World Relief - Haiti5

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w o r l d r e l i e f n e x t | f i v e p h a s e s of d i s a s t e r r e s p o n s e


hen disaster strikes people come together—tragedy has a way of creating solidarity. In the week following the devastating 7.1 earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, the international community united to give over $150 million. These life saving donations were used to fund emergency search and rescue operations, provide much needed food and water and establish temporary shelters. Now, in the wake of such an overwhelming tragedy, many are wondering, “what next?� At World Relief, our disaster response philosophy is not to simply rebuild, but to build back better, and for that hope to become reality in Haiti we must faithfully commit to the long-term. The Haiti|5 campaign is an invitation to join the effort. We invite you to read the five phases of disaster response and discover unique ways to pray, serve and give. Get involved and help Haiti to the power of 5.




SEARCH AND RESCUE In emergency settings, especially earthquakes, people are liable to be injured, trapped or missing. The first 72 hours of every disaster response effort is committed to finding and rescuing as many survivors as possible. World Relief is not a search and rescue organization, so typically during this critical time period our disaster response team is mobilized and begins a thorough assessment of the greatest needs. B E S T WAY T O H E L P

Stay informed with real time information, rally your community and brainstorm fundraiser ideas.




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CRISIS RESPONSE To ensure the survival of as many as possible, the crisis response phase is a round-the-clock effort to provide vulnerable people with four essential items: medical treatment, food, clean drinkable water and shelter. We are extremely strong in this area because local churches in our network serve as distribution points to needy beneficiaries. B E S T WAY T O H E L P

Mobilize your community to become better informed about Haiti, host fundraisers and send proceeds to help our disaster response team supply these crucial necessities.





R E H A B I L I TAT I O N When some level of stability is re-established, we begin the three to thirty-six month rehabilitation phase which includes restoring access to basic services like water and sanitation, rebuilding homes and livelihoods and promoting physical and psychological health. The goal in the rehabilitation phase is to quickly improve living conditions in lasting ways. B E S T WAY T O H E L P

Partner with World Relief to send money, supplies and technical teams to aid the rehabilitation effort.


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D E V E LO P M E N T Economic development, agriculture and community YEARS health education are among the long-term endeavors that follow a disaster. Our goal is not simply to rebuild Haiti to pre-earthquake standards. We long to see transformation. This means that the Haitian church is recognized as central to turning around a devastated nation. Â B E S T WAY T O H E L P

Partner with World Relief to directly help churches in Haiti rebuild their communities.



TRANSITION Our hope and prayer is that our efforts and the efforts of many others will lead Haiti into the fifth phase: transition. The goal is for Haitian leaders to establish locally led institutions that promote the ongoing development of their country. B E S T WAY T O H E L P

Support new locally led institutions with long-lasting, beneficial partnerships.

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