My role model is
next issue: Accomplishments What does it mean to accomplish something? What is/are your greatest accomplishment(s)? Why are you so proud of this/these accomplishment(s)? Were there obstacles in your way, and how did you get past them? What have you accomplished this past school year? What do you plan to accomplish over the summer? What are some of the accomplishments you’d like to have in life? How do you plan on accomplishing all that you plan? Draw a picture of you accomplishing one of your goals. Tell us how you did it, or how you plan to do it. What is an obstacle that might keep you from accomplishing your goal, and how can you get past it? Please turn in your submissions by April 12, 2019 Publisher Rachel Switall Magazine Group, NFP President Rachel Switall Rachel Switall Editor, Art Director, Advertising Director, Director of Marketing Bonita Sanchez-Carlson President & Executive Director Near South Planning Board 312-987-1980
Dear Readers, This issue is all about Role Models. Take a look through the pages and learn what it means to be a role model, how someone can be a role model, and who some of the role models are of our students. After reading this issue, I’m sure you will be inspired to be a role model yourself—I know I am! Our next issue will focus on Accomplishments. This is your chance to brag about what you have accomplished and tell us your plans for what you hope to accomplish in the future. See our prompts on the opposite page but, as always, feel free to think outside of the box as you think about Accomplishments. And don’t forget to check out our web site, where you can view past issues, artwork and videos, read student blogs and play some games! —Rachel
Cover art by Shaniyah B.
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While showcasing art and writing from students in Chicago Public Schools, StudentsXpress aims to promote creativity and literacy, encourage alternative expressions, create positive self esteem and open discussions.
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She is a very successful woman. She is a woman who managed to make it out of bad situations despite challenges and obstacles. From Englewood to Whitney Young to Princeton to Harvard to being the first black First Lady Of The United States. Her name is Michelle Obama. But she wasn’t just the First Lady, she is also a mother, a best-selling author, and a lawyer. She is a role model to me and many other people across the world. Michelle Obama is a role model because she is caring, educated, compassionate, a powerful speaker, honest, and she also has many other amazing traits that add on to her character. These are all traits that a good role models should have in order to make a positive influence on a person. Even though anyone can be a role model, it is in good taste that a person with a good reputation be a role model to people so that they can impact the world in a positive way as well.
Now onto the question, could I be a role model? Of course I can be a role model because anyone can be a role model, but I don’t know how good of one I will be because I haven’t done anything that would impact the world in a very positive way like Michelle Obama has, but as long as I maintain a relatively clean image, try my hardest on everything I do, and stand up for others, then I can be a good role model for others now and in the future. All in all, in order for anyone to be a good role model you don’t necessarily have to be a Michelle Obama or a Mother Teresa, but as long as you do things that are positive and impact the world in a positive way then anyone can be a role model, including you. —Ruby H.
My role model was very accomplished. He entertained generations. Nowadays he makes many different ages happy. He made comics and now they have become movies. Our beloved superheroes Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the X-Men. Yep you guessed it Stan Lee, the father of Marvel. He passed away recently but is still a role model to me and many more. So I started designing my own heroes. But one real life hero can not be replaced. —David B.
For the lady who raised me by herself, She stayed strong, brave, and happy, Nothing compared to how much she sacrificed So many things for me to get the best education and life, She dropped everything to take care of me, But after that she went back, finished high school And went to Northwestern! She is the lady I look up to and will look up to. She’s independent and never lets anyone harm our family, She won’t give up even if it’s out of reach, And she is my mom. —Tina N.
I think that Pink is a good role model because she is very true to herself. Pink is also very inspirational to her fans because she tells people to be themselves and to know that everyone is special, whether you are black, white, gay, tall or short. —Sarah L.
The kind of responsibilities Role Models have is to do the right thing, because you are a role model. Someone is looking up to you so whatever you do they might think it’s the right thing and do it also. —Cassidy B.
Role Model. Someone who acts as an example for others within their community. Someone who holds admirable qualities that individuals around them seek within themselves. Someone who stands as a leader for individuals around them to look up to, idolize, and appreciate. In our current day, role models are crucial in order for our society to thrive every day, but also grow as a community. People who set a good example for others help individuals find themselves, grow as people, look up to one another, realize what makes them happy, and strive to find what kind of person they aspire to become. There is always going to be someone that inspires you and helps you find prosperity and love within yourself. Just keep searching, working hard, looking up to people you aspire to become, and love yourself. —Mikele D.
Who I think is a good role model is my teacher Ms. Dydo because you can learn a lot from her. She taught me a lot of things differently. —Jasmine D.
You would know when you see a role model because they inspire you and do amazing things that you don’t usually see in a person. Role models can do all sorts of things like donating to charity and even just doing a job because many young people can get introduced into what they want to do when they grow up. For example people who are activists and give inspiring words, like Martin Luther King for example is a role model that is an activist, fights for rights and gives us inspiring words. —Devin S.
Spring 2019
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Fife Today
What I Think Makes a Good Role Model My role model is my dad, because he does really good tumbling and I tried it so that inspired me to Tumble also! He never let me down because every time I fell he would say just get right back up and try again. And this is why my dad is my Jaylen H. role model.
A role model is a person who you look up to. It is the person that you aspire to be. A role model does not have to be some famous athlete or singer; anyone can be a role model. The person that you always see on the bus could be your role model because you like the way that they handle their backpack plus other bags with ease. The person in front of you in the line at the grocery store could be your role model for the way they paid for someone’s food when they had left their wallet at home. We always think that a role model has to be this person that is perfect and does everything right. A role model does not have to be perfect because no one is. You also don’t have to agree with everything that your role model does or says. You should find room for your own opinions while looking up to them for guidance. A role model can also be positive or negative. A positive role model is someone that you look to for good examples like a good leader or someone who is self confident. A negative role model is someone that you don’t like and look to as an example of how not to act. For example, you may see a person like a boss who treats his or her workers badly. You might observe their behavior and choose not to act that way yourself. A role model also does not have to be someone that is older than you. A role model could be your younger sibling because you like how they take charge and really put themselves out there and you want to get better at doing that yourself. One of my role models is my dance teacher, Ms. Ellen. She has been my dance teacher since I was 4 and through all of my life she would always know what to do to help me improve my dancing. For example she gives me stretches that will fix a muscle that is sore or she will give me an exercise that will help me with my stamina. I look up to her because she owns her own dance training business along with teaching all of the classes, making online videos, and when she comes in to class she always has the best attitude and always knows how to fix any ache or pain a dancer encounters. She is a positive role model to me. An example of a negative role model, in my opinion, would be President Trump because I do not like the way that he treats people of a different race or gender. So I look to him to see what not to do. He would be a negative role model to me. It is important to note that people are not going to have the same role model as everyone else. For example, while Trump is a negative role model to me, he may be a positive role model to someone else. In sum, the role models I choose for myself help me guide how I want to live my life. Other people will choose different role models because they value different things. Having role models is an important part of living one’s life and learning to live in a way that makes you happy.
