54 turn the page | november 2015
“Charity should begin at home but should not stay there”
Phillips Brooks
INTERVIEW Daan Roosegaarde FEATURE Ingredients for succes 54 | November 2015
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10/15/2015 6:44:14 PM
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Design for the Third World Cheesy Marketing Daan Roosegaarde Banksy A Match Made in Heaven Jos Oberdorf Memorizable Materials Uncharted Territories Australia Vs. Holland Guess What? Charlie Wang Ingredients for Success Japanese Design Paulien Strijland Pelican House
turn the page | november 2015
We live in a world where nearly 80% of the population has to live on less than ten dollars a day. World poverty is a serious problem by which we have been occupied for many decades: countless checks have been written out and much energy has been put into this problem. The core of the issue and alternative solutions have been long determined, yet little has changed thus far. Can we, as designers, have some influence in this great matter? by Nadiye Çakir
november 2015 | turn the page
henever you look up the word ‘poverty’ in a dictionary it tells you it is ‘the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support’. However, this explanation is very abstract for an individual that has never experienced this himself. Not to mention having that same individual comprehend that an entire nation is experiencing ‘poverty’. You would think that donating heaps of money would fix this problem. This is what many people all over the world think, but it can be debated that we are doing it wrong. We invest money in contraception, education, clean water and food. We heroically bring it to the people and we, as a natural psychological reaction, feel really good about ourselves for helping. However, we forget, just like treating a disease, curing symptoms does not take the disease away. It helps the people for a little while but they will never climb out of their ditch of poverty. Take a minute to think about how much money we, as the Western nations, have donated and still donate to third world countries. Yet, after all these years, they still are not anywhere near prosperity. Things get a little curious. Asian countries such as China, which received little donation compared to Africa, are now blooming into a powerful economic world power. To crack out some actual numbers: the World Bank calculated that between 1981 and 2010 the number of poor people globally dropped by about 700 million. 627 million of these poor people were living in China. So let’s be honest: throwing money at these countries has not at all been of any effect.
created the world’s most unequal country. The logic of poverty is similar everywhere. Corrupted governments create monopolies that create disadvantages for (part of) the people of the country. This causes a small elite group to become wealthy, leaving a large percentage of the population with barely a roof above their heads.
It is not like poor people do not have the same aspirations as you and I do. They too are ambitious and have their dreams. The reason the poor do not pull themselves out of poverty is because the basic ability to do so is denied. The big question I am asking is: how can designers help? The answer is relatively simple according to Rutger van Noort, awarded for his PhD project on the subject: we need to change the way we provide aid for the developing countries, throw the ‘one-size-fits-all’ aid out of the window and think of more custom and proper solutions for the specific problems the individual country is facing. For this, it is of great importance that the country starts asking itself: “what do we want to achieve with the development aid sector?”, “What approach is going to be used?” and “How are we going to achieve these changes?” or in other words the ‘Cyclical Innovation Model’. As mentioned before, this model is going to be very hard to implement, because poverty often comes from the same source that needs to ask these questions. However, designers like us can actually play a part in this important process. 1
Currently, people from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are poorer than they were before 1960, with no sign that foreign aid has helped in any shape or form. The big question here is why? Why doesn’t all that money and energy help? The answer has nothing to do with a ‘vicious circle of poverty’, waiting to be broken by aid money. According to the book Why Nations Fail to understand and solve the problem of world poverty we need to acknowledge not only that poverty is created and sustained by extractive institutions. We need to comprehend why the situation arose in the first place. For this, South Africa is a perfect example: Apartheid, a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race, was created to benefit the whites over the blacks. This happened because the whites monopolized political power, economic opportunities, and resources. These monopolies discriminated and downgraded the blacks but allowed the whites to become as rich as people in western nations: it
turn the page | november 2015
According to this model the country needs to focus on certain things. First, they have to focus on researching technical and economic possibilities for themselves. Then apply technologies that are appropriate for the country’s infrastructure. Finally, they need to develop new products that are not only needed by the developing country itself, but creates a chance to play a part in the world economy. The role we can play, as designers, is actually quite significant and ironically not even that hard! We spend our entire studies teaching ourselves the steps of Design Thinking: we focus on creating a solution for an existing problem which we then evaluate by reflecting on the results. The key to good results is to really focus on and understand the end user. Something that nobody really used to do when they thought of helping countries facing poverty, which created the ‘one-size-fits-all’ phenomenon. The thing is, we do not have to come up with great innovative and brand new products. Even providing solutions for day to day struggles, gives the people more opportunities to develop and innovate and takes the country a step further away from poverty.
