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756 N. Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, IL 60642 (312) 243-9088 Tues. – Sat. 11am-6pm Thurs. until 7:30pm Sun. 12-5pm Publisher Rachel Switall Magazine Group, NFP President Rachel Switall Rachel Switall Editor, Art Director, Advertising Director, Director of Marketing Bonita Sanchez-Carlson President & Executive Director Near South Planning Board 312-987-1980 Printer Topweb, LLC 5450 N. Northwest Hwy. Chicago, IL 60630 773.975.0400
Dear Readers, I hope you all had a wonderful summer! I enjoyed reading about everyone’s plans and how excited you all were for summer. I hope you’re just as excited to be back at school! The cover for this issue is a collage made up of arwork by students who took part in the Intuit summer internship program. Intuit is one of the premier museums in the world dedicated to presenting outsider art—works from artists who demonstrate little influence from the mainstream art world and who instead are motivated by their unique personal visions. The internship program for teens focuses on building selfconfidence and leadership as the interns learn about outsider artists and use the museum’s collection to design and implement a teen creativity outreach program, which they present to other youth in the city. This summer, the IntuiTeens facilitated free art-making workshops for youth at 12 Chicago Public Library Teen Services YOUmedia branches throughout Chicago. The program encourages teens to creatively express themselves and to use the stories of outsider artists as a catalyst for discussions about social issues concerning teens, their communities and world culture. You can find more information at Thank you IntuiTeens for contributing your summer-inspired artwork to our StudentsXpress cover! I hope everyone enjoys the issue.
It’s back to school time and time for another great issue of StudentsXpress. Hope you all enjoy this month’s issue of Summer Fun. We’re gearing up for another great year of our Authors In The Schools program for our 3rd graders. There’s still time to meet & greet with some of our Authors at the next Field Market Days on September 23 and October 14, 2 to 6 p.m. on the campus of the Field Museum—free program! For more info, call 312-987-1980. Bonnie Near South Planning Board
Our next issue will focus on inventions. Please see page 9 for the invention prompts.
Thank you to the sXp patrons! Cover by IntuiTeens, Intuit summer interns
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While showcasing art and writing from students in Chicago Public Schools, StudentsXpress aims to promote creativity and literacy, encourage alternative expressions, create positive self esteem and open discussions.
This summer I’m going to go visit London. I go there every summer because I used to live there. I’m probably going to go to the beach at least one time every week. I really want to go to my tennis camp over the summer. I’m also going to continue softball over the summer. My friend Tucker lives across the street from me, so I will most probably see him a lot over the summer. In London I will see my friends, visit cool monuments, and eat tons of ice cream! —Sahar K.
Akayla W.
This summer I am going to learn to ride my bike without training wheels and my dad is going to help me learn to. This summer I’m going to Europe, France and Germany. In France I’ll eat soft but crunchy croissants. I’ll go to the wedding. The wedding is the reason I’m going. Then I’ll come back, sleep in the morning. In the afternoon for the only week I’m not busy I’m going to do a dance intensive. Then I have camp for a whole month without my parents. YES! Then I’ll come back crying because I’m one of the only kids in my cabin that lives in the city. Then go to the same camp to go to family camp. Climb, play, have fun. Netflix ‘n chill for the rest of the summer. zzzz..... —Carly A. I love football, basketball, swimming and riding a bike, and playing 2K17 and 2K15, and going to the Kroc Center. —Zion W. I remember one of my memories when I was about 5 years old in summer. I was wearing a dress and I was playing on some rocks with my friend and then I slipped and cut my whole knee open. And then they picked me up and rocks got stuck in my knees. It was so painful! And I was crying the whole day. When I grew up the rocks are now in my knees. —Araceli C.-E.
Jayden S.
When it is summer in Chicago I think of me playing soccer outside on a beautiful day or playing on my iPad waiting for my mom to call me to breakfast. —Leo V. In summer I’m going to Europe and I’m seeing the Eiffel Tower, the Anne Frank House and we’re also going on a boat tour. I’m also going to the Big Ben and a castle. We’re also seeing where my grandpa grew up. —Ryan Y.
Jashawn F.
I am going to Oregon! I am going to have fun with my grandparents. They are going to be very excited!!! I am going to go on an airplane, not a car. —Zane T. What I love most about summer is the hot weather. The ice cream trucks. The parks. And going to Chicken and Waffles. Playing with my brother and sleeping in. —Justin H. My favorite memory is getting kicked out of Sky Zone and this is how. In the summer they have extra hours and I was there for so long that I almost got kicked out because I only paid for one hour and I stayed for the whole day and I climbed a pole and back-flipped off it then I took my tramp skate board and did a kick-flip and then I got kicked out. —Dylan R.
Houses on the Hills
During my summer I like to go to my uncle’s house in Wisconsin and see my other family there, but when I’m not in Wisconsin I’m here in Chicago going to the summer camp by the Lincoln Park Cultural Center across from the zoo. Summer is really fun and I love the short little break from school. Sometimes summer is boring cuz I miss my friends and I don’t really get to see them. But overall summer is super fun. —Grace Y.
