Student Affairs Annual Report

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Eastern Washington University

Student Affairs

Annual Report 2009-10

Table of Contents Introduction


Vice President’s Message


Student Affairs Statement: Mission, Vision, Values


Priorities for 2010-2011


Enrollment Services


Enrollment Services Organizational Chart




Showing Students the Way (Student Feature)


Financial Aid and Scholarships


General Undergraduate Academic Advising


Records and Registration


Transitions and Inclusion


PRIDE Center (Special Feature)


Student Life


Student Life Organizational Chart


Associated Students of Eastern Washington University


Campus Recreation


EPIC Adventures (Special Feature)


Career Services


Counseling and Psychological Services


Disability Support Services


Health, Wellness and Prevention Services


Residential Life


Student Activities


Getting Involved! (Student Feature)


Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities


Contractual Student Services


Student Medical Services


Campus Childcare



From the Vice President for Student Affairs

effort to bring greater visibility to this population through grant submissions and other funding requests to support a proposed Veterans’ Support Center. • Undergraduate Advising provided important intervention advising for 1,300 students on academic probation.

The information contained within the pages of this report reflects impressive numbers of individual contacts, creative programs, and essential interventions to contribute to a holistic student development experience. The high-touch, personal connections that Eastern prides itself on are clearly evident in the activities and interactions chronicled in this report. Stacey Morgan Foster, JD Having joined Eastern Washington University in April—near the conclusion of the year—I wasn’t able to observe all of this activity first hand. Reviewing this annual report has provided me with an immense appreciation for our staff and students. I hope you will be as inspired as I was to read about the good work being done.

• An effective retention program and one that elevates the overall level of academic engagement on campus, the Living Learning Center residential program, added two new affinity groups for residential living: an international group and a computer/engineering/science group. LLC participants live on the same floor and engage in programming and activities specific to their focus. Research shows living in a residence hall is the single most effective retention strategy, and the LLC experience brings this success to an even more pronounced level. • We saw a 6 percent increase in freshmen and transfer applications, reinforcing the perception of EWU as a best value in higher education. • Firms recruiting for accounting majors tripled over last year. • Records and Registration fully implemented the student on-line degree audit, enabling advisors and students to more effectively track academic progress to graduation.

In particular, I want to highlight some of these accomplishments:

• Reflective of the intentional programming in the residence halls and in Health, Wellness & Prevention, there was a 28 percent decrease in alcohol violations.

• Campus Recreation again hosted an energizing three-onthree basketball tournament—the Spring Shootout, which has now become the largest indoor basketball tournament in the nation and has strengthened the university’s relations with the larger community.

• We launched the Green Dot Program with excellent student participation. The Green Dot Program is an active bystander violence prevention program.

• Club Sports continue to provide excitement and high levels of competition with the ice hockey games regularly selling out and the team achieving a ranking of third, nationally. Women’s volleyball also had a great year at the number three position, nationally.

• We served a record number of students with disabilities (422), providing essential services to ensure their student success. These are great statistics, but the bigger story is really about the impact on our students. Through our programs, services and personal interactions we contribute to students’ cognitive development, critical thinking, appreciation for the experiences of others, organizational skills, self-care skills and overall wellness, cultural and aesthetic awareness, time management, civic engagement, and ethical decision making. We serve as mentors, coaches, advisors, leaders, supporters, problem solvers, and yes, even as disciplinarians at times. But most of all, we are educators. Every interaction with a student is an opportunity to help that student learn something, even if it is as passive as simply performing a mundane task cheerfully and accurately, and by doing so modeling a work ethic worth emulating or reinforcing that the campus is a friendly and welcoming place.

• The PRIDE Center opened its doors and conducted programs, creating bridges on campus for discussion and support of our GLBTQA students. • We packaged and delivered $104 million in aid to 8,900 students. • An online orientation program was successfully implemented to assist students in making a smooth transition to the campus. • More than 72,000 phone calls were fielded by three offices in Enrollment Services. • We worked with 433 veterans, who accessed their federal benefits to continue their education. We also began an

In addition to the accomplishments of individual departments, the Division of Student Affairs collectively has much to be 2

proud of. Student Affairs played a significant role in crafting the Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan. Led by Dr. Lawrence Briggs, AVP for Enrollment Services, and Dr. Tom Hawley, Professor of Government, the SEM team (20+ people including many in Student Affairs) studied enrollment, retention, and demographic data (among many other sets of data), conducted forums and reviewed surveys. The result was a comprehensive report for consideration, from which President Arévalo has identified 21 initiatives to pursue. The steering committee for these SEM initiatives is comprised of Provost Rex Fuller, Larry Briggs, Tom Hawley, and myself. We are energized about the tasks before us and already are seeing some innovative work that we expect to lead to retention gains. This activity will continue well into the 2010-11 year. I want to publicly thank Larry for his stewardship of this process, one which was complex and very important to the overall success of the university.

We’ve also reinvented ourselves somewhat. In August, the Student Affairs Council, comprised of all the unit heads, met to review our mission statement. We also created a vision statement and a values statement, all of which are included on the following pages. Perhaps most importantly, we identified our priorities for the coming year (included, as well, in this report). As we expect to encounter another year of budget reductions, our assessment, mission, values and priorities will guide our decision making and help us to focus our limited resources toward achieving our goals. All of these planning tools will assist us in delivering on our vision: To engage students along their transformational journey to develop self confidence, a sense of purpose, resiliency, and active citizenship. I’m grateful to the entire Student Affairs Division for their dedication to our students. We don’t say it enough, but thank you. I am looking forward to working with this wonderful team as we continue to serve our students.

Of significant note, Student Affairs finished a complete assessment of programs and services using the Council for Advancement of Standards (CAS) tool. This assessment will be the basis for action planning across the division and provides an important lens through which we can evaluate our effectiveness and become even better. Work continues on this also into 2010-11.


Stacey Morgan Foster, JD Vice President for Student Affairs


Student Affairs Statement

Vision Engage students along their transformational journey to develop self confidence, a sense of purpose, resiliency, and active citizenship.

Mission We, in the Division of Student Affairs, support Eastern Washington University’s mission by promoting and contributing to a university centered on student learning and success.

Values Because students are the most important part of what we do, as student affairs professionals we value:

To accomplish this, we will: • lead the campus in delivering purposeful programs and services that address the holistic development of the student;

• Integrity

• identify and respond to students’ needs with personalized student services;

• Commitment

• create and maintain a healthy and safe environment that supports and sustains recruitment, retention, and student success;

• Collaboration

• Respect

• Creativity

• Inclusivity and

• cultivate positive relationships among students, faculty, staff, and the broader community;

• Diversity

• link academic and co-curricular learning experiences; • establish high standards that promote civic responsibility and mutual accountability; • foster an inclusive and diverse community where civility and respect for each individual are valued and expected.


Student Affairs Priorities 2010-11 Strategic Enrollment Management • Implementation of SEM Tasks

Programs • Veterans’ Support • Diversity • Community Building

Facilities • Pence Union Building • Residence Halls

Infrastructure • Technology-Document Imaging • Assessment • Professional Development

Processes • Communication • Collaboration


Enrollment Services

Enrollment Services Organizational Chart

Enrollment Services

Undergraduate Admissions

Financial Aid and Scholarships

General Undergraduate Advising


Records and Registration

Transitions and Inclusions

Unit Achievements • Increased the number of freshman applications for fall 2010 by 6 percent, as of Sept. 1, 2010, even though the collegebound high school population in Washington declined. This represents the second largest number of freshman applications ever received by Eastern Washington University, behind only to the number of applications received in fall of 2005. The Admissions team also succeeded in bringing in a record number of transfer applications with a 6 percent increase from fall 2009.

