Ecunomist, Year 16, Issue 2

Page 1

Building Bridges TomTom Drunken democrats Islamitisch financieren



Inhoud & Colofon From the Editor-in-Chief


From the Chairman...




Educational Affairs








English Committee


The Honours Programme




"Building Bridges"

Famous Entrepreneur

Islamitisch Financieren Open Letter Drunken Democrats Economics & Ethics Carrière Contact Action/Reaction Reflections of an Adasaurus Studying Economics Lekker Klussen



20 23 24 26 28 29 30 32 34

De Ecunomist verschijnt 1 maal per jaar in een oplage van 2500, in combinatie met de bedrijvendagbrochure. De Ecunomist verschijnt vier maal per jaar in een oplage van 1500 voor de leden, begunstigers, Æcunomen en externe contacten van ECU'92.

Uitgave van: Studievereniging ECU'92 Janskerkhof 12 3512 BL Utrecht Tel.: 030-253 9680 E-mail: Internet: Hoofdredacteur: Joëlle Tabak Eindredactie: Roderick Udo Florian Krätke

Redactie: Silvester Bosma Joris Hehenkamp Elena Meshcheryakova Ian Koetsier Florian Krätke Joël Kroodsma Joëlle Tabak Roderick Udo Lay-out: Rob Grootendorst

Drukwerk: Hakker van Rooijen

Verder werkten mee: Het bestuur van ECU'92 Almanakcommissie 2006-2007 Lustrumcommissie 2006-2007 Y.S. Brenner Elias Hermans Nick Nusselder De redactie v.l.n.r.: Roderick Udo, Elenaa Meshcheryakova, Ian Koetsier, Silvester Bosma, Joëlle Tabak, Florian Krátke en Joris Hehenkamp. Niet op foto: Joël Kroodsma.

Speciale dank aan: Rob Grootendorst

© Studievereniging ECU'92 Overname van artikelen is, met bronvermelding, toegestaan.

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


From the editor-in-chief

I feel good JoĂŤlle Tabak - January 2nd: the perfect day to write the second column of this college year.What, may one wonder, makes this such a perfect day? I'll tell you why. January 1st is always spoiled by a hangover that confronts you with your shortcomings. By the second day of the year, you've not only forgotten about New Year's Eve, but also how miserable you felt the day before. I went one step further. In my case the happy thought of successfully facing every possible challenge stole over me. And what would be a better state of mind, when writing this column, than the thought of having the world lying at your feet? I couldn't think of one, so I decided I should finish this column today. Having no inspiration whatsoever, but feeling fantastic anyway!

With the beginning of a brand new day - eh year, I would like to talk about having good intentions. Every year I find it hard to make even one up, so this time around I thought coming up with a good intention at all would be the ultimate achievement. And so I did. Remaining in the Christmas spirit, I came to the conclusion that family ought to be priority number one in my life. The fact that, in the past year, my family members have been building up a better relationship with my voicemail than with me should have been some sort of warning signal. But then again, I hardly listen to my voicemails so how could I have known? Of course, the Sinterklaas rhymes made it painfully clear, and for the first time (and probably also as the first relative) ever I have decided to do something with their content. From now on I will not forget to send my parents a birthday card, call my sister more frequently than once a month and keep my voicemail messages from piling up. And as a bonus, I will also let them know my whereabouts once in a while. But only because hypothetically, for all they know, I could have dropped out of school and started a


career as hawker of homeless newspapers instead. And then one day, my parents might be doing their Sinterklaas shopping at Hoogh Catharijne, thinking it could not possibly be their 'daughter' wishing them "Merry Christmas" at the bottom of the escalator‌ To avoid this uncomfortable situation, I will try to keep in touch with them. What the heck, the way I'm feeling now, I will go even further. After all, I should be grateful that they take the effort to stay involved in my life. Therefore I promise you I will invite them to Family day, the Saturday before the opening of the Lustrum. Speaking about the Lustrum, in this edition there is also a separate article devoted to this festivity which I urge you to read. You're all students, so don't pretend you won't love getting discounts for all these great Lustrum activities. Furthermore this edition is a varied one with articles about important messages from mister Zalm, a Company Day report, a glimpse at the world of Islamic financing and much more. In short a little something for everyone. So why are you still reading my column then?!? Go on and see for yourself!

P.S. The attentive reader has probably already figured out that I have hereby realized my good intention for two years in a row. I now feel even better than before writing this column.

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007

From the chairman

2007‌..Enjoy! Antoine Burgers - The year 2006 is history, today it is the 10th of January and the rest of 2007 lies ahead.Therefore, it is time for me to analyze our first four months as board members of ECU'92. Glancing back on 2006, we have made a nice start with some great activities like the lecture of Minister Gerrit Zalm and the Company Day. But the first half of 2007 promises to be even more spectacular with the approaching Lustrum celebration.The year 2007 is therefore going to be a tremendous year for ECU'92, so my advice for this year is: Enjoy! The last few weeks before the Christmas holidays were hectic. With the preparations of the Company Day and the move to Janskerkhof, there was a lot to be done around the ECU'92 rooms. At this moment, we just moved into the new building at Janskerkhof 12. In our new boardroom, there are two extra working places available for our committee members, an important development for ECU'92! A new year means good intentions. Personally, I always have good intentions like being more sporty, spend more time with family and friends and drink less. But in fact, the most important intention for me this year is: Enjoy! A year in the board of ECU'92 is a really busy year, with a lot of jobs to do and a lot of activities to organize. For me, and probably for all my fellow board members, it is a wonderful job to do. Being a board member means continually dealing with business in practice, which makes a change from our study at the Utrecht School of Economics, whose focus is mostly theoretical. For me, joining the ECU'92 board was one of the best decisions I've made last year!

But still, I have to take some more time to relax and enjoy the life as a board member this year. I think it is really important to look over the things we have already established and enjoying the things we are doing. This is definitely important during the largest event of this year, the 3rd ECU'92 Lustrum celebration. Starting from Wednesday the 14th of March with the opening ceremony till Tuesday the 27th with the closing ceremony a lot of great activities are going to take place. So, please read carefully the lustrum brochure which you have received together with this Ecunomist. But before the lustrum celebration is going to start, we’ll have some other nice activities to visit, like the cultural fair, the ECU'92 weekend, the BOMB's on every first Monday of the month at the Steeg and an interesting debate! So, I hope to see you all during one or more of these great activities. And don't forget my advice for the coming year: Enjoy!

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


Educational affairs

What makes a good tutor? Coos Santing - Each year, the university hands out the Tutor of the Year and the Junior-tutor of the Year awards. Naturally, USE has also delegated two tutors: Erwin van Sas as Tutor of the Year and Claire Economidou as Junior-tutor of the Year.The election of these two contain signs of what students consider to be a good tutor - something for which there are little standards in the world of education, unlike for students. Many people wonder if students are wise in asking this question. You are skating on this ice if you judge the person you are learning from on his or her performance. A student is not the designated person for this - a tutor and the education itself should be responsible. Yet it is a pity never to pose the question to students. They are the target audience, they can are best at reproducing how the service is provided. To select the Tutor of the Year, criteria have been set up that the ideal tutor should meet. The first and most important one is: "A tutor knows how to present the essence of his/her field in an engaging and effective way." This criteria is in fact constituted from two parts. On one hand, presentation skills is a way for students to judge a tutor, especially when it comes to their English-language skills here at USE. On the other hand, the tutor's 'know-how' is very important. A tutor who knows more can fascinate more, simple as that. Another point which came forward as being important in the surveys of the Tutor of the Year is the accessibility of the


tutor. A new criteria this year was the stimulant of a scientific attitude of students and the extraordinary achievement which the teacher provides for his faculty. This shows that the work that the tutor does outside the classroom is as important as the work he does in it. And yet the proposal of the award sometimes depends more on the person who hands in the proposal than the person being proposed - it could result in the bestwritten proposal to win instead of the best tutor. Our faculty knows very different types of tutors. This makes sense, seeing as being a tutor at a university is more than just teaching, it also comes down to doing research, to management-skills and a plethora of side-functions. It's important to keep this in mind when you as a student can't agree or are cross with a tutor. Simply approach him or her - they are also just human beings. Maybe this is why the ultimate teacher has yet to be born.

