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e value of architecture is the expression of history and development. During each age, the de nition of architecture’s value leads to an evolution of how we live. erefore, the big picture comes from the question of how we de ne the current value of architecture by comparing it with the two main historical values from the classical and industrial ages.


Classical architecture

e origin value of architecture is mainly as a spiritual expression.

e rst revolutionary architectural style appeared in the celebration of spiritual impaction. e impaction includes the power of empire, the power of religion, the power of knowledge, etc. But no matter what reason, it is mainly to reveal the public. erefore, society was willing to spend decades to hundreds of years with the highest tectonic and material quality to construct architecture like an artwork.

As all the power wishes to exist permanently, the classical architecture life cycle was designed for long-lasting. e re ection on the material is the use of limestone and rocks, which allow the classical buildings are still functional through hundreds or thousands of years.

1. “20 Buildings and Structures at Took the Longest Time to Build,” Great performers academy, n.d., https://greatperformersacademy.com/interesting/20-buildings-and-stru ctures-that-took-the-longest-time-to-build. Fig.1. Milan Cathedral 1386 - 1965 Fig.2. e Leaning Tower of Pisa 1173 - 1372 Fig.3. St. Peter's Basilica 1506 - 1626 Fig.4. e Sagrada Familia 1882 - 2022

e revealing value introduces myth into architecture

Gods’ statues, animals and herbs were introduced from the beginning, not just for decoration and to make the palace fancy but to show respect for religion and power.

Functionality is not the priority. How to express the power and reveal the public leads to fancy details and large composition.

Statua del dio Nilo (Nile god) e god becomes part of architecture’s language and is repeated in di erent architecture programs.

Photos on this page are all on site photograph taken by author. Represent the tree and herbs as a revealing of the respect for gods. Altar of the Fatherland e large scale of architecture used in public architecture.

Fig.5.6. Library of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt, Probably during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285–246 BC)2

An expression of philosophy

Among all the power that classical architecture aims to express, the power of knowledge, research and communication are the most attractive.

Located in Alexandria Egypt, the Library of Alexandria used to be the world’s largest library and research center. It collected the world’s largest number of books and provided a learning space for people devoted to chasing the truth of science and nature. However, it vanished into ashes in two res during the war. Before the establishment of the Library of Alexandria, the knowledge was localized3. e great library helped collect knowledge, provide space for cultural interaction, and reveal new studies.

Architecture’s existence during that time had more social or civilizational impact instead of only serving a small group of people. It is the expression of the human’s attitude to this world.

2. Arienne King, “Making the myth of the Library of Alexandria,” Josho Brouwers, published 17 October 2018, https://www. ickr.com/photos/sipazigaltumu/7769464038/in/photost ream/. 3. Mostafa El-Abbadi, “Library of Alexandria,” Britannica, Oct 12, 2022, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Library-of-Alexandria.

Industrial architecture

Function becomes the priority value

As the time comes to the 19th century, the development of society and technology leads people to ght more for individual rights. Instead of respecting nature, people start to get a sense of achievement by conquering nature. erefore, the modernist revolution rejected the revealing value of classical architecture and its derivatives like construction methods, fancy decoration details and philosophical engagement. Architecture’s value switch from spiritual to practical.

Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian Originated from Greek and Rome by referring to nature patterns.

During this period, people start to chase the updating instead of the permanence. However, the architectural life cycle is still the old one designed for permanence. It is weird that under the aim of searching for new ways in an era that is so addicted to change, the evolution of architecture is only expressed through changing the form and tectonics. ere is a need to discuss if the classical life cycle of architecture is still operable in the new age.

Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana Languages get abstracted into clear solid.

Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana Express the technical development.

e classical architecture life cycle is one-time use, meaning it seldom changes the space once it is completed. It uses generic space to face the change. e program is not that speci c, and the space is more open. It is why some cathedrals can change into hospitals during wars and the Black Death, and some monasteries can transform into vineyards recently. e spiritual value of classical architecture focuses more on society or civilization. While, industrial architectures are more for getting pro ts.

During the 19th and 20th centuries, development is more important than maintenance. Society had no patience for spending a long time and handicra s to make architecture humbly. Architecture’s value changed from serving for spiritual revealing to functional, ful lling requirements quickly and e ciently. As the spiritual signi cance has been replaced by practical value, the factories are constructed irresponsibly to achieve speci c aims during a particular time. e space becomes more precise and only serves speci c functions. If the requirement changes, the factory will be out of use. e only ending is getting demolished and rebuilding a new one.

erefore, as the one-time used life cycle was not used correctly, the architecture that follows this logic started to overload the world.

Only keep updating the material and construction process. Using the life cycle designed for achieving permanence to face an updating world is a paradox.

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