Enemalta - Smart Meter User Manual

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A comprehensive guide to your‌

www.smartutilities.com.mt customercare@arms.com.mt FREEPHONE 8007 2222

How to use your new Smart Meter




ATTENTION! Your new Smart Meter is not equipped with a residual current device and therefore does not replace any safety devices currently installed on your domestic electricity installation. SAFETY FIRST! Always ensure that the main switch is in the off position before carrying out any works on your electrical installation.

A quick look at the meter The switch (1) at the bottom centre of the meter is used to switch the electricity supply on or off. In the bottom left-hand corner of the display you will find one of the following symbols: Symbol L 1 means that the meter is energised; If the circuit breaker is ON you have power. If Symbol is displayed and you still have electricity ignore the warning. If on the other hand you do not have supply, check whether your meter circuit breaker and main switch is on or off. If the switch is on and you do not have a supply call Enemalta Faults on freephone number 8007 2224. The display cycles information automatically. Alternatively you can cycle through the display by pressing the button on the right of the display (2).


When the two red consumption indicator LEDs (3) on the left of the display flash, electricity is being consumed. The optical interface (4) is on the right underneath the round button. This is used only by qualified personnel to service the device when necessary.

Learning to read the display and discovering all the functions of the meter The display automatically shows useful information. You can also cycle through the menu by: â– Repeatedly pressing the button (2) on the right of the display. â– Keeping the button pressed for 5 seconds and then releasing to show an Explanation of Symbols. Each subsequent press of the button will show an explanation of the symbols in use.




Inst. Power

(Instantaneous Power) Shows the average power demanded in kilowatts during the previous 2 minutes. This value is calculated and updated automatically every 2 minutes.


This introduces the consumption information menu.


Total consumption since installation of meter. This is equivalent to the display of the old meter you used to have.

Current Period

This introduces the variables for the current billing period (when introduced).


Today’s consumption from midnight to the current time.

Tx Read

Your consumption in kWh for the tariff applicable to you.

Tx P Max

The maximum demanded power used during the current period for the tariff applicable to you.

Export Informat. Total

The energy you fed back into the grid by means of PV panels, wind turbine, etc. (where applicable).

Active Tariff Tx

The normal 24hr tariff you are on.

Date, time, Freephone number, email address, etc., as per display ADDITIONAL MESSAGES IF YOU EXCEED THE MAXIMUM POWER ALLOWED If you exceed the maximum power allowed the Smart Meter will perform checks after 2, 32 and 62 minutes and will display the following messages: Reduce Load Power exceeded by (pct) xx

The first warning that you are exceeding the standard power (9.2kW) load by the percentage (pct) displayed.

Risk Disconnect Power exceeded by xx pct

You have continued exceeding the standard power by the percentage (pct) displayed and you are now risking disconnection in the next 30 mins if you do not lower the power you are using.


Your supply has been disconnected. Lower the power and switch on the circuit breaker.

More intelligent consumption Electricity is a precious resource which must be used wisely. For your information and in order to enable you to take responsible decisions about your electricity consumption patterns, please note the average power requirements of typical household appliances. VERÛJONI 4

Typical Power Ratings for the main types of electrical appliances The following table will help you to verify the power rating for each type of electrical appliance, keeping in mind that there can be significant differences between similar appliances (for example a professional hair dryer when compared to a travel hair dryer). RATING (WATTS)

Hair Dryer

500 – 1800

Vacuum Cleaner

700 – 1900

Air Conditioner

700 – 1200


1000 – 2200


1800 – 2800

Microwave Oven

700 – 1500


100 – 300


100 – 500

Electric Grill Halogen Lamp

1300 – 1800 25 – 500

Dish Washer

2000 – 2200

Washing Machine

1850 – 2700

Food Mixer Electric water heater (geyser) Stereo

300 – 800 1000 – 1200



150 – 300

Electric Heater

1000 – 2000


100 – 595


500 – 900


500 – 750


800 – 2500


More info including FAQs: www.enemalta.com.mt/smartmeters

Konsum aktar intelli©enti L-elettriku hu riΩorsa importanti u je˙tie© li jintuΩa bil-g˙aqal. G˙all-informazzjoni tieg˙ek u sabiex ng˙inuk tie˙u deçiΩjonijiet importanti fuq il-konsum tieg˙ek, qeg˙din ninkludu informazzjoni fuq l-ener©ija medja li juΩaw appliances komuni li jinsabu fid-dar. VERSION 4

Ratings tipiçi ta’ ener©ija ta’ appliances elettriçi Din it-tabella tg˙inek tivverifika l-klassifika tal-ener©ija g˙al tipi differenti ta’ appliances elettriçi. Wie˙ed irid iΩomm f’mo˙˙u iΩda li jista’ jkunu hemm differenzi sinnifikanti bejn appliances tipiçi b˙al per eΩempju bejn hair dryer professjonali u wie˙ed komuni. APPLIANCE


100 – 500


100 – 300


700 – 1500


1800 – 2800


1000 – 2200

Óadida tal-mog˙dija

700 – 1200

Air Conditioner

700 – 1900

Vacuum Cleaner

500 – 1800

Hair Dryer

Grill Elettriku Lampa tal-Halogen

1300 – 1800 25 – 500 1850 – 2700

Washing Machine

2000 – 2200

Dish Washer Mixer tal-Ikel Electric water heater (geyser) Stereo Heater Elettriku

300 – 800 1000 – 1200 150 – 300 1000 – 2000

800 – 2500


500 – 750


500 – 900


100 – 595

Sett tat-TeleviΩjoni


Aktar informazzjoni u FAQs: www.enemalta.com.mt/smartmeters


It-tariffa normali tieg˙ek.