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


Beste Æcunomen, Malou van den Berg - De Æcu commissie is alweer een tijdje bezig. Zo is ondertussen eind november de eerste Æcu nieuwsbrief de deur uit gegaan. Hopelijk hebben jullie deze met plezier gelezen. Onderwerpen die in deze nieuwsbrief langskwamen waren onder andere een interview met een oud ECU-lid, de aankondiging van het derde ECU'92 lustrum en een uitgebreide lijst met heel veel afgestudeerden. Waarschijnlijk is jullie wel opgevallen dat er ook een plaats was gereserveerd voor het nieuws van de opleiding, Utrecht School of Economics. In overleg met hen, hebben we besloten vanaf nu ook stukken van de opleiding op te nemen in onze nieuwsbrief en de bedoeling is ook dat deze vanaf volgende editie naar alle economie alumni gaat. Nog een opvallend puntje is dat de nieuwsbrief voor het eerst geheel in het Engels was geschreven. Dit zal zo blijven, omdat er steeds meer buitenlandse studenten en daarmee ook buitenlandse afgestudeerden bijkomen. Zoals in de nieuwsbrief en in de vorige Ecunomist al was te lezen, zal in de lustrumweken op vrijdag 16 maart het ÆCU-cabaret plaatsvinden. De voorbereidingen hiervoor zijn al in volle gang. Zo is de locatie vastgelegd. Het cabaret zal, net als twee jaar geleden, plaatsvinden in zalencentrum Trianon, Oude Gracht 252. Deze gezellige zaal biedt plaats aan ongeveer 100 personen en er zijn ruim voldoende borrel mogelijkheden. Ook met het vinden van cabaretiers is de Æcu commissie druk bezig. Zo zijn we 22 december met de hele commissie afgereisd naar het Comedy Café in Amsterdam, alwaar wij werden geëntertaind door een viertal cabaretiers.

We hebben dan ook menig maal onder de (trouwens zeer krappe) tafel gelegen van het lachen. Hier hebben we in ieder geval een paar goede opties gevonden waar we verder mee aan de slag kunnen gaan. We doen ons best om er een geslaagde avond van te maken. Vergeet ook het oud-besturen diner niet, voor de oud-bestuursleden onder jullie. Dit vindt plaats op vrijdag 23 maart. Ook hiervoor zijn de voorbereidingen al in volle gang. Het bleek nog een hele klus om alle oud-bestuurders op te sporen, maar met behulp van zoekmachines en telefoongidsen op internet en door de via-via contacten, zijn we toch een heel eind gekomen. De reacties waren zeer positief en bijna iedereen die we hebben weten te bereiken zal aanwezig zijn. Op zo'n tien mensen na hebben we iedereen weten te bereiken, dus het wordt een drukke avond. De locatie is nog niet bekend, maar ook hier wordt hard aan gewerkt. Zodra er nieuwe informatie is laten we dit natuurlijk weten. Met vriendelijke groet, Malou van den Berg h.t. Secretaris

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


Studieboeken zijn al duur genoeg, laat je niet langer oplichten! 3UR¿WHHU MLM DO YDQ GH VFKHUSVWH SULM]HQ RS MH ERHNHQ" %HVWHO MH ERHNHQ ELM (&8¶



Agenda en Association news Luuk Leussink, Coordinator Internal Affairs ( Check the site ( for further information about the agenda and the activities. 5th of February Cultural Fair/ B.O.M.B. The English Committee will organise a cultural fair before the B.O.M.B. of February. Every student attending this fair will represent and promote his country with things like food and information about said country. 10th of February AC Weekend This weekend is steadily becoming a real tradition of ECU'92. The weekend will be held somewhere in Drenthe like the previous year.

13th of February Debat Utrechtse Studenten (Dutch activity) Samen met VUGS, Perikles en de Utrecht Debating Society wordt er een groot debat georganiseerd.

7th of March General Meeting In this meeting the ECU'92 board will take responsibility for their policy of the first half of the year.

14th of March until the 27th of March Lustrum From the opening on the 14th of March 'till the closing ceremony on the 27th, ECU'92 will celebrate her lustrum with lots of activities, like a gala, a cabaret, a company visit and a trip to Berlin.

15th of February Presentation Smoelenboek/Business Plan Like every year the freshmen committee has made a smoelenboek (freshmen photo album). It will be presented alongside the best business plans the freshmen made for the course Introduction to Business Economics.

5th of March Karaoke/B.O.M.B. The 5th of March there will be a karaoke evening. This time we will make sure there will be a karaoke set! So everyone who likes to boast his singing-skills to the rest of the ECU'92 members can sing 'till he drops.

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007



Lustrum Program Starting from March 14th with a grand opening, ECU'92 will be celebrating its 15th anniversary. Being also ECU's third Lustrum, the celebration is gone about on a larger scale than is normally the case.What do you see from this? Well, one thing is festivities will last two weeks this time, instead of the normally one. Secondly, activities that on first sight look familiar to you are in fact not quite so - as you will notice during the Lustrum celebration.The lengthened 'Foreign Excursion' is only one example. Besides that, some new activities review like the 'Family Day'.Take notice that this activity will be held the Saturday before the official opening. Last but not least, the most memorable moments will be registered on tape! Therefore, ECU'92 proudly presents this Lustrum's program:

March Sa 10th We 14th Th 15th Fri 16th Mo 19th Tue 20th We 21th We 21th Th 22th Th 22th Fri 23th 24-26th Tue 27th

Family Day Opening Lustrum Prom night ÆCU Cabaret Dies reception Visiting the Port of Rotterdam Relaxing activity Discussion and Lecture Ecuisine Lustrum party Diner former boards of ECU'92 Excursion to Berlin Closing Ceremony

First come, first served. So if you don't want to run the risk of being too late for subscription make use of the presale. More information is provided in the Lustrum brochure and in due time via the


De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007

De almanak

De almanak Nicole Roosenboom - "Je studententijd is de mooiste tijd van je leven." Dit is een veel gehoorde uitspraak, en of je het er mee eens bent of niet, je zal wel moeten toegeven dat je later veel aan deze tijd zult terugdenken. Om je hier bij te helpen, presenteert ECU'92 tijdens het aankomende lustrum haar almanak.

Je kunt niet beter terugdenken aan je tijd hier bij economie dan met deze almanak. In een almanak kijk je als vereniging terug naar het verleden en met name de afgelopen 5 jaar. In de almanak zijn alle commissies van ECU'92 vertegenwoordigd, hebben de oud besturen een stukje geschreven en laten ook andere verenigingen van zich horen. Daarnaast staan al je studiegenoten met foto en adresgegevens in het smoelenboek. Zo heb je niet alleen je jaargenoten maar ook alle andere economiestudenten van de afgelopen vijf jaar binnen no-time opgezocht. Mijn ervaring is, dat als ik foto's van bepaalde gebeurtenissen zie, ik me er gelijk veel meer van herinner. Foto's helpen je enorm om oude herinneringen op te halen. Daarom staat de almanak vol met foto's. In de loop der jaren zijn van vrijwel alle ECU-activiteiten foto's gemaakt. De almanak commissie is daarom vol goede moed het fotoarchief ingedoken en met succes! In de almanak staan natuurlijk foto's van de ECUfeesten, pokeravonden en studiereis maar daarnaast mogen uiteraard ook de wat serieuzere activiteiten zoals de bedrijvendag, lezingen of het congres niet ontbreken.

Met de nieuwe almanak kun je nu al beginnen met terugkijken, aangezien er ook aandacht is besteed aan de ontwikkeling van ECU'92 en haar commissies van de afgelopen vijf jaar. Hier vind je de hoogtepunten van 5 jaar ECU en kan je zien op welke manier de commissies gegroeid zijn. Misschien heb je zelf wel in een commissie

gezeten en zie je je eigen activiteit hier nog in terugkomen!

Wij als almanakcommissie zijn al sinds mei 2006 bezig met de almanak en kunnen haast niet wachten totdat deze terugkomt van de drukker en gepresenteerd kan worden. Dit zal gebeuren in de lustrumweek en wel op woensdag 14 maart. Tijdens deze avond wordt ook voor het eerst het thema van de almanak bekend gemaakt en zal de verkoop ervan starten. Dit thema loopt als rode draad door de almanak en hier wordt op verschillende manieren op ingespeeld. Kortom, de almanak van ECU'92, ter gelegenheid van haar derde lustrum is de ideale manier om zowel nu al terug te kunnen kijken op de afgelopen vijf jaar, als om later nog eens door te nemen op zoek naar verloren herinneringen.