A good role model is somebody who is willing to do things that other people cannot do. They want to make their dreams come true. They set goals for themselves about what they want to accomplish in life. They do not listen to others who tell them no. They take charge and work toward reaching their goals. Role models make good decisions. They have courage to think of things to do that might be tough. People look up to these people as role models. The last thing a role model is, is somebody who is intelligent. They are smart and know how to do many things. They reach their goals because they understand what it takes to be a good person. —Adara M.
I don’t really have a role model but I do know what some role models do. Some role models inspire other people, teach people important skills, or sometimes maybe just to amuse other people. That’s what I think a role model does.
A good role model is a caring person who helps other people sometimes even takes care of you. They treat everyone nicely, work hard, try their best even when it’s hard, and they’re responsible. They show others how to stay on task. Also, they help people achieve their goals. Last, they teach people things. —Amy S.
—Paulina A.
One thing that makes a good role model is patience. A role model has to have patience. Another thing that makes a good role model is guidance. A good role model makes the effort. A good role model must learn to love. A good role model has to be kind and caring. A good role model must appreciate what he/ she has. A good role model has to be a leader not a follower. A good role model must accept themself and others. A good role model has to have education.
Maggie F.
—Jeremy H.
—Anya S.
Spring 2019
He is my Grampa He lives in Wisconsin I live in Illinois He is old I am young He is happy I am too.
Role models are people that we copy off of to get the attitude that we have whether it’s good or bad. My role model is probably my dad because we do a lot of things together, just like each other, and we also have a lot of things in common. —Oliver C.
He is the one who told me to train I was the one who did He is the one who gave me advice I was the one who took it When in reality I forgot some of his advice He is the one I love He is the one I always will He is my Grampa I am his grandson —Emiliano A.
My auntie is my role model. My aunt has affected my life by shaping me into the person I am today. She is very well educated—she has given me life information that I apply to my life today. She helps me with school work and personal problems. Me and my aunt both share an interest which is caring for others. My auntie is one of my role models that I look up to and love.
My Role Model: My mom Her Words of Wisdom: Be the Head of My Class
—Tyreail S.
A role model is somebody you look up to, somebody you would want to be like when you get older. A role model is a leader. What makes a good role model is when you do everything you need to do and be a good leader so that everyone else would want to be a role model to their peers, family, and friends. Who I think is a good role model is my dad because he teaches me the goods and bads and what to do and what not to do throughout life to get me somewhere good and bad. I see myself as a good role model because I do everything I’m supposed to do. I help out with others if they need anything. I treat others with respect and how I would want to be treated. The responsibilities that good role models have is being respectful to people, be responsible, be kind to others, help others out, and work hard. A role model never lets you down. They are always there whenever you need anything and be there when you’re down. —Mike A.
Spring 2019
My dad is a good role model. I think he is a good role model because he inspires me to do whatever I want in life and always keep my head up no matter what I’m going through. My dad grew up in the eastern part of Turkey, in a small town called Urfai. His family of six brothers and his mother and father grew up on a small farm. They were relatively poor. This inspires me to always stay grateful and know that people always have it worse than me. This is being a role model because he is inspiring me and being someone that I can look up to in life. Another reason that my dad is a good role model for me is because he knows how to create opportunities for himself. For example my dad owns a restaurant, auto shop, and about to open another restaurant. This is giving me an example of how to become successful and work my way through life. This is also inspiring me to do something in my life because of where he is now and how and where he grew up. I remember he told me that he had to walk a mile to the water pump to get water for his family. He just keeps reminding me how grateful I am to be where I have food, water, shelter and there are some people that aren’t as fortunate as me so every once and a while I try to give back and I try to do something good to help those people. My dad inspires me to do good every day and that’s why I chose to write about him. —Joseph E.
Tom Brady, Lebron James, Anthony Rizzo, and Cristiano Ronaldo. All good role models, but you know who the best is to me, my dad. I think this, because he puts other people before himself, and he sacrifices his time and money to help others. I am so lucky to have him in my life. I think my dad puts others before himself, because when my grandpa got deathly ill in Greece, my dad did not think twice about going over there to bring him home. He bought a ticket and left immediately. He had to leave work and his family. It was a fourteen hour trip to Athens and then another five hour drive to my family’s island. He then hired a private ambulance to do the trip in reverse. He saved my grandpa’s life. I think my dad sacrifices his time and money, because he brought two bikes home last year for two students at his school. They had popped tires and were pretty messed up, so he bought new tires and repaired the other damage. I hope I will sacrifice my time and money like my dad does just to help other people. That is how I think my dad sacrifices his time and money for other people. As I said there are very good role models, but to me the best one is my dad, because he puts others before himself and sacrifices his time and money for others. That is why I think my dad is my role model. I hope one day I will be like him. —Dean L.
A role model, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, is “a person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others.” However, I think a role model is more than just somebody everyone tries to copy. A role model is a person whose characteristics are inspirational to others. They have gone through experiences and have things that inspire us to do the same or do better. Without their work, we wouldn’t have anybody showing us how to make the world a better place or have somebody teach us their philosophies and techniques for life, art, etc. Role models aren’t just people that we want to be, they are our teachers. They can teach us how to stand up for our rights, like Malala Yousafzai, or express ourselves through writing like Maya Angelou. So, what makes a good role model? Anything. Anything can make a good role model. Everybody’s role model has different characteristics. Everybody’s different, and their inspirations and need for inspiration are too. People can even be inspired by the same role model for different reasons. For example, my role model is my father. I look up to him because he inspires me to always try to find my personal best and always try to improve my skills. As a fourteen-year-old, this is important to me because I always want to be my personal best in school and around my peers. My brother looks up to him because of how brave he is in difficult and scary situations. He wants to be brave enough to show the world he is more than just a little third grader, and my dad shows him that. In short, a role model is anybody you want it to be, and they can show any form of inspiration depending on what you find inspirational. They can teach you what you need and want in order to make yourself and the world better. —Ana S.
My mom is my role model She works hard Even through her struggle She was always humble No matter what they say I look up to her each and every day —Jayla J.
