Capture the Spirit of Ramadan 2012-1433

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Copyright Š 2012 StudioBasel for Creative Solutions All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author. Copyright of individual photographs in this book are retained by their respective owners. Cover photo by Mahmoud Ilean Design by StudioBasel for Creative Solutions


A photographer creatively captures "nour" or light in Arabic, the language of Islam's Holy Quran. It is this same light that has been shed on the sights and stories of Ramadan around the world from the bazaars in Istanbul and Jerusalem to the communal Eid prayers in Indonesia and India. We must firstly thank Allah, the most merciful and most gracious for the inspiration and strength to carry out the second edition of the “Capture the Spirit of Ramadan” International Photography Competition™ with increased success and support from the greater global community. To all the photographers who contributed from over sixty countries, we sincerely thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork and the beauty of Ramadan and Islam in your countries. We are especially thankful for the professional and talented photographers, many of whom are award-winning photojournalists and experts in their fields for believing in and supporting the concept and mission of the IRPC. Many thanks and appreciation are also much due to the jury panel members; Dr. Mustafa Azahari, Elvira Bojadzic, Ahmed Krausen and Dr. Basel Almisshal. Finally, many thanks to all the global fanbase that has offered the moral support and energy that has been an integral part of the overall success of the "Capture the Spirit of Ramadan" initiative.


With the advancements of technology, the world has become a small village yet we still do not know enough about each other nor do we fully understand or appreciate each others differences. Thee Quran teaches us to cross boundaries and bring down walls of ignorance; it states in Surat Hujurat (49:13): “We have created you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another�. The International Ramadan Photography Competition (IRPC) is inspired by this notion and the meaning and values of the holy month of Ramadan. It brings together thousands of people to share and appreciate the beautiful diversities that are amongst us and to celebrate our commonalities as well. Ramadan is a month of sharing, tolerance and peace and it is a great time for inspiration, productivity and dedication to a good cause. The International Ramadan Photography Competition was established to inspire creativity and create bridges of understanding and dialogue through the art of photography. As the great photography historian Helmut Gernsheim once said, "Photography is the only "language" understood in all parts of the world, and bridging all nations and cultures, it links the family of man." Founded in 2011 when social media became the drive for change in many parts of the world, particularly in the Middle East, the IRPC has relied on social media to reach a larger community of creative people from all walks of life and geographical areas. This platform has challenged all participants to be creative and productive and to excel in their art through competition with professional and talented photographers on an international level for the duration of the holy month. It has opened doors of opportunity for many to have their work published in international magazines and media and for participation in international exhibitions. With the IRPC, all participants are winners. All participants are given the opportunity to succeed and to have their voices heard through their photography. Basel Almisshal Founder of the IRPC


A picture is worth a thousand words, and the Capture the Spirit of Ramadan 2012-1433 Photography Book is worth a thousand encyclopedias for being able to share with the world the essence of Muslim heritage in all corners of the globe through the creative art of photography. An image can convey a very strong message; you can give someone a book to read and educate himself but you cannot ensure that he will read or understand it. With a photograph however, it is difficult to turn away from a captivationg image no matter what the viewers preconceptions may be. This strike of curiosity then enables an opportunity for dialogue and understanding. Featuring over 200 outstanding photos from the second edition of the “Capture the Spirit of Ramadan" International Photography Competition™, this book aims to enlighten readers about the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the most important month in the Islamic calendar, a time when Muslims around the globe unite in peace, prayer and piety. It is a commemoration of the revelation of the Holy Quran and is observed by fasting from sunrise to sunset as a form of spiritual cleansing, self-discipline and empathy for the less fortunate. Muslims around the world have their own cultural traditions and ways of celebration and reflection during Ramadan and this book aims to share these colorful scenes. Each photo is a visual statement of its own and when put together tell a wonderful story about Ramadan around the world.

