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Environmental Superheroes Interview with Justin Vrany of Sandwich Me In Wishcraft Words The Sacred Keepers Sustainability Lab Info What Can YOU Do? Eat at Pockets & Support Intonation Music Workshop
Can you locate all of these Earths throughout the magazine?
Students— when submitting work, please be sure to write neatly. Spell check does not check names, so I apologize if I got any names wrong! Also, if you’re turning in artwork, white, unlined paper is the best. And please write your name on every page submitted. Thank you!
P.S. This being the Earth Day issue, I absolutely love how many submissions I received on the backs of used paper... way to reuse and recycle!
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Cover art by and text by Keyiana W. The Schools: Alcott Ames Audubon Bateman Beethoven Blaine Brennemann Burley Coonley Edwards Gillespie Hamilton
Jenner Manierre Mayer Nettelhorst Parker Prescott Spencer Waters Wentworth Westcott Wildwood Yale
Contact if you would like your school to participate.
Paul M.
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While showcasing art and writing from students in Chicago Public Schools, StudentsXpress aims to promote creativity and literacy, encourage alternative expressions, create positive self esteem and open discussions.
She saves flowers. She wears a rose top, rose mini skirt and flower strap-ons. She loves flowers and taking care of the earth.
I chose her because she makes life better. Without Mother Nature everyone would be sick and unhealthy. That is why you should recycle. Isamy Y.
Sofia S.
She helps by planting flowers. She shoots out water. The water comes out of her palms. She wears a blue outfit. She has a green tiara. It shoots out seeds. The sun gives her energy and seeds. The sun gives her powers. She is very very helpful! Annalie Z.
Her power is to keep the world very clean. She can suck up garbage and throw it away. And she can make dying flowers come back alive! The flowers she is holding find a good spot for flowers to grow so they put seeds in the ground!
Keira F.
She has a daisy that shoots out seeds into the ground to make the seeds grow. She also has a ponytail that shoots out water to make the flowers grow. Her mask brings sunshine to give the flowers what they need. She is the best superhero ever! Envirmentdistryernoter does not like anything that destroys the environment. Every day she flies to the park instead of driving. For 2 hours a day Envirmentdistryernoter picks up litter and recycles them. Envirmentdistryernoter turns on the lights when she is in a room and turns off the lights when she leaves. If you are the kind of person who doesn’t like the environment then Envirmentdistryernoter doesn’t like you. Genevieve T.
She is going to save the environment by making flowers grow. She is going to make trees grow too. She is also going to make bushes grow. Flower Power is my environmental superhero.
Kendall S.
His power is to swim under the water and help fish. He helps the fish by cleaning up Samuel C. the pollution. He also helps by watering the flowers. He is the best superhero ever.
His power is to grow old grass into new grass. When he walks there is a rainbow over him. Sam A.
Carlos R. I like to go outside to feel the sun and smell the flowers and grass.
What does it mean to take care of the environment? - It mean you need to be responsible for the earth. —Kierane S. Bottles chipped in sand Washed away in the Lakes’ beauty To smooth over time —Sophia V. Daniel S. The trees live for us We breathe them The world is here for us We stand on it We thank the world because the world loves us If you say I’m wrong then ask yourself What am I living on? —Callie Z.
When I was born I had sworn at least to myself that I would help the earth So after school every day I would turn off fans and pick up cans to help save the Earth And with my ingenuity I gave a speech to make a community that would help save the earth —Soloman
Kate O.
Earth is a wonderful place. It is fun and thriving with life. Different people all different. We share one thing in common. We all live on Earth and we like it. —Garrett D. Bella
Sam R.
There is an ozone around us. It will break if there is too much pollution and if it breaks we will all die. So. If you are going to the store and it is a block away from you, walk—don’t drive. It won’t kill you.
We should keep the earth clean. It is where we live. Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. Remember the three R’s
Yeah we should keep the earth clean and recycle.
Diego R.
Spring 2013
Leo S.
Sometimes I look out my window and think, “Man, if we had no Earth beneath our toes we would be just a bunch of tiny globs floating around in space. Maybe not, though. Perhaps we would all be dead because of the lack of cool air, crystal clear brooks, green pastures, golden sunlight, the pale blue sky, or the dark soil.” —Piper M.
Earth Day is going outside and picking up trash Earth Day is turning off lights when you don’t need them on Earth Day is recycling old bottles and cans Earth Day is learning about how to help global warming Earth Day is making buildings solar powered Earth Day is turning Chicago into a Green city Earth Day is bringing communities together and saving the WORLD one step at a time —Sonia M. When I think of Earth Day I think of plants and animals and trees and other earthy things. But to some people they don’t care about it. Some people just treat this earth like it’s something they don’t care about. I think that’s crazy because if there was no Earth, then there wouldn’t be any people. So Earth Day is every day for me and some people. I just wish people would care more about this world because we live on Planet Earth—SO CARE MORE ABOUT IT!!! —Rowan M.
Earth Day is a day where we all care for the earth. We do things like recycling, reusing, not littering, try to use as least light as possible. We try not to use our car so we don’t pollute and things that won’t harm the earth. I think we should treat the earth just like we do Earth Day, every day so we can make the earth cleaner and fresher. —Keegan K. Casey S.
Earth, Earth, what are you worth This is the day that we celebrate your birth. You give us love and bees that may sting our knees. Now I’ll give you a hug, because you came with a thud and we will love you forever, today and together, we love you there is no way to repay out on the bay, but we el give a day, and that’s today. B. Hooray!! b Ga
Help the Environment By Recycling !