Mission Statement The Office of Admissions, through internal and external relationship building, communicates Eastern’s mission and generates a diverse group of applicants who transition into successful students and future alumni. We promote Eastern Washington University by providing personalized services in an accurate, efficient, and professional manner. We accomplish this by sharing educational opportunities through active recruitment and outreach, holistic application review and transcript evaluation.

• Established a clear and purposeful procedure wiki housed on the Admissions SharePoint. The wiki chronicles the Banner procedures for all Admissions functions and outlines the procedures related to application processing and evaluation.

Services and Programs

• Conducted four successful Eastern@ transfer recruitment events at Spokane Falls Community College, Wenatchee Valley College, Yakima Valley Community College and Columbia Basin College.

The Office of Admissions contributes to and benefits the campus community by performing the following functions: • Recruitment • Community outreach

• Implemented the new student enrollment fee via an online confirmation process.

• Print, electronic, and social media marketing, information creation and dissemination

• Developed and coordinated the firstSTEP summer academic orientation program.

• Campus visitations (formal recruitment events, group tours, and individualized student-led tours)

• Of utmost importance to the Office of Admission is the professional and personal health of the admissions team. We have been successful in training and integrating two new employees into the team, planning and facilitating two trainings to foster the professional development of our team and maintaining and open and respectful dialogue among our team.

• Processing and review of undergraduate admission applications and associated materials for four academic terms • Evaluation of transfer coursework for new confirmed freshman and transfer students • Coordination and facilitation of new student academic orientation, firstSTEP


Service Indicators

2009-10 Goals

High School Visitations


In 2010-11 the Office of Admissions will:

States Visited


Regional and National Fairs Participation


• conduct recruitment resulting the fall 2011 enrollment of 1,5001,525 new freshmen, of which 90 will be from out-of-state;

On-Campus Visitation Programs


Campus Tours


Special Group Visits


Prospective Student Individual Campus Visits (from above tours and programs)


• improve the response time for completed transfer applications to 14 days;

Processed and Reviewed Applications for Undergraduate Admissions (for 2010)


• develop and implement a coherent new media communication plan;

firstSTEP Freshmen Attendance


firstSTEP Parent/Guest Attendance


Phone Inquiries Answered


2009-2010 Enrollment (Annual Average Headcount)


• conduct recruitment resulting in the fall 2011 enrollment of 1,050-1,075 new transfer students; • increase the number of group visitation programs by 10 percent;

• fully implement a regionally-based recruitment model that combines transfer, high school and early outreach for all central Washington and eastern Washington territories; • collaborate with the Office of Information Technology and Records and Registration to successfully implement a document imaging system; • collaborate and contribute to the completion of the SEM initiatives presented by the president; • continue to foster the professional and personal health of the admissions team, training and integrating new employees into the team, planning and facilitating trainings and maintaining an open and respectful dialogue.


Showing students the way Student Feature: Jeff Cobb

nearly 30-year history of the organization. His peers recently selected him as the EA of the year.

Jeff came to Eastern, in large part, because being an Eagle was a family tradition. He is the third generation of his family to come to EWU. Academics were part of the attraction, but he also chose Eastern because of the small class sizes and the reputation of the close communication between instructors and students. Jeff was also well aware of the Jeff Cobb community connections between Eastern, Cheney and Spokane. The advantage of a small town atmosphere and the close proximity to Spokane made for a winning combination.

In addition to his EA responsibilities and working in the Admissions Office, Jeff is a volunteer coach for the Richland High School wrestling team. This means he travels back to Richland virtually every weekend, from November to February, to help with matches and tournaments. Wrestling was a big part of Jeff’s life before he came to EWU, not only because he loved the combination of individual competition against an opponent on the mat, but also because he was part of a team’s success. And, his father was the coach! Jeff has found a way to give back to others at his high school by staying connected to the wrestling program. Not surprisingly, Jeff’s advice for other students includes “get involved.” He’s a member of the Criminal Justice Club. In his talks with prospective students and their families, he promotes the idea that the college experience is enriched when students are engaged in the many opportunities EWU offers outside the classroom for activities, community engagement, clubs and organizations. And, if he had to do it over again, he’d have started sooner to get some additional support for his studies. “There is so much more available here than in high school,” Jeff noted, “All you have to do is ask and the resources are here.”

Jeff is a senior completing an interdisciplinary degree that includes courses in criminal justice, education and history. He’s part of Eagle Ambassadors, the team of students who provide a wide range of support for recruitment events,including campus tours for families and groups, student leadership for FirstSTEP, the summer registration program for new students, as well as new student orientation in the fall. Eagle Ambassadors (EAs) have a welldeserved reputation for enthusiasm and school spirit. Jeff has devoted more time to EA than any other student in the

Given his involvement in admission work, Jeff is interested in pursuing a position in the field after graduation, at least for a few years. His ultimate goal, as it has been since he started at EWU, is to pursue a career in law enforcement. In both cases, these paths offer a way to make a difference in people’s lives, something Jeff has demonstrated he can do in a big way.


Financial Aid and Scholarships Mission Statement The mission of the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office is to provide student-centered quality service and to administer the financial aid programs in such a way as to maximize student access and support the mission of the University. To achieve this mission, the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office will:



Phone Calls


FAFSAs Processed


Total Scholarship Applications Processed


Total Number of Scholarship Programs

Total Number of Grant Programs

• provide timely, courteous, professional, comprehensive, and technologically-current services to all constituents;

Total Number of Waiver Programs

• award aid in support of enrollment, retention, academic quality, diversity, and equity;

Total Number of Loan Programs



Total Number of Work Study Programs




Total Students Awarded

• practice open and effective communication; • develop internal and external working relationships that raise the visibility of the university and maintain morale; • provide sound fiscal management and regulatory compliance; • continuously evaluate and improve services; and • continually remind ourselves that we are serving a greater purpose.

Services and Programs The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office administers and/or coordinates all scholarship, tuition waiver, grant, work study, and loan programs for the university, with the exception of veterans benefits and tuition discounts. The office provides financial aid counseling and advising and participates in financial aid outreach on request.

Financial Aid By Source



Total Federal Aid



Total State Aid



Total Institutional Aid



Total Private Aid



Total Third Party Billing



Total Financial Aid

$104,066,716 100.0%

Loan Statistics



EWU Cohort Default Rate (Stafford Loans)



National Cohort Default Rate (Stafford Loans)



EWU Cohort Default Rate (Perkins Loans)



(most recent data available)

Unit Achievements • Delivered approximately $104 million in financial aid to 8,900 students.



• Implemented Banner version 8.0.

In 2010-11 the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will:

• Implemented electronic delivery of missing information letters and revised award notices.

• develop a new on-line scholarship application using Banner functionality;

• Converted to the Direct Loan Program.

• develop an aging process for missing information letters;

• Rewrote and reorganized the financial aid web site, including a student consumerism page.

• implement full electronic delivery of financial aid notifications and satisfactory academic progress letters;

• Implemented year-round Pell Grant.

• implement the Banner student employment module;

• Implemented numerous provisions of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA).

• move all financial aid web content to the new university web site;

Service Indicators

• rewrite reports from REPT to Operational Data Store;

• build a net price calculator; • automate and refine a variety of processes, including front-end processing, transfer monitoring, award cancellation, file purging, over-award/over-budget lists, and packaging audit;

Please note that the 2009-10 award year ends with summer 2010, and final reporting is underway at this time. Updated statistics will be available by the end of October, when the federal FISAP and State Unit Record reports are completed.

• implement Banner return of Title IV functionality; • implement new federal and state regulations. 11

General Undergraduate Academic Advising (GUAA)

Physical Education Health, and Recreation faculty and staff on use of the degree audit system, SOAR. • Created advising aids for how to use SOAR effectively for students, staff and faculty.

