Design Portfolio

Page 1


Creative Director, Art Director, Designer



Create a working prototype for the trade show, ASM. The site will host the live event as well as display the virtual expo tour.



ASM Kickoff

Help Center



Live Broadcast

Virtual After Party

VOD Library



Terms & Conditions

Help Center

Terms & Conditions Declined

ASM Kickoff

Help Center



Live Broadcast

Virtual After Party

VOD Library

Help Center


Creative Director, Art Director, Designer



Design an app that would be used for iOS. The app is a podcast to give the ins and outs of the company. Where listeners will be able to hear from all different parts of the company including our Field employees, Leadership, Athletes, etc.

Monster Energy Sales Operations /1 Training Behind The Claw Podcast System User Flows The Problem & Monster Energy Sales Operations / Tr The Solution Behind The Claw Behind The Claw Podcast System Use 1 Podcast System User Flows Monster Energy S 1 2 The Problem & Behind The Claw The Solution – Sales Training & Development needs a platform to curate and stream to iphones (iPhone six and above), ipads, and desktop in a mobile friendly repsonsive site. – FSRs / BDM’s need a way to safely absorb audio content while driving or relaxing. – FSRs / BDM’s need a way to also share podcast with one another on yammer.

Podcast Artwork

Podcast Target Audience (MD)

Podcast Management / Backend Admin POS – FRONT END ORDERING PROCESS


The Solution

Scheduled Deployment Talent Name

– Sales Training & Development is creating a web based uploading/deployment system which will allow users to leisurely recieve audio, filter through a curataed catalog of content, and will allow users to favorite items to increase knowledge and ultimately boost sales.

Podcast Management / Backend Admin





– We will know we are successful when knowledge is increased, and we can see an increase in Monster Create & Upload New Podcast Manage Existing Podcast University knowledge. Behind The Claw will have unique user data to track trends, completion rates, all within hierarchy The Claw Front End data. – iPhone, iPad & Web Responsive Details Entered Manually

Create & Upload New Podcast

Details Entered Manually

Podcast Name / Series

iving or relaxing. on yammer.

Organize App Heirarchy

Browse Catalog

Organize Podcast Hierarchy to be displayed on Apps

Activate Podcast

Podcast Tags

ream to iphones (iPhone six and

Manage Existing Podcast


Retire Podcast

Select Course

Podcast Artwork


Option to Share to Yammer

The Problem & The Solution

nd we can see an increase in

Save / Cancel

Podcast Target Audience (MD)

a to track trends, completion


/ Target


, find favorites,

lica ean,






nd organize the sequencing of the

ypes, eg. “VIP, General, Will Call,

Podcast Deployed


Scheduled Deployment



– We will know we are successful when knowledge is increased, and we can see an increase in Monster University knowledge. Behind The Claw will have unique user data to track trends, completion Manage Existing Podcast rates,Create & Upload New Podcast all within hierarchy data.

Sorted sequentially. Podcast Target Audience (MD)

Behind The Claw Front E

Talent Name Podcast Management – Upload / Deployment / Target

Create & Upload New Podcast

Podcast Deployed

Front End App / Web Experience

– Ability tothumb though podcast, viewed eatured, categroies, find favorites,

Details Entered Manually

Podcast Name / Series Play / Pause

The Problem – Why “Behind The Claw”? Podcast Management / Backend



PROCESS Organize – SalesPodcast Training & Development needs a platform to curate andORDERING stream to Hierarchy be above),toipads, and desktop in a mobile friendly repsonsive site. Offline Download – displayed on Apps

Podcast Tags

iphones (iPhone six and



Podcast Target Audience (MD) Scheduled Deployment Talent Name


Organize App Heirarchy

Podcast Deployed

– Will be able to deploy and target podcast to certain users. Details Entered wereporting Need Anayltics, & insights performance of podcast – We will know are successful whenon knowledge is increased, and we can see an increase in Browse Catalog Manually Monster 2. University Users (General FSRs, BDMs) knowledge. Behind The Claw will have unique user data to track trends, completion / Search Podcast Podcast Name / Series rates,– Browse Podcast Retire Podcast – Set Favorites / Offline Download Stored LocallyActivate on Device all within hierarchy data. – Sharable Link Podcast Yammer Tags

Podcast Management – Upload / Deployment / Target


Podcast Artwork

– FSRs / BDM’s neediOSaOnly way to safely absorb audio content while driving or relaxing.

Scheduled Deployment


The Solution

Downloaded Content

– FSRs / BDM’s need a way to also share podcast Sorted from highest position of power towith theone another on yammer. Select Course lowest position of power within the system. 2. Move The Solution to desired order – Sales Training & Development is creating a web based uploading/deployment system which will 1. allow Admins (Samantha & Paul Amundson Create &users Upload New Manage Existing Podcast to Podcast leisurely recieve audio, filter through a curataed catalog of content, and will allow Save / Cancel of Podcast) users(Creators to favorite items to increase knowledge and ultimately boost sales.

Retire Podcast

Option to Share to Yammer

Favorited Content

– Ability to upload, target, tag, upload album artwork, retire podcast. Subscribe

1 User

Behind The Claw Podcast System User Flows The Problem & The Solution Podcast Artwork

Save / Cancel


Organize App Heirarchy


Podcast Tags

– Sales Training & Development needs a platform to curate and stream to iphones (iPhone six and above), ipads, and desktop in a mobile friendly repsonsive site. – FSRs / BDM’s need a way to safely absorb audio content while driving or relaxing. – FSRs / BDM’s need a way to also share podcast with one another on yammer.

Move to desired order


Browse Catalog

Activate Podcast


Option to Share to Yammer

Podcast Target Audience (MD)

– Sales Training & Development is creating a web based uploading/deployment system which will allow users to leisurely recieve audio, filter through a curataed catalog of content, and will allow users to favorite items to increase knowledge and ultimately boost sales.

Podcast Name / Series

The Problem – Why “Behind The Claw”?

Retire Podcast

Select Course


Sorted sequentially. BROWSE CATALOG / FEATURED


Details Entered Manually

Talent Name


Podcast Artwork

Podcast Management / Backend Admin

The Solution

Activate Podcast

Organize Podcast Hierarchy to be displayed on Apps

Podcast Tags

– Sales Training & Development needs a platform to curate and stream to iphones (iPhone six and above), ipads, and desktop in a mobile friendly repsonsive site. – FSRs / BDM’s need a way to safely absorb audio content while driving or relaxing. – FSRs / BDM’s need a way to also share podcast with one another on yammer.

Move to desired order

Scheduled Deployment

g/deployment system which will talog of content, and will allow boost sales.

The Problem – Why “Behind The Claw”?

Organize App Heirarchy

Browse Catalog

All Users

Podcast Name / Series


Podcast Deployed

Organize Podcast Hierarchy to be displayed on Apps

Monster Energy Sales Operations / Tr Behind The Claw Behind The Claw Podcast System Ene Use Podcast System User Flows Monster User Groups Behind The Claw The Claw Podca PodcastBehind Statuses Defined Podcast System User Flows Monster Energy Sales Operations / Training Behind System App Information Architecture The Problem & The Claw Podcast Behind The Claw – Sales Training & Development is creating a web based uploading/deployment system which will allow users to leisurely recieve audio, filter through a curataed catalog of content, and will allow users to favorite items to increase knowledge and ultimately boost sales. – We will know we are successful when knowledge is increased, and we can see an increase in Monster University knowledge. Behind The Claw will have unique user data to track trends, completion rates, all within hierarchy data.

Talent Name – Ability to upload, target, tag, upload album artwork, retire podcast.



Front End App / Web Experience

Podcast Deployed

– Ability tothumb though podcast, viewed eatured, categroies, find favorites,

The Problem – Why “Behind The Claw”?

– Sales Training & Development needs a platform to curate and stream to iphones (iPhone six and above), ipads, and desktop in a mobile friendly repsonsive site. – FSRs / BDM’s need a way to safely absorb audio content while driving or relaxing. – FSRs / BDM’s need a way to also share podcast with one another on yammer.

Select Course


Podcast – Things toArtwork consider: Option to Share Yammer In terms of usability, FSR/BDM Will likely beingtousing this applica tion their leisure, so keep in mind the need for a simple, clean, Podcast Targetin Audience (MD) intuitive, bold navigation of application.

Move to desired order Save / Cancel

Scheduled Deployment


The Solution


Podcast Management – Upload / Deployment / Target


– Ability to upload, target, tag, upload album artwork, retire podcast.

Front End App / Web Experience

The Solution

The Solution



Dashboard w/ (Samantha & Paul Amundson –Admins Sales Training & Development is creating a web based uploading/deployment system which will Roll Up Insights Basic Player Upload Center High Level Detail allow users toof leisurely recieve audio, filter through a curataed catalog of content, and will allow of Analytics, (Creators Podcast) Deployed usersRecently to favorite items increase knowledge andusers. ultimately boost sales. – Will be able to deploy andto target podcast to certain Courses &

Podcast Series Play / Pause Peak Times – Need Anayltics, reporting & insights on performance of podcast Full Catalog Name / Sequence – We will know we are successful when knowledge is increased, and we can see an increase in Monster 2. Users (General FSRs, BDMs) Rewind / Episodewill have unique user University knowledge. Behind The Claw data to track trends, completion Peak Locations Fast Forward – Browse / Search Podcast Name rates,– Set Favorites / Offline Download Stored Locally on Device allSharable within hierarchy Favorite & – Yammer data. Link Talent Name

Greatest / Lowest User Groups

Behind The Claw Podcast System User Flows

Add to Downloads

– Things to consider: Greatest / Lowest In terms of usability, FSR/BDM Will likely being using this applica Podcast Tags Users by Job Title tion in their leisure, so keep in mind the need for a simple, clean, intuitive, bold navigation of application. Podcast Artwork

Scheduled Deployment

Target Audience

Greatest / Lowest Listeners

Greatest / Lowest Content

1. Podcast Management – Upload / Deployment / Target – Ability to upload, target, tag, upload album artwork, retire podcast. Brief descriptions of ticket statuses when used Bounce in the Energ and Events System. Rate 2. Monster Front End App yTickets / Web Experience

– Ability tothumb though podcast, viewed eatured, categroies, find favorites,

1. 2.

