Turn The Page #58 Preview

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COVERSTORY Towards a homogeneous world INTERVIEW Marcel Wanders

58 | November 2016






From zen Zen and Wabi-sabi to Kawaii and Manga





Towards a homogeneous world

28 CIO 12

Masters of IDE Masters


34 14 Study association i.d



The only risk is wanting to stay

november 2016 | turn the page


36 F E AT U R E

Packaging and culture

38 F E AT U R E

Fighting freedom or beating businesses

40 F E AT U R E

Innovation through simplicity

46 F E AT U R E

Put up for refugees

48 F E AT U R E

Innovation of Innovation



Alessi Circus


turn the page | november 2016





OF 2015-2016

Chéron Huskens Editor in Chief

Elisa Engelsma Acquisition

Suze Melissant Treasurer

Nils Westhoff Qualitate Qua

Alicia Calderón Chairwoman

Floris Jansen Layout

Christianne Francovich Secretary

Stijn Burmanje External Affairs

Ilse de Cock Publicity



! 4

With the new academic year already started and in track, Turn The Page comes back with a very international issue. ‘Design across cultures’ is the topic this time, for what we have created articles written from Colombia or Japan. You will also find some reflection about the connections between product and digital design and differences in cultural background. To read about this topic, go to page 8 for this number’s coverstory, ‘Towards a homogenous world’ or jump to page 36 for the article ‘Packaging, design and culture’. Changing topics, on page 44 you can read about and see the new collection of Marcel

Wanders for Alessi called Circus. Because of the occasion of the IDE masters being restructured this year, we feature a special about their international character and how alumni’s input was decisive in the design of the new structure (page 28 to 33). With this number, the last one of this committee of Turn The Page, we would like to say goodbye to a great year; it has been a lot of hard work but definitely worth it. Hope you enjoy this issue as much as we have enjoyed being part of Turn The Page! Alicia Calderón Chairwoman


november 2016 | turn the page


PC O MING by Chéron Huskens


WEB SUMMIT November 7th - 10th, 2016 Lisbon, Portugal Are you starting up your own company and curious to learn more about business and technology? Join Europe's biggest technology conference and discover how new technologies can help your start-up grow. With attendance of over 42,000 professionals from around the world, the summit provides great opportunities to expand the skills and knowledge that fuel your start-up.

I N N O VAT E E noun | in ·no ·va ·tee (plural: innovatees) Someone who is experiencing an innovation for the first time.

innovatee.io Humans are pretty awesome at inventing stuff. Innovatee is where everything comes together. The platform was built by and for students of the TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam, and has three key offers for upcoming designers, entrepreneurs and start-ups.

2 . C O N N E C T : Are you an industrial designer, graphic

designer or programmer (in the making) and have time left after your studies? Help start-ups part-time in Delft and Rotterdam with your mad skills or register for design competitions and help big companies with your brilliant solutions! It is a great way to earn extra money, build your portfolio and upgrade your network. You might even score that internship you have always dreamed of!

1 . I N S P I R E : True epiphanies do not exist. Here you

will get inspired by the inventions of others and be the first to know about the newest technologies and materials. Handy for us IDE students!

turn the page | november 2016

3 . C R E AT E : Have a brilliant idea? Awesome! Get

started by uploading it on Innovatee, either as a public upload, company upload or to the team of Innovatee.



DESIGN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT November 28th - 30th, 2016 Florida, United States of America Have you ever wanted to visit Miami Beach but could not find a good reason to get time off work? This summit might just be the thing you are looking for! The two-day event looks to promote growth within the design industry, and this year, it explores the theme of Art Meets Design. International leaders from the fields of design, fine arts and architecture will present their ideas and insights on the creativity business and give you the chance to interact and network with them at this beautiful location.

T Y P E TA L K February 20th, 2017 Birmingham, United Kingdom

INSIDE November 16th - 18th, 2016 Berlin, Germany It is getting cold outside: time to move inside (get it..?) and discover the world of interior design! Check out the inspiring developments, projects, and people that are transforming the face of interiors around the world. The festival inspires you to refresh your outlook on design through various talks by both local and international people, exhibitions, awards and parties.

