AYY Guide for International tutors (2010)

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GREETINGS FROM THE DIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONAL TUTORING 1 INTRODUCTION 2 BEING AN INTERNATIONAL TUTOR IN PRACTICE 2.1. BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT 2.2 WHEN AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ARRIVES IN FINLAND 2.2.1 Pick up from the airport and compensation for expenses 2.2.2 Collecting the keys and guiding students to their accommodation 2.2.3 General information on the accommodation of international degree students 2.2.4 Enrolment 2.2.5 Banking 2.2.6 Telephone 2.2.7 Travel card 3 STUDIES 3.1 ORIENTATION 3.2 GUIDANCE ON PRACTICAL ISSUES

EDITING - Ilmari

Pärnänen & Hanna Sauli LAYOUT - Robert Hanson © AYY 2010


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Greetings from the Director of International Tutoring Dear international tutor. As the International Director of International Tutoring, a member of Teekkari Division, I congratulate you for your choice to take this responsible task. We Finns seem to be – at least concluding from the media – a nation greatly interested in what other people think of us. We are constantly concerned about foreigners’ opinions. As an international tutor, you can directly have an effect on this topic. It is nice to think that active technology students, who in my opinion are usually brilliant people, get to create the image of our country and universities. This year, AYY has continued to shape international tutor activities with the purpose to make it even more interesting and fun. Situations from a few years back when international tutors took care of their international students alone are now history. In the current situation, you get to work as pairs or triplets and guide a hopefully funny and active group of international students. Additionally, the role of the Committee for International Affairs (KvTMK), consisting of guild members in charge of international affairs, is more significant this year. We aim to organize plenty of versatile activities for you so that your valuable work would not even accidentally feel like hard work. If you have good ideas for international activities in your guild or you need help from your guild, please get in touch with the person in charge of international affairs. At AYY, you can also contact me (kvisotirehtoori(at)ayy.fi) or the sector for international affairs (international(at)ayy.fi). Finally, I would like to give a piece of advice for international tutoring activities. Most likely the division between Finnish and international freshmen will vanish even more in the future. In the meantime it is advisable to also organize events together with Finnish freshmen groups so that your students won’t end up hanging out with other foreigners only.

With international regards, Ilmari Pärnänen DIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONAL TUTORING


1 Introduction In this guide, we explain international tutor activities; what they include, what to do, how, and when. Even though you might not use all of the information in this guide, it is good to know what is involved when an international student arrives in Finland and what the international students should know beforehand. That is why reading this guide is advisable and you can always return to it for reference.

international student services, they also receive information on Finland, TKK, studies, and a brochure on AYY, including basic information about international tutoring activities. All exchange students have their own international tutor. Degree students have one, if there are enough tutors available. International degree students must inform the Director of International Tutoring if they wish to have their own tutor.

After receiving the aforementioned information, the director divides the international students in groups of 8-10. Every group has two international tutors. The group division is organized according to the studies of international tutors, preferably in a way that international students have tutors who study their own subject, or at least a subject within the same faculty. Also, As an international tutor you will gain the wishes of an international tutor, multicultural competence, which is such as language preferences, are nowadays invaluable in the labour market, as well as thrilling new experi- taken into account when possible. When the director has organized the ences. In addition to those, you can groups, he/she will send by e-mail a obtain one credit to include in the optional language studies (either Eng- complete list of international students lish or some other language which you and international tutors directly to tutors and international counselors and will speak with the person you tutor). The course description and instructions planners in faculties. This takes place during August for the autumn and durfor receiving the credit are available ing December for the spring. on the language centre web page (http://kielikeskus.tkk.fi): opetus > kurssit The first task of an international tutor is > puhumasi kieli > tuutorointi englanto contact the international students. niksi/espanjaksi jne. In this way, international students have a chance to ask questions before 2 Being an international tu- arriving in Finland. At the same time, tor in practice international tutors arrange with international students if they want to be picked up from the airport, the railway 2.1. Before the arrival of an station, or whether they want to arrive international student in Otaniemi by themselves. Tutors also ask if international students need help When international students receive with collecting their keys. their acceptance letters from the Just like the new Finnish students, international students need an international tutor to guide their studies and the student life at their arrival. Students who come from a different cultural background need help with those practical issues which may be routine for us.