Scheduled Deployment Deployed

User Groups

Sorted from highest position of power to the 3. Retired lowest position of power within the system.

–Podcast is removed from catalog but still saved on servers, Podcast revived / placed back into Podcast App / Web Player.

Admins (Samantha & Paul Amundson (Creators of Podcast)

System Components Defined – Will be able to deploy and target podcast to certain users. – Need Anayltics, reporting & insights on performance of podcast

2. Users (General FSRs, BDMs) – Browse / Search Podcast Brief descriptions of key components in the system. – Set Favorites / Offline Download Stored Locally on Device – Sharable Yammer Link

Behind The Claw Back End System Site Map Admin

Organize App Heirarchy



User Groups

– Users can add themselves to email notification, if tickets become availi Organize Podcast Hierarchy to be Super Admin / Admin will fullfil tickets to those on waitable then list.displayed on Apps ANALYTICS UPLOAD to CENTER Sorted from HOMEPAGE highest position of power the



Behind The Claw Front End System App Site Map General Users

Retire Podcast

lowest position of power within the system. 3. Retired Dashboard w/ Select Course

Podcast Tags

Podcast / Target Podcast Artwork Management – Upload / Deployment Option to Share



– Ability to upload, target, tag, upload album artwork, retire podcast. to Yammer

Podcast Target Audience (MD)

Front End App / Web Experience ARCHIVE


Talent Name Brief descriptions of ticket statuses when used Archived Content in the Monster Energ yTickets and Events System.

Podcast Deployed



Scheduled Deployment

–Tickets have already been allotted

Notify of Duplication / overwrite if need be

View / Revive Archived



– Will be able to deploy and target podcast to certain users. –Podcast is removed from catalog but still saved on servers, Podcast Dashboard w/ – Need Anayltics, reporting & insights on performance of podcast Upload Center revived / placed back into Podcast App / Web Player. High Level Detail

Roll Up Insights

Basic Player

of Analytics,

System Components Defined Episode Name

Peak Times

Peak Locations

In terms of usability, Will likely in being this applica Brief descriptions of keyFSR/BDM components theusing system.

tion in their leisure, so keep in mind the need for a simple, clean, Talent Name intuitive, bold navigation of application.

Greatest / Lowest User Groups

Greatest / Lowest Users by Job Title

– Front End Iphone / Web Section of the system that will house and organize the sequencing of the podcast. Podcast Tags

Users (General FSRs, BDMs)

intuitive, bold navigation of application.

Analytics / Reporting

Analytics / Reporting

Podcast Artwork

Frequent Users

– Section of the system that will allow for the definition of ticket types, eg. “VIP, General, Will Call, Greatest / Lowest Suite” Listeners – Will be used by Super Admin / Pass Through /Scheduled CMM Admins

Play / Pause

Rewind / Fast Forward

Scheduled Deployment


View Active Podcast



Favorite & Add to Downloads


ViewDeployment / Revive Scheduled Archived

–Tickets have already been allotted

Peak Locations

Rewind / Fast Forward

View / Revive Archived

Favorite & Add to Downloads

Greatest / Lowest User Groups

Greatest / Lowest Users by Job Title


Play Recent / Unifinished Podcast Greatest / Lowest



Frequent Users

Determined ARCHIVE Target Audience

from backend.

View Favorited Podcast

Greatest / Lowest Content

Bounce Rate

View Favorited Dashboard w/ Podcast High Level Detail of Analytics, Recently Deployed Courses & Full Catalog


Notify of Duplication / overwrite if need be

HOMEPAGE Primary Site Action Deployed

ANALYTICS UPLOAD CENTER – Users can add themselves to email notification, if tickets become Dashboard w/ availi Roll Up Insights Upload Center High Level Detail able then Super Admin / Admin will fullfil tickets to those on waitof Analytics, LinkRecently To Another Workflow list. Deployed



Courses & Full Catalog



End Process

WEB PLAYER Basic Player

CATALOG View Active Podcast

Primary Site Action

Peak Times

Play / Pause

Manage Sequencing

Peak Locations

Rewind / Fast Forward

View / Revive Archived

Talent Name

Greatest / Lowest User Groups

Podcast Tags

Greatest / Lowest Users by Job Title

Needs to beofFurther Elaborated in the system. Brief descriptions key components



Podcast Series Name / Sequence

–Podcast is removed from catalog but still saved on servers, Podcast Decision Needed revived / placed back into Podcast App / Web Player. Episode

Podcast Artwork

– Users can add themselves to email notification, if tickets become availi able then Super Admin / Admin will fullfil tickets to those on waitlist.


Peak Times

Manage Sequencing

Archived Content

Brief descriptions of ticket statuses when used Manage Energ Sequencing Unarchive in the Monster yTickets and Events System.

Greatest / Lowest Content

Bounce Rate

–Tickets have already been allotted




View Active Podcast

Play / Pause

Podcast Statuses Defined Behind The Claw Back End System Site Map


Brief descriptions of ticket statuses when used in the Monster Energ yTickets and Events System. Target Audience 1.

Podcast Feature ArtworkPodcasts


Monster Energy Sales Operations Behind The Claw Podcast System App Infor System Components Defined

Podcast Statuses Defined 2.


Users (General FSRs, BDMs) Recently Deployed

Courses & – Browse / Search Podcast Podcast Series Full Catalog Download Stored Locally Name /on Sequence – Set Favorites / Offline Device – Sharable Yammer Link


Basic Player

– Section of the system that will allow for the definition of ticket types, eg. “VIP, General, Will Call, Listeners Scheduled Suite” Display Podcast Deployment Sequence Based on – Will be used by Super Admin / Pass Through / CMM Admins

able then Super Admin / Admin will fullfil tickets to those on wait-


Episode Name

Podcast Tags

list. 1. Admins (Samantha & Paul Amundson HOMEPAGE UPLOAD CENTER 3. (Creators Retired of Podcast)

– Things to consider:

Roll Up Insights

Behind The Claw Back End System Map 1. Site –Catalog Things to consider: CATALOG PLAY – Front End Iphone / Web FSR/BDM Section ofWill thelikely system thatusing will house and organize the sequencing of the In terms of usability, being this applica Admin podcast. tion in their leisure, so keep in mind the need for a simple, clean,

2. Deployed Sorted from highest position of power to the – Users can add themselves to email notification, if tickets become lowest position of power within the system. availi


Deployed & Paul Amundson Admins Recently (Samantha Courses & Podcast Series Full Podcast) Catalog (Creators of Save / Cancel Name / Sequence

– Browse / Search Podcast Brief descriptions of key components in the system. Talent – Set Favorites / Offline Download Stored Locally onName Device – Sharable Yammer Link

View Active Podcast

Manage Sequencing

Level Detail –Podcast is High removed from catalog but still Upload savedCenter on servers, Podcast of Analytics, revived / order placed back into Podcast App / Web Player. Move to desired


– Will be able to deploy and target podcast to certain users. – Need Anayltics, reporting & insights on performance of podcast

– Ability tothumb though podcast, viewed eatured, categroies, find favorites,

CATALOGScheduled Deployment

–Tickets have already been allotted

– Users can add themselves to email notification, if tickets become availi able then Super Admin / Admin will fullfil tickets to those on waitlist.



Frequent Users

Podcast Statuses Defined Sorted sequentially.

Manage Existing Podcast

Scheduled Deployment

–Tickets have already been allotted

Be Monster Energy Sales Operations PodcastBehind Statuses Defined The Claw Podcast System App Infor System Components Defined Monster Ene User Groups Behind The Claw Podca

Behind The Claw Back End System Site Map Admin


– Ability tothumb though podcast, viewed eatured, categroies, find favorites,


Details Entered

The Problem – Why “Behind The Claw”?

lowest position of power within the system. 2. 1.

–Create Browse / Search Podcast & Upload New Podcast – Set Favorites / Offline Download Stored Locally on Device – Sharable Yammer Link

Behind The Claw Front E


Podcast Management – Upload / Deployment / Target

– Ability to upload, target, tag, upload album artwork, retire podcast.

Brief descriptions of ticket statuses when used 2. Monster Front End App yTickets / Web Experience in the Energ and Events System.

Users (General FSRs, BDMs)

Browse Catalog – Things to consider: Manually In terms of usability, FSR/BDM Will likely being using this applica tion in their leisure, so keep in mind the need for a simple, clean, Podcast Name / Series intuitive, bold navigation of application. Activate Podcast Sorted sequentially.

– Sales Training & Development needs a platform to curate and stream to iphones (iPhone six and above), ipads, and desktop in a mobile friendly repsonsive site. – FSRs / BDM’s need a way to safely absorb audio content while driving or relaxing. Sorted from highest position of power towith theone another on yammer. – FSRs / BDM’s need a way to also share podcast HOMEPAGE


Podcast System User Flows

– Ability tothumb though podcast, viewed eatured, categroies, find favorites,

User Groups 1.