Fortunately, you are not going to be the first person that is going to try and help out. TU Delft offers various courses and minors related to this subject that provide more information and a better foundation to work from. Many students from our faculty have been occupied with very interesting projects that offer a whole new
perspective to their target groups. Students for Sustainability, a separate body from TU Delft is also very occupied on the subject. They are willing to sponsor promising projects that aim for aid for the Third World. Plenty of opportunities I would say!
There are many examples worth mentioning, however I prefer focusing on a recent project founded by one of our own students. The Teti Foundation focuses on transnational exchange of technology and innovation. After thorough research and close user observation, they came up with their kick-off project: project Nightlight, located in Tanzania. It aims to promote the use and distribution of solar-energy products from local solar energy companies, among the poor and isolated communities in the north of Tanzania. By offering these communities such a chance, it creates a so-called ‘Solar Economy’. They use free sunlight to create electricity for the community and more room to develop and innovate for the people. But also give women a chance to earn money in a sustainable way, making them experts on solar products and able to sell it to the locals for a fair price. The key of this project—making this a typical Industrial Design project and one everyone can learn from—is to return in a year and evaluate the results, making the Design Thinking circle complete.
november 2015 | turn the page
You might think that offering so many opportunities at the university would already provide sufficient amount of help that we could offer the third world, however I personally disagree. We all have a bright mind and different perspective on life. I think if more and more people take only little time to think about problems and possible solutions it would already make a massive difference. I once met someone during travelling and he said if every individual, who is capable of doing something for someone else, would actually do it, the world would be a much more beautiful place. I cannot help myself from passionately agreeing with him. 3
turn the page | november 2015
Study association i.d
Study association i.d is going to be rebuilt Study association i.d is going to be rebuilt! This renovation will create extra workspace for our committees and will enlarge the number of possible visitors in i.d-Kafee during our weekly drink. To make this possible, the boardroom and committee room will be moved to the first floor and their old locations will become extra space for i.d-Kafee. The board members of the past few years of Study association i.d did a lot of preparations, which has made it possible to finally complete the renovation this academic year. The renovation will take place from November until April. During this time, Study association i.d will be located in the temporary location studio 20, 21, 22 in the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. Our weekly drinks on Wednesday afternoon will be held in a different location, which will be announced. We hope to welcome you in our rebuilt location in April 2016. The re-opening of Study association i.d will be celebrated in a week filled with activities, drinks and an exposition. If you want to stay up to date with the latest developments, check out our website or Facebook page.
november 2015 | turn the page
Study association i.d
turn the page | november 2015
Study association i.d
The new 43rd board A new academic year means a new board for Study association i.d: the 43rd board has taken its place! Seven enthusiastic people will do their best to make this year a great succes. This year, the renovation of Study association i.d will be the focus of the board. The location of Study association i.d will move twice this year! First, it will settle in a temporary location and it will move back into the brand new location when the renovation is complete. The boardroom, i.d-Kafee and committee workplaces will reopen in the spring of 2016. Luckily the renovation of Study association i.d isn’t the only thing that will keep the 43rd board busy. There will be a lot of activities organized in cooperation with all the committees
Emma Schalkers Commisioner of Events
Gabrielle Ribbens Commisioner of Education
Silke de Jong Secretary
of the study association, such as the IDE Business Fair and IO Festival. There will also be some new committees, besides these returning successes. One of them is ski.d, organizing the very first wintersport trip of Study association i.d to Risoul! Another new committee is Report-i.d, keeping track of all the activities of Study association i.d and they providing our yearbook. And last but not least: reOpen-i.d, organizing a grand opening for the new location of Study association i.d after the renovation. In other words, there will be enough exciting things to experience this year. We hope to see you around our activities and i.d-Kafee this year! The 43rd board of Study association i.d
Koen Luijkx Chairman
Willemijn Rutte Treasurer
Sam van Eijk Commisioner of External affairs
Rens de Graaf Commisioner of Publicity
november 2015 | turn the page
Study association i.d
Freshmen weekend If the summer’s almost ending, what could be better than a weekend of summer in slowmotion? That’s why this year’s freshmen weekend was so succesful. Starting with 23 great mentor couples, doing everything to give all the freshmen the best first weekend at the faculty possible. A riding bath, ultramarine blue mascottes and replaying whole Baywatch scenes. Everything to earn some pearls. The whole weekend was about earning these pearls to become the winning group. Pearls could be earned with the beer estafette as well. This long tradition was a highlight again, including loads of beers and biscuits. At night, the faculty changed into one big party, whereafter the morning wake-ups were horrible with loud music out of even bigger boxes. The whole weekend was about getting to know loads of other students and that was succesful with all the new friendships. And never forget the IO songs, because ‘hier in Delft nummer een, nummer een..’
