Stuart News Magazine 2021 Edition

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2021 EDITION | 2020-2021 ANNUAL REPORT

B OA R D O F TR U S T E ES 20 2 1 - 2 0 2 2 Cheryl Lagay, Esq., Chair Mark A. Badros Katherine Baus Bogumil ’96 Scott Blandford Patty L. Fagin, PhD Jasmine Ferrer ’87 Emily Firmenich Steve Hackett Judy Garson, RSCJ Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ Sara Burchell Kestner ’96 Laura Lamke Jennifer Landis ’90 Sean McKee Hamilton F. Potter III Veronica Robinson ’94 Ari Soroken Paul Teti Marguerite Vera Woodney Wachter




STUART NEWS 2021 Welcome back!

As I begin my twelfth and final year at Stuart, my heart is full knowing how much our community has achieved on behalf of the girls and young boys in our care. Even a pandemic could not hinder the unstoppable spirit of our students, faculty, staff, parents, trustees and friends. I am so pleased to introduce you to our remimagined Stuart News, which has been designed in a more ecofriendly format that allows you to connect with our school. Like many of you, this past year has given us the opportunity to reflect on what we want for our students and our world, and we hope that this magazine will provide you with a chance to reconnect with Stuart and learn about the amazing things happening on our campus. And my goodness — we do have an incredible year planned! As you will read in this issue, Stuart has not let the pandemic slow us down. Last spring, the Board of Trustees approved a new Strategic Plan, Faith in Her Future, to propel Stuart into a new decade. With Sacred Heart as our cornerstone, Faith in Her Future ensures that every girl and young boy at Stuart is provided with an exceptional experience to ensure their success at Stuart and beyond. This past summer also included renovations to our Student Center, which will provide our students with a versatile, state-of-the-art, multi-purpose facility intentionally designed to meet the dining, socializing, teaching and conferencing needs of our students across every developmental stage. This new center will be 7,400 square feet (an increase of 2,300 from the existing dining area and kitchen) and will offer cafe-style seating, collaborative dining and classroom spaces, an amphitheater designed as a teaching kitchen, and a partitionable conference area. In keeping with our commitment to sustainability practices, the Student Center will also include energy-efficient windows, HVAC system and ionization system. This project will also include renovations to our Early Childhood classrooms in the C-Corridor to include both an academic and gross motor space to better serve our youngest students. Lastly, please stay tuned for more information on The Campaign for Stuart, a philanthropic campaign dedicated to supporting the people, programs and places that advance our mission of preparing young women for lives of exceptional leadership and service. Thanks to the early generosity of many members of our community, we are already more than 90% to goal, and I invite every member of our community to join us in supporting the next generation of UNSTOPPABLE Stuart women. With love,

Patty L. Fagin, Ph.D | Head of School


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FAITH IN HER FUTURE After 18 months of extensive community-wide feedback and engagement, Stuart’s Board of Trustees is pleased to announce a new strategic plan: Faith in Her Future. As Stuart’s roadmap for the next five years, Faith in Her Future utilizes Stuart’s Sacred Heart mission as the cornerstone for our path forward: We believe our Sacred Heart Mission calls us to educate and empower girls to be a force for good in an increasingly complex and connected world. We will awaken a sense of faith, purpose, belonging and commitment to justice through deeper understanding, articulation and application of our Sacred Heart Mission, Goals and Criteria. With this foundation, Faith in Her Future outlines four pillars centered in the belief that our mission as a Sacred Heart school calls us to live the Goals and Criteria. Through academic excellence, leadership and



service, diversity, equity and inclusion, and health, wellness and connection, Stuart has prioritized these areas as opportunities for growth and continued excellence in the future.

Academic Excellence:

ACCELERATE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Our vision for education further empowers every Stuart girl to discover her strengths, find her voice, and realize her full potential as a scholar, leader and agent of change in service of the greater good. We will evolve our teaching and learning structures and practices to be increasingly interdisciplinary, rich with experiential learning, responsive to girls evolving needs and interests, deeply rooted in our Sacred Heart values, and expanded by our international network of Sacred Heart schools.

Leadership and Service:


Stuart is uniquely positioned as an all-girls Sacred Heart school to empower young women for lives of academic and professional excellence in satisfaction of their personal aspirations, and in exceptional leadership and service to our world. We will reach more girls in more ways with year-round leadership and learning opportunities for the Stuart community and beyond.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:


By focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of our program and community, we will ensure that global understanding and cultural competency become an integral part and celebrated outcome of a Stuart education. We will fully demonstrate our Sacred

Heart commitment by defining and operationalizing a DEI strategy and action plan that welcomes and respects persons of all faiths, and educates and empowers students to eradicate social structures, practices and systems that perpetuate racism and other injustices.

Health, Wellness and Connection:


The Stuart community is grounded in purpose, and wholly invested in the success and well-being of every Stuart girl. We will mobilize and connect our community across generations and geography to create an unprecedented network of support and opportunity that provides Stuart girls with the gift of a lifetime of wellness, sisterhood and connectedness. To learn more about Faith in Her Future, please visit:



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NOTHING STOPS A STUART GIRL. CAMPAIGN Stuart girls are unstoppable forces. When fifth-grader Lydia Benson ’28 welcomed new students to Stuart by sharing “nothing can stop a Stuart girl from achieving her goals," NOTHING STOPS A STUART GIRL. was born. The powerful statement NOTHING STOPS A STUART GIRL. has grit, shows resilience, and it speaks to the future endeavors of our students beyond the walls of Stuart. It represents how our students feel about themselves and what our families want for their daughters. It supports how alumnae from all 58 years at Stuart feel about their preparation for life and career. It has always been Stuart’s mission is to prepare young women for lives of exceptional leadership and service within the framework of the Goals and Criteria of the Schools of the Sacred Heart. Stuart prepares young women to be UNSTOPPABLE—to be fierce, smart, confident and, most importantly, to make a difference. The primary goal of the campaign is to showcase the benefit of Stuart's all-girls education by putting our students in the spotlight. Stuart girls are Renaissance women: They’re exceptionally multi-talented, compassionate global citizens and provided with a highly personalized academic experience to make courageous decisions in life. Our students are guided by mentor faculty to recognize their individual limitless potential, and they are given the platform to use their voice. Stuart girls are ready to use their powerful minds and voices to make change happen. They are enlightened with a deep sense of spiritually and strong individual moral compass. Full of confidence, energy and steadfast in their goals, they have learned to activate their natural talents and develop the skills necessary to achieve whatever they aim for out of life. They are challenged to take risks both inside and outside of the classroom, learning and thriving in an environment where girls ALWAYS take center stage. As experts in educating girls, we know how critical the formative years are for girls to know that they truly can do anything in life. By the time they graduate, Stuart girls are ready to change the world for the better. To learn more about NOTHING STOPS A STUART GIRL. and our unstoppable students, visit


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Behind the Scenes




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STUDENT CENTER RENOVATIONS On May 24, members of Stuart’s Board of Trustees returned to campus for a ceremonial groundbreaking on the new Student Center. The Student Center will provide our students with a versatile, state-of-the-art, multi-purpose facility intentionally designed to meet the dining, socializing, teaching and conferencing needs of our students across every developmental stage. This new center will be 7,400 square feet (an increase of 2,300 from the existing dining area and kitchen) and will offer cafe-style seating, collaborative dining and classroom spaces, an amphitheater designed as a teaching kitchen, and a partitionable conference area. In keeping with our commitment to sustainability practices, the Student Center will also include energy efficient windows, HVAC system and ionization system. This project will also include renovations to our Early Childhood classrooms in the C-Corridor to include both an academic and gross motor space to better serve our youngest students. As our largest capital project at Stuart in over a decade coming on the heels of the most challenging year in our school’s history, the Stuart Student Center has been years in the planning. If you are interested in learning more about this project and naming opportunities, please contact Christen Jones, Director of Institutional Advancement, at cjones@stuartschool. org or 609.921.6101.




ANNUAL REPORT It is with immense gratitude that Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart acknowledges the students, alumnae, parents, faculty, staff, trustees and friends who have supported our students during the 2020-2021 academic year. The incredible support of the Stuart community has ensured that we are able to provide our students with every resource needed to thrive during an unprecedented year in education. In total, the Stuart community contributed nearly $1.4 million; including $580,000 in unrestricted support, which is truly the lifeblood of our institution. This allows Stuart to be nimble in navigating unforeseen challenges and taking on new opportunities that would otherwise not be possible. We invite you to learn more about the generosity of our community by scanning here:


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On June 5, 2021, Stuart conferred degrees to 47 exceptional graduates. Christine Leahy ‘82, president and chief executive officer of CDW, provided the Commencement Address and thanked the Class of 2021 for who they will become, and the difference they will make in the world. "Thank you for doing your best, because you were counting on us counting on you. Stuart Class of 2021, we will sleep well tonight knowing you are bursting forth as new graduates to ignite this world to excellence."






a personal and active faith in God

a deep respect for intellectual values

a social awareness which impels to action




a social awareness which impels to action

the building of community as a Christian value

personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom



The Head of School Award, established in honor of Sister Frances de la Chapelle, is selected by faculty and is presented to a student in each of the four grades who through the process of challenging herself and by her willingness to take risks, has grown in self-awareness and has positively impacted the quality of life in the Upper School.

The Barat Award, instituted by Student Government and selected by students, recognizes one student from each grade who demonstrates self-sacrifice, compassion, respect for self and others, courtesy, a sense of balance and good judgment, and overall citizenship.




MARLENA RODRIGUEZ personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom








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DEPARTMENT English Mia Szabo Chloe Gocher


Digital Art Holly Zhuang

Grace Butler, RSCJ Award for Theology Allison Tarbotton

Theater Gabriella Flotta

Science Vivian Chen

Music Campbell Adams

French Campbell Adams

Visual and Performing Arts Marlena Rodriguez

Spanish Misha Meyer

Visual Art Irene Feng

Latin Bella Bobb

The Carrol Florkiewicz Award for P.E Nia Melvin Catherine Martin

NCGLS Leadership Endorsement Graduates Leadership Amaris Frink Misha Meyer Janiah Adams

History Holly Zhuang Emma Claisse Math Shirley Xie Computer Science Cara Carr Vicky Liu



Theology Lillian Armstrong

STEM Vivian Chen Cara Carr Vicky Liu Kathyrn Ix Shirley Xie

TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CLASS OF 2021, and this year’s commencement ceremonies, please visit


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DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION In the Fall of 2020, Stuart was blessed to welcome Monique Jones, MSW, M.Div., as our Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. In her first 90 days at Stuart, Ms. Jones invigorated Stuart’s commitment to DEI through engagement of students, parents, faculty, staff, trustees and alumnae. Over the course of the 2020-2021 academic year, Ms. Jones led a series of new initiatives, including: Courageous Conversations The Stuart Parent Association, in partnership with Stuart staff, hosted a series of Courageous Conversations’ to discuss topics around diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Diversity Committee Expanding its diversity of voices, the Diversity Committee grew to include student, alumnae and parent representation. At monthly meetings, four subcommittees around recruitment and retention, curriculum, culture, and communication met to identify opportunities for growth, research best practices, and recommend actionable steps. Student Diversity Board ("SDBoard") Stuart girls played a critical role in advancing our work with diversity, equity and inclusion with the launch of the Student Diversity Board in 2020. Composed of Upper, Middle and Lower School students in fourth-grade, SDBoard members discussed and made recommendations for how we can create a more inclusive community at Stuart. Diya Paul ‘22 chaired the committee, and served as the student representative to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. Bias Incident Report For the 2021-2022 academic year, Stuart will be initating a bias incident reporting system to provide students with a place to report incidents directly to the Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

To read Stuart’s 90-day Report from 2021, please use the QR code here.