Podcast Deployed


PROCESS – We will know we are successful when knowledge is increased,ORDERING and we can see an increase in Admin Monster 1. Admins (Samantha & Paul Amundson University knowledge. Behind The Claw will have unique user data to track trends, completion (Creators of Podcast) rates, – Will be able to deploy and target podcast to certain users. all within hierarchy data. – Need Anayltics, reporting & insights on performance of podcast

Sorted sequentially. 1.

Sorted sequentially.

Podcast Management / Backend


Dashboard w/ High Level Detail of Analytics, Recently Deployed Courses & Full Catalog

Talent Name

– Sales Training & Development is creating a web based uploading/deployment system which will will allow

Sorted of power to the allowfrom users highest to leisurelyposition recieve audio, filter through a curataed catalog of content, and users to favorite items towithin increasethe knowledge and ultimately boost sales. lowest position of power system.


Frequent Users

1. Site Catalog Behind The Claw Back End System Map – Front End Iphone / Web Section of the system that will house and organize the sequencing of the podcast. Admin Scheduled Deployment


Analytics / Reporting

Target Audience

Greatest / Lowest Listeners

Greatest / Lowest Content

Favorite & Add to Downloads

Monster Energy Sales Operations / Training Behind The Claw Podcast System User Flows

dcast System User Flows


Podcast Management – Upload / Deployment / Target Ability to upload, target, tag, upload album artwork, retire podcast.

Front End App / Web Experience

Ability tothumb though podcast, viewed eatured, categroies, find favorites,

er Groups

Monster Energy Sales Operations / Training 2 Behind The Claw Podcast System App Information Architecture Podcast Management / Backend Admin


from highest position of power to the position of power within the system.

Behind The Claw Front End – iPhone, iPad & Web Responsive All Users


mins (Samantha & Paul Amundson eators of Podcast)

be able to deploy and target podcast to certain users. ed Anayltics, reporting & insights on performance of podcast

Behind The Claw Back End System Site Map Admin

rs (General FSRs, BDMs)

wse / Search Podcast Favorites / Offline Download Stored Locally on Device rable Yammer Link

Create & Upload New Podcast

ngs to consider: In terms of usability, FSR/BDM Will likely being using this applica tion in their leisure, so keep in mind the need for a simple, clean, intuitive, bold navigation of application.

Manage Existing Podcast

iving or relaxing. escriptions of ticket statuses when used on yammer. Monster Energ yTickets and Events System.

eduled Deployment

ets have already been allotted

g/deployment system which will ployed talog of content, will allow if tickets become ers can add themselves and to email notification, boost sales.



Details Entered Manually

Browse Catalog


Podcast Tags Podcast Artwork



Dashboard w/ High Level Detail of Analytics, Activate Recently Deployed Courses & Full Catalog

Podcast Name / Series

ream to iphones (iPhone six and Defined dcast Statuses

Behind The Claw Front End System App Site Map General Users

Organize App Heirarchy

Roll Up Insights

Upload Center


Option to Share to Yammer

Retire Podcast

Podcast Series Name / Sequence

Peak Times

Episode Name

Peak Locations

Talent Name

Greatest / Lowest User Groups

Podcast Tags

Greatest / Lowest Users by Job Title

Scheduled Deployment

Basic Player

Play / Pause

Organize Podcast CATALOG Hierarchy to be displayed on Apps View Active Podcast

Select Course Manage Sequencing

Rewind / Fast Forward

Favorite & Add to Downloads

Move to desired View /order Revive Archived

Downloaded Content


Notify of Duplication / overwrite if need be

Feature Podcasts

Save / Cancel

Display Podcast Sequence Based on Hierarchy Determined from backend.




Favorite Play Recent / Unifinished Podcast

View Favorited Podcast

View Favorited Podcast

Play / Pause

Frequent Users

Podcast Artwork

Offline Download – iOS Only

Greatest / Lowest Listeners

Scheduled Deployment

nd we can see an increase in ired removed from catalog but still saved on servers, Podcast acast to istrack trends, completion

Favorited Content


Talent Name

Podcast Deployed

e then Super Admin / Admin will fullfil tickets to those on wait-


ARCHIVE Archived Content



Podcast Target Audience (MD)


Greatest / Lowest Content

Target Audience

ed / placed back into Podcast App / Web Player.

Bounce Rate

stem Components Defined

escriptions of key components in the system.



ont End Iphone / Web Section of the system that will house and organize the sequencing of the ast.

alytics / Reporting

tion of the system that will allow for the definition of ticket types, eg. “VIP, General, Will Call, be used by Super Admin / Pass Through / CMM Admins

/ Target


, find favorites, gend Primary Site Action

Link To Another Workflow

Decision Needed

End Process

Monster Energy Sales Operations / Training Behind The Claw Podcast System App Information Architecture

Needs to be Further Elaborated

lica ean,




Behind The Claw Back End System Site Map Admin

HOMEPAGE Dashboard w/ High Level Detail of Analytics, Recently Deployed Courses & Full Catalog


ANALYTICS Roll Up Insights

nd organize the sequencing of the

ypes, eg. “VIP, General, Will Call,

Basic Player

CATALOG View Active Podcast

ARCHIVE Archived Content

Podcast Series Name / Sequence

Peak Times

Play / Pause

Manage Sequencing


Episode Name

Peak Locations

Rewind / Fast Forward

View / Revive Archived

Notify of Duplication / overwrite if need be


Talent Name

Greatest / Lowest User Groups

Podcast Tags

Greatest / Lowest Users by Job Title

Podcast Artwork

Scheduled Deployment

Target Audience

Frequent Users

Greatest / Lowest Listeners

Greatest / Lowest Content




Behind The Claw Front End System App Site Map General Users

Bounce Rate

Feature Podcasts

Favorite & Add to Downloads

Display Podcast Sequence Based on Hierarchy Determined from backend.


Play Recent / Unifinished Podcast


View Favorited Podcast


View Favorited Podcast





Design and strategize a way for the Sales team to sell in our innovation + product easier at the door. Create a one-pager that gives a quick synopsis of what flavor the product is, the price of the product, how many are they selling, the release dates, etc.


Our sales team is the most important role in the company since they’re the players to drive the company’s success. With every new innovation, our team has to sell that product into whatever store, gas station, club, they can. By providing an infographic for that team, it makes the process a bit easier since people love illustrations and color.




It’s a nation-wide magazine passed out to the internal employees. The Monster Buzz gives an inside look into what is going on at Corporate. Further diving into hot topics at Monster Energy for the specific trimester. It Ranges from our Winning Athletes, Innovation, to a speech from our President on the current climates of Monster Energy.

Creative Director, Art Director, Designer


Create and design an insightful magazine to learn about our values, hear from our brand managers, and even look out our new POS that is coming out.

Teach & Be Taught


TABLE OF CON T EN TS President’s Address P.4 TEACH & BE TAUGHT P.5 UNLEASHED: SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS P.10–25 Marketing Creative Process P.28 Crossword PUZZLE P.32

President’s Address

Human in Virtual P.34 Be Authentic P.41 AFF Spotlight P.50

We begin the year with our plans set and brighter days ahead. There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel with an approved vaccine which will hopefully end this 100+ year pandemic. In the meantime, I cannot stress enough to continue wearing your masks, washing your hands and practice social distancing. Our first priority through this pandemic has been the safety of our Monster Family; while we see that the end is near, we still need to be very vigilant until that time.

Letter from the Editor P.56 Share of Social Mind P.58

Recently, I was asked which is my favorite value – it is Teach and Be Taught – along with which of the three initiatives in GSD is the most important – my answer of course is D, be a difference maker.



There are so many ways we collectively can make a difference this year. We are expanding our efforts around equality, diversity and inclusion with the institution of the EDI council in the Americas. We have invested in our training department and have provided resources through Monster U and Career Training Camp. We are continuing with Leadership Development programs such as Beast Mode and Monster Business Academy. We annually review talent throughout the Americas in the Total Management Review Process. We encourage and celebrate those that are Beacons and Mentors. We promote giving back through Monster Energy Cares and Volunteer Days. Being a “difference maker” is not just a credo for your professional life but should be with your personal life. As the great Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” So, bring it 2021 – we are Monster, we Bleed Green, we are Unleashed, and we are here to make a difference!

A new year marks the beginning of a renewed invigoration of what the year can offer, and as we continue to work from home, its important to reevaluate what our Company Values can do to start this year off right, starting with Teach and Be Taught. Never stop learning because life never stops teaching. Teach others, share learnings, seek to understand, embrace change and we’ll all grow together. Let’s break down this definition.





Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.

// P. 10

The meaning to this is two-fold.


There is no end to learning, knowledge can come from anywhere and everywhere. It is not as simple as reading books, doing assignments and passing exams until you finish your education and move onto a career. From the moment you are born to the moment you die, you are in continuous cycle of learning new things. It is a necessary part of our life.

// P. 28



// P. 58

You can either choose to approach learning with the ‘survival’ mindset or the ‘growth’ mindset. Meaning that you have to make a conscious effort to learn things in order to become better. Many of the experiences we will go through will be extremely difficult and we will come to a learning crossroad in which we ask ourselves, “Do I want listen to a new and fresh perspective, or will I choose to stick to what I have always known?”

