Student Affairs Annual Report

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Student Affairs Annual Report 2011-12

Contents Introduction Vice President’s Message Student Affairs Organizational List Student Affairs Statement: Mission, Vision, Values Priorities Review for 2011-12

2 3 4 4

Enrollment Management Admissions 6 Five-Year Enrollment Snapshot 8 Student Feature: Edgar Cedillo Montoya 9 Financial Aid and Scholarships 10 Records and Registration 12 Student Services Spokane 14 Student Life Associated Students of Eastern Washington University 16 Student Feature: Jessica Sharpe 17 Campus Recreation 18 Program Feature: Club Sports 20 Counseling and Psychological Services 22 Disability Support Services 24 Health, Wellness and Prevention Services 25 New Student Programs 26 Pride Center 28 Student Feature: Joshua Neil 30 Program Feature: Sorority and Fraternity Life 31 Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership 32 Student Rights and Responsibilities 34 Student Feature: Abbie Poirier 36 Career Services 37 Career Services Housing and Residential Life Program Feature: Veteran Support Services Student Feature: Ryan Peil Contractual Student Services Student Medical Services Campus Childcare

38 40 41

44 Inside back cover



From the Vice President for Student Affairs This year, I had the opportunity to get a very different perspective on Student Affairs when I took over the portfolio and responsibilities of the Dean of Students/Associate VP while we conducted a national search. I am grateful to the outstanding professionals in the Student Life area, many of whom also picked up “additional duties as assigned” and demonstrated flexibility and outstanding professionalism with the new reporting arrangements. Doing double duty this year allowed me to understand more clearly what the individual departments needed in their new leader, and helped me reshape the Dean’s portfolio to be more directly responsive to student needs.

Capturing a year’s worth of activities is challenging. Every year presents inspiring activities, as well as very routine, but essential, tasks that make up the life of a Student Affairs organization. Providing this annual report serves several purposes. It acknowledges the hard work of the professionals Stacey Morgan Foster, JD within the organization, celebrates key accomplishments, renews our commitment to our students, educates others about Student Affairs and demonstrates accountability to the public. The pages that follow provide a fairly comprehensive view of unit activities; nevertheless, we acknowledge that we can’t include everything.

All of us in Student Affairs are committed to our students. They are the reason we are here. From the mundane to the lifechanging, every part of our work is important when it helps a student succeed. Thank you to the wonderful staff in Student Affairs, and congratulations on another fine year at Eastern Washington University. Best,

The 2011-12 academic year once again delivered a record enrollment. While other universities were struggling and some saw declines, EWU steadily gained. Our efforts began in 2010 and moved forward with enhanced marketing initiatives, tightened admissions processes and earlier application deadlines for freshmen and transfers. Our position as the state institution with the lowest tuition rate continued to be a strong factor to ensure access and success for our students. All these factors helped us grow our pool in numbers, selectivity and diversity, and it reinforced EWU as the best value in higher education in the state of Washington. Kudos to the enrollment services team, who worked diligently to deliver timely and accurate services to students in the matriculation process.

Stacey Morgan Foster, JD Vice President for Student Affairs


Student Affairs Organization Vice President Budget and Contract Services Student Accounting Childcare Center Contract/YMCA Health Services Contract/Rockwood Clinic Career Services Veterans Resource Center Housing and Residential Life Housing Operations Residential Life Living-Learning Communities

Dean of Students/ Associate Vice President for Student Life Campus Recreation Club Sports EPIC Intramurals Counseling and Psychological Services Disability Support Services Health, Wellness and Prevention Services Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership Associated Students of EWU Eagle Entertainment Leadership/Greek Life PRIDE Center Special Events Student Rights and Responsibilities Victims’ Advocate

Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services Admissions Financial Aid Records and Registration Riverpoint Campus Student Services New Student Programs


Student Affairs Statement Mission

• establish high standards that promote civic responsibility and mutual accountability

We, in the Division of Student Affairs, support Eastern Washington University’s mission by promoting and contributing to a university centered on student learning and success.

• foster an inclusive and diverse community where civility and respect for each individual are valued and expected


To accomplish this, we will:

Engage students along their transformational journey to develop self-confidence, a sense of purpose, resiliency, critical thinking and active citizenship.

• lead the campus in delivering purposeful programs and services that address the holistic development of the student


• identify and respond to students’ needs with personalized student services

Because students are the most important part of what we do, as student affairs professionals we value:

• create and maintain a healthy and safe environment that supports and sustains recruitment, retention and student success • cultivate positive relationships among students, faculty, staff and the broader community • link academic and co-curricular learning experiences

• Integrity

• Collaboration

• Respect

• Inclusivity and

• Commitment

• Diversity

• Creativity

Student Affairs Priorities: 2011-12 Strategic Enrollment Management

• Diversity: Initiated Inclusive Excellence Committee; audited previous diversity activities and assessments; increased diversity of applicant pool; continuing successful campus programming; initiated Web presence review.

• Targets: Established overall enrollment targets for new students, veterans and international enrollments. Achieved goal of increasing freshmen class and overall enrollment by two percent. Largest enrollment in EWU history.


• Reporting Consistency Project: Launched project to automate and capture enrollment data.

• Collaboration and Communication, Community Building and Campus Climate: Ensured campuswide dialogue and participation in Student Affairs activities, such as the new residence hall, enrollment planning, facilities review, campus events and division goal setting.

• Marketing: Created family of recruitment materials and tied in residential life products. • Admissions Criteria: Tightened evaluation and ensured placement into support programs for at-risk students.


• Improved Tools for Students: Implemented Course Scheduler to assist students in arranging courses and life/work demands; increased use of degree audit for students and advisors.

• Technology-Document Imaging: Selected vendor and implemented first phase of project as planned in Admissions and Records and Registration. • Assessment: Second phase of assessment completed with unit action plans.

• International Admissions: Centralized admissions and finalized task force report.

• Professional Development: Created Professional Development Committee; sponsored monthly workshops and annual opening year celebrations; implemented division-wide e-newsletter and employee recognition program.

Programs • Veterans’ Support: Secured funding; renovated space with significant donor contributions; hired staff; opened Veterans Resource Center. 4

Enrollment Management


Admissions Mission Statement

Unit Achievements

The Office of Admissions, through active relationship building, communicates Eastern’s mission and generates a diverse group of applicants who transition into successful students and future alumni. The department promotes Eastern Washington University by providing personalized services in an accurate, efficient and professional manner. Admissions accomplishes this by sharing educational opportunities through recruitment and outreach, holistic application review and transcript evaluation.

• Increased the number of freshman applications by 14 percent over fall 2010 and increased the transfer applications by 13 percent over fall 2010. • Increased the number of group visitation programs by more than 20 percent. • Launched a revised communication plan with new admission’s print pieces and Web presence. • Streamlined transfer and articulation processes to better serve prospective and current transfer students in partnership with Undergraduate Studies.

Services and Programs The Office of Admissions contributes to, and benefits, the campus community by performing the following functions:

• Partnered with Running Start to increase the recruitment of, and service to, current EWU Running Start students.

• Recruitment and prospective student outreach • Community outreach

• Successfully implemented a document imaging system in partnership with OIT and Records and Registration.

• Print, electronic and social media marketing information creation and dissemination

• Integrated international admission processing with undergraduate admissions operations.

• Campus visitations (formal recruitment events, group tours and individualized student-led tours)

• Continued investment in the professional development of the Admissions team. This included hiring two new staff members, planning and facilitating two trainings and improving internal communication.

• Processing and review of undergraduate admission applications and associated materials for four academic terms • Evaluation of transfer coursework for new confirmed freshman and transfer students


Service Indicators High School Visitations

10-11 11-12

Student Learning Outcomes • Students will take responsibility for, and successfully complete, the application and confirmation process













Prospective Student Individual Campus Visits (from above tours and programs)



Processed and Reviewed Applications for Undergraduate Admissions

Enrollment goals for Admissions always look forward one year, thus for 2013-14 Admissions will:





• Lead efforts to increase overall university enrollment by two percent

States Visited Regional and National Fairs Participation On-Campus Visitation Programs Campus Tours Special Group Visits

Phone Inquiries Answered

Entering Student Profile (state enrollments)

Freshman High School GPA


Freshman SAT Average



Number of Freshman Class Enrolled



Selectivity/Admission Rate for Freshman Class



Number of Transfer Students Enrolled







Washington Residents % of New Student Pool

Domain: practical competence


And to achieve this goal, during the 2012-13 year, Admissions will: • successfully implement Customer Relations Management Software and develop corresponding communication plans

Fall 10 Fall 11 3.17

Diversity of New Student Pool (Freshman and Transfers)**

• Students will understand their college options and campus resources available to ensure their collegiate success

• implement an electronic admissions and credentials review using document imaging workflows • implement predictive modeling and develop corresponding recruitment and communication strategies • contribute to the increase in, and success of, international students by continuing to integrate international admissions into the Office of Admissions focusing on the priorities outlined by the International Task Force • collaborate with Academic Affairs to improve the recruitment and transition of Running Start and Transfer students • revamp campus visitations with an intentional focus on increasing yield

**using established census categories, including international populations

• review application process and model for undergraduate and international students • continue to foster the professional and personal health of the admissions team, through open, respectful dialog, successfully integrating new employees into the team and facilitating innovative, team-building training


Five-Year Enrollment Snapshot EWU is an attractive choice for higher education in Washington as indicated by a growing number of applications. Since 2008, EWU has enrolled three of the four largest freshman classes and a growing number of transfer students. EWU remains committed to serving first generation students. Freshman

Enrolled Age Male Female Asian/Pacific Islander African American Hispanic Native American Multiple Ethnicities Caucasian Other/Non-Hispanic/Unknown International Total Diversity Average HS GPA Average SAT (reading and math) Percent first generation enrolled WA Residency Top Interest Areas (stated at application)


Enrolled Age Male Female Asian/Pacific Islander African American Hispanic Native American Multiple Ethnicities Caucasian Other/Non-Hispanic/Unknown International Total Diversity Average transfer GPA Percent first generation enrolled WA Residency Top 3 feeder transfer schools

Total Enrollment

State head count FTE all students Unduplicated head count all locations

Both the academic profile as indicated by incoming GPAs and standardized test scores, and the diversity of the incoming undergraduate student body has increased. Overall enrollment continues to set records, rising to over 16% above 2008 levels in 2012.