Mission Statement Academic advisors in GUAA see each student as a unique individual with particular educational needs and desires. Our mission as academic advisors is to assist each student in making informed choices with regard to general educational requirements, university graduation requirements, academic majors and elective coursework, as well as co-curricular resources and activities. Working from a broad-based understanding of university policies and procedures, academic advisors consistently share accurate, current and pertinent information allowing students to achieve targeted learning outcomes. Advisors assist students with developing academic plans, consistent with their life, career, and educational goals. A personal relationship between student and advisor facilitates and enhances the student/university connection.

Service Indicators


Individual Student Advising Visits


Phone Calls Answered


Assistance to Students on Academic Probation


Advising for Reinstatment of Academically Dismissed Students


Early Warning Pilot Advising Visits


Goals In 2010-11 the General Undergraduate Academic Advising department will:

Services and Programs

• increase collaboration and coordination of GUAA services and programs with the newly aligned colleges, particularly through the college-based advising staff;

General Undergraduate Academic Advising provides a set of services and programs, centered on retention, that include the following:

• develop a set ongoing assessment indicators for GUAA, as part of continued work on the Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS);

• one-on-one and group advising to assist students with degree planning, to include a full four-year plan for their degree requirements;

• expand existing contributions to Living Learning Communities (LLCs), with provisions for workshops and delivery of advising in the residence halls;

• expertise on general education requirements, especially as related to pre-requisites and progress toward major requirements;

• disseminate academic advising tools, academic planners, resources, and communication in support of overall advising efforts across campus through GUAA webpage updates, job aids and outreach to departments.

• review of evaluation of credits to aid students and faculty in accurate advising and planning; • advocacy for students and liaison support for services on campus, and in the community, to aid students’ adjustment to campus and academic achievement; • resources to support students’ goal-setting, self-exploration, decision-making, financial information, time management and study skills; • collaboration with offices and programs across campus to help maintain current information on relevant university policy and procedures for students, staff and faculty.

Unit Achievements • Streamlined the nursing application process to the WSU College of Nursing by developing and delivering an application information meeting for pre-nursing students and posting relevant information on our GUAA web pages. • Collaborated in enhancing advising for freshman participants in the summer 2010 FIRSTStep program. • Conducted training sessions for Division of International and Educational Outreach (DIEO) staff and the Department of 12

Records and Registration

• Worked on a project to clean our Showalter storage space to comply with state records retention guidelines: In November, 2009, a records retention project was started with the shredding and/or historical archiving of pre-1987 documents.

Mission Statement The mission of the Office of Records and Registration is to provide services and support to EWU students and the university community, while safeguarding the accuracy, integrity, and security of each student’s institutional, academic record.

• Implemented all Undergraduate programs in our degree audit system, SOAR (Student On-line Advising Resource): Majors, minors, certificates and endorsements have all been completed through the 2009-10 catalog. Approximately 90 percent of the department advisors have been trained and have access to SOAR.

Services and Programs

Service Indicators


Student online registration transactions


Student in person registration transactions


Undergraduate degrees posted


Degree audits (SOAR) run by students


Major declarations posted to student records


Created or updated class sections in Banner


Total curricular and program changes implemented in catalog

254 433

• Classroom scheduling

Veterans who used benefits served spring quarter 2010

• Banner student database

Paper and e-transcripts produced


• Athletic eligibility

Washington residency applications reviewed and processed


Transcript evaluations processed


• Registration and cashiering • Veteran’s services • EWU transcripts • Enrollment and degree verification • Grading • Credential evaluation/graduation • Commencement • EWU catalog • Quarterly course schedule

• Residency • Data reporting


• Records security

In 2010-11, the Office of Records and Registration will:

Unit Achievements

• implement online transcript ordering for certified hard copy of document;

• Completed the implementation of the re-organized college structure in Banner: Created new college codes for the newly-named colleges and new program codes for all programs in the impacted colleges. Created new subject codes and courses. Created and distributed code crosswalks for data reporting purposes.

• purchase and implement a replacement document imaging system; • refine website to include information needed by students, and deliver that information in a clear and concise manner;

• Implemented online transcript sending: On March 1, 2010, eTranscripts was implemented, providing students and alumni the option to send their official transcripts to any recipient electronically for no additional fee. To date, 335 eTranscripts have been processed, saving both time and resources while providing additional services to students and alumni.

• implement new processes for DIEO to have a greater number of their offered courses in the Banner system; • implement online undergraduate degree application on EagleNET.

• Created online Major Declaration form: Streamlined the major declaration process by implementing an online major declaration form to ensure students are declared in approved degree programs, minors, campus. The form also provides an opportunity to indicate the student’s advisor which is then coded in Banner. 13

Transitions and Inclusion Note: the Pride Center is also part of the Office of Transitions and Inclusion. A feature piece about this department follows this section.

Mission Statement: The Office of Transitions and Inclusion serves all new students and first-generation college students with a variety of programs that give students the tools and resources necessary to succeed in achieving their goal of attaining a college degree.

Services and Programs • Fall New Student Orientation and Welcome Week • New Student Online Orientation • Transition Center • Eastern Advantage Program • Washington Achievers

Service Indicators


• Governors Scholars for Foster Youth

Students enrolled in the Orientation Class for Credit


Students Attending New Student Convocation


Eastern Advantage Scholars


Washington Achievers Scholars


• Provided staff and program support for the delivery of FirstSTEP, our summer registration program, in collaboration with Undergraduate Admissions.

Leadership 1000 Scholars


Governor’s Scholars


• Launched the New Student Online Orientation for those students that were not able to attend our orientation events.

Passport to College Scholars


Eastern Experience Summer Program (HS seniors)


Eagle Flight /Eastern Advantage Summer Program (incoming students)


• Leadership 1000 Scholarship • Passport to College Promise Scholarship

Unit Achievements

• Delivered the new student orientation program, for credit, for students who chose to enroll; • Advised, mentored, and taught a total of 407 Eastern Advantage students during AY 2009-10.


• Coordinated and delivered seven sections of the required first year experience course for 163 incoming Eastern Advantage (EA) scholars during fall quarter 2009.

In 2010-11 the Office of Transitions and Inclusion will: • implement changes to the New Student Orientation and Welcome Week, as suggested by the CAS assessment;

• Organized and successfully delivered two Eagle Flight Programs (for incoming Eastern Advantage students) and two Eastern Experience Events in the summer of 2009, funded by a College Sparks Grant. Sixty percent of Eagle Flight participants rated the experience as excellent. Eighty percent of the Eastern Experience students were underrepresented minorities.

• create a service learning component in the New Student Orientation; • use newly-acquired ID Scanners for improved tracking of student participation in New Student Orientation events;

• Developed a new application process, in collaboration with Undergraduate Admissions, consistent with recruitment of a diverse set of applicants to Eastern Advantage.

• increase the number of Eastern Advantage applicants by 10 percent; • increase the number of diverse students applying to EWU through Eastern Advantage by 5 percent, to mirror the number of EWU diverse student population;

• Delivered innovative events/activities to support student identification, with campus and retention as part of New Student Orientation and Welcome Week: (A Night with Your BF (Business Friends) in Cheney, new student Convocation, outdoor movie, campus life presentations, Playfair and FamCam.

• increase the number of male Eastern Advantage scholarship recipients by 5 percent from 2008. 14

Pride Center

Unit Achievements

The 2009-10 year marked the opening of the Pride Center on campus. The development and realization of this program was jointly supported by Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and the President’s Advisory Committee on Diversity.

