For our next issue, we’re doing something new! We’ve asked 3 “Authors In The Schools” (AIS) authors to write the prompts, and you take it from there. Write and illustrate based on one of the prompts below.
You’re the author AIS Author Jim Aylesworth: Once upon a time, there was a young mouse named Meadow. She was a very sweet young mouse, and she tried hard to be good. And most of the time she was. But every once in a while… AIS Author W. Nikola-Lisa: The bus looked the same, but when I got on and turned to walk down the aisle, I noticed that all the people were wearing glittery space suits . . . It just fell out of the sky. That’s right, it just fell out of the sky and landed at my feet. And when I bent down to pick it up, it moved . . . AIS Author Debbi Chocolate: Once upon a time there was a bear who ate everything. He kept getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger! Until finally . . . !
Please turn in your submissions to your teacher or by April 8, 2016
WE CAN’T THANK YOU ENOUGH. Through positive community support, children have opportunities to learn from adults and each other. Thank you to StudentsXpress for providing a creative magazine in local schools that encourages children’s writing, reading and expression. To all those who have given their time, support, and hearts to promote a brighter tomorrow through youth literacy — we thank you. To learn more, go to: Publisher Rachel Switall Magazine Group, NFP President Rachel Switall Rachel Switall Editor, Art Director, Advertising Director, Director of Marketing Bonita Sanchez-Carlson President & Executive Director Near South Planning Board 312-987-1980 Printer Topweb, LLC 5450 N. Northwest Hwy. Chicago, IL 60630 773.975.0400 AUTHORS IN THE SCHOOLS PRESENTS
Dear Readers, or each issue of sXp that I work on, I receive more and more submissions. It’s so difficult for me to fit them all in, and I really wish I could include each and every one of them. While trying to fit in work from as many students as possible, I’ve had to make the art smaller than I’d like (be sure to look at the videos I post to YouTube to see the artwork in all its glory!), and I have to edit the writing down. I love that students love to write, and I wish I could print every piece in its entirety, but in order to squeeze in more students, I sometimes only include part of what was submitted. I’m so excited to start partnering with Authors In The Schools (AIS) with this issue! An outreach program of the Near South Planning Board, its mission is to bring the joy of reading and creative writing to students in inner-city schools. So you can see what a great match we are. AIS brings with it a whole new group of schools, and I welcome all of them to sXp!
Can you find these pictures throughout the magazine?
uthors in The Schools (AIS), a program of the Near South Planning Board (NSPB), is pleased to sponsor its very first edition of the StudentsXpress publication. As a literacy program focused on bringing the joy of books and reading to Chicago students, AIS welcomes this new partnership with StudentsXpress. Since its inception in 1997, NSPB has been able to offer the program to over 15,000 students. This exciting and innovative literacy program sends published children’s authors to schools for a reading and writing workshop and then gives each student an autographed copy of one of the authors’ books to take home. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the program, and as a special gift to these students, AIS is offering them a place, via StudentsXpress, to display some of their works. NSPB, the organization that created the AIS program, is a not for profit community-based organization whose mission is to plan, guide and support the development of the Near South area. The group is committed to promoting economic growth, improving the quality of life in its community, and focuses on keeping the arts alive in Illinois. We welcome you to join us at our official launch in June of “Authors in the Schools presents StudentsXpress” at the Chicago Tribune’s Printers Row Lit Fest. Cordially yours, Bonnie Sanchez-Carlson President & Executive Director, Near South Planning Board
Kids and Family Yoga
My grandmother is my superhero because she is kind and gives me what I need, not what I want. She takes care of me and my brothers.
Kids’ Yoga (Ages 5-8) Wednesdays at 4:30pm
—D’Anton D.
Cover art by D’Anton D. Tmauren C.
In my life my personal hero is my oldest brother because he protects me and helps me with everything and takes me places. —Chi-Juan W.
Sponsored by Constant Contact
If I were a superhero, I would wear jeans or a skirt, and a t-shirt. I wouldn’t be able to fly or turn invisible, but I would be able to march, to raise my hand, or to speak up. I would gather people who wanted peace, or equality, or maybe just food for their neighbor. I would give ordinary people a voice and mobilize an army. Slowly, one step at a time, we would change the world. I would give food to the hungry. I would give homes to the homeless. I would spread peace in war-torn countries. And I wouldn’t care what people thought of me. —Lilly —Jaden N. In my life my own personal superhero would have to be my mother because she makes everything happen for me. She always helps me when I need it. I talk to her about everything. She is a great person. She guides me in the right direction. —Tyniece H.
D’mari G.
Contact if your school would like to participate in StudentsXpress.
Kids need yoga, too!
My dad is my hero because when my family went to the beach I was playing by the water and suddenly I fell in. My sister saw me fall in, she called my cousin first. My cousin did not notice then she heard my sister telling her I fell in the water. My cousin called my mom and dad. My dad rushed over and got me out. That’s why my dad is my hero. —Mika D.
While showcasing art and writing from students in Chicago Public Schools, StudentsXpress aims to promote creativity and literacy, encourage alternative expressions, create positive self esteem and open discussions.
Tween/Teen Yoga (Ages 9-14) Tuesdays at 4:30pm Monthly Family Yoga Workshop First Saturday of the month
Yoga for Moms and Dads Enjoy one of over 60 weekly classes at our studio Mention StudentsXpress and your first class is free! Visit for full schedule 773-463-YOGA (9642) 4663 N. Rockwell Chicago, IL 60625
Yoga and Massage for All Ages and Stages
’tr ez P. M on
If I could be a super hero I would be Super Art Girl! She can fly and leave a trail of color as she flies. She can also shoot out paint and hardened paint out of her hands. She also automatically knows if someone is in art trouble and will go straight to them. She has a short sleeve shirt with a dripping paint bucket in the center of her shirt. She has a bright teal shirt. She has black tights and gray boots or flats depending on the weather. That’s what my super hero would be. Who is your super hero?
Sofia M. If I had the power to fly I would have a big adventure over the entire world. I would wake up at 3:00 a.m. and fly to Paris for breakfast. I would have a croissant. At 8:00 a.m. I would fly to Germany for lunch. I would have spaetzle (a kind of pasta) at 12:00 p.m. I would fly to Italy for dinner. I would have pizza. For dessert I would fly to France for a crepe. That would be a normal day for me.
My mom is my personal hero because she cooks for me and she cleans the house and she feeds me. She takes care of me, she’s a loving woman and I am happy that she’s my mom. She is the greatest mom I could ever have in my life. —Gabrielle B.
My superhero is Super Nurse! Super Nurse helps anyone that is hurt and cannot get help. The reason I named her Super Nurse is because she risks her life to help anyone in need. She can fly. When she’s helping someone she can just name any tool that she needs and it will instantly appear. Her super watch vibrates when someone’s in a bad situation and is about to get hurt; she comes and risks her life to help them. —Briana C.
Yesenia L.