Watch Toshi Omagari discuss the myths of science and practices in typeface design at the Birmingham City University. Listen to his stories about the differences he encountered between what he was taught as a type designer and working in real life for clients such as H&M and Sir Quentin Blake to create custom typefaces.

CURIOSITY curiosity.com For those of you who have a passion for learning this is a great addition to your bookmarks bar. Curiosity aims to make learning easier and more fun by covering engaging topics in short, mobile friendly and visual form. From super agers to batteries that last 400 years to holes in buildings for dragons in Hong Kong, there is always something new to learn about the amazing world we live in. The website has a dynamic mix of text and videos for each topic. Get in touch with your inner child and continue being a lifelong learner!


november 2016 | turn the page


DREAM OUT LOUD August 26th, 2016 - January 1st, 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands At this event 26 designers are featured to dream about social design, the theme of the group exhibition. The designers express their view of how a better world can be created and try to figure out different ways to solve today's complex societal issues. Their ideas go beyond aesthetic design and look at ideas and technologies that can potentially change the world for the better.

PRIZE WINNERS From the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering io.tudelft.nl/prizewinners C H A R L I E WA N G W I N S A S M E E X C E L L E N C E I N R E S E A R C H AWA R D

During the annual ASME IDETC/CIE Conference (21st 24th August 2016), professor Charlie Wang was awarded the 2016 Excellence in Research Award by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). This award reflects the highest honour bestowed upon an active researcher by ASME's CIE division.

turn the page | november 2016

G E N E R AT E BANGALORE December 2nd, 2016 Bangalore, India For the first time ever, the conference presented by net magazine and Creative Bloq will be held in Bangalore, India. The one-day event is perfect for those of you looking to boost your skills and become a better UX designer or front-end developer. Get useful advice and learn from the experiences of Mike Monteiro, and Karen McGrane, just some of the biggest names in web design, through workshops, keynotes and even during the many breaks throughout the day!


A breathing soft robot that helps with falling asleep. With this invention, four TU Delft students won the national James Dyson Award 2016. Julian Jagtenberg, one of the four students, studies Industrial Design Engineering. B E S T P I C T O R I A L AWA R D F O R E LV I N KARANA AND ELISA GIACCARDI

Dr. Elvin Karana and Prof. Elisa Giaccardi of the faculty of IDE recently have received the Best Pictorial Award at the ‘ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS)’. They received the award for their paper ‘The Tuning of Materials: A Designer’s Journey’.




While religion, traditions or social conventions give each nation its own character, they cause at the same time differences within its population and barriers between countries. Cultural differences and miscommunication may still be a reason for constant conflict, but when taking close look to daily routines throughout the globe, it becomes obvious that our planet is as affected by globalisation as ever. by Alicia Calderรณn


november 2016 | turn the page


The apparently unstoppable consumerism, embedded in everything we do, next to the important presence of the Internet, define the reality of almost half of the population of the world, at least the half that has access to it. No matter the part of the earth, the language or the aesthetic preferences, constant connectivity makes sure to update everybody on the last world trend, despite it being a kind of sport, a pop-star or a product. C O N N E C T I V I T Y, G L O B A L I S AT I O N , CONSUMERISM

In this ecosystem that keeps our world economy going; connectivity leading to globalisation, globalisation feeding consumerism, consumerism allowing connectivity, the kings of the pack are the concepts of ‘brands’ and ‘technology’. Successful brands expand throughout the territory with a speed and impact that would make the Roman Empire jealous, while technology determines how we face every little aspect of our lives. In that way, these two concepts shape the way in what people

experience their day to day, no matter the country. Is no surprise then that companies focused on technological developments with a strong brand are within the most powerful ones nowadays. Two obvious examples are Google or Apple, that went from being an innovative product to becoming ‘Messiahs of our existences'. It almost feels as if we interacted with the world through Google and we followed for years Apple’s developments as if it was the last big rockstar. This immense amount of influence on our current society comes with some troubles; regardless the vision or intentions of this companies, their business model is based on globalisation and consumerism. THE PROBLEMS OF A WORLD RULED BY BRANDS AND TECHNOLOGY