Ashia S. Over the summer, I am excited for many things. For example, a trip to Florida, and two trips to Minnesota to my grandparents’ cabin. Those are very exciting, but there is something way more fun than that for me every summer. I bet you’re thinking, what could be better than Florida? Well let me tell you. Camp Kesem is my favorite place to go during the summer. It is very special to me and holds a huge place in my heart. It is a magical place for kids whose parents have cancer. In my case, it was my mom. She died about three years ago from stage three cervical cancer. At camp, we forget about all of these stressful events happening and just have fun. We have camp names, too. I’m Ocean, and I go to the Camp Kesem University of Wisconsin-Madison camp. Camp Kesem is all over the country for kids just like me. I look forward to it every year. I have been going since I was eight years old, so this year is my fourth. I will never forget this place, and I would recommend it to everyone. —Hannah H. What I am doing this summer is going to Canada with some of my friends to go to a two-week sleepover camp. At the camp we will go swimming, hiking, kayaking, and canoeing. Last time I went to a camp we went mushroom picking! We were looking for fairy rings to photograph for the camp memory book, none to eat though. My friend Esha and I found one, it was a red toadstool and was very pretty. One time me and my friends were swimming around and an otter came and swam with us, it was so amazing! That is what I was doing this summer. —Ava R. Over the summer I am going to a lake in Pennsylvania. The camp is on Fiddle Lake. There are banana boats and water slides and climbing walls, speed boats and tubing. —Ainsley C.
I love summer because we have no school. No school means sleep-away camp! I love sleep-away camp with my friends from all over America and it is living with your friends for a month. You get to water ski, go tubing, and horseback riding and many more activities. At sleep-away camp you make memories that last forever. Also camp friends are the best type of friends! —Sally G. My plans for this summer are to go to Puerto Rico and spend time with my family. I live here and my family lives in Puerto Rico. One week with Grandpa and Grandma, two weeks with my aunts and uncles, One month with Dad and my sister, one more week with Grandpa and Grandma and then come back here and have a sleepover and done. —Yanik I believe that summer is full of joy and suffering. The joy is that there’s no school! The suffering is that your parents make you go outside in the hot weather very frequently. The joy is that you get to see your friends! The suffering is when they’re at camp. Speaking of camp, the joy of summer is that there are camps. The suffering is when none of your friends go to that camp. So, I would say I have a split opinion about summer. —Durham S. school, no n’t have to go to Summer you do teachers. a.m., no kids, no Liam getting up at 7:00 th t bu e only er ev g in th st I mean it’s the be you will be t last long soon thing is it doesn’ a.m. ht back up at 7:00 d the right at school rig an ds deal with the ki er! then you have to ev g in th st it’s the wor teachers. I mean —Kamara M.
My plan for the summer break is going to visit my nana from Texas and Virginia and going on a cruise.
What I love most about summer is no school and waking up late instead of waking up at 7:00. I love the weather. I love having fun outside and going to water parks. Summer is when I go out of town for vacation and have fun. I love to go outside with my friends and play. And going to the beach with my family having fun in the water. —T. R.
One thing I love most about summer is going to my uncle’s house on the lake. One thing I like doing there is water skiing. Also my uncle has a boat, so me and my family all get on the boat and my uncle drives it to the middle of the lake and then we all go swimming in the lake. And when we come back my other uncle makes some lime drink that is really good! —Lucas R.
I plan on going to my family camp and going to my dance camp. I bet it is going to be fun! I will be so tired when I’m finished. —Diamond S.
I was playing baseball! This year we are going to win!
Fall 2017
My summer plans are to go to Mexico. I go every summer to see my family. I always have loads of fun playing with my friends, hanging out with my family. I think my favorite part about going to Mexico is getting to do stuff you can’t do in the city, like riding horses, going hiking, or going to a water park (because there’s not a lot of those in the city). But if you’re going to stay in Chicago for the summer there’s also loads of fun things to do. One is go to the Buckingham Fountain, it is so big and beautiful. You should also go to the Bean. —Sabina G.
Savannah J.
I remember going to the beach with a sand box, sunscreen, my beach suit, bath towel, umbrella and beach ball. Summer—I have many different plans. I work with the CSO (Chicago Symphony Orchestra) and I will be performing there twice this summer. I also plan on having lots of ice cream because it’s delicious and I love bubblegum ice cream. Summer could be a little cooler on one hand, but it’s better than winter. My family plans to go to France and New Orleans too. So I’m very EXCITED!!! —Emory P.
I cannot wait for summer because I love the hot weather. And going swimming with family and friends is one of the things I absolutely enjoy the most. We also go on family vacation trips. Personally I am pleased to go to Florida and California. In Florida we visit my grandma and grandpa. They love to spoil me A LOT!!! One thing that keeps me cool in the summer is delicious ice cream. My favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip. Anyway I can’t wait till summer. —Claire L.