Active Tariff Tx

L-ener©ija li tfajt lura fil-grid permezz ta’ pannelli tal-PV, turbini tar-ri˙ eçç (fejn applikabbli).

Export Informat. Total

Is-sa˙˙a massima mitluba u uΩata waqt il-perjodu kurrenti g˙at-tariffa applikabbli g˙alik.

Tx P Max

Il-konsum tieg˙ek f’kWh g˙at-tariffa applikabbli g˙alik.

Tx Read

Il-konsum tal-©urnata minn nofs il-lejl sal-˙in preΩenti.


Dan jintroduçi il-varjabbli g˙all-perjodu preΩenti, fejn applikabbli.

Current Period

Konsum totali mid-data tal-installazzjoni tal-meter. Dan hu ekwivalenti g˙al dak li qieg˙ed jurik il-meter preΩenti.


Dan jintroduçik g˙all-menu fuq l-informazzjoni dwar il-konsum.


(Instantaneous Power) Dan jurik is-sa˙˙a medja f’kilowatts waqt l-a˙˙ar 2 minuti. Dan il-valur hu kkalkulat u a©©ornat kull 2 minuti.

Inst. Power



Data, ˙in, numru tal-Freephone, indirizz tal-email, eçç skond id-display MESSAÌÌI ADDIZZJONALI JEKK TEÇÇEDI R-RATA TA’ UÛU TA’ ENERÌIJA PERMISSIBBLI Jekk teççedi r-rata ta’ uΩu ta’ ener©ija permessa, l-iSmart Meter jag˙mel kontrolli wara 2, 32 u 62 minuta u fuq id-display tieg˙u jidhru l-messa©©i segwenti:

Il-kurrent elettriku hu maqtug˙. Naqqas ir-rata ta’ l-uΩu u ixg˙el is-circuit breaker.


Bqajt teççedi fuq ir-rata ta’ uΩu ta’ ener©ija bil-persenta©© rispettiv (pct) u hemm riskju li jekk ma tnaqqasx ir-rata ta’ l-uΩu, is-servizz se jinqata’ fit-30 minuta li ©ejjin.

Risk Disconnect Power exceeded by xx pct

L-ewwel twissija li qed teççedi r-rata ta’ uΩu ta’ ener©ija (9.2kW) u l-persenta©© rispettiv (pct).

Reduce Load Power exceeded by (pct) xx

Kif tuΩa l-iSmart Meter


ATTENZJONI! L-iSmart Meter tieg˙ek mhux mg˙ammar b’residual current device u g˙alhekk ma jservix b˙ala sostitut g˙al tg˙amir ta’ sigurtà elettrika li g˙andek installat fil-preΩent.



IS-SIGURTÀ TIÌI L-EWWEL! Dejjem kun Ωgur li l-main switch ikun mitfi qabel ma tag˙mel xi xog˙lijiet fuq l-installazzjoni elettrika tieg˙ek.

Óarsa ˙afifa lejn il-meter Is-swiçç (1) fin-nofs tan-na˙a t’isfel tal-meter jintuΩa biex titfi jew tixg˙el il-kurrent elettriku. Fin-na˙a t’isfel tad-display (fuq ix-xellug) g˙andek issib wiehed minn dawn is-simboli: Is-simbolu L 1 ifisser li g˙addej l-elettriku. Jekk is-circuit breaker mixg˙ul ifisser li g˙andek il-kurrent. Jekk qieg˙ed jidher is-simbolu u xorta g˙andek il-kurrent elettriku, injorah. Min-na˙a l-o˙ra, jekk m’g˙andekx kurrent ivverifika jekk is-circuit breaker tal-meter u l-main switch huma mitfija jew mixg˙ula. Jekk il-main switch hu mixg˙ul u xorta m’g˙andekx kurrent elettriku, çempel lid-dipartiment tal-faults tal-Enemalta fuq numru tal-freephon 8007 2224. L-informazzjoni fuq id-display tinbidel awtomatikament kull tant ˙in. Tista’ wkoll tibdel l-informazzjoni inti billi tag˙fas il-buttuna fuq in-na˙a tal-lemin tad-display immarkata b˙ala (2).


Meta l-indikaturi l-˙omor tal-konsum (3) fuq in-na˙a tax-xellug tad-display iteptpu, ifisser li inti qieg˙ed tikkonsuma l-elettriku. L-optical interface (4) jinsab fuq in-na˙a tal-lemin ta˙t il-buttuna t-tonda. Din tintuΩa biss minn persuni awtorizzati sabiex ikunu jistg˙u jag˙mlu tiswijiet f’kaΩ ta’ bΩonn.

Tg˙allem aqra d-display u skopri l-funzjonijiet tal-meter tieg˙ek L-informazzjoni utli fuq id-display tinbidel awtomatikament kull tant ˙in. Jekk trid, tista’ tag˙Ωel int, liema informazzjoni trid taqra billi: ■ B’mod ripetut tag˙fas il-buttuna (2) fuq in-na˙a tal-lemin tad-display. ■ Ûomm il-buttuna mag˙fusa g˙al 5 sekondi u itlaqa’ sabiex tara spjegazzjoni tas-simboli. F’dan l-istadju, kull darba li tag˙fas il-buttuna, id-display turik spjegazzjoni tas-simboli li jintuΩaw.


Gwida komprensiva g˙al…

www.smartutilities.com.mt customercare@arms.com.mt FREEPHONE 8007 2222

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