Right now technology is shaping the way we carry any action or interact with each other. Choosing when to access or not to it is almost not an option anymore, so our 1

“Right now technology is shaping the way we carry any action or interact with each other” turn the page | november 2016



levels of acceptance to new technologies are rising every day without us stopping to think about it. This is, to a certain point, creating a loss of cultural background among us. The way humans interact or socialise has never been the same in different parts of the world. When the interaction between people is lead by the defect mode of a certain technology, we can incur into loosing gradually cultural identity. C R O S S - C U LT U R A L D E S I G N A S AN OPTION

As designers, we always focus on creating a ‘seamless interaction’ of the user with the designed product, while we sometimes forget that this may not be the same for every user. Cross-cultural designs observes this problem, and studies cultural differences to create products that adapt in the best way to the cultural identity of their users. There is plenty of research done on the matter and many products have been designed under its guidelines. On the other hand, its presence among ‘big brands’ is mainly in adapting the marketing and communication strategies of its products. There is no leading tech company that is developing the last model of their mobile phones with different versions per country. This product is specially perfect as an example to make the case of this article because with more than half of the world’s population owning one, they do not understand of social or cultural differences.


It could be argued that no matter the design a mobile phone has, each person will adapt the use to its preferences and customs, but can that actually be done? With a preset group of actions you can carry out, and a defined way in what you interact with the technology to give the orders, it does not seem to give much space for cultural adaptation. Another clarifying example of how few impact has cultual differences in current technological products are dating apps such as Tinder. Tinder may deliver or not a good user experience, may have or not a ‘happy flow’, but definitely does not adapt its usage to the way people socialise and date in each country. Quite probably the designers of Tinder do not intend to cause a permanent homogenisation in the way people search for their next ‘fling’, although they may be doing exactly that. In a world where half or the population has access to everything that is available in the world, designer have be aware of the cultural influence of their design decisions. Brands interested in pushing consumerism until its limits will not. On the other hand, there is also the option of thinking that all the written in this article is not correct, and that a seamless interaction, a good design or a brilliant marketing campaign do not have to do with cultural differences. There is still the option of thinking that is not black or white, but that we do have obviated in excess the differences in customer’s backgrounds.

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It is sure to say that consumerism does not convince everybody; overtime more people consciously change their ways of consumption. Anti-consumerism is almost a current ‘trend’ in western countries. What if the next big trend within society is the antihomogenisation? What if the next market differentiation strategy of the big companies is to create culture-specific products? Will that ever happen? I for sure do not have the knowledge or the forecasting abilities to answer that, but it is an interesting question to make to the design community, both professionals and academics. As a side note, what could happen if homogenisation continues? Will we forget all our culture-specific genetical information and become one whole world that interacts, buys and searches for love in the same way? Specially in Europe, we are currently facing the hungover of years of shallow immigrants-integration policies, with the accumulated hate and discomfort of many being used for selfish interests. This should give us a hint that people do not easily leave behind their roots and cultural identities without developing future radicalisms. Every time this world’s population has ignored and exceded our boundaries, we have had to take a step back or regret it (climate change as a current example). If this time there will be an actual step back or just time to regret, we will have to wait to find out. 3

turn the page | november 2016

“What could happen if homogenisation continues?”


Study association i.d

Even though Study association i.d was closed in the summer vacation, a lot has happened since last issue. The Freshmen Weekend was a terrific way to start off the year and we’ve enjoyed many awesome parties.


november 2016 | turn the page

Study association i.d

New Board 44 When 4+4 equals 8 A new academic year means a new board for Study association i.d, Board 44. Last year Study association i.d has gone through a major remodeling and Board 44 is the first to spend a full year in the brand new space. Not only the location is different. The constitution is different as well. This year the board will consist of eight enthusiastic people instead of the usual seven. Study association i.d now has a commissioner of education bachelor and a commissioner of education master.