My plan for the summer is I am going to Key Lime Cove. My dad said I can invite one friend. He said it’s going to take 45 minutes to drive. And we’re moving to a house. We’re trying to live near Hamilton because that’s the school I go to. And Jones because my brother is in High School. Plus, I’m getting a dog! A golden retriever puppy. Second to last thing I am going to Dave & Busters for my friend’s birthday party! One more thing I am having 5 sleepovers with family and friends. —Desmond O. One of my favorite summer memories was a day a couple years ago. Me and my two friends were at a pool. We loved playing there all summer. It had been where we met, and now we are best friends. That day, we had decided to explore. The pool had been renovated just a few years back. There were new locker rooms, a different slide, and a fountain. The old locker rooms were hardly touched, and now used as storage. Our trio crept down into a dank, dark basement-like locker room. There was dust, drawers, and spiderwebs everywhere. We then came upon what we had been searching for. Tennis balls. We then drew faces with sharpies and tried to juggle. — Georgia P. Leah N. I am having fun with my cousins and playing chicken fights— girls on girls, boys on boys! My cousins’ mom is chillin’ on the side.
This is Girl Scout camp! I am going here in the summer with my friend Grace!
Teagan C.R. I love going to sleep-away camp during summer. During camp we get to live with all of our friends for a month. We get to roast marshmallows and make s’mores. We get to pick our activity that we do during the day. Every day we go swimming which is very refreshing. All of the meals are cooked right at camp. Every Friday we have Shabbat. On Shabbat our schedule is different. We go to Shabbat in the park, which is activities on the field. Later that day, we go to services at the amphitheater. On Saturday, the SITs, Staff In Training, make/set all the meals for the day. —Brooke A. I am going to Michigan to visit my gramma and grampa. —Foster V. Fall 2017
take a road trip My plan for summer is to h my mom. wit . D.C , to Washington —Henry
bles us to have The summer in Chicago ena we don’t have fun. Since in the summer, what we want to much to do, we can arrange r feet. Listen to you on ss do. Feel the wet gra pool. A memory the water splashing in the from summer. I from summer, a memory ch and having mu so feel like everyone has rnight camp ove is e Min d. to pick one is har July at camp was fireworks on the Fourth of ng. BOOM. Feel cki amazing, the fireworks cra laying down, ss gra the on your ticklish back . —Harrison S. looking up at the fireworks
My plan for the summer is to go to different states and explore how they do things different. Also my plan for the summer is to have a good time for my birthday, spend a lot of time with my family and friends. I also want to go to Disney Land because I heard it was a fun place to go for the summer. —Shumerie J.
My favorite thing in the summer is the grass is like a warm blanket. In the summer I like to play games with my dad. —Max
Toree I will play soccer and I will go to Ohio for 4th of July! Then I will have a 3 way birthday with a game truck. Gabriel M.
I am going to ride my bike in the summer without my training wheels. I’m doing it. Summer is so much fun So much fun for every one I go to sleep-away ca mp Where there is little electricity or a lamp I hate when summer ends But when we go to sch ool we see our friend s. —Alexis G.
Chicago is hot and sunny during summer, mostly sunny. In summer, you will probably go to the beach in Chicago in summer. —Khamari C. Kaylah H.
olm G. alc
I’m going to play basketball with my dad and going on an ATV. It’s going to be fun and I’m going dirt biking.
This summer I’m going to be spending time with my family at water parks, beaches and such more fun activities.
One of my favorite summer memories is spending time with our friends from Canada, Grace and Marshall. They are the great niece and nephew of our neighbors at our lake house. They and their grandma come to our neighbors in Michigan’s lake house every year to celebrate the Fourth of July. It is kind of funny that they celebrate Independence Day in the U.S., because they’re Canadian! Visiting them has become a tradition. We have even become pen pals. I can’t wait for our visit this year! —Meghan H. Khalid O .
I am doing horseback riding camp with my cousin and I am so excited! —Ramona Y.
Last summer we went to an island called the Cayman Island. We love going to the beach. —Alexa N.
With a cold drink and a sunny beach chair There’s no possible way you could care, About homework or school, So go swim in a pool, Because congrats, it’s summer out there! —Nuala M.
This summer I’m going to sleep-away camp. I LOVE sleep-away camp because I get a chance to explore and be free. There is never a time at camp where I have been bored because there is always something to do. The staff and everyone who helps make camp great is amazing. I can’t wait to go have fun in the sun with all my friends. —Maya R.
This is me 10 years from now. I will be 23. I will go to the Caribbean Island and lay on the beach with my family. I would wear a dress swim suit. I will have one kid and a nice house. I will have the best summer ever.
d for I am so excite e This summer se ly !! I will final m this summer o m y m fter that my dad!!!!! A !!! s! ag Fl x to Si will take me me!!!! be so aweso to g in o g It’s . —Sophia C
Jessica V. Summer is a time of light. With the sun shining, and the colorful fireworks in the night. S’mores and bonfires make it the best it can be, but traveling has the best sights you can see. —Lily S. This summer I’m going to stay in my home an d play the PS4 all day. —Tyson T.