Stuart is deeply grateful to an anonymous alumna from the mid-1980s who has generously supported future initiatives in diversity, equity and inclusion around intersectionality. Her generous support will allow us to further advance this work and enhance the experience of the Stuart community.


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LEADERSHIP AT STUART The National Center for Girls' Leadership at Stuart (NCGLS) works to support and empower the next generation of female leaders. Through research, professional programming and development of innovative curriculum, Stuart serves as a resource to parents, students and educators throughout the world. This past year, NCGLS was pleased to launch and reimagine a series of initiatives, including leadership endorsements in STEM, Business and Entrepreneurship, Social Justice, and Arts and the Humanities, a Labtuat’s Learning Lab Sophomore Internship, and a three-part Women in Leadership Speaker Series.



WOMEN ON THE FRONT LINES OF THE CRISIS In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Stuart virtually hosted three women leading on the front lines of the pandemic: Dr. Shelley Hearne '79, Director, Center for Public Health Advocacy at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Rosina Wickart P '26 '29, Vice President, Supply Chain Procurement supporting Johnson & Johnson Global Pharmaceuticals; and Rebecca Greeley, Team Lead, Infection Control, Healthcare, & Environmental Epidemiology Infectious and Zoonotic Disease Program | Communicable Disease Service, New Jersey Department of Health. As professionals and women navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, they shared their wisdom and lessons learned during the pandemic.

FOUNDING HER FUTURE Students in all divisions opened the school year by hearing from three Stuart graduates for the second of the NCGLS Women in Leadership panel series of the year. Joining virtually were Sianna Elise Peal '14, founder of FÀNDÉ; Shana Jordan '09, Chief Operating Officer and founding team member of Lolli; and Michelle Gillen-Doobrajh '01, co-founder of Tildie’s Toy Box in Philadelphia, who spoke of their non-linear journeys into entrepreneurship, challenges through COVID-19 and lessons on life and leadership.

JUSTICE IS HER MISSION For Stuart’s third Women in Leadership panel, student hosts from each division joined Director of the NCGLS Bonnie Milecki to interview Dr. Ivonne Díaz-Claisse P’21, founder and president/CEO of HISPA (Hispanics Inspiring Students’ Performance and Achievement); Toni Mitchell P’27 P’35, Princeton police officer and co-founder/CEO Blm Brew Co.; and Catherine van Kampen ’84, attorney and nonprofit board member.

To learn more about these initiatives and more, please visit National Center for Girls' Leadership - Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart ( The work of the center is made possible thanks to the generous support of alumnae, parents and community members, and the Harris B. Siegel Fund for Student Leadership, established by Patricia Costante P’12 and Stephanie Champi ’12. Their generous gift was given to Stuart in gratitude for Mr. Siegel, a longtime director of college counseling.


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ARTS UPDATE The Arts at Stuart were truly unstoppable during the COVID-10 pandemic. With the innovative spirit of the fine and performing arts department, students continued to engage in robust curricular and co-curricular offerings reimagined to support the artistic and physical well-being of our students. This year’s accomplishments include: •

Seven Upper School students had artwork chosen for the 2021 Phillips Mill Community Association Youth Art Exhibition in New Hope, Pa., whose gallery went online.

A virtual photo exhibit inspired by Amanda Gorman's "The Hill We Climb" by Photo 1 students.

Virtual Upper School Fall Play and Spring Musical designed to engage both remote and on-campus students.

Fourth-grade virtual production of the "Aristocats Kids"

Eighth-grade production of "The Little Mermaid" was performed virtually and live to parents and grandparents.

Middle School Players virtual production of "GodSpell"

World Arts Day reimagined with social distancing and virtual programming.

Summer camps rooted in the arts included StuArts and the Middle School Performing Arts Camp.




Stuart honored its commitment to service during the COVID-19 pandemic with reimagined service opportunities to engage our students and families. As the needs in our communities increased, Stuart students, parents, faculty and staff collectively participated in a series of initiatives to support our neighbors. At the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year, Stuart hosted a virtual StuartFest/Day of Service and completed over 600 hygiene and snack bags for the homeless, which were delivered to those most in need through the Father Benedict House and the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal in Atlantic City. As Stuart transitioned to the holiday season, Stuart launched a Season of Service in partnership with the Upper School Outreach Club and Stuart Parent Association. This year’s program included the Thanksgiving food collection, Coat Drive, and Christmas Sharing Program to benefit Womanspace and Better Community Housing of Trenton (formerly known as Martin House). In January, Stuart continued its over 40-year-old tradition of Loaves and Fishes, providing meals to those in need in the greater Mercer County area at Loaves and Fishes in St. Mary's Cathedral on Perry Street in Trenton. While social distancing guidelines limited those able to participate in person, the Stuart community was steadfast in its commitment to continuing this tradition. Stuart’s dining services, FLIK, prepared 400 hot meals, and the entire Stuart community contributed the necessary items and resources to provide over 600 lunches and amenity bags to recipients of Loaves and Fishes. Special thanks to Kerry Yates P’28, Jennifer Teaney P’30, Gabriella Milley P’24, Ted Magani P’19 P’22, Lisa Pisano P’25, Susan Prusan P’31, Missy Bruvik P’07, Walt Cupit, Katherine Gibson and Elena Nickerson for their assistance in delivering and serving this year.


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ATHLETICS UPDATE At Stuart, we believe that athletics are critical to life-long health and wellness, as well as leadership development. While the COVID-19 pandemic presented a number of challenges, it did not deter our students or coaches from achieving excellence on the court, field or track. Over the course of the year, our students were recognized for their accomplishments, including: •

The Trentonian announced their All-Star teams in the Fall of 2020 and recognized Lily Harlan ‘23, Catherine Martin ‘21, Lia Bull-Krieg ‘21, Audrey Blandford ‘22 and Kaitlyn Magnani ‘22 making the All-Prep Field Hockey Team. Molly Lagay ‘21 was also named an Unsung Hero of the Year by the paper for this season.

Janiah Adams ‘21 has been nationally recognized as an agent of change by the National Field Hockey Coaches Association for her social justice leadership at Stuart and in the Princeton community.

Ariel Jenkins ‘21 achieved the milestone of scoring her 1,000th point in basketball. Ariel is attending Georgetown University.

The Stuart track team returned to competition after nearly two years that had been lost due to COVID-19 led by captain Morgan John ’21.

Shirley Xie ‘21 was named Player of the Week with Shirley is attending Johns Hopkins University.

Lily Harlan ‘23 was selected to play in the Nexus National Championship for field hockey.

Follow @StuartTartans on Twitter and @Stuart_Tartans on Instagram for the latest updates on our athletes.




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Stuart was blessed to continue with its commitment to living Goal 4 and the building of community as a Christian value during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the Stuart Parent Association, Stuart Alumnae Board and school-wide programming, the Stuart community remained connected across the globe. In addition to virtual service offerings, the Stuart community stayed strong throughout the 2020-2021 academic year.



Sister Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ, PhD, hosted “The Significance of Community in Today’s World.” Alumnae, parents, faculty and staff gathered online for a virtual conversation with Sister Kehoe, a member of the Stuart Board of Trustees.

The Stuart alumnae community gathered virtually in January to continue with our tradition of Little Christmas. Recent graduates, seniors and faculty met on Zoom to connect and reflect over hot chocolate packages delivered by the Stuart Alumnae Board.



Stuart alums gathered virtually from across the globe for a “coast to coast” toast to the Christmas season. Alums Eva Pelczer '02, Kelly Fitzpatrick '04, Arielle Moule '96 and Domenica Marchetti '80, all experts in the food and beverage industry, shared holiday food and beverage tips for the holiday season.

In honor of the Lunar New Year, Stuart’s Chinese Parent Association hosted a virtual celebration with dumpling making, a presentation about Chinese culture, and performances featuring students and parents. Among the presentations was a video by Anita Liu ’23 followed by a real-time dumpling demonstration with Claire Wang ’26, Dr. Vanessa Yanhua Zhang P’26 and Elizabeth Lynn P’18.

LEARNING OUR HISTORY In April, Stuart alumnae, students, parents, faculty and staff had the opportunity and true honor to hear from Princeton historian Shirley Satterfield for a discussion hosted by Stuart’s Black Alum Affinity Group. Mrs. Satterfield took the Stuart community on a virtual tour of the cultural and racial history of Princeton, including its Italian immigration, and changes seen and experienced through urban renewal. She shared personal stories growing up through Princeton’s racial segregation and desegregation, and brought more awareness to the African American history of the town. The Stuart community is especially grateful to the program’s organizers, Monique Jones P ‘25 and Miss Harmon Snow ’97, as well as committee members Zoelene Hill ’00, Barbara Horne ’94, Naimah Beyah P ‘27 and Nikema Missouri P ‘13 P’23.



CHRISTMAS AT STUART The Stuart community is looking forward to celebrating some of our cherished Christmas traditions again in 2021. We look forward to hosting our community for: Advent Lessons, Sunday, November 28, 4 - 5PM. (virtual) Stuart’s Annual Christmas Party, Saturday, December 4, 6 - 8PM (In-person, COVID-19 protocols permitting) Junior Ring Ceremony, Friday, December 10, 1:30 - 3PM (In-person with recording available) Details for Evensong and Veni Emmanual will be shared at a later date. Christmas Eve Mass, December 24, 4 - 5PM (In-person, COVID-19 protocols permitting) Please note, all events are subject to change based on COVID-19 protocols.