The earth is our home also and many don’t realize that. So, the next time you’re about to throw a piece of trash on the ground, think about how you’re about to throw some trash into your home. There is only one Earth, so we must protect it, for the earth gives us everything; from water to trees, the earth gives us life. What do we give the earth? One day to appreciate it all. So, on the next Earth Day, make sure to make it extra special for the earth, for think of what the earth gave to us! —Mia T.
We show kindness when we can, so please shake our hand. Today is your day to shine bright in the sun’s light. —Emma T.
Spring 2013
Why is Earth Day so important? It’s important because it’s a day of appreciation for our planet. It’s a We say hey day where we can all just wonder what is Earth Day about: Everybody should just take a minute and to Earth Day. start to realize why we are so lucky to be on this world today. That’s what Earth Day is about. This day as we say —Kailey B. represents our world. Earth is very important. It gives us a place to stay. It gave us food. It made us have a good mood. Help the Earth be clean. Help the Earth be beautiful. LET THE EARTH BE EARTH!! —Alanna C.
Zoe R.
Spring 2013
These are some reasons why I believe we should celebrate Earth Day. It’s only a one or two day thing, so why not. It is not a very time consuming thing either. Say you’re working on Earth Day, you do not have to go out and plant a garden (even though that is a great way to help the Earth!). You can do something just as small as instead of buying a plastic water bottle and throwing it away, you can keep recycling it and reusing it. Things this small make a big difference especially if people from over 175 countries are doing it too! You might want to try taking care of the water, do not leave it running. And you can save energy in the tub or shower by taking a shorter bath or shower. The possibilities are endless! —Josh
Matthew D.
Krista C.
Reduce When you see litter in the streets Reuse ! And the air smells of pollution Recycle Remember there is a solution.
I feel so small In a big, big world. What could I do When people don’t care? You can start out small and work your way up With three simple steps. Reduce Reuse Recycle —Renee R.
There’s something each of us can do to keep the rivers clean, to keep fresh air we breathe, and keep the forests green.
Help clean a beach or recycle bottles and cans, learn about the problems we face, and help others understand.
Shamaria J.
It doesn’t have to be a lot if we each just do our share. So take time out on Earth Day to show you care! —Shamaria J.
Tia J.
The small rat. A lone dead animal swaying beneath the waves. A sight for sore eyes. The naked eye watching an animal in rubble left by the unknown perpetrator. The lonely victim washed away in vain. The cold wind fires away and the sand wanting to engulf any object in any way. They ended up there to rot and wither away. —Zachary V. On Earth Day we need to pick up all the trash on the streets and recycle cans, paper and plastic, and we need to plant vegetables and fruit for our earth, and our environment. We need to start using electricity wisely and we need to stop putting chemicals in the air and polluting it. Without the earth we have nothing. The earth is getting old. It’s 5.4 billion years old. —Justin T.
Ruby M.
Cashmere B.
Janae P. Smoking is not good for the environment. Smoking pollutes the air. Not only do I not smoke, but I also encourage others not to smoke. When I go outside I am happy to be able to breathe without the environment being polluted. I always remind visitors to our home that smoking is not allowed.
Spring 2013
I celebrate Earth Day by recycling and picking up trash. When you throw trash on the ground you’re killing plants and seedlings. Earth Day shouldn’t be one day. It should be every day. Celebrating Earth Day helps your environment by promoting cleaning. Help plants and trees grow. Seneal H.
Earth Day is coming, Earth Day is near. Earth is a big ball of gas. Global warming is here. To stop global warming, recycle and reduce; let’s use our three R’s and put our work to use. Let’s use our time and use our energy. Let’s do something active and begin planting because this is our earth that we are sharing. —Jennifer H.
Make the world a better place. Kewan P.
Stephen T.
Christina H. Endless with wonder and discoveries A planet full of life and ideas Recycling needs to be done Take part in taking care of Earth Have recycling bins, electric cars, and use less paper to repay Earth for what she gave us. —Sam W. I think Earth Day needs to be celebrated because it’s the day we as a group help the Earth get better. We pick up trash and recycle more. If we do these things we will have less bottles and better plants. The oxygen will be better for our body. I really think this day should tell people to come out and clean everything when they see stuff on the ground. —Timothy T. Sophia T.
Earth Day is a day to care for the earth. Are you caring for the earth? Reuse things. Treat our earth like you treat everything else. Help the earth stay green and beautiful. Do not throw garbage all over the place like streets. All animals need you so help not destroy their earth. You can help the earth just by recycling and not wasting electricity.
Sven W.
Spring 2013
Laura B.
Excited to explore in nature today Act, clean up all the trash Recycle for the health of Earth Trees help us breathe—don’t cut them down. Help the earth, keep it CLEAN! Do something to help the earth today A green earth will make us say... Yay!! So please do something to help the earth.
Perla R.
Mora V. Ammari J.
Raquel W.
To help the earth you can do it by recycling
Earth Day Is My Least Favorite Day
Nora L. Taking care of the earth is very important. But it can also be very hard to do. Buying a hybrid car is one of those things. It might be expensive, but it’s worth it because it runs on power before it runs on gas. That helps the pollution. Also there might be a car that runs on water, but that’s probably going to be in twenty years, so don’t go looking around for that now. Also you could hang up your clothes on a clothes line and not use your dryer so that it doesn’t use a lot of electricity. You could also do the three Rs a lot: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. —Grace M.