If I could have any superpower, I would want the power of invisibility. No one will be able to see me and I can use my powers to steal from the rich people and give to the poor. I know that even though you’re helping someone it is not good to steal but I don’t think it’s right that some people have big houses and lots of stuff they don’t need and there are people who don’t have clothes, food, or a place to live. I would also help myself for being a great person. My name would be Pierre Hood, because I’m like Robin Hood except better, smarter, faster, stronger, and just better! —Pierre P. Mya
My superhero name is Queen Ari. One of my favorite activities is going to the mall and getting a lot of dresses. My special powers are kept inside my ring. It allows me to save people from the sea. I am able to control the sea because I am the queen of the ocean. I live at the bottom of the sea in a house. It is made out of gold. When there is a storm my ring’s power can turn the sky into a beautiful calm day.
Kamonie D. My own personal superhero is my mom. My mom has five children and has one husband. My mom cooks and cleans. She tells me things that make me and others feel better. I always underestimated the job of a stay-at-home mom. So one day I tried to be a mom but it didn’t work. Feeding seven people is difficult. Ever since I was younger she showed so much love to me and my family. She makes everyone happy. I look up to her and other people should too. I’m not just saying that because she’s my mom; it’s just she makes an effort to help and educate everyone. I’m also not saying this to make her proud; I tell you this because some of my friends like her and think she’s pretty cool too. —Yaxy M.
If I were a superhero I would want my superpower to be to always know the right thing to say. I would try to use it to make people happy. I could always cheer up those who are sad. I’d be the best negotiator in tough situations and I could tell the greatest jokes. My superhero name would be The Talker. My costume would be my casual clothes and a superhero mask. I’d never have the time to change but at least I can hide my identity with a mask. —Betty S.
One day Mon’trez had a nice size fro (afro) and decided he was going to try to flaredye his hair and burnt himself and developed two scars going across his head that gave him the power to remember past events that he had not even heard Nathaniel of and go to the future—that’s why his name is Flash-back.
If I could be a superhero I would be Super Pink Girl. I would be very stylish and help people in a unique way. Most superheroes stop crime and use weapons. I would be different. I would help people get smarter and not become mean bad people. People who know how to learn and feel smart will do good things and not become bad people. While I am helping people with reading and math I want to look beautiful. My outfit would be all pink. I would wear pink leggings and a pink shirt. I wear pink lipstick and pink nail polish. I would also carry a pink backpack for all of my supplies. Some superheroes stop crime, but I would keep it from happening by making sure people are smart and focused on their future. —Zayvyana S.
There are many different superheroes in my life. One of the strongest heroes in my life is my mom because she tries her hardest in everything that she does and she never gives up. Not only is she my hero she is my role model, she is loyal to everyone even if you do something that makes her uncomfortable. Once you meet her you feel like you have known her for a really long time and she treats you like she has known you forever. She pushes you to try your very hardest and if you mess up she understands because she has been there before. She is my hero, role model and my mom. —Elle A.
Jesse G.
My personal hero is my grandma. Because my grandma has been caring, protecting, taking care of me and more. —Mauricio P. My superhero is my daddy because he buys me clothes and shoes. —Jovon R. My personal superhero would be my mom because if I were in danger she would save me so I will save her if she’s in danger. —Makyla R. —Sydney If I were a superheroine, I would have the powers to heal people who are sick or injured. I would also have the powers to communicate with every language so I could help more than just people who speak English. Maybe even be able to communicate with animals. That way I could help them as well. I would do whatever I could to help people who are sick and wounded without needing to become a doctor because I probably couldn’t handle it. —Ava
In my life, my mom is my personal superhero because my mother gives me anything I want, she’s nice, kind and generous. That’s why my mom is my superhero. If I was a superhero, my name would have been Smarty Pants because I’m very smart and I could make other people smart. My costume would be red, blue, would have a red cape and have a light bulb on it. I design it this way because they are my favorite colors and the light bulb stands for I have great ideas. —Martell V. If I was a superhero my name would be Super Girl. I would eat these things to be strong. I would eat carrots and tomatoes. They are good for my body. Eating vegetables will make me strong so I can help people. I need to take care of myself to take care of other people. —Keyonna B.
In my life my personal superhero is Umar because he is one of my favorite sitters of all time. He helps with things I struggle with and also helps me in sports. He’s very beneficial when doing homework because sometimes I don’t get it. He would comfort me when needed. Whenever I’m in a bad mood he would make me feel better. Also he is a very determined, courageous, and outgoing dude. Thanks Umar for being the best sitter ever. —Liam Spring 2016
Full-Day Tuition-Based Near North Pre-School
My superhero is my parents Every day superheroes don’t have to change the world thembecause they help me with selves. They motivate other people to be good and change the my homework, and cause they world with them. A superhero could be a friend who’s always love me. If I was a superhero there when you need them to put a smile on your face. They my name will be The Good can be teachers who help you learn and achieve your goals. One cause I fight for good. They could even be your parents who can always reach to help I would have hypnosis pow- you. All these people motivate YOU to be a superhero—and ers so I can tell them what to change the world with them. Many people think of Batman to do and invisibility so no- and Superman as superheroes—although they can be your body can see me. If I was a idol, your superheroes are really your family, friends, and other superhero my costume would people, not your favorite TV program. That’s what a real superhave a mask and my shirt will hero is. —Mary have a star in the middle and If I had a superhero name it would be T.N.G. (aka The Normal my pants will be blue and my Guy) because people think you have to have a name or be a shoes will be blue. —Angel• R.Exclusive Full-Day 6 pm) superstar to be a hero (8 butam the -truth is a Pre-K normal guy on the street can make a difference. If I had powers it would be to If I was a superhero I would • 2016-2017 School Year Enrollment Period want the power to reverse have normal powers like my voice and hearing and seeing. I of $650 to Enroll would use these powers to help the poor, donate money to time. I would use this for •sec-Deposit charity and donate some of those who need ond chances because everyone • Only 20 spots availablemy- body Signparts uptotoday! deserves a second chance. My it (you know, the normal stuff). My superhero costume would costume would be a black and be a hoodie and some jeans and a beenie. —David D. white suit with a clock necklace In my own personal life a superhero would be my mom beon it. My powers would go to cause my Tours mom always encourages others to get and Open EVERY Wednesday at involved 9:00 am people who don’t really like help. Also my mom gives great life lessons like being good to Meet Asst. Principal Welsh in be thenatural. School Office how something went wrong others shouldn’t have toKatie be a job, it should Another and make their life better. thingJenner that makes my mom a superhero is sheof saved life once Elementary Academy themyArts —Ashley J. when I was choking on a piece of ice and nobody would help (1119 N. Cleveland) me until my mom came and got the ice out of my throat. My My personal superhero is my mom is a superhero because she does not avoid something stepdad because he’s always that needs to be done but she gets the thing done. —Adam B. been there for me. Also because he gives me a lot of freedom. In my life my personal superheroes are my Uncle Andrew One more reason is because and my dad. They both take time out of their day to help me we’re alike in many ways. He and teach me things. They are both tall so I look up to them, is my superhero because he’s but that’s not the only reason why. They both love me and always helped me through ev- are really awesome and cool. I hope one day I could be like erything. Also we have a really them cause they are the most down to earth guys I know. My dad cooks and my uncle pretty much does anything. special bond. —Sully C. They both know how to fix cars and motorcycles. They My superheroes are my par- both live on the edge cause they aren’t afraid. I love them ents. My dad goes to work 6 so much and are the best people I know, and my favorite days a week and gets about 4 people in the world. —Diego hours of sleep a day. He wakes us up, prepares us food, drives In my life my real life superhero is my grandpa because without us to and from school and buys him I wouldn’t be here. He has been there since the day I was us things we want not need. My born. When I go see him he plays softball with me. He plays mom straightens up, cooks for waterpolo with me in the pool and races me at swimming. He us, shops for us and helps us is always there when I need him. It can be anything I will ever keep in touch with family, so we need and I know my grandpa will always be there. My grandpa is my rock, my superhero, my everything. Without him I don’t stay to roots. know what I would do. Without my grandpa I wouldn’t have How to be a superhero: Help brothers with homework anyone to show me the ropes of the country. —Mikaela H.