When the director of tutoring has the information and the preferences of international students, he/she will guide your work in more detail. If, for some reason, the e-mail address of your international student does not work, get in contact with the International Student Services.

time in order to avoid excessive trips to the airport.

The expenses for the pickup, such as the bus or parking tickets or petrol expenses will be compensated. Please attach the original receipts with your travel bill. If you are claiming for the kilometer allowance, it has to be justiInternational tutor training is organized fied (a student’s heavy suitcases, for at the end of the summer before the example). The route has to be clariarrival of new students and at the end fied, for example: Otaniemi-Airportof the year before the students for Kannelmäki. The bill has to include the the spring term arrive. The training is names of exchange students and their strongly recommended for all interfaculties. If international students arrive national tutors. The training covers all in the middle of the night and there is practical issues of being an internano public transport, they must pay for tional tutor, and you have a chance the taxi expenses themselves. to get to know the other tutors. You can also apply for compensation 2.2 When an international stu- for collecting the keys in advance or visiting a police station or the regisdent arrives in Finland try office with students (if these visits are necessary). If you claim for the The services provided for the arriving international students, such as pick up kilometer allowance for your own car, it must be justified by taking several from the airport, taking them to their students to the authorities at the same accommodation and visiting the authorities should be done with as many time. international students as possible at Please remember to attach all the the same time. Often it is enough just to give clear instructions on what to do original receipts (also bus tickets) with your travel bill. All expenses are in each situation. The most important applied for with the same form availduty of an international tutor is to know what to do when a student asks able from the International Student Services. Please remember to fill in for advice. the form correctly and mention your 2.2.1 Pick up from the airport and name, the social security number, the names of exchange students and their compensation for expenses faculties. A travel bill is returned to the address KV-Opiskelijapalvelut, Ulla The first task of international tutors is to Ahlgren, PL 11100, 00076 AALTO. Pospick up the students they tutor from sible inquiries by e-mail to the address the airport or meet them elsewhere if housing(at)tkk.fi. the student does not want/need to be picked up from the airport. The airport pickups should be organized for many international students at the same


You can get to the airport from the railway station by the buses 615 and 615T and from Westend through Tapiola with the bus 514. You need a regional ticket to get to the airport. The Finnair bus drives between the airport and the city terminal (next to the railway station) every 20 minutes and costs approximately 5 euro one way.

2.2.2 Collecting the keys and guiding students to their accommodation Students have applied for housing either from AYY http://www.ayy.fi/ asuminen or HOAS www.hoas.fi. The next duty of an international tutor is to guide international students to their flats.

If you collect the keys from AYY or HOAS on behalf of someone, you will always need a letter of permission directly from the international student in question. The letter of permission must include the name and the date of birth of the representative and the name and the address in Finland of the assignor. You must have the letter of permission as a traditional letter OR an international student can also send the letter of permission by e-mail in advance to AYY housing office or HOAS.

2.2.3 General information on the accommodation of international degree students

If students have to find accommodation by themselves (the degree students), the options are TeekkaYou can collect the keys at the AYY rikylä and Hoas. It is very difficult to find housing from the private market, housing office which is open from Monday to Friday, 12noon-4pm and especially in autumn. If international on the first weekday of every month students cannot find accommodafrom 9am to 4pm, or you can collect tion, they should get in contact with the keys from HOAS office (Klaneettitie the AYY housing services or the social and Kitarakuja keys from Kannelmäki policy sector which organizes emeroffice, keys for exchange students gency accommodation. It is not a task of an international tutor to find from Kamppi office). Please check the information on the keys of degree accommodation for students, but you students directly from HOAS). Check can always give advice if needed. the opening hours at http://www.hoas.fi/>yhteystiedot. Living in the same apartment with other students might be a new experiThe deposit of AYY flats is 200 euro/ ence for international students, and room in a shared flat. The deposit it is recommended to go through the is usually paid in advance. If the basic rules of communal living. deposit is not paid for some reason, the student can pay it at AYY’s housing office. When collecting keys for AYY flats, it is recommended that the future resident is with you. The deposit for HOAS is always paid in advance already when the reservation is made.