I woke up on a Thursday and I wasn’t looking forward to school. For one reason and one reason only, today was Earth Day, I never liked it. “Hello, Bryson!” I heard my sister Marissa outside my bedroom door. Marissa is ten and she goes to Lincoln Elementary School. I have always wondered why she’s out to destroy my life when hers hasn’t even come yet. I just tried to stay calm as she called my name. “What! I’m getting dressed!” I yelled at her. Apparently she didn’t get that I wanted her to go away. She is so clueless sometimes. “Mom wants you to hurry up so she can drive you!” she shouted instead that time. “Are you taking the school bus?” I asked. She didn’t take long to make her bratty response. “Yeah, something you haven’t done. I guess I’m more mature than you,” she said. I was about to lose it; it seems every Earth Day she’s getting more annoying. “Whatever,” I said. I could tell that she was upset, only because she stomped away. I laughed to myself quietly and
Earth Day is important because you can recycle, use
less energy, etc. But I don’t think Earth Day should be once a year. I think it should be every day because if people wouldn’t recycle and save electricity, the world wouldn’t be healthy, and it’s not just those 2 things... Here are some things you can do to help: 1. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! 2. Save energy. 3. Walk or ride a bike instead of driving in a car. 4. Plant some seeds. 5. Don’t use so much plastic. So, if you follow these steps/ideas you can save and help the EARTH! —Paul A. Marisa
continued to get dressed. On the way to school I saw my friend Joey walking. While I was in my mom’s car she was talking about shoes, I don’t know, I wasn’t listening. My bad day started in class. I was three minutes late to class and got a detention. Then when I sat down my chair shortened. Everyone laughed at me and I was so embarrassed that I put my hood on and pulled on the two strings. When I went to first period my water fell on my pants and it looked like I wet my pants. In second period my friend Kami accidentally poured a bucket of paint on my head. My hair was pink. For third period I was using the stapler and I stapled my shirt to my papers. In fourth period I was writing on the chalkboard and when I was called out, I put my head against the board and ended up with yellow chalk on my face. At lunch my lunch fell all over my shirt, MY WHITE SHIRT!!! During Gym, we were running and my pants fell down. Finally the day was over. Until I found out my grandma was coming to town. Then I found out we were going vegan for the rest of the day. Bad things always happen to me on Earth Day. —Shanice H. Green, brown, and more green. Never-ending forests, Mountains higher than the eye can see, Weather wilder than the human can take, Lonely views never shared. Nurturing. With the power to give us life, But take it as well. What are we without you? Nothing. For we have done nothing but harm you, Yet you give and give. You die a little every day, Still you strive to live. Like the Mother you are, You accept our mistakes. But there is a limit you see, Even mothers have limits. What you were one day won’t be the next, Soon gray and old you will be, And your children will be lost. One day we will see, That, like Mother Earth, There is no other. —Chloe K.
Tania W.
Spring 2013
Earth Day is a day to think about and appreciate our planet Earth. Celebrated around April 22, it is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. Earth Day’s name and concept was founded by John McConnell in San Francisco, California. He also proposed March 21, 1970 to be the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. One month later, another Earth Day was founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, after witnessing massive oil spills in Santa Barbara, California. It was first held on April 22, 1970. This promoted Bill Clinton to award Senator Gaylord Nelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom—the highest honor given to citizens of the United States. While April 22nd Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization founded by Denis Hayes made it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations. Many communities also celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of nature’s fun and games, but also focusing on environmental issues. They focus on environmental issues (in other countries also) by going out on the streets and protesting against pollution, oil spills, etc. People everywhere encourage others to participate in Earth Day, by reminding them to reduce, reuse, recycle, turn off lights, etc. Happy Earth Day 2013. —Liliana M.
Anne J.
How To...
First, get a hose and turn on the water.
First, you find a box.
Then if you want, you can color it and you can cut it. Now you have REUSED a box
Don’t leave the water running for too long.
Make signs that say there is a turtle nest. Do not hunt sea turtles. Sea turtles are endangered.
When you are done turn off the water. Then you are done!
You can do all this for sea turtles. Do this for sea turtles.
Earth Day is basically like Earth’s birthday.
We are celebrating it. It is important that we take care of our earth, even when it’s not Earth Day. We take care of it because of a lot of reasons. Here are two. 1. It provides a good home for us. 2. When you are older you will still want it to be fresh. I hope this persuaded you to take care of...Earth! P.S. If you are a grumpy old man/woman you would want everything around you looking good, RIGHT?! —Kimo
Simon O.
Enesa G.
Bella R.
Don’t go fishing. If you go fishing, release the fish that you catch. Don’t use nets.
Next, bring the hose over to a tree.
Water a Tree
Next, you can pick what you want it to be.
When you go to the beach in the Pacific Ocean, pick up the trash.
Daniel G.
Amer D.
Spring 2013
Maggie W.
Fuller L.
Eleanor P.
I like to play soccer. I like to play soccer because I play with my family. I like to play tag too. I have lots of room to play tag.
Emanuelle O.
Earth Day is important because it tells people about how you should treat the earth. If you have not been recycling, Earth Day is the day to start. Also you shouldn’t just recycle on Earth Day, you should recycle every day. Earth Day should be every day. Ways that you can take care of the earth every day: •Turn off the lights in the rooms you are not in. •Reuse Reduce Recycle. •Use both sides of the paper. •Use containers instead of plastic bags. •Turn the water off when you brush your teeth. •Don’t throw trash into the lake. Take care of the earth every single day in every single way. —Maggie W.
Casey L.
I like to play basketball at the outdoors because it is fun. After school I play basketball because I like to play it with my friend every day.
Spring 2013
Cherish H. Earth Day is a fun day to play with friends. Clean your neighborhood.