Thomas Hazenoot Commissioner of Events

Martha Kuijpers Commissioner of External Affairs

turn the page | november 2016

Anouk Erdkamp Commissioner of Education Bachelor

Floris Jansen Secretary

Of course not everything is different, you will still find an issue of Turn The Page on your doormat every semester, IDE business fair is returning as usual. Because of the succes of last year’s ski.d we will pack our ski and snowboard gear once more to slide down slopes in Les Orres. We hope to see you at the i.d-Counter if you have any questions, we love to help. Otherwise we’ll see you at i.d-Kafee whenever you’re in for a beer.

Mark Janssen Chairman

Eva Taylor Parkins Treasurer

Daan Picavet Commissioner of Education Master

Nils Westhoff Commissioner of Publicity


Study association i.d

Freshmen Weekend The Freshmen Weekend was the first public activity of Study association i.d after the summer break, and boy was it fun. Over 250 new students attended and a lot of enthusiastic mentors were there to guide them through the weekend. The weekend was filled with games and parties. The parties didn’t last too long though, because the freshmen had to get up early for morning gymnastics with Laga’s sport fanatics. The main goal of the weekend was for each group to collect the most gold nuggets. Which led to bonding between students like only fierce competition can do.


november 2016 | turn the page

Study association i.d

General Members Assembly The first General Members Assembly has concluded, split in three separate sessions a lot of topics have been covered. The board has officially switched, Board 43 signed off with a valedictory by chairman Koen Luijkx. Out with the old, in with the new. Board 44’s policy has been voted through, as well. This occassion was celebrated with drinks in i.d-Kafee and continued at freshmen party “Verplicht College”, afterwards.

Presentation Moments The first three Presentation Moments have concluded. Big committees like i.d-Kafee and FlightCase presented their plans for the year in a professional fashion. While smaller committees like PR-i.d and ski.d presented what they were up to as well, albeit in a more lighthearted way.

K Messe Düsseldorf On Friday, October 21st, Actid went to Düsseldorf with a small group to take a gander at plastics of the future at the K Messe. The fair was a giant, real life “How it’s Made” episode, where sample products like beer openers were produced on the spot to take home.

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Study association i.d

Oktoberfest i.d-Kafee has had their first big event already, as well. Oktoberfest was a blast. Although not everyone had dressed up in Lederhosen for the occasion, most attendees made up with their amazing spirit. Over 400 bratwursten were grilled by the BBQrew, and they happened to sell out early. Fortunately there was no way the beer would stop flowing anytime soon, so Oktoberfest was a lot of fun until the very end.


november 2016 | turn the page

Study association i.d


Freshmen Party: TOKIO

NOV 17th

SPEK Input Moment

NOV 30th

Kafeest 1

DEC 7th

Sinterklaas Kafee

The first party by the freshmen committee is coming up mid November. It’s themed TOKIO, so there is a lot of different ways to dress up for this awesome opportunity.

On November 17th SPEK Amsterdam is joining Study association i.d to facilitate an input moment to come up with fun ways to improve the ambiance in i.d-Kafee, using resource oriĂŤnted brainstorm techniques.

Kafeest is back, and in the remodeled i.d-Kafee for the first time, too. The theme will still be kept secret for a while, though it will surely be a fun way to spend your evening.

The only question is... Will there be Zwarte Pieten at Sinterklaas Kafee, or do we have to settle for Stroopwafel Piet and Cheese Piet?

EXid X DEC This year, EXid X is going to visit Prague for a weekend. The students will go to a design museum and party at the 16-19th biggest club in Europe. JAN Cases on Tour The weekend following the Christmas break Cases on Tour will solve one-day cases at Dutch companies. 10-13th JAN 11th

Freshmen Lunch The Freshmen Committee has planned an approachable activity for all freshmen to meet and make friends other than your studio buddies.

turn the page | november 2016


You have to be interested in culture to design for it

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