service on Mondays and days when there is a funeral or other Mass 1st Tuesday, Aug.-May, 7pm
Choirs: Adult Cobblestones (Children) Handbell Living Stones (Teen) Women’s Group Worship Signing
Wednesday, Sept.-May, 7:15pm Tuesday, Sept.-May, 6pm Tuesday, Sept.-May, 7:30pm Wednesday, Sept.-May, 5:45pm, alternate with Women’s Group Wednesday Sept.-May 5:45 pm, alternate with Living Stones Monday, October-May, 6:30pm
Please Note: Scheduled events are subject to change. CHECK THE BULLETIN FOR CHANGES. Page 22
Sept. 2017
Mon Wed Fri/Sat/Sun Sun Tue Wed Wed Thur Sun Sun Tue Wed Sun Mon Wed
4 6 8/9/10 10 12 13 13 14 17 17 19 20 24 25 27
Oct. 2017
Sun Sun Sun Sun
1 1 1 8
After Masses 5:00-6:30pm 12:30pm After Masses
Donut Sunday At Home With Jesus begins Animal Blessing K.C. Breakfast
Hosp. Ctr Parish Ctr By Church Hosp. Ctr
Nov. 2017
Wed Thur Sat Sat/Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Mon Thur
1 2 4 4/5 5 5 12 12 18 20 23
9am & 7pm 7:00pm 9am – 3pm All Masses After Masses 9:35am After Masses 6:30 pm 10-11:15am Noon 9am
All Saints Masses All Souls Day Mass of Remembrance CCW Annual Craft Fair Annual Food Drive for Baskets Donut Sunday Breaking Open the Word begins K.C. Breakfast Presentation by Will Steger 1st Reconciliation option for children Thanksgiving Basket Distribution Thanksgiving Mass (Parish Office Closed)
Church Church Parish Ctr Church Hosp. Ctr Parish Ctr Hosp. Ctr Church Church Hosp. Ctr Church
Dec. 2017
Sun Fri Sat Sat/Sun Sun Wed Mon Sun
3 8 9 9/10 10 13 18 24
After Masses 9am & 7pm 9:30am-12:30pm After all Masses After Masses 9:30am Noon
Donut Sunday with St. Nicholas Immaculate Conception Mass Santa’s Workshop CCW Christmas Cookies K.C. Breakfast Blanket Blessing Christmas Basket Distribution Christmas Eve Programs Children’s Christmas Program Christmas Music Christmas Eve Masses Christmas Day Masses
Hosp. Ctr Church Parish Ctr Hosp. Ctr Hosp. Ctr Parish Ctr Hosp. Ctr
Sun Mon
24 25
Labor Day—Parish Office Closed Teacher Training Workshop Parish Carnival 9:30 & 11:30 am Mustard Seed (Preschool) Open House 5:15pm & 7pm Elementary Faith Formation Begins 6:00 pm Confirmation Kickoff Rm 7pm Middle School & High School Kickoff Mass 6:30 pm Virtus Training 8:30 & 10:30am Mustard Seed (Preschool) Classes Begin 8:30 & 10:30 am Nursery Opens 5:15 & 7:00pm 1st Reconciliation Parent Preparation Mtg. 6-9pm Level 1 Confirmation Retreat 8:30/10:30 Mass Fall Liturgy of the Word for Children Begins 6-7:30pm ECFL Fall Session Begins 7pm Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Begins 6:30pm
3:20 pm 9:10 pm 4 & 10pm 8:30 & 10:30am
PLACE Parish Ctr Grounds Parish Ctr Parish Ctr 224/Church Church Parish Ctr Parish Ctr Parish Ctr Parish Ctr Parish Ctr Parish Ctr Nursery Parish Ctr
Church Church Church Church
Please Note: Scheduled events are subject to change.
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Jan. 2018
Mon Sun Sun Tue Tue
1 7 7 9 9
9am After Masses 3:00pm 5:15 & 7:00pm 5:15 & 7pm
Solemnity of Mary Mass Donut Sunday Christmas Concert 1st Communion Parent Preparation Sess. Elementary Faith Formation Resumes
Church Hosp. Ctr Church Parish Ctr Parish Ctr
Sun Sun Mon Sun
14 14 15 28
8:30/10:30 Mass Wtr Liturgy of the Word for Children Begins Parish Ctr After Masses K.C. Breakfast Hosp. Ctr Martin Luther King Day (Parish Office Closed) 4:00-5:30pm Elementary Open Gym Hosp. Ctr
Sun Fri Sun Wed
4 9 11 14
Thur Fri Fri/Sat/Sun
15 16 16/17/18
After Masses 5-7pm After Masses 9am, 7pm noon 9:30-11:30am 7pm
Donut Sunday K. C. Fish Fries Begin (7 Fridays) K.C. Breakfast Ash Wednesday Mass Ash Wednesday Service ECFL Winter Session begins Stations of the Cross (6 Fridays in Lent) BeFriender Retreat
Hosp. Ctr Hosp. Ctr Hosp. Ctr Church Church Nursery Church Away
Mar 2018
Sun Sat Sat Sun Sat/Sun Sun Thur Fri Fri Sat Sat
4 10 10 11 24/25 25 29 30 30 31 31
After Masses 1:00-8:00pm 1:00 – 3:30 pm After Masses All Masses After Masses 7pm 3pm 7pm Noon 8:30pm
Donut Sunday RCIA Retreat St. Patrick’s Shamrock Fun K.C. Breakfast Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Palm Braiding Mass of the Lord’s Supper Living Stations of the Cross Good Friday Service Blessing of Easter Food Easter Vigil Mass
Hosp. Ctr Parish Ctr. Parish Ctr Hosp. Ctr Church Hosp. Ctr. Church Church Church Chapel Church
Apr. 2018
Sun Sun Sun Sun Sat Sun
1 8 8 15 28/29 29
7, 8:30, 10:30am 11:30am After Masses 2:00 pm All Masses 8:30 & 10:30am
Easter Masses Guardian Angel Revelation K.C. Breakfast Confirmation First Communions Mustard Seed Last Class
Church Rm. 224 Hosp. Ctr Cathedral Church Hosp. Ctr
May 2018
Sat/Sun Sat/Sun Mon
5/6 12/13 28
All Masses All Masses
First Communions Mother’s Day Corsages Memorial Day (Parish Office Closed)
Church Church Church
Mon-Fri Wed
Jul 30-Aug 3 9am-Noon 15 9am & 7pm
Feb. 2018
Aug 2018 Vacation Bible School Assumption of Mary Mass
Please Note: Scheduled events are subject to change.
Church/Hosp. Ctr Church
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