The Hilal. Joining thousands of the world's Muslims to look for the hilal (crescent) at the beginning of Ramadan with his camera and telescope, the photographer captures the physical evidence of the holy month. Muhammad Rayhan, Indonesia

Ramadhan Greeting. In a meticulously executed set-up for this macro shot, ants seem to be holding up a “Happy Ramadhan� banner. Honorable Mention, Etha Negabito, Indonesia

Mecca, Islam’s Holiest Site Thamer Saad Al-Hassan

The Eigth Wonder Tahajjud Prayer at 2:30 AM during the last 10 days of Ramadan. Firas Mohammed Al Raisi, Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Right- Tawaf, or circumambulation of the Kaaba after Fajr prayers. Mohamed Saad Eldin, Mecca Left - Kaaba and Royal Clock Tower Rabia Shoaib, Mecca

Reflection. A shot from Masjid Al Nabawi in Madina, Islam’s second holiest site. Noushad Ali, Madina, Saudi Arabia

Last moments of reading Quran while waiting to break the fast at sunset. Noushad Ali, Madina, Saudi Arabia

Right- Reading Quran at Al Aqsa Mahmoud Illean, Jerusalem Left- A scene from the last day of Ramadan near the famous Green Dome of the Prophet's Mosque. Noushad Ali, Madina

The Night Journey. A lantern in a cavern beneath the Dome of the Rock, signifying the point from which the Prophet Muhammed ascended to the heavens during the night of 'Isra Wal Miraj. Mohammed Areeb Ullah, Jerusalem

Last Friday prayer of Ramadan 2012. Mahmoud Ilean, Jerusalem

Al Aqsa Under Occupation. Thousands of Palestinians pass through the Qalandya checkpoint to Al-Aqsa, Islam’s third holiest site for prayer at the mosque. Samer Nazzal, Ramallah, Palestine

The fourth Friday prayer of Ramadan Masjed Al Aqsa. Mahmoud Ilean, Jerusalem, Palestine

A man reads from the world’s largest Quran at the Al-Ihsaniyah Islamic Boarding School in Palembang. The nine meter tall Quran was hand carved from wood with “pages” measuring 177 x 140 x 2.5 centimeters. First Place Winner- Muhammad Hatta, Indonesia

The Month of Quran. It was during the month of Ramadan that the Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohamed, peace be upon him. In this particular scene, a grandmother passes on her knowledge of the holy scripture to her grandchildren in what seems to be a materialization of a saying by the Prophet: “The best among you are those who learn the Quran and then teach it�. Second Place Winner- Samer Mohamed, Cairo

A fasting Muslim escapes the constraints of the body and immerces his thoughts with the vast universe. He raises his hands to the sky and with a tear in his eye he whispers, ‘’Subhanaka Ya Allah‘’, beginning a spiritual journey that leads him to feel the essence of his relationship with the Creator. Third Place Winner- Imane Tirich, Morocco

Right- After Taraweeh prayers at Masjid Al Aqsa, people often visit Jerusalem's old market. This little boy has a privileged view from atop his father's shoulders. Right- Maa'n Alian, Jerusalem, Palestine Left- The Great Egyptian Heritage. Celebrating the month of Ramadan in Egypt is magical. Faces light up with beautiful smiles and feelings of ultimate happiness as the ubiquitous traditional copper lanterns light up in souks and khans all over the country. Maha Hussein, El Hussein, Cairo, Egypt

Right- Green Minaret Mahmoud Illean, Jerusalem, Palestine Left- Ramadan Decoration and Children Riyad Hamad, Ramallah, Palestine

A young boy reading Quran in Masjid Khandaq in Madina. Noushad Ali, Saudi Arabia

Sufi Dervishes Galal El Missary, Alexandria, Egypt

A merchant arranges his dates in preparation for his customers. High in natural sugars, vitamins and minerals, dates have been an essential part of breaking the fast during Ramadan since the time of the Prophet. Abdullah Sulaiman Alshatri, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Red Sea Corniche Mosque Hassan Malik Manzoor, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Reading Quran in solitude at the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta. Aditya Nugraha, Indonesia

Muslims boys read the Quran together in Ampel Mosque in Surabaya. Robertus Pudyanto, Indonesia