2.2.4 Enrolment

Before the enrolment at the university, international students should take The enrolment of the university should passport photographs. The closest place to make photographs is Tapiola. be taken care of as soon as possible after the arrival. New international stu- It is good to have several photographs as they may be needed later for the dents enrol personally at the International Student Services (main building, ESN membership card, the residence 2nd floor) where they need the follow- permit, or registering the residence. ing documents: After the enrolment, the student receives a student number, the - passport or other ID - the letter of acceptance certificate of attendance (this will be needed in many situations) and the sent to the student - receipt of a paid AYY mem- Study Program (English curriculum) bership fee if the student joins and they fill in the basic information form, application for a student card the Student Union - passport photograph for a and a permit to IT Services. The permit student card (only for student will be collected after the enrolment (IT Service Desk, main building, 1st union members) floor). If you have questions about the enrolment or other practical issues, Since many international students please contact registration(at)tkk.fi. do not have a Finnish bank account when they enroll, it is convenient to pay the AYY membership fee at the Secretariat (Otakaari 11). In the academic year 2010-2011 the membership costs 46 euros per semester and 92 euros per year. Make sure the student has enough cash (a separate bank transfer form, for example, is not needed beforehand). The payment of the student union membership fee is compulsory for degree students and optional, but much recommended, for exchange students. The decision on joining as a member and paying the fee should be made before the enrolment! It is advisable to tell the exchange student that only student union members receive a student card and are entitled to many benefits, such as the services provided by FSHS or AYY (for more information see the chapter 4 on AYY).


2.2.5 Banking

at R-Kioski.

A passport or some other ID and the certificate of attendance are required for opening a bank account. Some banks might also require a recommendation letter from one’s own bank and/or a clarification of the extent of account usage. You can speak Finnish, Swedish and English in a bank. In Finland, checks are rarely used, whereas an international student may find a regular bank transfer unusual. If you have any questions, you can get service and more information in the bank. If international students get a Finnish payment card, then cash machines work only in Finnish (!). This is why international students might need your help when visiting a cash machine for the first time. The visits to the bank should also be made in bigger groups. The director organizes the bank visits together with the other international tutors.

2.2.7 Travel card

2.2.6 Telephone There are many mobile phone company subscriptions available and the prices vary, which is why taking advantage of the special offers is advisable. International students might have to pay for insurance, which will be returned when the subscription is ended. The easiest way is to purchase a subscription at R-Kioski. The subscription can be used immediately and pre-paid vouchers can be bought from almost every R-kioski. These subscriptions include at least dna Prepaid, GO Mobile, Sonera Easy, Saunalahti Prepaid and Kolumbus Prepaid. You can order a Saunalahti connection on the internet, other subscriptions can be bought at mobile phone stores or

It is advisable to guide an international student how to purchase and use a travel card. The options are a holder’s card or a personal card. A holder’s card can be bought at R-Kioski, but the card will be very expensive. In order for the international student to purchase a personal travel card, certain matters must be attended to first. Previously, only those who were residing permanently in the capital region (those who were granted a permanent municipality of residence in the capital region) received a student discount on the travel card. However, this practice has changed now, but in order to receive the discount, certain matters must be taken care of in the following order: Exchange student; either an EU citizen or from outside the EU: 1) Enrolment of the university When enrolling at the university, a student is provided with HSL (Helsinki Region Transport) form for exchange students which they can take directly to HSL service point and purchase a travel card. A student discount is granted for the duration of studies. (Students under the age of 30 are entitled to the discount. If the student is over 30-years-old, they can purchase a normal-priced personal travel card for adults.) 2) Purchasing a travel card from any HSL service point