If you are a role model you feel special, you take it with pleasure and gratitude. Being a role model comes with responsibilities. Somebody is looking up to you and whatever you do will always reflect on them. You must set a good example for the person looking up to you. They are one of the most important things in a child, adult, and everyone in between’s lives. They expect that their role model is somebody to relate to and follow when times are hard and easy. —Julia F.
My Role Model: My dance coach
He is from Akron I am from Chicago He is 33 I am 13 He is a basketball player I am a soccer player
Her Words of Wisdom: Always Smile and Never Frown “Dancing may not have always been easy, but I have been getting through it. I’ve had some frowns but always had to put a smile on my face.” — Shavonna
I am the one who passes He is the one that shoots I am the one who follows He is the one that leads When really I follow in his foot-steps He is the one that I am inspired by He is my role model I am Harun B. He is LeBron James —Harun B.
Tommy was an 11-year-old 6th grader. He was a troublemaker making all sort of pranks and mayhem. He then pulled a prank on a 7th grader named Max. Usually people were mad at Tommy and often yelled at Tommy. But Max was in a special group called the RMTM or Role Model for Troublemakers. Max had told Tommy to come to room 339 where they had meetings with other kids. Max introduced the other role models to Tommy, but Tommy often ignored or change the subject. But then Tommy looked at Max. Max was helping other kids by telling them how would you feel and didn’t yell at anyone. Instead he simply did as asked when they were being taught how to act. Tommy thought “Why is he not yelling? The others are being so loud and annoying.” This thought reminded him of himself, a loud, mischievous troublemaker. Tommy now realized that he should stop being mischievous and instead be a role model.
Antonio M.
The NEXT YEAR: A kid name Dan was the loudest person who always yelled back and never listen to anyone. Until one day he yelled in an older person’s ear as a prank. The person said “Come into room 339, you remind me, a lot. Dan followed Tommy into room 339. — Christopher P.
Spring 2019
A role model is someone who inspires you with appropriate behaviors. A good role model for me is someone very special. My grandmother Nancy is my role model she is like my mom, she is my role model because she showed me the right way, she taught me that we should not care if people are black, white, or any color in between, we shouldn’t care if they are Christian, Muslim, gay or straight because we all born equal but we are not treated equally and we should show the world that we should have peace, love, positivity, and equality for all. She also taught me to help others that need it because next time it might be you. The biggest responsibility for a role model is decision making because they have to choose a way to success without hurting others. If you want to be a role model you should demonstrate confidence, show respect to others, and have humility and willingness to admit mistakes. I think all role models are different. Some of them can be negative role models and we should follow the one that really inspire us to be better.
My role models are my mom, dad and Ms. Robinson. My parents and my teacher help me to read and do my best. They push me to do things that I have never done before like homework. I struggle to read but my role models help me to do well and become a reader.
—Andrea R.
A role model is a person who you crave to be like. A person whose qualities are desirable to you. Somebody who is everything you see your best self as being like. I have several role models, some of which are celebrities, some of which I don’t even know the names of. But the role model that has had the most influence on me is the woman I see almost every day of my life. My mother. She has taught me so many things in life, things I will always remember for my whole life. She is such a confident, smart, sympathetic person. Qualities I crave to have. She will always be right, no matter how much I think she’s wrong. My mom will do anything to help, no matter how late that means she has to stay up. She is independent, something that I yearn to be, and have always yearned to be. She even baked her own wedding cake, like who even does that? I don’t wish to be like her—I don’t wish to be like anyone. I am my own person that is what being independent means. But, I will learn from her as I get older. Maybe because of this, I will become somebody’s role model when I get older, at least I hope so. —Ruby M. Jaziah F.
Momma Momma said she had the perfect child, She said that child was me. I would be the better one, among my brothers’ screams. Yes, Momma had the perfect child, that perfect child was me. That is, until I lost my footing and I fell into the sea. Momma tried to save me, but she lost me in the waves, another shot of pain to add to all of her bad days. But finally she grabbed my wrist, and laid me on the beach. She saw my blood now on her hands, and stared at my defeat. The tears ran down her face and landed on my cheek, She kissed my head, looked down and said, that she was proud of me. My momma had to deal with the disease inside of me, my momma had to realize that I didn’t want to breathe. But Momma, she still held me, forever on that beach. For Momma had the perfect child, But now that child was peace. —Abigail W.
Wisdom talEnt kiNdness Determination integritY My mom is my role model, her name is Wendy. She is very WISE, I know this because she helps me make the right decision. My mom is very TALENTED since she was a girl she loved to dance. She is also very creative and inspires me to be creative too. My mom has a lot of KINDNESS, she always thinks of other people first and is always willing to help. My role model has a lot of DETERMINATION, she always finishes what she starts and wants the best for me. My role model has a lot of INTEGRITY, she shows her integrity because she takes responsibility and stays focused. My mom’s name is Wendy, she is my role model (and pink is her signature color). — Isabel A.
Spring 2019
James Harden: A role model is someone who you can look up to, for many reasons. Maybe they’re someone who inspires you. Maybe they created something you enjoy. Maybe they’re just someone who cares for you A role model can be anyone. Maybe it’s your mom Maybe it’s your teacher Maybe it’s a clown who runs a circus, wears a doctor reflector on their head, and is allergic to blueberries.
Transformer Bumblebee:
My role model is an NBA star. My role model is Bumblebee. When he shoots, it comes from far. He likes to save the city. He needs a comb for his beard. He doesn’t like pity and he thinks Earth is pretty. If you see him he might look weird. He is very tall. If you in trouble just call
Jamal L.
—Ellen A.
Responsibility is the virtue that you should take Of course there are obstacles that you must face Little kids are the ones you’ll be modeling for Especially the toddlers they are the ones you adore Maybe you aren’t cut out for the modeling job One can imagine you’re kind of a slob Don’t think about begging cuz you’re back in the biz Except for the fact that you’re taking a wiz Lastly learn to love —Dominique H.
My mom is my role model because she helps us with the Christmas tree.