• Pride Center Grand Opening/Open House and hiring of Pride Center Coordinator – The Pride Center officially opened its doors on March 7, 2010, which was also the starting day for Sandy Williams, the Pride Center Coordinator. Over 150 people stopped in for the opening and ribbon cutting ceremony. Drs. Arévalo, Mason, Dalla, Ashby-Scott and Sandy Williams, Eagle PRIDE President Richard Arquette, and former Eagle PRIDE President Nate Lewis cut the ribbon and spoke briefly about the center, what it would offer, and what it meant in 2010.

Mission Statement The EWU Pride Center is dedicated to providing a safe and accepting environment for EWU’s LGBTQQA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and ally) students, faculty and staff. The goals of the center are to promote a campus wide culture of inclusion and respect for diversity through education, outreach and collaboration, and to provide students at EWU with a positive and successful academic experience.

• PRIDE Week: April 12-16, 2010 - The Pride Center and Eagle Pride hosted their first annual EWU Pride Week. The week’s activities included a spiritual panel that addressed religion and sexual orientation; a CAPS panel that addressed being out on the EWU campus; and the Day of Silence which is a student let event that asks individuals to remain silent for the day to be in solidarity with LGBT individuals who are forced to remain silent for fear of persecution. Eagle Pride students also sold “Gay? Fine by me” t-shirts at a fundraiser and sold out.

Services and Programs • Education, training and speakers • Brown bag lunch discussions

• Lavender Graduation - May 21, 2010 – The EWU Pride Center presented the region’s first Lavender Graduation Ceremony to celebrate graduating LGBTQ students and allies, and to honor faculty and staff who were identified as allies to the graduates. Ten EWU students participated in the graduation ceremony. Drs. Arévalo, Mason, Ashby-Scott and Sandy Williams participated in the ceremony. Dr. Mason was the graduation speaker. EWU student Liz Welch was the student graduation speaker. Eagle Pride members were the emcees for the ceremony. Pride Ally awards were given to faculty, staff and alumni who were nominated by graduates. One ally award was given to an SFCC faculty member. Fitfty people were in attendance to watch the ceremony.

• Social activities • Advocacy • Assistance with reporting discrimination and harassment • Safe and quiet space for students to study, use computers, browse through the library of LGBT literature, take a break between classes, or meet up with friends • Collaboration with the Impressions LLC, which is EWU’s Living Learning Community for students interested in studying issues of gender identity and sexual orientation • EAGLE PRIDE student club advising



• Spokane Pride Parade and Rainbow Festival: June 12, 2010 – EWU Pride Center and Eagle Pride members marched in the Spokane Pride Parade for the first time on June 12, 2010. There were 12 people in the group. The Pride Center also sponsored a booth during the Rainbow Festival, which was staffed by Eagle Pride members and EWU staff. “Gay? Fine by me” t-shirts were sold and information about the Pride Center was distributed. Approximately 100 people stopped by the booth, including EWU alumni. Contact information was gathered from the visitors. The Pride Center also co-sponsored (with OutSpokane and WSU-Riverpoint) the Voices of Victory lecture about LGBT history that was held at Riverpoint Spokane as a part of Pride Festivities on June 11, 2010.

Service Indicators


Student Visits




Open House Attendance


Pride Week Participants


Lavender Graduation Attendance


Pride Parade/Festival Participants


Voices of Victory Lecture Attendance


In 2010-11 the Pride Center will: • increase visibility of the Pride Center through providing campus events and activities (e.g., speakers, brown bag lunches, etc.); • increase the number of students participating in Pride Center activities and visiting the Pride Center; • collaborate with other campus departments to provide cross-cultural programs; • provide training to students, faculty and staff on LGBTQA issues; • support the development of the Impressions LLC and increase student participation; • publish a Pride Center online newsletter, beginning the Fall of 2010.


Student Life

Student Life Organizational Chart

Student Life

Career Services


Campus Recreation

Disability Support Services

Residential Life

Health, Wellness and Prevention Services

Counseling and Psychological Services

Student Activities



Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Associated Students of Eastern Washington University (ASEWU) Mission Statement We, the elected representatives of the Associated Students of Eastern Washington University (ASEWU), encourage the pursuit of higher education and enhanced student life on all Eastern Washington University (EWU) campuses. We will: • ensure that all students are treated equally; • promote the expression of student opinions through formal and informal means; and • act as a liaison, building relationships with our faculty, staff, and administration as well as local, state, and federal representatives.

• During the past year, the ASEWU created a committee to explore the feasibility of either rebuilding or renovating the Pence Union Building (PUB). With help from ALSC Architects, the committee looked at different construction and design options, as well as potential costs, to best serve the students of Eastern Washington University.

Services Descriptions • Advocate and serve as the voice for students • Support extracurricular activities and programs • Act as a resource for student activism

• During winter quarter, the ASEWU Council worked with the EWU Police Department on the “Click It and Ticket” project, giving out “good tickets” to students wearing their seatbelts.

• Provide leadership opportunities for students • Provide opportunities for student employment

Unit Achievements • The ASEWU introduced its new website during the 2009-10 academic year. The site is easier to navigate and find information. In addition, students and the campus community can now find The Focus online. • A draft of a Student Tobacco Policy was developed and presented to the ASEWU Council during the winter quarter 2010, and the council was supportive of the concept. Two of the ASEWU Council members spoke to various campus constituencies and the talks were favorable. Currently, this policy draft is one ASEWU is still looking into, with the possibility of moving forward with this project for the 201011 school year.

Service Indicators


“Student Walkout” participation


Number of clubs and organizations


Students involved in ASEWU committees


GPAs of ASEWU (Court, Council, and Staff )


Goals In 2010-11, the Associated Students of EasternWashington University will: • improve visibility of the Associated Students to the general student population; • gain at minimum 15 percent of EWU students voting in the May 3, 2011 ASEWU general election;

• The successful implementation of “Student Walkout” on February 4th, with over 800 students, faculty, and administrators joined together in the campus mall to rally against the rise in tuition and the cut of student financial aid. A similar campus walkout occurred at Washington State University, but Eastern Washington University’s event had nearly triple the number of students in attendance.

• strive to act as a unified council, where all members are working toward the common set of Associated Student goals; • successfully advocate for students to enhance the Pence Union Building to serve better the students and the campus community.


Campus Recreation

Services and Programs

Mission Statement

• Extramural Special Events

• Intramural Sports

The Department of Campus Recreation is comprised of Intramural Sports (IM), the Club Sport Federation (CSF), and EPIC (Experiential Programs Inspiring Confidence) Adventures.

• Club Sport Federation • High Profile Clubs • EPIC Adventures

The mission of Campus Recreation is to provide students and the campus community with the highest quality, comprehensive and varied schedule of activities, designed to allow participants to experience social interaction, develop leadership and team-building skills and improve physical fitness. Total commitment to students is our highest priority, and we pledge to make all programs accessible, and inclusive, while remaining focused on participant diversity, customer service and professionalism. Our programs will create opportunities for students to achieve personal growth, while providing a fun and valued experience, as we recognize that students with a positive collegiate experience, both in and out of the classroom, make better citizens and community members in this ever-evolving global community.