Do I want listen to a new and fresh perspective, or will I choose to stick to what I have always known? Our sight broadens when we get the knowledge and make ourselves lifelong learners. Indeed, traditional education may not be for everyone, but learning is. Learning is about enriching our minds, honing our skills, and changing the way we see the world and ourselves. It improves our behavior and the way we think by expanding and challenging our understanding. Moreover, it’s important to learn effectively, meaning it’s not enough to just accumulate knowledge but to be able to apply that knowledge effectively at some point in the future. Something is not truly learned until it changes you in some way, no matter how subtle or simple.

Teach others, share learnings, seek to understand, embrace change and we’ll all grow together. The leaders at Monster Energy put value in each of the statements in the above descriptor.

Teach others through the mentorship program. The best way to cultivate a successful mentorship is to open the learning conversation beyond just professional growth to include personal growth as well. Mentoring the whole person takes more effort, more time, and more thought but will pay dividends for both parties in the long run. Of all the ways you can spend your time, mentoring has one of the highest returns on investment. It enables you to take everything you have learned and “pay it forward,” shaping the next generation of leaders. As Hall of Fame college basketball coach John Wooden once said: “Mentoring becomes your true legacy. It is the greatest inheritance you can give to others. It is why you get up every day.” To mentor the whole person, you must share stories with them and vice versa. Allow yourselves and them to tell their whole story, from beginning to end. This simple exercise can transform a mentoring relationship and its development because it shows that you’re genuinely interested in understanding your mentee and his or her journey, not just in dispensing professional advice. Having the knowledge of the person’s past enables you to make more probing inquiries over time of the more difficult chapters. A Harvard Business Review (HBR) article on leadership and managing people suggests “A simple yet effective way to unpack this question for a mentee is to say: ‘Imagine that tonight there is a party honoring you on your 80th birthday. Write down five brief things you would like family and close friends to say about you.’”

Allow your fellow peers to benefit from the trail you’ve blazed to accomplish a new feat or a best practice. Seek to understand in your daily conversations. There is a big difference between hearing and listening. When you enter a conversation, take an extra moment to listen and try to understand where thoughts and expressions are coming from. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and be mindful of communication styles to keep the conversation moving in a productive direction. Embrace change so that we can all grow together. The world has changed dramatically around us and will only continue to change. Change is not easy and for many, it’s not fun. Experience and expertise are at risk when things change; but there is a greater risk when people become reluctant to change. The risk is not reaching “what could be.” In a TEDx talk from 2020, Sociologist Christine Carter states, “Our ability to change our behavior depends on our willingness to be bad at our desired behavior. Therefore, if we want to grow at all, we must be willing to accept that we will be bad first, and it will take time, but we will grow.

Career Training Camp: Monster Energy’s Learning Infrastructure

content at LinkedIn, today’s top employers often struggle to hire for in-demand skills. Independent learners stand out in a tight labor market because they take it upon themselves to gain skills that will enable ongoing business value. Sure, most companies will offer employees some training and professional development opportunities. But employers generally agree that the responsibility for upskilling is shifting onto the individual.”

“If you want your learning to pay off in your career, be mindful as you go about your daily work. Notice what on-the-job skills would be most valuable to have. Ask people whom you want to emulate about the skills and tools they use and take note of strategies and techniques that seem to be effective.” This doesn’t just have to be on areas of knowledge that directly correlate to your day-to-day work. Set goals around what interests you most and could be useful at some point. These are known as transferrable skills. Explore every course, podcast, workshop, case study and book Monster University has to offer. You’ll have opportunities to learn every single day, but you can’t possibly capitalize on every area of interest. Keep a list of the topics and skills you want to master, and you’ll be able to focus on the opportunities that can move you closer to your goals.

Along with the professional drive to continue your learning journey, a LinkedIn survey demonstrates a correlation between learning and employee’s happiness: employees who spend time learning at work are 47% less likely to feel stressed out and 21% more apt to feel self-assured and cheerful. To become a lifelong learner, you have to be comfortable with facing your curiosity. Individuals who are innately curious are more likely to seek out learning opportunities. That ultimately sets them apart in the job market.

When becoming a lifelong learner, it’s important to share what you know, surround yourself with people who are similarly eager to learn, and find a mentor or expert for the subjects that aren’t as naturally engaging.

The Inc. article further suggests to “Cultivate your own sense of curiosity by orienting learning experiences around personal interests or hobbies -- not every new lesson has to feel work-related.

“In the modern workplace, being the smartest person in the room won’t necessarily get you to the top of the corporate ladder. However, being the most willing to learn is an attribute that might help you climb it. Seek out learning opportunities every day, and one-day others will seek your wisdom.”

Whether it’s through reading a great book or signing up for a workshop, make sure you’re proactive about teaching yourself new skills and taking

Career Training Camp offers the opportunity for you to be a lifelong learner. Having access to different lessons, books, podcasts, etc. that don’t pertain directly to your line of work doesn’t mean it’s invaluable – whatever you learn can be applied in some way or another to what you are currently doing or what you want to be doing in life.

If not done early in the mentoring relationship, it will be hard to pinpoint the direction the mentorship should go. Like sailing a ship without the ultimate destination in mind, you’ll find that it is possible to give a mentee good career advice that is poor life advice. However, be careful of completely taking control of the helm. You should act as a first mate, helping guide the mentee but ultimately letting them take direction in their life. By mentoring the whole person and not limiting your conversations to career matters, you will have even greater impact and will be felt by your mentees — and everyone they influence — for years to come. Share learnings through peer fellowship. Technology has made it easier than ever to make connections across the company. The time is now to leverage these advancements to not only share your accomplishments but share the steps that got you there.

Remember, “Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.”

Taking cues from the Teach and Be Taught Monster Value, Career Training Camp brings many different learning mediums into a platform that will help guide your career. The program is all about taking control of your own professional growth. It provides a curated library of content that matches your career goals and effectively builds a comprehensive learning plan to move you forward. In an Inc. article entitled “Learning to Learn: How to Take Control of Your Professional Growth,” states that: “According to Tanya Staples, the VP of learning


advantage of the knowledge shared by others.” Another part of being a lifelong learner is setting learning goals. Some people simply want to know everything, and that inspires them to continually seek out information about the world around them. But not everyone has time during the day to spend only on digesting new information and growing their areas of knowledge. Thus, you have to do a little lesson planning.


1 2 3 4 5

Top Books Simply Said: Communicating Better at Work and Beyond by Jay Sullivan

Getting It Done: How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge by Roger Fisher and Alan Sharp

Winning: The Ultimate Business How-To Book by Jack and Suzy Welch

First, Break All The Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman

Manage Your Day-toDay: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind by Jocelyn K. Glei

1 2 3 4 5

Top Podcasts

Leadership and Le with Ray LaRue

Swift Leadership

160: 5 Practices of Good Leadership with Simon Sinek

How to Win Deals Influence People

Revenue Growth Management with Michael Lipani


JOAN MIR: 2020 MotoGP™ World Champion #M1R; Joan Mir; 2020 MotoGP™ Word Champion. It’s safe to say few saw this coming. The 23-year-old from Palma in Spain has lit up the championship this year, netting seven podiums in 13 races, and leapfrogging his rivals in awesome style to become the first Suzuki rider to lift the premier class crown in 20 years. To underline this historic achievement even more, Mir’s consistency aboard his Suzuki GSX-RR has meant that despite only scoring one victory this season - last weekend at the European Grand Prix - Mir wrapped up the championship 37 points clear of his rivals with a race still to go. Impressively the former 2017 Moto3 World Champion is currently only in his fifth Grand Prix season of his career on the world stage - that’s two seasons in Moto3, one season in Moto2, and now his second season in MotoGP. Making his championship fortunes an incredible turn around from the start of the year, where he fell at round one in Jerez, and then was taken out at round three in Brno. Sealing the riders championship is also a landmark result for the Hamamatsu-based Suzuki Ecstar team. This is only the seventh premier class title in its 60th anniversary season of Grand Prix racing, and the first title of the modern MotoGP era since Kenny Roberts lifted the GP500 crown for the Japanese manufacturer in 2000.

“I still can’t believe it, honestly! I think I need a couple of hours just to understand the whole situation - I’m a bit in shock at the moment! All year there has been a lot of pressure - here and at home - with the Coronavirus; so it’s unbelievable how we’ve managed the situation.





Now to get the title - in only second year in MotoGP and Suzuki - it’s unbelievable.”

“I can’t express in words how much this means to me. Wha can say is that I want to tha all of the people that have m this possible. My family, Suz they’ve given me the suppor and opportunity to race in MotoGP and be world champ I’m so happy as well to be th guy that has brought Suzuki back to the top with a title. When I saw the pit board with “World Champion” on it thought; this isn’t happening to me! And I started to cry!