Cleansing for asr afternoon prayer. Hatem Nasereddin, Hebron, Palestine

Young boys at the Ibn Tulun Mosque in Old Cairo. Mohammed Eid Salah, Egypt

Ancient Quranic script displayed at the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha. Hanan Awneh, Doha, Qatar

Blue Mosque in Katara Susanne Alam El Din, Doha, Qatar

The Ketupat. A ketupat is a common culinary tradition seen at the beginning of Ramadan and with the arrival of Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia (as well as Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and the Philippines). It is cooked rice wrapped in woven palm leaves. Rizqi Nurmizan, Palembang, Indonesia

Happy Ramadan. Hundreds of school children in Jakarta greet the holy month of Ramadan with joy. Aditya Pradana Putra, Indonesia

Right- Allah. Reflection of the name of God in a drop of water. Aji Yseini, Macedonia Left- Syahrul Qur'an. A student reads the Quran before going to the mosque for prayer at Al-Kahfi Boarding School, in West Java. Jauhar Rafid Yulianto, Indonesia

Right- Spiritual Solace. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, a group of devout men offer their midday prayers in picturesque Doothpathri- 50 kilometers away from Srinagar city. Nazir Ganaie, Kashmir Left- Waiting For Azan Maghrib. A woman reads her Quran in a garden while waiting for azan al maghrib, or the sunset call of prayer that marks the breaking of the fast. Nabilah Khonsyah, Indonesia

Right- Never Give Up. Brother and sister walk to a mosque 200 meters away. reflecting the high spirit of the young boy during Ramadhan regardless of his disability and the kindness and patience of his sister. Aprison Aprison, Karawang, Indonesia Left- Ashar Sholat. Asr prayer in the open in Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Rahmat Rahim Nur, Indonesia

Right- Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Alhaj performs Tarawih prayers with the university community at Tuanku Mizan Mosque, Universiti Teknologi MARA. Left- A girl hangs on to her fathers leg as he prays the Tarawih, a common scene for those who have cildren. Shamsul Hidayat Bin Omar, Malaysia

Right- Reading the Holy Qur’an under the dome of the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta. Aprison Aprison, Indonesia

Left- Azizija. The young members of "Azizija" Islamic choir at the Sultan Aziz Mosque in OraĹĄje wait to perform. Almir Alic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Right- Capture the Spirit of Ramadan, Capture the Sunset of Maghreb. Yousef Shakarnah, Bethlehem, Palestine Left- A Guide for Mankind. The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people [2:185}. Fatima Jajurie, Zamboanga City, Philippines

Reading Quran in the piazza of Masjid Al Nabawi. Noushad Ali, Madina

The Prayer Dhiean Kukuh Wahyudie, East Java, Indonesia

Right- Sujood, Praying in Al Emari Mosque, the oldest in the city. Omar El Qattaa, Gaza, Palestine Left- Babu Jannah Mosque Ahsan Burhany, Makassar, Indonesia

Right- Volunteers from the Al Akbar Mosque help prepare and distribute the takjil food packets for breaking the fast. Left- Iftar food distribution at Al Akbar Mosque in Surabaya. Robertus Pudyanto, Indonesia

Sholeh zard, an Iranian turmeric tinged rice pudding. Meisam Amani, Iran

Sharing Sholeh Zard Meisam Amani, Iran

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Above- Breaking Fast. Gaimat are fried sweet dumplings eaten at the time of sun down in the UAE to break the fast. They are laced with fragrant syrup flavored with lemon, caramom, rose water or cinnamon. Ivan Roy Mallari, UAE Top-Left- Ramadan Pastries. Akbar Nugroho Gumay, Solo, Indonesia Bottom-Left- Sambousek. The first food that comes to mind while waiting to break the fast during Ramadan is the delicious Sambousek, which can be stuffed with meat, vegetables or cheese. Mariam Abdulwahab, Ottawa, Canada Left- Ramadhan Sweet Treats. Home baked cookies for a community Iftar. Suhaylah Zulfikar Suleman, Florida, USA

