Elections zine 18 update

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s n io t c le E ip h s r e d a e L Guide to voting in the FOR


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5th - 8th March 2018 #BCUSUelects www.bcusu.com

I’m Jaspreet singh, your outgoing president... This time last year, your vote gave me the opportunity to lead a team of Student Officers into changing and improving things that matter most to you. Now you have the opportunity to choose who will lead BCUSU into the next academic year. Your Students’ Union is a democratic organisation, meaning every vote really does matter! You have the power to ensure your Students’ Union develops in the way you want it to! From Saturday 3rd March, it is important you vote for the candidate in each position who you believe will represent BCUSU, your views and ensure you get the most out of your experience as a BCU student. All candidates will have different aims and objectives in their campaign but please take the time to read and listen, ensuring you make the right decision.

Decide who leads BCUSU next year...



Visit an ePolling Station on campus with your Student ID card.

OR Get online & visit www.bcusu.com/elections (from 3rd March) Make sure you’re logged in, click ‘VOTE HERE’

As I prepare to leave my post as President, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for allowing me to lead your Students’ Union - it’s been a truly unforgettable experience. I wish the future leaders of BCUSU every success and I sincerely hope they enjoy the experience as much as I have. Jaspreet Singh, President 2017/18 union.president@bcu.ac.uk @BCUSU_President

problems VOTING? Please visit your nearest ePolling station with your Student ID or email: voice@bcu.ac.uk

Follow the onscreen instructions & cast your vote!

This year, you’ll also be able to vote for RON (Weasley) If you don’t believe any of our actual student candidates should be elected into a position, then why not vote to Re-Open Nominations, or RON? This means that if RON wins, nominations are re-opened and you’ll then be able to vote for a more suitable candidate at a separate bi-election.

Disclaimer: Ron Weasley is NOT actually standing in our Leadership elections as he is NOT a student at Birmingham City University! He went to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, so is unable to stand in the BCUSU Leadership Elections!



Responsible for ensuring your Students’ Union positively impacts on, and enhances the lives of every Birmingham City Student. Providing student leadership and maintaining relationships and responsibility for organisational finances and human resources.

Responsible for implementing campaigns and canvassing student opinion, to ensure that the social, educational and welfare needs of LGBT students are met.

Vice President Student Engagement MEET THE CANDIDATES ON PAGE 5 Responsible for developing and driving a communications strategy to raise awareness and build student involvement, ensuring reduction of communication barriers and development of a bespoke Students’ Union presence on each campus.

Women’s Officer MEET THE CANDIDATEs ON PAGEs 12 Responsible for ensuring the needs of women students are reflected in BCUSU activities, by canvassing student opinion.

International Students’ Officer MEET THE CANDIDATES ON PAGEs 13 & 14

Vice President Student Experience MEET THE CANDIDATES ON PAGE 6

Responsible for working closely with international students to ensure awareness of issues and concerns and implement campaigns to ensure the needs of international students are met.

Responsible for the development of member services and investigation of the feasibility of new services to promote the welfare and rights of students and ensure all student services are accessible.

Ethnic Minority Students’ Officer MEET THE CANDIDATES ON PAGE 15

Vice President Student Voice MEET THE CANDIDATES ON PAGE 7

Responsible for ensuring needs of ethnic minority students are reflected through identifying relevant issues, canvassing opinion and implementation of campaigns.

Responsible for democracy and voicing student opinion through relevant educational campaigns and consistent student representatives who ensure quality learning and teaching.

Mature & Postgraduate Students’ Officer MEET THE CANDIDATEs ON PAGE 16

Vice President Student Development MEET THE Candidates ON Pages 8 & 9

Responsible for leading all matters relating to mature students; ensuring awareness of common problems, identification of issues and implementation of relevant campaigns.

Responsible for creating a personal sense of belonging by increasing involvement in student groups and Students’ Union organised activity, and enabling students to fulfil their creative ideas, whilst improving employability and life skills.

Disabled Students’ Officer MEET THE CANDIDATEs ON PAGE 10 Responsible for ensuring the needs of disabled students are met and reflected through campaigns, identification of issues and to be aware of common problems and concerns.

NUS DELEGATE MEET THE CANDIDATES ON PAGEs 17, 18 & 19 Responsible for attending NUS conference and representing the views of BCU students at a national level.


Natalie Chan

Victoria Glynn



1. Challenge myself and the University to ensure every student graduates from BCU feeling they’ve grown up as a person, embrace the future and create lifetime memories for them 2. Challenge to ensure students are at the heart of every decision made at University and national level e.g. Tuition fees, transportation 3. Challenge to increase transparency and funding within the University/Union to ensure that they are fair and equally accessible by all students

1. Campaign for improved Mental Health Provision using strong relationships built with Student Affairs & EDS senior management & following national framework recommendations

MY MANIFESTO My name is Natalie Chan and Chan stands for challenge and change, please challenge me to make this change for you by voting for me. My Manifesto focuses on holding the University accountable for delivering the best possible students experience and that students will finish feeling they have been empowered to shape their lives and embrace the future and with happy memories from their time at BCU. This will be implemented through strengthen personal tuition and the representation system as well as removing financial barriers for students making the most of opportunities, this is something I have started working on as your VP Development and I really hope to carry it forward. Moreover, I believe every student is different and liberation groups should be supported through their preferred methods. I will utilise my skills, experience and power to work with local council as well as University executives to ensure that

MY EXPERIENCE As your current VP Development I have achieved my manifesto by inputting into significant improvements with the employability - Sourcing a new server for the ‘BCU Online Jobs Board’ to develop an interactive site with filters for different types of opportunities (should be done by March) - Front facing centralised employability office on Curzon ground floor (replacing current accommodation office and accommodation will be moved to old voice office (Due to happen in June). I understand how decisions are made and how to effectively make a change for students and how to prioritise realistically so that you make the most

2. Work with the newly appointed University Equality & Diversity team to ensure students have relevant support to succeed at University, based on their needs. 3. Continue to work closely with West Midlands Police, OneCity Universities and Birmingham City Council to implement student safety measures on campus, around campus & nights out.