2008 1505 18.4 42.3% 57.7% 4.65% 5.38% 11.10% 1.46% 2.66% 68.44% 5.45% 0.86% 26.11% 3.18 977.3 50.1% 90.5% Undecided; Business Administration; Nursing

2009 1468 18.4 41.9% 58.1% 3.20% 5.72% 12.74% 1.70% 3.13% 63.76% 8.85% 0.89% 27.39% 3.17 973.6 50.5% 91.0% Undecided; Business Administration; Nursing

917 24.5 45.1% 54.9% 4.14% 2.07% 7.74% 1.74% 2.94% 64.23% 14.63% 2.51% 21.14% 2.97 48.1% 81.8%

1086 24.4 45.9% 54.2% 3.50% 2.12% 9.39% 1.84% 2.76% 60.04% 18.32% 2.03% 21.64% 2.97 52.1% 78.7%

SFCC, SCC, Columbia Basin CC

SFCC, SCC, Columbia Basin CC

2010 1543 18.4 41.7% 58.3% 5.38% 6.93% 12.9% 1.69% 3.24% 67.73% .96% 1.17% 31.31% 3.17 979.5 49.4% 86.8% Undecided; Nursing; Psychology 1066 24.5 46.4% 53.6% 3.47% 1.88% 6.38% 1.78% 4.03% 74.86% 5.26% 2.34% 19.88% 2.99 54.8% 83.5% SFCC, SCC, Columbia Basin CC

2011 1496 18.5 41.3% 58.7% 3.07% 3.68% 13.37% 0.74% 5.35% 70.19% 1.33% 2.27% 28.48% 3.24 981.7 50.1% 87.9% Undecided; Nursing; Dental Hygiene 1121 25.1 46.0% 54.0% 3.12% 2.23% 8.92% 1.16% 3.75% 75.47% 2.76% 2.59% 21.77% 3.03 53.9% 85.6% SFCC, SCC, Columbia Basin CC

2012 1569 18.4 42.3% 57.7% 3.00% 4.08% 15.74% 1.02% 6.25% 67.43% .58% 1.91% 31.99% 3.22 982.6 52.7% 92.1% Undecided; Business Administration; Nursing 1145 24.9 45.1% 54.9% 2.97% 2.79% 9.34% 1.57% 4.28% 71.18% 5.34% 2.53% 23.48% 3.04 51.8% 92.1% SFCC, SCC, Columbia Basin CC

















Student Feature: Edgar Cedillo Montoya Major: Communication Studies-Public Relations Year: Senior Hometown: Royal City, Washington Edgar Montoya knows what it means to want something big. He aspired to becoming an astronaut, a doctor, a teacher and even the President of the United States. He hasn’t stopped dreaming, but now his sights are set on a career in public relations. But even that was not initially in his academic plans. In high school, he did a senior-year project researching dental hygiene programs and decided on EWU. The location appealed to him, too, as a first-generation student who did not want to be too far from home. Before starting his education at EWU, Edgar had some hurdles to overcome. He was initially denied admission to the university. A successful high school athlete, Edgar had considered a scholarship offer at another university, but made EWU his number one choice. His high school GPA was low, and his ACT scores were not stellar. But he was determined to pursue his degree at EWU, so he made an appeal to be reconsidered for admission with the support of Eastern’s Chicano Education Program. Edgar arrived on campus for an in-person interview with Admissions the morning of his high school graduation. He made a compelling case. He was accepted to EWU the same day he received his high school diploma. “That was the first of many memorable events in my career at EWU,” said Edgar. His expressive personality and flair for seizing opportunity has led to his involvement in many activities. His participation in campus life has included being a founder and past president of the Omega Delta Phi fraternity. “I am proud of the ways that my fraternity has served our community,” said Edgar. “We plan fundraisers and provide workshops designed to develop our members into great leaders.” As an Eagle Ambassador, Edgar is a visible part of the Admissions team who interacts with prospective students and their families. He has been part of numerous events such as thinkEastern, the fall EWU open house, Eagle Previews, an on-campus visitation program, and Transfer Talks, designed specifically for incoming students from community colleges. He remains active athletically, staying fit by participating in intramural football and Ju Jitsu. Edgar shows that having a vision for the future, being determined and persistent, while having the flexibility to change course, is important to success. He’s passionate about his education and EWU, and he’s an advocate for taking challenges head on. His advice to other students is to be smart about using the resources available at EWU. Above all, go after your aspirations to start something big.


Financial Aid and Scholarships Mission Statement

Unit Achievements

The mission of the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office is to provide student-centered quality service and to administer the financial aid programs in such a way as to maximize student access and support the mission of the university. To achieve this mission, the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office will:

• Delivered approximately $127 million in financial aid to more than 9,700 students. • Implemented extensive new federal verification requirements. • Implemented an extensive new Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.

• provide timely, courteous, professional, comprehensive and technologically-current services to all constituents

• Provided electronic communication of satisfactory academic progress and loan exit notices.

• award aid in support of enrollment, retention, academic quality, diversity and equity • practice open and effective communication

• Relocated to newly remodeled space with minimal downtime and service disruption.

• develop internal and external working relationships that raise the visibility of the university and maintain morale

• Reorganized and redistributed office duties and completed all appropriate cross training.

• provide sound fiscal management and regulatory compliance

• Conducted a record number of outreach sessions. • Concluded the most comprehensive financial aid audit in two decades with no findings.

• evaluate and continuously improve services

• Successfully completed the financial aid portion of the athletics audit.

Services and Programs

• Participated in the National Postsecondary Student Aid Survey (NPSAS).

The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office administers and/or coordinates all scholarship, tuition waiver, grant, work study and loan programs for the university, with the exception of Veterans Benefits and tuition discounts. The office provides financial aid counseling and advising and participates in financial aid outreach on request.

• Completed a successful transition to the fall collection of the Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data Systems (IPEDS) data. • Trained a new functional tech staff member for the unit.

Service Indicators General 10-11 11-12 Phone Calls



FAFSAs Processed







Total Number of Grant Programs



Total Number of Waiver Programs



Total Number of Work Study Programs



Total Number of Loan Programs





Total Scholarship Applications Processed Total Number of Scholarship Programs

Total Aid Recipients


Financial Aid By Source

Dollars Percent Student Learning Outcomes

Total Federal Aid



Total State Aid



Total Institutional Aid



Total Private Aid



Total Third Party Billing





FY09 FY10


Total Financial Aid

Loan and Debt Statistics EWU Cohort Default Rate (Direct Loans)




National Cohort Default Rate (Direct Loans)




EWU Cohort Default Rate (Perkins Loans)

• Continuing students will understand the importance of managing their financial aid wisely, maintaining satisfactory academic progress, minimizing loan debt and repaying their bills and loans in a timely manner. Domain: practical competence

Goals In 2012-13 Financial Aid and Scholarships will: • implement the new College Bound Scholarship program




Average Debt of EWU Graduates




Average Debt of College Graduates (National)




Pell Grants*

09-10 10-11 11-12

Percent of Undergraduates Receiving Pell

• New students will learn how to navigate the applications and processes for financial aid and will understand the importance of applying on time, providing accurate data, following through on all requests for data and applying by the deadlines and priority dates each year.

• implement the second phase of the online scholarship application • implement the new financial aid “shopping sheet” and Principles of Excellence for veterans and their dependents • implement electronic delivery of financial aid notifications and satisfactory academic progress letters • begin work on document imaging




• implement repeated coursework tracking for financial aid eligibility

*Pell Grants are federally funded awards for low-income students. If students are eligible, they receive the award. Pell Grants are considered to be the “foundational” program for student financial aid, and Eastern students received $18.7 million in funding for 2011-12.

• integrate student development concepts into counseling and advising efforts • continue to provide a high level of financial aid outreach.


Records and Registration Mission Statement

• Grade Conversion: The X grade automated conversion, implemented at the end of fall 2011, allows instructors to assign incomplete grades. Instructors are notified by email at the end of each quarter about any incomplete grades that will convert. The instructor can request an extension, submit a new grade or allow automatic conversion to the grade they input when assigning the incomplete.

To provide services and support to EWU students and the university community while safeguarding the accuracy, integrity and security of each student’s institutional, academic record.

Services and Programs

• Advance Registration Enrollment Verification: The department implemented a new feature in the National Student Clearinghouse – the advance registration enrollment verification. Now students can get free enrollment verification shortly after they enroll for the upcoming quarter. In the past, students had to wait until after school began to get enrollment verification for purposes of medical insurance or other discounts.

• Registration and cashiering • Veteran’s services (moved to the Veterans Resources Center, July 2012) • EWU transcripts • Enrollment and degree verification • Grading

• Same Day Online Transcript Ordering: The department implemented a new feature in the online transcript ordering tool (eScripSafe). Students can now order a same day or express shipping transcript online. This feature did not exist in the vendor software, but after our request, they have worked with us to modify the system to allow for a variety of transcript fulfillment with differing pricing.

• Credential evaluation/graduation • Commencement • EWU catalog • Quarterly course schedule

• Social Media: The social media sites implemented by Records and Registration have been very successful, resulting in 1,667 Facebook “likes” and 270 Twitter followers for the Records and Registration pages and 678 Facebook “likes” on the Commencement page. Students have used this medium frequently to ask questions about dates and processes. The Commencement Facebook page generated strong interest before the ceremony and provided helpful feedback after the ceremony.

• Classroom scheduling • Banner student database • Athletic eligibility • Residency • Data reporting • Records security

• Commencement: The Records and Registration office continues to coordinate and oversee the commencement ceremony. In 2012, the ceremony combined graduate and undergraduate in two ceremonies of two colleges each. This allowed the university to accommodate all guests who wanted to attend and to balance the length of each ceremony.