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


Committee talk

English Committee Presents Elena Meshcheryakova - The opportunity to follow the English Bachelor Programme at USE has opened the doors for international students to learn and experience life in Utrecht, the Netherlands. BUT! - with greater opportunities come greater responsibilities of those who have the knowledge and power to make a difference. There are students who dedicate their time and energy to come up with ideas to combine the 'Three Is': Information, Integration and Innovation. These three goals are seen as the most necessary tools to provide for students of USE. Furthermore, the students of the English Committee (EC) are the friendly bouncers of the faculty. The EC exists since April 2004. Each member has good heart, a wild imagination and a persistent character. The work that these students do during the year is all demanding and important for students, ECU'92 and the whole USE community. It is with real pride that the EC members mention the most important activities they organize, like the semi-annual Discussion Meetings between professors, staff and students about major concerns in USE's ways of education and integration. Then there is the so-called JuneActivity, another activity that the EC loves. Last year, the activity was a boat-trip in The Hague, followed up by watching the England Trinidad & Tobago World Cup-match (2:0) in a Scheveningen pub. This year, the EC will organize a Cultural Fair in February. The idea came to us in late 2005 and is focused on getting to know more about the various nations which are represented in the USE community. Many hours of work and planning have been put into this activity and many bachelor students from all different backgrounds are participating. As to the above-mentioned 'Three Is', the EC hopes to attain them as follows: Information deals with the facilitation of the


provision of information to international students concerning ways to deal with experiences in studying and partying, as well as aiding USE-staff pin-point major current problems in education and such; Integration is meant to make students aware of the host culture and foster-kid cultures, to show that we are all similar, but unique; Innovation takes place over time, as USE changes policies, students gain knowledge, and when all is applied together there is a need to control the organic nature with fresh ideas. For a close-up, the English Committee is sending a message to all our readers at USE, which states: "We are all young and restless; we all have different needs, and come from various backgrounds; we are willing to open up and share our lives with those around us. Most importantly - we are those who can change our own lives today. Do not dispose of this opportunity!"

(left to right, top: Iva Naumovska, Paula Perkusic; middle: Malka de Castro, Michaela Podmanicka, Ivana Brnovic, Olena Meshcheryakova, Alexandros Couclelis; bottom: Antoine Burgers)

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


"Building Bridges" Silvester Bosma - Woensdag 20 december 2006, de dag van de 6de bedrijvendag van ECU'92. Onder de titel "Building Bridges" werd geprobeerd bruggen te slaan tussen student en bedrijf. Een 15-tal bedrijven presenteerde zich op verschillende manieren aan de bedrijvendagbezoeker. Deelnemende bedrijven waren: ABP, Accenture, Carrière Contact, CBS, Ernst&Young, Heineken, KPMG, Memory Magazine Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Ministerie van FinanciÍn, Nobiles, Ormit,Talent&Pro en TNT. Dit alles onder het hoofdsponsorschap van Deloitte en Fortis.

De dag begon voor de commissie en het bestuur veel te vroeg met het verzamelen bij Meeting Plaza in Hoog Catharijne. Een commissie die al vanaf april bezig was met het aanschrijven van bedrijven, het vastleggen van een locatie, het maken van promotiemateriaal en alle andere zaken die bij een bedrijvendag komen kijken. Allerlei bezigheden die leidden tot die ene dag in december waar het allemaal moest gaan gebeuren. Het neerzetten van de stands van alle bedrijven bleek een ware puzzel. Ondanks de nodige stressmomenten, denk aan geluid dat het niet deed (de stekker zat er niet in...) en gadgets die nog niet aanwezig waren, konden toch om half 10 de deuren open voor de bezoekers.

gesprek te voeren met een bedrijf. In een gesprek van 20 minuten kon er verder worden ingegaan op vragen, maar ook kon je een stage regelen, jezelf profileren en indruk maken op de recruiter. Een nieuw initiatief, dat goed pastte in het thema "Building Bridges". De individuele gesprekken zijn door zowel de student als de bedrijven zeer goed ontvangen en een traditie lijkt geboren.

Individuele gesprekken Een bedrijvendag bestaat normaal gesproken uit twee workshops en een bezoek aan de bedrijvenmarkt. Dit jaar bestond er voor het eerst de mogelijkheid om een individueel

Voor de bedrijvendagcommissie en het bestuur van ECU'92 eindigde de dag met het opruimen van alle stands, computers, boeken en gadgets. Binnen een uur afbouwen waar je een half jaar naartoe hebt geleefd... toch een rare gedachte.

De Afsluiting De afsluiting door de commissievoorzitter Vera Procee leidde het einde van de dag en het begin van de borrel in. Overigens niet voordat Rens Dautzenberg een skireis op kon halen. Op de borrel werd speciaal voor het deelnemende bedrijf Heineken geschonken. Tijdens dezelfde borrel was er een optreden van cabaretier Johan Goossens. Voor de recruiters is de borrel een mogelijkheid om te ontspannen na een lange dag en voor studenten is gratis drank altijd genoeg reden om los te komen. In deze informele sfeer worden vaak nog de beste contacten gelegd. Je zou kunnen zeggen dat de fundering van een "Bridge" in dit geval bestaat uit; sfeer, humor, frisdrank en alcohol.

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


Studying and stuff

The Honours Programme Florian Krätke & Ian Koetsier - Last year, USE launched the pilot-version of the Honours Programme, offering more to the motivated. About a dozen students qualified to follow this programme according to the entry criteria, containing extra courses and discussion on anything related to economics. After its introduction last year, its time to look back by talking to those who know most about the programme.

And who would know more about the Honours Programme than the people who are involved? For the last two periods, the instructor and coordinator of the Honours classes was none other than Claire Economidou, who taught the course 'Mathematics and Methodology'. We asked her about her experiences with the Honours-students. In reference to what the programme adds to the regular courses, she stated that "it builds on previous courses and gives insights to these courses. It also strengthens your skills for other courses, so you will get a better understanding of them." Claire made very clear that her experiences with the Honours-students had all been very positive. But what makes a student an Honours-student? Claire explains: "There are three things: first, they must have a good background, and so have to reach the entry criteria. Second, they must have the right attitude; they must be motivated and doing their homework. Third, they must have the right personality; they must be positive and cooperative."

Entry-barriers and pay-offs What are these above-mentioned entry criteria, exactly? As of last year, students need to have an average grade of 7,5 or higher for their courses, and also need to pass all first-year courses, without making use of retakes - a standard they need to keep up into the second and third year of the programme too. Lastly, it is required to attend ĂĄll of the programme's classes to com-


plete it. Seeing as these are pretty high standards, one can wonder about the surplus value of the Honours Programme. According to Claire, some of the benefits are: "It will look good on your CV. You will have obtained extra knowledge, which answers some of the questions left over by the normal courses. Because there are only a few students, the courses can go into more detail about subjects." The courses also offer students a chance to do something they don't always get the opportunity to do in regular courses, namely to actively discuss and participate in the topic at hand. The most insight about the Honours Programme can be gained from the students actually in the programme. Ian, an honours-student, tells us some of his experiences: "I think the Honours Programme improves your understanding of the regular courses and fields, for example when it comes to globalization and macro-economics. I benefited from the knowledge I obtained about subjects like pensions and the different interpretations of the globalization processes." He admits to having used some of this knowledge in the standard bachelor-courses to great effect. Another attractive point of the programme according to Ian are the guest-lectures; "for example we had one guest- lecture from Arjan Lejour of the Central Planning Bureau and one from Jan Kakes of the Dutch Central Bank. Arjan Lejour explained to us the effect of globalization on economic policy and Jan Kakes told us the effects of aging on the Dutch economy."

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007

Studying and stuff

Furthermore, students who follow the programme get additional ECTS for it, as well as an Honours Certificate upon graduation.

Not for everybody So far, the Honours Programme seems a great initiative of USE. However, one can look at it from another perspective; we are offering costly courses to what is perhaps the smallest group of elite students. One can wonder if it's fair to inject more funds into these students, when we might just as well have improved the general education of รกll students with these same funds. After all, these are the students that do not necessarily need more attention, seeing as they already perform well. It is standard procedure for most faculties around the world to stimulate and 'groom' a select group of students, in the hope that they will go on to do great things and so give a good reputation to the faculty they graduated from (a kind of advertisement, in other words). Would it not be better if perhaps the more average students where to enjoy some much-needed extra attention, raising the overall grade-point average? As it is now, the Honours Programme at USE seems to have standards too high to act as a motivational tool for the average student to work harder, only catering the smallest of small groups.