MY MANIFESTO As VP Experience I have worked hard to achieve my manifesto goals, and I will strive to continue to as President. I have strong relationships with senior University staff, which means I can immediately work on making a difference. Passionate about removing barriers to education and creating an inclusive community, I will work across all campuses to ensure that University is working for you. I will work with the University and local transport providers to reduce public transport and parking costs for commuter students. For students in halls, I will work with accommodation to facilitate regular social activities. I will continue to work with Baxter Storey & campus shop suppliers to source a diverse range of affordable catering across all university and SU outlets. I believe it is important for students to unwind, and so I will facilitate regular pet-a-pup sessions to reduce student stress levels in a fun way.

MY EXPERIENCE As VP Experience I have: - Represented students in Parliament in discussions about student mental health - Secured Equality & Diversity training for ALL SU staff & group leaders - Created a programme of successful safety campaigns - Hosted successful events for a diverse range of student communities - Pressed the University to commit to a student mental health strategy - Working to secure extra lockers on campus - Ensure catering outlets provide for a wide range of dietary & cultural needs - Challenged hardship fund provision, access & awarding


- Influenced support of BAME students & their families

DON’T believe Any of theSE candidates should be elected? SELECT RON (Re-Open Nominations). If RON wins, nominations are re-opened and you’ll then be able to vote for a more suitable candidate at a separate bi-election.


Luke Shorrick

Sahib Singh

Danielle Wenlock




• To hold regular art exhibition forums, which help represent current issues that students face. This can include those who are LGBTQ+, Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) and disabled students.

1. Collaborate with different societies, students with the different race, colour and background to accomplish common goals and encourage them to help each other and respect each other.

1. To engage students more with the university by connecting with the other campuses

• To campaign for cheaper alternative transport for commuter students and those who travel to satellite campuses. • To campaign for a separate student wellbeing facility, that can be used as a chill out zone and include mindfulness workshops and additional support for disabled students

MY MANIFESTO As an officer I hope to listen, learn and inspire. I have learnt that it is very important to listen to students because everyone is unique and can excel in their own way. I want to learn about students’ individual experiences and give opportunities to students from all different backgrounds. Lastly, I would like to encourage students to step out of their comfort zones, so they feel happy and inspired. One of my highlights this year was helping students from smaller campuses engage and come out of their shell by attending and performing at my events. As a result, many students have joined societies and become active within the student community.

MY EXPERIENCE As your VP Engagement I have been proud of my campaigns: For Anti Bullying week ‘All different. All equal’ showed how we can embrace each other’s unique identity with kindness. For World Suicide Prevention Day ‘You are loved’ included a positive group empowerment letter. For National Coming Out Day ’Out and proud’ helped LGBTQ+ students comfortably tell their story. I also ran successful open mic nights with societies, negotiated for better gender neutral toilets, became trained in mental health first aid and started ‘Look out for Luke’, a campus engagement project to promote our Students’ Union at smaller campuses.

2. Spending time outside the SU office or spending most of my time amongst students to know them closely and to interact with them more, to discourage, ‘them and us’ attitude and encourage more equality among students. 3. Become Available and Approachable, Motivate and Support, Respect all individual. oppose language barrier because it more communication means better understanding.

MY MANIFESTO “We, not I” (Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.) I promote this campaign to collaborate all the students at different locations of the university. I believe in build personal relation more than social media. I believe in approach student 1st because we all SU are working for students and we are not officers, we are representatives who speak what student suggests. I believe in Humanity and peace and I spread these among students for there better lives. I will do one to one sessions with students as much as I can and those students who suffer from some mental health condition, I will support them and bring some actual facts of life which help them for improving and healing. Encourage part-time officer and help them with


2. To be able To access your BCUSU VPs and President more effectively online 3. To advertise student events more clearly and effectively To get students engaged with the university

MY MANIFESTO My aim is to make student experience at BCU the best it can be. I want to engage students more with activities happening on the sites and connect everyone together to spread out and expand on relationships. MY main focus would be to expand BCUSU more online. Nowadays students are online more often, so i feel an expansion online and how we connect with students will improve upon student engagement. This could mean promoting our activates more and allowing students to get involved with engagement at the university.

MY EXPERIENCE I have been a student ambassador for my undergraduate degree course. I would take any student queries to the heads of the department to feedback the information to make our student experience on the course better. I also currently work in the Campus Shop in the Curzon Building, where i constantly engage and communicate with fellow students and staff.

My previous job was related to the Environmental role in SU, and We have done GO green Week to promote awareness regarding sustainability issue at the university. I collaborate 4 different societies to accomplish one task. We have done Canal clean at university and promote meat-free Monday and distribute free cupcakes and fruitcakes. we made a video to promote GROW YOUR OWN HERBS at BCU owned allotment. We made a video with one of our BCU cleaners to spread awareness ‘please clear your table’ and to promote respect your cleaners.I participate in different cultural activities like World Hijab Day, Diwali,

DON’T believe Any of theSE candidates should be elected? SELECT RON (Re-Open Nominations). If RON wins, nominations are re-opened and you’ll then be able to vote for a more suitable candidate at a separate bi-election.



Denis Shakir

Ellis Stewart

Rebecca Wallace




1. Organise huge events like Zombies vs Humans for a unique Student experience and bonding opportunities

Develop a confidential service for students confused about their sexuality and gender.

1. More inclusive food options at university cafes and shops.

2. Get the opinion of as many students as possible in order to improve their experience at uni

Supporting the staff involved in the student’s health and wellbeing services.

3. Improve childcare services at the university

3. implement the needs and opinions of students

Making it possible for students to get better access to services available across campuses.

MY MANIFESTO The Students’ Union did and still does a great job and this year I have seen many improvements, but I think it is time for new and fresh ideas. I want students to have the most amazing experience during their time at university and make lifetime friends with lots of stories to tell when they graduate. Although it might be hard to turn the university into a music festival, I could organise events like Humans vs Zombies, which will last for 48 hours. I hope you are prepared for the upcoming Zombie apocalypses, If not you better start preparing from now.

MY EXPERIENCE I have been volunteering during the Welcome Week and helped students move in for the first time, did the city centre and canal tours, campus tours, few bus trips and lots more including the Welcome Fair. I have been an ambassador, Graduate+ Student Assistant and an International Student buddy where I lunched their Instagram account and made online content. I have also been volunteering for NUS Green Impact where we concentrated on sustainability.

DON’T believe Any of theSE candidates should be elected? SELECT RON (Re-Open Nominations). If RON wins, nominations are re-opened and you’ll then be able to vote for a more suitable candidate at a separate bi-election.