Degree student:

There are several HSL service points in the capital region, such as LepEU citizen: pävaara, Iso Omena or Tapiola joint service points (Cultural Centre in 1) When enrolling at the university, the Tapiola), or Rautatientori Square in student is provided with the required Helsinki (the former HKL service point). HSL form (the form alone is not sufWhen applying for the travel card, ficient; the discount on the travel card one needs an ID with a photograph may be granted only after the registry (passport is the most reliable one). Also office has given its decision on the inform the student about the journey student’s municipality of residence) planner (www.reittiopas.fi). 2) Registration of the residence permit at the local police station 3) Registration at the registry office (decision on the municipality of residence) 4) Purchasing a travel card from HSL service point Student from outside the EU region: 1) When enrolling at the university, the student is provided with the required HSL form (the form alone is not sufficient; the discount on the travel card may be granted only after the registry office has given its decision on the student’s municipality of residence) 2) Registration at the registry office (decision on the municipality of residence) 3) Purchasing a travel card from HSL service point A student discount is granted to those degree students who are under the age of 30 and who are granted a permanent municipality of residence in the capital region.


3 Studies 3.1 Orientation When the academic term begins, the orientation for new international students is organized. In autumn, the orientation lasts for a few days and in spring it lasts for a day. It is recommended that students attend the orientation from the first day; therefore you should encourage international students to arrive in Finland on time! The orientation covers the practical issues related to studies.

3.2 Guidance on practical issues The study practices can vary greatly between different countries. You should advice international students with the following issues: - - - - -

Enrolling to exercises, labs, and exams Notice boards and other information Permit to IT services, e-mail, news groups The location of study clinic, international and student councils, professors/lecturers and their reception hours Different libraries and their opening hours, using the library’s multimedia services, fines, and losing one’s right to borrow

In many countries, the attitude towards the teaching personnel is remarkably more official, so you should mention that students are genuinely welcome to the professors’ offices!

4 Aalto University Student Union (AYY) You probably need to explain to the international students what the Student Union is, because similar organizations do not exist in most countries. The membership of the Student Union is mandatory by law for all degree students and highly recommendable for exchange students. It is important that exchange students understand that many essential student services and discounts are available only if they join the Student Union. For instructions on

joining, see 2.2.4 (Enrolment). Please remind the students that they should join the AYY mailing lists to receive weekly info letters and other information in English about events or interesting opportunities for international students. Exchange students can join exchange(at)ayy.fi at list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/exchange. International degree students can join int-degree(at)ayy.fi at list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/int-degree.

4.1. General Student Union benefits for members The international students are entitled to all of the same membership benefits as the Finnish students: - Student card from the AYY service point at Otakaari 11, available 2-3 weeks after the enrolment with the receipt. The card entitles to discounts in public transport (HSL, long distance trains and coaches), student restaurants and many cultural and sports activities. (Some discounts can also be obtained without the student card at student restaurants and in public transport. This requires getting a separate certificate of student status from the university.)


- Services of FSHS (Finnish Stu dent Health Service). International students can use the same FSHS services as Finnish students, including dental, general and specialist services, as well as the services of a public health nurse, psychologist, and a laboratory. You should inform the international students about how to make appointments and cancel them, and tell them that they might have to queue for some services. Also remind them that FSHS is open only during the office hours and always closed on weekends. -

Right to apply for AYY apart ments


Renting a van or Otaniemi premises




Student rights counseling

- Right to vote and run as a candidate in representative council elections or be elected as a student representative in university administration. The student union also promotes international students’ interests in society and in Aalto.

4.2 Student Union services for exchange students The following AYY services are only for the exchange students. The idea is to provide short term services for exchange students. As the degree students stay longer in Finland, they are not entitled to these services.