Luckily, USE is aware of this and so keeps the Honours Programme on a relatively small scale - there is room for a maximum of about 25 to 30 students in the programme, and last year not even half these places where filled. This illustrates once more how exclusive the Honours Programme appears, and casts doubt over its usefulness. Sadly, Honours-students have yet to graduate, so it's hard to tell the effect it has had. On the other hand, instituting such a programme does have advantages: offering more might attract better students who feel the need to be challenged. Furthermore, it lines up nicely with today's demands in the labour market, where employers are looking for graduates that have an edge over the rest, as well as Dutch educational policy, keyed towards offering more to those who can do more. In the end, the Honours Programme is a means through which we can offer and reward those students that excel just a little more. Those involved are all very positive about the (admittedly limited) results so far, and hope to continue the programme. Considering the average student is already provided with a lot of facilities, it's only natural that one wants to offer more to the cream of the crop. If it is within your reach, it's a small sacrifice to attend one more weekly working group and graduate with Honours. You have to polish if you want to shine, so get to work!

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


Famous Economist/Entrepreneur

TomTom en de route naar succes Ian Koetsier - Dit keer niet zoals de vaste lezers gewend zijn een stukje over een beroemde econoom maar dit keer een beroemd bedrijf. Bijna iedereen kent inmiddels het bedrijf TomTom, marktleider op het gebied van navigatiesystemen, maar de weg daar naartoe was lang.Wie zitten er achter het succes van TomTom en welke route kozen zij naar het succes? TomTom, een sprookje voor de Nederlandse overheid, een bedrijf zoals de Nederlandse overheid het bedoeld heeft: innovatief, concurrerend en Nederlands. Maar waar kwam dit bedrijf opeens vandaan? Van het ĂŠĂŠn op het andere moment leek het er te zijn. Van Palmtop naar de top Het verhaal van TomTom begint in 1991 als de twee studievrienden, Peter-Frans Pauwels en Pieter Geelen, samen het bedrijf Palmtop opzetten. Beide studeerden zij Business and Computer Science aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. In 1991 waren het gewoon twee vrienden die een bedrijf begonnen. Misschien een leuk idee voor na de studie. Het heeft hen in ieder geval geen windeieren gelegd, zo blijkt 15 jaar later. Palmtop legt zich in de eerste jaren toe op het maken van programma's voor handheld computers. Toen werd er nog een verscheidenheid aan producten geproduceerd waaronder natuurlijk routeplanners. Deze producten werden vooral geleverd aan het bedrijf Psion, dat handheld computers maakte. In 1994 komt een derde partner het team versterken: Corinne Vigreux. Zij komt van het bedrijf Psion en brengt een enorme ervaring mee naar Palmtop over de handheld-markt. Ze brengt niet alleen ervaring, want in 2001 brengt zij ook haar man naar het bedrijf. Haar man, Harold Goddijn, komt eveneens van het bedrijf Psion en is de


vierde volledig partner in Palmtop. Tevens wordt in 2001 de naam Palmtop verandert in TomTom, de naam die iedereen waarschijnlijk iets bekender in de oren klinkt. Het is ook het jaar waarin TomTom het eerste mobiele autonavigatiesysteem op de markt brengt, de 'TomTom navigator' genaamd. Dit werd een doorslaand succes. Een paar jaar later, in 2005, had het bedrijf inmiddels een marktaandeel van 52% veroverd. De nettowinst kwam uit op 143 miljoen euro en de omzet bedroeg 720 miljoen euro. De verwachting is dat de omzet in 2006 stijgt over de miljard grens naar tussen 1,3 en 1,4 miljard euro. De beursgang Het echte hoogtepunt voor TomTom kwam op 27 mei 2005; TomTom heeft sinds die dag een notering aan de AEX. Het was de grootste beursgang sinds Worldonline. TomTom was tot op dat moment volledig in handen van de vier bovengenoemde partners. De introductiekoers werd vastgesteld op 17,50 euro. Dit was volgens sommige analisten wat aan de hoge kant want de bandbreedte van de introductiekoers lag tussen 14 en 18,50 euro. De introductiekoers gaf het bedrijf een beurswaarde van 1,9 miljard euro. Met deze beurswaarde was het bedrijf gelijk groter dan een aantal gevestigde namen zoals Buhrmann en Getronics. Het

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007

Famous Economist/Entrepreneur opvallende was echter dat vooral de vier aandeelhouders van het bedrijf van de beursgang profiteerden. Van de totaal 26,8 miljoen aandelen die werden geplaatst, was 19,6 miljoen afkomstig van de vier aandeelhouders. De beursgang leverde het bedrijf slechts 125 miljoen euro op en de vier aandeelhouders bijna 350 miljoen euro. Uit deze merkwaardige verhouding blijkt dat de beursgang niet zo zeer nodig was voor het aantrekken van nieuw kapitaal maar om een deel van belang van de aandeelhouders te verzilveren. In de maanden daarna blijkt TomTom een aandeel dat snel aan waarde wint. Maar ook snel waarde kan verliezen. Op 27 oktober 2005 had het aandeel rond het middaguur 30% van zijn beurswaarde verloren, dit kwam op dat moment neer op 1,2 miljard euro. De waarde van een aandeel TomTom is eigenlijk vanaf de introductie hoger dan de introductiekoers, momenteel schommelt het aandeel tussen de 32 en 35 euro. De beursgang van TomTom kan worden bestempeld als een succes maar dan vooral voor de vier partners.


De eigenaren Bij de beursgang van TomTom cashten de eigenaren van TomTom ongeveer 85 miljoen euro per persoon. Maar zij bleven voor het grootste deel eigenaar van TomTom. Allen hadden na de beursgang nog 18,7% van de aandelen TomTom. Feitelijk hadden ze het er dus nog volledig voor het zeggen. In 2006 cashten de vier partners eind oktober nog eens bijna 400 miljoen euro, dit door aandelen en opties van de hand te doen. In 2005 stonden de vier partners van TomTom allen hoog in de Quote 500. Harold Goddijn en Corinne Vigreux staan samen, ze zijn immers

getrouwd, op plaats twaalf met een geschat vermogen van 1,4 miljard euro. En Pieter Geelen en Peter-Frans Pauwels stonden op plaats 25 en 26 met een geschat vermogen van 710 miljoen euro.


In 2006 voerde Pauwels tevens de Quote 500 Junior aan, zijn vermogen zou zijn gestegen naar 766 miljoen euro. Het is duidelijk dat de vier partners op een on-Nederlandse, bijnaAmerikaanse, manier hun aandeel in het bedrijf verzilverden. Verder is er nog iets Amerikaans te bespeuren bij ĂŠĂŠn van de partners. Pieter Geelen gaf namelijk zijn eigen goede doel, de Turing foundation, 100 miljoen euro. Dit doet hij in navolging van bijvoorbeeld Bill Gates en Warren Buffet. De Turing foundation gaat zich de komende jaren bezighouden met natuurbescherming, bestrijding van lepra en onderwijs voor kinderen en Nederlanders proberen te laten genieten van kunst. TomTom kiest duidelijk zijn eigen weg in navolging van zijn eigenaren. De vier partners doen verrassende on-Nederlandse dingen, net als hun bedrijf. TomTom weet de juiste weg te vinden want over 2006 zal de omzet voor het eerst het miljard overschrijden. TomTom mag dan wel eens net als zijn navigatiesystemen een andere weg kiezen, het is misschien wel de goede.


De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007




De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007



Islamitisch financieren in een notendop Nick Nusselder - Als men in Nederland spreekt over 'islamitisch bankieren' denkt men aan zaken zoals de hahal-hypotheek. En wat denkt u van de Arabobank ? Of Falluja Financieringen? Kufar en zoon Kredieten? Maar, wat houdt het precies in? Islamitische wetgeving, beter bekend als de sharia, stelt regels en voorschriften op voor elk domein van het persoonlijke en maatschappelijke leven. Zo ook voor het economische leven. Banken en andere financiĂŤle intermediairs die gestoeld zijn op de principes van de islam proberen de economische orde van de sharia in de praktijk te brengen. In eerste instantie houdt dit in dat zij zich ver houden van de financiering van goederen en diensten die onder de islam als zondig (haram) worden beschouwd: alcohol, gokken, pornografie en natuurlijk het houden en slachten van sus scrofa domesticus. Gemeenschappelijk belang staat voorop In tegenstelling tot wat veelvuldig in de media wordt verkondigd, is de islam meer dan een verzameling van verstrekkende en verstikkende regels voor haar 'volgers'. De ideale economische orde onder de islam is van een egalitaire, ja, bijna socialistische aard. De islam staat de vergaring van persoonlijke rijkdom toe maar het is geen onvoorwaardelijk door Allah gegeven recht; als de vergaring van privĂŠ-bezit het gemeenschappelijk belang schaadt, moet het recht ingrijpen. Welvaartsverschillen die niet meer sociaal rechtvaardig te noemen zijn, concentraties van rijkdom als voorbodes van een elitaire standenmaatschappij en kapitaalkrachtige renteniers die leven van hun 'dode' rijkdom worden onder de islam gezien als maatschappelijk onwenselijk. Mohammed als een soort Karx Marx avant la lettre.