• Special Events

Unit Achievements • The Campus Recreation Department provides the largest student activity programming on campus. The level of participation on campus is 4,000-5,000 students, faculty and staff, engaging in at least one of the Campus Recreation activities. Intramurals participation increased 19 percent, EPIC Adventures increased 51 percent on trips and 49 percent with the climbing wall. Club Sports Federation had a 12.5percent increase, from 24 teams to the current total of 27. • In addition, Campus Recreation sponsors numerous community service projects, including Spokane River Kickoff. The Club Sports Federation also is active in the community, arranging for visits to the local children’s hospital and working with many different outside groups as part of their community service commitment. • A strength of the Campus Recreation program is in the area of participant diversity, especially in the I.M. and CSF programs, with EPIC Adventures gaining fast. • The department has hosted some of the area’s largest events: • EWU Spring Shootout 3 x 3 basketball (largest indoor tourney in the country) • EPIC Rail Jam • Rec-Splosion, an event for incoming freshmen in the URC, where over 2,500 students attend • Men’s hockey games (sell-out crowds with waiting list) • Student participants have achieved national recognition in many areas, including the following: • EPIC Collegiate Climbing Competition, Northwest Champions • Men’s hockey, third place nationally • Women’s volleyball, third place nationally • Men’s rugby club team, ranked seventh nationally • The collaboration between Campus Recreation and Residential Life includes the purchase of the popular game, LASER TAG, making Eastern Washington University the only campus in the Northwest with LASER TAG. • The department was recognized this last year with Student Life Excellence Awards (Soaring Eagle Award for staff excellence to Mike Campitelli; Top Sport Club to women’s volleyball and men’s ice hockey; I.M. Athletes of the Year to Ty Hatcher, Jennifer Ishigami, Melissa Eastman, Ryan Eucker). 22

Service Indicators


Individuals served


EPIC student contacts


Number of intramural leagues


Intramurals players per quarter


EPIC Adventures course offerings (different courses)


Sections of EPIC Adventures courses


EPIC Adventures student enrollment in courses


EPIC special programs


Club Sport Federation competitions


Club Sport Federation Leadership Retreat attendance


Student employees of Campus Recreation


Community Service Projects


• keep records of all risk management issues, in all programs, while regularly reviewing the issues, as a staff, on a quarterly basis; • increase participation in the I.M. program by 10 percent by improving marketing and better use of the new web site; • continue to add new programming options, at least one new offering per quarter in I.M. and EPIC, gauging student interest through a web-based survey each spring quarter; • create a Campus Recreation list of participants that will record student data to help determine the department’s impact in the area of retention (year-to-year continued involvement) and student satisfaction; • increase visibility, on and off campus, through efforts on the new website and with aggressive marketing campaigns in all programs, by the hiring of a senior student staff member in all areas and the creation of student support positions, as needed; • develop a leadership program for the CSF fall training session that involves all 27 CSF officers groups and hosts at least 40-50 students; • increase fundraising goals in I.M. and CSF groups by at least 25 percent, in an effort to become more self-sufficient as budgets tighten;

Goals In 2010-11 the Campus Recreation Department will:

• complete the next step in the CAS program; and

• maintain the same high level of risk management by following NIRSA professional standards in I.M. and CSF programs and the suggestions of EPIC’s outside consulting firm;

• increase CSF community service requirements so that all groups must maintain at least one project per quarter. 23

EPIC Adventures Service Indicators 04-05 05-06


07-08* 08-09 09-10

Participants 839









11,378 15,280



Participant = Trip Participant Contacts = Trip Participants, Office Interactions and Rentals *Significant increase due to climbing wall opening

Types of Trips Taken • Clark Fork whitewater rafting • bouldering at Leavenworth • canoeing and rock climbing at Banks Lake By pursuing adventure, EPIC Adventures helps make Eastern Washington University an exciting school to choose. By building community, EPIC Adventures helps to make Eastern Washington University an engaging place to stay.

• Banff ice climbing • backpacking at Hoodoo Canyon • mountaineering Silver Peak Star • Lake Louise ski/snowboard trip

Overview of the Program

• mountain biking weekend

EPIC Adventures is an outdoor program funded by student fees. It is a unit within Student Life. Located in the University Recreation Center, EPIC Adventures offers a full line of rental equipment, indoor rock climbing, and special events throughout the year, including a Ski and Snowboard Rail Jam and a Rock Climbing Competition.

• service learning and outdoor adventure in Guatemala • Little Spokane hike


With programs designed for all ability levels, EPIC has recreational opportunities for everyone including: • Field experiences and instructional programs in human-powered outdoor activities such as camping, backpacking, mountaineering, rock climbing, ice climbing, bouldering, whitewater kayaking, whitewater rafting, canoeing, alpine/downhill skiing, snowboarding, Nordic/ cross country skiing, snowshoeing and bicycling • Quality outdoor equipment rentals at affordable prices • Indoor rock climbing facility with bouldering, top rope and lead climbing areas

“I enjoyed the opportunity to do something that I would not have been able to do otherwise. The EPIC Staff were approachable and really knowledgeable about ice climbing and the trip was coordinated in a fun way.” – Participant of the Banff ice-climbing weekend, winter 2010 “I have been on many ‘professional’ rafting trips, but I feel this has been the most fun, cost effective and professional trip I have ever been on. Definitely one to repeat. The guides went out of their way to interact with all of us and to make us feel safe. Thank you EPIC!” – Participant of the Wenatchee whitewater rafting weekend, spring 2010

• Employment and internship opportunities that include hands-on leadership training and skill development

Risk Management In 2008, EPIC Adventures became the first university outdoor program to fully meet the risk management recommendations of Adventure Safety International, an independent auditing agency. Student Trip Leaders complete a minimum of 70 hours of training in leadership, judgment, decision-making, and risk management, as well as a minimum of 20 hours of wilderness medicine training. 24

“The leaders and other participants helped me challenge myself and accomplish much more that I thought I could. Thank You!!!!”

– Participant of the Leavenworth bouldering weekend, spring 2010


Career Services

thriving partnerships with companies such as Itron, LeMaster Daniels, PLCC and Northwestern Mutual Financial Network. This year, the department launched a new internship program with Itron that will expand internship opportunities for our students. Although many companies are not currently hiring, they continue participating in EWU programs in order to keep their campus relationships strong.

Mission Statement Career Services is dedicated to helping students choose inspiring majors, gain meaningful experiences and competitively prepare for their professional futures.

• Continued strong commitment to community service. The department supported an additional 50 students to “Students in Service” AmeriCorps program, received community recognition from the Inland Northwest Service Learning Partnership, and continued the annual clothing drive at the end of the academic year.

Services and Programs • Career Planning – to assist students with self-assessment, majors research, and career exploration • Internship and Volunteer Programs – to engage the students in meaningful experiential learning that will assist in their career exploration, enrich their resume, and develop critical professional networks • Professional development – to prepare students to be competitive through resume and job search preparation, informational interviewing and connecting with employers through fairs, recruiting, and social media • Placement file services – professional portfolios for education majors

Unit Achievements • Expanded course opportunities. The department’s two credit course, CRSV 210 “Career Development,” not only provides a full menu of career decision-making tools to students, but also acquaints them with programs and resources so they can access services throughout their careers. CRSV 210 primarily focuses on self assessment, majors and career exploration and experiential learning with a brief overview of professional preparation. This year, Career Services was able to add “CRSV 298: Professional Development” to the menu of career courses. This class specifically prepares students for their job search. The initial responses have been very positive.

