arimaroo Brand Identity & Guideline

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Brand Guideline September 2020


Brand Story Every Sunday morning growing up in South Korea, my grandmother would take my hand and we’d walk the six blocks from our home to the Korean spa/bathhouse. Upon entering the bathhouse, you could smell the smell of hot tubs filled with herbs used in traditional Korean medicine such as artemisia (mugwort), Korean angelica, and Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chinese liquorice). We would soak together in the hot tub, and scrub each other’s backs. My grandmother also taught me the importance of moisturizing your body and skin after every bath for soft and supple skin. On our way home we’d always stop at the local market. My grandmother would make us a homemade mask out of the ingredients we bought there, and we would do a home facial together. Going to the bathhouse every Sunday was a way for my grandmother to practice and teach me self love. Her philosophy of taking time out of a busy week for self care is something I’ve always kept with me as an adult.

I founded Arimaroo to help busy, modern women practice self love like my grandmother, and experience Korean spa/bathhouses in their home. Getting to a bathhouse, sourcing fresh ingredients to make your own products, or even getting out in nature regularly can be difficult or even impossible for women today.

But together, we can create the same experience right in your own home.


Arimaroo’s mission is to allow women to practice self care in their home using formulations inspired by the Korean spa experience and holistic ancient Korean beauty remedies.


Brand Philosophy



In traditional Korean, Arisoo means a large body of water. Maroo means sky.

Ari+maroo (Arimaroo pronounced “A-ri-ma-ru”) together means Earth. The mission of Arimaroo is to bring the Korean spa experience to your home with products inspired by traditional Korean philosophies: holistic beauty remedies, minimalism, and harmony with nature.

arimaroo’s six promises







We promise that no animals will be harmed during the development and production of our products

We only use ingredients that are absolutely necessary to produce the highest quality products. That means no fillers or bulking agents; only the ingredients necessary to create the best experience and results for our customers’

We believe in the power and beauty of nature from source to skin. We promise we will always try to source organic ingredients







We will not use animal biproducts in our products

We promise our products are clean. No phthalates, sulfates, and all other chemicals that are not good for your skin

We think about sustainability every step of the way

Logo Usage Guidelines on how our logo should be used


Logo Usage

Brand logo Our brand logo is comprised of a logomark and logotype. The elements are customized for the brand; therefore have been specially constructed, please do not modify, recreate or transform the logo. The logomark and logotype can be presented together or seperately as individual logos.

Logotype base font: Philosopher Regular

Brand Guideline

Logo Usage

Brand Guideline

Clear space It is important to keep our logo clear of any other graphic elements. To regulate this, clearspace

The spacing between the logomark and logotype is determined by the width of the letter “o”.

has been established around the logo. This exclusion zone indicates the closest any other graphic element can be positioned in relation to the logo. This can be easily identified by the height and width of the letter “i”. When the logomark is presented individually, the clear space can be determined by 1 /4 of the size of the logomark.

Minimum Size To ensure legibility and clarity, please do not scale the logo below the recommended size. The full logo should be no smaller than 1.5 cm wide, while the logotype should be no smaller than 1.5 cm wide with the logomark no smaller than 0.6 cm wide.

Minimum Size: 1.5 cm width

Minimum Size: 1.5 cm width

Minimum Size: 0.6 cm width

Logo Usage

Incorrect Usage 01

Do not rotate the logo


Do not compress or stretch the logo


Do not place elements within the logo clearspace


Do not rearrange parts or create compositions that are not provided in the guideline


Do not resize any part of the logo


Do not add unofficial elements in the logo


Do not use off-brand colors. Always refer to the color usage section


Do not add in special effects such as drop shadows or 3D effects


Do not use gradient

Brand Guideline

Logo Usage

Color Usage Primary Usage

For primary usage, the logo should always be used in light brown against light colored brand colors or white against an imagery background.

Brand Guideline

Logo Usage

Color Usage Secondary Usage

For secondary usage, the logo should always be used in white against dark colored brand colors or dark brown against an imagery background or light colored brand colors.

Brand Guideline

Brand Colors Our main brand colors are cream, beige, mint, light brown, blush and dark brown.


Brand Colours

Brand Colors

Brand Guideline




R 250 G 246 B 234 C1 M2 Y7 K0 # FAF6EA

R 234 G 229 B 217 C 7 M 7 Y 13 K 0 # EAE509

R 225 G 235 B 226 C 11 M 2 Y 11 K 0 # E1EBE2

Light Brown


Dark Brown

R 177 G 147 B 121 C 31 M 40 Y 54 K 3 # B19379

R 198 G 111 B 96 C 19 M 66 Y 61 K 3 # C66F60

R 68 G 39 B 19 C 47 M 72 Y 85 K 65 # 442713

Primary Colors

Our primary brand colors are cream & light brown.

Secondary Colors

Our secondary brand colors are beige, mint, blush and dark brown.

Typography We use a combination of 2 typefaces for our brand. The typefaces have been designed to work together to convey our brand identity, while also allowing for appropriate type hierarchy through the organisation of information.


Typography Usage

Brand Fonts

Brand Guideline

arimaroo is self love. Philosopher regular is used as both the

Header &

header and subheader font. Header is used

Subheader Font

for titles, and product names. Subheaders help organise information and give


importance to certain areas of text.


arimaroo is self love. Our body text font is minimal, modern, and

Bodycopy Font

uncomplicated. Dierent usage of font weights can also be applied to highlight information.

Raleway Family

Typography Usage

Brand Font Hierarchy

Brand Guideline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer elit


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh

Sub Header

euismod tincidunt ut.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et

Body Text

Photography Style Our photography style is modern and clean – focusing on nature elements with traditional traces of the korean culture.


Photography Style

Brand Guideline

Photography Style

Brand Guideline

Photography Style

Brand Guideline

Photography Style

Brand Guideline

Product Photography Style The product photography style focuses on the natural and raw ingredients that goes into the products.


Product Photography Style

Brand Guideline

Product Photography Style

Brand Guideline

Product Photography Style

Brand Guideline

Brand Icons


Brand Icons

Brand Guideline

Business Card


Business Card

Brand Guideline

arimaroo quote goes here.


John Doe | Director 0123456789

a self love company


Thank You.

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