Full-Day Tuition-Based
Near North Pre-School
g i n 16 m 0 C o of 2 ll Fa
If I was my own super hero my name would be Sub-Zero and my powers would be ice powers and these powers can make my life better by me making an ice trail and ice skate so I can get to school faster. My powers can help people by cooling people’s water if it is hot and if people need to cross a gap I can make a bridge. My superhero costume would look like this. I like this design because it looks awesome. A short story on how I use my powers for good is this: One day a lady yelled help! and as fast as I could I came out of my ice cave and saw her cat in a tree so I went and made an ice ladder and got the cat and the lady said thank you. The end. —Damian
Fa Com ll o in f2 g 01 6!
• Exclusive Full-Day (8 am - 6 pm) Pre-K •Full-Day 2016-2017Tuition-Based School Year Enrollment Period •Near Deposit of $650Pre-School to Enroll North • Only 20 spots available - Sign up today!
Fa Com ll o in f2 g 01 6! EVERY Wednesday at 9:00 am Open Tours • • • •
Exclusive Full-Day (8 am - 6 pm) Pre-K 2016-2017 School Year Enrollment Period Deposit of $650 to Enroll Meet20Asst. Katie Only spots Principal available - Sign upWelsh today! in the School Office
Jenner Elementary Academy of the Arts
Open Tours EVERY Wednesday at 9:00 am Meet Asst. Principal Katie Welsh in the School Office Jenner Elementary Academy of the Arts (1119 N. Cleveland)
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Be respectful to adults Engage in community service —David O-W
(773) 534-8440
If I was a superhero I would want the power of flying. I would not want to risk getting hit or killed so I would stay at a safe distance. I would patrol the city, and if I saw trouble I would call the police. For me I wouldn’t want to wear those weird costumes. I would find what clothes were easiest to fly in. If I had any other power it would be to shoot fire. Then I would feel more safe fighting criminals, but over all I really wouldn’t want a power, because I’d rather stay away from the bad guys than get hurt. —Evan D.
Delvin A.
My favorite superhero is Captain America because he started off small but he had never quit what he was striving for. He then became big and powerful. He had courage. He inspired me to do so many things so that one day I can be big, just like him. —Briana Z.
Karla Jocelyn C. Amalia
Drew S.
My superhero is my sister, because she’s smart and she always does good things around me. That’s why I wrote this about her. If I was a superhero, my name would be Memory Girl because every time I study I forget the next day. My power would be to memorize facts and details and stories. Diana C.
If I was a superhero my name would be Anti-Violent Girl. The reason for this name is because I would want to stop all the negativity, shooting and killings of young innocent people. The reason for this hero is that she’s emotional and she thinks no family should suffer —Kristel for anyone’s crazy mistake. Anti-Violent Girl is a superAmazing superheroes, saving the town, hero that changes lives. She can make people think They’re here to bring evil villains down! twice before doing an action that can hurt someone. Some can fly in the air, all around, She can bring out the good of people and make them Some can run really fast on the ground. realize that whatever they were about to do isn’t worth There are so many superheroes, like Flash or Batman, losing their life or ruining their life. —Rayana A. Because they’re doing good things, I’m a big fan. Superhero flying high Superhero hears one cry Superhero swooping down Straight from where he hears the sound Superhero saves the day Superhero, get yours today. —Jessica L.
—Keneisha M. Camila In my personal life my superhero is my mother because she does everything for me. She’s very supportive. She will not let anyone say negative facts about me. If I was a superhero my superhero name would be Super Girl. Why? Because it reminds me of my mother when she was a teenager. My powers would be zapping people and taking them to jail. It would help people around me because all the people that’s gotten killed, no more will get killed because all the bad people would be in jail. My superhero outfit would be black with polka dots added and black shoes. I designed it this way because I want my costume to have a little “pazazz.” —Aniah
People. Everywhere. Have you ever wondered if you could be standing near a super hero? I have been wondering the same thing. Could it be the man I hold the door for when I go to the grocery store? Could it be the neighbor right next door? Why can’t it be me? A lot of questions. But ask yourself are you making a difference? —Shelby J.
My super power will be to run fast. I would use my power for good. I will help people do things that they can do. Like go help somebody. I can help people cross the road. And I will beat up bad guys. I help everyone that needs help. I am Fast Boy. —Pedro P. My superhero costume will have flowers on it and my name with glitter too. If I had powers I will use them by making people stop killing each other and let everybody get along with each other. —Jacquyra V.
Policemen and firemen are superheroes too, One day a superhero might even be you! —Hannah E.
Every day superheroes can help to change the world by making the community we live in a better place. There may not be so many kind humans in the world. Every day something bad happens to someone or some people but others can step in to make those problems much better. One of my heroes is a girl who changed me forever, Lalah. I could have never opened up to the world without the help I was given by her. She became my best friend a few years back and all I remembered was her coming to save me from the horrible emotions I felt. She opened the world up to me, because of her I have a lot more best friends, and I’m more open. My world has been a lot more likeable. —Amy D.
—Willis B.
Spring 2016
. —Charlotte M.
—Tyrell G.
My superhero is my dad because he protects me and my family. If I was a superhero my name would be Dragon Master because I like dragons and they’re cool. My powers will be flaming arrows and laser eyes, and I would use them to make my life better by when someone is bullying me I can scare I drew him like this them off. I would help the people because dragons around me by if they can’t open have wings too! something I can open it for them. Jasmine H. Carla
—Gemarion B.