Of als een soort Maynard Keynes avant la lettre.


Zoals alle studenten die Zakencyclustheorie in blok 2 hebben gevolgd weten, verklaarde Keynes de oorlog aan de rentenierende klasse. Het ontvangen van rente over waardepapier en andersoortig 'inactief' kapitaal in een tijd van chronische onderbesteding zag hij als immoreel. Geldcreatie zou volgens Keynes de rentestand in zoverre drukken, dat het dode kapitaal tot leven zou worden gewekt in bijvoorbeeld de huizenbouw. Kortom, van rijkdomvergaring voor weinigen tot economische opleving voor velen.

Verbod op rente Terug naar het islamitisch bankieren. Uit de afkeer voor extreme inkomensverschillen en van de levensstijl der renteniers, volgt het islamitisch verbod op rente (riba). In de economische theorie is rente de beloning voor sparen. Zonder beloning (incentives) geen gedrag, zonder rente geen spaargedrag en zonder spaargedrag geen kapitaalaccumulatie en daarmee geen enkel perspectief op een levensstandaard waarin de consumptie a Benz, some rims, and some jewels centraal staat. Hoewel, het verbod op rente betekent niet dat er onder islam geen compensatie voor de tijdwaarde van geld bestaat. De tijdwaarde van geld is van essentieel belang voor de economische beslissingen die rationeel zelfzuchtige individuen elke dag maken. Het naar het heden halen van toekomstig inkomen stelt individuen in staat een huis aan te schaffen, telefoonrekeningen van driedubbele cijfers

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007

Analyse te maken of tien jaar te studeren op een consumptieniveau waar keizer Nero jaloers op zou zijn. Ook dient de rentestand als een efficiĂŤnt communicatiemiddel: het vertelt de investeerder wanneer het uitstellen van zijn consumptie een hogere toekomstige waarde van consumptie mogelijk maakt. Deze onmiskenbare economische voordelen gaan onder het stelsel van islamitisch bankieren en financieren niet verloren. Islamitische financiers hebben over de eeuwen innovatieve constructies bedacht om 100% halal beloond te worden voor de tijdwaarde van hun geld. Creatief met regels omgaan Voor de aanschaf van duurzame consumptiegoederen en assets zoals auto's, huizen en pluche dobbelstenen die je aan de achteruitkijkspiegel hangt - is het mogelijk om onder Murabaha geld te lenen. Het werkt als volgt: het goed in kwestie wordt voor de lener door de bank gekocht, die het voor de aankoopprijs plus een vooraf afgesproken winstmarge verkoopt aan de lener. Terwijl de lener vanaf de aankoop volledig bezit heeft van het goed, heeft de bank het eigendomsrecht totdat de 'debiteur' volledig heeft afgelost. Hierdoor loopt noch lener, noch geldschieter risico: het af te lossen bedrag is volledig vast en het onderpand zeker. Nadeel is wel dat de mogelijke liquiditeit van de lener beperkt is; probeer maar op deze wijze een studielening te krijgen!

Eveneens is het mogelijk om het nodige startkapitaal voor een onderneming te bemachtigen. Hoewel rentedragende kredieten uit den boze

zijn, kunnen beide ondernemer en geldschieter zich toeleggen op een zogenaamde Musharakah: een joint venture . Vermogen geeft naar proportie recht op de winst, en deelt naar proportie in mogelijk verlies. Omdat het ontvangen van rente haram is, bestaat er onder het islamitische financiĂŤle systeem niet zoiets als een obligatie zoals wij dat kennen. Maar hier laat de bijna demonische creativiteit van de vroegmiddeleeuwse Arabische geldschieters weer van zich horen: de aanschaf van een Sukuk geeft de investerende het recht op alle toekomstige geldstromen, een aandeel dus.

De grotere diss De laatste jaren is het islamitisch financieren sterk in opkomst. Hoewel een geblondeerde Limburger zou spreken over een 'kernexplosie van krediet', heeft opkomst van het islamitisch financieren weinig te maken met de toenemende invloed van de islam. Het overschot op de lopende rekening van de voornamelijk islamitische olie-exporteurs geeft hen veel kapitaal om vrijelijk te investeren. Daarom is deze schrijver van mening dat islamitisch bankieren dankzij de toevallige olie-inkomsten en ondanks haar eigen merites populair is. Het beperkt de transactievrijheid van de moslim terwijl het - door de impliciete rente - haar sociale doelstellingen niet lijkt te halen. Mede door het eerstgenoemde is vrijwel de gehele islamitische wereld economisch achtergebleven gebied. Goed, misschien is de 'renteniersklasse' kleiner dan hier, maar als je daarvoor hip-hop cd's en indoor plumbing moet opgeven, lijkt mij dĂĄt de grotere diss.

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


WANTED NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS! Did you enjoy your own introductionweek ? Organise it yourself next year and apply for the introduction committee! Did you enjoy the last ECU’92 conference about Oil&Gas? Are you able to organise such a day? Apply for the conference committee! Vanaf januari start er weer een nieuwe bedrijvendagcommissie. Kun jij de uitdaging aan en organiseer jij straks zo’n fantastische dag? Do you want to have contact with interesting and important persons and want you to arrange lectures with them, apply then for the discussion and lectures committee

Open Letter

Give Me Attitude Florian Kr채tke - You are about to read a critique of student approach to studying, written so that a poor soul can vent his frustration. Please note that although the tone of the letter is meant to be satiric, this article is meant to be an open letter.You can write a reply to this letter to and chances are it will be published in the next edition.

Dear Average Student,

There seems to be a problem. Grades are falling all over the board, and along with it go subsidies, benefits, respect, IQ-points and morale. A crisis such as this requires swift action, and so we have located the problem. Now, don't be offended, but it appears that you, Average Student, are pathologically lazy. Lack of input and effort is slowly eating away at the fabric of your own education, and its results. Hardly anything can be achieved with an attitude that is geared towards barely sufficient effort, scraping the bottom of the barrel. Yet this is what we have observed as the mean input of a large part of the student body. The only way you can expect to reach your goals with the observed level of minimal input, is if these goals are set at a mediocre level, at best. This unprepared attitude is not without consequences, for yourself and for the society in which you might find yourself. If you will, make a comparison of your discipline with the medical field - would you rather that your doctor, who treats you and your loved ones, really mastered and understood his field, or would you be satisfied with a doctor who had barely scraped by on mercy-grades? Admittedly, economics is not often a life-or-death matter, but its effects are perhaps more far-reaching than the subjective example above - we are talking in terms of global impact. What we are dealing with here might be lack of interest, due to the simplicity of future goals. In other words, a general lack of passion. If you just want a guaranteed payload in later life,

invest in major oil- and pill-pushing companies - there is no end to the opportunities out there for people to exploit others. If you want to absorb and master a discipline, do some good, stick around and read a book. It is really such a leap to have passion and genuine interest in your chose field? Lord knows we would like to equip our staff with tazers and stun-guns to 'shock' the students into working, but that would be attacking symptoms, not causes. The 'jolt' should already be there, the want of a student to grasp and master interests in life, to build on what he was taught. Sure there are other things a person, and especially a young student, might want to do, but it all comes down to a simple set of options and priorities. A little forethought about where you are headed, what the consequences of your actions now are on later life, will bring you some healthy, much-needed perspective. Now is the time for you to set the foundation of your future, and we suggest you do it right. Remember, there is no shame is being labelled as 'ambitious'. 'Ambition' is not a dirty word. However, 'mediocrity' is, in our dictionary, and it would be a disappointment if you where to be labelled as such. If you hadn't grasped it yet, here is our message in a nutshell: "You're supposed to be smart, right? So act like it already! Read your books, prepare your classes and participate." With deepest concern, - Everyone over 30

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007



Drunken democrats and public policy Roderick Udo - On the 15th of November 2006, the Discussion and Lectures committee of students association ECU'92 organised a lecture of Drs. Gerrit Zalm, Minister of Finance in the Netherlands in four cabinets between 1994 and 2007.The lecture was in Dutch, the Ecunomist reports on it in English. About Dutch public policy, drunken democrats and how many useful lessons one can learn from a politician just before the elections.