Unit Achievements • Document Imaging System: The department coordinated the purchase of a universitywide document imaging system, Nolij, and implemented modules for Admissions and Records and Registration in the spring. This system has already streamlined several processes and improved the ability to store and retrieve student records. Implementation across other campus departments is moving forward. • College Scheduler: This planning tool, implemented fall 2011, allows students to input break times around courses they wish to take. It then generates possible schedules prior to registration for classes. The Schedule Planner tool has been used by 10,588 students. Between September 2011 and August 2012, 42,821 students logged in to arrange the best fit for their class schedule.


Service Indicators

10-11 11-12

Student online registration transactions



Student in person registration transactions 21,334


Undergraduate degrees posted





Major declarations posted to student records 6,465


Degree audits (SOAR) run by students

Total curricular and program changes implemented in catalog



Veterans who used benefits served spring quarter 2011









Paper and e-transcripts produced Washington residency applications reviewed and processed Transcript evaluations processed

Student Learning Outcomes • Students will know their process towards degree completion evidence by increased number of SOAR degree audits students run. Domain: persistence and academic achievement • Student employees in Records and Registration will perform their assigned tasks with a high level of accuracy, efficiency and integrity. Domain: practical competence

Goals In 2012-13 Records and Registration will: • participate in the roll out of myEWUPortal (Student and Advisor) • implement online undergraduate degree application on EagleNET • select and implement curriculum management tool in collaboration with Academic Affairs • implement Good Student Discount Enrollment Verification in the National Student Clearinghouse • restructure office staffing with movement of Veterans Services and retirement of two full-time staff members


Student Services at EWU Spokane, Riverpoint Campus Mission Statement

increasing as more students become aware the option is available at Riverpoint. *Number reflects 2012 winter and spring quarters only.

Our mission is to provide services and support to EWU students and the university community while safeguarding the accuracy, integrity and security of each student’s institutional, academic record.

• Participated on joint committees in support of the collaborative efforts of EWU and WSU, including the Riverpoint Parking Advisory committee, Riverpoint Safety committee and the Riverpoint Technology Advisory committee.

As part of the Records and Registration office, we follow the same mission and goals in support of all students of Eastern Washington University.

Service Indicators

Services and Programs General Description/Purpose of Department

10-11 11-12

Student in-person registration transactions





Rooms scheduled for course sections at Riverpoint



Number of Riverpoint-only students this location serves





Exams proctored for Online Learning

Riverpoint Student Services offers students a convenient one-stop location for registration, enrollment services and various student support services. The unit is also responsible for room scheduling for all EWU classes at the Riverpoint Campus. The unit coordinates the shared space for a variety of student support services, including the following:

Phone calls handled

• Academic Success Center • Career Services

Student Learning Outcomes:

• Counseling and Psychological Services

• Students will be educated in the variety of services available to them in a “one-stop shop” environment of the Riverpoint Student Support Center (e.g. Records and Registration services, Student Financial services, Career counseling, etc.).

• Writers’ Center • Disability Support Services • International Education

Domain: persistence and academic achievement


• Students will use the information learned from site staff to be self-sufficient and proactive with online resources such as EagleNet for payment or unofficial transcripts, accurate registration and/or schedule changes and updating personal information.

Unit Achievements • Presented a Student Information Fair on the Riverpoint Campus highlighting services available to all students. Offered representation from various Riverpoint offices as well as main campus to visit with students and answer questions.

Domain: practical competence

• Coordinated the design, purchase and display of a 15-foot by 8-foot Eastern Washington University banner to help showcase EWU as a presence at Riverpoint.


• Proctored online learning exams - Course testing ranges from one to 16 exams per student and a mix of paper tests and those requiring Lockdown browser entry into Blackboard.

• train staff in the process of scanning documents into Nolij and accurately indexing them to the appropriate student records. This will assist Records and Registration and reduce the number of times student forms must be handled

In 2011-12 Student Services at the Riverpoint Campus will:

• Improved Eagle Card process in collaboration with the Eagle Card office on the main campus. Photos were submitted electronically to Cheney where the Eagle Cards were generated and returned to Riverpoint via intercampus mail. Students were emailed when their cards were available for pick up. We anticipate this service

• evaluate and coordinate the Information Fair in the fall • continue to assess current and potential new services and space requirements


Student Life


Associated Students of Eastern Washington University Mission Statement

Service Indicators

We, the elected representatives of the Associated Students of Eastern Washington University (ASEWU), encourage the pursuit of higher education and enhanced student life on all Eastern Washington University (EWU) campuses.

Number of clubs and organizations



Students involved in ASEWU committees



Number of formal group meeting participation





We will: • ensure that all students are treated equally

Average GPA of ASEWU (Court, Council and Staff)

• promote the expression of student opinions through formal and informal means

Learning Outcomes

• act as a liaison, building relationships with our faculty, staff and administration as well as local, state and federal representatives

10-11 11-12

Service Descriptions

• ASEWU Council members will develop mutually beneficial relationships through communication and cooperation with students, staff, faculty of Eastern Washington University and the surrounding community

• Advocate and serve as the voice for EWU students

Domain: interpersonal/intrapersonal competence

• Support extracurricular activities and programs

• ASEWU Council members will actively engage a civic-minded voice for the student body, while working to inspire a shared vision

• Resource for student activism • Leadership opportunities for students

Domain: civic engagement

• Opportunities for student employment

• ASEWU Council members will contribute to an inclusive and engaging environment for a dynamic campus community

Unit Achievements • Through the efforts spearheaded by the Compassion Interfaith Society and the ASEWU Diversity Representative, a diversity compassion video was made and released. Assistance was enlisted from the university community, including student leaders, faculty, staff and administrators, who share in the commitment of making the university community a more compassionate and inclusive place.

Domains: humanitarianism, interpersonal/intrapersonal competence

• Through the collaborative efforts of the ASEWU and the University Libraries, the library provided extended hours during the last three weeks of the winter quarter. The increased hours allowed students access to the library to conduct their research projects and papers, provided meeting space for students to meet with group members and gave students a place to study.

• increase the effectiveness of on-campus advertising and outreach toward students through open forums, upgraded technology and campus mall events

Goals In 2012-13, the Associated Students of Eastern Washington University will:

• continue to support the JFK Library Learning Commons project • reach out to the students, as well as the administration, in order to work toward the advancement of the Pence Union Building remodel and the creation of spaces to serve students’ needs

• In February, the ASEWU sponsored their annual “Higher Education Day.” The ASEWU took 25 students for an overnight stay in Olympia. The students had an opportunity to meet with different state representatives and demonstrated professionalism and civic engagement on behalf of the students of EWU.

• focus on the health and wellbeing of our students with ways to improve the inclusivity of our diverse student population • continue to partner with the Associated Students of Washington State University at the Riverpoint Campus in order to assess and evaluate additional student service needs. This review will include, but is not limited to, the review of childcare services, the availability of a fitness center and student activities

• Under the direction of the ASEWU Graduate Student Representative, the ASEWU Council sponsored two events specifically geared for EWU Riverpoint students. One event featured free chair massages, bouncy houses and a free barbecue. More than 300 students took part in activities at the event. The ASEWU Council achieved one of their goals for the year when 1,440 students voted in the ASEWU general elections (14.328 percent of the student body). For the spring’s election process, there was an impressive turnout of 36 candidates running for positions.

• continue to lobby against tuition increases and protect the sustainability of financial aid by ensuring the EWU student voice is heard through student representation at the Washington State Capitol


Student Feature: Jessica Sharpe Major: Nursing Year: Junior Hometown: Liberty Lake, Wash. Jessica Sharpe has returned to EWU after months of recovery. “It’s an accident for a reason,” said Sharpe, an Eastern sophomore majoring in nursing. “I never harbored any feelings of anger or hatred towards the man.” And by “accident,” she means 17 broken bones, seven rods, seven plates, 36 screws, two pins, two skin grafts and 13 surgeries, all in six months. This came after a head-on traffic collision in April on I-90. While traveling westbound, she approached the Medical Lake exit. “A driver crossed I-90 and was driving with his lights off, going about an estimated speed of 120. He hit me head-on, and I never saw it coming,” Sharpe said. Following the initial impact, Sharpe’s vehicle was hit from behind, sending her car into another series of spins. She was taken to Sacred Heart Medical Center immediately following her extraction from the smashed vehicle. From there, she was flown to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. “I remember waking up intubated, and you instantly know something is wrong when you have a tube in your mouth and you can’t talk,” she said. Sharpe spent 35 days at Harborview for treatment of multiple injuries and broken bones. She was not allowed to put any weight on her legs, so she was sent to a nursing home in the Spokane Valley for 18 days after that. Sharpe was then sent into home health care and had nurses and physical therapists make house calls. That’s when recovery really began.

Sharpe received clearance from doctors to enroll in classes and, in August, they contacted Helmerick to see what their options were. “We pulled together a small team of people from Student Affairs to meet with Jessica and her parents to look at her entire situation and assist with paperwork that would need to be submitted and reviewed for her enrollment back into classes,” Helmerick said.

While Sharpe was in the hospital, Eastern’s Dean of Student’s Office was in contact with the Sharpe family.

On Sept. 15, six days before the quarter began, Sharpe received a call from the Financial Aid Office that her paperwork had been cleared and she could enroll in classes.

“As with any of our students and their families who are in crisis, we reached out to Jessica’s family catching them the day after the accident as they were heading to Seattle to be with Jessica. We wanted them to know that we were here to take care of things on campus so they could focus on Jessica,” Michelle Helmerick, assistant to the dean of students, said.

“They set my financial aid up so that my parents’ contribution would be zero, and they gave me about $4,000 extra in grants. Basically, my tuition and books were covered for the year,” Sharpe said. Sharpe was left with a large amount of medical bills. Knowing that school was going to be covered, she felt a sense of relief.

The Dean of Student’s Office immediately contacted Sharpe’s professors and started the unenrollment process when it became certain she would not be returning for spring quarter.

Sharpe chose to take a light class schedule that quarter because she was still recovering. On Oct. 24, it was six months since the accident and “to get back to normality is the greatest feeling,” Sharpe said.

“They were amazingly helpful in my situation,” Sharpe said of Helmerick and her staff.