MY MANIFESTO I would like to offer an online and confidential service, for students that are confused about their sexual identity and/or gender, that may need advice, on coming out to their family and friends, their sexual health and to ask any questions, that they would find uncomfortable talking about in public. I am motivated to support the staff that are helping the students, through the health and well-being services, as they are both understaffed and underfunded. As someone who has personally used the services provided by the university, I intend to continue coordinating a much more efficient system, in order to benefit both students and staff. My third pledge, is to improve student access to services, across campuses and faculties; ranging from study spaces, to hiring and booking out equipment.

2. Improve access to student services, such as counselling.

MY MANIFESTO As a early childhood student, I believe that the facilities for student parents is insufficient, I want to provide services to allow students with children to succeed within their studies. These services could be crèche run within the university, staffed by education and childcare students, providing experience and increasing accessibility. The food options at university are still inadequate for those with dietary requirements, they have been improved by the current VP Student Experience. However, there is very little inexpensive options provided by the university caters. This includes intolerances like gluten and dairy, but also religious and cultural diets such as halal and vegan food. The university already has a strong counselling service, however the demand for mental health services exceeds the resources already in place. I would, if elected, raise awareness about peer mentoring schemes and external mental health charities.



During my time at Hereford College of Arts I was elected Student Governor, Representative and Ambassador. In my first year of undergraduate study I was a member of the BCU Men’s Hockey team representing team BCU. Now in my final year of study, I have coordinated yoga classes, open to university lecturers and third year students, within the School of Visual Communication. As a design student, I have previously collaborated with BCU Hockey, BCU Gig Society and BCU Eco Society to promote their events and branding and worked with external clients on campaign projects.

I am a third year Early Childhood Studies student. While at university I have been part of a number of societies. I have been on the committee for the Doctor Who and Fandoms Society for two years, being treasurer in my second year and president this year. I am on the committee for the LGBTQ+ society. While in the role I have worked with both the student society and the staff network to help organise activities and campaigns. I also worked with a staff member on developing a LGBT student news section in both the staff and students newsletters.


Zeenat Bhayat

Jemma Ellis

Hafsa Rehman




1. Giving all students a firm idea of what the representation system is and how it works by developing and launching campaigns throughout the year.

• To improve communication between the staff and students, to get everyone the best student experience I possibly could. • To facilitate ways in which everyone could voice concerns and opinions, without worry.

My top three goals are to represent myself into the community and the world, giving people a better perspective of Muslims. Also, to be a successful YouTuber and to travel and meet so many people.

• To make sure that the university and BCUSU is being highly student influenced and offer support to those who may feel isolated, such as mature or international students.


2. Expanding the existing representation system to accommodate new courses. 3. Introducing new, innovative, activities for training (Student Academic Leaders and School Reps) and, organizing events for students to comfortably and freely provide their views/opinions.

MY MANIFESTO Cool and collected, loud but clever with words, observant and pro-active: the perfect attributes to help me be the new Vice President (VP) for Student Voice. If elected as your new VP, firstly, I will ensure that you as students don’t regret it and more importantly it would help us work together to create a place where everyone is an equal. I want to make your time at BCU valuable and memorable so that once you graduate you feel like you’ve achieved something else along with your degree. I hope to create new schemes and events that allow students to give feedback freely and comfortably. I will listen to the small things and the bigger things no matter what they may be. I’m easy to approach and friendly, I’m always willing to listen to feedback. Remember, you’re the most important part of the university, your voice matters to me.

MY EXPERIENCE I’ve worked as a School Representative and SAL for the last two years of my time at BCU. I’ve learnt how the system works and I know how to make it better. This experience with the voice system makes it easier for me to find improvements and, to lead the voice team effectively. I have also, been a part of planning and running campaigns during in sixth form. I have organized fundraisers for charities such as MacMillan Cancer Support. Doing these gave me an insight into how formal meetings work and how to run a successful campaign and fundraiser.

MY MANIFESTO • To make sure that ALL campuses, big or small, are getting the representation they want and deserve, to ensure a great time as a BCU student. • To gather feedback and collaborate with other executives to prevent students from feeling isolated by creating a friendly and inclusive environment. • To create a way to give anonymous feedback online and then follow up on these comments. • To make sure the current student representatives are doing their job and passing forward student comments and to create ways to facilitate communication with them more easily. • To work with the university about any key issues that are affecting your education and your enjoyment of the course.

I would like everyone’s views heard. Not just with a university standard change. But an actual difference driven by a person who understands the need for the change. Sympathising with their needs and trying to make their life happier! Because at times it’s about what makes them happy than the results! It’s the balance in between that can help a student improve and be better. Sometimes, if a person feels valued and happier they feel more inclined to do better in their field! Win-win!

MY EXPERIENCE I am currently a Vlogger for the Birmingham city University marketing department. I vlog about university life to new and current students to help them see a view of the university in a fun way! This can link to actually helping them as I understand as a university student what needs changing and why.

• To get any information about programmes and schemes, such as the hardship fund, that the university has out to students, to help decrease stress and improve your time as a student at BCU.

MY EXPERIENCE I am highly active in BCUSU. I am currently President of the Law Society and active in several other societies. I have been a Student Academic Leader and am now an active School Representative, which means I know the Voice System well already. I am in constant, spoken and written communication with staff, my faculty and BCUSU. I have taken part in tutoring other students, volunteering with children and volunteer legal work. After years of being on various sports teams I am highly skilled in team work and handling stressful situations.

DON’T believe Any of theSE candidates should be elected? SELECT RON (Re-Open Nominations). If RON wins, nominations are re-opened and you’ll then be able to vote for a more suitable candidate at a separate bi-election.



Sadeka Chowdhury MY TOP 3 GOALS 1) Work to create more jobs or voluntary opportunities within the university and SU for students to gain more valid work experience in order to help with employability post-university. 2) Find ways to encourage more social integration between societies to create a bigger ‘family’ - build on the Team BCU vibe. 3) Look to fundraise and campaign for more funding for all sports teams and societies.

MY MANIFESTO Going to university isn’t just about getting a degree - it’s about making friends, enjoying ourselves, and improving our employability. If I am elected, I propose to enhance all of these aspects for everyone through working to create more jobs or voluntary opportunities within the university and SU for students, finding ways to encourage more social integration between societies to create a bigger ‘family’ - essentially building on the Team BCU vibe, and looking to fundraise and campaign for more funding for all sports teams and societies so that we can better the experiences and opportunities available to all.