A lot of students came to the auditorium of the beautiful old university building at the Utrecht city centre to attend the speech of Gerrit Zalm. Not many empty chairs were left when mister Zalm entered the hall. The lecture was planned months in advance and was expected to be about budget policy. But it turned out to be different. Suddenly, the lecture became a song of praise about the policy of the Balkenende cabinets and mister Zalm's conservative liberal party VVD in particular.

Political crisis The second cabinet of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende started in 2003. It consisted of the Christian democrat party CDA, mister Zalm's VVD and the liberal democrats, D'66. This government was expected to be in charge of the Dutch policies until 2007. However, a typically Dutch political crisis led to the early fall of the cabinet when D'66 withdrew its support of the government. A fundamental difference of opinions existed about the way the Minister of Integration and Immigration Rita Verdonk, a member of the VVD, dealt with the naturalisation procedure of the controversial Member of the Parliament Ayaan Hirsi Ali. After the crisis a demissionary minority cabinet was formed. The task of this temporary cabinet of CDA and VVD was preparing the elections, which would usually have taken place in 2007, and were moved to the 22nd of November 2006 because of the crisis. This Wednesday in November was one week after the lecture of Gerrit Zalm at


Utrecht School of Economics and it can impossibly be denied that this influenced the content of mister Zalm's speech.

Song of praise Although very interesting from a political point of view, the enthusiastic story of a visibly proud minister Zalm about the policy of the Balkenende government is not what one would expect to be the content of the lecture when looking at the subject 'trend-based budget policy'. However, listeners who saw through the clouds of happiness and praise learned interesting things about sensible government policy. What did we hear and what could we have heard? Every person attending the lecture will have heard that there are more jobs and more economic growth in the Netherlands and that there is healthier public finance. One could discuss the influence of the government on economic growth. This is a debate going on, and I will not say this is not interesting, but we will now look at what is behind all the happiness in mister Zalm's lecture. Trend-based budget policy The pride of Gerrit Zalm is based on the policy that made him famous, not only in the Netherlands, but also in the other European countries. The Dutch government started with a trend-based budget policy in 1994. Gerrit Zalm was Minister of Finance in the cabinet that started the policy and has been on that job

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007

Activity for more than eleven of the twelve years between 1994 and today. At the moment the trend-based budget policy was first implemented, in 1994, the Netherlands did not comply with the European Monetary Union (EMU) convergence criteria. In order to be allowed to enter the EMU, the budget deficit of a country had to be below three percent, the national debt below sixty percent of GDP and a stable exchange rate of the countries currency was required. With a deficit of almost four percent and a debt of about eighty percent of GDP, there was work to do in the Netherlands. The trendbased budget policy was chosen as a tool to use for this work.

This policy has four important characteristics: caution with economic growth predictions, one principle decision-making moment, separation between receipts and expenditure and a fixed expenditure framework. The first, cautious economic premises, means that the cabinet bases its policy on expected growth that is lower than growth in the positive scenario of the Central Planning Bureau. The choice for this way of policymaking results from lessons drawn from the period before 1994, in which predictions of economic growth had been too optimistic, which made the budget policy too vulnerable. The second, the existence of one principle decision-making moment, is also a choice resulting from past experience. The reliability of government policy was regarded too low, because of frequent adjustments throughout the year. Therefore, the initiators of trend-based budget policy chose to have one moment every year at which decisions were made, in the spring.

The third, separated receipts and expenditures, means that unexpected receipts are not used for additional expenditures. When receipts are lower than expected, this will not affect the expenditure, because the government will either run a higher deficit or raise taxes. The fourth, the expenditure framework, means that ministers must comply with budgets they get. Budgets are set for the total period of four years a cabinet is in charge and within that period a budget is set every year.

Drunken democrat Although the most important message of the lecture was 'vote VVD' instead of 'trend-based budget policy is great', we learned a lot about budget policy. Mister Zalm is really dedicated to 'his' policy and tells about it in a very enthusiastic and sometimes also funny way. The well-known laugh of mister Zalm appeared at its best when Marc Sanders, teacher at USE and member of progressive liberal party D'66, stood up to pose a question. Stunned by the D'66 t-shirt of Marc Sanders, mister Zalm told the D'66 politician that he could be a D'66 politician at moments he is drunk because he usually did not have difficulties in working with most parts of the D'66 plans. The important lesson we can learn from mister Zalm is that whether the economic growth might be influenced mainly by government policy or by general economic circumstances, the trend-based policy is worth to be kept. It certainly doesn't hurt and everyone is benefited by stability. The VVD lost the elections and is not likely to be back in the government in 2007. The biggest party after the elections, CDA, also advocates the trend-based policy. Let us hope that the newly formed government will continue with the policy, so that stability is guaranteed.

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007



Economics & Ethics Elena Meshcheryakova - Ethics remains a key word in our daily life.When it comes to making the right decision, doing the right thing under the circumstances, ethics always comes up at some point.The question is, assuming we know what economics is, how do we apply ethics to it? Is the right thing to do for society also the right thing to do in our own eyes? The first thing that comes to mind will be business ethics - a subject that contains both ethics and economics, but also an element of commerce. Business ethics is an field of its own, which contains rules, programs, descriptions, references to the ancient times material, related to business and behavior. In economics, this reminds me of the behavior of individuals under constraint. Wikipedia, my favorite online source, describes business ethics in a vague way, but what it does tell us is that it's a form of art that examines ethical rules and principals, various moral problems in the business setting, along with the responsibility of the individuals involved. Corporate social responsibility (familiar to us from Introduction to Business Economics) is also a significant part of business ethics, as well as many ethical rules on separate divisions of economics, e.g. ethics of production andethics of economic systems. Not surprisingly, the one of the highest recommendations a business can have is the fact that its employees correctly follow a code of business ethics. From my second-favorite online source, the Investopedia, I found that if a financial analyst is certified by Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (CFA) he or she has passed exam that covers stages like economics and ethics, accounting, security analysis. Now, my enthusiasm is rising as the bad examples of business ethics are related with punishing the wrongdoer, thus with law.


A famous case everyone's heard about is Enron - a company where employees where covering up their wrongdoings, lying to the public, to its investors and shareholders - to all of whom it had obligations to fulfill. They were unethical

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007

Analysis not just in business terms, but also in legal terms.

In Microeconomics2, we learn about exporting economics into other disciplines (law, social sciences) and importing other disciplines into economics. The question is whether we can do both with Economics and Ethics. Exporting economics into ethics will mean adopting economic theories, formulas and rules to 'ethic' standards - which equals putting a constraint on economic problems. But can we expand economics to the borders of ethics? Whose borders are larger, fuller, longer? When we try to adopt one into the other, there cannot be a specific determination of what is import or export, economics and ethics interlace into a ball. Ethics is a discipline, a branch of philosophy. It is a stream of knowledge on behavior, coming from hundreds of years before us. As some might know, philosophy is traditionally divided into logic, physics and ethics. The point of study of ethics is morality, which makes the central problem of ethics as a science the distinction between good and evil. The founder of the term 'ethics' was Aristotle, who lived in the 4th century B.C., and has a similar approach to what we do here at USE - in his theories and teachings (on some of which our courses are based) of ethics always come down to choosing the best solution, to compromise and finding the middle ground, also referred to as the Golden Rule. Ethics tells us, from experience, what is good and bad for people, and it is up to us to decide which side we choose.

I'd like it to be right across the sentence on good and evil

There is enough material on Ethics and Economics: journals, books, websites and cases. All our futures, be they in the are of economics and law, economics and geography, economics and social science, or economics and some other track, is interconnected with choices and making the right decision. Do we know enough to make that decision? Are we prepared, or should USE introduce "Business Ethics" as a new level 3 course? Recommended reading: Nicomachean Ethics

We can also apply Ethics to the Utrecht School of Economics, in the sense of academic integrity - cheating on homework and exams, lying to the faculty. USE is certain of its policy on ethics with respect to cheating at exams - the cheater is expelled. Even though it does stop some students from cheating, most students wise up and use other means of storing the information needed for the exam. Next thing we know, graphical calculators are forbidden for certain courses, which leaves me and my colleagues speechless. The effect of taking away one of the basic tools of 21st century students is damaging.

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


Afgestudeerd……en dan?