My cape flows behind me as it ripples across the blue blanket of sky. My cape is my purple soul, it guides me along the endless sea of clouds as I fly to rescue someone from harmful decisions without their realization. My cape is my mate, my strength and weakness combined. With my cape I shall never part, for it is my mind, soul. I would be helpless without my deep, rich, purple cape, that flies like a bird across the deep blue sky, with the sunset. With my cape I shall not part. If I did, oh the tears I would shed. How I would weep and wail. A helpless person. Alone and decisionless. My cape is my daemon. My survival. Oh how I, a hero, love my cape. My gentle float cape that follows me wherever I go. —Isabel S. My personal superhero is my sister. She has been with me through thick and thin. She’s always helped me when I feel down or when I’m having problems understanding something. I don’t know what I would have done if she wasn’t with me through all my tough times. She always lets me go with her wherever she goes. We would always go on crazy adventures together. I can always trust her with all my secrets and even though we have a lot of fights we always seem to forget about them and act like the fights . never even happened. I’m glad I have someone like her as my sister. —Sammy
My personal superhero is Mrs. Storto. She works hard for us to be smart. She makes school fun and has taught me a lot. She is very cool and I will never forget her. One thing I will take with me throughout life is something that seems so simple but it’s a good lesson and that is “be awesome.” When I don’t feel like I’m having a great day I just have to remember to be awesome and it will get better. When people are being mean I just have to be awesome and not let it get to me. It makes me sad that I won’t get to have her with me next year, but I know if I need her I can contact her for help. I am very thankful for Mrs. Storto. —Holland K. Hello my name is Thunder Wall, and I will My hero is my brother because he saves be a superhero. I will make citizens safe. me from making the wrong decisions. If My outfit is going to be blue and black. My I were a superhero my powers will be to bring the people I want down from heaven boots, gloves and eyes will also be black. One of my powers is to teleport. It helps and relive the way they died so I can stop A superhero in my family is me get out of dangerous situations. It also it. It will make life easier because some my dad because he helps fix helps me go places faster. I also have the people’s family passed away and I think my bed and he gives me lots ability to shoot thunder out my eyes and they will be very proud to see them again fists. When I hit bad guys with my thunder and for good. My superhero costume will of help. —Tayvayon they turn to dust. If I need help I can dupli- be red and blue with all the people that I My power would be to help cate myself. Last, I have rocket shoes. When love that died. I would design it this way people who have gray houses because it will build memories if I was to I tap my feet against each other I can fly. turn the houses into other In conclusion, I will use my awesome lose my super powers. —Daizhana B. colors. That would help powers to keep the people of Chicago safe If I could be a superhero I would be like Kid make the world very pretty. and sound. —Cordalro J. Danger. Kid Danger is a character on Nick—Mekhi In my life, my parents are personal superhe- elodeon television. Kid Danger is a boy my roes. I really look up to them because they age who fights crime. Most superheroes are adults. I like that he is a kid. I like kids —Hailey are my good influences and my role models. My mom and grandfather would have to be my su- Both of them teach me some good things for fighting bad guys. If I had super powers I perheroes because they provide everything for me. the future like manners and how to be a nice would also fight bad guys. In order to fight and keep myself safe I My grandad picks me up almost every day and takes person. They teach me new things every me to the court. He trains me and gives me advice single day. I think that they are my personal would have a laser gun. The gun will not on sports. My mom signs me up for camps, drops me superheroes because they are always there kill them but knock them out until the pooff, picks me up, and even stays most of the time. My for me no matter what happens. I think that lice come. I would like to be like Kid Danmom copes with me and my sister, her job, boyfriend, every kid should also think that their parents ger because he is someone who is a good friend, a regular kid and a superhero at the my dad and our house. She is very hard-working and are their superheroes. —Janet S. same time. —Tazerek G. intelligent. My granddad juggles his driving job, me, My main superhero is my grandma because if something goes wrong she makes somemy sister and other people that continuously ask him for help. I love them truly because without them life thing out of nothing. If I was a superhero I will have power to stop all violence. It will make my life easier because when I walk to my friend’s house I want to be safe. —Kaniya J. wouldn’t be the same. —Aniah Spring 2016
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Henry H.
Anitra J. —Marshaun M.
—Rayonna M.
—Vivian If I was a superhero I would have super speed and make a huge tornado to catch all my enemies. —Nolan
super power: laser beam
—Armenta H.
MY superhero is my Grandmother, because when I was little she was always there for me and still is. She’s always there for me. Well her super powers are to make me happy and try to keep me calm and also to keep me safe. She uses her powers to make people happy, safe and she also can take care of people, she does that by talking and also does it with her hands. —Giovanni L. Casey
Aniah F.
If I had a super power it would be to fly. I would be able to fly anywhere on Earth as fast or high up as I want to. I would be able to carry anything of any weight when I was flying. I would use it to help people if they were late to go somewhere and they needed to get somewhere. Most of all I would use it to get to natural disasters, floods, fires, and more as quickly as possible to evacuate them as quickly as possible so they will be safe. That would be my super power. —Tess S. Desmond
Flying through the sky, as great as can be, I hope a super hero is near me! They save lots of people from terrible things, and I’m sure they even eat chicken wings! They always have a good motto and wit, but don’t forget about the cool outfit! No matter the weather, you can always depend, that they will be there as more than a friend! They usually keep it a secret of who they are, but they definitely are a superstar! Flying through the sky, as great as can be, I hope there is a super hero near me! —Grace W. My superhero is my father because he is there when I need him. He is also the person who pushes me the most to do better, helps me up when I’m down, and he is the one who loves me the most (I’m his favorite). We love each other. —Raquel R.
If I had a super power I will be JJ invisible. What I will do with my super power is Grace M. sneak past people with them not —Yim-Dah knowing where I am. But I know people Lilly R. that are heroes but My power will be a super girl that’s called Ema. they don’t have any She can do a lot of powers and she helps many super powers they people that they are sick or that they don’t are my family. They have anywhere to live. —Ziclaly D. are always there for My superhero is my dad, or like my family likes In my personal life my superhero is my mothme and help me. to call him, the #doitalldad. He is always doer because no matter how hard life tries to —Shea.R. ing everything and he can make some time to bring her down she always gets back up. She’s play with the kids. If someone needs help, he always so supportive of what her kids do and My mama is my hero. She’s always there when I need her. She’s is on the job. He almost never gives up. For always makes sure that they are good. That’s been by my side when I’m down. When I’m happy she is there to example, he will solve the problem or fix the why she’s my superhero. —Tashan’te L. help me with my problem and ups and downs. —Makyaah B. problem. —Zachary S.
My superhero is Lebron James because we’re pretty much alike, growing up with a single mom that lives in the ghetto and only thing we want to do is make it to the NBA and get our mom out of the ghetto. Lebron James has already done it. Let’s see can I. —Joshua C.
Imagine being a superhero. What powers would I have? I thought long and hard about it. The first power I would have is mind control. I would use it to help anyone in trouble. I would telepathically convince those that wish to hurt anyone to be good and gentle. Like for instance we would have no terrorists and no surprise bombings. ISIS would be a thing of the past. People would be able to travel with no worries. My second power would be speed. I would use it to stop anyone from getting victimized. I could in an instant stop a bullet from killing someone or push someone out of the way before they get hit by a car. I also could speedily get someone to the hospital if they were in need of emergency services. There are countless opportunities I could help people with, especially my family. My third power would be to fly. I could travel far distances all over the world and help people all over. I could make the world a safer place. Not to mention meeting all kinds of interesting people. My goal would be to unite the world. —Alexander S.
