Religious Contexts Science v. Religion = Fact v. Fiction – (not in America anyway!) Stoker's novel, Dracula, deals in general with the conflict between
the world of the past — full of folklore, legend, and religious piety — and
the emerging modern world of technology, positivism, and secularism.
Even today in some American states they refuse to teach Darwin’s Theory of Evolution America, also known as Darwinism and creationism is taught in mainstream education.
Secularism is the assertion that governmental practices or institutions should exist separately from religion and/or religious beliefs
Piety reverence for God or devout fulfillment of religious obligations: a prayer full of piety. No character in the novel Dracula argues for a rejection of science in favour of either religion or superstition but they do suggest scince isn’t the only belief in the world.
Q. But does any character in either film reject science?
Study the pictures below and overleaf.
Q. What represented here and what associations do you make?
Q. What is the director trying to say
Q. Discuss, what is represented here?
Q. What is represented by guns here?