Service Indicators


Individual career planning appointments (1 on 1 visits with staff )


Career counseling appointments (career assessment or testing)


Students in CRSV 210 class


Students in CRSV 298 –Professional Preparation (first year offered)


Walk-in visits to Career Planning Resource Library


Class presentations


Number of students reached in 2,309 class presentations Placement files sent


Pizza Swap programs on career development


Number of students reached in Pizza 256 Swap programs

• Growth in number of campus collaborative partnerships. Career Services has been very intentional to network with other departments on events and activities. The department has seen an increase in these partnerships. In addition to ongoing partnerships with departments such as Alumni Advancement, this year, Career Services partnered with the Office of Student Activities, Chicano Education, Admissions and Eastern Advantage to name a few. The department staff are looking forward to expanding partnerships in the future. • Increased relationships with academic departments. This year, Career Services achieved its strategic plan to have one career planning staff member dedicated to each college. This enables the department to increase relationships with academic departments, customize services to serve each college’s unique attributes, and partner with each college to host specific career events. Career Services is also working with faculty to develop customized internship materials for each academic program. • Increased recruiting with employers. The recruiting for accounting majors tripled in size compared to previous years. In 2009, there were 27 accounting firms either recruiting on campus or posting on the web site. Career Services has some 26

Students participating in internships


Number of internship sites


AmeriCorps Students in Service student participants


Employer outreach


Total student attendance at fair and programs (broken out below)


Student attendance at College of Business & Public Admin Career Fair


Student attendance at Roadtrip Nation


Student attendance at Etiquette Luncheon


Student attendance at Partnership in Employment Career & Internship Fair


Student attendance at Backpack to Briefcase Networking Luncheon


Student attendance College of Science, Health & Engineering Career & Internship Fair


Student attendance at “Work it!” Career Conference


Goals In 2010-11 the Career Services Department will:

• increase department presence in the residence halls and Living and Learning Communities by three events per year; and

• increase student participation in internship programs by 25 percent, to 618 students, annually;

• enhance planning and capacity to grow a strong parents program.

• introduce the use of our Community Service Experience internships through the Psychology Department as a follow up option to social justice courses; • increase department presence with Bellevue Community College and employers on the west side by visiting once per quarter (BCC numbers growing as well as demand for employment on the west side);


Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

• Outreach and prevention through participation in the Green Dot Program, as well as First Responder Training and the Mind and Body Fair, served untold Eastern community members.

Mission and Diversity Statement

• CAPS Counselor Training Program assisted in the development of five new counseling professionals, who have now entered the workforce from Eastern.

The purpose of Counseling and Psychological Services is to support and promote the emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual health and wellness of students, staff and faculty of Eastern Washington University by providing direct services, training, education and consultation for the university community.

• For 2010-11, 10 graduate students interviewed, and four were selected, for participation in next year’s counselor training program.

Client Overview

Counseling and Psychological Services is committed to promoting inclusion and the affirmation of diversity, in its broadest sense. We strive to provide respectful treatment to people of every background who work, train, and utilize CAPS services. Our staff contributes to the profession and embraces the richness brought by the intersections of gender, ethnicity, race, sexual/affectional orientation, age, physical attributes, as well as other personal and social characteristics that comprise individual identity.

The top four presenting problems expressed by clients were: • Anxiety/Stress (71%) • Depression (54%) • Academic Concerns (40%) • Relationship Problems (38%)

Services and Programs

• 63 students identified prominent suicidal feelings and thoughts.

• Individual, group and couples counseling

• 21 percent of students seen were referred by an Eastern staff or faculty member; 16 percent were referred by a friend or family member.

• Walk-in counseling services • Consultative psychiatric services

• 20 percent of CAPS clients self-identified as ethnically or racially diverse.

• Counselor training program • Psychological assessment and testing program • Outreach and prevention services

Service Indicators


• Student Workshop Series

TOTAL individual sessions (scheduled and walk-ins)


Number of sessions scheduled


• Multicultural coordinator position

Walk-in crisis sessions provided to EWU community members


• TREE Team (Trauma Recovery Education at Eastern)

Number of individual clients seen


• Consultative services for the university community

Average number of sessions per client


Unit Achievements

Referrals for psychiatric/medication consultation


• CAPS staff accommodated a 10 percent increase in demand for individual counseling services, in comparison with the 2008-09 academic year.

Client sessions with CAPS consulting psychiatrist


Psychological assessments performed for disability accommodations


• The addition of a half-time psychologist at EWU-Riverpoint served a previously unmet need for 39 EWU students (192 counseling and walk-in sessions).

Mandated safety assessments performed from referral of Dean of Students


• CAPS Student Workshop Series offered 27 weekly programs in the PUB, with an emphasis on serving the developmental and health needs of the general college student, as well as emphasizing the values of diversity.

Student workshop series programs presented in the Pence Union Building


Average attendance at workshops


• Self-Help Resource Library • On-line mental health screenings


Counseling Service Outcomes


• CAPS outcome questionnaire results, utilizing the OQ45, revealed significant self-reported improvements in symptom distress, interpersonal relations, and social role functioning (p<.001), as well as decreases in suicidal ideation and hostility toward others (p<.01).

In 2010-11 Counseling and Psychological Services will: • Purchase, and prepare for implementation, the Titanium electronic database and scheduling program, in coordination with appropriate Eastern Washington University IT personnel, by fall quarter 2011;

• 74 percent of surveyed clients indicated counseling “helped them progress or stay in school,” and 63 percent stated the service “helped them overcome concerns that might have blocked their education.” 83 percent indicated they learned about their values, feelings and interests, 87 percent considered changes in their behavior, and 75 percent noted they learned how to make necessary changes in their lives.

• create a new CAPS satisfaction instrument, to more effectively assess student needs and retention efforts, by January 2011; • review social work/case manager functions, to aid effective service delivery for students, including coordinated referrals to external community providers and agencies; and

• 91 percent of surveyed clients indicated they were ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with their counseling experience.

• evaluate additional counseling resources for the Riverpoint campus, in accordance with professional best practices.


Disability Support Services

Service Indicators


Total students registered and assisted


Students with learning disabilities (excluding TBI)


Students with TBI—traumatic brain injury


Students with psychological disability


Students with hearing impairment


Students with visual impairment


Students with mobility impairment


Other disabilities


DSS students in summer quarter


Services and Programs

DSS students graduating


• Specialized individual or group orientation to campus

Assistance with DSS students appealing Financial Aid


Number of course substitutions for DSS students in math


Number of students referred to CAPS for assessment


Number of students referred to off campus clinicians for assessment


Exams proctored for DSS students by DSS staff


Exams proctored for DSS students by Academic Support Center staff


Mission The Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) is dedicated to the coordination of appropriate and reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities, that are based upon individual needs, so that each student may receive an equal opportunity to learn, to participate in campus life, to grow emotionally and socially, and to successfully complete a program of study that will enable them to be self supporting, while remaining as independent as possible. This is facilitated through support services, information sharing, advisement, and referral, when requested.

• Advisement on classroom accommodations and liaison to faculty • Assisting Technology and Alternate Format Materials • Note-Taking • Sign-Language Interpreting and Speech-to-text Services • Testing Accommodations

Unit Achievements • Disability Support Services served a record number of students, 422, during the 2009-10 academic year. The collaboration between the Academic Support Center and Disability Support Services assisted our students who needed their exams proctored.

Goals In 2010-11 the Office of Disability Support Services will:

• The office has acquired six laptop computers, with Adaptive software, fifteen Victor Streams and a videophone, through grant funding.

• continue to seek alternative funding sources (Student Tech Fees, Grants etc.); • provide accommodation services to students with disabilities as the demand continues to increase;

• Disability Support Services has been converted to full spectrum lighting to better accommodate students with autoimmune disorders.

• monitor the usage and costs for ASL interpreters, for the 2010-11 academic year; • evaluate and identify testing space and interventions to meet high demand for proctored testing services; and • review services provided to self-support units, and expenses associated with providing support.



Health, Wellness and Prevention Services

locations, including Riverpoint. HWPS also participated in four community college preparedness meetings, three health authority webinars and weekly updates from the ACHA.

Mission Statement

For further information about patient statistics, please see the report regarding the Student Health Center.

Health, Wellness and Prevention Services is committed to supporting and empowering student well-being, growth, and development through education, information, and positive role-modeling. Successful achievement of this commitment is enhanced through collaboration with our campus and surrounding communities.