Why Earth Day is Important
I love Earth Day!!! Why is Earth Day important you might ask? Well, Earth Day is a holiday which celebrates how much you care for the earth. If you would not care about the earth, then you might litter and litter causes pollution. Pollution is not only bad for the earth, but it’s also bad for the animals and plant life that live and grow on Earth. Not to mention the human beings. YOU. If you throw a piece of litter on the ground, it can hurt animals because animals might see the litter and eat it. That can make the animal very sick. Pollution can also harm plant life, if litter or plastic goes into a tree or plant. The plant might not get enough sunlight or can’t breathe, it won’t grow and will probably die. Anyways, we should always care about the earth, if it’s Earth Day or not. I hope this gave you an understanding about the earth. HAPPY EARTH DAY. —Alex N.
I think Earth Day is important. Some examples are how there are
things that help us live, things that help us learn and things we should appreciate. Things that help us live are houses. Houses are important because we might live outside in the cold so houses can help us stay warm. Food is another thing. It can help us by not starving to death. Another thing is water. Water helps by not making Jakob us dehydrated and then we will die from it. Things that help us learn are books. Books help us learn about a new subject or can help us with vocabulary. Oh, how can I forget this. School. School is important because it is the best way for education. Things we should appreciate are family. If they weren’t there, this world would be much different without family. We should also appreciate life. Without life, this world you would never see. In conclusion, Earth Day is a very important day. —Leonard N.
I have a bird who tweeted a word about a friend who lives down south. He might be a mat, he might be a rat, who knows what he is? I just want to say... Does he know earth? And I said to my bird, who tweeted a word about a friend who lives down south. And I asked him that question... Hunter
After seeing ads, commercials, flyers and more about “cleaning up your environment,” people still seem to continue to trash the earth. It’s like they don’t realize that they’re taking the world we live on for granted. If we don’t take care of the earth now, it’s going to get out of hand. I understand that people would think that cleaning up the earth is a waste of time. I understand that people have things in their lives that they believe come before cleaning up our environment. The truth is, if people keep putting aside taking care of the earth, there will be no earth. I know you may think that a scenario like that is a little drastic but in reality it’s not. Over time all the litter and pollution will build up leaving no hope to make things better. By now you’re probably thinking that you want to help out the earth but you don’t know how. Well I know exactly how to help you. Even something as small as picking up a couple pieces of litter can help. Every little thing counts. If you don’t have much time on your hands then my advice to you is to do whatever you can (i.e. recycle, pick up some litter, cut down on hairspray). Every little thing makes a big difference. I know it sounds crazy that something as small as recycling paper scraps could make such a big difference but it’s true. Small things like that add up and over time the earth would be so much cleaner. If everybody on earth did one little thing to help the environment, I can guarantee you the world would be in so much better shape. I’m aware that millions of people saying to help the earth can get annoying but you have to realize the end result is worthwhile. Life on earth could be so much better if everyone helped out a little. The earth gives us home and protection so the least we could do is give back and keep it clean. —Maya H.
Miyanna J.
Maddie O.
Spring 2013
Pollution is only one of the main environment problems that we face today. Three of the main types of pollutions are air, water, and land contamination. Pollution is not only hazardous to the environment, but fatal to people as well. The hazardous waste and filth can lead to respiratory complications and other health predicaments. Humans often cause impurities in the environment, but natural disasters can also be the source of pollution. When pollution has tainted the environment, it can, and will, make it impossible to sustain life. Pollution can affect the water we drink and the food and produce we consume. When contamination from pollution plagues the natural environment, it will cause adverse changes. Earth Day is not the only day one should be aware of and appreciate Earth’s natural conditions, but it should be every day. To change the amount of pollution released into the environment each year, everyone can, and should, take initiative, but not only with one day. However, little by little, we all can make tremendous changes. —Robert B.
Miles L.
is a day when we re-pay Earth for all it has done for us—the only problem is it’s once a year. Is that it? April 22, one day out of 365! Some people treat every day as if it is Earth Day. But that’s only some. Why can’t EVERYone treat Earth as it treats us?! People litter, plus spread unhealthy energy every single day! Do people understand that one day the earth will be gone, so why can’t we make the most of the time we still have and possibly make it longer. We could do that if everyone contributes in little everyday things for example, using the back side of their paper so that we can limit the trees we cut down for more oxygen, plus throwing trash in the trash can, and also turning the lights off when we exit the room. If we did these small things we could have so many more earth days, because remember “every day is Earth Day.” —Ryan F. Mother Earth likes it when we see Just how pretty she can be. And when we see all of her flowers, We gaze upon them all for hours. When we go planting a tree, She looks at us in awe and glee. And when we go to bed tonight, She’ll say “goodnight” with stars so bright. She loves her precious energy, So why not save some, you and me? When we leave the house and we’re off, Just remember, light goes off.
Iza R. People need to recycle and reduce and reuse because animals will die and people too. People and animals will die because pollution is in the water and that is why animals and people are dying and getting ill and sick. There was a boat that hit the reef and 11 million gallons of oil spilled in Alaska. Oil covered and ruined most of the Alaska coast. This is why you should recycle, reduce and reuse.
Spring 2013
She loves it when we do these things and something in my head now rings. Go plant a tree, save energy. Because you know she loves us. —Charlie I.
the earth with vast oceans thick woods and fresh air the earth inhabiting people teeming with life crawling with creatures unappreciated, underrated, overlooked stop take in the beauty of the surging water the dense vegetation and the blue sky because no one realizes that the earth is dying from pollution aching from the heat we gnaw at its vulnerability for the earth cannot voice its pain it’s up to us to stop the corruption earth day the reason we remember why we even try as we destroy our planet as we contaminate the sea as we clear the rainforests as we pollute the atmosphere this day is when we take a stand this day is when we lend a hand earth day can be every day just stop take in the beauty of the surging water the dense vegetation and the blue sky —Lily B.