Honors classes, outstanding athlete, college connect, and more. She has it all and I can’t compete, but I do look up to her. A role model in my eyes is someone you want to be like or you look up to. They’re just someone who you get inspired to be. They can be whoever you want. I feel like you, yourself, can only tell what makes a perfect role model for yourself because you can see a part of yourself in them. To me, I think everyone is a role model no matter what because there might be people out in the world who love what one person does. I can probably be a role model, but maybe the person who looks up to me doesn’t want to tell me. The point is each and every one of us has at least one person who looks up to us. My role model is very important to me because she’s very caring and trustworthy. Her name is Alena and she’s my sister. She’s so smart and I admire that about her. I’ve been thinking about high school and wondering what sport I should play. I knew that if I played softball I couldn’t be as good as she is. She’s been playing since Sophomore year and other parents thought she played for longer. I remember I never thought I could get the same grades as she could, but I eventually did. She’s especially left a huge impact on Nettelhorst when she graduated. A lot of the teachers know me just because I was here sister, so some teachers don’t know me for me. She was the president of student council and that was the class that changed our no uniforms policy. I want to make another change like that too. She’s given so many opportunities and I also want that in life. I know that she’ll be successful in the future and I want to be like that also. I know a lot of her friends see her as a role model and my friends also see both of us as role models too. She also helps manage the Junior Varsity Girls Basketball team. She gets all her work done too at the same time. She’s very good at time management and I need to work on that too. I’m happy that she is my sister because if she wasn’t then I don’t know what or who I would be without her. I appreciate her so much and I can’t express how much love there is for her. She can be annoying from time to time, but past all that there’s a girl who is an amazing sister inside and out. She’s been working so hard to get to where she is right now and I know she’ll continue doing that. Overall, anyone can be a role model and I know my sister is mine. There’s a lot of other people who are mine, but she’s a major one whose had a big impact on me. —Alesia Lucia C. B.
Spring 2019
My role model is my grandpa I would define him with words of Loving, Loyal, Open-minded, respectful, and dependable. He is loving because well what grandpa isn’t loving. He is loyal because his family and friends are always first before himself. My grandpa always put our suggestions before his and always did anything we wanted to do even if he didn’t want to. He respected everyone you can ask anyone who knew him and they’ll say how respectful he was to everyone. Finally my grandpa was dependable because you can count on him to come pick you up from school when there is a crazy blizzard or if you break a bone you can always depend that he will help you. —Chase S.
To be a Role Model is a big deal that means someone is counting on you. Role Models are important they can be there for you and usually if you have a Role Model you usually want to be like that person. If you are a Role Model you should make good choices so the people who want to be like you also make good choices. —Jack R.
A role model is someone who you look up to. It can be anyone dead, old, you name it! When you are feeling down your role model cheers you up or when you are mad your role model helps calm you down. Your role model could be a singer, youtuber, or even someone related to you. A role model can also help teach you things. For example, someone’s role model could be someone who helped people gain rights (such as an activist) or someone who helps save people like a police officer. You can have multiple role models too. It doesn’t have to be just one. That is what a role model is. —Allison L.
The American flag helps me with many things like learning a lot about America and being good.
My mom and dad help me too. They say be good in school and look both ways before I cross the street.
role mod·el /rōl mädl/ noun a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.
My role model in Marian K., also my best friend for the past two years. In my opinion, a role model doesn’t have to be someone older than you—they could even be younger than you for that matter. I just think they should be someone who inspires you to be a better person. And that’s exactly what Marian does for me. It’s sort of weird to think about having your best friend as your role model, but I think she is a role model to me, in a different way. It’s not like I want to grow up to be like her like an older role model might be—but she inspires me in other ways. The definition of role model, on Google, is “a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.” But having a role model who is the same age as you, is similar but different. I want to be like Marian in certain ways—like her work ethic is much better than mine. For example, I’m writing this the night before, and I procrastinate much more, so even right now I wish I could be more like Marian—and her ability and motivation to do things, like homework. Another reason I would consider Marian a role model for me is because she inspires me to get out of my comfort zone. She is such an understanding person, and the past few years we’ve been friends I’ve truly felt like I fit in. Some people might think, “Just because you’re friends with someone, and think they’re a good person, doesn’t mean that they qualify as your role model.” Or maybe no one is thinking that, but either way it depends on how you define a role model. For some people a role model could be someone you look up to careerwise, like a celebrity that inspires you to have the same occupation as them; family wise, like a grandparent or parent that inspires you to be like them because of what they’ve achieved in their lives; friendship wise, like someone you know that just inspires you to be a better person, and teaches you things, and many more types of role models. Marian is a role model to me because she makes me a better person. We haven’t been friends for that long, but hopefully, I am as good of a friend to her, and other people, as she is to me. So, overall I think that role models can be younger than you, older than you, the same age as you, someone you know, someone you don’t know, anything—just as long as they help you become a better person, has qualities you want to have, and has impacted your life in positive ways. And that’s why my best friend, Marian K., is also one of my role models. —Kira M.
Spring 2019
I might see my friends as good role models because I wouldn’t be friends with them if they weren’t good, kind, upstanding people. For example, all of my friends are nice to everyone who is nice to them or is lonely or needs company, set a good example for their peers, especially the younger grades at Nettelhorst, and finally they always make sure to take care of the community. Not only are these their characteristics, but they also belong to almost every good role model out there. Any famous role model that’s a legend has these traits— Gandhi, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, and the list continues. My friends are my friends because often times I look to them when I need help, or someone to lean on if I’m having a hard time with something, or simply just someone to laugh with. Any good role model would be that type of person and set a good norm out there for society. Having friends as your role models is even better than a normal role model, too, because then you can interact with them every day and get to know them better so that you can change and follow their positive ways, too. Role models don’t have to be some famous person that you’re most likely never going to meet, they could be someone as simple as a relative or a close friend. In fact, friends that are role models are the best types of friends because they can give you a positive look on life and inspire you to be as positive as them while doing it all on a personal level.
My mom is a role model to me because she shows me what is right and what is wrong. My mom also shows me how to be loving and kind. My dad shows me how to work hard and never give up. Bruno Mars is a successful musician and I want to be like him. Stephen Curry shows me that hard work and dedication pays off. B shows me how to always try your best in helping family, friends and anyone.
—Ivy T.
When I think of role models, I think of someone who is funny, a joker, someone who cares about you, and someone who is successful. My role models are my mom and dad. They are all those things but more. I look up to my mom and dad because they are very successful. My dad and mom make me laugh a lot and do not take things too seriously. I think that the best role models are all of the things I mentioned at the top. That is what I think is a good role model. —Pryor K.
—Logan F.
He is My Father He is from Wisconsin I am from Chicago He is middle-aged I am teenage He is the one who taught me to be respectful and kind I am the one who has to do those things He is the one who taught me how to play catch I am the one who had to use what I learned in games He is the one who will have to shape me into a man I am the one who will have to become the man He is the one who taught me between right and wrong I am the one who will have to remember what is right and wrong He is the one I am grateful for He is the one I will always be for He is my father I am his son —Ben L.
Joni S.