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Two Thousand Twenty • Two Thousand Twenty One


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2020-2021 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Cheryl Lagay, Chair Mark Badros Scott Blandford Patricia Costante Patty L. Fagin, PhD Jasmine Ferrer ’87 Emily Firmenich Steve Hackett

Judy Garson, RSCJ Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ Sara Burchell Kestner ’96 Jennifer Landis ’90 Elizabeth Lynn Sean McKee Michael Mullen

Maureen O’Halloran, RSCJ Hamilton F. Potter III Veronica Robinson ’94 Ari Soroken Paul Teti Marguerite Vera James P. Winder




Mark Badros, Chair Steve Hackett Hamilton Potter Jim Winder Rose Neubert**

ENROLLMENT/MARKETING Scott Blandford, Chair Jasmine Ferrer ‘87 Emily Firmenich Judy Garson, RSCJ Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ Sara Kestner ‘96 Ari Soroken Marguerite Vera Christen Jones**


Mark Badros Scott Blandford Patricia Costante Jasmine Ferrer ’87 Emily Firmenich Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ Hamilton Potter Paul Teti Marguerite Vera

BUILDING & GROUNDS Paul Teti, Chair Ted Magnani* Sean McKee Mike Mullen Hamilton Potter Jim Winder Darren Malone**

Jasmin Ferrer ‘87, Co-Chair Emily Firmenich, Co-Chair Sara Kestner ‘96 Laura Lamke Elizabeth Lynn Jennifer Norton* Veronica Robinson ‘94 Ari Soroken Janine Soroken* Vanessa Zhang* Christen Jones**


Hamilton Potter, Chair Mark Badros Patricia Costante Steve Hackett Sean McKee Mike Mullen Paul Teti Jim Winder Rose Neubert**


Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ, Co-Chair Marguerite Vera, Co-Chair Judy Garson, RSCJ Laura Lamke* Veronica Robinson ‘94 Tracy K. Smith Monique Jones**

COMPENSATION Patricia Costante Hamilton Potter Rose Neubert**


Scott Blandford Patricia Costante Emily Firmenich Jennifer Landis Hamilton Potter Paul Teti

RISK MANAGEMENT Mark Badros, Chair Patricia Costante Steve Hackett Mike Mullen Hamilton Potter Rose Neubert**

COMMITTEE ON TRUSTEES Patricia Costante, Chair Emily Firmenich Ari Soroken Christen Jones**


Mark Badros Clodagh Coghlan '09* Sean McKee Hamilton Potter Paul Teti Jim Winder Patricia Costante Jim Waskovich* Rose Neubert** * Non Trustee Committee Member **Representative from the Administration Cheryl Lagay and Dr. Patty L. Fagin. PhD, are ex-officio members of all committees.


The Stuart Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $580,945


#LEADLIKEAGIRL Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,000

Restricted Funds

Angels/Financial Aid Restricted Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110,080 Capital Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,994 Dining Center Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285,256 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 First Friday Restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 Lies, Light, McCarthy Visiting Author/Poetry in Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,250 Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,200 Raissa Maritain Library Restricted Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300 Restricted Buildings & Grounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 Harris B. Siegel Fund for Leadership Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,370 Soroken Faculty Excellence Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $132,709 Sugden Family Sacred Heart Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 The Wellness and Learning Center at Stuart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,550

Endowment Funds

Callan-O'Brien Family Scholarship Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Marie-Louise Carmody Student Aid Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 Class of 2021 Faculty Excellence Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,050 Caroline Dawson '89 Women in Leadership Memorial Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 Sister de la Chapelle General Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 William Kalker Fund Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Holt A. Murray Sr. Maintenance Memorial Fund Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,250 Mary Ramsey Student Life Fund Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $425 The Cynthia Reiche Schumacker '73 Scholarship Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 Harris B. Siegel Endowment for Leadership Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000 Johnson and Plambeck Strategic Board Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 Sugden Family Sacred Heart Endowment Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 Timendi Causa Est Nescire Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000

2020-2021 GIFTS AND PLEDGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,312,430



With gratitude... During the 2020-2021 academic year,

the support of the Stuart community has ensured that our students continue to thrive in an academically rigorous program, designed with the whole child in mind. Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart is deeply grateful for the support of the Stuart community - alumnae, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, students and friends - who have supported our mission of preparing young women for lives of exceptional leadership and service. Your generous support has allowed us to navigate our response to the COVID-19 pandemic with a steadfast commitment to our mission and commitment to our students. We were able to offer five days of inperson, virtual and hybrid learning to each and every student in our care, ensuring their personal and academic success no matter the challenges facing our world. On behalf of every girl and young boy at Stuart, thank you!


ALL DONORS Thank you to the philanthropic leaders in our community who made gifts and commitments during the 2020-2021 fiscal year that enriched the experience of Stuart students. We are especially grateful to our loyal supporters, who have contributed for five or more consecutive years.


Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Blandford* Dr. Anthony Chiurco and Mrs. Kimberly Jingoli Chiurco* Patricia A. Costante* Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Fruscione* The Fruscione Foundation* Steve and Kristen Hackett* Johnson & Johnson* Kestrel Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Jason and Alyson Lawrence The Estate of Mrs. Carol Loser Cynthia Reiche Schumacker '73 and Scott F. Schumacker* Mr. and Mrs. Ari Soroken Debbie and Chris Sugden* Vanguard Charitable Endowment


Anonymous (1) Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund BNY Mellon Wealth Management Katherine Baus Bogumil '96 and Thomas Bogumil* Michele Cooke‑Andresen '85 and Gavin Andresen Amy and Mark Dodds Dr. Patty Fagin and Mr. Tim Fagin* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrett* The Grace Jones Richardson Trust Mildred Harford* Robert and Cheryl Lagay* Ms. Catharine R. Macdonald

Mr. William M. Mayhall and Ms. Linda Foell Mr. and Mrs. Sean McKee* Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc Mr. Michael T. Mullen and Mrs. Joan C. Mullen* Hamilton F. Potter III* Carrie and Paul Teti* The Rubel Family Foundation Ed and Jaci Trzaska* Woodney and John Wachter James and Mary Waskovich Philip and Maria Yang*


Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold Bristol‑Myers Squibb Foundation The James E. & Diane W. Burke Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Burke* Cynthia Blum Carroll '74 and David Carroll ConnectOne Bank* Kristin and Anthony Geonnotti The Glenmede Trust Company Todd and Mary Ellen Glickson* Dr. Pablo Lapuerta and Ms. Rachelle Bin* Mrs. Barbara T. Lyle Elizabeth Marks ‘84 and Bryan Luchs* Novartis US Foundation Mr. Sudhir Pakalapati and Ms. Lakshmi Kalindi Charles and Suzanne Plambeck* Scott and Gillian Reeder Marguerite and Fernando A. Vera, Jr.*

*Donors who have given to Stuart for five or more consecutive years.


Carys Johnson Webb ‘08


Anonymous (2) Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Benson* Robert and Rebecca Callahan Kristin Rodewald Dawson ‘80 and Peter Dawson* Drs. Janice K. Bush and Eric L. Hagestad* Natalie Hamill '01 and Josh Perlsweig Ms. Sandra Scarlatella and Mr. Kenneth Harlan* Dr. and Dr. Gang Jin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Klein* Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lamke* Mr. Qing Li and Ms. Jing Wang* Bill and Geniva Martin* Gerard and Jennifer Norton* The Tarbotton Family Walmart Mr. Yaoji Xiang and Ms. Hong Wang Mr. Rongbing Yang and Mrs. Kajia Su* Mr. Ming Ye and Mrs. Ying Huang Mr. Bin Zhang and Ms. Zhong Zheng Mr. Jingdong Zhuang and Ms. Yudan Yan Adam Zong and Cindy Chen


Anonymous (3) Patricia and Neil Adams* Mark Badros and Heidi Van Evera*



ALL DONORS (cont.) Dr. Adrian Banner and Ms. Amy Zakar‑Banner Mr. Thomas Bell and Ms. Lori Hennon‑Bell* Christine Belli ‘74 BlackRock Matching Gift Program Tomas & Eva Bohmanova Michelle and Kevin Broughton Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Burgess, Jr.* Stephanie A. Champi ‘12 Jason Chen and Stella Tsai Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Deczynski* and Sara and Alisa Deczynski Mr. Michael DiVenti and Dr. Christina DiVenti Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Driscoll, Jr.* Dr. Cheng Du and Ms. Qin Yang Sarah Du '18 ETS Cares Jessica Francisco '97 Patricia Donelly Gilbert '74 The Gorman Family Martha Clark Goss Mr. and Mrs. Boniface Gracias Susan Hayes* Mrs. Erin Heinemann Hennessey and Mr. Ed Hennessey* Dr. Paul J. Hirsch Anna Horner Morgan Stanley Gift Fund Mr. Ming Ye and Mrs. Ying Huang Mrs. Nancy Irenas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Ix* Mark and Tracy Johnson* Christen and Keith Jones Sara Burchell Kestner '96 and Cory K. Kestner* The Kumar and Green Family Olivia Kuser '72 Jennifer Garver Landis ‘90 and John D. Landis Vanessa Li '14 Mr. Liping Liang and Ms. Yan Yu Kristen Lopez‑Watt '90 and Antonio Lopez‑Torrero* Dorothy Fecht Lutney ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. McCarthy Mark and Bonnie Milecki The Moxon O’Connor Charitable Trust Tara Ann Murphy ‘83

Aslam Nagarkatti and Firdaus Khan Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Nastro The Naumann Family The Nester Family* Chris and Rose Neubert* Sarah Tabell Nocka '80 and Steven M. Nocka Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. O'Brien Anne Conley O'Neill '68 and Peter O'Neill* Anne Murray Patterson '76 and James E. Patterson James F. Poage* Mr. Steven V. Roberts Veronica Maxwell Robinson '94 and Ty Robinson* Schiro Family Foundation* Mrs. Tomasina Schiro* Mr. and Mrs. David E. Schorr* Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Schotland* Semrod Family Private Foundation The Semrod Family Kelsey Semrod '08* Mr. Michael D. Simko The Song Family Daniel V. and Mary A. Szemis* Tabell Family Foundation* Cynthia L. Tower '73 Visa Kimberly and Robert Vogel, Jr* The Family of Eva Wang Mr. and Mrs. Jiatao Wang Mr. Hongbo Wang and Ms. Jiayi Wang Dr. Xiaofei Wang and Dr. Yanhua Zhang* The Honorable Virginia L. Long and Mr. Jonathan D. Weiner, Esq. Jim and Martha Winder* Sean and Penney Xia The Family of Angelina Ye Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zatta The Zebrauskas/Ryan Family* Mr. Yansong Zhou and Ms. Christina Zhao* ZengTai Zhou


Anonymous (2)