In the summertime the weather is hot, And I spend a lot of time in the parking lot. I spend time with my friends hoping these moments would never end. When I go for a swim, I jump off the rim. Summer is great, The ice cream should not wait. Summer is fun, I experience lots of sun. The wait is long, but it is worth a song. So Summer is here, Now don’t miss it this year! —Isabel S.
My favorite summer memory was when I surfed with my friend.
My plans for the summer are to go to the beach and play football on the beach with my family. My favorite summer memory is when my family went to New York City. What I love most about summer is that I have no school and I can come home at 12:00. —Danny S.
I’m thinking of going to the beach and having fun with my friends and getting splashed by water. Also, I will laugh with my friends against these two people competing.
Anitra J.
This summer I am going to Europe! This is my first ever time going to Europe, and I am very excited. I will be going to London, United Kingdom and Paris, France. I will be going with my family, and we will be there for ten days. Afterward, my dad and I will go to Beijing, China, for another month. So, this summer I know that I will have a lot of fun spending time with my family, and having amazing experiences. —Natalie Y. When I think of Chicago in the summer I think of Buckingham Fountain. My family goes there when we visit Millennium Park. We walk over and rest because we have been walking all day. I like to go up close and look at the carvings on the fountains. I like to go to Millennium Park. —Mason H.
What I like best about the summer is that I just like waking up without school and I like ringing my neighbors’ doorbell and playing with them for the whole day. I like going to 7-Eleven and getting Slurpees. I also like going to the park and the pool and having sleepovers with them. I like it when we play outside and the grass is warm and everything is so colorful. Lastly, I like it at night when we are outside and we catch fireflies and go on the hammock and watch the stars. —Ruby F.
o Ta
A couple of things I LOVE most about summer are all the flowers and birds and how all the animals that hibernate come out again. I love how the weather is so warm and you can go to the pool and beach again. I also like how you can wear shorts again and you don’t need a coat. Since summer is such nice weather (usually) me and my family travel to such places like Wisconsin and others. Sometimes we’ll go downtown to do something or go to a museum. And when it’s a hot day in summer we go to Lincolnwood Pool. Summer brings me joy in every way. It’s just so warm and peaceful and the breeze is wonderful. It’s also the time you can get popsicles and ice cream. —Ciara M. Going to the beach with my mom, dad and my cousin and my new cousin. And do not forget the fun and have a party! And swimming and bring your friends and bring the beach ball and have fun with it. —Jonathan B. This summer I am going to Michigan and I swim and go to the arcade there, mini golf, bumper boats, go go-carting, and climb up sand dunes. In the summer I also love to hang out with my friends and also go paddle-boarding, and at night we sit by the campfire, roast marshmallows and watch the beautiful sunset. Those are my plans for summer. —Josie S. My plans for the summer for three weeks I am going to Steve & Kate’s camp, for another two weeks I’m going to overnight camp, and for another three weeks I’m going to coding camp and for another two weeks I’m staying home. —Patrick K.
Aniya C.
Jerrell F.
Summer is like another day, but the sun is trying to melt us. Faall 2017
Amarion T.
I love summer because of the beaches. I love how the sand feels when you are laying on a blanket watching your little brother play in the waves. I love the food how a hot dog tastes right after you just took an afternoon nap. I love summer. —Jack S.
This summer I am going to have the best birthday ever. I will have a sleepover and I get to pick someone. I might even get to go to a Cubs game and they can come with me. We are also going to Vancouver to see our family. We have really nice uncles and cousins. We might go fishing and on a boat ride in the ocean or lake. We might go to my mom’s work in Vancouver. We might meet new people. —Tru C.
My plan for the summer is to travel to Tennessee to visit my auntie. My favorite summer memory is when we had shot fireworks on the 4th of July. I love that we get a break off from school and the hot weather. —Tyrell G.
Hawaii There are so many things to do You can play in the water too Hawaii is a place of adventure Sometimes I just want to venture My parents say no And then I just know I’ll always remember Sometime in September The fun I had in Hawaii —Evi V.
My plans for summer are going to Kentucky to see my dad but I want it to be the right temperature to go there so I can go to the Guest Playground. —Talia R.
What I love most about summer is the fact that we do not have to worry about school work that we have to finish at a certain time. I also love that we have a lot of free time and we get to relax. I usually get to go out of state during summer which is really exciting! —Amelie L. I’m going to England this summer. My dad is from England so we get to meet my cousin. We also get to see where the Harry Potter series was written. I’m so excited! —Claire G.
I love summer because it is warm you can sit out on the porch and drink lemonade. Eat watermelon by the pool. Have long walks outside with your family to go get ice cream, swim in the nice cold pool with the 90 degree weather. Go on family vacations to a beautiful resort in Mexico. You spend time outside in a swim suit because it is so warm outside you won’t be able to handle even wearing a tank top and shorts. You won’t want to go outside in the day because it is so hot but at night it is the perfect temperature. —Ariah R. What makes me think of Chicago in the SUMMER is the beach. I love to go to the beach because I get to go with my FAMILY and they always make it FUN! My dad, my little and big brother and I always look for sea glass, cool rocks, and seashells to collect. (I always get the most) Then we always go to HOT G. DOGS after. —Sophie H.
lle H. n
My plans for the summer are going to Six Flags Great America and we are getting on the new Joker roller coaster.