Spring 2019
In my opinion a role model is something very special. A role model is someone who can change you mentally and physically. But role models are created by many traits and many qualities. For example, my role model... Barack Obama is my role model because he is so passionate about what he does. He also is my role model because of his character. He is nice, caring and very outgoing. You can see he always invited people to the White House. That’s just an example, though, role models can be very different. Some can be known for having loyalty, integrity, kindness, and generosity. However, role models aren’t always known for traits. They can be role models for what they do like jobs. Athletes, businessmen/women and more. Role models have responsibilities too, however. They have to impress people, show great qualities and can’t give up, because they can’t teach people bad things like giving up and failure. —Ari L.
A role model of mine is a classmate named Shirley. She is a very nice student. She helps others when needed, for example when another classmate needs help, she will help. Every Friday we have a class raffle, she won on 2 in a row. Some people were saying it was unfair because she won last week, but I think that she deserves it because of the hard work she puts into every week. That’s why she is my role model. —Trefena S.
Some people are role models, some aren’t. But the people who are have a lot of good qualities. For example, a kid at your school might be getting bullied or pushed around by other kids, a role model would be an upstander and go up to them and say, “Stop, that’s not nice.” Another example of what a role model would do is go pick up trash and throw it away at the beach. They will not be afraid to be unique and to be themselves, they’re respectful to others, and most of all, they’re confident. Are you a role model?
Keonta R.
—Noa S.
Father Me He is wise I am young He is kind I am too He is the one who taught me how to play tennis I was the one who won the matches He was the one who took me around the globe I was the one who learned and interacted with it. He was the one who took me skiing I was the one who won against him in a race He is omniscient I am observant He is humble And so am I I believe that a good role model is someone who is humble, competent and charming. They usually do certain things perfectly so other people look up to them. Essentially a good role model is someone who is better than you at something or at a lot of things, or possesses a trait that you wish to acquire. For me my role model is my father. I try to live up to him. He is wise, humble and tough. I try to keep my grades up because of him and I want to accomplish things just as he did. He is extremely hardworking, and I also try to copy that. If it was not for him I might not be passing all my classes now. That is who my role model is. —Indrit M.
My role model is my mama even though she tells me she don’t want me to be like her she wants me to be better. My mama really didn’t have anybody to look up to when she was growing up. My mama’s mother passed away when my mama was only 3 months. My mama got 12 sisters and brothers. They were all older. My mom’s sister took her in and took care of her. My mama had a hard childhood, but she didn’t let her kids go through the stuff she went through. She provided for her kids. My mama is a strong woman. Even when she’s down she still finds a way to come back up. My mother got 7 kids and she makes sure everybody got food and got a place to lay our heads. My mother is my role model.
My friend Geane
—Astarte W.
Spring 2019
Chicago 2019 FREE SUMMER DANCE CAMP AileyCamp Chicago uses the magic of dance to touch the lives of youth in the Chicago area. Dance is used as a medium to encourage adolescents ages 11-14 years old to develop discipline, and achieve academic, social, as well as personal success in their lives. AileyCamp strives to expand critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities, as well as encourages a good sense of nutrition and well-being; all while fostering healthy relationships and perhaps, most importantly of all, developing self-esteem. Participants will experience daily classes in Dance, Drumming & Percussion, Visual Art, Spoken Word and Personal Development as well as weekly field trips, guest speakers, and workshops. June 25, 2019 – August 2, 2019 Monday–Friday 8:30am-3:30pm Collins Academy High School in Douglas Park 1313 S. Sacramento Drive Ages: 11-14yrs For Applications Email: A non-refundable $25 registration fee is due upon acceptance into the program.
Sponsors Chicago Park District, AUSL, Steans Family Foundation, LAMP, Westside Cultural Foundation & 24th Ward Alderman, Michael Scott, Jr.
“I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that’s why I succeed.” —Michael Jordan What does it really mean to have a role model? Or to be a role model towards someone else. Well, usually you might hear someone tell you it means to have someone you look up to because of all they’ve achieved and how that might specifically apply to you and your life. People will probably tell you that because someone has accomplished something you may find impressive or outstanding, they could be considered a role model of yours. And yes, we do look up to people because of the things they can do, or how society sees them from the outside. But for me, looking up to someone and considering them your role model goes so much deeper than that. When I consider someone a role model of mine, it’s not normally because of what they’ve done that everyone can see. That would usually just be someone who I see with good skills when it comes to a certain topic. For example, I consider my main, most important role model to be Michael Jordan. Although I do play basketball and find his work with sports outstanding, a very big reason I look up to him would be for his mindset. Throughout his career, he persevered. At that time, he’d been through/been going through so much criticism as an athlete and just as a person in general because of the person he was and the personality he had. No matter what many reasons he was hated for, he never let it get to him. When he was young, he got rejected from his high school basketball team. He was often bullied when he played sports with the kids around him growing up. They would make fun of him for how he played and even what he looked like during the games. He was criticized for things he really could not control. But just because people didn’t think he was good enough, he never stopped playing the game. His mindset was always fixed to getting better and improving as a player. He bettered himself to the best of his ability and ended up getting a lot further because of all the work he put in and the fact that he could never bring himself to give up what he really loved to do. Not just because he was amazing when it came to basketball, but because he chose to keep moving and didn’t let the negative opinions and comments about him affect himself. All in all, there are many different things that could come to your mind when you think of someone being your role model. Different descriptions and details about those people you look up to. But look a little deeper, past the surface and maybe their physical ability, and see who they really are and how they’ve chosen to handle the hard times. And who knows? You might just end up being even more inspired. —Tara C.
The role model is the older kids in line to show younger kids what to do. —Chauntalayne J.
My role model is Kirsten, my WITS reading partner. She taught me words from books and taught me a little math. She is my role model because she’s smart, she is like my second teacher, and she is caring. She helps me focus and not distract me like others. —Ryan M.
My role models are my grandma and Ms. Robinson, my teacher. Ms. Robinson teaches me a lot and my grandma teaches me about things when I go to her house. They both always tell me that I can do anything I put my mind to. This is my best year in school and I thank my teacher and family for that. —Quron J.
My role models are my parent because they tell me “ Don’t give up you got this.” They push me on believing me in every thing I do tennis, band and school work they help me every day with every step I take showing me that it’s great to do things that I love and when they ask me “ Do you love the things you do?“ me and my sister say “ Yes we do.” —Cheyanne C.
She is my Role Model She taught me how to be strong with no one’s help. She taught me to live my dreams even if I had no support. She taught me that being nice all the time gets you nowhere But she once said “You gotta learn the difference of the words Nice and Respect.” My mom is my role model! —Tariah H.