4.2.1 Survival Kit Survival Kit is a kitchen utensil set for international exchange students. There are 26 sets and they are given to the exchange students who ask for them first. That is why you should inform exchange students about this as soon as they arrive. The exchange student can get the survival kit by paying a deposit of 65 â‚Ź to the cashier at the AYY service point (Otakaari 11). After the payment, exchange students can collect their kit from the recycling centre (Servin Maijan tie 6 D) during its opening hours. When international students leave, they return the kits to the recycling centre, where the condition of kits is checked. If they are in good shape, the deposit will be refunded at the AYY service point, except for a 10 euro usage fee. If some of the utensils are in a bad condition, their value is taken from the deposit. The price list of the utensils is provided when signing the survival kit contract. More information from AYY international affairs at international(at)ayy.fi and the recycling centre at http://kierratyskeskus.ayy.fi/wiki/

4.2.2 Bike service AYY offers ten bikes for exchange students. The bike service is offered by AYY, but in practice it is run by Bikepoli, an association under AYY.

The bike service functions like the Survival Kit: First you pay a deposit to the AYY service point and after that you can get a bike from Bikepoli. Please arrange the time for picking up the bike with a Bikepoli member. The bikes are returned to Bikepoli after their use and exchange students can get their deposits back from the service point. A usage fee of 20-30 â‚Ź will be charged, depending on how long the bike has been in use.

in charge of international issues in your guild will help you. His/her task is to involve international students in guild activities. Together you can plan activities for international students and co-operate in making international students part of the guild. The contact information of the people in charge of international affairs in guilds can be found at http://www.ayy.fi/node/894. BEST, the Board of European Students of Technology is a European-wide association of students of technology. Perhaps the most visible activity of BEST is organizing annual summer courses. More information on http://best.ayy.fi/.

The periods for usage are autumn, spring and summer. More specific times depend on the weather, especially in autumn. Bikes have to be returned in between the usage periods, even if a student keeps the bike for the Other associations and organizations. whole year. The idea is that bikes are Otaniemi and AYY have several a maintained in between the periods. ssociations and organizations varying from sports to music, culture and More information at: politics. Tell your international student bikepoli(at)list.ayy.fi and about these different possibilities, as international(at)ayy.fi. there is certainly something for everyone! Since there is not much information in English about some organiza4.2.3 Leisure time tions or events, a Finnish-speaking tutor is a great help in searching information It is important that tutors familiarize the international students with student about interesting leisure time activities and translating it. life in Otaniemi and thus help them to adjust to Finnish culture. International students need both Finnish and international friends. They can get in contact with both in student organizations. Guild activities are a good way to introduce students to student culture. It is recommended to take your international student to guild events, tell them about the student culture of technical students and their traditional events, such as wappu (May 1, Labor Day) and try to encourage them to take part in guild activities! The person


4.2.4 Sports

During the academic terms, the ballgame leagues of the Aalto University There are numerous ways to exercise in Sports Club (AaltoUS) in floorball, futsal, Otaniemi. You can challenge another basketball and volleyball. Further inforinternational group to a match of skit- mation on the leagues: tles, reserve your own badminton hour http://pus.ayy.fi/index.php/fi/sarjat. at Otahalli (Otaniemi Sports Centre) or From the skittles field to the skating rink just spend a relaxed evening playing board games. When moving to a new country, old sports hobbies can easily The Otaniemi campus area provides be forgotten if you do not find exercise excellent opportunities for different sports. The sports services offered company or a place straight away. Help your international students to find by Aalto University are focused on Otahalli but there are sports facilities their own sports in this new environall over Otaniemi. Otahalli services ment and explore new possibilities! are mainly free of charge. It is good to remember that all students of Aalto Games and play – exercise for eveUniversity can also use the services in ryone Kamppi on the premises of the School of Economics. These services are also The AYY Sports Committee gets mainly free of charge. Additionally, students to exercise in many events throughout the whole academic year. students of Aalto University are entitled to use the services of Helsinki University Further information on sports events Sports Services at a subsidized price. organized by AYY is available from the person in charge of sports affairs in Otahalli and Kamppi exercise hours are available on the address your guild. http://liikuntavuorot.ayy.fi. The selections of Helsinki University Sports ServThe AYY service point also has the ices are available on sports equipment closet from where students can borrow sports and game www.helsinki.fi/yliopistoliikunta. equipment. There are baseball equipment, different balls and bats, mölkky (Finnish tossing game), boules and many board games. There is also a reservation book for the skittles field and keys for the equipment box. There are approximately sixty different sports associations within AYY, which offer their members the possibility to play and exercise during leisure time. Contact information for all sports associations is available on the new AYY website. You can also contact AYY’s Secretary for Sports Affairs who can help you.