Sam B. David Bowie is my superhero. He refused to be anybody but himself to the day he died and he challenged gender stereotypes and didn’t care what anybody thought. He was super creative and way ahead of his time. His songs told amazing stories and inspired millions. An accomplished actor and musician, he was truly amazing. We are so sad that the man who fell to earth has departed this world. —Nuala M.
McKyle R.
Debra is a hero because she stops cars so that people can cross the street. Me and my mom know her. We used to cross the street where she stops cars. Now we don’t because there was an accident. We drive to school now.
Spring 2016
Who will protect you, save you in the moments something bad occurs? That’s where I come in: I am Angela your superhero. I am like a guardian angel and I protect you when your life’s in danger and it’s not the time for you to leave your loved ones. How can I do that you ask? Well I can see the future. That means I can see the danger you are in. Once I see that you are in danger I’ll go to you. Once I am where you are at I am able to zap you with a force that can make you immortal for that moment that you are in danger. I am a person that would like to save lives; that’s why if I was a superhero I would like to have that ability. So I can save lives and help people in danger. —Katherine L. —James
—Tamia R.
Hillary A.
Alexus The power that I most want to have is the power to read someone’s mind. I would like to understand people’s thinking before they even say it so I have time to understand. If someone is about to say something bad, I will be able to warn them about the consequences and tell them to not say it. Lastly, if I were to have a high level job, I would be able to control conversations and work things out for my job. —Alexander W. Bennet
My superhero name is Indian Girl. My power is super speed. I use my power to find food for the homeless kids in India. It’s my power to feed the homeless. —Kayonna W.
—Olive —Conor Spring 2016
Janelle C.
If I was a superhero my name would be The Problem Solver. My super power is to solve problems, make people happy, and keep the world positive. I notice that negative energy is all around and when there’s bad energy in the air it transfers to another person and it keeps growing. My main mission is to spread positive energy and make everyone happy. Everyone goes through breaking point problems and sometimes don’t have someone there to help them. That’s why I’m here to make the problem go away and keep your mind in a positive state. —Jerah M.
—Svea When people think of a superhero they think of a really strong person with amazing powers, but anyone can be a superhero in their own way. Maybe you did something really nice for someone today by making them feel good about themselves, or standing up for someone who needed support. You do not need superhuman powers to be a superhero. Someone could consider you a superhero just for making them feel special about themselves. Superheroes are all around us, you just do not realize it until they are in action. —Kayla S. My personal superhero is my parents because they cook for me, they love me, they wake up —Steven early so that I could go to school, they help me study, and teach me new things every day. I love them with all my heart. I do not know what I will do without them because they are amazing and they do everything for me and my sister. —Isabela G. My mother, with iron boots and a golden lasso, is my personal superhero. She is my ultimate role model. Here’s why: When I’m sad, or I feel incompetent and stupid, she is the only one who is able to make me feel better. She supports me through everything. My mother is a Special Education Teacher and a Human Rights Activist. She is a good person, she is my main inspiration, my role model, my personal superhero. —Stella T. Michelle Obama is my superhero. She wants children to be healthy. She married a nice president named Barack Obama. Michelle Obama said people need to be nice to each other. —Asia My hero is my mom be- My superhero power is to make my team My hero is my dad cause she is a very influen- faster and stronger. If my team is stronger because he defends tial person and she helps and faster, they would enjoy sports more. me when my brother me make good decisions. I would teach them the fundamentals and fights with me. I feel My mom leads me to the encourage them to be better by cheering special that my dad right path so that I can be them on. Sports are fun and inspiring to takes special care successful. She is a good me and I want to share that with everyone of me because I am role model and I learn a else. Sports is a really great way of making the only girl. Thanks lot from just watching her. friends. Winning a game is the best feel- to my dad I learned ing. —Amelia P. to defend my My mom is also my friend . and she is a good person to If I had a superpower it would be the abil- brother from bullies ity to help people learn better. I would —Eva talk to when I need to get help them because it would help them at school. My dad likes to fix and build something off my chest. My to grow more on tests and have better mom inspires me because Grace chances of having a great career. Some things around the she shows me how by students fall behind on learning or have a house. For example, working hard and getting hard time understanding, so I would help he helped me build an education she is able to them to understand their weaknesses so a bird house. Thanks live a good life and is able they can build on top of it and get better to my dad I help my to provide for our family. at it. I would also help as many people as little brother fix his I would like to be like that possible to learn better. After I help the toys. That is why one day. This is why she is person they can also help as many people my dad is my hero. —Ashley as possible too. —Julieta L. my HERO! —Nicara J. —Anthony S.
My own personal superhero is my friend Russel. He’s always there when I need him. If I were a superhero my name would be Super Finny because I like that name. My super power would be the power to fly. Maybe I could fly somewhere without walking. I would use the power to fly to give others the power to fly. My superhero costume would look like blue with green stripes because I like it that way. Once upon a time Super Finny went to the magic lake and saw Grace something in it and he grabbed it and then he had the power to fly and he used them everywhere he went. The end. —Fintan O.
Bat Girl
A super hero is someone who does something extraordinary, above and beyond. Not just because they need to, but because they want to. I think people in the army give it their all every day to not only save 1 or 2 lives but millions upon millions of people that they don’t even know. So thank you to all of the people in the army who save my life and the person that sits next to me in class’s life. —Brendan M. Some heroes wear capes and have cool weapons, but my heroes wear headsets and record videos and post them on the internet. In dark times they are there to spread joy, in happy times bring upon more laughter, and after a long day bring relaxation and a feeling of being free—either to just watch or to play along, listen to music that lifts your soul from oblivion, and to cheer those up that aren’t as fortunate and may have a disability. There are stories to be told, games to be played, and friendships to be made. —Zoë K. If I was a superhero my name would be Friendship Girl. I chose this name because when I spray friendship on people it might stop wars. I would have pink sparkly friendship powers. When two people are fighting I spray it from my hands and it goes around them, bottom to top, then it goes down and disappears and poof, they are friends and they stop fighting. It will help people around me by having them not fight. The New Superhero In the city of Chicago there was a riot. Everyone was fighting. Except a girl named Isabelle. She went home and made a costume, experimented to get powers, and then drank the serum. She named herself “Friendship Girl.” She went to downtown Chicago and sprayed her friendship powers all over the city. All the people started hugging. “Thank you Friendship Girl!!” they said. “You are very welcome. And remember if you are fighting just yell for Friendship Girl!” —Isabelle V.
Jaiya S.
Jordyn R.
I’m a personal super doctor hero because I can take care of people from getting sick. I got a super doctor power: two flashlights, stethoscope, and a first aid kit. That way I can take care of sick people. It’s really easy to make them feel better. For good super powers, I can help the other nurses and take the sick people to the hospital. —Marilyn A-B
Joey C.
—Andrea K.