Spring 2019
Role models can vary between Abraham Lincoln, Spiderman, an idea, or an item. The only way to find out if something is a role model, is by feeling if it is a role model or if you idolize it. That’s what makes a role model, not if it’s a person or object, for there’s no rules for what’s a role model. A good role model is Spiderman, due to the fact that he’s relatable as the nerd Peter Parker at school whose alter ego is the opposite, and he’s got so much burden on his shoulders that isn’t saving the city of New York. Taking him as a role model can improve one if they were to try to mimic Peter Parker’s many traits such as his moral code or his inability to quit. Someone who I think takes me as a role model is my baby sister, who copies what I do, probably due to the fact that she’s only two but if I acted differently she’d act differently as well. Ironically being a role model can ruin a role model, for you’ll have the burden of always being your best just to set an example for others and no one is perfect so this will drive some people crazy having someone they’ll need to be an example for twenty four/seven. Hopefully I’ll be able to become a good role model for my baby sister so she’ll be a good person as well, and maybe a good role model for others as well. I have a role model as well, and that’s my dad, for I have always seen him as a superhero as a kid and never seen him screw up or not be amazing before. I know now that everyone is human, but I see him as someone to look up to and someone who I strive to be one day. Role models aren’t considered by the average busy person as much as they should be, for they can be anything from a beacon of hope or something to implement to one’s character. Without them what would we look up to?
She was Amelia Earhart I am Azra M. She is inspiring I am the inspired She was born in Atchison, Kansas I was born in Chicago, Illinois She was brave, kind, and an incredible person I am caring, smart, and an independent person She flew planes I travel on them She was a feminist I am too
A role model The one that is taller Never makes anyone feel smaller. Has an open heart, and spreads their arms to others. And will always listen to ones in need. Always there for you and will never let you down. If you are feeling upset they will always be there to help and will listen They will be a leader and always be ready to help. If you frown do not feel down, for there they shall be. —Charlotte S.
She was born July 24,1897 I was born June 24, 2005 She broke down barriers I have yet to break them
My role model is going to be about football and basketball with some friends.
She is many people’s role model She is my role model She wrote books I write short stories for myself She was Amelia Earhart I am Azra M.
My therapist, Courtney
Orlando H.
—Shamus R.
Spring 2019
Having an individual to look up to for just about anything would be considered a role model. Maybe you like their fashion sense, their demonstration of confidence and leadership, or even just the way they communicate and interact with others. Looking up to someone is something that just about everyone does. Many people want to be like their role models, which is okay to wish and hope. But it could be possible that you are someone else’s role model for the same reasons you want to be different. What I mean by that is you can change yourself to be a better person, and have overall, more positive morals. You do not want to change too much about what makes you unique. We just need to learn to be ourselves but also know that we can look up to another person when we can. My role model is my grandfather. He is a very hardworking individual. He always has something to do and is never not motivated. I believe the last day he just sat at home was when he had Lyme disease! So I really look up to him. I feel like I am good at managing my work/schooling priorities and developmental skills, but to me, there is always something missing that I need to improve. Being a teenager, I am as self-aware as ever and it is hard to gain confidence or motivation. I don’t want to take someone else’s trait that I admire, I would like to create my own. Role models are perceived as people that you would like to imitate, but I believe that we would be just basing our ‘new’ qualities off of them. That is why I have always looked up to my grandfather.
My role model is a YouTuber named “Obey Randumb.” He is always in a positive mood and always uploads videos even if he is sick. He always is giving his friends advice on editing videos and always helps them. That is why “Obey Randumb” is my role model. —Reid W.
Janaria S.
—Marian K. Akiyah H.
Tyanna D.
What is a role model? Is it just an ordinary person, just a shadow walking down the street? No. A role model is an inspiring person, a person that is kind, loyal, loving they would do anything for the world and only. To be a role model you have to love, care, and be honest when you can and have to. You need to be extremely influential too. Role models can affect the world in such positive ways. Many younger kids look up to people and that may be their role model. A true role model will almost never let you down. Role models give the world something to look up to and it influences us so much in so many positive ways... Do you have a role model?? —Klementina K.
Spring 2019
My role model is my mom. She is my role model because she is a lot of fun. She also teaches me to be independent. My mom is always teaching me to carry heavy things. Her job is climbing poles to fix Internet cables. She works for the phone service to provide a good living for our family. She often tells me of the fun places she visits on her job. These are the things that make my mom such a good role model. Everyday I learn new things by watching her. I really appreciate my mom. —Brandon C.
A good role model has to be nice to other people, show them what to do and not to do. They have to be kind and thoughtful. If someone asks them to do something, they have to be responsible for it. Role models also keep people safe. They give freedom to them. They help people who need help. They also donate to poor people to help them keep warm and clean. They always help people stay safe when bullies hurt them. They share their stuff with people that need it. They help them with their worksheets whenever they need help with it.
Zakori G.
—Katrina L.
My role model is my dad and he never lets me down and he has been teaching me a lot of things like soccer and many other things. He is always there when I have bad days and he always makes them good days. When I am not having fun he always makes it fun. —Gianlucca E.
My Role Model is…. My mom
Talia H.
A role model presents leadership and confidence. They are always positive, calm and confident with themselves. The characteristics of a role model are the leadership skills, the social skills and a good personality. A good role model is all of these things and is happy with their achievements, but still makes effort to achieve bigger and better things.
My Ella Bella Four is pretty young, But not too young to be a role model. People will tell her, time and time again, that she can’t do it, or she can’t make it. And every time, she defies the impossible. Ella will fight, —Khushi K. scream, whatever, to get her way (whether it be because of the disease or bath time). I love her with all of my heart, even when she’s being bratty. And yes, she may be small, young, naive, but she’s strong, determined, and fierce. And she’s not too young to be a role model. —Shelby P.
Spring 2019
Role models come in many different shapes and sizes, but I believe what makes a role model has everything to do with the person. Including their shape and size, not only their personality. For example Muggsy Bogues, a professional basketball player, stood at the height of 5 foot 3. The average height for NBA players today is 6 foot 6 and Muggsy was 5’3”. Muggsy is a role model for many young athletes who aren’t gifted with height. Muggsy could dunk a basketball, something many people 6 feet tall can’t do. Muggsy is an example of the phrase “Anything is possible.” A lot of role models, although looked at for every part of themselves, are for their shape and size. Like my role model Lebron James. Lebron James does stand at a towering 6’8” but that is not the reason I look up to him. The reason I look up to Lebron James is because of a character trait I noticed of him a long time ago. He is consistently in the gym working to make himself a better basketball player. Even when he’s sick, tired, or doesn’t feel like working, you will still find him in the gym. This kind of determination has motivated me to do the same thing and that is why Lebron is my role model. I feel a good role model is someone who is constantly making the right decisions and engraving a good path for others to follow. Role models aren’t gods but in some people’s eyes they may be. This is why a role model must always watch what he’s doing and be careful before making every decision. Just like for many women Oprah Winfrey is a great role model but if she were to make a bad move for her career like do something unprofessional, it would forever be how people looked at her and engraved in everyone’s mind when thinking about Oprah. This is why being a role model is an amazing yet tricky task. Knowing that people look up to you for help and guidance makes everything different. To conclude role models are everywhere and they are admired for many different reasons ranging from height to the smallest detail of their personality that truly makes them who they are and that is why we look up to them. —Toussaint G.