MY EXPERIENCE Being part of a sports team has been a huge part of my university life and helped me to make more friends than I ever could have without joining. It’s shown me how important it is to make sure that sports teams and societies have all the best opportunities afforded to them to make student life better. I have been an active member of Women’s hockey and am currently the Vice President, which has meant that I’ve been able to help run a successful student group and I’ve also become more aware of how parts of the SU are run.

Ivona Hadzhiyska MY TOP 3 GOALS • Improve participation and engagement with student groups, sports teams and societies. • Develop Sustainable Partnerships internally and externally that students can benefit from for their development in BCU.

Krishna keshavji MY TOP 3 GOALS 1. Seek new sources of funding for sports societies and other student groups to aid student engagement and development

• Improve employability and life skills by creating a platform helping students to find the right opportunity for them.

2. Provide and encourage forums of collaborative opportunities between students of BCU within the university and other organisations through student groups and employability events and opportunities.


3. Develop employability by working closely with marketing to raise awareness on employability opportunities through advertising and active communication with the student body.

First of all, I would like to improve the participation of sports teams by providing equal share of court time for the different teams, review coaching time and provide opportunities for students that wish to engage professionally in a coaching capacity as well as those who’d like to engage with sport in a non-competitive way. Moreover, I’d like to increase the participation of student groups and societies in the university life by providing space for their regular meetings and events as well as improving the room-booking system. Second of all, I’d like to get external sponsorships and funds to support all sports and development teams as well as societies and media groups in their social events. By doing that I’d like to enhance the student experience and encourage students to integrate and interact with each other. Third of all, I believe that extracurricular activities enable you to discover your inner

MY EXPERIENCE As a founder of BCU Volleyball Team, I’m aware of the difficulties and challenges on the way of building a community, especially with a sport that doesn’t have a significant popularity within the country. I managed to raise enough interest to be able to develop from a mixed development team in my first year to having two separate men’s and women’s teams competing in the BUCS League in my third year. As a Captain of Women’s volleyball for two consecutive years I’ve not only been leading and motivating the team, but also after persistent negotiations I’ve managed to get brand

MY MANIFESTO As BCU Active and funding for sports societies comes to an end, my focus as VP Development would be to seek new sources of funding to support our sports societies giving students the opportunities they deserve to participate and engage in activities while also developing societies in providing a wholesome university experience.I aim to support and provide opportunities for development to student groups by supporting forums of collaboration and engagement. I aim to further develop employability by working closely with marketing to ensure awareness of all opportunities and services provided and develop volunteering and placements opportunities.

MY EXPERIENCE As the current Vice President and Event coordinator of Hindu Society and member of several other societies such as First Take Film society I have an understanding of the needs of students groups and the positive impact such groups can have on the student body. I am deeply passionate about providing forums of collaboration and integration within the university and as such i am actively organizing a fundraising flagship event that will encourage collaboration between students and student groups showcasing skills and talents. I have successfully organised events to aid social and cultural interaction. I have also been a part

Leon Rendel

Benita Samson



Voice: Develop the communication between student groups, the Students’ Union and students in regards to events, room bookings and enquiries using social media, forums and personal interaction.

Hi! I’m Benita Samson and my priorities are:

Inclusion: Creating a friendly communication hub that would allow for more interaction between student groups and students who do not usually get involved within the Union.

Growth: I will work closely with you to discover what you would like to see and do in BCU to encourage you come out of your comfort zone.

Awareness: Improve the employability of BCU students through education and support of the Graduate+ award programme as well as other support structures.

Cooperation: If I’m elected as VP Development, I will collaborate with all campuses and staff members to ease students like you into campus life.



I am Leon Rendel and I never give up! I always strive harder to make a positive difference and I’m always looking for the positives in a situation. I am a second year student and I know university can be hard. But so can personal circumstances however let me tell you don’t let it get you down as working together we can try to fix that! Many of us know that our university is not perfect. What would you say? I would say let us make it better together! Would you say that it can be improved? Do you want to be more employable? Let us work together to improve the quality of the Students’ Union and equip you for the future! Voting for me would not only give everybody an equal opportunity for your voices to be heard but also inform you of what has happened to your enquiry.

MY EXPERIENCE Currently I am a School Rep for Engineering and the Built Environment and I am also the current treasurer of Tabletop Gaming society. I was previously a Student Academic Leader and I previously was in attendance of project 100 this has given me great insight into the running of BCU and the Students’ Union. I am also currently the team leader for my group on my course and I have been a youth leader during my secondary school years. I have been in the Air Training Corps and leant many skills that would help me to succeed in this position.

Employability: I will work to widen your knowledge on opportunities provided by the university.

I believe that all students should enjoy their time in BCU no matter how long or short their time here might be and to graduate with not only a degree qualification but skills most employers now want in their employees. As your VP Student Development, I will work towards helping you grow, create connections and improve your overall campus experience. I am committed to: • Improving student employability – by working with Graduate+ to create incentives for students who participate in organised programs to encourage participation and increase student skills. • Increasing cooperation between societies and ensuring you graduate with relevant connections within and outside your careers. • Improving communication between staff and student – by creating SU ‘bees’ to enhance communication within the BCU community and reduce nonpersonal communication. • Encouraging student creativity – by creating a platform to allow you think bigger and express your ideas freely. Vote Benita Samson for VP Student Development.

MY EXPERIENCE My journey as a BCU student, hasn’t been without issues, like most of you, I have had to deal with both cultural and academic adjustments. To make student life easier I have consistently volunteered when I could, helping students through the mentoring scheme and BLSS faculty staff interview prospective lectures and organise events. I have been part of the SU welcome team, working with the SU executives to create a sense of belonging for freshers. I believe my experiences gives me insight and skills to effectively serve and help you come outside your comfort zone and thrive in your careers.

DON’T believe Any of theSE candidates should be elected? SELECT RON (Re-Open Nominations). If RON wins, nominations are re-opened and you’ll then be able to vote for a more suitable candidate at a separate bi-election.


ELECT YOUR disabled officer

Harriet Frayling

Sarah Prophet



1. To increase access to employment opportunities for all disabled students

1) To empower students with disabilities at BCU by developing a sense of community and peer support network.