When it’s Earth Day,
my family and I turn off all the lights. It means to like clean after yourself when you finish, and to recycle more. I always recycle and I turn off the lights when I don’t use them. I also turn off the water while I brush my teeth. My favorite thing to do outdoor is soccer. Our drinking water comes from the Lake Michigan. I don’t spend my time outside. I spend a lot of time watching tv and playing games. —Faris R.
We are lucky to live on this planet. Earth has flowers, fresh air, trees and clean water. With so many people living on earth, things can get ruined. Cars pollute the air, people use lots of things that make garbage. We need to start reusing things and not driving so much to help save the earth.
Abbey K.
Sophia O.
How much time do I spend outdoors? I love being outdoors, so I go outside a lot. I love going outdoors barefoot and playing outdoor sports. I also go on adventures outside. For example, mountains, forests, and very high grassy areas. So, again, I absolutely love the outdoors.
Levi G.
How much time do I spend “plugged in” on a daily basis? I personally don’t watch a lot of T.V. or play video games, but I know people who do, and they play it all the time, and I think it’s O.K. to play it or watch something every now and then, but just not every day. I don’t think family shows or movie night counts. That’s my opinion. What does it mean to take care of the Earth? I think it is very important to take care of the Earth. It means to clean up your litter, and eat unpackaged food. That is only a few examples. If you think about sustainability, then you would realize that if everyone had or did what they needed—like food, the world would be a better place. For example, a bad thing to do would be to put chemicals into things. What do I do to help the environment? Sometimes me and my family pick up people’s litter in our yard. My family is kind of an organic fanatic, we only eat healthy foods. Like, no Cheetos, yes dairy, meat and other healthy stuff. I believe if we all helped our community, we could help the environment. —Isabel H.
In the summer when it’s nice out, on a nice sunny day, my family—Mom, Dad, Oscar and me, Levi—all ride our bikes to the farmers’ market. We try not to use our car in the summer and spring. We also compost. My job is to turn it. We also have a garden and we grow all sorts of fruits and vegetables.
Spring 2013
Do no
Water Concrete Poem ollute the wa ter tp a
p it clean. Let
u N at
orment frien dly envi e .H .B e elp b re t
t h. O ne a
ca ion
ea ak nm
differenc e. Ethan
Earth Day is important because we need food and oxygen or we will die. Also because if the earth was not here we would not be alive. That is why Earth Day is important. Should Earth Day be every day? No because it’s not necessary and it is kind of weird. Also, it is not possible. —Steven G.
Marcus M. Spring 2013
Alana C.
Today some people are not composting. Now it is making pollution. But I want people to always compost. Compost means the fruit goes underground. —Owen P.
Recycling, Recycling Walk or run instead of driving. Don’t pollute. Polluting is bad for the earth. The earth is depending on us to keep her clean. Recycle papers, cans and cardboard. “Repeat 2 times” —Jack B.L.
The Earth is alone amongst the stars far, far, far from where we are. From the happy people to the flourishing trees are all the things that keep it company. —Elizabeth S.
Tessa B.
Jalen Christopher B.
Today, people are chopping down trees that are homes, shelter, and animals’ lives. Room 107 and I decided to write the president and tell him that the people who are chopping down the trees should think before they chop down another. —Tallula O.
Today in many places people are chopping down trees and some animals are already endangered so that is leading to extinction. Things to help animals: send letters to places where people are chopping down trees; talk to people who are chopping down trees; go around the world and plant trees, bushes and flower seeds. —Ryan L.
Jada P.
Spring 2013
Earth Day is very important. Everybody should help out; do different things that will help out in a big way. Here are few things that you could do to help on Earth Day… • Pick up litter • Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle • Use less energy • Use public transportation/carpool • Buy products with less packaging • Use a water bottle with a filter • Use reusable bags • Donate to a hospital, shelter, soup kitchen, etc. Sofia
These are great things to do to help the environment, and to help yourself. Take Earth Day seriously; it’s not another lazy holiday. Take matters into your own hands, get out and CJ B. do something! water —Katie R. cold hot whirling, flowing, splashing it’s a necessity agua Earth Day is important for each and everyone, but if you reduce-reuse-recycle you will get the job well done. Life, nature, environment, lots of things on this planet, but if you take care of yourself, the earth and others, you will not take it for granted. Earth can be sweet, or sour as a lime. If you wanna give the earth what you got, it oughtta take some time. Trees on this earth are what we all need, so take a big chance
but first... Plant a seed.
Ayanna H.