Ja’Von W.
My role model is Ms. J. because she gives her time to teach a classroom that doesn’t listen to her most of the time when she could be with her kids at home but instead she comes to school to teach us for three hours and thirty minutes every day.
James T.
My role model is doing a play
There are many people in this world that can be considered role models. But what qualities make a perfect one? Some qualities that make a great role model are: helping people when they need help, helping the community by donating or doing something great, and even doing something that is small and might not be noticed, but it still helps. A professional athlete or a person doing a job you want to do could be a role model for you. It’s not only grownups that can be role models though. Kids can be role models too. A common thought of kids being role models is when they stand up to bullies. By doing this, they help other people get out of tricky situations. Role models are great and they impact this world greatly. Who is your role model? —Adrian P.
I believe role models can be important to almost everybody. Some people have role models to help them if they are going through something bad or an event. People should also be independent sometimes but I know some people really need role models if they are going through something bad. Sometimes role models can turn out to be bad people it happens but a lot of role models are good. That is what I believe about role models. —Peter Y.
Mr. Berry
Mariah B.
My brother inspires me. Spring 2019
What Makes a Good Role Model A role model is someone that helps other people.
Aarion C.
I think a good role model is when someone shows others what the right thing to do is. You can be a role model pretty much whenever, in school, in a sport, or even at home with your siblings or friends. For example during school if the teacher gives you an assignment, to be a good role model first of all you do the assignment right away and if other classmates aren’t doing what they are supposed to be doing you could tell them to stop and then keep on working because then they might realize that they have to get their work done to get a good grade. Another example for being a good role model is in sports is if your team is losing or its tied you can pump your team up and get them all fired up and get some momentum going or if someone on your team is feeling down after they made a mistake you could help them feel better by saying something to pump them up or do something good in the game yourself and get them pumped up by that. Those are the key ways on how to be a good role model in and out of school. — Jacob C.
What I think makes a good role model is setting a good example and being quiet so other people can get ideas and won’t get in trouble. —Jasmine G.
A good role model is: Funny Caring Loving Heroic
I want to be a shark “You? A shark? You’re crazy.” “Why a shark? Why not..a dolphin?” “If you were a shark who would you be?” If I was a shark I wouldn’t be as weak as I am now. If I was a shark I wouldn’t have shielded myself from the dark. If I was a shark I wouldn’t have had my mom sleep with me every night. If I was a shark I wouldn’t be in this situation. If I was a shark I would have stepped forward in moments of silence. If I was a shark I would stand up for my people. If I was a shark I would tell the white men “Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the black man die.” If I was a shark I wouldn’t cry every time I had a nightmare. If I was a shark would I be standing here today? If I was a shark I would swallow my pride and never touch her ever again. If I was a shark I would make my bed and not feel like it was another chore. If I was a shark I would keep walking instead of running. If I was a shark I wouldn’t have let the light leave me If I was a shark I would fight...but I’m terrified of losing If I, Charless K. was a shark she would tell you right from wrong, left from right, where you went wrong and how to fix it appropriately. If I was a shark, I wouldn’t hold my breath any longer.
—Eros C.
Role models They tell us They show us What is right What is wrong That is a Good role model Role models Are very brave Very proud And mostly Help us Very Very Much That is a Good role model Role models They can be You or me And Everyone For a role model Helps you And I help you And you help me That is a Good role model
—Charless K. Jeremiah B.
Spring 2019
—Lincoln R.
A role model can be anyone you want. A role model is someone who you look up to. Some people look up to Superman, saving people all over the world. Others look up to more real people, such as a football player who they like the best. A role model can simply be someone in your family that has great characteristics that make you want to be like them. When people do nice things, or succeed in life, other people aspire to be like that one day. You don’t have to have a role model. YOU can even be a role model to someone else. Society is taught to think of role models as being perfect, or being some hero. Many people have positive role models, others only have negative role models. You can look at someone who you think is a bad person, or does bad things. They could become your negative role model, which is not a good motivation for you. Sometimes, negative role models can be impactful on a person. They may make a mistake which will tell you that you need to be careful about your actions. Having a role model really gives you something to look forward to, and some motivation in life. Sometimes I feel stuck in life, but then I think about my specific role model and think, “Wow, she’s come so far in life. If I just keep going I can do what she has done.” Having someone in your life that you truly adore can change someone’s mindset of life. I have many role models, because I think a lot of people do many great things. One of my role models is my grandma. She is one of the strongest, most kind hearted people I have ever met. She has gone through many obstacles in her life. She is around 75 years old, and has lived a tough life. When she was little, she didn’t really have a great father figure. He drank and smoked and didn’t pay a lot of attention to her. Her mother was an alcoholic. They were loving, caring parents, but it was hard for my grandmother to grow up too. About 2 or 3 years ago, my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer. She beat breast cancer, and lived an almost normal life for about a year and a half. Then, in February of this year, she was diagnosed with brain cancer. She has managed to stay positive through both of her cancer diagnoses. To this day, she still is battling cancer, and is doing okay for now. But, she is still the most kind hearted person I have ever met, no matter what she is going through. She always gives me great advice on how to be happy, and tells me I am beautiful. She has taught me to follow my dreams and to try to stay happy, because there are many things that could be worse than what you are going through. She helps me with becoming a better student and athlete by helping me with work and watching me play sports. I cannot thank her enough for taking care of me almost every day when I was from 1 year old to 6 years old. Without her, I wouldn’t be the same person I am today, and I am sure of that. —Briyana B.
Respectful Oh so sweet Loving Everyone can be one! Makes you happy Outstanding Delightful Extraordinary Look up to them —Eimear W.
My mommy is my role model. She is a good mother and helps people. —Kimia L.