I like climbing at camp and making it to the top.
This summer, I am doing a lot of things. The day after we get out of school, I am going to see Hamilton the musical. Next, I am going to camp for 3 weeks at HI-Five sports camp at Whitney Young High School. After that, I am going to Beber sleep-away camp in Wisconsin for 4 weeks. Finally, when I return from camp, I will have about 3 weeks to hang out here in Chicago until school starts again. —Zachary S. I am going to Moscow, Russia for a mon th. On August 7 I will go to an elite camp in Crimea, Ukraine. The camp is called Artek and every day there are tons of activities. Every cabin will choose a country and have a government. My frien d Timmy is going with me. It is an international camp. It is on the shore of the Black Sea. It is 80,000 square feet. —Gabriel K. n I love the summer. The summer is a seaso and ther toge get when me and my family fun have pool parties and barbeques. We have feed we s time some and fly birds the hing watc sun is them. When we get in the pool and the D. a quoy —Se . creen out we wear suns
What I love most about summer is going on the 606. Me and my friend Zoe go on the 606 every summer. We bike, scooter, roller skate and skate board. We also go and get Miko’s Italian Ice. It is always so good and smells awesome. That is what I love most about summer. —Lily A.
This summer, I am going to be very busy. On June 25, 5 days after school ends, I am going to a sleep-away camp called Walden in Cheboygan, Michigan for 1 month. This will be my fourth year going, so I am pretty familiar there. When I get back from Walden, I am doing a camp called Bill’s Whiffle Ball Camp that is 1 week. It is a really fun camp, and I have many friends that go there. After Whiffle Ball, I go to Israel! My family and I are traveling to Israel in August for 11 days, then go to London for 3 days. We have a lot of family in Israel, so it will be fun to see them. We are going to London because my sister’s best friend, Emma, moved to London last year and she used to go to our school. My sister is so excited to see her, and it’s going to be an awesome trip! I can’t wait for summer and am so excited and ready to experience awesomeness! — Zach I. Fall 2017
This summer I am trying to teach my cat (Coco) how to walk with a harness.
My plan for summer is going to a traditional family camp with Oliver. It’s called Agawam. There is soccer, archery, riflery, baseball, basketball, etc. Anyway it’s awesome there are so many cool competitive sports, people are separated into ages and wams. I’m probably an aga. It is so cool! P.S. It’s only boys! —Daniel L.
Summer time is fun I play with my friends in the sun We jump in the water It was so blue A magnificent view Whenever I get out I will always shout SUMMER IS SO FUN —Quinn L.
My summer plan is to go to Disney World and spend quality time with my loving family. —Chad H.
Sunset at the beach
Gigi R.
Summer’s day walking downtown on a summer’s day, we all do summer in a different way, Travel or stay are both ok, but it all begins with a summer’s day —Lauren M.
Summer is great. What’s not to like about summer? The water is very blue, the watermelon is fresh, and it’s the perfect time of year to grill. The temperatures in Chicago, IL in the summer are also amazing because it’s not too cold and not too hot. It’s the perfect time to go swimming in a swimming pool with your friends, hang out, go on vacation or sleep-away camp, and suntan at the beach. These are all reasons why summer is the perfect time of year. —Logan P. Summer to me is being able to not worry about the next test. But to enjoy the time to have fun. —Mia G.
For my summer I will have fun at the beach with my BFF and family. —Jaylah S.
Lucas H.
I am looking forward for camp this summer because I will sleep in tents and have some fun with my friend Levie who I met last year and I miss him so much.
Savanah S.
This summer I’m gonna go to Summer is a time, the bea ch. It is a very shallow beach, when all is better than fine. and once I went all the way Some people prefer to dance, where the lifeguard was and the water but I am going to camp. At camp we shout chants and cheers, was up to my tummy. —Isabel and nobody has fears. Summer is here! We play in sun, Listen for cheer! and have lots of fun. Look at all the stuff to do! We do water sports, And how the sky is so blue! and we play on tennis courts. Don’t forget to catch a wave. Summer is a time, Just make sure you behave! when all is better than fine. —Emily B. —Jessica L.
This summer I’m going to an overnight horseback riding camp with my younger twin sister at White Pines Ranch.
What I love about summer is the smell of it. Like the carnival in the summer has a great smell of cotton candy, popcorn, all types of food they sell. Another thing I like about the summer is that we can go to the beach and the sounds of seagulls and the waves are awesome. Something I also can feel is the smooth yet very soft sand in the beach. This is why I love summer. —Ximena M.
Da’Najia W.
My plans are to spend time with my sisters, cousins and celebrate my birthday with my twin cousin but she’s older. My favorite summer memory was when I was flipping for the Jesse White team. I love my birthday the most and that there’s no school. a small peaceful breeze the sun shining through the trees the school nightmare gone the open windows light pooling in on the bed the smell of pancakes fresh air drifting through the trees kids playing without a fret —Giulian E.
Moira W.