How did you get started in the restaurant business? For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a chef. There is video of me pretending to cook when I as about 4 and saying: “I am the cooker man and I will cook you something up.” Family and friends always thought it was odd, but my grandfather was a butcher and he would tell me stories about his shop. When I really started cooking and training, I knew it was what I really loved to do. Now, I have been working as a chef for over 15 years, working in establishments such as Hot Chocolate, Ritz Carlton, Nick’s Fish Market and Cantigny Club House. As chef and owner, I am now focusing my talents on the madefrom-scratch menu at Sandwich Me In. What made you decide to focus on sustainability? Through my various experiences, I have developed a keen knowledge of how food should taste and how products should be handled. I am dedicated to making decisions that will help our community grow toward a sustainable future. Therefore, I have developed a restaurant that is environmentally sound and the food is delicious. Attending Kendall College really opened my eyes to the waste and processed food that is everywhere in the United States. I started researching how I could change this but once I had kids…I knew this was the type of restaurant I had to open. What do you see as the advantages of working directly with local sustainable farms? First of all, I firmly believe in supporting small businesses & local farmers—it is the gateway to a sustainable future. I also believe it is important to know where your food is coming from. The quality of meat coming from a farm 50 miles away is going to taste tremendously better than meat coming from 500 miles away. I trust the farmers who I work with and know they are just as dedicated to sustainability as I am. The waste is greatly reduced. Products do not have to be frozen. Food can be grown to full size with no harmful effects on animal or consumer. Tell us about the menu at Sandwich Me In. 98% of the food in the restaurant is made from scratch in-house; including wood smoked meats, homemade sauces, fresh bread baked daily and homemade sodas to compliment each meal. To cater to all of our customers, we offer gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan options as well as plenty of choices for our customers who just love pulled pork. We’ve recently decided to bottle and sell our homemade BBQ sauce for customers to take a little piece of Sandwich Me In home with them. In keeping with our dedication to sustainability, the base of our homemade BBQ sauce is Local Folks Food ketchup with my own twists added in. Menu standouts include the pulled pork sandwich, smoked for 13 hours and lathered in the homemade BBQ sauce, served on a fresh baked black strap molasses wheat roll. Another favorite is the vegan black bean and brown rice burger with whole grain mustard. Tell us more about this Earth Day event. To demonstrate our dedication to sustainability and educating the community, I am bringing together some of the farmers who I work closely with on my menu items as well as like-minded vendors. At this event, customers will get to see first-hand how I work to get my restaurant to zero-waste and who helps me get there. I believe the only way we will reach a sustainable future is to spread the word about these practices and work together to learn how to create a healthier city. I really want to give back to my community by educating customers and helping them become aware of sustainable options and how to reduce our carbon footprint…and serve them a delicious sandwich!
Triseana W.
I recycle for Earth Day. I recycle plastic, glass, paper and cans. Earth Day is my favorite day. Why? Because you are cleaning the world. The world needs to be clean. On Earth Day, me and my friends clean the neighborhood. —Eliyah M.
Dershawn C.
I celebrate Earth Day at school by cleaning up the whole school and bringing plastic water bottles to recycle them. At home I celebrate Earth Day by enjoying the time I have with my family. To me taking care of the environment is very important because you shouldn’t want rodents running everywhere. Something I do to care for the environment is pick up the trash others littered. —Dontia R.
Leslie P.
Many people in the world litter and make the earth look bad. But people should just hold their trash until they see a trash can. People should collect metal, plastic and glass and recycle not just to get some money, but to save the earth. Maybe if people recycle the oxygen would be clean, more people would be happy and the earth would also be happy. —Jameshia E.
Davyanna P.
“I love the environment, so please don’t harm it.” Recycle! Lillian S.R. First, you have to call your friends over to let them know you are celebrating Earth Day. Next, you have to set up the party, gather what you need. Then, when you have finished all of your food your buddies will be here. Last, YOU ARE READY TO PARTY! Kevin G.
this is a garbage can
On Earth Day we are cleaning up the trash Then we will make sure our team is working fast. I will make sure the charity has money Then we will have a toast with lots of honey.
Kanya V. Everybody celebrates Earth Day differently. I celebrate Earth Day by recycling, reusing and reducing. I will try not to use the internet as much on Earth Day and after Earth Day. To take care of the environment you can start picking up trash and recycling it. Sometimes when I’m at the beach, I make sure I put my trash in the recycling bin. —Shaleese C.
Earth Day to me is when I recycle cans. On Earth Day I always go outside and dance. Me and my friend love to play on Earth Day We always go outside and stay. On Earth Day I love to eat pear. And me and my friend always share. —Krishonna T.
—Dartrell P.
Environment green pretty growing changing raining we all have to take care of the environment nature
Rebekah M.
Earth Day is a day when you are supposed to help keep the environment clean. The locals want us to recycle, reduce and reuse. They expect at least 3/4 of the earth to help clean. We can use less energy by being outside more, instead of using electric energy. That will keep us from being plugged-in. In my neighborhood, I help keep the earth clean by picking up the trash. Sometimes, I like to use less gas energy by barbecuing. —Shakaylah P.
Omarion W.
Earth Day is about responsibility of taking care of the Earth, to clean up around your neighborhood and make sure you recycle. Earth Day is special to keep your earth clean every day, not just on Earth Day. This earth has a special thing which is us. If we help to keep this earth clean you aren’t just cleaning the earth, you’re helping the animals and birds, you’re helping their habitat. If you keep this earth clean, you’re helping us.
DeJah W. Spring 2013
Kevin G.
Today is Earth Day Let’s keep the trash away Now let’s get a stick and pick up the trash
When you see someone littering you would have to say HA! are you gonna pick that up? NOPE! and he keeps walking. Well, I thought he would pick up but, no. So the good guy picked up the can and he threw it away and felt happy.
We have to keep our environment safe and we have to keep our planet clean.
y sha Ra
People celebrate Earth Day by going to parks and helping Earth Day is a day that the environment stay clean. everybody should recycle When people take care of the and clean their neighborhood. environment, On Earth Day I’m going to they sometimes get awards. clean my neighborhood for a My favorite thing to do outdoors in safer environment because I’ve the fall is to keep seen an old lady almost break the environment clean her rib cage because a bag of by raking leaves. chips was on the floor with cheese Some people recycle for in the bag. —Javonn H. Earth Day.
Earth Day to me is when you recycle. Earth Day to me is eating an orange and an apple. Earth Day to me is having a snowball fight. Earth Day to me is not littering. Earth Day to me is picking up garbage. —Jeremiah W.
