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Cross country ski trails and hiking trails

Das romantisch gelegene Naherholungsgebiet Klaus Äuele am Ufer des Ruetz Baches ist auch im Winter bei Familien mit Kindern sehr beliebt. Anziehungspunkt ist der große Abenteuerspielplatz. Und wo im Sommer in den kleinen Seen geplanscht wird, vergnügen sich im Winter Alt und Jung auf der spiegelglatten Natureisfläche beim Schlittschuhlaufen und Eisstockschießen. Die entsprechende Sportausrüstung kann in der Jausenstation ausgeliehen werden.

Cross-country skiers and winter hikers have one thing in common: they enjoy the Stubai Valley’s magical nature to the full. The cross-country skiing trails and hiking trails in the valley have been laid out so they do not get in each other’s “way” and yet can be used together.

This romantically situated recreation area on the banks of the Ruetz Bach stream is also very popular with families with children in winter. The main attraction is the large adventure playground. And where people splash around in the small lakes in summer, all ages have fun on the smooth as glass natural ice rink with ice skating and curling in winter. The appropriate sports equipment is available for hire at the Jausenstation. C ross-country skiing is pure relaxation and is extremely popular in the Stubai. The focus is not only on athletic performance but also on mindfully experiencing nature. Whether skating or classic style, leisurely skiers feel just as comfortable on the 60 kilometre long network of trails in the Stubai as top athletes. “In the Stubai Valley, we thought hard about how to lay out the trails”, Franz Volderauer tells us. The state-certified crosscountry skiing trainer and instructor has played a crucial role in shaping how the trails run with his many years of expertise. The cross-country trails in the Stubai Valley have been awarded the cross-country trail quality seal from the Tyrolean provincial government for many years. Strict criteria must be met to obtain this, for example in the areas of orientation, preparation, marking, protection etc. “It is important that Nordic athletes have their trails to themselves and winter hikers their paths”, Franz continues. This is achieved by keeping cross-country trails and hiking trails as separate as possible, but keeping crosscountry skiers and winter hikers within sight of each other. “This is very important for families in particular. This way, some can do sports while the others go for a leisurely walk or play in the snow”, Franz knows from experience.


The district of Falbeson is the cross-country skiing paradise in the Stubai Valley. Situated in a location with guaranteed snow, but also with the possibility of technical snow making, you will find a variety of cross-country ski trails in all levels of difficulty. For example, the elite trail (black). It is a real challenge for athletic cross-country skiers and requires quite a bit of stamina and cross-country

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