What I love about summer is the drive to New Jersey. I think that it is super fun because we drive for 12 hours! I love doing the drive because we get to be really comfortable and take our shoes off and eat a lot of candy! After we drive for about 7-9 hours we stop at a hotel and spend the night! The next day we finish our drive to Pennsylvania and stay at our aunt’s house. We stay for maybe 2-3 days. Then we go to New Jersey where my grandma owns a beach house. We stay for about 1 month. Then we go home. I love summer.
Over the su mmer, I’m going to Taiwan. —Adam C . Sunny days Up in Wisconsin Monday feels like a Saturday Music at dance camp Endless fun at sleep-away camp Rehearsing dances at dance camp
Oh summer 2017 come quicker! —Elle M. My plans for the summer are… I will go to Minnesota with my family and I will see my friend Ellis. He used to come to my school but then he moved to St. Paul, Minnesota. This is going to be a fun summer. —Stanton H. Malachi L.
Summer, Summer, I love you so! Please come quicker I want to go. School is almost done, Then comes the fun! Oh Summer, Summer I love you so. —Riley S. My future plans are to go again to Wisconsin Dells and have fun with my family just like last year. —Ziclaly D. What I love about summer is you are very relaxed. You can do whatever you want during the summer, without worrying about class assignments due soon. You can go outside all day, and when you get too hot you go for a swim in a pool or Lake Michigan. And as the day ends it is just the perfect temperature for doing whatever you want. As you go to bed you then think about the amazing day you just had. —Olin H. What I’m going to do this summer is go spend time with my family and have fun in the park. I’m gonna go to Mexico for a few weeks. I’m gonna go to Six Flags or go to Wisconsin with my family and fly my drone. I’m gonna have the best summer ever, because it’s gonna be my mom’s birthday. It’s gonna be lit. —Edwen P.
My plan for summer is I’m going to go to Florida and have a great time. What I love most about the summer is I can spend time with my family and go on trips to different places.
What I love most about summer is going to the beach with my family. I love when me and my brother race into the lake then jump out. I love when my dad tosses me into the lake then scoops me back up. I also love when I stand on my dad’s back and go super deep then do a flip off his back and ride his back back. Lastly I love playing squirt guns with my brother. Those are some of the top things I love in summer. —Ella B. I am going to be going to my grandpa’s house in Michigan. He has a huge 1-acre yard with lakefront access and a huge tool room in his basement. In his basement he has many power tools like a huge welding machine, bandsaw, belt sander, and even an old concrete mixer. There is so much stuff you can do and I am going for two weeks so I will have a project every day. —Cormac A. My plans for summer are to chase my family around with a water gun. Okay you want big events? I’ll give you big events. I might go somewhere besides summer camp. I definitely will go to Wisconsin. But I still might go somewhere else. Like maybe Six Flags. But that’s just a maybe. —Luca C.
Summer Life
Summer is so much fun when you are in the sun. Summer is ice cream and sand and getting perfectly tanned. Summer is the pool because you have a break from school. Summer is a fun camp where you feel like a champ. Summer is the waves of the ocean with a bunch of suntan lotion. Summer is the best time of year and is full of cheer. —Grace W. My summer plans are to have the best summer ever and go to Florida and meet new people in summer camp. —Caiden M.
I love summer because I get to relax in the AC in shorts and a tank top or outside in a tank top and flip-flops with shorts and sleeping in! And that’s why I love summer. —Haven M. Sunny Unforgettable Magical Mesmerizing Energetic Refreshing —Eibhlin K.
My favorite summer memory was last year in 2016. I was 8 years old and not easily impressed. We went to Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, U.S.A. We saw people jumping out into the canyon. We also got ice cream and went to the gift shop. I gave the canyon a 6/10, but I still had a great experience. —Winnie Z. Sinaiyah R. First, I’m going to the water park and Six Flags and then I’m going to Hilton Head with my grandmom and my uncle and cousins and sister.
mer most about sum What I love the s, he parks, beac is going to water I love summer. hy w ’s parties. That eat summer. I hope I have a gr —Keyonna W. Fall 2017
Nicholas E.
One of my favorite summer memories is...last year during August my family was on a road trip touching almost all of the midwest. We started out in Chicago and drove all the way up to Alma, Wisconsin. We stayed at a little hotel that had an amazing restaurant that we had for dinner then we went to the coffee and ice cream shop and scooped our own ice cream. Me and my sister shared a bedroom. There were some train tracks a train would go by every 3 hours or so. Just before we went to bed I found a pair of foam earbuds on my bedside table, everybody laughed. We woke up in the morning, I went into our sun room and used binoculars to look for bald eagles. I think I saw bald eagle chicks, everybody got up then we packed our belongings then we put them in the car and went to the bald eagle center. We went to a bakery, got breakfast, went over and got our tickets. We went into the room. We got to hear some information and look at pictures. Then she brought out Angel, a beautiful bald eagle. We got to know her. Then we explored the rest of the museum. Then I saw a bald eagle stuffed animal. I bought it and named it America to remind me of the bald eagle center.