2020 Formula Drift Champion

Last evening, I went back and watched what was the live webcast from Irwindale. The two announcers, namely Jarod DeAnda and Ryan Sage, went on and on about how you were a much different and much more mature driver in 2020. They mentioned that you have made it a point all season long to not get too caught up in worrying about your other competitors. Can you talk about that? Sure. A lot has changed for me. I think my biggest thing this year, and also in reflecting on previous years. In the past, I was trying to anticipate and worry too much about what the other people were doing, right? In drifting, you’re running with two cars. When you’re in the lead, you do your own thing. When you’re in the chase, you’re basically at the mercy of the other driver and what they do. I realized that I was worrying so much about that. It was like I was thinking, ‘What are they going to do? How are they going to enter the first turn? What are they going to do here? What are they going to do there?’ I kind of got to a point where I said, ‘What the hell? Why does it matter?’ This is what I do and I know when I’m next to a car and six inches from it and it zigs, I know when to zag. When it breaks, I know how to slow down with it. This is what I do. So why I am I so worried and spending this energy getting all worked up with what the other guys are doing? I’m just going to just enter the turn behind them jamming on their door and then I’m going to let me just flow with it and trust myself. That was the biggest thing. I’ve been worrying too much. This is even something that I carry into my normal life. I just kind of worry about shit that I shouldn’t worry about instead of just trusting that the universe and my being have everything in my best interest and it’s all going to work out. I just need to let it instead of getting in the way of it. I think it all just goes back to that I found a new level of fun. I kind of lifted this big weight off of my shoulders by not worrying so much about things I couldn’t control and just focusing on the things that I could. All that really reinvigorated me. I never really lost my spark – I love this sport. That’s why I do it. It’s just like every year finding new challenges and continuing to push myself. This year was one of those years where I unlocked a new level in myself and that translated into the sport, as well. I turned 40 this year, you know? There’s been a lot of new personal learnings. As far as my competition, look, this sport is just absurd in its progression year after year. I mean we are throwing around 1200 horsepower, 3000-pound cars with 315 millimeterwide tires on them. These things are absolutely crazy. So the competition was stiff this year. That’s just drifting. Every year is harder than the year before, without any question.

A decade almost to the very day… On October 18, 2010, at Toyota Speedway in Irwindale, California – now commonly known as the House of Drift – Vaughn Gittin Jr wheeled his 1,200-horsepower, asphalt wrinkling Monster Energy Ford Mustang to his first Formula Drift championship. Hyped as the Title Fight, Gittin thrilled the sold-out crowd of 10,000 So. Cal motorheads by whipping his black and green Mustang around the venue’s 12-degree banking, the growling American muscle car often times mere inches from the venue’s ominous – and quite unforgiving – concrete walls to win the prestigious international title. “This is just simply unreal,” Gittin announced to this writer that chilly evening on the outskirts of the urban sprawl of Los Angeles. “To do this has been a total dream of mine.” Fast forward 10 years and to last Saturday evening in Irwindale, California where, yet again, Gittin clinched the Formula D championship in his 2020 Monster Energy Ford Mustang RTR. “This is just simply unbelievable,” declared the very moved wheelman who likes to refer to himself as a “Professional Fun-Haver” booth in and out of the car. ”This has been a dream of mine for the past seven years. It is a true accomplishment for my team and a testament to their commitment to the sport. I could not dream a better Formula Drift season for our team and to have earned these results throughout the year have had me elated with gratefulness.” The first Yankee to win a Formula D1 Grand Prix – Gittin pulled that off at the 2005 USA vs. Japan showdown – Vaughn Gittin is the undisputed master of the sport in this nation and a day removed from rolling out of Irwindale with more Formula D hardware, we tracked down and caught up with the lead-footed tire destroyer who perpetually sees the world sideways through bloodshot eyes. Take it away, Vaughn. Vaughn, I was fortunate enough to watch you win the Formula Drift championship at this very same venue a decade ago. This season, this evening, it all almost seems like it was meant to be for you and your race effort. Thoughts? I mean, it was. Everything that happens is, right? It’s rad. 10 years ago... All the vibes were right, all the dreams were coming true… This year is very similar to all that for me. I’m in such a good place and I’m so much more experienced now. I just know so many things now that I didn’t know then and it has been a cool year with a lot of really cool moments. Irwindale was definitely a weekend full of reflection.


Correct me if I have it wrong, but it certainly appeared that a hell of a lot went right for you and the entire team this entire odd summer. Yeah, a lot of it is also team and preparation. That’s all been a huge part of our success. Again, 1200 horsepower with a Ford Performance Roush-Yates-built naturally aspirated motor that my team has adapted Nitrous too. We’ve got upwards of 300 horsepower being popped in the car depending upon where my throttle position is at. To keep that kind of vehicle together through eight rounds and we saw it in the final round at Irwindale. Chris Forsberg popped his motor. Frederic Aasbo popped two motors. He was in championship contention. So was Forsberg. Ryan Tuerck popped his motor! This all happened at the last round, you know? We were best prepared and had reliability. A lot of that had to do with my team’s experience and their preparation and, frankly, their passion.

For me, that’s the biggest thing, man. These recent reflection moments for me have been so full of gratitude for the guys that I have surrounding me. I mean they are just unbelievable humans that have unbelievable skill sets. At the end of the day, man, I get to jump in that car eight rounds and be the lucky bastard that gets to wheel it. The rest of the days of the year those dudes are working on the car so that I can wheel it and we can have this conversation. It’s just special, you know? In a year like this, achieving the results that we have, we’ve done some great stuff this year and it’s just a true testament that you can create your own reality. No matter what is going on anywhere else, if you keep your focus and your goals and it’s all true what you want, you will achieve it n matter what is going on. For me, you hear people say stuff like this a lot, you know, “Dream big! You can do anything!” I’m straight proof that that shit is real and this is proof of that.

A Resilience Workshop brought to you by your Monster Energy Executive Leadership team. Join Charlie Cannon, Public Speaker and Resilience expert, as he talks about the difficulty we have had in this WFH environment. Gain knowledge in tools and practices to keep you going, build your resilience and increase performance with your fellow Monster Energy Family. As Hilton says, we will get through this together. Workshops will be available to sign up on the Monster University calendar.







Jose Vitor Leme Wins PBR World Title; Claims $1 Million Bonus In a season that had been wildly marked with uncertainties, the one constant PBR fans have been able to rely on has been the excitement of watching Jose Vitor Leme compete from one week to the next. And this past weekend, at the World Finals, in Arlington, Texas, Leme claimed his first PBR world title and the $1 million bonus that comes with winning the gold buckle of a champion. Needing 91.25 points to clinch, Leme was matched up with Woopa when the two combined for a remarkable 95.75 points 8-seconds later. “It’s hard for me to explain this moment. It’s the best moment of my career — so far,” Leme said, “so I just thank God for all this in my life.” The 24-year-old thanked his family, friends and fans for supporting his journey to winning the gold buckle. “I work hard for this, and today I (came) to show everybody I deserve it. I am so blessed to enjoy this.” He damn-well deserved the title all right. Leme capped the season with a ride for the ages. Woopa was the highest-marked bull at the Finals with 46.75 points and claimed the ABBI Classic Championship as the No. 1 ranked four-year-old bull in the world, yet, perhaps, even more, noteworthy was the 49 points Leme earned for his half of the rider score. It was time since 2001 — nearly a two-decade-long period — since a rider had been marked that high by the judges and the first time a rider received the near-perfect score in the era of using four judges.





SAGe KotsenburG

It was the 16th round-win of the season by Leme — the most by any rider in the PBR this season — and he finished off the season with a 70 percent riding average, the highest since 2008 when fellow Brazilian and former Monster Energy bull rider claimed his elusive world title. The 95.75 points was the highest-marked ride of this year’s World Finals and fourth highest in Finals history, giving Leme the prestigious honor of receiving the annual Lane Frost / Brent Thurman Award. In addition to Leme’s success, Monster Energy dominated the Finals with four of the Top 10 riders in the event average led by Marco Eguchi, who finished third in the Finals event, while Leme was sixth, Derek Kolbaba was seventh, and two-time defending champion Jess Lockwood was 10th.


And, more impressive, was having a trio of riders — Leme, 1, Eguchi, 4, and Lockwood, 5 — finished the 2020 season ranked in Top 5 of the world standings. Monster Energy riders have now won five of the past eight PBR world titles, including the past two years. “You’re going to wait a long, long time to get to see a better bull ride than that by a better bull rider,” said two-time PBR World Champion turned CBS broadcaster Justin McBride, as Leme made his way to the center stage after claiming his first world title.

Park City’s own Olympic champion, Sage Kotsenburg, has not skipped a beat since his 2014 Sochi gold. In 2019, Sage and company hit the remote backcountry to capture some of the most exclusive riding in the world. Including Jackson Hole, Wyoming; Park City, Utah; Whistler, Canada; and Alaska.

From the moment the gate swung open, all 18,000 fans at AT&T Stadium — home to the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys — were on their feet cheering one of the most dominating performances in the 27-year history of the PBR.











Monster Energy Crossword Clues Across 2. Coined the term, “We’re all in this together.” 5. Coined the term, “WINNER’S WIN!” 6. The 2021 theme that represents the freedom we have at this stage in our company. 7. Which of the Monster Values encourages the entrepreneurial spirit?

3. The English translation of the Field Execution team’s fearless leader could not be more apropos.

9. Mark Hall, the original Monster Man, and the creator behind the Monster Energy brand has this nickname.

8. Trademark Logo of Monster Energy.

CREATIVE PROCESS It’s a well-known fact in the energy category and the beverage space that innovation drives the category. Thanks to the geniuses in the innovation department, the Monster Energy Company leads the charge with the most innovative flavors and products. But it truly takes an army to get an amazing product into the minds of potential consumers for them to want to pull it off the shelves. This is an art that is led by our Brand Marketing and Creative Departments and executed by our Digital Marketing team. Ever wonder what goes into the creative process of some of the POS and Digital ad spots that you see dripping with Monster Energy swagger? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Down 1. Chief Marketing Officer of the Monster Energy Company.