2. To increase awareness of what is available to all disabled students, such as DSA, benefits, support and help with getting employment both during uni and after graduation.

2) Work with the university disability team and career service to promote and deliver tailored career support when transitioning from university to work

3. To increase and maintain communication between disabled students, BCUSU, BCU faculty and staff.

3) Where barriers remain at BCU challenge them and be proactive in breaking them down by working with the university and students to identify them and having them removed

MY MANIFESTO I want to: • Continue the work of our current Disabled Students Officer, improving facilities for disabled students, not just physical but non-visible too. • Improve access to sports and fitness activities for disabled students – currently there isn’t much advertised in the way of inclusive sports and I’d like to work with societies to achieve this. • Show that our university is welcoming to disabled students, and include their needs from the get go, starting with Open Days - adding in quiet zones for families and potential students to have a relaxing place to sit down, away from the hustle and bustle. • Organise official BCUSU events to raise awareness of the issues disabled students face. • Make Welcome Week more inclusive for new BCU students with disabilities, including listing accessibility features of clubs, events that do not include alcohol, and ensuring the society tent is accessible.

MY EXPERIENCE As someone with a variety of neurodevelopmental conditions, mental health issues and physical disability, I’m acutely aware of many of the issues that uniquely affect disabled students. I’m also a mature student, giving me many years of experience in navigating the world as a disabled person. I’ve been active in suggesting ideas to benefit disabled students through Student Voice and championed them at Student Advisory Panels. I’m interim President of BCU Enable, giving disabled students a central and supportive environment, including a private safe space Facebook Group. I also work with a BCU StAMP project as a Disabled Employment Mentor.


MY MANIFESTO University can be daunting and stressful for any student, but more so if you have a disability. From my own experience I know how isolating it can be. Unless you have a disability, it can be hard to understand how difficult it can be accessing the learning environment, or the extra work needed just to keep up with your peers. This is why I want to help foster and develop a community feeling, so we can share our experiences and support each other. On our own our voices are weak, but if we come together we can affect change and face challenges together. Graduating from university can be daunting for students with disabilities as employees can discriminate. What I want to do is work with the career and disability services to ensure each student is aware of their services and their rights as future employees. I want to create a

MY EXPERIENCE During my time at BCU I have taken on the role of Student Academic Lead for my Adult Nursing Cohort 09/16. In this role I have sought out student’s problems and feedback and ensured that their voices are heard at the student feedback forum and solutions to their problems have been sought. I firmly believe in peer to peer support as we learn from people like ourselves. Thus, I am a mentor for the physiology mentoring scheme the faculty of Health Science runs to help supporting new students to the Nursing programme. As a student nurse one of the most

DON’T believe Any of theSE candidates should be elected?

ns). SELECT RON (Re-Open Nominatio ened and If RON wins, nominations are re-op suitable you’ll then be able to vote for a more . candidate at a separate bi-election


Kirsten-richard Nugent MY TOP 3 GOALS Represent the needs of all lgbt+ students at NUS LGBT and Tran’s conference Increase representation of LGBT students in university with events taking place during lgbt history month and getting staff and other students involved in the pride parade for Birmingham Pride in May 2019 Ensuring LGBT students are treated equally by both staff and students alike.

MY MANIFESTO As LGBT officer, I will provide a drop-in service for LGBT students at all campuses with a chance for students to bring any concerns or complaints they may have to me, it will also provide students who wish not to join the LGBTQ+ society to find out what is going on in university. By working alongside both the student LGBTQ+ society and the staff LGBT network I will work on a number of campaigns related to the LGBT student body ranging from LGBT history month to sexual health by working with umbrella. During the lead, up to both NUS LGBT and Trans conference’s I will hold meetings to ensure that I gain feedback of the wants and needs of the LGBT student body at BCU to accurately represent them at conferences. I plan to also hold either a fortnightly or monthly film/LGBT history screening depending upon the wants of students.

MY EXPERIENCE Previously I have been involved with the LGBTQ+ society for the past two years first a member and then as a committee member, during this time a range of campaigns have been arranged in the university for national coming out day, trans day of remembrance and national HIV testing week attempts to bring sexual health testing into the university by Birmingham LGBT centre have been made but have fallen through at the last minute, the next attempt is due at the end of February beginning of March. I have also taken part in the Birmingham pride parade representing BCU for

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ELECT YOUR women’s officer

Iris Bliss

Aishah Din



Foster inclusivity and intersectionality for women of all backgrounds and identities.

I want to increase the amount of opportunities that women of different races, cultures and belief can learn from each other and support each other.

Celebrate and recognise the progress that has been made, while also acknowledging that it is incomplete and that more work remains to be done. Foster solidarity between women and other groups that continue to be oppressed by a discriminatory societal ruling class.

I want to create opportunities both voluntary and compulsory where men on campus can learn about issues women face and give a platform to men who want to show solidarity. I want to increase awareness of ways to support trans women and create a wider sense of inclusion and appreciation.



The fight for women’s rights and equality can all too often lack inclusivity and diversity, with the credit being laid at the door of a select few, while others remain overlooked. This is, in my mind, unacceptable, and to let it continue is a capitulation to the seeds of division that those opposed to women’s liberation have long sought to grow within us. If full equality is to be achieved, it must be for all women, and it is a fight that can only be won with the support of all women. If elected as your Womens’ Officer, I promise to celebrate our successes, acknowledge our shortcomings, and do everything in my power to dismantle the patriarchal society that insists on our oppression.

If I am to be elected as the Women’s Officer I will be making sure that there are opportunities for women to come together and celebrate their strengths especially when united, regardless of race, religion and sexuality. I feel that there is a great need of unity among the university student groups and I will work to create this. I will also make sure there are opportunities for men to learn about the issues women are facing and make these opportunities a place for men to show solidarity. I will also address the need to increase awareness of support that trans women need as much support as anyone else and create a safe space for everyone to feel listened to. Lastly but most importantly, if I am elected I will ensure that students can provide feedback and tell me what they want and need while they are at university.

MY EXPERIENCE Since joining University, I’ve made a point of involving myself in as much liberation politics as possible. I’ve taken part in numerous protests, including a march to protect abortion rights. I’ve visited talks and speeches revolving around feminism and women’s liberation, with a focus on how such movements are relevant in the modern day, and how they can be expanded to be more inclusive. I’m also serving on several society committees, including the LGBTQ+ Society, and Enable, the disability and mental health advocacy and support group, demonstrating both my passion for supporting students, and my ability to do so.