No clouds, sun is shining Waves are splashing blue In the sand I am reclining Kicking off my shoe Dive into the lake The water splashing over me I wish I could take It home in a tiny jar
Summer is my favorite time of the year. I adore the beautiful sunny days. During the summer I love to have fun. I love spending time outdoors. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is go camping. It is so much fun. When I go camping I love spending time in the water and I love having bonfires at night. I also really like going to the beach during the summer. When I go to the beach I love swimming in the water and playing in the sand. In the summer I like traveling and visiting different fun places. My favorite part about the summer is that I get to see all my friends and family members. All in all, summer is my favorite time of the year and I am really excited for summer! —Stephanie A.
The Sun has risen No work to do The days full of elation Hours of mirthful play No cold in your bones No snow on your skin All is in motion With nature a wave over you Yet all is at peace With the stars watching over the world Solace and warmth From brilliant amber rays The Sun has risen For Summer is here —Nolan T. Soma F.
This summer I will be going to lots of camps. I will tell you some. Art Institute of Chicago. I am going to Steve and Kate’s. I am going to Rome.
This year I’m going to my sleep away camp, Edwards, for 2 weeks. Last year, I went for a week and did the weirdest things. I was in a play about time traveling pirates, collected shells in the middle of Lake Beulah, and watched both my friends shoot a bullseye (but not me). All this happened in a little forest clearing in East Troy, Wisconsin. Even if the stage where I was an evil pirate was not much more than a shack with a fire pit, I had a lot of fun. What I love most about summer is going on vacation, meeting new people. I also love to go to summer camp with my friends and some other things I love about summer are going swimming, to the beach, and going to the water park. I also like hanging out with my family and having sleepovers and going to the park with my cousins in the summer. I also like exploring new things and going to dance on Saturdays and Sundays. That is most of the stuff I like to do in the summer. —Makenzie H.
Seashells on the water’s tip Painted pinks and blues Oh how I love watching skipping rocks skip So many rocks to choose In the sand I am reclining Kicking off my shoe No clouds, sun is shining Waves are splashing blue —Chloe K.
Ivy T.
What I like about summer is the soft grass that is as soft as your bed and all the flowers shining in the sky. The ice cream is yummy! The beach is warm. You could swim all day! And when the wind makes the tree swing. When night comes, you can see fireflies shimmering on the sky like a light show and you could stay up and catch fireflies and then let them fly free then in the morning you can catch butterflies. —Klaudia L. I have a lot of plans for summer, so get ready! One thing I am going to do is I am going to California for my older cousin’s graduation party and I get to swim in an outdoor swimming I like pool! Another thing I am doing over summer is my whole family is throwing a huge summer I like swimming in the pool. The feeling of my hands and party. We are inviting a lot of my aunts and uncles and I will get to see my cousins. Then, for a arms cutting through the cool water is a feeling I really enjoy. week all my girl cousins will meet and for a week every day we won’t eat anything until probably I like riding my bike late at night with my dad because there late night. Last but not least, what I will be doing for summer is my dad is putting me in coding aren’t a lot of people and the air smells really good in a way class which is called Codeverse. Those are some of my plans for summer. —Sonia A. that I can’t explain. I like seeing my relatives when they are on break. My cousin and I usually play video games together and sometimes my dad joins too. I like waking up and going to bed whenever I want to and having nothing planned or to do. I like eating ice cream and watermelon on a very hot day. I like seeing my friends and playing with them not at school. I like the new games coming out in the summer and can’t wait. I like drawing without stopping to go to school or to do other things. I like reading all kinds of books and sharing them with people who might like them. I like summer. —Alicia C.
This summer I am going to England, and may also take a road trip to see my cousins. They live in Rochester, NY, and we will also probably stop by Toronto. This is what I will do over the summer, and I hope you have a great summer! —Grant P.
varra T . Na
I plan to go to Six Flags with my baby sister and have tons of sleepovers with my friends. I also want to go to the beach. I’m going to go to Montana and I’m staying in a huge cabin with my dad’s side of my family. —Eddie This summer I am going to a summer camp. —Grady P.
Summer Fun! Word Search E
Can you find these words? Happy Birthday! (August 26)
What I love most about summer is that you get to spend time with friends and family. Also because during the summer me and my dad every year and a friend, we go biking by Lake Shore Drive and then we go to Navy Pier to watch the fireworks. That is one of the things I LOVE most about summer. But there is something else, I love to see everyone smiling and seeing the sun shine at its brightest in this one time of the year, and to hear the ice cream trucks’ sirens and to watch little kids run to get their favorite type of ice cream that they love. These are the things I LOVE MOST ABOUT SUMMER! —Arianna O.
Summer is a lot of fun, Going to the beach and soaking up the sun.
Anthony P.
Ice cream is a tasty treat, And how it cools down the summer heat! When the sun comes out so bright, You can even fly a kite. When the sun gets hotter and hotter, Do yourself a favor and jump in the water!
Ka it
I have a game every day. I work hard to play baseball.
But when summer is done...will you have as much fun? —Greta H.
Elijah B.
I am on the Cubs this year, and I love the Cubs! —Declan C.
Kaniya H.