4. The only CEO to outperform Steve Jobs - measured by stock price increase over time while he was in office.

10. What makes Monster Energy so special?

According to ancient Greek legend the nectar of ambrosia gave immortality to all who drank it. Unfortunately this “fruit of the gods” is just a myth, but we were inspired to create Ultra Gold as close as we can get for mere mortals. With zero sugar, easy-drinking Ultra Gold has the heavenly fresh flavor of biting into perfectly ripened golden pineapple. While we can’t promise immortality, our Monster Energy blend will help you stay focused and alert and ready for whatever life throws at you. Go for the Gold!

11. Monster personality that gets into the most trouble with the Legal department.

15. Monster Energy employee who won the Baja 500 in 2020.

12. Reigning Monster University Competition Champions two years in a row.

18. Another name for the network of manufacturers we work with to create our finished-goods Monster Products.

13. A take-off from the word ‘newbie’ we refer to new employees at Monster as. 14. It’s impossible to get through a conversation with DVW without him mentioning this term.

19. #1 selling Monster product. 21. The Canadian equivalent of Reign Total Body Fuel is “Reign _.”

16. The Teach & Be Taught Value is modeled after this leader’s frequent mention of the phrase, “Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.” 17. This term is applied to both divisions of Sports Marketing and a division on the Sales team. 20. Monster Dragon Tea is getting a refresh in the United States, while it has solidified its place in the portfolio as a consumer favorite in this country. 22. The largest Coca-Cola Bottler in the United States.

At the start of a new year, many of us look back at the last year and review all that changed. Needless to say, the year 2020 catapulted us into a sort of forced immersion with technology that we were seemingly not ready for. It has been said many times that the Monster Energy Company pivoted quickly to meet the demands of the “new normal” working environment and we certainly have much to be proud of. At the base of that success are two things: resilient people and technology. The following is a commentary on the latter and a challenge for you to think differently about our forced environment today and how it will impact the way we work in the long term. There are three categories of conversation we should be having as catalysts in the beverage industry:

Unfortunately, the doors are still closed on how our Mad Scientist, Mark Hall, and his team come up with flavors, names and can design. But once the product passes the first stage of commercialization, the Brand Team takes the reigns. In this example, we’ll be looking at the freshly launched product, Ultra Gold.

Step 1 – Can Dropped, Build a Consumer Story

1. Capitalizing on the power of virtual collaboration 2. Breaking through the impersonal barrier of the screen through video

“We look at different elements of the product and market – the story, the artwork, the taste profile, consumer trends, and the timing of the launch,” Ultra Brand Manager, Lisa Craddock notes.

3. Building Community online in a way that pays dividends IRL (in real life) Ultimately, the goal of this article is to help get passed the obvious impersonal barriers we’ve been dealing with and unleash the human in our increasingly virtual world.

Virtual Collaboration


While Microsoft Teams was adopted across the organization once stay-at-home orders were issued last March, the Monster Energy Company had been steadily investing in cloud-based collaboration software beginning as early as 2015. Through the integration of OneDrive, Microsoft Office 365 officially offered Monster Energy employees the ability to share documents and collaborate on something other than their individual machines.


In fact, by 2015 more than 77 percent of organizations surveyed by TechnologyAdvice had at least some investment in public cloud services. Statistics reported in 2020 state that 94 percent of enterprises already use a cloud service and the public cloud service market is expected to reach $623.3 billion by 2023 worldwide. “The cloud is already a big deal and it’s only going to keep growing for any foreseeable future,” Nick Galov of hosting tribunal writes.

Step 2 – Review Creative Concepts


The consumer story is then briefed to the Creative Department, led by John Martinez, and the creative process begins. There are countless ‘vibes’ ‘moods’ and ‘feelings’ that can be explored to illustrate a single can. The brief from the Ultra team included information on the objective, target market, messaging, and consumer story. The Creative team then provided the following:

Step 3 – Market the Shit Out of It Specifically on Ultra Gold, Brand Marketing and Digital Marketing worked together to identify the content plan (i.e. How the product will be visible to potential consumers). The consumer story is critical to this piece as it informs where the Brand will spend their budget, and has to be the right balance between fostering current consumers and appealing to new consumers.


“[We] found content partners that have an audience that aligned with what we are trying to accomplish and honed-in on specific social audiences to reach consumers with the right message at the right time. We’ve also leaned into our Monster ambassadors to get them and their audiences hyped about the launch. For Ultra Gold, we worked with the Sports team to develop a spot with Nyjah Huston that is a creative mix between sports and brand. We also use the new product launch kits as tools for our ambassadors to introduce the product to their audiences in an engaging way”

LIQUID GOLD Using the can artwork and liquid gold simulation complete the story of the teaser mixing various macro shots showing the Art Deco can art work filling up revealing Ultra Gold.

GOLDEN GIRLS Using the monster Girls and liquid gold pant and glitter. Focusing on the product as well as the Monster Girls in a sexy sophisticated spot.

LIVE ACTION + MOTION Mixing Liquid Gold and the Monster Girls concept making the girls the source of the gold.




From there she and her team develop a consumer story that aligns with the different elements – and of course fit within the Monster brand. When looking at the consumer story for Ultra, the team uses a unique lens compared to its siblings in Coffee, Monster Green or Monster Hydro to ensure they’re appealing to the right audience and developing the right message as it relates to the portfolio. “We are now in a unique place as a company to reach new audiences to show them a side of the M Claw they may not have seen or considered before,” Lisa notes.

Finally, a big national launch wouldn’t be complete without support for our largest customers and encouraging trial through sampling efforts and field representation. As a result, a new product launch has everything it needs to be successful. Starting with a flavor the consumer will be compelled by, coupled with some badass can art to boot, consumer, customer, field, engagement marketing , and strong distribution. We then have....

The Human in Virtual

As we look at the future of how we work, we must prepare for a hybrid environment. Indranil Roy, Executive Director of Human Capital practice of Deloitte Consulting states, “More than half of the global workforce is working remotely and as the pandemic continues to threaten health, we are looking at a prolonged period of hybrid

working – from home and office in different proportions. Some lessons learned: we can accomplish most tasks remotely without significant drop in productivity or quality. Most employees appreciate flexibility, especially those with long commute times. Over time, however, face-toface interaction is required to facilitate collaboration, build relationships, solve complex challenges and generate ideas. Continuous remote work extends the work day, diffuses work-life boundaries and reduces mental wellbeing. Given these pros and cons, organizations have to rethink their working arrangements. This re-calibration will eventually settle on a sustainable new normal, likely a hybrid workforce and distributed workplace.” From a technological perspective, we have benefited greatly, but from the human perspective, new barriers have arisen. Rather than look at these barriers and lament over the “new normal” we must challenge ourselves to be more deliberate about achieving what we were able to preglobal pandemic – with humanity in mind. He continues: “Enterprises adopting this new way of working – “virtual-first”[hybrid] – have these characteristics: One, the workplace is distributed across home, office and satellite offices. Employees can choose to work remotely or faceto-face based on their nature of work and teams’ preferences. Two, the teams are virtual ready. Managers know how to manage, coach, collaborate, evaluate performance and motivate their team remotely. Three, the technology enables multiple modes of working.

It is possible to reach the person on the other side of the computer screen in more ways than simply accomplishing the goals outlined in the calendar invite. Data is saved on cloud; access and security are tailored for different working modes; and applications allow seamless virtual collaborations. Four, the culture prioritises trust and belonging. Interpersonal bonds are formed with intent and care.” It is possible to reach the person on the other side of the computer screen in more ways than simply accomplishing the goals outlined in the calendar invite. In order to achieve this, consider reflecting on previous in-person meetings and asking the following from a social perspective: •What made the meeting enjoyable? •What things pre/post-meeting occurred? •What amount of time was dedicated to ‘personal needs’ (esteem, empathy, involvement, share, support)? As you might guess, the general consensus on the above is not work-related. Put simply, the answer is: fun.

Fun fact: Cloud Collaboration software ideas can be dated back to as early as the 1960’s. In 1968, Dr. J.C. R. Licklider, head of the U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), wrote in an article, “The Computer as a Communication Device”: ‘There has to be some way of facilitating communication among people without bringing them together in one place.’



To help you leave an impact in your next virtual meeting, here are some tips: ACTIVITIES •“Traffic Light” activity. This requires the team to say whether they are feeling in a red, yellow or green mood. •Show and Tell is an activity that usually works best at the end of meetings. Colleagues select personally relevant or culturally significant things. These can range from living spaces to prized possessions or weird finds. It provides a way of understanding your colleagues better, as humans independent of work, which has been shown to improve psychological safety. INTERACTIVE PRODUCTIVITY •Promote discussion through a facilitator and open-ended questions. •Use an element of gamification to encourage participation such as a leaderboard of ideas shared. •Create a unique experience for everyone to participate in and encourage discussion and comments in the chat. •Use polls early to illustrate that this will be an interactive meeting. BEST PRACTICES •Make time for casual conversation •Have everyone introduce themselves •Tell stories, not PowerPoint scripts. •Allow for silent time to absorb the content.

An experienced virtual meeting organizer and someone with a high prioritization of GSD might forget to be deliberate in the institution of fun, trust and belonging. While uncomfortable for many, this is arguably necessary for all humans on the other side of the video screen. As Leanne Gadow, Director of Operations for Broadway Babysitters and Producer of the Playhouse puts it, “We found that what most people needed was joy.” (speaking about Broadway artists being thrust into unemployment and shifted their services to bring Broadway stars to our living rooms). The proposal is to integrate fun in your next virtual meeting. It won’t be easy at first, in fact, it may feel awkward to “mix work and fun,” but this is a much more effective way to keep your team feeling inspired and engaged. You’ll find that setting aside time for fun allows you to be more productive in the rest of your meeting.