Waiting to break the fast at Al Akbar Mosque. Robertus Pudyanto, Surabaya, Indonesia

Large crowds of people purchasing traditional iftar foods at the Chawk Bazar in old Dhaka. Shafayet Chowdhury, Bangladesh

Right- Passionate Reader Agung Kuncahya, Indonesia Left- Blessings of Eid. Nine year old Nurjaan is filled with excitement and poses for a photo with her father before heading for Eid prayer, an auspicious occasion as she celebrates her first year of fully observing the holy month of fasting and ibadah. Tawfeeq Martin, California, USA

Reading Quran at Al Aqsa Mosque. Yousef Shakarnah, Jerusalem, Palestine

Reading Quran in the shade of a date tree at the Buhaira Corniche. Avril Pushpanayagam, Sharjah, UAE

Reading Quran at the Baitul Ihsan Mosque in Jakarta. Muhamad Solihin, Indonesia

Qeyyam Allayl Taha M. Krewi, Libya

Reciting the Holy Qur'an Hanif Burhani, Indonesia

Innocent Heart Serag Zwait, Gharyan, Libya

Right- When you ask, only ask Allah. Qadouri Ikram, Rabat, Morocco Left- A Preserved Qur'an Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "The fast and the Qur'an are two intercessors for the servant of Allah on the Day of Resurrection. The fast will say: 'O Lord, I prevented him from his food and desires during the day. Let me intercede for him.' The Qur'an will say: 'I prevented him from sleeping at night. Let me intercede for him.' And their intercession will be accepted." Syed Mubashir Ahmed Quadr, Saudi Arabia

Waiting for Maghrib Zalianizam Ghazali, Malaysia

Kashmiri women pray on the first Friday of the holy month inside the Jamia Mosque in Srinagar. Waseem Andrabi, Kashmir

Following the Footsteps of The Prophet. Inspired by the hadith of Sahih Bukhari, Ibn Abbas said: "The Prophet was the most generous amongst the people, and he used to be more so in the month of Ramadan." Let us not forget the needy. Megat Mohd Syazwan Othman

At the Irsyad Mosque in Bandung. Dzulfikar Muhammad Bin Husain, Indonesia

The Floating Mosque of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Joserl Cruz Rabe, Malaysia

Teenagers occupy themselves on Muara Beach in Padang as they wait for the sun to set and to break their fast. Iggoy El Fitra, Indonesia

Fire Football. Playing fire football after Taraaweeh is a tradition of the Islamic communities in Java which aims to mentally and physically stimulate the players and keep them excited during the holy month of Ramadan. Moch Asim, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Orphans playing football amid fasting at a Srinagar orphanage during Ramadan. The Quran teaches us not to hurt an orphan and to care for them at all times especially during Ramadan and Eid when they may feel alone or different. Maqsood Bhat, Kashmir

The Sujood of Recitation. An old man kneeling in prayer as he comes to a point in the Quran which requires the reader to bow down in praise to Allah at the Amru ibn Al Aas Mosque in Cairo. Ahmed Khattab, Egypt

Muadzin (Prayer Caller) Zulkifli Thalib, Makassar, Indonesia

Losari Floating Mosque in South Sulawesi. Muhammad Yusri, Indonesia

Friday prayers on the eve of Jumat-ul-wida at Hazratbal Shrine on the banks of Dal Lake in Srinagar. Waseem Andrabi, Kashmir

Badshahi mosque in Lahore. Faizan Bhatti, Pakistan

Ramadan Salah and Quran. Hassan Farooq, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Tarwaeeh prayer at the Al Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo. Mostafa Abd El-Aty, Egypt

Women praying in Dublin. Oxana Kiryashoff, Ireland

Right- Working Hard While Fasting Gholam Reza Yazdani, Shiraz, Iran Left- A message in the crowd that stood out due to the sadness in the face next to it, the hurt in the eyes express the emotion of humanity. Naveed Butt, Bradford, England