Otahalli includes a gym, which is part of the CMS chain, where the students of Aalto University can buy a card for a discount price. Additionally, the university provides various ballgame and other exercise hours every week. Otahalli also has ”TKK sports facilities” which may be booked for training purposes always when unoccupied. The facilities include a punching bag, boxing gloves and a table tennis table, among other things. There is a gym and a ball game hall on the premises of the School of Economics in Kamppi with many different sports available. Helsinki University Sports Services have four different locations. Meilahti is the closest to Otaniemi. The Helsinki University Sports Services provide 68 different sports. The sports arena owned by the city of Espoo is located in Otaranta and it provides facilities for athletics. The arena was renovated as the practice arena for the World Championships in Athletics in 2005 and therefore it is in excellent condition. Additionally, tennis and street basketball courts are located next to the sports field. During the winter, the court is frozen into a skating rink. In addition to Otahalli and the sports arena, Otaniemi also has a beach volleyball court, Miinusmaa skittles field, tatami hall and multi-purpose facilities which are particularly suitable for dancing. The city of Espoo maintains an extensive sports facility network which provides possibilities both for indoor and outdoor sports. Espoo strongly supports students’ exercising by providing services for a discount price. Additionally, information on sports facilities in Espoo is available on the Espoo Recreation Department website

http://english.espoo.fi > Sports and Exercise. Sports guide and sports calendar At the beginning of the academic year, TKK sports services annually publish the Sports Guide with information on the sports services of the academic year and sports opportunities in Otaniemi and the surrounding region. The sports guide is available in an electronic form at the address http://liikunta.tkk.fi/en/ or as a paper version at TKK Study Office and AYY’s Otaniemi campus office. The School of Economics and Helsinki University Sports Services also publish their own sports guides. These guides are also available at AYY’s Otaniemi campus office. Contact information AYY Sports Secretary tel. (050) 414 4895 liikuntasihteeri(at)ayy.fi TKK Chief of Sports Affairs Jouko Miihkinen tel. (09) 451 2054 jouko.miihkinen(at)tkk.fi HSE Chief of Sports Affairs Martti Kyykoski martti.kyykoski(at)hse.fi


5 Other relevant issues - Price level: usually students have to live with little money. Give advice to your student on where to find inexpensive goods, food, and clothes. You can visit flea markets or help your students use second hand stores or web stores.

6 The authorities (residence permit and registration) Some nationalities may have learned not to trust the authorities and that is why it might be necessary to explain the role of the authorities in Finland. You might also help when contacting a caretaker, house manager, etc. Also remember to mention the general emergency number 112!

- Reminding of responsibilities: an international tutor should emphasize students that it is their own respon6.1 Residence and work permit sibility to take care of things related to their apartment and studies affairs such as bills, rents, etc. Residence permit affairs are handled - TV rooms, if living in a HOAS at local police stations.



TV licenses and inspectors




Route planner (www.reittiopas.fi/en/)



- The conception of time (punctuality and the academic quarter) -

Smoking – inform where it is not appropriate


Drinking culture

- National characteristics, customs and code of conduct -

Winter is cold and dark in Finland!