My Role Model: My best friend Her Words of Wisdom: Make a decision = Less Stress “It was a hard decision to make, but I got through it thanks to my best friend.” —N’Seyah
A Good Role Model A good role model is somebody making positive decisions that others can imitate. A good role model is a leader who is determined. To start off, a good role model is a leader. When they see a person being bullied they step in and stop the bully. They show compassion to the person being bullied and they explain to others why bullying is bad and how it hurts people. Finally, a good role model is determined. For example, I would always fall off my bike and that bothered me. I wanted to ride my bike so I practiced over the summer. Every day I tried to ride without falling. Eventually, I was able to do tricks because I rode so well. I taught my younger brother how to ride too. Overall, a good role model is somebody who does positive things. Azana P.
—Natalia H.
Spring 2019
Never before have people been so interconnected. Social media has revolutionized the way we interact with each other. Online, communication is fast, easy, and—very long-lasting. Role models of the past were known for their best moments, when they were out in public and on their best behavior. But with the rise of social media, every interaction made is an unintentional performance that everyone is watching, like the Truman Show. The problem is that not even the greatest people are perfect, and things will slip. But one slip is all it takes to ruin a person’s reputation when everything they say is on a stage. For example, James Gunn was fired from his role as the director of Guardians of the Galaxy for tweets dating back to 2009. Nothing is private on the internet, even if it is deleted. There is no modern celebrity without controversy, and therefore no popular role models that people will truly follow. We expect perfection from others, but never ourselves. Social media isn’t necessarily bad. It is our unreasonable attitudes that are the problem.
My family helps me with believing in myself.
Responsible person Others look up to that person Leader to others Exemplar student Mature person Open-Minded to others that are different Don’t be afraid to be unique Equal respect for everyone Leads the way to success —Sofia T-K
—Mick M.
Sam N.
A role model is someone you look up to and have respect for and affects a change in your life. A role model is someone who can help you make a change in your life or help you make the right decisions in your life to help you stay on the right path in life. A role model is someone who is a good friend to you who leads you through the tough times through your life. A good role model is someone you can trust with things that you tell them. A role model is someone who puts faith in you. —Kamya F.
This is to the person who I look up to. But this is what I think a role model should do. They should work hard. They should love and support everyone they love. And be the most amazing person that they can be. And that person is my mama. She does all the things I listed and much more. And I love and admire her for it. Love you Mama.
Lola S.
—Elijah R.
Spring 2019
She lives in a small apartment I live in a big one She is a child I am a teen She is the one that chooses the games we play I am the one who lets her She is the one with the kindest heart I am the one who learns from it
A good role model is a person that doesn’t only care for them self but for those who look up to them. Not all people have role models. But you can still be your own role model.
She is the one whose kindness I strive to have She is the one who makes me smile She is my cousin And I am hers —Abigail O.
—Leiara F.
I believe that role models can be found in many different people. In my life, there are a lot of people who I look up to and aspire to be like. I think that a role model is someone who has qualities that you try to imitate. Role models can be younger than you or older than you. They can be people you know or even people you don’t. Most people probably don’t see it in themselves, but many people are role models. For example, a big role model for me is my friends. Since they are who I spend most of my time with they inspire me to be better. While many of my friends are huge role models for me, here are a couple specific examples. One example of my friends inspiring me to be better is making me more responsible. Anya, one of my best friends, is very responsible. In this way, even though we are the same age, she is a role model for me. While I have a bad habit of procrastinating and doing things the night before they are due, whenever I ask her about school stuff she is always managing her time well. Another way that my friends are role models for me is making me a better person. An example of a friend that does that for me is Lily. I consider Lily a role model because I look up to her kindness. For instance, if there is someone sitting by themselves or looking sad, you can almost always find Lily sitting with them or trying to help. Overall, along with a lot of other people, my friends are role models for me. They show me many things that I try to imitate. Hopefully, I can be a role model for some people too.
My role models are my parents, because I feel like every day they tell me something new. They show me how to do things so when I grow up I get to do things for them. They told me how to cook and everything and to grow up and be better than them. —Dejuan T.
The role model I picked for me is the woman who’s been there to see me grow up, to see me glow up, and to see me come up. I love her so much that it hurts, even when my dad left she was there through all the dirt. I love you Mommy I know you love me too Here is my poem from me to you. —Zakia C.
I can be a good role model by being nice to my family. —Jamari P.
My role models are my sisters, brothers, mom, dad, and all the teachers who taught me new things. Thank you. —Nyiesha J.
—Evelyn L.
Spring 2019
No role model better than your own blood You are a strong woman My mom is a role model. I go to school. Stronger than all other And my dad is a role model too. And not only for yourself but for me You are a smart woman Smarter than all other Law school is hard But not as hard as the bar Gerald But never they held you back Every almost victory celebrated was never as big as the home run Those times were tough but now the rough patch is over You still persevere for me and this time for you too A true role model that found my happiness and their own Helped me pursue music even though you knew nothing Pure support is what you give and is what fuels my ambition Because of you I will live life to the fullest While achieving my goals A role model would be Thanks Mom I’m not there yet but at least someone you trust they I’m the one who absorbed the lesson I want to be like my big brother don’t have to be older but And I plan on using it he always teach me how to play basketball someone you can look and that is my role model. up to. A role model could — Claudia B. be a sibling (even if you —Jamari W. I am an artist don’t want to admit it) or a So are they celebrity that you like. My mom is my role model. I love to paint She is pretty cool and kind. —Aayan M. They love to paint too I am not famous —Serenity J. I see myself as a role model because in They are famous school when the kindergartners or first They are very well known in the art community graders are in line and I’m in line next to I am not known at all in the art community them, I stand up straight and quiet so in Their art is hung in art museums the future they can do the same. Mine is hung in my room Their artwork costs thousands or billions of dollars —Jasmine G. Mine costs barely anything Even though there are a lot of differences between me and historical art figures I still have This is my role model something in common with them, our love for art In the bubbles he is introducing drawing of my violin himself as well as asking me to play teacher Mr. Albert. —Gianna S. a piece for him. Mr. Albert is my role model because whenever I play something wrong he helps me A good role model is someone who understand that it’s okay to mess inspires you, someone who could up. He is also my role model have been just like you, maybe because when I don’t have a they just have went through what A role model good day at school, he cheers me you have went through in you life. is someone up! And lastly he is my role model Your role model doesn’t have to be you can because if he wasn’t my teacher famous, your role model isn’t perfect follow in their I would have never been able to or else everyone will have the same footsteps and play the violin. He helps me reach person to look up to! a leader like my goals and his teaching will the USA Army probably give me a great future! —Julian V. —Karolina D.
Spring 2019
—Amarion H.