Right- History. A woman looks at a copy of the Holy Quran believed to be 300 years old during an archive exhibition in Srinagar. Faisal Khan, Kashmir Left- Entrance of Badshahi mosque. The Badshahi Mosque is also known as 'Royal Mosque' in Lahore, commissioned by the sixth Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in 1671 and completed in 1673, is the second largest mosque in Pakistan and South Asia and the fifth largest mosque in the world. Zaki Imtiaz, Walled City, Lahore, Pakistan

Right- Come to Allah. The Muslim community in Chiang Mai, Thailand has a very small number of close-knit Muslims. They share iftars together every day and suhour with each other in the last ashra (ten days) at the Masjid Hidayat-ul-Islam . Ahmed Shajee Aijazi, Thailand

Left- Looking for a nearby Mosque. With more than 1.6 billion Muslims in the world today, you will most likely find a mosque in your vicinity. Photo taken at Raffles Place MRT. Patel Aejaz Ahmed, Singapore

Right- Last Friday Prayer. Muslim devotees attend Jumatul Wida, the last Friday prayer in the holy month of Ramadan at the National Mosque. Abir Abdullah, Dhaka, Bangladesh Left- Ashar prayer at the Baitul Ihsan mosque at the Bank Indonesia Complex in Jakarta. Muhamad Solihin, Indonesia

Right- Celebrations marking the first anniversary of the liberation of Tripoli on the 20th of August 2011, which also significantly fell on the 20th of Ramadan. On that fateful day mosques around Tripoli began “Takbeer� at sunset signalling the beginning of the final battle for Tripoli. In this photo people have gathered in Martyrs Square to mark the anniversary by setting off fire works and launching air balloons. Ibrahim El Mayet, Libya Left- The Spirit Of Ramadan. Reading Quran at the Al Akbar Mosque in Surabaya. Iwan Hariyanto, East Java, Indonesia

Right- Red Sea Mosque in Jeddah. Hassan Malik Manzoor Left- A Moment of Tasbeeh Tauareg Muslim praying in the Awal Valley desert, with sand grains on his forehead. Mohamed Taher Ben Khlifa, Libya

Time to break the Fast. Al-Muqaddimah Mosque in Pamayahan, Indramayu. Muhammad Aqil, Indonesia

A traditional Emirati boat sailor breaking his fast while at work in Deira, Dubai. Sucith Narayana, UAE

Ramadan Food. An Indian worker fries “seviyan� - thin vermicelli - in Indore which is used for the preparation of "sheerkhorma", a traditional sweet dish prepared by the Muslim community during the holy month of Ramadan. Kailash Mittal, Indore, India

Samin Porridge Tradition. Indonesians line up to receive free traditional “samin� porridge provided by a mosque to break their fast in Darussalam Mosque, Solo. The mosque has held this tradition since 1930. Akbar Nugroho Gumay, Indonesia

Tadabbur and Qiyamullail. "He is the One who has set out for you the stars, so that you may be guided by them in darkness of the land and the sea. We have elaborated the signs for the people who know. He is the One who created you from one person, then, you have a place to dwell and a place to sojourn. We have elaborated the signs for the people who understand." -Al-An'aam 97-98. Umar Mita, Perlis, Malaysia

Night-shopping. As the month of Ramadan comes to an end, people shop for Eid at Charminar in Hyderabad. Rajesh Pamnani, India

Shopping for Iftar at the Indore Ramadan street market. Kailash Mittal, India

Ramadan Bread Maker Khalil-ur-Rehman Waleed, Peshawar, Pakistan

Preparing for Iftar. Children helping to prepare for a community iftar at a community centre in Hyderabad. Rajesh Pamnani, India

Capturing the spirit of Ramadan at India's largest mosque, the beautiful Jama Masjed during iftaar. Zoheb Muqeem, India

A Place of Worship. The Jama Masjed in Delhi. Chetan Saini, India

The head of a Quran school (madrassa) in Delhi seen reciting from the Quran. Natisha Mallick, India

I'tikaf at the Great Mosque of Kauman in Yogyakarta. Moch Asim, Indonesia

The last sunset of Ramadan 1433 at Amirul Mukminin Mosque in Makassar. Ahsan Burhany, Indonesia