Carrière Contact Antoine Burgers & Malou van den Berg - Na tenminste vier jaar (of langer) zwoegen is het eindelijk zover. Je hebt je Master diploma gehaald en je bent klaar met je studie. Maar dan……wat nu? Stel deze vraag maar eens aan de gemiddelde student. De meest gehoorde antwoorden zullen waarschijnlijk reizen of werken zijn. In ieder geval is het, welk van de twee antwoorden er ook gegeven wordt, een goede zaak om je alvast te oriënteren op je carrière na je studie. Carrière Contact is hierbij hét ideale hulpmiddel. De bedrijvendag die ECU'92 jaarlijks organiseert is voor velen de eerste kennismaking met het bedrijfsleven. Een divers aanbod aan bedrijven en overheidsinstellingen presenteert zich op de uitgebreide informatiemarkt, in een workshop of in een individueel gesprek. Door deze dag kom je er achter welke specifieke richtingen in het bedrijfsleven jouw interesse hebben. Op de bedrijvendag van ECU'92 of een andere carrièredag leg je de eerste contacten met bepaalde bedrijven of overheidsinstellingen. Het is voor jou dan ook van belang om in contact te blijven met deze bedrijven of overheidsinstellingen. Dat kan via Carrière Contact! Carrière Contact is dé intermediair tussen student en bedrijfsleven. Het is een samenwerkingsverband tussen Studievereniging Efact uit Tilburg en Studievereniging ECU'92. Inmiddels hebben eerdere verenigingen zich aangesloten bij Carrière Contact waardoor het bedrijfsleven veelvuldig gebruik maakt van de diensten van Carrière Contact. Op de website van Carrière Contact ( kan jouw persoonlijke interesseprofiel worden aangemaakt. In dit profiel geef je aan in welke fase van de studie je bent en in welke specifieke richtingen je bent geïnteresseerd. Op basis van dit persoonlijke interesseprofiel houdt Carrière Contact je op de hoogte van de activiteiten die de voor jou interessante bedrijven organiseren. Dit zijn activiteiten als business courses, in-house dagen, oriënterende stages en workshops.

Kortom: Carriére Contact houdt je op de hoogte van de voor jou belangrijke activiteiten! Oriënteer je op een snelle, safe en simpele manier op de carrière na je studie en maak nu je profiel aan op Voor meer informatie, kijk op de website van Carriere Contact of mail naar: of naar


De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007


Mars versus Venus Action Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" from John Gray, is a book about the differences between men and women. I always thought it was nonsense; but I am beginning to wonder‌ A few months ago I was the editor-in-chief and you were the treasurer of ECU'92. Now the tables have turned, and for me things changed. Let's generalize a bit: we all know that men find it difficult to let someone else be in charge, especially a woman. It is that female touch that drives us insane. Women are meticulous and patient, while men prefer the no-nonsense way: full speed ahead and get things done. But on the other hand women tend to be stressful, while men are more relaxed. For me, being an editor instead of an editor-in-chief is a world of difference. The fact that I am no longer in control and just have to write articles is like getting into a bus together and me letting you drive and decide where to go. A man always wants to drive and be in charge, unless we are to drunk for either, but in my case that is not going to be a problem. Women on the other hand don't seem to bother whether they are running things or not, they seem to accept it and live with it. How is this possible? How do you do that? Do women come from Venus after all? Or is it just from the outside? Silvester Bosma


Oh, boy. To answer this question is like revealing our best kept secret. It concerns the greatest conspiracy of women against 'our' men in charge. While I don't like to follow suit, I won't try to beat around the bush - which is also said to be one of our less attractive female qualities. Here it comes: it's all about keeping up appearances. Of course we always want to be in control, but the difference is we choose to arrange it the delicate way. We realize that, as long as the men around us believe they are running the show, we can get things done without them catching on. We - possessing outstanding manipulative talents - are the devil and angel on your shoulder; the voices inside your head. Personally I think this is the most Pareto efficient outcome. Most women who achieve a position of power, think they have to prove themselves over their female (and especially male) subordinates. This makes them difficult to work with, the more so as they are apt to take every criticism personally. Certainly, it is true we are much more vulnerable to stress. At the same time, it would not hurt if men swapped some of their laidback attitude for our perfectionism. Then again, this last sentence is exactly the reason why you males will always need a woman by your side. You can decide where to go, but as is well known men will never take the trouble to ask the way. We don't mind a man driving. We have the map. JoĂŤlle Tabak

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007



Reflections of an Adasaurus

My neighbour asked me if I have many prejudices? I told him that I have. "I'm against poverty, injustice, senseless violence, corruption, greed, lies, hypocrisy, pornography, tyranny, cowardy, and people smelling of garlic." He laughed. "Is this all? No more?" "Well, I'm also allergic to bad manners and rudeness, lack of compassion, silly television programmes, economists who still believe that Deregulation is the panacea for all our social and economic ills, and that Globalization will, of necessity, make poor countries affluent. In short, I'm a prejudiced conservative. I want to conserve the achievements of the Enlightenment, and of the early post-war generation. But, I'm a conservative, not a reactionary! A reactionary is someone who wants to go back to the awful rule of priests, the hegemony of an upper class, and to the social and economic conditions before the coming of the Welfare State." My neighbour looked amused. "And what about politics?" "In politics I hanker back to a world of ideologies, to rationality, to real political argumentation, and to the scientific study of political economy. Naturally, I do not wish a return to fake ideologies such as Stalinism posing as Marxism, or Fascism denying the unity of mankind. I do not wish to return to the world in which poverty was blamed on the poor and


charity was taken as the solution for destitution. I do not want logic to be replaced by mysticism, and truth replaced by expediency. I do not wish political debate substituted by politically correct sound-bites, and political leaderships elected by beauty contests supervised by advertising agencies. And I do not wish the discipline called economics to be deprived of its humane character and turned into the narrow study of business - the study of the maximisation of private profit." My neighbour laughed. "You may be right about you being a conservative, but you are certainly wrong about your prejudices. Prejudices are unfair and often unfavourable feelings, or opinions not based on reason or enough knowledge. Your prejudices are neither bereft of reason nor based on lack of knowledge. And your claim to be conservative does not convince me. What you said sounds more like a new form of socialism than conservatism." "I see that you haven't been listening well to what I said.Yes, I'm a conservative. I believe that the task of economists is to study the economy with the objective of banishing poverty and destitution. I believe that the mankind which has learned to overcome the retentiveness of nature, and to synthesise materials better than nature has provided, has it also in its power to regulate the production and distribution of its resources in a manner leading to economic growth, stability and equity. As

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007

Column Albert Einstein put it: "whatever (science) will produce depends entirely on the nature of the goals alive in this mankind. Once these goals exist, the scientific method furnishes means to realize them. Yet it cannot furnish the very goals... But perfection of means and confusion of goals seem to characterize the age." "I do not believe in myths: in an "invisible hand" equitably distributing the gains from economic growth. I do not believe in the theory of supply-side economics, and in monetarism. I believe that effective demand, and new technological inventions, engender investment. But I do not believe that some mysterious forces or animal spirits encourage the owners and controllers of financial resources to employ them unless they have good reason to expect handsome rewards. I know that investment generates a sequence of incomes which raise demand, but I also know that aggregate net investment depends on expected profit. And, as expected profit depends on expected demand, and demand on income distribution, I find it difficult to ignore the last mentioned. It therefore seems reasonable to me that the state takes an active role in the economy. The state is the only

factor, which controls the instruments which are capable of regulating demand, supply and employment, which is not depending on the expectation of profit. In short, I want a return to the principles that by the end of World War II inspired the founders of the Welfare State. This makes me a conservative! Naturally, I want to remedy the faults made by the politicians who were unable or unwilling to eliminate the abuses of the system. But I do not want it replaced by the newfangled pre-war economic ideology that mistakes egoism for individuality." My neighbour shook his head. "All you told me does not make you a conservative. It makes you something like a new-born Keynesian." I smiled. "When Einstein was summoned before McCarthy's US Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, and was accused of antiAmerican activities, people joked that yesterday he was a great American, but today he is defamed as a dangerous enemy of the United States. It is all a matter of relativity." Bilthoven:

January 2007 Y.S. Brenner

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007



Studying economics in practice Joris Hehenkamp - 'Children, it is eleven o'clock, time for something to eat and drink!' If the peaceful kindergarten classroom where a tiny box in the hand of a giant, the teacher just gave this giant the order to shake his hand brutally. Children jump up, drop the puzzles they have been working on the entire morning and rush towards their Sponge Bob, Bob de Builder or Whatever Bob bag. Quickly they gather round, start singing and enjoy their yoghurt drinks and biscuits.