This accident has not changed Sharpe’s goals in life, but it has changed how she sees life. Sharpe was majoring in nursing before the accident and is planning on continuing with classes, slowly working towards her goal.

Throughout the summer, Sharpe continued with treatment and therapy. On July 6, she went to her doctors, where they encouraged her to stand on her own. Sharpe had not been on her feet since the accident and had not expected to stand for a few more weeks.

“After being on the opposite end, I can relate on such a level to patient care now that I would not have been able to do if this had not happened,” Sharpe said. “It’s a whole different light the way I see life. It’s such a gift; each morning is such a gift now. I take more time to treasure the little things and really value what I have.”

With hesitation, Sharpe tried to stand and on the second try, she succeeded. “It was probably the greatest moment,” Sharpe said. “I started crying, my mom started crying.” She persevered through her therapy, determined to be back in classes in September.

Reprinted from The Easterner, by Desireé Hood, staff writer.


Campus Recreation Mission Statement

Services and Programs

The mission of the Department of Campus Recreation (CR), comprised of Intramural Sports (I.M.), the Club Sport Federation (CSF) and EPIC Adventures and Outfitters is to provide students and the campus community with the highest quality, comprehensive and varied schedule of activities designed to allow participants to experience social interaction, develop leadership and team-building skills and improve physical fitness. Total commitment to students is our highest priority and we pledge to make all programs accessible and inclusive, while remaining focused on participant diversity, customer service and professionalism. Our programs will create opportunities for students to achieve personal growth while providing a fun and valued experience as we recognize that students with a positive collegiate experience, both in and out of the classroom, make better citizens and community members in this ever-evolving global community.

Intramural (IM) Sports 55 regular leagues operated this year, 27 single-day IM special events Participant Distribution: (est.) • Male: 68%; Female: 32% • Freshman: 26%; sophomore: 24%; juniors: 21%; seniors: 21% Extramural Special Events (est. participation) • Fall, winter and spring EWU Shootouts 3 x 3 Basketball (2,000 est. players/fans) Iron Eagle Triathlon (80) • Rec-Splosion (2,000+) • The BLITZ (400+) Club Sport Federation (CSF) • 33 Sport Clubs • 850+ participants (6% increase over 2010-11) High Profile Clubs (based on performance and competitive success) • Men’s Ice Hockey • Sportsman’s (formerly the Fishing Club) • Men’s Rugby • Baseball • Cheer • Participant Distribution • Male: 63%; Female: 37% • Freshman: 33%; sophomore: 22%; junior: 22%; senior: 18% • Participation numbers: fall: 645; winter: 567; spring: 420 EPIC Adventures Outdoor and Adventure Trips Special Events • Ski and Snowboard Rail Jam • NW Collegiate Climbing Competition • Hill Climb at Winterfest Outdoor Equipment Rentals Indoor Climbing Facility


Service Indicators

10/11 11/12

Individuals served





Number of intramural leagues



Intramural players per quarter



EPIC Adventures course offerings (different courses) 16


Sections of EPIC Adventures courses



EPIC Adventures student enrollment in courses



EPIC special programs



Club Sport Federation home competitions









EPIC student contacts

Club Sport Federation Leadership Retreat attendance Student employees of Campus Recreation Community Service Projects

• Purchased and began using new buses for team travel. These buses were part of the Campus Recreation proposal to the Services and Activities Fee Committee in 2010-11. Their use by Club Sports teams and other activities has improved safety and risk management for trips, saved the teams money ($11,000) and projected a professional image of the program throughout the western U.S. and Canada.

Learning Outcomes • Students will receive more effective informational materials to solicit intramural team captains and leaders, helping them to recognize the value of these skills and developmental experiences. Domain: knowledge acquisition • Participants will gain a greater appreciation for the relationship of participating in extra-curricular activities and satisfaction in their overall collegiate experience. Domain: practical competence

Unit Achievements


• Campus recreation continues to be the largest student activity program on campus: 4,000-5,000 students, faculty and staff participate in at least one of the campus recreation activities. This figure includes an increase in the CSF (6 percent in total participants) and the EWU climbing wall (4 percent).

In 2012-13 Campus Recreation will: • continue our Campus Recreation policy of placing participant safety as a top priority while maintaining a high level of risk management in all programs

• Hosted some of the area’s largest events such as EWU Spring Shootout 3 x 3 basketball (largest indoor tourney in the country); EPIC Rail Jam; Rec-Splosion, an event for incoming freshman in the URC with 2,000+ participants.

• continue emphasis on facility improvements whenever possible, with special emphasis on the IM playing fields with high-traffic patterns of use (see CRec Survey reference above)

• The CSF men’s hockey joined the BCIHL (British Columbia Intercollegiate Hockey League).

• increase participation in all Campus Recreation programs by 5 percent annually without sacrificing program excellence for quantity

• The Sportsman’s Club sent two qualifying teams to the FLW Western Regional Bass Fishing Championships in Provo, Utah, in late August (event is televised on FLW Live and the Versus Network).

• develop new and creative short (day) trips in the EPIC program designed to attract those students without the time or means to attend a regular EPIC trip

• Two Baseball Club members named to the NCBA NorPac All-Conference Team (the first two in club history); one Men’s Hockey Club member placed on the BCIHL All-Conference Team.

• enact (EPIC) the recommendations coming out of the 2012 Outdoor Safety Institute risk review • develop a new paintball game system, including hiring of student staff, maintaining the game site while focusing on player safety and equipment maintenance

• Two men’s rugby players made it to the NCRC All-Conference Team.

• improve the laser tag operation through the addition of better maintained equipment, new game zone inflatable bunkers and a better marketing campaign

• EPIC Adventures Climbing Wall saw 15,987 participants (4 percent overall increase from AY10-11). • Added dog sledding to the EPIC program for 2011-12.

• expand and develop new program options, which take into consideration of the variety of student groups and interests on campus

• Hosted the 1st Annual EWU World Cup Soccer Tournament in May, where more than 70 players, representing nine countries, competed in an outdoor soccer tourney emulating World Cup Soccer.

• increase visibility in the EWU residence halls, especially at the start of each quarter, in an effort to make our staff more accessible and our programs more desirable to hall residents

• Surveyed 1,100 students and received a 23 percent return rate. The data collected will help guide efforts to upgrade and improve our campus outdoor facilities. 19

Program Feature: Club Sports Federation EWU offers competitive sports for students as part of the Club Sports Federation (CSF) in Campus Recreation. Although some sports also have NCAA counterparts, the CSF program is not part of the Intercollegiate Athletics Department and is not governed by the NCAA. Club sports may be competitive, recreational or instructional, based on the wishes of the club members. Competition is available at local, regional, national and international levels. Clubs receive some funding through the Services and Activities Fee process, but raise much of their own money. Many of the clubs have paid coaching staff, albeit all part-time.

The 2011-12 school year saw CSF teams succeed on multiple levels:

For such a large and far-reaching organization, the Club Sports Federation may be one of the university’s bestkept secrets. Although some of the clubs are relatively well known, many of them fly under the radar. EWU’s most visible club sports include cheer, hockey, rugby, baseball and soccer. Lesser known sports include archery, bowling, climbing, fencing, airsoft and a long list of martial arts groups. Chances are that every member of the Eagle community knows someone who is involved – whether the individual is faculty or staff, a fellow student, a club advisor, coach or mentor, colleague or carpool partner.

• Judo hosted the first-ever collegiate competition on EWU’s campus

The entire program is overseen by a professional staff member in the Campus Recreation Department. In addition to managing player issues, risk management, budget and travel, Campus Recreation manages the fleet of buses that teams regularly take on out-of-town trips. A pool of professional, certified bus drivers (most from the Cheney School District), drive the vehicles, which can carry more than 20 team members as well as their equipment. The buses have proved to be cost saving for the teams and ensure higher safety and risk management for the trips. Plus, they project a professional image of the program and EWU while traveling.

CSF teams have also done great work outside of their competitions. In 2011-12, club team members volunteered for more than 40 community service programs and events, including the following:

• Baseball won its first-ever NorPac North Conference Championship and placed second in the NCBA Regional Championships • Bowling took part in its first-ever bowling tournament against CWU and WSU • Cycling took part in its first cycling events in the Northwest Collegiate Cycling Conference

• Men’s Hockey made the BCIHL Playoffs in its first official year • The Sportsman’s Club qualified two teams for the Forest L. Wood College Fishing Regional Championships • Wrestling competed in the National Collegiate Wrestling Association’s Regional Championships in San Jose, Calif. Overall, CSF members placed five individuals on AllConference Teams in their respective sports

• Cheer and Men’s JV Hockey hosted sports clinics for kids • Fastpitch Softball adopted a local highway • Men’s Rugby and the Sportsman’s clubs helped cook meals for families of the Ronald McDonald House • Men’s Varsity Hockey partnered with Health and Wellness Prevention Services to host the “Pink in the Rink” event to raise money and awareness for breast cancer research

The CSF is one of the fastest-growing programs on campus. Club sports provide a positive learning and personal growth experience outside the classroom, as well the opportunity to represent EWU in athletic competition. According to Mike Campitelli, director of Campus Recreation Programs, “A strong Club Sports Program doesn’t take a lot of money, just student interest and love of sport. These programs are hugely important in recruiting and retaining EWU students.”

• Women’s Rugby donated time and money to the American Cancer Society Walk in Seattle In addition to volunteer service and fundraising, CSF teams also work hard to raise money to support their clubs. In 2011-12, the CSFs combined fundraising efforts totaled more than $150,000, which helped pay for team gear, travel and referees. When not practicing, participating in competitions, fundraising or volunteering, CSF participants spend their days just like any other college student: attending class, studying, conducting research, participating in campus activities, working and hanging out with friends.


Students Share: What’s the Best Thing about Club Sports? Nick Bar – Sportsman’s Club: “That it involves everyone on campus in some way. Anyone from different backgrounds can participate. It gives you a chance to build a community through competitive sports outside of high school.”

Brandon Stewart – Wrestling Club: “Learning how to run our own team. It’ll be a big help with coaching later.” Melissa Rhodehouse – Tennis Club: “That anyone can participate and compete at their own level. I also love that we are recognized as a team and are able to hold practices and compete in a league with other universities.”