Boys Scouts help an old woman carry her belongings from the train at Pasar Turi Train Station in Surabaya. In the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims do not just fast but being kind and generous is important as well. Robertus Pudyanto, Indonesia

Learning to read Quran with an Ustadz while waiting to break the fast in Al Akbar Mosque, Surabaya. Robertus Pudyanto, Indonesia

Mother and Son Read Quran Amril Nuryan, Makassar, Indonesia

Heading to Jumma at Jammia Massjid in Bannu. Jibran Yousufzai, Pakistan

A Ramadan Delicacy. A man looks at grasshoppers for sale in Paliyan, South Mountain. Grasshoppers are considered a plant pest that must be eradicated, but in Yogyakarta they are considered a delicacy and are sold raw and fried. Shofan Kurniawan, Indonesia

Right- Sadaqah. A member of a charity group from Malaysia donating food to fellow Muslims in Cambodia. This trip aims to reduce the burdens of poor families during the holy month of Ramadhan. Almost 4.8 million Cambodians live in poverty and at least 12 per cent are landless. Umar Mita, Phnom Penh Left- Checkpoint. A little girl waiting at the Qalandiya israeli checkpoint with her mother on the way to Al Aqsa mosque on the 3rd Friday of Ramadan. Samer Nazza, Ramallah, Palestine

Israeli Army Checkpoint to Masjed Al-Aqsa Yousef Shaheen, Palestine, Jerusalem

Counting Charity at Masjid Alun Alun Kota Sudarno, Malang, Indonesia

Sadaqa. Mosque administrators tally up all donations and alms payments collected from the community during Ramadan which are distributed to the poor by the mosque. Tundra Laksamana, Batam, Indonesia

Fulfilling Obligations. A young man fulfills the zakat (one of Islam’s five pillars of paying alms to the needy) after Jumaat prayers in Ramadan. Shamsul Hidayat Bin Omar, Selangor, Malaysia

Right- Supplication by an elderly man during the last Friday of Ramadan, known as Jumat-ul-wida at the Hazratbal Shrine. Waseem Andrabi, Srinagar, Kashmir Left- Duaa. Supplication before iftar. Akariyya Ibrahim Yousuf, Hyderabad, India

Afternoon Qur'an reading in one of the most famous mosques in Sarajevo, Beys Mosque. Muhamed Krnjić, Bosnia

Taraweeh prayers in Surabaya. Ahmad Zaimul Haq, Indonesia

Our Indonesian friends purchasing kababs for iftar at the Jama Mosque in Old Delhi. Sourav Karmakar, India

Preparing Seekh Kababs at the Jama Mosque in Old Delhi. Sourav Karmakar, India

Right- A farmer reads the holy Qur'an in a dried rice field after praying to perfect her worship during Ramadhan. Aryadi Indramayu, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Left- At the Shrine of Imam Reza Meisam Aman, Torbat Heidaryeh, Iran

Prayer in Solitude Hanif Burhani, Indonesia

Of Beauty and Equality. Part of the beauty of Islam is equality among Muslims no matter what the status in life. After Iftar, the devout laborer roamed freely to admire the beautiful Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, which is open to royal families and least fortunate alike. Mario Cardenas, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Right - Waiting for Maghreb Ahmad Alia, Makassar, Indonesia Left- Noor Al Quran. Read in the name of your Lord. At Mazoon Mosque in Seeb. Hussain Jasim Al-Bahrani, Oman

Breaking fast. A portrait of a Muslimah breaking her fast at Losari beach near the floating masjid in Makassar. Zulkifli Thalib, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Iftar Cannon at Al Majaz Waterfront. The iftar cannon is one of the most traditional ways to announce the time of Iftar. Hussam Eddin Yaghmour, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Right- At El Azhar Mosque Maha Hussein, Cairo Left- Serenity Lino Almuenda, Abu Dhabi

Decoding the Message Ahmed Anwar. Mangalore, India

Reading Quran at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem Yousef Shakarnah, Palestine