Christian the C Man My superpower is to read people’s mind. My superhero is my family because when I’m down they always know what to do to pick me back up. I love my family because no matter what, they’re always there for me when I have nothing. —Timothy M.
It’s not easy being a superhero In fact It’s HARD Because while you’re out there Saving the whole WORLD Who is going to save you? Nobody Those citizens need you But you need them more And they’ll never know That Sometimes the superhero Needs saving too. —Quinn L. If I had a super power that could help people in need by giving them food and a place to stay until they get on their feet. If I had a super power to fly, I would fly to India and free all of the girls that are in need of help. If I had a super power to help everyone that needed help I would do anything I can to use that power up till the last bit of energy I have then I would get back up and do it again. —Alicia A.
My Parents
Lily C.
My name would be Book Saver. When somebody needed a book I would get it. So they won’t be bored. I would have a cape with a book on it. —Leo V.
are my heroes. They are there when I need them or need help. They help me with my homework and help me when I fall. They will always be my best friends. That’s why my parents are my heroes! —Sophia K.
Christopher E.
—Caleb R. If I had a super power I would want to be invisible because people are doing crime and they can’t see me. So I will stop them. If a person robs a bank I can take the money from them, call the cops and have them in prison. Without them knowing anything about it or who called. How was the bag floating away from them? My superhero will be myself and I will wear a yellow suit. It’s a floating suit! —Ramon L. My superhero is my mom because she helped me become a superhero. And she didn’t need powers to do that. —Zakiah T. —Chan Y.
Every morning I patrol trying to spot trouble Oh, look there’s something wrong Terrion It appears there is a man holding an uzi amidst that pile of rubble I must investigate to see if he is weak or strong He hit me over and over again but I will keep fighting After this has ended I realize my sacrifice has gone unknown My brother Paolo is my hero because Crouched in a tight room eating a noodle pot no matter how much I’m mean to him When I am in here it seems that I seem to rot he always stands up for me. When a bomb goes off the rubble has fallen and broken my bone —Nicole S. And all the while my service was unknown Veterans My personal superhero is my mother —Tristan T. and my auntie because they are two independent women and they never need anyone to help them. —Erika H. —Marnata Spring 2016
Tyrone S.
The person who is my hero is Abraham Lincoln. He inspires me because he had the courage to stand up for what he thought was right and what he believed when he ended slavery. I aspire to maintain the highest level of character as he did. —Julio T.
. aT
Lauren M.
Not every hero wears a cape. My heroes sure don’t, but I love them just the same. I admire a lot of people, fictional and non-fictional, but I would have to say one of my all-time heroes is Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games series. I’ve loved her from page one and won’t stop admiring her. Archery is such a graceful sport, and seeing her shooting a bulls-eye Enid L. with ease has made me want to take it up. I —Akilah W. love seeing her as the Mockingjay—being the My superhero is my mom because she helps a lot of people, like taking care of my friends symbol of rebellion without even trying. Her or cousins. Her powers are caring about people. She is my superhero because she helps introverted attitude is oddly admirable, conme with my homework and when I need help taking something out of the toy room. sidering I too am introverted. Maybe that’s because people who are popular are often social, She is awesome at cooking. She is my superhero. —Keiry S. My friends are my personal superheroes. They are always but she led a rebellion and was a loner. —Maya R. trying to do the right thing, even when we sometimes find Her rebellious nature has taught me Name: Alice Glass If I were a superhero, I would want the power of being able to ourselves in tricky situations. We always listen to each oth- so much about standing up for what is Power: Telekinesis fly super fast & be super strong at times so I could help people er, and try our best to do our best. We’re a family, and we are right, even if you stand alone for a while. (can move things with her mind) Can in serious emergencies like if someone is falling off a building each a superhero in our own way. Like a superhero team. —Meredith P. make a force field, —Tatiana B. or if someone is about to perish I could save them. —Logan P. If I was a superhero my name would be Jack. I chose this name because it’s My hero is Jackie Robinson. I first learned about Jackie Robinson in 4th grade, mine and I am just a normal citizen and I chose it to be normal because it and she can hover. when we watched a movie called 42. Jackie Robinson inspires me because he shows anyone has the power to change the world even someone who just Side: Good showed me how racism did not bother him. He was also the first African American does his job and pays his taxes he can still help people and change the world I chose this hero to play in Major League Baseball (MLB). Another reason he inspires me is because for the better. It’s there inside you, you just have to find it. For example on 9/11 because I thought that she is someone he showed me that racism can’t hold me back. —Savion M. the plane was gonna hit another place but the people in the plane found their that could really My brother is my hero because he’s really nice to peo- My hero is my mom own superhero inside them and they saved a lot of lives. So if those normal help the world, and ple. He sticks up for us if someone is being mean to because she is caring people who were just trying to fly somewhere found their superhero inside I just always wished them you can too! —Jack S. us. He inspires me by playing basketball and I follow and wants to take care that I could have the My hero is my doctor. He cured me in his footsteps. I go to all his basketball games be- of others. My mom is T.S. power of telekinesis when I was ill. He explained to me cause I can learn by watching him play. —Ricardo B. also very smart and to do things. why I was sick. He was really kind My superhero is my mom because she is there for me when I need her, inspires me because I Santi to me. He asked me how I was feeland also when I need her when I’m sick she doesn’t go to work, every want to go to school ing. He gave me apple juice and time I fall she is there for me. She cooks for me every day. She helps me like she did. Finally medications. —Britney with my homework sometimes. My mom always gives me a kiss after I my mom is funny and go to bed. That’s why my mom is my superhero. Thanks Mom! this helps me make My powers are to fly and see my enemies and tell my Super Mom. others happy. Her powers are to hit enemies with her big hair. —Melany R. —Christopher
Spring 2016
An n
Olivia G. There once was a boy who had no family or home. His name was Eric. Eric was always quite sad whenever he saw other people have happy families. So Eric made a promise to himself to never let anyone have no family or home. Ever since Eric made this promise he had made 200 homeless people like him have homes and families, and he felt so happy doing it. Every night Eric always gazed up at the stars and wished that he could find someone who would take him into their arms. One day Eric found this little girl who was lost in the middle of the woods. Her name was Sarah. Eric tried to help Sarah get back to her village. It took days, weeks even to find the village that Sarah lived in. Once they found the house Sarah lived in Sarah’s parents were so happy. So the parents then decided to take Eric in for their own and Eric was so happy. The parents then told the whole entire village that Eric was a savior and then built a statue of him in the center of the village and then he became Super Eric. He still saves homeless people today and his family helps him too even though he has a home now. And he lived happily ever after. The End —Natalie Y.
I think a superhero can be anybody because everyone can do what’s right and be a superhero to whoever you did the right thing to. —Sam L.