Cash Ulrich – Baseball and Varsity Hockey Clubs: “It gives an opportunity to make lifelong friendships, enjoy the college experience and continue to fuel the competitive fire.”


Counseling and Psychological Services Mission and Diversity Statement

Unit Achievements

The purpose of Counseling and Psychological Services is to support and promote the emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual health and wellness of students, staff and faculty of Eastern Washington University by providing direct services, training, education and consultation for the university community.

• CAPS accommodated a 14 percent increase in demand for individual counseling services in comparison with the previous academic year. Session-limit protocols were implemented, as well as new intake and referral procedures. • Empire Health Foundation Grant attained to provide programming for veterans, their families and Spokane area faculty and mental health professionals.

Counseling and Psychological Services is committed to promoting inclusion and the affirmation of diversity in its broadest sense. We strive to provide respectful treatment to people of every background who work, train and utilize CAPS services. Our staff contributes to the profession and embraces the richness brought by the intersections of gender, ethnicity, race, sexual/affectional orientation, age, physical attributes, as well as other personal and social characteristics that comprise individual identity.

• CAPS Counselor Training Program served three master’sdegree candidates from Eastern. Implementation of doctoral training planned for 2012-13. • CAPS Group Counseling Program expanded to provide new groups for student engagement and success (e.g., Stress Less, Test Anxiety, Healthy Relationships, Beyond Labels).

Client Overview

CAPS Services and Programs

• Top-four presenting concerns: anxiety/stress (67 percent), depression (47 percent), academic concerns (39 percent) and relationship problems (39 percent).

• Individual, group and couples counseling • Walk-in counseling services

• 24 percent of students seen were referred by an Eastern staff or faculty member; 12 percent were referred by a friend or family member.

• Consultative psychiatric services • Counselor training program • Psychological assessment and testing program

• 22 percent of CAPS clients self-identified as from underrepresented ethnic groups.

• Outreach and prevention services – Student Workshop Series – Self-Help Resource Library – Online mental health screenings – TREE Team (Trauma Recovery Education at Eastern) • Consultative services for the university community


Service Indicators

10-11 11-12

Total individual sessions (scheduled and walk-ins)



Number of sessions scheduled



Walk-in crisis sessions provided   to EWU community members



Number of individual clients seen



Average number of sessions per client



Referrals for psychiatric/ medication consultation









Client sessions with CAPS   consulting psychiatrist Psychological assessments performed for disability accommodations Mandated safety assessments conducted, in response to referral from Dean of Students Student workshop series programs presented in the Pence Union Building



Average attendance at workshops



Total outreach programs



Total number of Eastern students   and community members served


Counseling Service Outcomes • 90 percent of surveyed clients indicated they “learned about their values, feelings and goals,” 93 percent “considered changes in their behavior,” and 69 percent stated they “developed increased responsibility for their lives.” • 71 percent noted that “counseling helped them cope with concerns that might have blocked their education,” and 54 percent indicated “counseling improved their ability to attend to and concentrate on their studies.” • 81 percent “learned to accept and cope with difficult emotions,” and 76 percent “learned to better communicate their feelings and needs to others.” • Finally, 97 percent of clients agreed that “counseling had a positive impact on their lives,” and 29 percent indicated that, “without counseling, they may have left Eastern Washington University.”

Learning Outcomes 2012-13 • Clients will use strategies, techniques or coping skills that they learn in counseling and other formats to deal more effectively with their problems. Domain: intrapersonal competence • Students will learn to build and maintain healthy relationships across the spectrum of social interactions.


Domain: interpersonal competence

Goals In 2012-13 Counseling and Psychological Services will: • complete implementation of Titanium schedule and database • provide programming beneficial to veterans and their families through Empire Health Foundation grant • implement Doctoral Training Program at CAPS in affiliation with Antioch University–Seattle


Disability Support Services Mission Statement

Service Indicators

10-11 11-12

Disability Support Services (DSS) is dedicated to the coordination of appropriate and reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities that are based upon individual needs, so that each student may receive an equal opportunity to learn, to participate in campus life, to grow emotionally and socially and to successfully complete a program of study that will enable them to be self-supporting while remaining as independent as possible. This is facilitated through support services, information sharing, advisement and referral when requested.

Total students registered and assisted



Students with learning disabilities (excluding TBI)





Students with psychological disability



Students with hearing impairment



Students with visual impairment



Services and Programs

Students with mobility impairment



• Specialized individual or group orientation to campus

Other disabilities



• Advisement on classroom accommodations and liaison to faculty

DSS students in summer quarter



DSS students graduating



• Assistive Technology and Alternate Format Materials

Assistance with DSS students appealing Financial Aid



Number of course substitutions for DSS students in math



Number of students referred to CAPS for assessment





Students with TBI—traumatic brain injury

• Note taking • Sign language interpreting and speech-to-text services • Testing accommodations • Braille and tactile graphics

Number of students referred to off-campus clinicians for assessment

• Diversity outreach and K-12 transition presentations

Unit Achievements

Exams proctored for DSS students by DSS staff 432 856

• Served a record number of students (527).

Exams proctored for DSS students by Academic Support Center staff

• Acquired a tiger Braille embosser and 10 digital recorders.



Learning Outcomes

• Hosted the Department of Services for the Blind (DSB) summer bridge program for the ninth consecutive year

• Students will achieve academic success through use of reasonable accommodations. Domain: intrapersonal competence • Students will develop appropriate self-advocacy skills when accessing accommodations through faculty and staff. Domain: interpersonal competence

Goals In 2012-13 Disability Support Services will: • continue to enhance and expand testing space • continue to work closely with IT to enhance Assistive Technology • seek collaborative opportunities to improve academic support for the growing number of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and TBI • work closely with the Veterans Resource Center to serve veterans with disability needs


Health, Wellness and Prevention Services Mission Statement

Unit Achievements

Health, Wellness and Prevention Services is committed to supporting and empowering student well-being, growth and development through education, information and positive role modeling. Successful achievement of this commitment is enhanced through collaboration with our campus and surrounding communities.

• HWPS students volunteered 572 hours of time in service to the campus and community. • More than 1,900 students received information and tools to improve or support their health. • HWPS staff participated in varied community events supporting the health and wellness of students and the Eastern community, including Voices Against Violence, Business After Hours (with Career Services) and Wednesday HAWT (Health and Wellness Team) Coffee programming.

Services and Programs Health, Wellness and Prevention Services (HWPS) provides students and the campus community with planning, leadership, education and advocacy in issues of student health and wellbeing, while providing personal and professional growth opportunities for individual students. Areas of specialty include, but are not limited to: • substance use and abuse • student health care services • nutrition • violence prevention • reproductive health • peer education

Service Indicators Number of collaborative community and campus events


Attendance at collaborative community and campus events



Number of student volunteers


30 572.5

Training and professional development for students



Number of students/faculty/staff who received training




51 35

Attendees at presentations



Colonial Clinic assessments



Events, information tables, outreach participation not already listed





Web-based substance use education programs 404


BRAD 21st birthday cards





Influenza immunizations



Front desk total contacts





BASICS alcohol education students

Students receiving ongoing individual advocacy or assistance

Domain: knowledge acquisition • Peer advisors will gain interpersonal competence through professional skill building in areas of conflict resolution, leadership and building meaningful relationships. Domain: interpersonal/intrapersonal competence • Peer advisors will develop skills in practical competence through the development and attainment of goals, managing personal affairs, career development, demonstrable professionalism, health and wellness maintenance and effective communication. Domain: practical competence


Estimated students, faculty and staff impacted by above not already listed

• Peer advisors will acquire knowledge through training in health related issues, including alcohol, drugs, relationship violence, nutrition and reproductive health.

10-11 11-12 40

Number of community service hours provided by student volunteers

Learning Outcomes

Goals In 2012-13 Health, Wellness and Prevention Services will: • research best practices in university health and wellness programs, using this knowledge to inform and frame services for EWU students now and in future years • recruit and hire HWPS leadership to guide the department’s planning and service delivery efforts, aligning its objectives to support the university new strategic plan and retention strategies • develop new alcohol awareness and abuse prevention programs for students, (including new modules for incoming students through orientation/welcome week) that increase students’ knowledge of healthy and risky behaviors related to alcohol consumption and when/how to actively reach out to campus advocates when they are at-risk • identify appropriate and targeted areas of focus for the coming year based on national trends and current student data, including such subjects as alcohol/substance abuse education and prevention, sexual violence and communication and stress management


New Student Programs Mission Statement

Unit Achievements

In support of the university and Student Affairs missions, New Student Programs provides educational programs, services and resources that facilitate the successful transition of undergraduate students and their family members to Eastern Washington University.

• Produced a firstSTEP program for non-EWU Running Start students. • Upgraded firstSTEP’s audio and visual technology. • Improved the content and delivery of firstSTEP’s information sessions.

Services and Programs

• Developed a new orientation leader recruiting program in collaboration with Eagle Entertainment.

• firstSTEP – a required one-day summer academic orientation for the incoming freshman class and Running Start students designed to introduce academic requirements and expectations, help students develop a course schedule and facilitate the registration process, and connect incoming students with faculty, staff, current students and university resources

Strengthened collaborations with Housing and Residential Life during New Student Orientation to smooth the process of housing and orientation check in.

Service Indicators

• New Student Orientation and Welcome Week – a week of activities, programs and events specially designed to help new EWU students integrate into the university community, learn about important resources on campus and identify involvement opportunities to support student success.