Right- A clock tower that dates back to the 17th century, built under the ruler Gazi Husrev-Bey. A special point about this tower is that it is the only public clock in the world to show lunar time. Muhamed Krnjić, Sarajevo, Bosnia Left- A view of the evening taraweeh prayers from the 500 year old Ottoman clock tower at the main mosque in Sarajevo, Begova Dzamija. Damir Faruk Saracevic, Sarajevo, Bosnia

Leylat al Kadr prayers at Zitouna Mosque in Tunis. Hamideddine Bouali, Tunisia

Iftar at the Jama Masjed in Delhi, one of the largest mosques in India. Zoheb Khan, India

Waiting for Iftar at the Nakhoda Mosque in Kolkota. Sudipto Das, India

Father and son perform ablution at Jamia Mosque old city Srinagar in preparation for prayer. Faisal Khan, Kashmir

Blue Mosque in Istanbul Lisa Vogl, Turkey

Anytime. Mohd Azmir Rahman, Cairo, Egypt

Sohour. A group of people gathered in a local restaurant in central Cairo having their sohour, a pre-dawn meal. These roadside table cafes are very typical in Cairo. Ehmad Hamdi Naem, Mounira, Egypt

The Chinese World meets the Muslim World during Ramadhan. “O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another"Al-Hujurât 13. Mazouzi Mohamed, Xian, China

An old Chinese man at the Great Mosque of Xian in China. This city was the arrival and the departure point of the silk road. Mazouzi Mohamed, China

A living example of what people can go through and survive.Thousands of poor people are surviving from the charity Muslims give during Ramadan. Adil Akram, Lahore, Pakistan

With the Quran at the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta. Roni Mawardi, Indonesia

Right- The rise of the sun over Kelantan on last Friday of Ramadhan 1433H. Abdul Mu'izz Abdul Wahab, Malaysia Left- Ramdan Night Shopping. As the evening sets in, the shopping fest comes alive. People in Charminar gather and line up across the streets and indulge in food and buying gifts for friends and family. Lakshmi Prabhala, Hyderabad, India

Going Home. These borthers are on their way home after praying Taraweeh in Makassar, Sulawesi. Sutan Piaman Putra, Indonesia

Performing the Maghrib prayer in the midst of his travels on the Bay Route in Kuantan City in full 'Baju Melayu', the official attire for Malay men for prayers. Hafizul Yunus, Malaysia

Right - The first commandment Allah swt gave to mankind through the Angel Gabriel was to “Read”. Read in the name of the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful; and what better time to read Quran than in Ramadan. This girl found an empty spot in the serene Masjid ibn Al Talun after praying Asr to read her Quran. Sarah Elshamy, Egypt Left- No wasting time! “My grandmother (recently turned ninety years old) often says, ˝We might not live till next Ramadan, so there is no wasting time. Use these days as they are your last ones!˝ Refering to the Qur´anic verse which says: ˝Consider the flight of time! Verily, man is bound to lose himself unless he be of those who attain to faith, and do good works, and enjoin upon one another the keeping to truth, and enjoin upon one another patience in adversity˝. Surah Al-´Asr Emir Jordamovic

My Holy Book Omar Mahmod Hussain, Iraq

Iqra'. This child is learning to read the Holy Qur'an with an Ustadz in Markaz Al Islami Masjid in Makassar. Ihdar Nur, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Communal Iftar in Deira, Dubai Shinihas Aboo, UAE

Right- Reading the Quraan on a mobile device after Sehri in Lahore. Muhammad Asif Sherazi, Lahore, Pakistan Left- Forgiveness of your brother. At the Sultan Masjid in Bugis. Salahuddin Muhammad Iqbal, Singapore

Holy Lullaby. In Mukassar City. Ihdar Nur, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Sufi Dervish. In Cairo. Mohamed Kamal Mohamed, Egypt