MY EXPERIENCE I have been involved with events and campaigns that not only give women a platform to prosper and progress but campaigns where women are making their own platform and getting their voices heard on matters of great importance. This included the BCU Women’s Speak Out campaign last year with Agape (I will be planning again this year with them), hosting the World Hijab Day celebration conference with BCU Pakistan Society and being involved with the 3 Faiths Forum to educate others on faith and tackle institutional sexism and racism that is stopping students from entering places of work with confidence.

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Noemie Xhignesseelvinah MY TOP 3 GOALS Remove stereotypes surrounding feminism and support all women students with their current and future goals to be able to lead them the world of employability and overcome any difficulties. Focus on what women have previously achieved and celebrate it across campuses in order to empower and motivate the next generation Focus on intersectional feminism and work with students coming from different ethnic, religious and social background.

MY MANIFESTO I believe feminism is valuable and beneficial for everyone and I want to celebrate all women by working together with students to develop awareness and engagement campaigns about gender equality and engage them in discussions to tackle gender related issues. I want to be able to develop a positive and empowering environment based on a culture of respect and support between women by running more activities, workshop and campaign about different issues regarding all women studying at BCU. Initiatives: Sisterhood Time: A safe space for women on campus where they would be able to come talk to me about issues they encounter on campus or ask for any kind of advice or information. Creative campaign: I would like to work on awareness campaigns, with the help of BCU students about gender expectations. It could be a photography project, video or writing, ect. and be able to disseminate it on the

MY EXPERIENCE I am a second-year Media and Communication student who’s really passionate about television and photography, but in my spare time I like to create music and I have been singing in the choir of the Birmingham Opera Company for three years now. I love traveling and exploring new cultures, that’s why I volunteer part-time with the youth organisation NICOLA Arts and Praxis Europe and I have had the incredible opportunity to take part in different Erasmus+ projects around Europe as a team leader. Those opportunities have allowed me to take part in discussions about gender equality and to do mentoring

ELECT YOUR international students’ officer

Jefferson Boateng

Myrofora Kakourou

Fareesya Ramli




To make sure every international student within the university feels welcome and feels right at home.

• Invest in others so they can see opportunities and grab the chance and become the most of themselves.

1. To reunite all of international student from every faculty of each club together

To work closely with the ethnic minority officers and other student bodies to organise stimulating and intellectual talk shows.

• Create a relaxing area where international students like me will feel confident and comfortable to talk for themselves and make new friends.

2. Manage to create an event for all, organised by the international students for all the students.

To work together with the Students’ Union to organise trips around the UK and Europe as a whole.

• Create a group of people from international students so they can help others who have similar religion or they are from similar country to enhance experience and expand this group to be like a family.


MY MANIFESTO Do you feel like you have missed home through out your stay at university ? Well today I assure you that feeling is a thing of the past. With me as your International Students’ Officer I will initiate international events this way students can make new friends through this events and it will be aimed towards celebrating and promoting internationalism. Also my main objective is to take into consideration every students views as I will organise forums where each and every student can voice their opinions and further consideration will taken to address any issues. A vote for Jefferson Yeboah Boateng is a vote for your opinion, happiness at university and your values as in me you have a friend and a brother as I am someone who understand the difficulty of studying in a different country and a place far away from home.




Having lived in Ghana from my childhood to my early teenage years I know the experience of poverty and the bad conditions people are living. From the year 2016-2017 I liaise with a group of 5 people from the united states and neigbouring European coutries and members of Kumasi Metropolitan assembly to launch a voluntary group called the Ace clan where our aim is to raise funds to promote the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and also to gain a national recognition to gain extra funds to provide better housing and cleaner water for the people living in the

I packed my whole life in a bag and I was afraid. But I did it anyway because I believe in myself. I wanted to study here, and I do because I believed in my abilities and I worked hard. I want others to believe in themselves too. I want them to feel they deserve the best and not be afraid because of the language or the people. I will make them feel like home and I will give them advices and help for their studying in BCU. I may not be perfect but I am ambitious and well-organised. I want students to grab opportunities like I do right now and grabbed the chance to become one of their voices. If I eventually become their representative I would gladly transfer their voices into one and see the change they want to see.

3. Built a new big unity for the international student

Organised an event for only international student which we could shared our differences and connect our similarities.

MY EXPERIENCE I have organised an sporting event for all students, science fair and food event for student council club.

I’ve volunteered before in red cross and I helped many people. In my life and school years, my family taught me that even if magic doesn’t exist, kindness still does. And being helpful is one of the most exciting feelings I have. I took part in many roles in high school exampli ratia as a representative speaker for those who couldn’t speak, for those who were shy or afraid. I learned French while I was doing ECDL and logistics and I had high school. If you really want something with your heart you can achieve it and more. The ones


ELECT YOUR international students’ officer

Nimra Waheed MY TOP 3 GOALS 1) I want to ensure that the diverse international community at BCU is showcased in its full glory through engagement in all available spectrums, i.e. sports, culture and art events at the university. 2) I want to ensure that the Students’ Union and the University provide equal opportunities for the international students. 3) Help enrich the international student experience for the university and the broader community.

MY MANIFESTO My name is Namrah Ahmed and I am currently pursuing a B.A. degree in Accounting and Finance. I was born and raised in the United Arab Emirates in a very multicultural and diverse environment. Having this incredible opportunity to shape and nurture my cultural understanding in that environment I was able to instill a passion in me to promote inclusion and mutual respect. The sense of community that can be developed with shared respect and admiration for one another and for our cultures helps uplift the human spirit. I want to bring what I have learnt to BCU and help revitalize international relations.