Services and Programs Health, Wellness and Prevention Services provides students and the campus community with planning, leadership, education and advocacy in issues regarding student health and wellbeing, while providing personal and professional growth opportunities for individual students. Programs are offered in the following areas: • Health Education • Substance Abuse Prevention • Student Health and Insurance • Peer Education

Unit Achievements: • Successful implementation of “Green Dot” active bystander violence prevention program, as part of a state-wide program plan. The program includes providing leadership and support throughout Washington. • National College Health Assessment, implemented through electronic mail, with nearly 1,000 students responding to the survey. The data indicated that 57.3 percent of EWU students reported being diagnosed or treated by a professional during the last year for allergies (19%), sinus infection (18.4%), back pain (15.7%), migraine headache (11.1%), and strep throat (9.1%) as the top five. Illnesses impacting academic performance, from a health perspective, are: stress (28.5%), sleep difficulties (22.3%), cold/flu/sore throat (20.6%), anxiety (18.5%), and work (15.6%). Once the national spring sample 2010 comparison sample is released, the EWU data will be compared to the national data.

Service Indicators:


Number of vendors and community involvement in events


Attendance at community events


Volunteer hours by students at community events


Partnerships with community agencies and organizations


Attendance at educational events/workshops


Volunteer hours by students for educational events


Peer education individual student contacts


Volunteer hours by students for peer education


Number of peer education programs


Colonial Clinic assessments


Students participation in tobacco cessation programs


Students participation in AlcoholEdu and e-Chug programs


BRAD 21st Birthday Cards


Green Dot Individual capacity building and recruiting conversations


Persuasive speeches


Student participation in Green Dot training



• The department was actively involved in the campus response and planning for the H1N1 flu season. The department distributed nearly 13,000 hand sanitizer sprays and 2,000 cold and flu kits. Staff also were visible in public interactions, providing two media interviews and contributing to four newspaper articles. The department coordinated 20 outreach and/or education events and facilitated 1,000 seasonal influenza immunizations at six campus


Number of sessions


Number of students


Goals In 2010-11 the Health, Wellness and Prevention department will: • expand the “Green Dot” training team by two members before the beginning of winter quarter; • provide BASICS alcohol program to at least 100 EWU students; • increase participation in AlcoholEdu and e-Chug programs by 10 percent, as compared to 2009-10; • provide tobacco cessation course quarterly and with nicotine replacement therapy products; and • improve tracking and recording of daily departmental functions and services.


Residential Life

Unit achievements • The Living Learning Community (LLC) has strengthened faculty and staff involvement in the residential halls. One of the immediate outcomes was two new LLC’s – International and Computing, Engineering and Science.

Mission Statement The offices of Housing and Residential Life at Eastern Washington University, in accordance with, and as an essential part of the institutional mission, are committed to:

• One of the key goals with which the department achieved some success was collaboration with other areas of student life. Areas of outreach that produced some great collaboration included working with Health and Wellness Prevention Services to program both in the halls and on campus. The victim advocate also made it into almost every hall this year and many halls more than once. There was great success in working with Student Activities in developing the first six weeks of programming and in partnering to support the Leadership Conference. A successful clothing drive was held at the end of the year through efforts of collaboration with Career Services. In addition, a close relationship with Campus Recreation resulted in assistance in purchasing LASER Tag.

• affordable, comfortable, clean and secure living environments, which enable students to achieve their curricular and co-curricular goals; • continuous program of development and recognition for the staff and community members; • efficient administrative management that ensures the cost-effective and educationally supportive use of students’ payments toward room activities.

Services and Programs

• Residential Life had great success of increasing the quantity and quality of students participating in the Community Advisor selection process. There were additional efforts toward identifying and inviting established student leaders to participate in the CA selection process, resulting in a 10 percent increase in numbers in the class and a much larger pool of unplaced candidates, heading into the fall, from which to replace any vacancies.

• Health and safety assurance • Holistic and comprehensive educational programming • Behavioral intervention • Academic support programs • Teaching and leadership opportunities for residential students

• The department refined the early returner process. EWU has over 300 employed students needing to return to the halls early fall quarter to assist with opening. We improved the process of identifying these people, pre-contacting them, and refining the arrival process, which has improved our relationship across campus with various departments.

• Living Learning Communities • Opportunities for student employment • Hall and floor specific activities • Peer and professional mentoring and counseling


• Residence Life and Housing has utilized off line floors in the residence halls to host prospective students. Working with Admissions, we provided space and programming opportunities for potential students to experience EWU during the regular academic year. Eight groups and about 180 students were able to get a taste of EWU this way. • The department continued to implement a robust programming agenda for residents. Quarterly programming requirements for the Community Advisors are as follows: • three programs that fall within the specifications of the H.O.U.S.E (Health, Open-mindedness, Unity, Service Learning, Everyday Skills) model; • two community builder activities that meet the specifications of the CA supervisor; and • two bulletin boards. Programming is extensive, with over 800 individual programs offered. Some examples of programs supported include the following: • Residence Hall House Calls – faculty and staff meeting with students in the residential setting to facilitate students’ acclimation to Eastern Washington University; • Winter Warm Fest – a late night carnival/dance festivity which also doubles as a fundraiser for Martin Luther King Center; • Jaws of Life demonstration – in partnership with Cheney Fire and Emergency and EWU Police, residence life staff create a mock up drunk driving scenario in which the Cheney Fire Department has to use the jaws of life to extricate students from a vehicle; • Eastern Idol – sponsored by Residence Hall Association – a variation of American Idol, Eastern style, with a fundraising component for a local philanthropy.


Service Indicators


Total number of programs sponsored


Student attendance at above programs


Number of programs that were collaborations with other departments or the community


Community service projects


Number of student in the Living Learning Centers


Number of students signing up for early return


Number of freshman residents


• assess student retention and satisfaction data related to residential living, including cohorts in the Living Learning Centers;

Number of transfer students


• enhance opportunities for academic support services through programming in the halls;

Number of continuing students


Total occupancy


In 2010-11 Residential Life will: • increase the number of students who sign up to return to the hall in our early signup process by 5 percent; • collaborate with other campus departments and organizations to program around student needs and increase such programs by 40 percent; • develop creative programming aimed at elevating student interest in business and entrepreneurial activity;

• assess overall program in Living Learning Centers and propose modifications if needed as well as potential for growth; and • working with the Dean of Students Office, enhance administrative reporting protocol for incident reports. 35

Student Activities Mission The Office of Student Activities collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to support the academic experience of students by creating co-curricular opportunities for involvement, leadership development, civic engagement, and community.

Services and Programs • Sorority and Fraternity Life • Sound Productions • Clubs and Organizations • Eagle Entertainment • Leadership

Unit Achievements • “Students Leading Students” Leadership Conference, held on April 25, 2010, had 130 participants, and 91 students completed the optional CMST 296 class that was offered in conjunction with the conference.

Service Indicators


Number of sororities and fraternities


Number of students involved with sororities and fraternities


Number of active student clubs and organizations


Number of registered club meetings and events


Estimated number of student club members


Sound production events


Student attendance at monthly leadership seminars


Attendance at Eagle Entertainment events


Number of programs conducted by department


Average fall quarter GPA of students in the sororities and fraternities


Average winter quarter GPA of students in the sororities and fraternities


Average spring quarter GPA of students in the sororities and fraternities



• Homecoming brought collaboration and school spirit to the campus and community. Three hundred-fifty students attended the Mr. and Ms. Eastern Pageant, and there were 85 parade entries, 37 registered entries in the team challenges, 14 contestants in the Homecoming Pageant, and 20 teams in the bed races. There were significant participation increases in all events.

