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Experimenting with ramps, ultimately giving up because it was giving me too much difficulty and not the visual result I had intended. So I decided to experiment with stairs instead

I wanted a large staircase that acts as main entrance to school, creating that sense of arrival, as well as clearly separating the school from the road. I also wanted this stepped back from the sidewalk to create a buffer zone.


Experimenting with the floor plans of the fourth option I also leaned towards having these oblique walls to create interesting in-between spaces that could be ‘kid only’ and act as part of their play

FEEDBACK: Bring the outdoor platform inwards, as to remain within site Be more generous with the amount of outdoor space being given The amount of public space at ground floor might not need to be as much The space between classrooms is mostly circulation, consider class placement for more usable internal space and solar access for classrooms


These are reworked floor plans, whereby the main stairs come up from the park side towards the building. However they reach the first floor and go directly into a wall which doesn’t work particularly well

The outdoor platforms also no longer overhang the site boundary

FEEDBACK: Potentially have a ‘mezzanine’ floor under the first floor that breaks up the large stairs to create a first entrance point to the school, where the reception and other services could be positioned

In this iteration, the ground floor is more refined

After completing these drawings I realized that a more effective way of doing the stairs would be to not have them coming directly from the park side

FEEDBACK: The office at ground could be angled to allow a view to both the stairs going up to the school and down to the gym Additionally consider the placement of the columns - having a column in the middle of a walking space can be obstructive

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