Video: More Powerful Than You Think In today’s world, it’s hard not to be inundated with continuous video content on digital platforms. Even before we were all stationed in our homes with only each other on screens to look at, video was utilized as an effective way to capitalize on the steadily decreasing attention-span of consumers. Let’s not blame consumers for the decreased attention span, but instead attribute this shift to science. Science says that vision is powerful. One study found that when you pair images with information, “people retain 65% of the information three days later, as opposed to just 10% with text alone.”

Working Out Loud

Another study by Insivia found that “viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, versus 10% via text.”

Working Out Loud (WOL) is a concept whose basic premise is leveraging social networks to share what you are working on and use those same networks to enhance and contribute to what others are working on. As participants within the network engage with one another a symbiotic, productive relationship is formed whereby everyone gains value in participation. As the network grows, so do the contributions and thus the value of interactions.

Now, more than ever is it critical to leverage the power of video to inform with intent to retain the information shared – effectively stealing share of mind from all who view. There are plenty of resources readily available to be taken advantage of for your selling needs. Seize the opportunity to share videos in lieu of the ability to meet in person by perusing the content found on the Broadcast Center of the Monster Garage. While for some companies this is a new concept, the Monster Energy Company has been investing resources in Studio M specifically for the sales arm of the organization since 2016. Recently, this investment has expanded its reach to collaborate with leaders and creatives throughout the company to bring what we all need right now: community. Through the pandemic, many companies have responded be implementing a video strategy to build community through the sharing of people’s experiences to instill positivity in homes otherwise filled with depressing headlines and helping people look to a brighter future. Our example of this type of content would be the opening video at the ASM, where Hilton addressed the Monster Family authentically and expressed his belief in our ability to have resilience through a difficult time in world history. On the other end of the spectrum, the Yammer exclusive web series, Yammertime was a peek into two of our employees’ home with the invitation to participate in home activities together. Video is extremely powerful and versatile. There are plenty of opportunities to use this powerful medium to make an impact on your audience, especially virtually. When planning your next meeting, challenge yourself to think about where you can insert video. It could make the sale, or more importantly, make someone’s day.

Yammer enables Working Out Loud within an organization. We often can’t share all the details of our daily work with the outside world for confidentiality and privacy reasons. Part of the value in WOL is derived from the accidental or unstructured discoveries that can occur. It is not infrequent that multiple groups and people are working on solving the same or similar problems within an organization. Using the WOL concepts, making connections between these becomes much easier and natural. It allows synergies to occur on a much broader scale than what can be achieved in the physical networking world alone.


Community through Yammer Communications can be extended beyond the traditional internal environment, in a way that enhances the experience of the employees and benefits the brand’s awareness level and perception in the public sphere. We no longer exclusively use the formality that is e-mail – there is another way to communicate beyond cc’ing multiple people, having the fear of accidentally excluding someone or having the communication lost in the sea that is the inbox. Yammer allows us to break the formality (to some extent) and house information on a social media platform. It allows you to set information free. Currently, many companies use Yammer as a tool for company communication – put simply, it’s Facebook for work. But how a company utilizes Yammer can extend far past this simple definition. While Yammer isn’t meant to house important/confidential documents and information, it does allow us to develop the other side of work – the relationship/networking side.

Its strength is collaboration, and its focus is internal. The platform allows employees to share ideas and information within a company, directly with their co-workers, regarding developments at the team and organizational level. We’ve lately seen the success of the platform with more and more people help define its potential. Have an upcoming event you want people to get excited for? Post on Yammer. Want to recognize an employee for GSDing? Post on Yammer. Want people to feel connected through a virtual 5k run? Post on Yammer. We’re not advocating Yammer to substitute in-person connections and communications – that will always be one of the most effective way of communicating. But, no communication can be 100% successful using one communication alone. Think about it – when news is covered, it’s not just through one medium; there’s television, newspaper, radio, etc. The same works for a company’s internal communications. Sure, you can continue to utilize email or in-person conversations to get your message across, but why not use other means of doing so?

Connect people in the enterprise

Connect people in the enterprise

Align groups from around the workforce with easily accessible messaging and content

Align groups from around the workforce with easily accessible messaging and content

Align individuals over specific projects

Keep everyone in the loop

Fast-paced, highly dynamic

Slower, but encourages peer engagement and access to useful information

Intimate Team setting

Announcement strategy for business

Like bringing your community together for a quick chat

Like standing at the head of your enterprise with a megaphone

“inner circle”

“outer circle”

Connect disparate workers, but might result in cliques

Allows for creativity and conversation similar to that of those discussing a business letter by the watercooler

Keep content ‘close to the chest’

No business silo, you can see all trending topics in the same location and respond to them when you like.

We’re moving towards a more advanced digital world, and many argue we’re already started on the journey towards that. Utilizing digital as a supplement to everything else we do can only help us succeed.

Remote Work All work is now remote, even before the pandemic. Think about it — if even just one person on a team is working on a common task but is not located in the same physical proximity as everyone else, then remote work is occurring. It is impractical, costly, and futile to attempt to combat remote working. Remote work is happening even in situations where all workers come into the office… when said office is situated in two buildings across the street from one another. What’s the difference between working with someone in a different building on 1 Monster Way and working with a team of people sitting in their homes? There should be no difference, and there doesn’t have to be.

Be Authentic

These types of connections are imperative to employees as they want to be known and feel a part of something bigger than just themselves. Yammer can be the digital watercooler that a team needs to stay connected, informed, and bonded. However, it’s important to point out that Yammer is not being advertised as a platform where employees collaborate on documents, track project status and task completions, or do the heavy lifting of working together. We could all agree that Teams is better suited for that type of targeted collaboration. Yammer should be the social space where announcements are shared, anniversaries and accomplishments are celebrated, and where you connect with your coworkers that are a bit outside of the inner circle that you work with on a regular, often daily, basis. Yammer can help us finish a charitable 5k run together, or celebrate National Recycling Day, or inform us of latest tools and resources coming from HQ.

Monster Values. These are five meticulously articulated phrases that aim to capture the legendary history that has made the Monster Energy Company what it is today, and the very things our leaders wish to hold onto as we grow into a behemoth of an organization. The descriptions to support these phrases help give more context to the intent of each value. Arguably, there is so much more to unpack than the twitter-like character limits that we set for each of them. As each of the five values have become ingrained in the Monster Energy vernacular, we’d like to take time to explore in more detail how these values can be applied.

The world continues to change. Even when briefly stopped by a global pandemic, change occurred. Now, as we head toward an increasingly digital world, we have to define what it means to be human in a virtual setting. The tools and resources Monster Energy has implemented – from Teams to video to Yammer, and so much more – moves us towards this virtual world. And it’s only the beginning. There’s so much untapped potential we can explore to help us be more efficient, more productive, while also building deeper connections and a bigger community. As long as we continue to redefine what it means to be human in a virtual world, we won’t lose sight of what it truly means to be a Monster Family.


As long as we continue to redefine what it means to be human in a virtual world, we won’t lose sight of what it truly means to be a Monster.

Yammer creates a common space where remote team members can feel together and establish the normal bonds associated with being a part of a team. They can say hi, laugh at one another’s jokes, and share important updates. Think of ASM this past August – while we had a special website with a chat feature, many of us utilized Yammer to stay connected to others we couldn’t see in person.



Let’s unpack this… DON’T PRETEND TO BE SOMETHING YOU’RE NOT BECAUSE WE’RE ALL ABOUT A ‘NO B.S.’ MONSTER MINDSET. For many of our employees, the Be Authentic value is why they choose to join the Monster Energy Company. Compared to other large corporations, our culture welcomes the opportunity to expose more of yourself than just the ‘polished professional’ skills that have been undoubtedly built over a long career. There is a level of transparency then, that we are afforded in our conversations and relationships. One for which many are extremely appreciative of.

It is possible to Be Authentic and still be willing to change and grow. At first, it might feel uncomfortable and a slight sense of imposter syndrome might kick in, but over time the ‘you’ that you’re trying to be will form – thus resulting in authenticity.

By viewing ourselves as works in progress and evolving our professional identities through trial and error, we can develop a personal style that feels right to us and suits our organizations’ changing needs.

“Authenticity has become the gold standard for leadership. But a simplistic understanding of what it means can hinder your growth and limit your impact. Consider Cynthia, a general manager in a health care organization. Her promotion into that role increased her direct reports 10-fold and expanded the range of businesses she oversaw—and she felt a little shaky about making such a big leap. A strong believer in transparent, collaborative leadership, she bared her soul to her new employees: “I want to do this job,” she said, “but it’s scary, and I need your help.” Her candor backfired; she lost credibility with people who wanted and needed a confident leader to take charge. Or take George, a Malaysian executive in an auto parts company where people valued a clear chain of command and made decisions by consensus. When a Dutch multinational with a matrix structure acquired the company, George found himself working with peers

Dan McAdams, a Northwestern psychology professor who has spent his career studying life stories, describes identity as “the internalized and evolving story that results from a person’s selective appropriation of past, present and future.” This isn’t just academic jargon. McAdams is saying that you have to believe your story—but also embrace how it changes over time, according to what you need it to do. Try out new stories about yourself, and keep editing them, much as you would your résumé.