10-11 11-12

Number of students who participated in firstSTEP **Includes non-EWU running start students; excludes transfer students 1,238* 1,207** Number of family members who participated in firstSTEP



Estimated number of students who participated in New Student Orientation/Welcome Week 1,000


Number of students who obtained course credit for Orientation participation



Estimated number of students who attended convocation



* Includes transfer students


Learning Outcomes


Students who participate in New Student Programs will:

In 2012-13 New Student Programs will:

• identify university General Education Core Requirements

• evaluate current student programs and reframe content in order to assess impact on student retention, satisfaction and success

• successfully complete initial course registration with a full course load

• identify the institution’s five core values

• increase student participation in firstSTEP programs by 3 percent;expand departmental resources to parents and family members in order to facilitate new students’ transition, retention and success

• identify at least two key factors that will facilitate their health and wellness

• broaden the scope of orientation leaders to enhance peer mentoring and advising and leadership experience

• identify at least one faculty member with whom they share an interest, who can serve as an academic resource

• identify at least two involvement opportunities with which they can engage in the first year of college Domain: knowledge acquisition, practical competence


Pride Center Mission Statement

Unit Achievements

The EWU Pride Center is dedicated to providing a safe and accepting environment for EWU’s LGBTQQA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer questioning and ally) students, faculty and staff. The goals of the center are to promote a campuswide culture of inclusion and respect for diversity through education, outreach and collaboration, and to provide students at EWU with a positive and successful academic experience.

• In honor of National Coming Out Day, which was celebrated on Oct. 11, the Pride Center hosted two events on the EWU campus, a Coming Out Soap Box and a Coming Out Poetry Slam. • Odyssey Youth Center Tour and Visit – Youth and staff from Odyssey Youth Center (the region’s only LGBTQQA youth center) visited Eastern Washington University on Oct. 27. Faculty and staff from around the campus and the Eagle Pride student club met with the students and answered questions in order to promote college-bound behavior and preparedness.

Services and Programs General Description/Purpose of Department

• Welcoming Project Ally Training and Student Ally Training - Sandy Williams (Pride Center Coordinator) and Terrie Ashby-Scott (Director of Undergraduate Academic Advising) facilitated three sessions of the Welcoming Project LGBT Ally Training. Thirty members of EWU’s faculty and staff participated in the training this year, bringing the total number of allies to 47.

• Sponsor campus activities, like the Back to School KickOff, Coming Out Day, Transgender Day of Remembrance, Pride Week, Day of Silence and the Lavender Graduation • Provide campus education, speakers, social activities, brown-bag lunch discussions and training; advocate on behalf of EWU’s LGBTQQA students, staff and faculty; document and assist in reporting incidents of harassment

• Pride Week - The Pride Center and Eagle Pride hosted their third annual EWU Pride Week in April. The largest Pride Week, so far, kicked off with the Art Show, featuring the work of EWU students, faculty and staff. Dr. Jamie Washington addressed the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity within Greek Life. There was a display of “The Shower of Stoles,” a collection of liturgical stoles and other sacred items representing the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people of faith, many who served in secret or who were excluded from their church communities. The week culminated with a concert by Idaho- based band Angela Marie Project, a Tea Party Extravaganza, and a Masquerade Ball attended by more than 60 EWU faculty, staff and students.

• Provide a safe and quiet space for students to study, use computers, browse through LGBT materials in the library, take a break between classes or meet up with friends • Host Eagle Pride, EWU’s LGBTQQA student group • Publish a Pride Center online newsletter

• Lavender Graduation and Margaret Witt Lecture - The EWU Pride Center hosted the 3rd Annual Lavender Graduation on Thursday, May 10, to celebrate 18 LGBTQ and Ally graduates from EWU, Gonzaga, Spokane Falls Community College and Spokane area high schools. The keynote speaker was Ret. Maj. Margaret Witt, who addressed her historic (and, ultimately, successful) five-year court battle to challenge her military dismissal under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.


2011-12 Service Indicators: Total number of student visits Student event participation PRIDE Center volunteer hours total

10-11 11/12 Goals 609


In 2012-13 the Pride Center will:





• increase visibility of the Pride Center through providing campus events and activities, and the Pride Center newsletter, website and Facebook page

Learning Outcomes

• increase the number of students participating in Pride Center activities and visiting the Pride Center; outreach to students currently underserved by the Pride Center

• Students who visit the Pride Center will be able to identify LGBT resources on campus

• collaborate with other campus departments to provide cross-cultural programs

Domain: knowledge acquisition • Students who participate in Pride Center activities will identify positive LGBT individuals who may serve as mentors or resources during their EWU experience.

• provide LGBTQA training to students, faculty and staff • develop a student speaker’s bureau to conduct student ally trainings

Domain: knowledge acquisition

• reinstate the Pride Center’s LGBT Advisory Committee

• Students who participate in the Pride Center Ally training will affirm or increase their knowledge of key LGBT concepts and terminology.

• reach out to EWU LGBT and Ally alumni to strengthen their connection to and support for the Pride Center

Domain: knowledge acquisition


Student Feature: Joshua Neil Major: Social Work Year: Junior (2011-12) Hometown: Langley, Wash. Joshua Neil originally came to Eastern Washington University wanting to study athletic training and education, but it did not take him long to discover that his passion was in advocating for others, so in his third year at EWU, Josh chose to pursue a degree in social work with a minor in Spanish. After living off campus his first year, Josh moved on campus as a sophomore. He immediately became involved with hall government. Josh ran for the secretary position on the EWU Residence Hall Association (RHA) Executive Board, and the following year was elected the RHA President. As president, Josh was able to restructure how RHA functions as an organization and increase participation from residents in the halls. He was reelected RHA President for a second term, and has also been an office worker, a community advisor, and in the 2012-13 academic year, will be a mentor for EWU’s Living Learning Communities on the Explore floor. As a sophomore, Josh also became involved with the EWU Pride Center. “My first year was a brand-new experience. I was on my own and having difficulties making new friends. Not to mention, I was still exploring who I was. One of my friends urged me to go to an Eagle Pride meeting at the Pride Center. I was very skeptical at first. I would walk past the center afraid to go in then I finally went to a meeting and I’m glad that I did. I met a supportive group of people with whom I could be myself without worrying about being judged.”

“Talking to other students and sharing my story has allowed me to become more confident in myself and in my own abilities.” Josh was recently appointed to serve on the EWU Board of Trustees as the student representative. He hopes to express the opinions of EWU students and to work to make sure that their voices are heard. He is excited for this great opportunity to learn and work for the betterment of Eastern Washington University. Josh believes that his passion will help him succeed in the future. He hopes “to make the world a more equal place where everyone can thrive; starting with something big at EWU”.

In addition to attending meetings at the Pride Center, Josh started assisting Sandy Williams, the Pride Center Coordinator, with campus presentations to educate other students about biases, prejudice and the LGBT community. He eventually became a co-presenter, facilitating diversity exercises and sharing his own coming out story to put a personal face on a topic that many students have little information about. The experience was a rewarding one.


Program Feature: Sorority and Fraternity Life Making a Difference

• Sorority and fraternity councils and Sorority and Fraternity Life partnered with the Pride Center and Disability Resources to host Rev. Dr. Jami Washington and promote four educational workshops around diversity in the 21st Century and LGBT education during Pride Week.

For more than 35 years, sororities and fraternities have contributed to Eastern Washington University and the Cheney community, and have made a positive difference in the lives of their members. They have supported and challenged students academically and provided tremendous growth opportunities for students outside of the classroom. Students who join fraternities and sororities not only receive support from their brothers/sisters while in college, they become part of a network that supports them long after they leave EWU. In 2011-12, the fraternity and sorority community, led by 26 elected student leaders who make up the Diversified Greek Council, Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council, embarked on a quest to reach beyond their chapters and make a difference in the Eastern, Cheney and Greater Spokane communities.

• The National Pan-Hellenic Council secured a scholarship to send four sorority/fraternity students and one advisor to the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values Conference and National Cultural Greek Leadership Conference in Costa Mesa, Calif. The scholarship package totals $1,765.

Fostered leadership, partnerships and stewardship • Executive officers from all four sorority and fraternity councils came together to attend Cheney City Council Meetings.

Collectively, EWU’s Greek councils exist to help all sororities and fraternities live their values and facilitate students’ personal growth and development. All councils represent sorority/ fraternity interests on and off campus, coordinate recruitment and membership intake efforts, engage in community service and philanthropic work, promote the benefits of joining a sorority or fraternity, and sponsor development opportunities for all chapters. Last year, the sorority and fraternity community accomplished the following:

• Sorority and fraternity members partnered with ASEWU to help demonstrate need for extended library hours. • Greek Week resulted in $3,000 being raised and donated to Cheney Parks and Recreation and Cheney Outreach, 3,000-plus pounds of food being donated to the Cheney Food Bank, and more than 25 students engaging to help clean up Fish Lake.

Supported Student Learning

Improved programming

• 75 sorority and fraternity leaders attended the Greek Leadership Conference and were trained by K.J. McNamara with Phired Up Productions and renowned leadership trainer and speaker T.J. Sullivan of CampuSpeak.

• Sorority and fraternity councils hosted their first community open forum and invited City of Cheney officials, EWU faculty and staff, and members from all fraternities and sororities to hear about their vision and ask questions.

• 40 sorority and fraternity leaders participated in LeaderShape’s full-day leadership training Catalyst program.

• The Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council evaluated their fall recruitment processes to ensure that incoming students were successful in adjusting to life at Eastern.

• 20 executive officers representing the Diversified Greek Council, the Interfraternity Council, the National Pan-Hellenic Council, and the Panhellenic Council came together for the first time to engage in three days of leadership training and the development of joint council goals for the sorority and fraternity community.

• Greek Councils implemented educational guest speakers at association meetings and began holding monthly meetings with constituent groups to help chapter officers understand their roles and provide support in moving the community.

Enhanced the Eastern experience

Created opportunities

• 25 sorority and fraternity leaders volunteered for two days with faculty, staff and community members to move new students into the halls in fall quarter.

• 15 sorority and fraternity students participated in national research for an online risk management program targeted at fraternities and sororities through Deschutes Research and the Bacchus & Gamma Peer Education network. As a result of our students’ engagement, the program received $265 for future educational programming.

• Leaders from the sorority and fraternity community joined leaders from across campus to attend higher education day in Olympia. • Sororities and fraternities reported more than 300 hours of community service.


Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership Mission Statement

• Eagle Entertainment was the first Student Excellence Award President’s Cup recipient. This award was given to the student organization for their successful efforts in diversifying their programming, which resulted in the increase of their program attendance from 9,179 to 12,110.

Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership (SAIL) inspires students to engage in a transformational journey that allows them to lead purposeful change within their communities.

