Katy Gale- The Good Life Trend Book- Montane

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What is the good life to you?


What sort of lifestyle do you lead?


Do you take part in any outdoor activities? If so what kind?

The good life to me is Happiness, to have a close family relationship, to live a care free life and have freedom to do what I want, when I want. I love the outdoors, I particularly enjoy activities with my family.

I live in the countryside in Scotland, just outside of Edinburgh. We are quite an economically aware family so we live by the ‘Do it yourself ’ motto, we grow a lot of our own vegetables and produce our own eggs from our chickens.

The whole of our family enjoy hunting and shooting as an activity, we do this most Sundays as an activity all of us can take part in, we take our dogs with us, it’s a good way for us all to get together and have fun. We also eat the birds we shoot. I also do a lot of walking to stay healthy and I often take holidays which are very active.




When i go hunting and shooting I usually wear layers to keep me warm as you are outside for a long time, I wear warm thick leggings to keep my legs insulated and wellington boots with a jacket over the top of a fleece, I like my jacket to include a lot of pockets to keep belong-

I think functionality is the most important aspect of outdoor clothing for me, it needs to keep me warm and be easy to walk in as the activities I take part in consist of a lot of movement. The clothing also needs to be presentable and have a smart feel to it as I like to look smart when we go out hunting and shooting.

I think they are missing the smart feel I mentioned before. The clothing available in stores is all about function ability which is obviously important but I think brands need to think about other aspects such as presentation as well.

What clothing do you What are the most wear for the outdoor important aspects of outdoor clothing? activities?

ings in.

What is outdoor clothing brands missing from the market?



The good life to me is to achieve a successful life with lots of fun and holidays and to live a very active life and to have lots of free time to achieve goals.

I have a full time job but I love to travel in any free time I have to places such as the Lake District and France to ski and mountaineer with my family, I love the outdoors and fresh air.

I enjoy Skiing, mountaineering, hiking and any other extreme sports really, I love trying new sports, it helps me de stress from the working week.




It varies between sports really, but I need warm functional clothes to keep me warm and to cater to my specific sport.

Functionality is definitely the most important aspect to me, the more functional the better. I also do choose my clothing depending on style. I still think it is important to look good as well.

I don’t think they are missing anything particular, I just think it would be nice to see something a little different sometimes, I think all brands are doing pretty much the same thing sometimes and it’s hard to tell them apart look wise. Different colours would be the main thing I would change.

What is the good life to What sort of lifestyle you? do you lead?

What clothing do you wear for the outdoor activities?


Do you take part in any outdoor activities? If so what kind?

What are the most im- What is outdoor clothing portant aspects of out- brands missing from the door clothing? market?




The good life to me is having a successful career whilst having a place to escape after hours. Having fun and being happy while keeping a successful life.

I live in London and have a good career ahead of me but I still enjoy escaping to the country now and then. I like to keep an active lifestyle while living in the city.

I enjoy walking/running and cycling after work and at weekends, there are a lot of places to do this in London but I do enjoy to go to the countryside at weekends sometimes.




It depends what type of activity I am doing but I usually wear leggings, a base layer and a fleece over the top and depending where I am I will wear a jacket over the top.

Comfort is the most important thing for me I hate exercising when I feel uncomfortable so comfort is key, Affordable clothing is also another aspect, I don’t like to buy clothing too expensive as I don’t do any extreme sports.

I don’t think anything is missing, I just believe they should start taking comfort in to account when designing clothing as some clothing could be made more comfortable.

What is the good life to you?

What clothing do you wear for the outdoor activities?

Do you take part What sort of lifestyle do in any outdoor activities? If you lead? so what kind?

What are the most important aspects of outdoor clothing?

What is outdoor clothing brands missing from the market?

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