SV Marketing Brand Guideline

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Brand Guideline 2020 SV-Marketing

Brand Guideline 2020


Logo Usage


5 - 10

Color Usage


14 - 18


19 - 23


11 - 13

Typography Usage

Photography Style

Illustration Style


24 - 25


Website Moodboard 26 - 29


Brand Guideline 2020

About Us We are a medium sized digital marketing agency who focus predominately in the e-commerce area.

We are growing and evolving at a steady rate, with a young enthusiastic team behind us. Founded by two guys who were sick of the ethical practises of larger agencies, decided to start their own and rewrite how agencies work. From there it has grown, handling 30+ e-commerce brands grow and succeed online


Brand Guideline 2020

Our Goal is to provide each and every client with the same level of service.

Our 'signature' is the ability to map out intricate business 'eco-systems', allowing our clients to eventually establish a consistent source of online income with evergreen campaigns without reverting to sales, or seasonal events to generate the bulk of their revenue. A team of young, enthusiastic and constantly evolving people who hustle, work hard and push to get our clients the best result possible. But apart from that - we're still human. Approachable, friendly and willing to help. We want to give off a professional, yet oddly familiar presence. One that potential clients can warm to and trust.


We care - most importantly.

Brand Guideline 2020

01 It is important that our branding remains consistent. Please obey the brand guidelines for consistent brand communication.


Logo Usage

Brand Guideline 2020

Brand Logo Our brand logo is based on the "SV" initials as the representation of the brand. The brand logo is designed to be distinctive, clean and uncomplicated. The nature of the elements in the brand logo should not be modified, recreated or transformed in any way. The brand logo shall never be streched and should be resized proportionately so that it is legible at all times.


Brand Guideline 2020

Logo Clearspace Clear space is the area surrounding the logo that must be kept free of any other graphic elements. This exclusion zone indicates the closest any other graphic element can be positioned in relation to the logo. The minimum clearspace is determined by the x-height as shown in the illustration on the right. The x-height is devired from the lower stroke of

x 4x

the "S" initial, the minimum clearspace should be 4x around all sides from the brand logo.

Minimum Size To ensure legibility and clarity, please do not scale

Minimum Width: 8mm

the logo below the recommended size. The logo shall never be streched and should be resized


proportionately so that they are legible at all times. Page. 7

Brand Guideline 2020

Logo Color Usage

For primary usage, the brand logo can be in dark blue and


Primary Color Usage

blue on white or light blue background. The brand logo can also be used in white on dark blue and blue background.

Brand Guideline 2020

Logo Color Usage

For secondary usage, the brand logo can be in green, yellow


Secondary Color Usage

and pink on white background. The brand logo can also be used in dark blue on green, yellow and pink background.

Brand Guideline 2020


Incorrect Logo Usage

Do not create compositions that

Do not rotate or

Do not resize or modify

Do not add any unofficial

are not provided in the guideline

reflect the logo

any part of the logo

elements in the logo

Do not compress or stretch the

Do not use gradient,

Do not change the color of

Do not add in special

logo, always resize

always refer to the color

logo, always refer to the

effects such as drop


usage guideline

color usage guideline

shadows or 3D effects

P. 1 6

Brand Guideline 2020

02 It is important that our branding remains consistent. Please obey the brand guidelines for consistent brand communication.


Color Usage

Brand Guideline 2020

Brand Colors Blue

Dark Blue

R 4 G 21 B 125 C 100 M 96 Y 17 K 15 # 04157d


R 47 G 97 B 245 C 79 M 64 Y 0 K 0

Light Blue

R 255 G 255 B 255

R 226 G 243 B 252

C0 M0 Y0 K0

C9 M0 Y0 K0

# ffffff

# 2f61f5

# e2f3fc

Primary Colors Green

R 110 G 224 B 184 C 51 M 0 Y 39 K 0 # 6ee0b8


Secondary Colors


R 255 G 235 B 165 C 1 M 5 Y 43 K 0 # ffeba5


R 255 G 183 B 186 C 0 M 35 Y 15 K 0 # ffb7ba

Brand Guideline 2020

Color Hierarchy A general color hierarchy is seen as illustrated on the right. Dark Blue, Blue, Light Blue and White are the most commonly used colours. Green, Yellow and Pink are mostly used for small icons to bring highlight and contrast and also used in small portions as secondary background colours.


Brand Guideline 2020

03 It is important that our branding remains consistent. Please obey the brand guidelines for consistent brand communication.



Brand Guideline 2020

Primary Typeface Typography plays a large role in our brand identity. Geomanist family is the chosen primary font for the brand. The sans serif typeface is used for Headers, titles and smaller exerts of text that require further emphasis.

Geomanist Family 15

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ áâàäãåabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()+


Brand Guideline 2020

Secondary Typeface Sofia Pro is the chosen secondary font family for the brand. The sans serif typeface is used for body copy and larger paragraph of text. Within brand materials, Sofia Pro should always appear smaller in scale in relation to Geomanist.

Sofia Pro 16

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ áâàäãåabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()+


Brand Guideline 2020

Typographic Hierarchy Typographic hierarchy is a system for organizing type that establishes an order of importance. This allows for clarity, consistency and a legible hierarchy for all communications.

Heading with Geomanist Semibold Sofia Pro Regular is used for body copy. Sofia Pro SemiBold can be used to highlight or emphasize certain area of text. The heading above is Geomanist Semibold. Geomanist Bold can be used to higlight or emphasize the title.


Buttons In Geomanist Semibold

Brand Guideline 2020

Typographic Hierarchy Typographic hierarchy is a system for organizing type that establishes an order of importance. This allows for clarity, consistency and a legible hierarchy for all communications.

Subheading in Geomanist Semibold

Geomanist Semibold The heading above is Geomanist Semibold. Geomanist Semibold can be also used for subheadings.

Geomanist Bold can be used for


smaller exerts of text that require further emphasis.

Brand Guideline 2020

04 Our photography style is simple and straightforward. The imagery direction should portray our tone of voice accurately.

Photography Style


Brand Guideline 2020

Photography Style Professional Friendly Approachable Young Trustable Warm Enthusiastic Care


Brand Guideline 2020

Photography Style

Focusing predominately in the e-commerce area.

We are a digital marketing agency.


22 Brand Guideline 2020

Photography Style

23 Brand Guideline 2020

Photography Style

Brand Guideline 2020

05 Our illustration style are simple, clean & straightforward.

Illustration Style


Brand Guideline 2020


Illustration Style Our illustration style are simple, clean & straightforward.

Brand Guideline 2020

06 Inspiration for website design direction.

Website Moodboard 26

27 Brand Guideline 2020

Website Moodboard

28 Brand Guideline 2020

Website Moodboard

29 Brand Guideline 2020

Website Moodboard

Brand Guideline 2020 SV-Marketing

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