• SAIL partnered with the campus community to design and implement three major events: Diversity Week, Disabilities Awareness Month and Pride Week. Through these collaborations, SAIL staff and students were able to enhance campus programs and promote dialogue focused on building bridges, improving the campus climate and creating safe space for all students, faculty and staff.

Services and Programs • Sorority and Fraternity Life • Sound Productions • Clubs and Organizations • Eagle Entertainment

• Greek Week resulted in $3,000 being raised and donated to Cheney Parks and Recreation and the Cheney Outreach Center; 3,000-plus pounds of food donated to the Cheney Food Bank and 25 plus students cleaning up Fish Lake.

• Leadership • Advising of the Associated Students of Eastern Washington University

• SAIL staff and students collaborated to complete President Obama’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge. From coordinating a week of events around the National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week to hosting a series of programs for students, faculty and staff to “discover Namaste” and give back, this was truly a campus effort to meet the national call to service.

Unit Achievements • SAIL advised and facilitated learning opportunities for three student interns, one graduate student and five undergraduate student employees. The internships were officially connected to a campus department and listed with EWU Career Services.

• SAIL staff members were selected to sit on conference committees for the National Association for Campus Activities and for the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values.

Greek Week, Clear Lake clean up


Service Indicators: Number of sororities and fraternities

10-11 11-12 Learning Outcomes 22


600 +

525 +






19, 675

Estimated number of student club members 2190


Number of students involved with sororities and fraternities Number of active student clubs and organizations Number of registered club meetings and events Estimate number of students attending C&O events Sound production events Student attendance at monthly leadership seminars Attendance at Eagle Entertainment events Number of programs conducted by department

• Students will distinguish themselves as responsible global citizens, identifying and addressing issues that affect our communities. Domains: humanitarianism, civic engagement









Average GPA of students in the sororities and fraternities: fall quarter



Average GPA of students in the sororities and fraternities: winter quarter



Average GPA of students in the sororities and fraternities: spring quarter



• Students will engage as socially conscious leaders who are able to foster and maintain professional relationships. Domains: interpersonal/intrapersonal competence, practical competence • Students will develop networks with constituents, staff, faculty, community members and alumni in order to foster retention and academic success. Domains: interpersonal/intrapersonal competence

Goals In 2012-13 Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership will: • increase visibility and programming at the Riverpoint campus • develop a comprehensive and strategic plan to assess and evaluate student employee performance, programming efforts, and the programming survey • develop relationships with agencies and organizations in our region to accomplish community goals • increase staff/student scholarship by forming partnerships to present workshops or articles at the local, regional and national conference level increase the number of clubs and organizations by 15 percent


Student Rights and Responsibilities Mission Statement

Unit Achievements

Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) exists to uphold the rights and responsibilities of the EWU community, to promote safety and guide student development. Through education and advocacy, OSRR provides resources and referrals designed to help students mature as citizens and scholars.

Student Success • Advised the ASEWU Superior Court and assisted them in reviewing their by-laws and provided recommendation and guidance. • Worked with a Saudi student to create a half sheet guide for international students that explains their legal rights and how to get help, which was translated into three languages.

Services and Programs The five primary components of the OSRR are:

• Continued to collaborate with HWPS to provide onsite alcohol and drug assessments for students through Colonial Clinic.

• Behavioral Integrity – investigation and adjudication of university policy violations on campus, off campus and in the Residence Life system.

• Participated in a security on-campus training with members of the EWU Police Department to learn more about the Clery Act and reporting requirements.

• Civility and Character Development – campus/community outreach on subjects such as ethics, leadership, community building, diversity and social justice, and expectations of student behavior.

Community Engagement • Through grant writing and forming partnerships, the department brought the Green Dot training to Spokane for 50 people, in conjunction with a newly-formed group called END (educate, network and develop): campuses working together to end sexual violence and support those impacted by it. This group started last year and consists of Whitworth, Gonzaga, the Institute for Higher Learning, WSU Spokane, Lutheran Community Services and Eastern Washington University.

• Academic Integrity – storage of academic integrity files, enforcement of sanctions, coordination of academic integrity workshops for faculty and students, and working with the dean of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies to find third party faculty arbitrators. • Conflict Resolution – mediation services, programming and training, collaboration with various departments and programs on campus. • Student Advocacy – providing advocacy for students on the EWU campus specifically around student conduct code violations, administrative issues and university processes and providing links to legal resources for students in need of legal protection or advice.

• Co-sponsored and/or collaborated on several programs with other departments that assisted in promoting responsible student behavior and engagement. Some of these programs included: Business After Dark, Weaving the Threads, E-Check Up to Go On-line Alcohol Educational programs, B.R.A.D 21st Birthday Card Program, the Green Dot Bystander Intervention Program and the Stress Reduction Workshop, which was part of the Student Affairs Professional Development SAC Luncheon Program.


Service Indicators

10-11 11-12

Number of students seen for Code of Conduct violations



Student contacts with the Victim’s Advocate



Presentations and training programs offered













Conduct violations related to assault



Conduct violations related to threats and harassment





Number of suspensions



Number of expulsions/permanent dismissals





Participants in training programs Number of students who accessed mediation services Collaboration with other departments Conduct violations related to alcohol Conduct violations related to drug or illegal/controlled substance use

Conduct violations related to theft

Repeat offenders

Goals In 2012-13 Student Rights and Responsibilities will: • increase visibility at the Riverpoint Campus • collaborate with the Cheney Police Department in regards to student behavior in the surrounding community • OSRR staff will have at least one presentation in every residence hall in the 2012-2013 year. The topics will cover, but are not limited to, civic responsibility, conflict resolution, student advocacy, bystander intervention, healthy relationships and one-minute clinics • increase presentations and participation with the sorority and fraternity community

Learning Outcomes: • Students will understand their role in creating a positive community and how their behavior impacts that community. Domain: interpersonal/intrapersonal competence • Students will take responsibility for their actions and own their decisions. Domain: interpersonal/intrapersonal competence • Students will learn about critical and reflective thinking skills and ethical inquiry. Domain: cognitive complexity • Students will demonstrate intellectual growth, social and civic responsibility. Domains: cognitive complexity, intrapersonal/interpersonal competence


Student Feature: Abbie Poirer Major: Applied Developmental Psychology Year: Graduate Student, Education Hometown: Wenatchee, Wash. Abbie Poirier transferred to EWU her sophomore year from the University of Portland. She wanted to be closer to home and Cheney seemed like a good change. As a sophomore, Abbie joined a women’s fraternity, Alpha Omicron Pi. Over the course of her college career, Abbie has been an avid volunteer and given back to the communities through events like the annual Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis. As a junior, Abbie served as the vice president of membership recruitment for her sorority and had the opportunity to create and hold workshops throughout the year on recruiting women of high character into the Panhellenic community. While the officer positions she held within the chapter were challenging, they provided her with the opportunity to become closer with her sisters and provided her with a support system to complete her education at Eastern. Abbie noted the following about her experience interning in SAIL:

Abbie began working with Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership (SAIL) staff and a sorority sister to bring in an educational speaker to campus. The event drew 100 attendees and proved to be a rich learning experience. SAIL staff immediately recognized that Abbie had the leadership potential to truly make a difference on campus and learn from the programming environment. As a result, Abbie was encouraged to serve as a SAIL intern for the 2011-12 academic year. Serving as an intern allowed Abbie to brainstorm, plan and implement leadership activities for the EWU community. Abbie spent more than 300 hours working side by side with staff and “enjoyed every minute of it.”

“My favorite part about interning for SAIL last year was the positive inspiration the people brought to my life. They constantly encouraged me to go for my goals and assisted me with anything that I needed help with. Interning on campus was a tremendous opportunity for me and I learned how to better communicate with colleagues and find my voice. This was a great chance for me to build my character and become a better person.” Abbie is currently pursuing her master’s degree in teaching at EWU and just finished her summer classes. She is having an amazing time continuing her educational journey and will begin her student teaching at Madison Elementary School in a 5th/6th grade multiage classroom this fall. She is excited for the opportunity to grow as a teacher and dig deeper into what teaching is all about. Abbie will graduate next July from the program and is proud that she will be carrying on the Eastern tradition of producing highly skilled and dedicated educators.


Career Services Mission Statement

Class presentations

We are dedicated to helping students choose inspiring majors, gain meaningful experience and competitively prepare for their professional futures.

Number of students reached in class presentations

Services and Programs





Placement files activated:



Career theme workshops:





Information sessions and presentations to student groups, clubs, etc.



“Work it!” Career conference attendance



Networking and etiquette event attendance 105


Majors Fair participation (now includes graduate and undergraduate)











Student participants in career workshops

• Career Planning – to assist students with selfassessment, majors research and career exploration • Internship and Volunteer Programs (Experiential Learning) – to engage the students in meaningful experiential learning that will assist in their career exploration, enrich their resume and develop critical professional networks • Professional Development – to prepare students to be competitive through résumé and job search preparation, informational interviewing and connecting with employers through fairs, recruiting and social media

Annual career fair attendance Community engagement – Neighbor Festival – community partners

• Placement File Services – Professional portfolios for education majors

Employer relations – employers contacted Career Wiki usage-hits

Unit Achievements

Student Learning Outcomes

• Hired a full-time employer relations manager. • Completed Itron Career Planning Library and hosted grand opening.

• Students will be able to articulate career choices based on assessment of personality traits, values, skills and abilities. (Career Planning – CRSV 210)

• Directed Portal to Your Future Grad and Majors Fair.

Domain: cognitive complexity

• Increased presence in student newspaper – more than 10 articles directly related to Career Services and events.

• Students will be able to evaluate what they have learned in their internship experience in light of their major coursework to form their career plans. (Internships)

• Conducted Partnership Preview, a networking event the evening before the Partnership in Employment Career Fair.

Domain: knowledge acquisition, integration and application


• Expanded corporate partners for Bellevue College/ Seattle recruiting trips (Clark Nuber, Verizon Wireless and Nordstrom partnerships).