Some people eat, some people don’t, and I feel bad for those people that don’t have a roof to live under. That’s why if I had superpowers I would like to grow trees made out of money for the ones in need. This would change the whole world. Everyone would probably have nice homes and families and they would not suffer anymore. No one would live in the streets and damaged places. Kids could finally have a good education. I would fly around and throw seeds when I see poor people. I would also have mind control powers to tell normal people to not grab the money. It’s only for the ones who actually need it. I would fight my greatest enemy—”Greediness.” Some people might take it but I will fight it with my mind control power. My name is “The Cash Giver.” —Alexis C.
—Aaron W.
—Kaylah H.
Maryangel R.
Super Mom is one of my superheroes because she makes the best food ever, buys the best clothes, and strongly loves me. Her power is to cook the best. Super Dad is my other superhero because he takes me to school, comes on fieldtrips with me, and also strongly loves me too. His power is to come on fieldtrips. Super Mom and Super Dad: If they’re both together, they make the best team! That’s why Super Mom and Super Dad are both my superheroes.
Jessica V.
—Aaliyah G. My teacher is my favorite hero. She’s smart and that’s the best power in school. —Lucas H.
—Vivian K. If I was a superhero, I would come if someone needs help If I was a superhero, I’d come when I hear a yelp
I don’t need a cape to be a superhero If I could choose a super power it would be flying Because not all superheroes have powers, power. If I could fly I would help people who fall from Police, Firefighters, and Doctors I’m a superhero because I help buildings and I will “whoosh” to catch them and save They work all hours others. I am kind. I’m helpful. I their lives. I would also catch buildings from falling. —Maia H. have lots of friends. I enjoy being Hurray for me! —Galilea G. with all my teachers and friends. My personal superhero is my mom because she has to face her fears every day. She takes care of I hope next year I get to be with me and my brother every single day, no matter what. She deals with grief when we can’t. She tries her —Tyson T. all my friends. —Sophie H. absolute best to help us when we can’t escape from our sadness. Even though my father passed away, My super hero name is Sugar because I get rid of bad she still gives us a smile when we need it or cries with us when we need that. How does she do it? I guys by giving them candy. My costume would be have absolutely no idea. She is stronger than any superhero I’ve ever heard of. (And I’m pretty sure made out of candy and I would have cool gadgets she has x-ray vision too!) —Penelope R. that shoot candy. My power would be that I would If I were a superhero my superpower would be teleportation. Teleportation would make my life so much think of a candy and then it will appear. —Ella B. easier. My mom tells me almost every day to get her a soda from the corner store across the street. I wish I My mom is my superhero because she adopted me. could just get there quickly instead of waiting for the cars to slow down and stop so I could cross. She makes good food, she pays for everything. She I would always teleport from place to place if I had teleportation as my superpower. I would teleport makes it possible for me to get what I want. She sends from home to school so I would never be late for school and always be early. —Annisa G. me to a good school. We get to travel a lot. —Mary K. My mom is my hero because she does a lot of things for me and My personal superhero is my sister. My My superheroes are my mother and grandmother. my family. She cooks, cleans, and when she needs to she works sister is my best friend and I don’t know They always had my back. When I needed something extra hours at work to provide for us. She also helps us with our what I would do without her. I can talk that my mom couldn’t get, grandma was always at my homework. She is so fun and loving and is also very determined. to her about anything and she’s always rescue. They are wonderful women who inspire me to She is most importantly selfless. She doesn’t seek attention. She there for me. We do everything together be a better person. —Kayla K. does not want things to be given to her she wants to earn them. and she always wants to include me in My personal superheroes would be my mom and In conclusion she inspires me to be the best person I can be. what she’s doing even when it’s with her dad because they help me a lot with stuff like home“totally cool” friends. She’s in college right When I grow up I hope to be just like her. —Mya A. work and getting to school on time. They also give now and it’s weird without her here. I miss me shelter and food to eat. Also they take me places My personal hero is my cousin because she always looks out her and she misses me. I wish I had her to I have never been to like the Lego Convention and my for us and makes us feel good. I am going to be the hero next watch movies with at 1 am. To pick me up first wedding. They provide things for me like food, and I will be Big Hero 6. I have powers and if there are prob- from school and take me out to dinner. To coats for winter, shoes, clothes, a bed, a kindle, and lems I can fix them. —Kaylinn go shopping with and have sleepovers other things. I also love my mom and dad very much. If I was a superhero I save everyone with. But, I know when she comes back, I’ll —Jack J. who was good and nice. —Audrey if you look around you’ll see be able to do all that again. So go tell your that a superhero could be families you love them and appreciate eva little girl, or even a squirrel or maybe the guy drinking tea ery second you have with them and don’t take them for granted. —Anonymous if we opened our eyes, I think that the firefighters of 9/11 are all and actually tried supperheroes because they risked their just one deed lives for hundreds of people and helped is all we would need people from their injuries. —Milan S. to rid the world of lies —Sharlyn C. —Maria D.
—Lilly W.
The Talker My superhero is The Talker. I chose The Talker because I am a big talker. Superpowers I can go invisible • I can block attacks by talking • I attack by talking. —Patrick O. If I had a super power it would be supersmart so that way I can make all types of inventions to give me other types of abilities to help or solve the problem. If there were someone ever tied up to a railroad track, I would use super speed to zoom my way to the train and untie the person to save them. My superhero name would be Captain Quick-Witt. —Tomas R.
My superheroes are my family and friends. Just when I begin to fall my superheroes lift me up. They stay near me in my heart. I stay by their side until all danger is gone. They hold me in their arms and don’t let me fall. All my superheroes put me in their heart. —Laelia
you don’t need powers or to fly above towers to make someone’s day because you are a hero in your own special way and that is okay —Georgia P.
To me superheroes aren’t just people who save the day, a superhero is someone who either does anything to help, or they would do anything to make something happen. I don’t have a favorite superhero because there are so many people I know that do heroic stuff. —Bradley P. Spring 2016
One of my superheroes is my dad. He is my superhero because even though he travels a lot, when he’s home he makes the time up. I play with him, hang out with him. It’s really fun. He is the best superhero in the world. —Leo S. My superheroes are my friends and family. Why people might ask? The main reason is that they love me and are always making sure I am OK. I think that they are my superheroes because they think I am a wonderful person! They say I am polite and really funny too! They are always looking out for me and if I would get hurt, they would always be behind my back all the time. My superheroes are funny, nice, generous, and the most important part: loving! —Emre E. The person that is my superhero are the people in the army because they fight the people that are bad. They are helpful people. They save the world because they want them and us to be safe. They don’t want bad people in the world. They want us to live in a better life instead of a bad life. The superhero is my uncle. If I were a superhero like my uncle I would save the world also. I will fight for my family and the world to be safe. —Jaymaris C.
Sophia I.
My hero is J.K. Rowling. I read the Harry Potter series with my mom when I was eight, and they definitely made a lasting impression. They are some of my favorites and I have always wanted to be an author, so I like to use her work as an example. Whenever I write a story, I want it to be as good as hers. J.K. Rowling is my hero. —Maddie F. My superhero is my dad because he killed a cockroach because I was screaming. I was scared of it. He helps me, too, with homework. So he is a superhero helper to me! He is a good superhero. So that way he is a great dad. That’s my superhero! —Laila
—Ximena M.
