REP 3 - Assignment 1 - YunTeng Jiang

Page 11

The Conclusion of the analysis

More Plants

Rock Dam

According to all the analysis, it is concluded that the lack of vegetation, geological materials a n d re g i o n a l ra i n fa l l a re t h e important factors leading to serious sea water erosion. Firstly, the lack of vegetation leads to the rapid geological loss, which makes the sea water erosion more and more serious. Therefore, i t i s n e c e s s a r y to p l a n t m o re vegetation to protect this beach. Secondly, the geological material is sand, and the sandy coastline is the most vulnerable of all materials, so we need to use rock and other materials to build a small dike to prevent serious coastal erosion. Thirdly, the solution to excessive rainfall is to build water outlets to prevent most of the rainfall from flowing to the coast, which can protect a certain amount of sand from being lost.


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