Nahla Azmy '83 and Jeffrey L. Russo* Dr. Karen Badros* Maureen and Bob Baus* Kathryn Duffy Bavuso '89 Dr. Clyde Beverly and Mrs. Carlyne Beverly, Esq. Maria Komoski Bowditch ‘72 and Penn Bowditch* Bridger Val Associates LLC Mr. William Dunn and Ms. Patricia Carragher Robert Comizzoli* Alma Moxon Eisenacher '94 and Family Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Embleton Exelon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Gallagher* Judith Garson, RSCJ* Mr. Zhenping Gong Zoelene V. Hill '00* Elaine and William Hogan* Patricia Peters Iannucci '71 and A. Joseph Iannucci* J Michaels, LLC J. Crew Ms. Zhenshu Jin* Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ Mr. Frank Kenny, Jr.* Mrs. Susy Kim Damon and Anna Kress Katie Landolfi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jay Lee* Thomas and Emily Lesinski* Jing Li The Family of Anita Liu Mr. Fubin Liu and Ms. Lishan Wu Mr. Ping Liu and Mrs. Jingjing Yao Dr. Yi Liu Christy Love-Sadron ‘66 and Jean Philippe Sadron Penelope Luchs '21 Mr. Dongshan Ma and Mrs. Ruijun Li Mr. Rocco F. Maruca, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. McAuliffe Regina McDonald Mercer County Commission on the Status of Women Robert and Rebecca Missonis* Kathleen Murphy Katherine Neubert '11 Patti Newbold


ALL DONORS (cont.) Sister Maureen O'Halloran, RSCJ Deborah and James Peters Maureen and Henry Pfeffer* Fayette Plambeck '15 Princeton Area Community Foundation Jing Qin Mr. Bing Xu and Ms. Qin Qin Mindy Magid Radcliff '73 Alois J. Riederer S&P Global Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sayer* Marisa and Mitchell Simon* Mr. and Mrs. Shatrughan Sinha Ken Smith Anita and Munish Sood Ken Smith* Dawn Sun La'Keisha Sutton ’03 Penny and Ted Thomas Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation* Daphne Townsend* The McKee Family* Ms. Nancy VanEvera Lesley Vannerson '84 Mr. Jianjun Wang and Mrs. Jing Liu Mr. and Mrs. Jiatao Wang Yao Wang and Jing Qin Josh and Lara Winn Dr. Tan Yan and Mrs. Yiyi Wu Thomas Yue Sean and Penny Xia Diana Zeydel '74 Mr. Wenquan Zhang and Mrs. Yihong Sun Mr. Zhixiao Zhang and Mrs. Haixia Qiao


Anonymous (10) Alexander M. Ackley* Joseph and Linda Alexander* Jan Baldwin*

Ramona R. Berven '86 Katherine Kuser Birkenstock '94 and David Birkenstock Caroline Christen Boucher '74 Ann Fleming Brown '75 and Michael S. Brown* Sister Donna M. Cerminaro Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo Cevallos* Dr. Paul Claisse and Dr. Ivonne Diaz‑Claisse Christine D'Alessandro Tiffany Davis Dr. Mahmoud El Banna and Dr. Anna Dulencin Michelle Evaul '94 Lisa Fischbeck ‘73 and Robert L. Bland Elizabeth Conley Fitzgerald Mrs. Robin Fitzgerald‑Frink Betsy Flood ‘73 Amy C Flynn Alicia Fruscione '98* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gowaty Mary Anne and Jorge Guerrero* Melanie and Mandrele Hansford* Dr. Robert Hindes and Dr. Amy O'Donnell Patricia and Jon Hlafter* Tracy Jefferson Shore '91 and Peter Shore Cynthia Chooljian Jost '77 and Danny J. Jost* Victoria Katen‑Narvell '06 Peggy A. Kucharski‑Richey Alexey Krupitsch* Molly E. Lagay '21 Maureen Leak '80 Prudence Marcus Terrence Marcus Sheila McCabe '79 Natasha Legiersky McDermott '01 and Patrick McDermott* Colleen Farrell McHugh '03 and Brendan McHugh* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Muller Marissa Muoio Ms. Kathleen Murphy

*Donors who have given to The Stuart Fund for five or more consecutive years.


Murphy Sisters* Hillary and Joseph Nastro Amy O'Donnell Mrs. Victoria S. Oglesby Catheryn O’Rourke ‘90* Joseph Petitto Mr. and Mrs. Craig Piotrowski Mrs. John B. Pierpont* Lisa and Bob Pisano Jonathan and Sara Plehn Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pomraning Ms. Margaret Ramsey and Mr. William Newman* Laurie J. Richards Richard Richey and Peggy A. Kucharski‑Richey Nancy and Joe Robinson Mrs. Adrienne S. Rodewald Gabriel Ritz Saphar '78 and Edwin G. Saphar, Jr. Theresa McKee Sayia '79 and Peter F. Sayia Shelly and Richard Sbarro* Mr. and Mrs. Aadit Seshasayee Robert and Mollie Sheppard* Jigme Shingsar and Deki Topden Peter Shore Jennifer and Paul Simons* Nancy and Alan Solomon* Anne Fendrich Stevens '84 and Gregory B. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teaney* Ms. Alicia Testa* Katharine Thompson '06* Stephanie Truesdell ‘88* Regina Murray Volkwein '72* and Edward A. Volkwein II John and Perri Wachter Eva Wang Andrew and Viridian Weiss* Andrea Weiss '29 Annabelle Weiss '31 Sarah Whitehouse Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wickenden* Andrew Wilkinson Phyllis Wright Wuu-Young and Margaret Wu

Maria Golfinopoulos Yuelys '86 and Jordan D. Yuelys


Anonymous (25) The Akers Family* Courtney Alexander '09* Dr. Christopher Amato and Ms. Joanne Seltsam* AmazonSmile Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Anderson Katherine Baker '08* Bertha Ballina Harlyn Bell '15* Anne-Marie Belli ‘79 Pam and Ed Berchtold* Iris and Sandy Bing*

Jason Bink Ms. Kathleen Blake Cynthia Y. Blaney '19 Dr. Susan G. Bowen Kyra Bradley '13 Lydia Brandriff Parris Branker '12 Sarah and Mark Branon Millicent Brigaud '19 Kenneth and Maureen Bruvik* Eric and KaNeda Bullock Marla and David Burchell* Elaine Pontani Burress ‘70 and James M. Burress Grace Butler, RSCJ* Barbara Anne Cagney* Jamie Stitzer Cahill ‘89 and Thomas Cahill Ava Campbell

Julie Campo '79 Gillian Carmien '19 Mary Carpenter '93 and Andy Hasselwander Chip and Marilynn Carstensen* Haley Carstensen ‘08* Ms. Jennifer E. Chiurco ’98 Christine Cho '92* Carol Church* Laura A.B. Cifelli ‘86* Leah‑Beth Cilo '84 Susan Crowell Clifton '79 and Thomas Clifton Mr. Juan Carlos Cordero Rachel Williams Cotter '02 and Brian P. Cotter Reverend Care Crawford '75* Marilyn Crawford ‘73* Tara Crowley ‘85


Organized in 1971, the Stuart Parent Association (SPA) serves to foster parents’ interest in the school and involve them in enhancing the quality of their daughters’ lives through enrichment activities designed to support both student and parent.

President: Jennifer Teaney Past President: Ludwig Zebrauskas Treasurer: Pernilla Burke

The organization also functions as a communications conduit between faculty, students and parents. The work of SPA is led by the Executive Council, consisting of SPA’s elected officers and the Head of School. The Executive Council, which meets quarterly, coordinates events and supports the school in many areas.

VP of Outreach: Kerry Yates VP of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Nitza Péan Paulina VPs of Merchandising: Diane McKee VP of Education (Common Ground): Aurora Calonico, Lisa Pisano Secretary: Aurora Calonico

During the 2020-2021 academic year, the Stuart Parent Association volunteers went above and beyond to support the faculty, staff, students, and families in the Stuart community. From reimagined virtual gatherings and socially distanced service projects to random acts of kindness and outdoor kit pick-ups, our parent volunteers ensured our girls and young boys had an enriching experience, and helped keep our community connected.

DIVISION REPRESENTATIVES Early Childhood: Carlyne Beverly Lower School: Katherine Janiszewski Middle School: Joan Mullen, Kathleen Mandzij Upper School: Aparna Deshpande, Sandy Scarlatella



ALL DONORS (cont.) Beth and John Crutcher* Katherine Davis* Mary Louise Dawson Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ* Agnes Deczynski Delta's Restaurant David Di Nino and Karen Tuveson David and Lizzie Donahue Ellen Dougherty '67 Gabriela and Dugittmitru Drinovan Rik and Joanna Dugan John and Judith Durish* Lisa Eckstrom and Gideon Rosen Mr. and Mrs. William Ehert Rosalind Elliott '06 Mr. Marc Eripret Estee Lauder Companies Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Farnum* Karen Neely Faryniak '82 and John G. Faryniak, Jr. Dr. Lauren and Mr. Jake Feldman Joyce Painter Felsenfeld* Dr. and Mrs. Edward Felten Sarah Felton '79 and Mark Manasas* Jeannette File‑Lamb '72 and Craig M. Lamb Gary M. Fitton Alyson Craig Flournoy '75 and John C. Schaible* Gia Fruscione-Loizides ‘96 and Craig Loizides* Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fuchs* Dr. Rosette Gault '69 Mr. and Mrs. James Gee Katherine Gibson* Janet and Mike Glickson* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gocher Google, Inc. Joseph and Diane Grosso Deborah Endersby Gwazda ‘67 and Edward J. Gwazda* Ms. Susan Habicht and Mr. Josh Sacks* Ana Hallowell '12* Mr. Christopher Shilts and Ms. Catherine R. Hamm John and Cynthia Haney Janet Hansen

Jennifer Harford '77 Kay Hedges Marisa and Timothy Hedges David and Debbie Herman* Deborah Herman Mr. Rony Hernandez John and Linda Hochuli* Courtney M. Hodcock ‘95 Eliza Hoover '95 and Joseph Skokowski Robert K. Hornby Mr. and Mrs. Jacque P. Howard Catherine Huber '12 Susan Hughes '79 Agnes Acuff Hunsicker ‘68 and Don Hunsicker Jill Hunt Michael Jackson Michele M. Jackson Mary Lee Jamieson* Mr. and Mrs. Gerson Jean‑Marie Mark R. Johnson Nancy Johnson Monique Jones and David McGruder Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jones* Shana A. Jordan ’09 Richard and Mary Jo Kahn* Eric and Chien-li Kainer Ms. Elisabeth Keeley‑Cain Katherine Keith '11 Eliza F. Kelly '67* Jane and Kevin Kenyon Whitney Kerney '91* Mr. and Mrs. Jaap J. Ketting* Rosemary Murphy Kitts '69 and Stephen L. Kitts Mr. and Ms. Len Klepack Susan Knox '12* Allison Kohler* Vic Kovarik '20 Duane and MJ Kress Dominique Di Meglio Kucharczuk* Mr. and Mrs. Sergei S. Kuharsky Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. La Nasa, Jr.* Margaret La Nasa '14 Ms. Margaret B. Lamb Claire Landers '17 Keith Latimer