On Earth Day people should turn off their light. Also on Earth Day people pick up cans and paper. It’s a special day for people. Another way to conserve is to think about what they can do about the earth. People don’t turn on their water. If we do this, the earth will be around for a long time. Trinity H.
We can plant new flowers and feed baby animals then we can help the elderly. —Jymond M.
Taphany S.
RELAUNCH PARTY When: Sunday, June 2, 2013 (4pm-7pm) Where: Center on Halsted: 3656 N. Halsted • (773) 472-6469 • Why: To celebrate our expansion to even more schools across Chicago and an opportunity to bring all of the educators, children, families and advertisers together for a fantastic evening with the best entertainment from CPS students (and a few surprises)
Zakiya S.
below there is a
that shows a conversation of why
Person who thinks Earth Day is not important “Why is Earth Day so important anyway?” “I still do not think it is that important. The earth is already clean.”
Earth Day
is important
Person who thinks Earth Day is important “Because it is a day where most people are considerate to the earth.”
“Ya I guess you are right. Earth Day is really important.”
“Ohhh it is definitely important. It’s the one day of the year when people think about the earth, and the earth is not as clean as it should be. We can definitely stop littering and plant more trees.”
—Charlie N.
“Yes it definitely is important!”
Spring 2013
Come out and support StudentsXpress, now a 501c3 organization. Suggested donation: $5 artwork by Lauren C.
While showcasing art and writing from students in Chicago Public Schools, StudentsXpress aims to promote creativity and literacy, encourage alternative expressions, create positive self esteem and open discussions.
Savannah K.
Earth Day is about keeping our earth clean, recycling on Earth and cleaning up the world.
Macy V.
Edward B. On Earth Day you can do lots of things. You can help people clean up and help the environment. You can celebrate Earth Day by helping others’ environment and that’s a good thing. It’s a good thing because sometimes you can get money from them, or you can just do it because you want other people to help your environment as well. You also can help plants and animals. You can do lots of things outdoors. —Edwin B.
On Earth Day I will recycle cans, boxes, bottles. We can clean the street and pick up the garbage. We can reuse bags when we go to the store. On Earth Day we can recycle old cell phones. On Earth Day we can plant trees. —Omarion W.
It is important to protect the earth because if we don’t the ice caps will melt and polar bears and penguins will be stuck in what they fear most WARMTH!!!!!!!!!!
Malcolm N. Madysen P.
Do you ever think about the background story of your food? After reading one of my favorite books, Chew on This by Eric Schlosser and Charles Wilson, I now think about what I’m eating. Reading this book changed how I eat fast food so much that I will never see a tasty “Big Mac” the same as I did before. After reading Chew on This, I realized how greedy fast food restaurants are when they have billion dollar companies, but yet still persuade us to spend most of our money. In the book, it says big companies like McDonald’s will buy a pound of fries for the very least of thirty cents a pound and sell it for $6. That would be an almost $5.70 profit. That being said, I still went to McDonald’s and bought their french fries two days later. That’s when I started to believe that even if everyone in the world knew this, they would still go and eat there because they can’t help themselves. It not only made me realize that fast food chains were making money off me but it started to make me wonder if I can ever stop. I think to myself and say “yes.” I used to eat McDonald’s almost three times a day thinking it was great food for a great price. Now after reading Chew On This and knowing that french fries are always frozen never fresh, it limited me from going through the drive-thru only once a week. One idea that the novel explained was the work life of employees at fast food restaurants. At one point, the author explained about how a young lady worked for nineteen hours straight without any sleep. The manager at McDonald’s only gave her a bag of candy. I was both angry and shocked when I learned this. It reminded me of my hard-working dad, who in fact is a store manager at McDonald’s. My dad came from Guatemala legally, searching for the “American dream.” He found work at McDonald’s. He started off way in the back in the line as a cook and he worked long hard hours, but still was paid minimum wage. He
was later promoted to cashier and he worked himself up to managing a whole entire store at McDonald’s getting paid a fair price. “I have an amazing house, family, friends, cars, and job,” he told me, but I think he didn’t even get a bag of candy for his hard work that he put. Do companies even care about their amazing hard-working employees? Or do they care more about money? Another way that the text has changed me is that I realized that Chew on This cited that “Americans spend more money on fast restaurants than college education.” This made me think that if a complete college education cost about $100,000 for all four years and people are spending almost 125 billion dollars just on fast food, do people really know where their money is going? I can happily say that I have one brother graduated from college and another brother in college, but my parents paid almost $100,00-$150,000 just to be in college! Thousands and thousands of people in the world can’t financially send their kid to college, but they are spending more money on fast food. Food that is frozen, processed, and filled with hormones and steroids too? Are they actually willing to spend more money on hazard food than their own child’s education? This changed me by informing people that the big M you see everywhere isn’t as friendly and convenient as they say it is. Tell them that if they only eat at fast food restaurants once a month, they will probably save more to send their kids to college. People always told me that in my life I would encounter things that would change me forever. I encountered Chew On This. It changed me by telling me that every french fry or every burger is not what it seems to be. That “I’m NOT loving it!” —Emmanuel
Spring 2013
What if the world we live in suddenly changed?
