REP 3 - Assignment 1 - YunTeng Jiang

Page 6

BackGround - Costal Erosion

There are two main natural factors c a u s i n g c o a s t a l e ro s i o n : f i r s t , t h e enhancement of marine dynamic action, and the tidal current and wave generated in the process of sea water movement are the main driving forces causing coastal erosion. Inshore tidal current determines the offshore movement direction of coastal sediment and becomes one of the important causes of coastal erosion. The wave action is mainly manifested as incipient sediment and transport This caused by coastal erosion in melbourne sediment. Taking the Yellow River Delta as an example, the shoreline erosion in the Yellow River Delta is generally caused by the combined action of tide and wave, which enhances the coastal erosion. Second, global warming leads to the rise of sea level. Global warming causes the average sea level in many areas to rise slowly relative to the land. Because the beach profile will be gradually adjusted to adapt to the rising mean sea level, it will cause slow erosion of the shoreline. Sea level rise will not cause coastal erosion in a short time, but it will induce or accelerate coastal erosion This risk of adelaide in Lidar in a long time. The relative rise of sea level leads to the increase of nearshore water depth, which enhances the wave action reaching the shore and erodes the coast.


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