Natasha Dickey Lawton '90 and Kenneth M. Lawton Mary Ellen Lederer Jennifer Lee‑You '93 Catherine Currie Leguia '05* The Lewis Family Melissa Lide Elizabeth Lincoln '70 and William H. Seidman Martha and David Livingston Mrs. Carol LiVolsi Joan Magnetti, RSCJ John Maguire Mr. Chris Mai Mr. Darren Malone Mibs Southerland Mara '83 Philip J. Mara Ms. Barbra Martin Edward and Virginia Martin Elizabeth and Herman Martin Becca Sanchez Martin '07 Virginia Martin Julia V. Mather ’09 Elizabeth Maurer Sharee Maxwell ’08 David McGruder MD Advantage Insurance Company of New Jersey* Dr. Trisha Medeiros* Eleanor Meredith '73 and Stephen M. Monroe* Stephen and Karla Mondello* Ginny and Roger Moore* Mrs. Elisabeth H. Morgan Hilary Morris Adam and Kathryn Morrison Louise Morse '67* Jill Houghton Mudge '73 Ms. Catherine Murphy* Edward and Jennie Murphy* Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Nickerson* Clare Williams Gardner Nieto '92* Tara Nunn '92 and Thomas Nunn Mary Russell O'Brien '67 Ms. Mavis Ohene‑Adu* Aileen O'Shea* Seana Pappas Audrey Goldberg Parton '77 and Jim Parton

Roshni Patel ’18 Michelle Peal Samuel A. Peal Coretta Pinelli Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Piscitelli Ms. Karen Poch Daniel W. Preston Prudential Financial, Inc. Andrew and Susan Prusan Yuchen Qin ‘18 Ms. Christine Ramsey and Mr. Andrew Fussner Margaret Randazzo '86* Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Reiche Maggie Agin Rogers '84 and David J. Rogers, Jr. Patrick and Samantha Ryan* Carol and David Sanzalone* Dr. and Mrs. Shigetaka Sato Barbara Schafer Catherine Schmidt Melissa Baggitt Scott '75 and Thomas A. Scott

Fanjie Shang Dorothy Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shiarappa Amelia Berchtold Sked '05 Miss Harmon Snow '97 Society of the Sacred Heart Ana Maria Sauthoff Soler '02 and Peter Soler Isabel Soto '13 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Southerland, Jr. Mary Spesia Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Streeter Stuart Parent Association Randy and Debbie Sugden Brittany Suggs Mr. Joshua Suggs Mr. Yuhui Shang and Ms. Mei Sun Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Tarditi Sophie R. Tarditi ’20 Edie Tattersall '09* Lydell L. Tolliver Jr. Pam and Ernie Vagnozzi

*Donors who have given to The Stuart Fund for five or more consecutive years.


Royce and Tina Van Evera Valerie and Alan Vanderborght* Anna Verhaegen '13 Amanda K. Vogel ’22 Maryellen L. Vogel ’20 Mrs. Nancy D. Waldman* Josh Walker* Julia L. Walker '29 Sarah M. Walker '32 Dr. Sarah P. Wascura* Kevin and Talana Washington Laurence D. Wiley Ms. Joan Weiss* Carly Williams '04 Mr. and Mrs. Bronson Woodhull* Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wright* The Wurzer Family Margaret Young‑Nordgren '72 and James Nordgren Lin S. Yu Carolyn Zack ’80 H. Lydia Zaininger '79 Kristen Zosche

G.O.L.D. DONORS (GRADUATES OF THE LAST DECADE) Graduates of the last decade who contribute $50 or more are recognized as members of the G.O.L.D Club.

Katherine Keith '11 Katherine Neubert '11 Stephanie A. Champi '12 Susan Knox '12 Isabel Soto '13 Anna Verhaegen '13 Margaret La Nasa '14 Vanessa Li '14 Harlyn Bell '15 Fayette Plambeck '15 Claire Landers '17 Yuchen Qin '18 Victoria Kovarik '20 Sophie Tarditi '20 Maryellen Vogel '20 Molly Lagay '21 Penelope Luchs '21

HONORARY GIFTS In honor of Campbell Grace Adams Ana Campbell In honor of Jan Baldwin Dr. and Mrs. Edward Felten In honor of Harlyn M. Bell Mr. Thomas Bell and Ms. Lori Hennon Bell In honor of Maureen Bruvik Ms. Sandra Scarlatella and Mr. Kenneth Harlan Courtney M. Hodock In honor of Gillian Carmien Mr. Edward Carmien and Ms. JoAnn Arnholt In honor of Kathleen Carmien Mr. Edward Carmien and Ms. JoAnn Arnholt

In honor of Stephanie A. Champi Ms. Patricia A. Costante Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gowaty Dr. Paul J. Hirsch Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

In honor of Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ Iris and Sandy Bing Jim and Martha Winder

In honor of Emilia M. Cisneros Anonymous (2)

In honor of Denise M. Driscoll Penelope Luchs '21

In honor of Margherita Condell Eliza F. Kelly '67

In honor of Patricia L. Fagin Nancy and Joe Robinson Mary Spesia

In honor of Patricia A. Costante Dr. Paul J. Hirsch Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program In honor of Amanda Cutalo Penelope Luchs '21


In honor of Ana S. Drinovan Gabriela and Dumitru Drinovan

In honor of Noelle Hedges Marisa J. Hedges Marisa and Timothy Hedges Michele M. Jackson In honor of Alison Hildahl Martha and David Livingston


HONORARY GIFTS (cont.) In honor of Paul J. Hirsch Patricia A. Costante MD Advantage Insurance Company of New Jersey Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program In honor of Caitlin E. Jokubaitis Leonard A. Jokubaitis In honor of Christen E. Jones Melissa Lide In honor of Holly Knox Phyllis Wright In honor of Milla Kress Duane and MJ Kress In honor of Melinda A. La Nasa Margaret La Nasa '14 In honor of Claire O. Landers Edward and Virginia Martin In honor of Isabel R. Landers Edward and Virginia Martin In honor of Melissa Larson Penelope Luchs '21 In honor of Allison Lee Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jay Lee In honor of Lauren Lee Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jay Lee In honor of Jasmine W. Lewis The Lewis Family In honor of Marisa J. Lewis The Lewis Family In honor of Joan Magnetti, RSCJ Grace Butler, RSCJ In honor of Franzia Martin Prudence Marcus Terrence Marcus In honor of Rebecca S. Martin Ms. Barbra Martin In honor of Tilar Martin Prudence Marcus Terrence Marcus In honor of Elizabeth Maurer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Ix In honor of Edward J. McCabe Sheila McCabe '79

In honor of Susan C. McCabe Sheila McCabe '79

In honor of Emery H. Song The Song Family

In honor of Robert T. Missonis Mr. and Mrs. Jaap J. Ketting

In honor of Evelyn Song The Song Family

In honor of Arielle E. Moule Jan Baldwin

In honor of Sophie G. Song The Song Family

In honor of Elizabeth G. Murphy Murphy Sisters

In honor of Margaret E. Speir Anonymous

In honor of Katharine J. Murphy Murphy Sisters

In honor of Ava Q. Sugden Randy and Debbie Sugden

In honor of Lillian T. Murphy Murphy Sisters

In honor of Layla N. Suggs Anonymous (2) Melanie and Mandrele Hansford Heather Wilkerson

In honor of Katherine S. Neubert Christopher and Rose Neubert In honor of Olivia I. Neubert Christopher and Rose Neubert In honor of Sianna E. Peal Michelle Peal Samuel A. Peal In honor of Sarah Anne G. Pierpont Mrs. John B. Pierpont In honor of in honor of Anna E. Raines Plambeck '08 Charles and Suzanne Plambeck The Plambeck Family In honor of Charles and Suzanne Plambeck Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Blandford In honor of Clare Pratt Lisa Fischbeck '73 and Robert L. Bland

In honor of Lola J. Suggs Anonymous (2) Melanie and Mandrele Hansford Heather Wilkerson In honor of Luna D. Suggs Anonymous (2) Melanie and Mandrele Hansford Heather Wilkerson In honor of Nina D. Szemis ‘06 Daniel V. and Mary A. Szemis In honor of Alicia Testa Anonymous Mr. Jason Chen and Dr. Stella Tsai In honor of Paula Toner Mrs. Nancy D. Waldman In honor of Isabel B. Wachter John and Perri Wachter

In honor of Samantha Ryan Molly E. Lagay

In honor of Leila S. Washington Kevin and Talana Washington

In honor of Margaret P. Schorr Iris and Sandy Bing Kenneth and Maureen Bruvik

In honor of Andrea D. Weiss ‘29 Andrew and Viridian Weiss Ms. Joan Weiss

In honor of Kelsey Semrod ‘08 The Semrod Family

In honor of Annabelle D. Weiss ‘31 Andrew and Viridian Weiss Ms. Joan Weiss

In honor of Meher Sinha Mr. and Mrs. Shatrughan Sinha In honor of Nancy Sololmon Mrs. Robin Fitzgerald Frink The Frink Family


In honor of Abby J. Zhou Mr. Yansong Zhou and Ms. Christina Zhao

WE ARE ESPECIALLY grateful to the generous donors who provided challenge gifts to our community this year: WOMEN WE ADMIRE Ms. Kimberly Jingoli-Chiurco and Dr. Anthony Chiurco Alyson and Jason Lawrence Gerry and Jennifer Norton

#TARTANTUESDAY The Stuart Fund Cabinet Rebecca and Robert Callahan Alicia Frusicone '98 Diane and Sean McKee Joshua Suggs Alicia Testa Paul and Carrie Teti

60 DAYS. $60,000. SO MANY REASONS WHY. Debbie and Chris Sugden



STUART FUND PARENT DONORS CLASS OF 2021 Anonymous (2) Patricia and Neil Adams Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Burgess, Jr. Jason Chen and Stella Tsai Dr. Paul Claisse and Dr. Ivonne Diaz-Claisse Kristin Rodewald Dawson '80 and Peter J. Dawson Mrs. Robin Fitzgerald-Frink Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gocher Vanessa D. and Jacque P. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Ix Robert and Cheryl Lagay The Lewis Family Mr. Ping Liu and Mrs. Jingjing Yao Elizabeth Marks '84 and Bryan Luchs Elizabeth and Herman Martin The Tarbotton Family Ms. Mavis Ohene-Adu Mr. Wenquan Zhang and Mrs. Yihong Sun Mr. Jingdong Zhuang and Ms. Yudan Yan

CLASS OF 2022 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Blandford Michelle and Kevin Broughton Mr. Zhenping Gong Mr. and Mrs. Boniface Gracias Mr. Ming Ye and Mrs. Ying Huang