The foreign police of Helsinki is located in Malmi at the address Viljatie 2B (Tel. 071 8770111) which is easiest to reach by train. The opening hours: Mon-Fri, 8am–4.15pm. Espoo Police Station is located in Nihtisillankuja 4, Kilo. You can get there by train (Kera stop) or by the buses 3, 5, 15, 18, 35, 43 (in Espoo) or 109, 110T, 206, 212 (regional lines). The opening hours are from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 4.15pm. (Tel. 071 8730281). NB! The queuing time for Helsinki and Espoo foreign police ends at 2pm. If you arrive at 2.01pm, you will not get a queue number and you may have to come back another day. The police station in Vantaa is located at the address Kielotie 21 (tel. 071 8730291). Opening hours: Mon–Fri 8am–4.15pm.


6.1.1 EU citizens, both degree and police until the residence permit possibly expires (valid for a year at a time) exchange students If studies last longer than three months, students must register their right of residence at the police station. This should be done as soon as possible. Particularly degree students must do this immediately as the decision on the municipality of residence at the registry office cannot be made before the registration of the right of residence! The permit application must be submitted in person at a police station in one’s own municipality. The student should have the certificate of attendance, which they can get from the International Student Services, or at least have the official acceptance letter with them. A student also needs a passport or some other official ID as well as the European health insurance card or a certificate of other valid insurance. The registration of residence rights costs ₏48 for a student. The EU citizens do not need a separate working permit. The Nordic citizens do not need a residence permit/the registration of the right of residence, but they have to inform the registry office of their removal if the stay lasts longer than six months.

6.1.2 Students from outside the EU region, both degree and exchange students

International students from outside the EU should have their residence permit already as they will get their first residence permit from the embassy of Finland in their home country before arriving in Finland. This means that there is no need to visit the local

and the student has to apply for the extension.

If a student needs to apply for the extension of their residence permit (degree students), the application has to be returned before the end of the current permit to the local police. If a student needs to apply for the extension of their residence permit, the application must be returned before the end of the current permit to the local police (not the registry office). A student must attach the following to the application: a photograph, the certificate of attendance, the official transcript of records (or a clarification of studies), at least â‚Ź6000 deposit for a year or other clarification of income (a scholarship, for example) and required documents concerning a valid health insurance. The documents must be original and the application must be submitted in person. The identity must be proved with a passport. If other members of a family are applying for the permit, all family members must visit the police station. In addition, the income of a family must be secured. Students from outside the EU region, who have a student residence permit, have the right to work part-time (25 hours/week) during the semesters and full-time during the vacations. A fee will be charged for the residence permit. If you have problems or questions about the permit issues, please contact the International Student Services.


6.2 Registration at the registry office and the notice of removal Registration at the registry office is compulsory if an international student stays in Finland for over a year. Therefore, degree students must register at the registry office, and they need the decision on the municipality of residence made at the registry office. Degree students also receive a Finnish ID code. A decision on the municipality of residence is made in accordance with the principles of the Municipality of Residence Act. A permanent residence may be granted if a person’s studies last for at least 2 years or if one has been granted a residence permit for at least one year (students from outside the EU) or if the right of residence is registered at the local police (EU/EEA citizens). The student needs a passport/official ID), the registration certificate of the right of residence (EU/EEA citizens) and the certificate of attendance which proves the duration of studies. The student receives the certificate of attendance when enrolling at the university. Degree students have to register at the registry office as soon as possible as a student discount on a travel card, for example, is not granted without the decision on the municipality of residence. The student can also make the official notice of removal when registering at the registry office. NB! Exchange students do NOT have to register at the registry office. They are not granted a permanent municipality of residence or ID code. Only if a person also works in Finland and needs an ID code for taxation purposes, for


example, one should visit the registry office. An exchange student can purchase a travel card for a discount price if the student has the HSL form received when enrolling at the university. Exchange students can make the notice of removal at a post office. NB! Nordic citizens are an exception to the previously mentioned procedures. Nordic citizens have not been required to submit the Internordic Certificate to the registry office since 1 January 2007. However, a person has to notify local registry authorities (the registry office in Finland) and prove his/her identity if they stay for longer than six months. The registry office in Espoo is located in Tapiola, Itätuulentie 1, the opening hours are Mon–Fri: 9am–4.15pm. The registry office in Helsinki is located on Albertinkatu 25, the opening hours are Mon–Fri: 9am–4.15pm. The registry office in Vantaa is located on Kielotie 15, the opening hours are Mon–Fri: 9am–4.15pm