MY EXPERIENCE I am a committee member of BCU Pakistan Society and Madinah Society. Being a committee member has not only given me confidence in my abilities but I have developed my leadership, management and analytical skills. I have also worked as a Student Buddy to welcome new students and to help them with orientation. This allowed me to work independently and to be able to understand the individual needs of the students. I am currently a Student Academic leader for Accounting and Finance. I am familiar with all of the academic support resources that the university has to offer and can

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ELECT YOUR Ethnic Minority officer

Yemi Kuku MY TOP 3 GOALS As the ethnic minority officer I will work tirelessly to see that the views and concerns of all ethnicities are heard. Secondly I believe that many issues concerning ethnic minorities go unheard due to a lack of awareness. In my capacity as ethnic minority officer I will communicate effectively with ethnic minority students to ensure they are aware of common problems. Finally I intend to bridge a gap between students of all backgrounds and the

MY MANIFESTO If elected as Ethnic Minority Officer I work tirelessly to not only identify the issues related to students of ethnic minorities but also make sure that their views and interests are reflected through the activities of the Students’ Union. More often than not, there is less participation from students from an ethnic minority but it is my aim to encourage participation and welcome Student option which I will feed back to the executive committee.

MY EXPERIENCE I am currently part of the executive committee of one of the largest student groups. I have worked with a range of students over the course of my degree from a student ambassador for my faculty to a student assistant who worked to ensure that the views of students in accommodation were heard.

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ELECT YOUR Mature & Postgraduate Students’ Officer 16

Leon Skerritt MY TOP 3 GOALS Have employability week in line with half term patterns. Have a selection of trips and events that fall within School/ Childcare hours Ensure Mature and Postgraduate Students have opportunity to fully engage with University Life.

MY MANIFESTO My aim is to ensure that Mature and Postgraduate students have an equal opportunity to engage with more extra curricular activities in university life. This involves having some of the events, external speakers and trips taking place during the day where students don’t have to make arrangements for childcare or miss out due to work commitments. BCU prides itself on its inclusiveness, my aim to is to carry that forward for Mature and Postgraduate students.

MY EXPERIENCE I have organised and run teams of people in my previous positions as operations controller and warehouse coordinator. I have four children and understand what it is to juggle work and family life. I also Volunteer with my local youth offending team and church so know what it is to be of service to others.

Arnette Swain MY TOP 3 GOALS 1. To represent the views and concerns of all Mature and Postgraduate students over the entire faculty at student council meetings and conferences, regardless of ethnic group, beliefs, gender or abilities. 2. To fight for Justice, and stand up for the rights of students, ensuring their rights are not trivialised, ignored or disrespected. 3. To assist with student integration by supporting them with appropriate signposting for information & guidance with: financial and academic support; career

MY MANIFESTO If I am elected to represent Mature and Postgraduate students, I plan to: A) Work with the University and Student Council to help provide an environment sensitive to student’s needs, to support learning and help students have a more pleasant University experience. B) Provide more jargon free, clear & concise course information prior to enrolment, enrolment support, and more relevant inspirational and motivational activities to encourage student engagement and completion. C) Facilitate a Support Network for students who might be experiencing: Isolation; Financial hardship; Information & course work overload; and struggles with work, study and family life balance. D) Facilitate and help provide regular, current and relevant information regarding: Funding; IT knowhow; Career & Leadership progression; and How-to-tips on achieving academic success. E) Help organise and facilitate student- centred academic self-help study groups and workshops to support learning and covering any other relevant topic by student choice.

MY EXPERIENCE I worked in Adult Nursing since 1987. Volunteered as a treasurer in a young people community group in 1991. Completed a Pastoral counselling course and volunteered as Chairperson of a Community Neighbourhood Forum in 2004. Volunteered as a Lead Administrator of a Faith-based community group in 2008. Volunteered as a Mature students Tutor in a Further Education college around 2013. Volunteered as an Administrator of a Chaplaincy College in 2015-16. Worked as an Assessor & Tutor of Mature and working students in 2016, and presently, embarking on a new research project to explore student experience in the University setting.

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Aishah Din




1. Actively holding NUS National officers accountable to ensure BCUSU gets the most out of our affiliation fees

1) Work to create more jobs or voluntary opportunities within the university and SU for students to gain more valid work experience in order to help with employability post-university

I want to increase the amount of opportunities that students of different races, cultures and belief can learn from each other and support each other.

2) Find ways to encourage more social integration between societies to create a bigger ‘family’ - build on the Team BCU vibe

I want to create opportunities where men on campus can learn about the issues women face and give a platform to men who want to show solidarity.

3) Look to fundraise and campaign for more funding for all sports teams and societies

I want to increase ways to support fellow students that are facing difficulties due to their unique aspects such as race, sexuality or

2. Work collaboratively with the National Union of Students to ensure students’ views are taken into account in government policy such as fees and Brexit 3. Push for sustainable support for students’ mental health during National Conference

MY MANIFESTO My name is Natalie Chan and Chan stands for challenge and change, please challenge me to make this change for you by voting for me. I attended National Conference 2017 and therefore I understand what to expect and what is the most effective way to push for change. BCUSU pays a significant amount to NUS every year to affiliate with them and my top priority will be sure we get the most out of it and that I can take BCU Student Voice to the national level. I will work hard to ensure that National officers are being held accountable

MY EXPERIENCE My name is Natalie Chan and Chan stands for challenge and change, please challenge me to make this change for you by voting for me. I attended National Conference 2017 and therefore I understand what to expect and what is the most effective way to push for change. BCUSU pays a significant amount to NUS every year to affiliate with them and my top priority will be sure we get the most out of it and that I can take BCU Student Voice to the national level. I will work hard to ensure that National officers are being held accountable

MY MANIFESTO Going to university isn’t just about getting a degree - it’s about making friends, enjoying ourselves, and improving our employability. If I am elected, I propose to enhance all of these aspects for everyone through working to create more jobs or voluntary opportunities within the university and SU for students, finding ways to encourage more social integration between societies to create a bigger ‘family’ - essentially building on the Team BCU vibe, and by looking to fundraise and campaign for more funding for all sports teams and societies so that we can better the experiences and opportunities available to all.

MY EXPERIENCE Being part of a sports team has been a huge part of my university life and helped me to make more friends than I ever could have without joining. It’s shown me how important it is to make sure that sports teams and societies have all the best opportunities afforded to them to make student life better. I have been an active member of Women’s hockey and am currently the Vice President, which has meant that I’ve been able to help run a successful student group and I’ve also become more aware of how parts of the SU are run.