Dr. and Dr. Gang Jin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Klein Ms. Peggy A. Kucharski-Richey Mr. and Mrs. Craig Piotrowski Dawn Sun The Family of Angelina Ye Mr. Zhixiao Zhang and Mrs. Haixia Qiao


Dr. Christopher Amato and Ms. Joanne Seltsam Ms. Cindy Chen and Mr. Adam Zong Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Deczynski Amy and Mark Dodds Dr. Lauren and Mr. Jake Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Johan Firmenich Ms. Sandra Scarlatella and Mr. Kenneth Harlan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Ix Ms. Zhenshu Jin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. La Nasa, Jr. Jennifer Garver Landis '90 and John Landis Thomas and Emily Lesinski Mr. Dongshan Ma and Mrs. Ruijun Li Mr. Liping Liang and Ms. Yan Yu The Family of Anita Liu Robert and Rebecca Missonis Marisa and Mitchell Simon Anita and Munish Sood Ms. Yan Yu


The Zebrauskas/Ryan Family Adam Zong and Cindy Chen


Anonymous (2) Murphy Sisters Mrs. Robin Fitzgerald-Frink Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Glickson Mr. and Mrs. Gerson Jean-Marie Mrs. Firdaus Khan Jing Li The Tarbotton Family Aslam Nagarkatti and Firdaus Khan The Nester Family Mr. Aadit Seshasayee and Mrs. Meena Trakru Mr. and Mrs. Ari Soroken Mr. and Mrs. Jiatao Wang Kevin and Talana Washington Sean and Penny Xia Thomas Yue Mr. and Mrs. Jiatao Wang Mr. Yansong Zhou and Ms. Christina Zhao


Anonymous (2) Dr. Clyde Beverly and Mrs. Carlyne Beverly, Esq. Tomas & Eva Bohmanova Murphy Sisters Mr. Michael DiVenti and Dr. Christina DiVenti

Monique Jones and David McGruder Damon and Anna Kress Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jay Lee Kristen Lopez-Watt '90 and Antonio Lopez-Torrero Mr. Michael T. Mullen and Mrs. Joan C. Mullen Gerard and Jennifer Norton Lisa and Bob Pisano Veronica Maxwell Robinson '94 and Ty Robinson Ms. Sandra Scarlatella and Mr. Kenneth Harlan Jigme Shingsar and Deki Topden Dawn Sun Valerie and Alan Vanderborght Mr. Hongbo Wang and Ms. Jiayi Wang Mr. Jianjun Wang and Mrs. Jing Liu Mr. Yaoji Xiang and Ms. Hong Wang The Zebrauskas/Ryan Family


Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cariola Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Embleton Mr. and Mrs. Johan Firmenich Mr. Sudhir Pakalapati and Ms. Lakshmi Kalidindi The Zhou Family Mrs. Jing Qin Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Streeter Mr. Rongbing Yang and Mrs. Kajia Su Dr. Xiaofei Wang and Dr. Yanhua Zhang Yao Wang and Jing Qin The Wickart Family Josh and Lara Winn Kajia Su and Rongbing Yang Mr. ZengTai Zhou and Mrs. Lu Luo

CLASS OF 2027 Anonymous Michelle and Kevin Broughton Murphy Sisters

Dr. Mahmoud El Banna and Dr. Anna Dulencin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jay Lee Thomas and Emily Lesinski Mr. and Mrs. Sean McKee The Naumann Family Scott and Gillian Reeder The Song Family Wade Speir Debbie and Chris Sugden Gregory and Michelle Wriede


Anonymous (2) Mark Badros and Heidi Van Evera Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Benson Katherine Baus Bogumil '96 and Thomas Bogumil Mr. and Mrs. James C. Burke Jason Matthews and Jasmine Ferrer '87 P'28 Steve and Kristen Hackett Mr. and Mrs. Mark Janiszewski Damon and Anna Kress Regina McDonald Adam and Kathryn Morrison Patrick and Samantha Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Streeter Mr. Bing Xu and Ms. Qin Qin


Michelle and Kevin Broughton Robert and Rebecca Callahan Alicia Fruscione '98 Mr. and Mrs. James Gee Mr. Sudhir Pakalapati and Ms. Lakshmi Kalidindi Kristen Lopez-Watt '90 and Antonio Lopez-Torrero Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mondello Mr. Sudhir Pakalapati and Ms. Lakshmi Kalidindi Junseock Park and Cheng Yow Kristen Miller and Joseph Rulewich Shelly and Richard Sbarro The Song Family Carrie and Paul Teti Josh Walker Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Weiss The Wickart Family


ALUMNAE PHILANTHROPIC CIRCLE The Alumnae Philanthropic Circle celebrates and inspires women throughout the Stuart community as donors, inspirational leaders and decision makers. Founded in 2021 to recognize the extraordinary philanthropy of alumnae, the Alumnae Philanthropic Circle recognizes lifetime, honorary and recent graduate donors who make leadership level philanthropic commitments to Stuart. Alumnae are invited to join the circle upon reaching Lifetime, Circle or Young Alumnae giving levels. Kate Baus Bogumil '96 Sara Burchell Kestner '96 Stephanie A. Champi ’12 Lisa Fischbeck '73 Marjorie Fitton '81 Jennifer Garver Landis '90 Patricia D. Gilbert '74 Zoelene Hill '00 Kathryn Hughes Redmond '85 Carys Johnson Webb '08 Kristen Lopez-Watt '90 Elizabeth Marks '84 Catherine Mckee van Kampen '84 Fayette Plambeck '15 Cynthia Reiche Schumacker '73 Veronica Robinson '94



Dr. Adrian Banner and Ms. Amy Zakar-Banner Dr. Mahmoud El Banna and Dr. Anna Dulencin Kristin and Anthony Geonnotti Dr. Robert Hindes and Dr. Amy O'Donnell Jason and Alyson Lawrence Natasha Legiersky McDermott '01 and Patrick McDermott The Nester Family Brian and Jessica Pomraning Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teaney Carrie and Paul Teti Ed and Jaci Trzaska James and Mary Waskovich


Anonymous (2) The Gorman Family Mr. and Mrs. Mark Janiszewski Mr. Raymond Kuma and Mrs. Sylvia Plange-Kuma

Mr. Qing Li and Ms. Jing Wang Andrew and Susan Prusan Patrick and Samantha Ryan Mr. Aadit Seshasayee and Mrs. Meena Trakru Mr. and Mrs. Shatrughan Sinha The Song Family Woodney and John Wachter James and Mary Waskovich Andrew and Viridian Weiss Dr. Tan Yan and Mrs. Yiyi Wu


Mark Badros and Heidi Van Evera Tomas & Eva Bohmanova Tiffany Davis Alicia Fruscione '98 The Kumar and Green Family Tara Nunn '92 and Thomas Nunn Mr. Joshua Suggs Brittany Suggs Dr. Tan Yan and Mrs. Yiyi Wu Josh Walker


Anonymous Eric & KaNeda Bullock Marisa and Timothy Hedges Mr. Chris Mai Mr. Joshua Suggs Brittany Suggs Mr. Bing Xu and Ms. Qin Qin


Anonymous (3) Dr. Clyde Beverly and Mrs. Carlyne Beverly, Esq. Mr. Qing Li and Ms. Jing Wang Natasha Legiersky McDermott '01 and Mr. Patrick McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nastro Aaron and Amelia Berchtold Sked '05 Mr. Joshua Suggs Brittany Suggs Mr. Bin Zhang and Ms. Zhong Zheng



Mark Badros and Elizabeth Lynn

Lower School: Kelly Raveling Middle School: Cathy Murphy Upper School: Marty Arsenault

LEADERSHIP GIFTS COMMITTEE Cabinet Chairs: Mark Badros and Elizabeth Lynn Alumnae Chair: Vic Kovarik ‘20 Grandparent Chairs: Raymond and Mary Ann Marks Current Parents Chair: Geniva and Bill Martin Past Trustees Chair: Maureen Baus Past Parents Chair: Alyson Landers

PARENT DIVISION CHAIRS Lower School: Natasha Legiersky McDermott ‘01 Middle School: Robin Frink Upper School: Melinda La Nasa

FUND CHAIRS Arts: Alyson Lawrence Athletics: Elizabeth Martin COVID: Robin Frink DEI: Robin Frink Faculty Development: Ed Trzaska Financial Aid: Natasha McDermott ‘01 Finance & Economics: Melinda La Nasa Leadership: Ed Trzaska STEM: Allison Kohler

PARENT CLASS CAPTAINS Early Childhood EC: Carlyne Beverly


Lower School Kindergarten: Joshua Suggs Grade 1: Melissa Green Grade 2: Woodney Wachter Grade 3: Mary Waskovich Grade 4: Julie Song Middle School Grade 5: Aline Daou Grade 6: Diane McKee Grade 7: Marchella Cariola Grade 8: Ludwig Zebrauskas Upper School Grade 9: Robin Frink Grade 10: Noel Ix Grade 11: Ginella Gracias Grade 12: Noel Ix

FACULTY AND STAFF DONORS Stuart’s faculty and staff bring their best every day to support our students. They are the role models, the teachers, the character builders, the inspirational leaders delivering our mission in creative and innovative ways. Their dedication to our students, our families and our community is reflected not only in student learning, but also in their generous participation in The Stuart Fund. Anonymous (2) Mr. Martin Arsenault Jan Baldwin Patricia Bazergui Jason Bink Maureen Bruvik Danielle T. Carter Juan Carlos Cordero Christine D'Alessandro Patrice Dias Denise M. Driscoll Heidi Echternacht Mr. Marc Eripret Dr. Patty Fagin Alicia Fruscione '98 Katherine Gibson Catherine R. Hamm

Cynthia Haney Janet Hansen Susan Hayes Judy Hill Linda Hochuli Jill Hunt Christen Jones Monique Jones Anna Kachmarski Mary Jo Kahn Elisabeth Keeley Cain Susy Kim Nancy Klepack Allison Kohler Alexey Krupitsch Dominique Di Meglio Kucharczuk

Melinda La Nasa Katie Landolfi Mary Ellen Lederer Susan Lee Justin Leith Emily Lesinski Dr. Yi Liu Kristen Lopez Watt '90 Darren Malone Elizabeth Marks '84 Elizabeth Maurer Bonnie Milecki Robert Missonis Hilary Morris Marissa Muoio Kathy Murphy Rose Neubert


Elena Nickerson Aileen O'Shea Joseph Petitto Anne Pierpont Antonio Piscitelli Samantha Ryan Judith Shakespeare Siano Jennifer Simons Amelia Berchtold Sked '05 Nancy Solomon Alicia Testa Monica Vogel Andrew Wilkinson April Woodhull Phyllis Wright Cheng Yow Kristen Zosche



