August 2012 6 th Grade English/Writing Ms. Cristin Jost English Textbook:
Voyages in English: Writing and Grammar
English Workbook: Voyages in English: Writing and Grammar ***In English class this year, the students will be working on their grammar and writing skills. There will be a lot of focus on grammar, since this is what the high schools want the students to know before coming to them (I found this out this past summer when I went to a high school forum). The students will also be working on a variety of writing papers. Assign ments: ****All work needs to be turned in on the day it is due and in the class period it is due OR it will be considered missin g and administrative guidelines will be followed to handle such issues. The exception to this rule would be if the student was sick. Then they would be given the same number of days absent to complete work missed during the absence. It is also the student’s responsibility to come to the teacher to check on missed assignments during their absence! (refer the handbook) **Any missing/late work will be noted in the comment section of Power School. Tests: **The students will be notified at least 5 days in advance as to when they will be having a test. Therefore, the students should always be prepared for their tests! ***Poor performance on a test may result in the student having to bring home his/her test to be signed. The student will have TWO days to get the test signed and if the test is not signed by the second day, a detention will be issued.
Class Content: In English, we will cover the parts of speech, types of sentences, phrases, clauses, diagramming, etc. We will also spend some time on sentence punctuation, capitalization, mechanics, and words that can be easily confusing. The students will be given tests that cover the grammar that is being taught. In writing, we will spend time on proofreading each other’s papers, then rewriting, and revising those papers. Various types of writing may include, personal narratives, descriptive, persuasive, and/or expository essays. Class Procedure: When the students enter the room, they are expected to go directly to their seats and be ready to begin class. Any materials they do not need will be placed on the floor or under their desk. All papers, that need to be turned in, will be required to have a proper heading and written in pen and in cursive. The students are expected to raise their hand in class and not call out. They are encouraged to ask questions if they do not understand something. **Any papers or homework, turned in to me, MUST be in pen (blue or black ink) and in cursive, or points will be taken off!! The students are expected to follow the dress code when they enter my classroom. That means they MUST have on a school bought nametag, shirt tucked in, etc. If the dress code is not followed accordingly, the student(s) will be receiving a dress code. (please refer to the student handbook) **If the dress code is not turned in within TWO days, a detention will be issued.
Regarding Nametags: Students MUST have on their nametag when they leave their homeroom or a dress code will be given. The nametag may NOT be written on, chewed on, etc. If the nametag is defaced then a new nametag MUST be purchased.
Materials: The students are expected to come to class fully prepared. Due to the nature of our changing schedules, students will not be allowed to return to their homeroom if materials are forgotten. This includes homework! So if homework is left in the homeroom or at home by mistake, it is considered missing. Therefore, grading for the assign ment will follow administrative guidelines. Supplies, such as paper, pens, etc., must be replenished immediately. All textbooks must be covered at all times. Detentions may be issued for repeated infractions. Cheating on Tests/Quizzes/Work: If a student is caught cheating on a test or quiz, he/she will be required to call his/her parents to let them know he/she was caught cheating, and he/she will receive a detention. The grade for the work will be followed according to administrative guidelines. If a student is caught cheating on a class/homework assignment, the student and the person he/she copied off of will both be required call their parents explaining to them what they did, and they will also receive a detention. The grade for the assignment(s) will be followed according to administrative guidelines. (refer to the student handbook) ****Everything the student turns in to me, MUST be in pen (blue or black only) and in cursive, or points will be taken off!!! Behavior: **Procedures regarding behavior will follow handbook and administrative guidelines. ** I will give a detention any time a student is removed from my classroom for behavioral reasons, even if it is for the first time.
Ms. Jost's English Class: Please sign below stating that you have read the above 6 th Grade English syllabus. Return this form by Tuesday, August 21 st to Ms. Jo st.
Student Signature
Parent Signature