I love to have pool parties with my friends. What we always do is we get out the trampoline, bounce off of it into the water. And whoever gets the biggest splash wins. And my mom always thinks that we dump the pool out and it is really funny. And we play a whole bunch of different songs. —Jesse G.
Kathy B. In the summer I like to go out and smell the flowers. I like looking at them because they are so pretty.
Here is what I drew for a memory from where I want to go and see in real life and I hope I will one day. I love the water park because it is where us family gather to have fun.
This summer I’m going with my family to North Carolina and we rent a big beach house every year. We have a tradition every year to make a huge sand castle together on the beach. I can’t wait! —Eleanor P. Frances C. Ashley A.
I am in California Summer is so fun! in the pool. Kids play all day in the sun. Now that there’s no more school, You can swim in the refreshing pool. —Emily H. I love summer because my birthday is in the summertime, and because me and my family go on vacations. —Destiny W. My plans for the summer are to hang out at the beach with my friends and dig deep and find clay then make skyscrapers with it. I love to do this with my friends. —Bella P.
Summer Night
A summer Oklahoma sunset Summer is fun Fun is summer I’m not getting any dumber My life is a bum mer Without summ er —Mikya H.
I plan to go to Corn Fest. Corn Fest is the best part of my summer. —Michelle M.
Leah H.
Summer is my favorite season. I love summer because it it is so much fun. I go to water parks, have water balloon fights, swim, and go to the beach in the summer. I love doing all these things so much. I love how it is hot in the summer. I also love summer because you can eat ice cream every day and because I like wearing sunglasses. This summer I am going to Wisconsin Dells with my friends and Boston. My cousins are also coming to visit from Virginia. I am going to summer camp too. —Simona M. I am going to an overnight summer camp that is in the woods. It has a log cabin. It also has a water park. —Nicholas This summer I plan to go to Greece! We’re going snorkeling. The water is amazing! I hope to see some dolphins while I’m at it. Maybe I’ll see a coral reef. Last time I went snorkeling I saw one. I even pet a baby sea turtle. P.S. In Greece, all the houses have bright blue roofs. —Ben L.
Jazmine T.
My favorite summer memory is wearing the same outfit as my friend Sam at camp.
This summer I will go swimming and have fun in the pool with my friends. —Nakayla W.
I am going to Parker’s wedding. I am going to be a flower girl. I’m going to a different city for it. I can’t stay the whole wedding so I have to go to a park with a babysitter and with the other flower girl. That’s my story. Drew H. Fall 2017
What I’m going to do in the summer is go to Belgium. We go to Belgium because our family lives there. The best part of Belgium is the family and the chocolate. I am going to swim and play and eat and sleep and enjoy it there. We are going to go there for a month and a half because the other half of the month we are going back to Chicago and have some fun. In Belgium my brother is going to get his braces on. He is not getting the thing on his teeth but inside his mouth so no one can see it and to help him get his teeth straight. —Jona My plan for the summer is to go on a car trip to Jamestown, New York. I don’t know what I am doing for summer so I am doing this for Memorial Day. We visit family. They have 2 dogs and 1 cat. Her son is coming and might bring his dog so there might be 3 dogs. They live in the suburbs so they have a big back yard and there is a path into the forest and last time the path was muddy so me and Piper (my mom’s boyfriend’s daughter) were playing and we kept getting stuck in the mud. It was so fun. We also go to another family member’s home. Their daughter got a horse! We have a fest there and play and eat and drive a tractor (I did that last time). —Ivy My favorite thing to do in summer is summer camp. I like summer camp because every Tuesday I get to go to a field trip. Next I like it because at summer camp on Friday I get to go to the beach. —Eric P.
My plans for summer are going to go to a sleep-away camp. I am going for 7 weeks and I will jump in the 25 degree water. I will be very sneaky and stay up until 12:00, reading a book and playing with Daniel. I am also going to do like 4 sports and go zip-lining, do the trapeze, go to rock climbing, and go swimming in the lake. —Oliver B.
I am going to Wisconsin Dells this summer which is the water park. My favorite thing about Wisconsin Dells is the nature. I like how the grass sways and tickles your feet. I like how the air smells like fresh made nature. I especially like how the animals sing and play on fields and over water falls. And after it rains it smells great. My second favorite thing about Wisconsin Dells is the water park. It’s so fun! You go on water slides and you slide down so fast and when you get off you feel so happy and excited and you want to do another slide again. My favorite fun ride is the lazy river because you can swim and be lazy. We are going to stay in a cabin with two bunk beds because my mom’s friends are coming with both of their twin sons. They are five years old. They’re one of my BFFs. We also went to Wisconsin Dells last summer with them. It was so fun and it is going to be fun. —Leila B.
next issue: inventions What invention has positively affected your life the most? How? What is an invention you use daily, and why is it important to you? What is something that was invented that has changed the course of the world? Explain the positive and/or negative impact(s) it has. What is something you would like to invent that would make life easier, better or just more fun? Why and how did you come up with this invention? Draw a picture of your invention.
Please turn in your submissions to your teacher or to by Oct. 20.