GRANDPARENTS CLUB CLASS OF 2021 Ana Campbell Mrs. Adrienne S. Rodewald

CLASS OF 2022 Joseph and Diane Grosso


Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo Cevallos


Janet and Mike Glickson


Bertha Ballina John and Judith Durish Duane and MJ Kress John Maguire


Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo Cevallos


Laurie J. Richards Randy and Debbie Sugden


Dr. Karen Badros Maureen and Bob Baus Mr. and Mrs. William Ehret Royce and Tina Van Evera Ms. Nancy VanEvera


Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Fruscione Ms. Joan Weiss

CLASS OF 2030 Mrs. Nancy Irenas


John and Perri Wachter


Dr. Karen Badros Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Fruscione Royce and Tina Van Evera Ms. Nancy VanEvera


Pam and Ed Berchtold Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Nastro




Anonymous Christy Love-Sadron '66 Ellen Dougherty '67 Deborah Endersby Gwazda '67* Eliza Kelly '67* Louise Morse '67* Mary Russell O'Brien '67 Nancy Douglas Pontone '67* Agnes Acuff Hunsicker '68 Anne Conley O'Neill '68* Dr. Rosette Gault '69 Rosemary Murphy Kitts '69


Elaine Pontani Burress '70 Elizabeth Lincoln '70 Patricia Peters Iannucci '71* Maria Komoski Bowditch '72* Jeannette File-Lamb '72 Olivia Kuser '72 Regina Murray Volkwein '72* Margaret Young-Nordgren '72 Marilyn Crawford '73* Lisa Fischbeck '73 Elizabeth Flood '73 Dorothy Fecht Luntey '73 Eleanor Meredith '73* Jill Houghton Mudge '73 Mindy Magid Radcliff '73 Cynthia Reiche Schumacker '73* Cynthia L. Tower '73 Christine Belli '74 Caroline Christen Boucher '74 Cynthia Blum Carroll '74 Patricia Donelly Gilbert '74 Diana Zeydel '74 Ann Fleming Brown '75* Reverend Care Crawford '75* Alyson Craig Flournoy '75* Melissa Baggitt Scott '75 Anne Murray Patterson '76* Jennifer Harford '77 Cynthia Chooljian Jost '77* Audrey Goldberg Parton '77 Gabriel Ritz Saphar '78 Anne-Marie Belli '79

Julie Campo '79 Susan Crowell Clifton '79 Sarah Felton '79* Susan Hughes '79 Laurie Blaskovitz Krzyston '79 Sheila McCabe '79 Theresa McKee Sayia '79 H. Lydia Zaininger '79


Anonymous (2) Kristin Rodewald Dawson '80* Maureen Leak '80 Sarah Tabell Nocka '80 Carolyn Zack '80 Karen Neely Faryniak '82* Nahla Azmy '83* Mibs Southerland Mara '83 Tara Ann Murphy '83 Dr. Sarah P. Wascura '83 Leah-Beth Cilo '84 Elizabeth Marks '84* Maggie Agin Rogers '84 Anne Fendrich Stevens '84 The McKee Family '84 Lesley Vannerson '84 Michele Cooke-Andresen '85 Tara Crowley '85 Fidelma Callery Woodley '85* Ramona Berven '86 Laura A.B. Cifelli '86* Margaret Randazzo '86* Maria Golfinopoulos Yuelys '86 Jasmine Ferrer '87 Stephanie L. Truesdell '88* Kathryn Duffy Bavuso '89 Jamie Stitzer Cahill '89 Rosamond Moxon O’Connor ‘89


Anonymous Jennifer Landis ‘90 Natasha Dickey Lawton '90 Kristen Lopez-Watt '90* Catheryn O'Rourke '90* Tracy Jefferson Shore '91 Whitney Kerney '91*

*Donors who have given to The Stuart Fund for five or more consecutive years.


Christine Cho '92* Clare Gardner Nieto '92* Tara Nunn '92 Mary Carpenter '93 Jennifer Lee-You '93 Katherine Kuser Birkenstock '94 Alma Moxon Eisenacher '94 Michelle Evaul '94 Barbara Horne '94 Veronica Maxwell Robinson '94* Jennifer E. Chiurco ‘95 Courtney Hodock '95 Eliza Hoover '95 Katherine Baus Bogumil '96 Gia Fruscione-Loizides '96* Sara Burchell Kestner '96* Jessica Seebald Francisco '97 Miss Harmon Snow '97 Alicia Fruscione '98*


Zoelene Hill '00* Natalie Hamill '01 Natasha Legiersky McDermott '01* Rachel Williams Cotter '02 Ana Maria Sauthoff Soler '02 Colleen Farrell McHugh '03* La’Keisha Sutton ‘03 Carly Williams '04 Catherine Currie Leguia '05* Amelia Berchtold Sked '05 Rosalind Elliott '06 Victoria Katen-Narvell '06 Katharine Thompson '06* Becca Sanchez Martin '07 Katherine Baker '08* Haley Carstensen ‘08 Sharee Maxwell '08 Kelsey Semrod '08* Carys Johnson Webb '08 Courtney Alexander '09 Lydia Brandriff '09 Shana Jordan '09 Julia Mather '09 Edie Tattersall '09*


Anonymous Katherine Keith '11 Katherine Neubert '11 Parris Branker '12 Stephanie Champi '12 Ana Hallowell ‘12* Catherine Huber ‘12 Susan Knox '12*

Kyra Bradley '13 Isabel Soto '13 Anna Verhaegen '13 Margaret La Nasa '14 Vanessa Li ‘14 Harlyn Bell '15* Claire Landers ‘17 Sarah Du ‘18 Roshni Patel ‘18

Yuchen Qin ‘18 Cynthia Y. Blaney '19 Gillian Carmien ‘19

In memory of Caroline C. Heller Mary Louise Dawson Kathryn A. Bavuso R. Graham Akers Martha Akers

In memory of Maureen O'Halloran, RSCJ Barbara Anne Cagney


Vic Kovarik '20 Stophie Tarditi ‘20 Molly Lagay ‘21 Penelope Luchs ‘21

MEMORIAL GIFTS In memory of Mary E. Acuff Agnes Acuff Hunsicker '68 and Don Hunsicker In memory of Marie Louise Carmody Ed Hennessey Erin Hennessey Eliza F. Kelly In memory of Elizabeth (Ping) Chiang Moxon The Moxon O'Connor Family Charitable Trust Rosamond Moxon O'Connor In memory of Leon J. Christen Caroline C. Boucher In memory of Beatrice Chukumba Inyama Margaret Randazzo In memory of Ruth I. Cilo Leah Beth Cilo In memory of Arthur J. Conley Elisabeth Fitzgerald In memory of Patrick Connor Sanford B. Bing In memory of Stacy Cramer Charles R. and Paula Jones In memory of Erin D. Curcio William D. Hogan In memory of Phyllis Goldberg Audrey L. Parton

In memory of Jane Stepka Horas Patricia L. Fagin In memory of Susana Horas Patricia L. Fagin In memory of Thomas C. Jamieson Mary Lee Jamieson In memory of Mary Ellen Keith Katherine E. Keith In memory of Joan Kirby, RSCJ Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ Eliza F. Kelly

In memory of James and Eileen O'Mara Maureen Pfeffer In memory of Mary S. Ramsey Maureen Bruvik Margaret S. Ramsey Christine Ramsey In memory of Frank P. Reiche Christen E. Jones In memory of Cokie Roberts Steven V. Roberts In memory of Louise Romine Patricia L. Fagin

In memory of Jacqueline A. Maruca Rocco F. Maruca

In memory of Hilda Ronel Sanford B. Bing

In memory of Victoria Flournoy McCarthy '71 Ira Fuchs Kevin E. McCarthy

In memory of Elaine ‘Lanie’ Simko Sanford B. Bing

In memory of Babette L. McGarry James D. and Laura M. Lamke In memory of John Moxon The Moxon O'Connor Family Charitable Trust Rosamond Moxon O'Connor In memory of Elaine Murphy Rosemary E. Kitts


In memory of Edward B. Testa Alicia Testa In memory of Judy Testa Alicia Testa In memory of Thierry J. Verhaegen Anna M. Verhaegen In memory of Ruth M. Williams Carol LiVolsi Frank Kenny


MATER LEGACY SOCIETY The generosity of the Mater Legacy Society members supports the current and future programs at Stuart. We are so grateful to the donors who remember Stuart in their wills, or who, through another type of planned gift, strengthen Stuart in perpetuity.

Mr. and Ms. Attila Agh Mrs. Maude Belli Mr. William A. Bonnell Drs. Janice K. Bush and Eric L. Hagestad Mr. and Mrs. Brendan T. Byrne, Jr. Laura Cifelli '86 Mr. Robert E. Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Clark Margaret Considine '72 Mrs. Margaret B. Considine Mr. and Mrs. John Crutcher Ms. Beatrice B. de la Chapelle Estate of James E. Doyle Mrs. Pauline Egan Ms. Katherine Eikel Marjorie Fitton '81 Mary Flournoy '73 Patricia Donelly Gilbert '74 Mrs. Margaret S. Goheen Dr. Jorge Guerrero and Mrs. Mary Anne Guerrero Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hamill Mrs. Margaret Hamill Mr. Samuel M. Hamill, Jr. Mr. Alan Hill and Dr. Linda M. Hill Estate of Margaret Hehir Mrs. Jeanne Howley Ms. Eleanor Hughes-Fulmer Mrs. Mary Lee Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. Jaap J. Ketting Mrs. Elizabeth R. Keuffel

Mrs. Kenneth W. Keuffel Rosemary Murphy Kitts '69 Mrs. Nancy Kramer Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kramer The Estate of Carol K. Loser The Estate of David Mathey Mr. and Mrs. David C. Maxwell Mrs. Mary Anne Maxwell Mr. William Mayhall and Ms. Linda Foell Estate of Felicite P. Morgan Deborah Brown Murdock '76 Ms. Laura J. Novia Dr. Robert M. Olson Jessica Palmer '99 Mrs. Maribeth Proshan Mr. and Mrs. Rudnyanszky Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sayer Sheila and Jim Schnell Cynthia Reiche Schumacker '73 and Scott F. Schumacker Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph Semrod Mr. Harris B. Siegel Mr. and Mrs. George F. Smith III Mr. Thomas J. Sowanick Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Speciale Ms. Megan E. Thomas Mrs. Ruth C. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. James S. Thornton Mrs. Daphne Townsend Mrs. Mary E. Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Yang, Jr.