Nobody knows what will happen in the future. Scientists can predict happenings, but can’t prove it. After reading the book Life as We Knew It, simple things as a pea became more meaningful than before. It can save your life from starvation. Every small and unthinkable thing in life matters and you have to make it last. Everything seems normal until something unexpected happens worldwide in the book Life as We Knew It. The moon suddenly is knocked out of orbit by a huge asteroid making it come closer to Earth. Miranda, a teenage girl, doesn’t really care much about this because she has problems of her own. For her, scientists have the solutions to everything scientifically. Her dad’s girlfriend is pregnant, she and her best friends keep fighting, and the constant fights with her mother over that she wants to return to skating after getting injured. However, the moon being closer causes natural disasters such as the destruction of many coastal cities by enormous waves and causing the death of millions of people. Hawaii and Alaska along with other states disappear out of the map. Her world soon flips upside down and is able to see things beyond what they look like just like me. I was able to realize that there is more to simple things such as a pencil. Miranda was so caught up with her personal problems that she didn’t realize that she was missing out so much in life. The time that food was rejected because of how it looked or tasted had to be eaten. Every little grain of food kept her and her family alive. This reminds me so much about myself because I used to judge a book by its cover. I would throw away the food or make my dad eat it. I didn’t want it and assumed things that weren’t true. Now every grain is valuable for me and I think back to all the people in the story that
starved to death because they had no food left to eat. Miranda had to skip lunch or even breakfast for her brothers to keep eating and then the order changed from her brothers to her all over again. Another way this text changed me is that I learned that family is very valuable. Instead of fighting the way Miranda fought with her parents and the way I sometimes fight with my own parents, I chose not to fight. I realized that in 20 years I want to remember all the positive things with my parents more than the negative ones. Parents want the best for their children and children are stubborn and want what they think is better for them. Miranda wants to return to skating which is her passion, but she was severely injured and her mother doesn’t want her daughter to get hurt once again. Sometimes I want to sleep over my friend’s house and my dad doesn’t allow me to. He tells me, “You have your own house and your own bed, why go sleep at another house or bed?” I feel frustrated at first, but after contemplating for a long time, I realize that he is just protecting me. Listening to your parents will guide you to a better life, but if you are too blind to see that, later on in life you might regret all that. I never thought a simple book could change your life so much. Life as We Knew It connected so much to my personal life. Reading the book made me appreciate my family and other insignificant things better. Miranda and I have a similar story and that’s what really got me into the book. Reading from her point of view dragged me to another world I never expected to see. Never take things for granted because when the simplest thing can save your life and make you realize what you’ve been missing out, it will be too late for you to do anything. —Vanessa R. Please keep
the earth clean Shauntez J.
Stephany F.
Amy D. Spring 2013
Let’s help the World Do the —Jah’vonte R.
Iveth U.
Wishcraft Words
Wish you could find these words? Ready, set, go! CARE CELEBRATE CLEAN EARTH DAY ENVIRONMENT
Write down the letters that aren’t circled to uncover the secret message.
is a The earth e circle. 360 degre beautiful ul things. h wonderf d sunshine. Filled wit als, an ygen, anim l place to enjoy. x o , ts n la P erfu is a wond trash and le throw The earth p o e p s y a ed Now thes ur planet. et Earth. destroy o bout plan a re a c ’t create ple don ether and er Some peo come tog an ld le u c o h a s We earth make the . a plan to in place aga . —Jaz’ya C
Here comes Spring. Here comes Summer. Wishcraft camps make both more funner! (Yeah, we made up that word.) See the Camps page at for details and online registration. (Psst- these camps fill quickly.)
Spring 2013
**list compiled by Jayla P., Marcus S., Makayla W., Aniya B.
Sacred Keepers is recruiting youth, in grades 6-9 to join us this Spring and Summer for:
Summer Outdoor Camps Spring Break Sustainability Camp Earth Hour Candlelight Walk Earth Day Season Service Learning Projects Community Garden Volunteer Program Sacred Keepers Youth Council Annual Domestic & Global Service Learning Projects & Eco-Tours
For more information, contact us: Sacred Keepers Sustainability Lab 4445 South King Drive, 2nd Floor Chicago, Illinois 60653 312.869.9546 or visit
Spring 2013
Nikolette M.
Clean our neighborhood. Pick up cans if you see some. Do not litter. Pick up litter outside. Always put trash inside of the garbage can and not on the ground so the earth can be healthy. We can recycle paper and plastic, bottles and bags! Instead of leaving the trash on your steps you can pick it up.
Taurean B.
Shauntez J.
Terrance D.
Taurean B.
Erionna C.
Raquel W. Terrance D. Eric E. Noah K.
Kamia B.
Soniqae B.
Roi L.
Raquel W.
TionJe S.
I always turn off the lights before I go somewhere.
Terrance D. Kanya V.
TionJe S.
Lucas S.
Soniqae B.
Make sure that you turn off your TV, DSi, computer and all electricity when you can play, draw or read instead of watching TV. You can turn off electricity when you are not using it.
Eric E. Katherine S.
Erionna C.
Instead of driving, ride a bike or a scooter. Walk or skate to where we need to go. Kamia B.
Shauntez J. Kanya V.
Taurean B.
Raquel W.
Emily F.
TionJe S.
Nora M.
Kanya V.
Soniqae B.
Eric E. Rosali S.
Spring 2013
Cut the running water off. Stop running the water when you are brushing your teeth or washing the dishes.
Rena M.
Rena M.
Krista C.
Earth is a place where we live in grace, and the swans float along the pond where busy streets are open with clear possibilities and people accept each other no matter what color, shape or size we are—loving each other and caring. That’s our Earth.
Aiko You’re always there Difficult to spot at times, Looking down on us From the sky.
Middle of the day and You’re still here, Elusive with your constant change Now you start to fade.
Waking up with us Filling our realm with light Rising with us Warming us up.
Your dance around the world is over for now It’s time for us to say good night. —Brenda O.
—Alex N.
Earth wonderful earth resourceful and giving. wet and dry. freezing and hot. life-giving, life taking, mysterious, home Earth wonderful earth —Peter F.