Genre – The Omega Man
An understanding of the conventions of the genre is essential and how each film conforms to this or rejects this is important.
Some sense of how or if archetypes are used and within the broader context of the genre
Are generic expectations exploited? Does the audience sense that certain things are about to occur?
How effective is the use of iconography here?
How does the genre fit into the broader history of Hollywood? Is it in or out of fashion – musical, Western?
What effect do broader contexts have on how the audience might view the genre – these may be centered on representational issues, sex/violence/ America
Genre – I am legend
An understanding of the conventions of the genre is essential and how each film conforms to this or rejects this is important.
Some sense of how or if archetypes are used and within the broader context of the genre
Are generic expectations exploited? Does the audience sense that certain things are about to occur?
How effective is the use of iconography here?
How does the genre fit into the broader history of Hollywood? Is it in or out of fashion – musical, Western?
What effect do broader contexts have on how the audience might view the genre – these may be centered on representational issues, sex/violence/ America