For more information on how you can have a lasting impact on Stuart, contact Ashley Stewart, Associate Director of Leadership Giving, at




ENDOWMENT FUNDS Endowed Funds at Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart help ensure that Stuart can deliver on its mission of preparing young women for lives of exceptional leadership and service. As an institution, Stuart is grateful to the donors who had the vision and foresight to support future generations of Stuart women. Thanks to these visionary donors, Stuart’s total endowment exceeds $16.7 million.

SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENTS Fund The Barbara Boggs Sigmund Scholarship Fund Established in memory of Barbara Boggs Sigmund, a former Stuart faculty member, Sacred Heart alumna and mayor of Princeton Borough, to support a minority student from Princeton with financial need. The Mary P. Caddell Scholarship Fund Established in memory of Mary Caddell, who died in a hiking accident while a student at Stuart, to support a student with a strong interest in science and the environment. The Callan-O'Brien Family Scholarship Fund Established in memory of two of the founders of Stuart, Anne Cuttle Callan O'Brien and her husband, Russell O'Brien, and Anne's mother Catherine, for whom Stuart's first scholarship fund was established. The Class of 2008 Scholarship Fund Established by the parents of the Class of 2008 in honor of their daughters. The Margherita Condell, RSCJ Scholarship Fund Established in honor of Margherita Condell, RSCJ, by Muriel Gardiner, a longtime friend, with additional contributions provided by Mrs. David McAlpin, to support a minority student. The Marie-Louise Carmody, RSCJ Scholarship Fund Established in honor of Marie-Louise Carmody, RSCJ, beloved guidance counselor and mentor, to support a kind, faithful and motivated student with financial need. The Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ Scholarship Endowment Established in 2010 in honor of 25 years of service faithfully provided by Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ, for financial aid that will allow Stuart to continue attracting and retaining the brightest, most motivated, diverse student body. The Maloney-Duffy Scholarship Fund Established by Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Maloney in gratitude for their parents, John & Shirley Maloney and James & Diane Duffy. The Goizueta Scholarship Fund Established by Robert C. Goizueta in celebration of the achievements of immigrants to the US to support financial aid for Hispanic/Latina students. The Hillenbrand Family Scholarship Fund Established to provide financial aid to students at the beginning of Upper School and continue providing support to those students through to commencement. The James E. Kerney Scholarship Fund Established by the James Kerney Foundation to provide financial assistance for children from the city of Trenton. The Peter Mark Scholarship Fund Established in memory of a renowned scientist, father of Catherine '77 and husband of Delia Mark, Stuart's beloved former school nurse. The Dean Mathey Scholarship Fund Established through the estate of Dean Mathey, WWI veteran, national tennis champion, financier and longtime Princeton University Trustee who had a lifelong commitment to education, volunteerism and philanthropy. The fund supports students who excel in science. The Edward E. Ford Scholarship Fund Established through a gift from the Edward E. Ford Foundation and matched by several generous friends of Stuart to support financial aid for students of the Upper School.


Fund The Peggy Kerney McNeil Scholarship Fund Established in memory of one of Stuart's Founding Mothers, and mother of Fran '71, Josephine '74, grandmother of Jennifer '90, Colleen '91, Sarah '10 and great-grandmother of Emily '15 and Betsy '21; to support the daughter of an alumna. The Hamilton F. Potter, Jr. and Linton W. Turner Scholarship Endowment Established by Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton F. Potter III in honor of their fathers, to provide scholarship support to students of any grade. The Gee Johnson Scholarship Fund Anonymously given to establish an endowed financial fund in memory of Gee Johnson. The Cynthia Reiche Schumacker '73 Scholarship Endowment Established in celebration of Stuart's 50th Anniversary to support a student or students of any grade who have demonstrated academic excellence and shown financial need. The Mme. Hilda Ronel Scholarship Fund Established by the family, friends and students of beloved French teacher Hilda Ronel, who taught at Stuart for many years. The Stuart Scholarship Fund Established and supported by the generous donors of our community to help fund Stuart's financial aid program. The Stuart Board of Trustees Scholarship Fund Established by current and former Trustees in support of the financial aid endowment. The Eileen Fox Weence Scholarship Fund Established in 2004 by Kathy Fox Feeny '71 in celebration of her mother, a Sacred Heart alumna and an RSCJ from 1941 to 1946. She lived by the motto "Educo," to draw forth and discover how to excite each individual to learn and grow.

PROGRAM ENDOWMENTS Fund The Alice Llewellyn Eubank Burke Fund Established by Mrs. Betty Wold Johnson in fond memory of Alice Llewellyn Eubank Burke, mother of Clotidle '77, to enrich all students' arts education by funding annual visits to the region's finest museums. The Caroline Dawson Heller '89 Women in Leadership Memorial Fund Established by James J. Dawson and Mary Louise Dawson in memory of their daughter Caroline '89. The proceeds support activities of the Women in Leadership initiative, including visiting speakers, workshops and mentorships that inspire young women to lives of leadership. The Class of 2021 Faculty Excellence Fund Established by the parents of the Class of 2021 in honor of the faculty who nurtured and supported their daughters. This fund provides ongoing support of the faculty at Stuart. The Faculty and Staff Development Fund Established to provide long-term resources for the compensation and professional development opportunities of faculty and staff so that Stuart will always attract and retain personnel capable of inspiring and empowering the young women of Stuart. The Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ Faculty and Staff Endowment Established in 2010 in honor of the 25 years of service lovingly provided by former faculty member and Head of School, Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ to provide training and compensation to recruit and retain the finest possible faculty and staff. The Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ Program Endowment Established in 2010 in honor of the 25 years of service lovingly provided by former faculty member and Head of School Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ, to support new technology, enhanced communication with the Sacred Heart Network, advance the curricula and support service programs that result in local and global commitment to social justice and environmental action.


all students' arts education by funding annual visits to the region's finest museums. The Caroline Dawson Heller '89 Women in Leadership Memorial Fund Established by James J. Dawson and Mary Louise Dawson in memory of their daughter Caroline '89. The proceeds support A N N U Aactivities L R E PofOthe R TWomen in Leadership initiative including visiting speakers, workshops and mentorships that inspire young women to lives of leadership. The Faculty and Staff Development Fund Established to provide long-term resources for the compensation and professional development opportunities of faculty and staff so that Stuart will always attract and retain personnel capable of inspiring and empowering the young women of Stuart.


The Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ Faculty and Staff Endowment Established in 2010 in honor of the 25 years of service lovingly provided by former faculty member and Head of School, Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ to provide training and compensation to recruit and retain the finest possible faculty and staff.


The Green Chair in Music Fund Established by Helena R. Geuting in memory of her mother, Helena Springer Green Raskob, to further the music program at Stuart from preschool to grade 12. The Mark and Tracy Johnson Community Service Fund Established in honor of their daughters Carys '08 and Bethany '11 to further the outreach of the community service program at Stuart. The William Kalker Fund Established to provide financial assistance for needy students to take part in the school's international exchange programs, with first preference given to students of Jewish heritage. The Louise and Marston Morse Library Fund Established by a Stuart trustee with additional support from the Morses' friends to honor these two members of Stuart's Founding Committee, Professor Marston Morse, renowned mathematician, and Louise Morse, community advocate and champion of the Stuart libraries, to support the collections and activities of the libraries. The Mary Ramsey Student Life Fund Established in loving memory of longtime Stuart faculty member Mary Ramsey by her husband, David Gilvarg, family members, friends and former students to support travel exchanges and various opportunities available but not always feasible for students of modest means. The Jane and Frank Ryan Fund for Leadership Training Established by John and Carolyn Healey in honor of Carolyn's parents to support educational opportunities for the development of leadership qualities in Stuart's students. Pauline Palmer Wood Memorial Fund Established by the Egan family in memory of Pauline Egan's mother to support library acquisitions for the Lower School. Harris B. Siegel Endowment for Leadership Development Established by Patricia Costante and her daughter Stephanie Champi '12 in recognition of college guidance counselor Harris B. Siegel. This fund supports Upper School students’ pursuit of leadership opportunities and the skills that put them front and center in the causes and activities that capture their interest. Elaine France Simko Memorial Fund for Lainie's House Established in memory of Lainie Simko, mother of Kathleen '02, Caroline '06 and Julia, and wife of Michael, for ongoing maintenance of the home of the Head of School. Timendi Causa Este Nescire Fund Established by A. Raines Plambeck '08 and E. Fayette Plambeck '15. Ignorance is the cause of fear. The fund will be used to give students leadership education opportunities, encouraging them to spread knowledge, empathy, tolerance and understanding. The Mark and Tracy Johnson and Sue and Charles Plambeck Strategic Board Endowed Fund Established on June 2, 2017 by the Board of Trustees to honor Mark and Sue's outstanding leadership and focus on governance and strategic planning. This fund supports ongoing education for the Board of Trustees as well as their attendance at the Network of the Sacred Heart Schools Trustee Conferences. The Hasby/Epstein Endowed Fund Established by former faculty member Karen Epstein and her husband Lawrence to honor their parents, Rose and Lee Epstein and Ann and Jarl Hasby, for whom education was very important. The fund supports academic testing for students with limited resources. The Joan Kirby, RSCJ Sustainability Fund Established by the Board of Trustees in memory of Joan Kirby, RSCJ, Stuart's first Head of School, to support school initiatives that protect the natural environment, ecological health and energy conservation. The Holt and Regina Murray Physical Plant Maintenance Fund Established by the family and friends of Holt Murray to provide long-term support to maintain the campus of Stuart. The Philip and Maria Yang College Preparatory Endowment Endowment established by Philip and Maria Yang to support college preparatory expenses for talented students who otherwise would not have access to these resources. Sugden Family Sacred Heart Goals Fund Established by Chris and Debbie Sugden P’23 P’27 to foster and deepen the connection between Stuart students, faculty and staff and the broader Sacred Heart Network.


UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENTS Fund Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ, General Endowed Fund Established in 2010 in honor of the 25 years of service lovingly provided by former faculty member and Head of School Frances de la Chapelle, RSCJ, to support new technology and enhanced partnership with the Sacred Heart Network, advance the curricula and support service programs that result in local and global commitment to social justice and environmental action. The Richard Flournoy Memorial Fund Established in memory of Richard Flournoy, father of daughters Lee '67, Anne '69, Vickie '71, Mary '73, Alyson '75 and granddaughter Caroline '02 for the general support of Stuart. Stuart Memorial Endowment Established by the Board of Trustees in 2013 as a means of creating a lasting tribute to those memorialized through contributions. The Stuart General Endowment Established to provide long-term resources available for emergency purposes and assistance each year to the operating fund. TOTAL MARKET VALUE AS OF JUNE 20, 2021……………………… $16,755,317.79

New, named funds may be endowed with a gift of $50,000. Exceptions are made at the discretion of the Head of School and the approval of the Board of Trustees. Gifts can be made over a multi-year period.



1200 Stuart Road, Princeton, NJ 08540 609.921.2330 •



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