Service Indicators Individual career planning appointments (1 on 1 visits with staff )

In 2010-11 Career Services will: • collaborate with SAIL to integrate student leadership conference with WorkIT! and be able to provide a credit option for students

10-11 11-12 1,168




Students in CRSV 210



Students that participated in internships



Students in CRSV 298 – professional preparation (second year offered) 15


Career counseling appointments ( career assessment or testing)

Walk-in visits to Itron Career Planning Library


• continue to visit Bellevue College once per quarter and incorporate west side business recruiting into the trips. Work with academic departments to target key employers • increase career advisor presence at Riverpoint Campus • provide regular career advising presence in Learning Commons and Veterans Resource Center



Housing and Residential Life Mission Statement

• Created an online process for students to requests room changes. This change has created efficiency for both our staff and residents.

Housing and Residential Life at Eastern Washington University, in accordance with, and as an essential part of the institutional mission, is committed to:

• Facebook exposure exceeded last year’s goal by 20 percent (1,200 v. 1,000 “likes”).

• affordable, comfortable, clean and secure living environments, which enable students to achieve their curricular and co-curricular goals

• A seven-year assessment plan was created using CAS and ACUHO-I Standards. • Developed program expectations and approval process for proposed new LLC’s.

• continuous program of development and recognition for the staff and community members

• Housing and Residential Life had two regional and one national OTM winners.

• efficient administrative management that ensures the cost-effective and educationally supportive use of students’ payments toward residential life activities

• Two EWU student leaders were selected to serve on the regional board for PACURH.

Services and Programs

• Dressler Hall won the overall Homecoming competition between student groups.

• Health and safety assurance

• Dryden Hall won the Homecoming Canned Food Drive competition for largest amount collected with a total of 2,758 items.

• Holistic and comprehensive educational programming • Behavioral intervention

• Louise Anderson Hall’s annual program, Winter Warm Fest, raised $500 for the Domino Project on campus, which is a daycare for children with autism.

• Academic initiatives • Teaching and leadership opportunities for residential students

• Morrison Hall retained 52 percent of their residents for the following year.

• Living Learning Communities • Mail and laundry services

• The Computer Engineering Living Learning Community continues to grow and won community of the year at this year’s Student Excellence awards.

• Maintenance and custodial (partnership) • Opportunities for student employment

• Developed a partnership with Dining Services, Students Activities, and secured a sponsorship from STCU to provide a Moonlight Breakfast the Sunday before finals week each quarter for all EWU students. This is one of the most successful programs on campus, with the highest attendance during spring quarter with 637 students participating.

• Hall and floor specific community building activities • Peer and professional mentoring and counseling

Unit Achievements • Construction of the new residential hall is underway.

• “Movers and Shakers” was implemented this year with the help of 44 faculty/staff and 43 student volunteers. With these additional volunteers we had one of the most successful Move-In Days in recent history.

• Developed new vision and values statements for Housing and Residential Life. • Integrated marketing and communication plan with Admissions.

• Overall retention rates were the highest ever from fall to spring: 87.7 percent.

• Implemented Room Sync application in spring 2012. This Facebook application allowed students to find and match themselves with a roommate. This has been popular with students as our roommate requests have doubled from last year.


Service Indicators Total number of programs sponsored

10-11 11/12 Goals 499




Number of programs that were collaborations with other departments or the community 91


Student attendance at above programs

Community service projects





Fall total occupancy



First-time freshman



New transfer students



Continuing students







Number of student in the Living Learning Centers

Attrition rate fall to winter Attrition rate winter to spring

In 2012-13 Housing and Residential Life will: • open new residence hall with all 354 beds assigned • increase the number of students who decide to return to the halls by 5 percent for fall 2013 • develop one new LLC for fall 2013 • increase LLC membership by 10 percent • build academic initiatives throughout all seven halls • increase the freshman class living on campus average GPA .1 higher each quarter than last year • implement action items for year one of our seven year assessment plan • implement Housing Management Software (Star Rez) • establish “International House” residence hall and expand Global Initiatives LLC

Learning Outcomes

• complete phase one of renovations and improvements

• Students will identify the appropriate resources on campus and communication skills to solve their own problems.

• develop phase two list of facility renovations and improvements • identify a community partner for each residence hall fall 2013

Domain: practical competence • Students will identify at least two study skill strategies that help them study effectively.

• develop outreach plan for transfer and non-traditional students

Domain: knowledge acquisition • Students will identify one or more time management strategies that work for them. Domain: practical competence


Program Feature: Veterans Resource Center As part of its goal to ensure Eastern Washington University will meet the needs of the thousands of service men and women returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan, EWU has officially opened its new Veterans Resource Center. On July 10, 2012, President Rodolfo Arévalo gathered with university leaders and community supporters to unveil the new center.

Customized student support services offered through the center include: admissions and financial aid counseling, academic and personal advising, referrals to campus support services, sponsorship and support for veterans’ student club, activities for veteran students and their families, workshops for veteran students and targeted recruitment of new student veterans.

Located in Showalter Hall, the 2,000 square-foot center includes a lounge, kitchen area, computer lab, workshop space as well as office space for support staff. The center provides critical services and resources veterans will need as they integrate back into civilian life and learn to navigate the university system. There are currently approximately 600 veterans enrolled at EWU, and the university expects to see a 10-percent increase annually in the number of veterans seeking college degrees and utilizing GI benefits.

The Veterans Resource Center staff includes a director, an academic advisor, a VA benefits coordinator and a Vet Corps Navigator. The university has dedicated faculty liaisons from each of the four colleges and the libraries to provide specific support and counseling to student veterans. The faculty liaisons will ensure effective communication and coordination with those EWU departments and staff who regularly interact with student veterans. Providing education to the wider community is also within the scope of the center. Community engagement with other veteran organizations, employers and businesses allows EWU to be a more visible presence in the region in regards to student veteran needs and contributions. The Veteran Resource Center also sponsors veterans’ fairs, workshops and symposia on such topics as best practices for supporting military service members, transition issues, health issues and mentoring for veterans.

The Veterans Resource Center will be a national model for delivering exceptional support services to address the personal and academic needs of active-duty and former military personnel, their spouses and dependents. It is also implementing the “Got Your 6” program, which will educate staff, faculty and community about the needs and challenges of student veterans.

Wash. Representative Larry Seaquist, USN Admiral, Ret., visits the VRC. 40

Student Feature: Ryan Peil Major: Criminal Justice Year: Sophomore Hometown: Port Townsend, Wash. Ryan hails from a strong military family background, including his father, brother and sister. After graduating from high school, uncertain about which college major to pursue, Ryan decided to enlist in the U.S. Air Force, and two weeks later left for Basic Training at Lackland AFB in Texas, graduating as a Military Policeman. He served on many Air Force installations from California to Texas to Washington and counts 15 countries and four continents on his list of places he has been. In 2008, Ryan received orders to deploy for seven months to Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. In Kuwait, Ryan served with the security response forces, where he provided daily convoy security into Iraq. The greatest support came from others in his unit and his squad mates, who Ryan is still in contact with today.

After serving four years in the Air Force, Ryan was ready to transition into the next phase of his life and begin work on his degree. At age 22, he began his first quarter of college with the financial means provided by the Post 9/11 GI Bill. He is currently pursuing a degree in criminal justice. “Veterans have earned their right for higher education and EWU allows a four-year university experience with small town camaraderie.”

Ryan’s next deployment landed him 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle on a remote radar outpost on Thule Air Base, Greenland. The scenery was something out of the pages of National Geographic. He had daily encounters with polar bears and arctic foxes. Month-long blizzards, Aurora Borealis and utter seclusion with his team mates were also features of this deployment. The barren terrain, isolation and once-a-week mail delivery only amplified the 18-month period. By summer, the ice thinned enough for Danish ships to deliver essential supplies and it warmed to a meager 16 degrees, enough for the airmen to wear shorts and T-shirts.

Ryan currently works in the Veteran Resource Center on the EWU campus helping other student veterans with their benefits and classes. The flexibility of the center’s schedule allows him to work without sacrificing time allotted to classes and study. Work study provides the experience and knowledge behind the mechanics of certifying veterans through the GI bill while opening new doors to similar career prospects of helping others.



Contractual Student Services


Student Medical Services (Rockwood Clinic) Eastern Washington University contracts for student medical services with the Rockwood Clinic. Students registered for six or more credits in fall, winter and spring quarters participate in their program that provides a basic level of ambulatory health clinic services at any Rockwood Clinic in Cheney, Medical Lake and Spokane.

Service Indicators


Students seen Visits Average age



11,106 10,032 23


Cheney location



Main clinic location/Spokane





Other locations

• Treatment of illnesses and injuries (minor and uncomplicated on an outpatient basis)

10-11 11-12

• Minor surgical procedures

Sample presenting issues: 10-11 11-12

• Basic laboratory testing

Communicable diseases/vaccinations



• General x-rays for acute problems

Respiratory problems




Ill defined conditions



• Limited physical therapy (co-pay)


7.5% 8.8%

• Psychiatric evaluation


6.6% 7.4%

• Nutritional consultation (with co-pay)

Musculoskeletal complaints/disorders



• Women’s health

Infectious/parasitic diseases




3.2% 4.1%

Diseases of the nervous system



Mental disorders




Campus Childcare (YMCA) Childcare services are provided by the YMCA of the Inland Northwest in the campus childcare facility, a university-owned building. The program is licensed by the state to serve up to 194 children. Services are available to students, with limited openings for the children of faculty and staff. Students receive a discounted rate. Lead classroom teacher credentials include an Early Childhood Education degree or experience and State Training and Registry System (STARS) certification.

Service Indicators Total enrollment (high)

10/11 11/12 152


Number of EWU student families using service 63


Number of EWU faculty/staff families

Enrollment breakdown



10-11 11-12




25 29



28 26

• Childcare for children, ages six weeks to 10 years old


36 36

• Full-time and part-time childcare, including after-school care


30 43

After-school care


• Includes a state-funded, four-year-old classroom • Flexible scheduling in 3-hour blocks (rather than a minimum of full-day or half-day sessions), to provide flexibility for the unique needs of university students • Enrichment programs, such as Scholastic Book Fair, open house and socials • Multicultural programs for students • Parent Involvement Committee



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