by Gijs Rempt
MEDIUM With a wide range of topics and ar ticles, Medium offers just about ever y thing you could possibly be interested in reading. A mix of amateur and professional writers share their viewpoints about design, tech, politics and many more topics. From little stories that brighten your day, to manifestos that change the world, there’s something here for ever ybody.
ALONE TOGETHER In this book Sherr y Turkle, MIT professor and exper t on the psychology of human relationships with technology, paints a worr ying picture of our changing relationship with technology and each other. From the impact of using robots to take care of our elderly to the way our online social interactions lead to increasingly shallow relationships, Turkle leaves no stone unturned. Using fifteen years wor th of research and inter views, she creates a vivid depiction of where our dependence on technology might take us.
April 2020 | turn the page