MY MANIFESTO If I am to be elected as the NUS Delegate I will be making sure that there are opportunities for students to come together and celebrate their strengths especially when united, regardless of race, religion and sexuality. I feel that there is a great need of unity among the university student groups and I will work to create this. I will also make sure there are opportunities for men to learn about the issues women are facing and make these opportunities a place for men to show solidarity. I will also address the need to increase awareness of support that BME, homosexual and trans students need as much support as anyone else and create a safe space for everyone to feel listened to. Lastly but most importantly, if I am elected I will ensure that students can provide feedback and tell me what they want and need while they are

MY EXPERIENCE I have been involved with organisations both in university and externally where young people are given the skills to become leaders. This includes the FOSIS conference for young Muslim people, attending meetings with the BBC, the BCU Women’s Speak Out campaign last year with Agape (I will be planning again this year with them), hosting the World Hijab Day celebration conference with BCU Pakistan Society and being involved with the 3 Faiths Forum to educate others on faith and tackle institutional sexism and racism that is stopping students from entering places of work with confidence.



Vicky Glynn

Jairus Phiri

Sahib singh




1. Campaign for improved Mental Health Provision using strong relationships built with Student Affairs & EDS senior management & following national framework recommendations

For a start, I will heavily invest time into speaking out for the students who are in the minority.

1. Collaborate with different societies, students with the different race, colour and background to accomplish common goals and encourage them to help each other and respect each other.

2. Work with the newly appointed University Equality & Diversity team to ensure students have relevant support to succeed at University, based on their needs. 3. Continue to Work closely with West Midlands Police, OneCity Universities and Birmingham City Council to implement Student safety measures on campus, around campus & nights out.

MY MANIFESTO As VP Experience I have worked hard to achieve my manifesto goals, and I will strive to continue to as President. I have strong relationships with senior University staff, which means I can immediately work on making a difference. Passionate about removing barriers to education and creating an inclusive community, I will work across all campuses to ensure that University is working for you. I will work with the University and local transport providers to reduce public transport and parking costs for commuter students. For students in halls, I will work with accommodation to facilitate regular social activities. I will continue to work with Baxter Storey & campus shop suppliers to source a diverse range of affordable catering across all university and SU outlets. I believe it is important for students to unwind, and so I will facilitate regular pet-a-pup sessions to reduce student stress levels in a

MY EXPERIENCE As VP Experience I have: - Represented students in Parliament in discussions about student mental health - Secured Equality & Diversity training for ALL SU staff & group leaders - Created a programme of successful safety campaigns - Hosted successful events for a diverse range of student communities - Pressed the University to commit to a student mental health strategy - Working to secure extra lockers on campus - Ensure catering outlets provide for a wide range of dietary & cultural needs


- Challenged hardship fund provision, access & awarding - Influenced support of BAME students & their families

It is critical that every voice is heard and that the environment of learning is made conducive for every student. International students welfare is also a major aspect that is worth working on and critically looking into and as an international student myself I understand the situation better. Its worth noting that upon enrolment into BCU

MY MANIFESTO I believe strongly in the exchange of culture,knowledge, tolerance and the acceptance of every individual regardless of who they are and their personal background. It is essentially for this reason that I endeavour on a daily basis to put my charismatic personality as well public speaking skills to b bring people together and just have a friendly environment. I come from an environment were since time immemorial it has been enshrined in my DNA to speak truth and uphold Justice while at the some time work hard towards attaining success in whatever facet I find myself in. It is with a burning passion and desire that I wish to represent every student at BCU positively and carefully attend to all their concerns.

MY EXPERIENCE I founded the literary book club at Birmingham City International College(BCUIC) which has been an overwhelming success . It is a platform were students get to share their piece of writings either poetry or prose and at the same time discuss critical issues with regards to their favourite writers. In the last five months I have worked as a BCUIC student representative as well ambassador and in my tenure I have interacted with lots of international students and tended to their needs so as to provide a conducive environment for them. Under my supervision we organised a gathering I

2. Spending time outside the SU office or spending most of my time amongst students to know them closely and to interact with them more, to discourage, ‘them and us’ attitude and encourage more equality among students. 3. Become Available and Approachable, Motivate and Support, Respect all

MY MANIFESTO “We, not I” (Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.) I promote this campaign to collaborate all the students at different locations of the university. I believe in build personal relation more than social media. I believe in approach student 1st because we all SU are working for students and we are not officers, we are representatives who speak what student suggests. I believe in Humanity and peace and I spread these among students for there better lives. I will do one to one sessions with students as much as I can and those students who suffer from some mental health condition, I will support them and bring some actual facts of life which help them for improving and healing. Encourage part-time officer and help them

MY EXPERIENCE My previous job was related to the Environmental role in SU, and We have done GO green Week to promote awareness regarding sustainability issue at the university. I collaborate 4 different societies to accomplish one task. We have done Canal clean at university and promote meat-free Monday and distribute free cupcakes and fruitcakes. we made a video to promote GROW YOUR OWN HERBS at BCU owned allotment. We made a video with one of our BCU cleaners to spread awareness ‘please clear your table’ and to promote respect your cleaners.I participate in different cultural activities like World Hijab

Arnette Swain MY TOP 3 GOALS 1. To represent the views and concerns of all BCU students over the entire faculty at student council meetings and conferences, regardless of ethnic group, beliefs, gender or abilities. 2. To support students in standing up for their rights, ensuring their rights are respected and justice is gained. 3. To support students with university integration, engagement and academic excellence through information, implementation and appropriate evaluation.

MY MANIFESTO If I am elected as an NUS delegate I plan to: A) To represent student views and concerns within reason on local and national levels. B) Work with the University and Student Council to help provide an environment sensitive to student’s needs, to support learning and enhance student experience. C) Provide more efficient enrolment information prior to enrolment, and provide more enrolment support to improve the enrolment experience for students. D) Assist in providing regular, current and relevant information around financial support; academic success; and effective Leadership & Management. E) Organise and facilitate student workshops to support learning & career, and give students an outlet to develop new ideas.

MY EXPERIENCE Volunteered as a treasurer in a young people community group in 1991 while encouraging young people engagement. Volunteered as Leader of a Nurses action group in 1995, and negotiated improved working conditions, increase in salary and uniform adjustments. Volunteered as a Chairperson of a Community Neighbourhood Forum in 2004 representing the views of the people and negotiated living and environmental improvements. Volunteered as an Administrator of a Chaplaincy College in 2015-16 and negotiated for upgrade in student awards. Now about to undertake a new research project exploring university student experiences with an aim to improving the student journey.

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