In 2010-11 Student Activities will: • increase Eagle Entertainment event attendance by 5 percent. (10,000 to 10,500); • increase the number of students attending Student Leadership conference by 20 percent (130 to 156);

• Increased collaboration with others on campus to provide a variety of campus events. The Office of Student Activities co-sponsored and/or collaborated on 44 events this past year. Examples include: Road Trip Nation and First Weekend.

• increase the average GPA of students involved within the SFL Community by .05 each quarter. (Fall, 2.86) (Winter, 2.9) (Spring 2.83); • increase number of events collaborate on with other departments and programs by 10 percent (44 to 49);

• Eagle Entertainment and Do Battle hosted the first-ever Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) event on a college campus in Washington. An estimated 1,300 people were in attendance.

• increase amount of Diversity Education-related programming by 20 percent (9 to 11);

• Collaborated or facilitated nine programs that promoted diversity education: LGBT Real World Lecture, Movie “Precious” and Discussion, Drag Show, Cultural Explosion, Poetry Slam, Student Leadership Conference workshops, Spring Concert Series, visit from Geshe Thupten Phelgye (emissary to the Dalai Lama), and Building Community Bridges forum for all Greek chapters.

• identify and assess retention and satisfaction of the students who are attending OSA events through a student ID scan reader; and • develop learning outcomes for our programs.


Getting Involved! Student Feature: Arden Rios

National Sorority, Inc. is that I have learned a lot about professionalism, time management, friendship, and how rewarding it is to start something big,” Arden explained.

As a senior at Renton High School, Arden knew she wanted to be a teacher and was attracted to Eastern Washington University, Western Washington University, and the University of Portland. She chose Eastern because of its small class sizes and the sense of community she felt during her on-campus visit. “It was Arden Rios, student important to me to be more than a number and have the opportunity to make a difference,” she said.

Opportunities continued to come Arden’s way as she became involved as an orientation leader, helping incoming freshmen during those critical first few days on campus. This past year, she has worked in the Office of Student Activities, as an activities specialist. In this leadership role, she has coordinated a Sunday movie program for students with families and the Cheney community. Additionally, she organized Neighbor Festival, which brought 130 local businesses, non-profits, and EWU departments/ organizations to campus, which allowed her to build relationships with professionals on and off campus. When asked what these leadership opportunities have meant to her she said, “The support network that I have been able to build with students, staff, and faculty through these opportunities have helped me achieve my goals of graduation. I appreciate the opportunity in my last year at Eastern to pay this forward to other students to help them reach their goals.”

Her freshmen year, she lived in Dressler Hall and regularly attended Eagle Entertainment events (WYSIWYG’s) on Thursday nights. “The WYSIWYG events were a great way for me to meet people and have the college experience. Many of the people I met living on campus and going to WYSIWYG events are still my friends today,” she said.

Upon graduation, she hopes to teach history at a high school, in an urban low-income area, because her teachers at Renton inspired her to pursue higher education. She wants to give students the little push that helped her take the next step.

During her junior year, she was one of six women who founded Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. on Eastern’s campus. She wanted to start this sorority on campus because she believed in their values and focus on multicultural sisterhood, philanthropy, and empowering women in higher education. “The thing I have enjoyed the most about being a founder of Sigma Lambda Gamma

When asked what advice she would have for current and future students Arden said, “My advice to EWU students is to get involved in some type of club on campus, because the connections and opportunities open up so many doors for you.”


Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Service Indicators


Number of students seen for Code of Conduct violations



Student contacts with the Victim’s Advocate


The Office for Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) supports the academic mission of the university by providing programs and services designed to meet the educational and developmental needs of students in relation to community standards, conflict management and resolution, civility, academic integrity, and cultural pluralism.

Presentations and training programs offered


Participants in training programs


Conduct violations related to alcohol


Conduct violations related to assault


Conduct violations related to threats and harassment


Conduct violations related to theft


Number of suspensions


Number of expulsions


Repeat offenders


The OSRR promotes and enforces campus policy designed to foster a positive and safe learning community. OSRR respects the integrity of students by protecting student rights and insuring fairness in the enforcement of university rules, policies, and regulations. The OSRR also serves as a resource to the entire university community regarding conflict management and resolution, providing programs and services geared towards promoting the development of critical life skills.


Services and Programs

In 2010-11 the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities will:

• Behavioral integrity/Student Code of Conduct enforcement

• increase collaborative efforts by 5 percent with various departments in programming and services for students. (i.e., Green Dot, Alcohol and Drug programs, Secret Stalker, Don’t Cancel Your Class program);

• Civility and character development • Academic integrity assistance to Academic Affairs • Conflict resolution

• develop a tiered case management system with Housing and Residential Life to increase responsiveness and timeliness to lower-level conduct violations;

• Student advocacy and referrals • Victim’s advocate service

• review strategies for responding to alcohol and other drug violations;

Unit Achievements • There was a 28 percent decrease in alcohol violations for the year.

• reduce time spent working on conduct case file creation, management and tracking through the implementation of the Student Conduct Management Program – Maxient;

• OSRR partnered with the Dean of Students’ office to purchase a student conduct management program. This enables both offices to track student conduct and behavioral concerns through one management system. The program will provide faster data collection options.

• decrease the rate of repeated student conduct code violations by 10 percent; and evaluate and increase student awareness.

• The Violence Prevention/Victim’s Advocate partnered with Health Wellness and Prevention and rolled out the “Green Dot” bystander program. The program educates students about sexual assault and intimate partner violence. The program trains students, faculty and staff on how to be an active bystander and to safely intervene in situations to keep the university community safe. • The department collaborated with Health Wellness and Prevention to provide onsite alcohol and drugs assessments for students through Colonial Clinic. This provides students an option to have an assessment on campus instead of going to an alcohol or other drug assessment center in Spokane. 38

Contractual Student Services

Student Medical Services (Rockwood Clinic) Eastern Washington University contracts for student medical services with the Rockwood Clinic. Students registered for six or more credits in fall, winter and spring quarters participate in this program that provides a basic level of ambulatory health clinic services at any Rockwood Clinic in Cheney, Medical Lake and Spokane.

Services • Treatment of illnesses and injuries (minor and uncomplicated on an outpatient basis) • Minor surgical procedures • Basic laboratory testing • General x-rays for acute problems • EKG • Limited physical therapy (with co-pay) • Immunizations • Allergy shots (with co-pay) • Psychiatric evaluation • Nutritional consultation (with co-pay) • Women’s health

Service Indicators


Students seen




Average age


Cheney location


Main clinic location/Spokane


Other locations


Sample presenting issues: Communicable diseases/vaccinations


Respiratory problems


Ill defined conditions


Injury/ poisoning




Sexually transmitted diseases


Musculoskeletal complaints/disorders


Infectious/parasitic diseases




Diseases of the nervous system


Mental disorders

2.5% 40

Campus Childcare (YMCA)

Service Indicators


Childcare services are provided by the YMCA of the Inland Northwest in the campus childcare facility, a university-owned building. The program is licensed by the state to serve up to 194 children. Services are available to students, with limited open seats for the children of faculty and staff. Students receive a discounted rate.

Total enrollment (high)


Number of EWU student families using service


Number of EWU faculty/staff families





• Childcare for children ranging from 6 weeks to 10 years of age



• Full-time and part-time child care, including after-school care



• Includes a state-funded, four-year-old classroom - ECEAP



• Lead classroom teacher credentials must include an Early Childhood Education degree or experience and State Training and Registry System (STARS) certification.



After school care


Enrollment breakdown

• Flexible scheduling in 3-hour blocks (rather than a minimum of full day or half day sessions), to provide flexibility for the unique needs of university students • Enrichment programs, such as Scholastic Book Fair, open house and socials • Multicultural programs for students • Parent Involvement Committee


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