Trying on new prayer caps. Kailash Mittal, Indore, India

Innocence and Purity. Mohamed Masaoud, Tripoli, Libya

Right- An old man reading the Quraan inside the Al Aqsa Mosque, the fifth night of Ramadan. Saeed Qaq, Jerusalem, Palestine Left- Reading Quran at work in Sharjah. Yaseen Muhammed, UAE

Crowds at Amr Ibn Alaas mosque in Cairo on the 27th night of Ramadan supplicate to God. Mosa'ab Elshamy, Egypt

Hundreds of Muslims praying taraweeh in Masjid Al Markaz Al Islami Mosque, Makassar, South Sulawesi. Effendy Wongso, Indonesia

Right- “My friend and I came to this special place on Mt. Vranica, where we fought for our country during the war in Bosnia 1992-1995. Waiting for iftar I was thinking: Only Allah knew that we will enjoy the peace one day together in this same place�. Adnan Bubalo, Fojnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina Left- Goodbye Ramadhan. The sunrise on one of the last days of Ramdhan. Abdullah Alshathri, Masjid Nabawi

Eid Prayer. Yousef Abo Draa, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

Eid payers at the Grand Mosque in Garar, Ghardaia. Nourddine Chihk Baelhadj, Algeria

Beauty of Namaz. A uique view of the Taj Mahal Eid Al Fitr prayer Agra, n which over 100,000 Muslims gather to pray namaz (salah), in front of this beautiful piece of art. Talal A. Elshafei, India

To the Eid gate. Muslims heading towards The Great of the Taj Mahal after the Eid Al Fitr prayers. Talal A. Elshafei, India

Eid Prayer at the Feroz Shah Kotla in Delhi. Dheeraj Paul, India

Eid Prayer at the Feroz Shah Kotla in Delhi. Dheeraj Paul, India

Praying. Eid al Fitr at Blang Padang park, Banda Aceh. Raiyani Muharramah, Indonesia

Eid Al Fitr Prayer at Cite Riadh, Sousse. Mohamed Ben Dhaou, Tunisia

Mass Eid prayer at the historical Lat Mosque in Dhar, India. Chetan Soni, India

Emotional Kashmiri Muslim women offer prayers and supplication on the occasion of Eid-al-Fitr at Eidgah in Srinagar. Eid-al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. Waseem Andrabi, Kashmir

Thousands of Indonesian Muslims praying during Eid 1433H at Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Mosque in Palembang, South Sumatera. Isra Triansyah, Indonesia

Eid prayers at the Great Mosque of Central Java in Semarang. The Mosque also serves as the center of Islamic missionary education and social service. Architecturally, the Mosque is unique since it combines Arab and Roman architecture along with Javanese style and it has similar automatic umbrellas to those in the Nabawi Mosque in Madinah. Aditya Pradana Putra, Indonesia

A mass Eid prayer in the state of Ibra where most of the people have come to pray at this ancient historic site where their ancestors once prayed. Ahmed Mohammed Altoqi, Sultanate of Oman

Eid Prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Mahmoud Illean, Palestine

An Indonesian family heads to Eid prayers at the Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Mosque in Palembang. Isra Triansyah, Indonesia

Eid prayers in Jakarta. Fransiskus Parulian Simbolon, Indonesia

Right- Heading towards the mass Eid prayer loocation in Cairo. Awatef Abd El Al, Egypt Left- Mass Eid prayer in the capital city of Riyadh. Abdullah Al Shathri, Saudi Arabia

Spreading the message of brotherhood. A scene from Eid at Al Baraha, Dubai. Shyjith Onden Cheriyath, UAE

Greetings after Eid Al Fitr prayer. Ahmad Alwaheshi, Az Zawiyah, Libya

Happy Memorable Moments. People capturing photos of their friends and relatives after Eid Al Fiter prayers in Jeddah. Basheer Kaderi, Saudi Arabia

Eid gathering at the Sudanese Embassy in New Delhi. Mahmoud Al-Rawi, India

Eid celebration at Jama Mosque in Old Delhi. Sourav Karmakar, India

Eid joy as people flock to the Jama Mosque in old Delhi to offer their ‘Eid Day’ prayers. Sourav Karmakar, India

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