If I was a superhero, my name would be the Invisibility Girl. My powers would be invisibility and moving things with my mind. I would help citizens and save the day! I would stop the bad boys and girls and save the innocent people. —Jermyia
For me I feel like my mom is a true superhero because she does a lot of things for me that I didn’t notice till now. She makes me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She even washes and folds my laundry, which I should be doing myself now that I’m old enough. —Emily S.
My personal superhero would have to be my dad because he is teaching me a lot about life. He was born in a really bad community, he has seen things that kids shouldn’t see. He is sometimes mean and sometimes he can be unfair but he is just trying to make me a good man in life, future. Honestly I am not the best son to him. He is a sheriff. He works with murderers, and he works with a lot of bad people, he sees a lot of stuff in the jail that humans aren’t supposed to see. So when he gets home he is different with me and my mom but I am very proud of him because he is very caring for others and he is going to help me learn a lot about life. Thank you, Dad. —Gianni D. Spring 2016
My hero is my mom. She has protected me and brought me up with skills that I can use for the rest of my life. If she hadn’t gotten me from China then I wouldn’t be here doing what I’m doing. I wouldn’t have the friends or teachers that I have. I can’t even say in words how thankful I am of her. —Isabel B. —Henry
My hero is my mom because she works hard to keep me in tutoring. She also tries to put my siblings and me in activities. My mom inspires me because she went back to school to learn even more and to have a great career. —Ariel A.
My mom is my super hero because when I need help on homework she always helps me. She drives me to places and makes sure I’m not late to things too. When I forget something for school she brings it. When I’m sick she takes care of me. My mom is my super hero. —Sally G.
—Lucca M.
I think my dad is smart. Also he is helpful to people who need help. I think he is nice and strong. My dad also listens to people. My dad gets enough sleep too. He is good for my superhero. —LeuAnthony C.
If I were a super hero my super powers would be shape shift. If I could shape shift and a plane was about to crash I would turn into a big marshmallow mat and save everyone in the plane, or if there was a flood I could turn into a big wall that could block all the water. I would want that super power because you can help and do so many different things. —Leslie S.
My stepmom, Jen, is a superhero to me. She is very nice and kind. She follows the rules and does the right thing. Just like my very own made-up superhero, Blazing Lazer. —Evan A. —Ivy R.
One day my family and I went to the beach. The waves were very big that day so I could not go into the water without an adult. I went in with my mom, it was so deep it just barely covered my neck! I was really brave so my mom and I went deeper. I started to drift away from my mom, I yelled for my mom! She was trying to swim closer, but she was drifting away too! My dad noticed that we were drifting away so he ran into the water! He got my mom and me and he saved the day! My dad was a superhero that day cause he saved my mom and me! —Emily B.
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My superheroes are my mom, dad, my family and teachers, because they support me and my parents take very good care of me and raising me to be a nice young woman. My family is the same. That is why they are my superheroes. —Pilar J.
My own personal hero is my dad before he passed away. He left me money and always played with me. My superhero name will have to be a mix with Deadpool and Batman so I’m going with Deadman because these are my favorite superheroes. —Eric E. If I was a superhero, my name would be Girlflash. I would have special powers, have a super outfit and use my power for good. Being a superhero would help me save the world! I have the power to run fast. I have the power to run around the world super fast. I can take people all the way to jail. I can build things super fast. I can clean my room super fast. —Raquel
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I want my name to be Black Panther because it stands for Dark and I only come out at night. I can see in the dark so I won’t bump into stuff. I can have quiet feet so they won’t hear me coming. Most crimes happen at night. It is easier for bad guys to hide in the dark or sneak up on people who are sleeping. With my powers I can keep people safe at night. I want to keep people safe so they can go to sleeping and not worry. —Eamon My dad is my hero and let me tell you why. I watched my dad help other adults get their insurance from the back of the office. He is an important person to me. He is a superhero to me. He is a veteran and was part of the Air Force and he went to the war three times in special operations. He now helps people with their financial future. He is a State Farm agent and helps people get insurance. He is also very thoughtful in engaging us in after school activities. He takes us on adventures around the United States. He taught us a lot of good skills from doing crossfit, benefiting in fitness, bow shooting, riding skateboards, and shooting guns to survival skills, rock climbing, cooking, and camping. He helps me with my homework when I struggle, even if he has to call his friend who is a math teacher to help and gets healthy and delicious food for us. My dad is a superhero to me because he has an important role in my life and others too. —Ashley K. My name is Superhero Noliani. One of my favorite activities is having fun, dancing and making crafts. When I’m working as a superhero I help the world to become a better place. Because I am able to read minds, I know when I am needed to care for those who are sick. I provide medication and take people to the doctor when they need to go. —Noliani
—Kenyon W. If I were a superhero my name would be Lifesaver because I will be saving people’s lives and helping them. I will use my powers wisely because I might run out of them. —Dejanae B. My personal superhero is my sister Jamie because she has always been there for me. My superhero name would be Seven because when I was seven I decided that I wanted to help people when I got older. My powers would be shadow control and I would use it to help by sending my shadow out to go do tasks for me. I would use my shadows to stop criminals. —Faith R. If I had a super power I would choose to think of a food and it would pop into my hands. This would help me and all the people around me because they would not have to pay for food and get what they want. Also I would help the hungry get food. That is my dream super power and why I want it. —Autumn R. My superpower will be ice. To be able to touch things that freeze. I will use my superpower to help firefighters put out fires. My superpower can stop situations with major water floods. For fun, my superpower can easily create ice rinks where families can ice skate for free. —Xiomara N. My dad is a hero because he is always there for me. He never gives up. I trust him with everything and he trusts me too. My dad inspires me because I want to be like him. And my reading buddy Steven who helps and reads with me. —Alex V. For me the superhero in my life is my mom, because first of all she was the one who gave birth to me. She also works for 16 hours in 2 days just to get what we want and sometimes even more, she wakes up early to make sure we’re ready to go, she walks with us to school to make sure we are safe when we arrive to school. — Lex R.D. I would like the power to bend time at my will (stop time, fast forward, and rewind). This can make my life easier by enabling me to do nothing but relax all day, and wait till the latest to do my homework. I can freeze time and complete all of my work, but that is not the only benefit to bending time at my will. I can save lives by stopping criminals before they commit a crime by going backwards in time and alerting the authorities beforehand, and I can even go back to my best moments in life and relive them. —Christopher M. If I were a super hero my costume would be black and orange. I would be a shape shifter, and I would use my powers to save people and have fun. My super hero name would be Morph Man. —Noah S.
Harold Washington Literary Award Thursday, June 9, 2016 Union League Club - 65 W. Jackson Blvd.
Honoring esteemed author:
Marilynne Robinson
The Harold Washington Literary Award (HWLA) Dinner is the annual fundraising event of the Near South Planning Board. The dinner celebrates the recipient of the HWLA & raises funds for the organization’s year-round Authors in the Schools educational out reach program for children. For more information please visit