6.3 Health insurance

7 Process in Brief

All students who are members of the Student Union are entitled to use the FSHS services. It should be noted that the FSHS services are only available during the office hours and they do not cover all medical care (first aid, surgeries and examinations during a pregnancy). The EU and EEA citizens are entitled to the same health insurance services as Finns if they have their European health insurance card with them. In addition, some countries have health insurance contracts with Finland. These facts and details should be checked before the arrival in Finland. Europeans are also recommended to take private travel/health insurance as the security of the European health insurance card is mainly intended for emergencies.

- Get in contact with your international student and find out in advance when he/she will arrive in Finland. Make sure that accommodation issues are taken care of. Collect the keys, if it is possible and necessary. If you do so, remember to get a letter of permission from the student.

Students from outside the EU/EEA countries must have a private health insurance from their own country or from an international company. Since 1 September 2007, the students from outside the EU are required to have an extensive health insurance already when applying for the first residence permit. If students from outside the EU are permitted a permanent municipality of residence in Finland, they are entitled to use the services of municipal health care centers in the same way as the EU citizens. However, they are not entitled to other services and benefits offered by KELA (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland).

- Tell the international student how to reach you in case of an emergency. - Pick them up from the airport or meet at some other place which you have agreed on earlier. Collect the keys together if you have not done so in advance. Check the opening hours of housing services. After this, take international students to their accommodation. You can give advice on where the nearest grocery store is and what the opening hours are. Decide when you will meet the next time and how you will find each other. -

Explain about AYY services and benefits

- Payment of the AYY membership fee, getting photographs, and enrolment to the university -

Getting access to IT services

- Visit to the police station (EU citizens, degree students before visiting the registry office, for exchange students this is not so urgent) - Registration at the registry office (degree students, all nationalities). -

Buying a travel card



Getting a phone subscription Planner Margita Slätis and a bank account Tel. (09) 470 25358, room Y234 E-mail: margita.slatis(at)tkk.fi - Getting to know the univer- Future Erasmus exchange students, sity, its surroundings, Finland, studies, Japan, China, Korea student culture etc. International Student Affairs Secretary - Have fun! Riikka Jääskeläinen Tel. (09) 470 22110, room Y249a 8 CONTACT INFORMATION E-mail: riikka.jaaskelainen(at)tkk.fi - General information Director of International Tutoring Ilmari Pärnänen E-mail: kv-isotirehtoori(at)ayy.fi Tel. 050-352 7042 International tutors’ own e-mail list: kv-isot(at)list.ayy.fi To join the list, send e-mail to the Director of International Tutoring. AYY’s international sector: Board Member in charge of international affairs (2010) Jarno Lappalainen Advisor, international affairs Hanna Sauli Tel. 050 520 9446 E-mail: international(at)ayy.fi International Student Services: International Student Secretary Heidi Flinkman Tel. (09) 470 25879, room Y235 E-mail: registration(at)tkk.fi - Student services, guidance and registration of international students


Office Secretary Ulla Ahlgren Tel. (09) 470 25757, room Y249d E-mail: housing(at)tkk.fi - Accommodation of exchange students, travel expense compensation Planner Mari Dagnall Tel. (09) 451 22064, room Y249b E-mail: socrates(at)tkk.fi - European exchange programs, Erasmus Planner Pia Rydestedt Tel. (09) 470 22064, room Y191 E-mail: pia.rydestedt(at)tkk.fi - Nordic exchange programs Planner Katri Ventus Tel. (09) 470 22104, room Y250a E-mail: admissions(at)tkk.fi - The information services of international applicants and the admission process (degree students) Other contact information and the office hours are available on the website http://www.tkk.fi/fi/yleista/yhteystiedot/hallinto/opintotoimisto/#kvpalv







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