turn the page | november 2015
Study association i.d
general members meeting 1 The first general members meeting of this year, which included the swapping of the old board for the new. Board 42 (on the left) finished their last official moment with a speech of chairman Evelien Habing. Hereafter, Board 43 presented itself with their plans for the upcoming year. The focus of this year will be on the renovation of Study association i.d and a reorganisation to create space for innovative ideas. The installation has been celebrated with drinks in i.d-Kafee, and the party ‘Verplicht College’ in the Lorre afterwards.
Presentation moments The new committees of this year presented itself in multiple presentation moments. By sharing their vision and ideas for the upcoming year, i.d-Members can imagine what to expect. There are also some completely new committees this year, which include ski.d (organizing a wintersport trip with i.d-Members to Risoul) and reOpen-i.d (organizing activities around the closing week and the openings week to celebrate the new location). On the right: Actid presenting itself.
Oktoberfest The last Oktoberfest in the old location of i.d-Kafee.. and succesful again! Our own remake of the german tradition gets busier every year. Everyone came up in their Lederhosen, with a pul of beer in one hand and a bratwurst in the other. Why can’t we do this every week? Luckily we still got some pictures..
november 2015 | turn the page
Study association i.d
Upcoming events
Study association i.d: temporary location
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Study association i.d is going to be rebuilt untill april 2016, which means the boards settles in a temporary location for a few months. Studio 20/21/22 will be the new workplace for the board. Here will also be commitee working places and the temporary i.d-Counter for all your questions and input!
General Members Assembly 2
Come to the second General Members Assembly to get an update of the board about their plans for Study association i.d and its activities. We will vote about our new plans as well, so if you want to use your influence as an i.d-Member, join the second General Members Assembly!
Parents’ day
Your parents are probably wondering what you’re up to all week. Why they have to miss you all the time and where their money goes. This parents’ day is a perfect opportunity for them to discover the great faculty and opportunities of Industrial Design Engineering!
Coffee week Coffee weeks exist to gather input about all the courses within Industrial Design Engineering. Committee members of i.d-Education go around the faculty with free coffee in return for input. So if you have something to share, either good or bad, come to the i.d-Column in teh main hall!
Cases on Tour On May 26th, the second Cases on Tour will take place. Four days with four differrent cases for four different companies. Gain more experience with your profession and sign up for the last chance this year. Keep an eye on the website and the i.d-Column for more information.
i.day Join the i.day to see what kind of activities and committees got to offer. Ever wondered if doing a committee is something for you? Or wondered what it’s like to organise a big event like IO Festival? All committees are present to answer all your questions.
Board interest drinks
Ever wondered working a year in the board of Study association i.d? It’s the challenge of working together with six other students and organising big events to be proud of. Join the board interest drinks to hear stories about experiences of the current board and to answer all your potential questions.
november 2015 | turn the page
54 turn the page | november 2015
“Charity should begin at home but should not stay there”
Phillips Brooks
INTERVIEW Daan Roosegaarde FEATURE Ingredients for succes 54 | November 2015
Cover54inlay.indd 1
10/15/2015 6:44:14 PM