Peter wishes life could be like that all the time. Primary school was not bad either; just having fun all day and learning a little about calculating, grammar, geography and history. High school also represented loads of fun. His first girlfriend, parties, alcohol, new friends; not a lot on his mind. Of course he had to work a little for school, but the night before the test was enough to pass and then he could start living again.

had signed up for the English Bachelor. 'You are going to have so much fun with all these international students! You are in to languages, and for your career it comes in handy to be internationally orientated!' He has been studying economics for half a year now, and it turned out not only to change his life in the ways people had always told him, but to give the roots of his existence a violent stir.

The horrible change in his live started in the sixth year of his VWO, meaning the last class of the highest form of high school education, which allows you to participate in University programmes. Suddenly there was this fat, blonde lady with a crooked nose and vicious breath. She popped up from nowhere, pushed the teacher aside and claimed to be the person that would help everybody to find a suitable studies.

Studying came into sight. 'A new challenge!', 'New friends!', and of course 'The right moment to move out of your parent's residence!'. Within no time, he had a meeting with this monster of a woman and she was questioning him about his likes and dislikes. He had always liked trade and money and he wants to have a career. After he said this it spat out: 'It sounds like economics is the perfect study for you!' And there he is, enrolled in the Utrecht School of Economics. Ambitious as his parents are, he


In the first period he encounters Math and Statistics and Introduction to Economics. He had never been into numbers, so for the first course he just had to study big time. After spending an entire afternoon on some mathematical or statistical problems, he could not forget about all these numbers. When opening the fridge to get something to drink, he immediately thinks of the possibilities the bottle of soda

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007

Article had been emptied by the former consumer. 'So we have Ho: the bottle is almost or completely empty, and H1: the bottle is full enough to help me get rid of my thirst.'

He quickly closes the door and throws himself in front of it. 'My god, what am I doing? I just want something to drink! Let me try it again.' He takes the bottle out of the fridge. Immediately, he puts it to his mouth, thinking: 'No time to get a glass. I might go nuts again.' After a few big gulps, he removes the bottle from his lips. The soda tasted great, but he is not thirsty anymore. The bubbles hurt his throat; he drank the chilled cola to fast. After the bubbly feeling left his system, he looks at the bottle.

'So now I am not thirsty any more, but somehow I am into another sip. The opportunity costs of more soda are the benefits of the best alternative‌ No wait, I could get a stomach ache from too much soda, and I am not thirsty so the marginal benefits are way low, maybe even negative‌' He looks up and sees his own image mirrored in the metal of the fridge door. Without thinking of any benefits or costs he places the bottle on the counter, grabs his jacket and leaves home. While cycling towards his favourite pool bar, he calls a friend. 'Hey, it's Peter. How are you doing? I am ok, but I really studied a long time and now I have to get my mind cleared of all this crap. Are you into a game of pool?' His friend would be there in a second. He orders a few beers and reserves a table.

After a little chat, his friend mentions his studies. 'So what have you been doing that long that made you leave your home in a rush for relaxation?' He tells his friend he has been spending hours on Mathematics and Statistics and that he has not even finished his work for tomorrow. 'Due to this utterly childish effort requirement, we have to hand in our exercises at the start of the lessons. And they do not even look at them! It is madness! We are adults and we have our own rhythm, how come they do not let us study the way we want to?'

Michiel, who knows Peter for years and always likes to tease him a little, asks him how he is going to meet this requirement while pooling and not studying at home. 'You should be at home now, working on your assignments! Let me see, you have wasted about half an hour now drinking beer and catching up with a friend. How does this make you feel? Your studies are so important! They are the start of your life! Without a diploma, you will fail in life, you will never make the career you have been planning since we met.' At the time, Peter had been six. After he had beaten Michiel in a game of monopoly, he kept shouting he would become world leader.

Peter thinks of this for a second, and then comes up with an answer. 'You just stepped into one of the major pitfalls in decisionmaking; you forgot to erase sunk costs from your calculation! This half an hour I spent with you, which has indeed been a complete waste of time, can never be used again. The decision I am facing now is: should I go home and study some more while my head bursts and I would produce extremely inefficiently for about four hours, or shall I beat you in pool and thereby gain new energy which I can use to beat up some mathematical problems in less than half that time? Do not forget about the average/marginal distinction either!' Michiel looks dazzled, and loses the game of pool. Peter explained the "pool player analogy" while playing and now feels superbly. Right before they go their own ways, Michiel turns to Peter. 'You have really changed, man. I can not see or listen to you without the economical student flapping out. Will we ever be able to just chill again?' Peter gives this a long thought. His studies should form a challenge, he would make new friends and soon he would move out. But the monster never said anything about a complete new lifestyle! 'Damn it, I wish I could return to kindergarten and do primary and high school all over again. Life was great at the time. Hakuna matata, no worries.' He cycled home. In the back of his mind, he estimates the number of rotations his legs need to perform before he will arrive.

De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007



Bob heeft in ieder geval nooit een depressie...

Elias Hermans - Gisteren ging ik uit vrije wil mee klussen, gratis en voor niks. Niet echt typisch iets voor een econoom, hard werken zonder loon. Na vijf minuten voorovergebogen met de bandschuurmachine in de weer had ik al pijn in de onderrug en een handvol fijnstof in de longen. En toch is het lekker! Maar waarom?

Ik weet niet hoe het met jullie zit maar ik werk niet (ik poker), laat staan dat ik iets producĂŠĂŠr. En dan bedoel ik iets tastbaars. Echt iets maken, met je handen. Hoe vaak doe je dat nog vandaag de dag? De voldoening lijkt hem dan ook vooral te zitten in het tastbare resultaat en het idee dat je dat zelf met je eigen handen hebt gemaakt. Zelf een uur besteden aan tomatensoep maken geeft toch ook een lekkerder gevoel dan een blik Unox opentrekken, ongeacht de smaak van je brouwsel en alle efficiency van het blik ten spijt? Zo moet het met klussen in je eigen huis ook het geval zijn: zelf maken is leuker.

Als economiestudenten spannen wij ons natuurlijk ook weleens in, maar in plaats van een vermeld cijfer 5.8 op WebCT of een paper in de vorm van een paar vellen tekst, vertalen de fysieke inspanningen bij het klussen zich direct in een perfect gelegde houten vloer of een spiegelglad geschuurde deur. Zaken waar je nog jarenlang wat aan hebt in je huis!

Als econoom weten wij alles van werk en productieprocessen, maar dan vooral in theorie. Tijdens het klussen kom je verschillende concepten in de praktijk tegen. Zo doorliep ik mijn eigen learning curve tijdens het verf afbranden van lastige randjes in de houten deur, ondervond ik derhalve de voordelen van arbeidsdeling en bijbehorende specialisatie en concludeer ik dat een van de redenen waarom ik het leveren van fysieke productieve arbeid blijkbaar waardevol vind, het feit moet zijn dat het voor mij zo schaars is. De praktijk blijkt weer eens de beste leerschool.

Of ik later dan toch maar timmerman word? Ik denk het toch niet, elke dag dat fysieke werk is ook niet alles, het moet wel schaars blijven. Maar op z'n tijd is het lekker en geeft het echte voldoening. En dat is lang niet met elke baan het geval. Zou dit misschien ook de reden zijn waarom er zich onder depressieve mensen zo weinig timmerlui, fietsenmakers en bouwvakkers bevinden...?

Net als bij sport heeft het daarnaast ook iets lekkers als je lichaam de gevolgen van inspanning zelf ondervindt. Zitten, koffie drinken en een broodje eten, het voelt allemaal als een welverdiende beloning voor het werken, waardoor je er veel meer van geniet. Om van heerlijk in je bed liggen 's avonds nog maar te zwijgen. "Arbeid adelt" is niet bepaald mijn spreekwoord maar zoals zo vaak bij spreekwoorden zit er wat in.


De Ecunomist - Jaargang 16, Editie 2 - Januari 2007




Heb jij de juiste kwaliteiten voor Ernst & Young? Dit zijn Anke Laan en Marjolein Citroen, allebei accountant bij Ernst & Young. Tijdens werktijd de beste collega’s. Maar tijdens de jaarlijkse sportdag gaan ze soms iets minder zachtzinnig met elkaar om. Tja, het zijn net mensen, die Anke en Marjolein. En van dat soort zoeken wij er meer. Gedreven en collegiale medewerkers die het beste uit zichzelf willen halen. Heb jij ook bijzondere kwaliteiten? OriÍnteer je dan eens op

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