Because going against our natural inclinations can make us feel like impostors, we tend to latch on to authenticity as an excuse for sticking with what’s comfortable. But few jobs allow us to do that for long. That’s doubly true when we advance in our careers or when demands or expectations change, as Cynthia, George, and countless other executives have discovered. By viewing ourselves as works in progress and evolving our professional identities through trial and error, we can develop a personal style that feels right to us and suits our organizations’ changing needs.

That takes courage, because learning, by definition, starts with unnatural and often superficial behaviors that can make us feel calculating instead of genuine and spontaneous. But the only way to avoid being pigeonholed and ultimately become better leaders is to do the things that a rigidly authentic sense of self would keep us from doing. Such a rigid self-concept can result from too much introspection. When we look only within for answers, we inadvertently reinforce old ways of seeing the world and outdated views of ourselves. Without the benefit of outsight—the valuable external perspective we get from experimenting with new leadership behaviors—habitual patterns of thought and action fence us in. To begin thinking like leaders, we must first act: plunge ourselves into new projects and activities, interact with very different kinds of people, and experiment with new ways of getting things done.


that they paint, to guide us in new situations. But the stories can become outdated as we grow, so sometimes it’s necessary to alter them dramatically or even to throw them out and start from scratch.

who saw decision making as a freewheeling contest for the best-debated ideas. That style didn’t come easily to him, and it contradicted everything he had learned about humility growing up in his country. In a 360-degree debrief, his boss told him that he needed to sell his ideas and accomplishments more aggressively. George felt he had to choose between being a failure and being a fake.

However, there is a watch-out with the concept of authenticity that needs to be addressed: Being authentic could be interpreted as allowing employees and leaders to stick with what’s comfortable, even if those practices limit career growth.

Hermina Ibarra, Professor of Organizational Behavior at London Business School, describes the struggle many of us feel as we seek to be authentic as The Authenticity Paradox. Below is an excerpt from her article in the 2015 January-February HBR Magazine:


Especially in times of transition and uncertainty, thinking and introspection should follow experience—not vice versa. Action changes who we are and what we believe is worth doing. Fortunately, there are ways of increasing outsight and evolving toward an “adaptively authentic” way of leading, but they require a playful frame of mind. Think of leadership development as trying on possible selves rather than working on yourself—which, let’s face it, sounds like drudgery. When we adopt a playful attitude, we’re more open to possibilities. It’s OK to be inconsistent from one day to the next. That’s not being a fake; it’s how we experiment to figure out what’s right for the new challenges and circumstances we face. Here are three important ways to get started:

Learn from diverse role models. Most learning necessarily involves some form of imitation—and the understanding that nothing is “original.” An important part of growing as a leader is viewing authenticity not as an intrinsic state but as the ability to take elements you have learned from others’ styles and behaviors and make them your own. But don’t copy just one person’s leadership style; tap many diverse role models. There is a big difference between imitating someone wholesale and borrowing selectively from various people to create your own collage, which you then modify and improve.

Again, revising one’s story is both an introspective and a social process. The narratives we choose should not only sum up our experiences and aspirations but also reflect the demands we face and resonate with the audience we’re trying to win over. Countless books and advisers tell you to start your leadership journey with a clear sense of who you are. But that can be a recipe for staying stuck in the past. Your leadership identity can and should change each time you move on to bigger and better things.

As the playwright Wilson Mizner said, copying one author is plagiarism, but copying many is research.

Work on getting better.

The only way we grow as leaders is by stretching the limits of who we are—doing new things that make us uncomfortable

Setting goals for learning (not just for performance) helps us experiment with our identities without feeling like impostors, because we don’t expect to get everything right from the start. We stop trying to protect our comfortable old selves from the threats that change can bring and start exploring what kinds of leaders we might become.

but that teach us through direct experience who we want to become. Such growth doesn’t require a radical personality makeover. Small changes—in the way we carry ourselves, the way we communicate, the way we interact—often make a world of difference in how effectively we lead.” Seeking authenticity can either be perceived as an elusive state of being or a wonderful journey. With individual retrospection, and intentional pursuit, you can become the best authentic version of you that is possible. If done tactfully, being authentic has the power to break down barriers between co-workers is the critical element to creating the Monster Family and ties nicely into ‘being taught.’ The lessons life teaches are not limited to career progression or education in general. Life teaches us about adversity, emotion and people. In the work environment, the people that surround each other are just as important as the work being accomplished. Emotional intelligence, or the skill exercised with people in mind, is in the top 10 skills sought after from employers and it comes down to caring about one another in an effort to truly understand. This can be as simple as taking more time in listening to the response from a “how are you?” or inquiring more about them as a person. In a world that can seem so polarizing and so divisive, seeking authenticity from others and creating bonds beyond the

surface is what will create happier work relationships. In a recent Legends Speaker Series event, Junior Bridgeman shared his advice, “We’ve got to understand how we can get to know each other and the only way we’re going to do that is to spend time with people that are different than you. I think once you do that, you’ll see that there aren’t that many differences. I mean we all want the same things… We all want to raise a family, be happy, have the same things in life and just because somebody looks a little different and just because somebody moves a little different, we’re still in this together and we’re all pretty much kinda the same people.”





it’s something we have to address as individuals, to recognize it as important, choose to improve it and continue to work on it—probably for the rest of our lives. But the payoffs are worth it as we become better employees, better spouses, and all-around better people.

We are all learning. Everyone involved in the pursuit of authenticity should go easy on one another, recognizing how challenging these activities can be and giving others the benefit of the doubt. You have to learn how to walk before you can run. But what is possible through intentional care, empathy and curiosity is the beginning of true inclusion. This effort is translated to personal connections that make an impact on business. These personal connections enable camaraderie and empower all types of people to have a voice.

BE YOUR TRUE SELF AND HAVE INTEGRITY IN YOUR WORK. It starts with you. You can be on the road to a better you and still be authentic. You can be different and be authentic. Don’t get stuck in the past, keep moving forward and don’t be afraid of the change that comes along the way.

While we can’t earn a certification to help prove we’ve grown and equipped ourselves with emotional intelligence,

To a large degree, our emotional intelligence starts in childhood with how we’re raised, adopting much of what our parents demonstrate. But as adults, we can take steps to get emotionally “smarter.” Justin Bariso, author of EQ, Applied: A Real-World Approach to Emotional Intelligence, offers seven ways to improve emotional intelligence in an article written for Inc:

spend more time doing what you do best.

Having integrity means you are true to yourself, and having integrity in your work means that you are giving your all to everything that crosses your desk. Integrity is doing the right thing, even if no one is watching and having empathy for what someone else might be going through. With integrity, we can all win.

Reflect on your emotions. This is where self-awareness begins. To grow in emotional intelligence, think about your own emotions and how you typically react to negative situations, whether they involve a co-worker, family member or stranger. When you’re more aware of your emotions and typical reactions, you can start to control them. Ask for perspective. What we perceive to be reality is often quite different from what those around us are seeing. Start getting input from others to understand how you come across in emotionally charged situations. Observe. Once you’ve increased your selfawareness and you understand how you’re coming across, pay more attention to your emotions.

Of course, we all want to perform well in a new situation—get the right strategy in place, execute like crazy, deliver results the organization cares about. But focusing exclusively on those things makes us afraid to take risks in the service of learning. Performance goals motivate us to show others that we possess valued attributes, such as intelligence and social skill, and to prove to ourselves that we have them. By contrast, learning goals motivate us to develop valued attributes. When we’re in performance mode, leadership is about presenting ourselves in the most favorable light. In learning mode, we can reconcile our yearning for authenticity in how we work and lead with an equally powerful desire to grow.

Pause for a moment. Stop and think before you act or speak. It’s hard to do, but keep working at it and it will become a habit. Become more empathetic by understanding the “why.” Try to understand the “why” behind another person’s feelings or emotions.

Don’t stick to “your story.”

Choose to learn from criticism. Who likes criticism? Possibly no one. But it’s inevitable. When we choose to learn from criticism rather than simply defend our behaviors, we can grow in emotional intelligence.

Most of us have personal narratives about defining moments that taught us important lessons. Consciously or not, we allow our stories, and the images of ourselves

Practice, practice, practice. Becoming more emotionally intelligent won’t happen overnight, but it can happen—with effort, patience, and a lot of practice.

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Monster App Store










American Fruits and Flavors

The same thing happens with flavors – they’re a mish mash of all sorts of different things. When tasting flavors, look at the high notes: is it too acidic or not acidic enough? Is it too sweet, or not sweet enough? Now you can pinpoint when you get your mind to focus on exactly what you’re tasting. That’s what Bill Haddad, President of the American Fruits & Flavors House (AFF), has loved about his job for the past 40 years.



Unbeknownst to many, the relationship between Monster Energy and AFF goes back a long time, further than 2016.

“We have a very good team that is fairly small in comparison to the amount of product we put out. We don’t have thousands of employees; we do a lot with very few people. A lot of teamwork, flexibility, nimbleness, adaptability to everything and I think that makes us unique.” Sound like a company you might know? **cough** Monster. **cough** Despite its small yet mighty crew, AFF is one of the largest flavor manufacturers and juice processors in the United States. In March of 2016, Monster purchased AFF for $690 million. As FNGs, we’re taught this tidbit of history when looking at Monster Energy’s timeline, starting back to the days of Hansen, to the birth of Monster Energy, and all the accomplishments that have come since then. However, many employees don’t know much about the acquisition past the statement aforementioned. In a news release from Monster Beverage Corporation dated February 23, 2016, Rodney Sacks stated “This transaction provides Monster a unique opportunity to leverage new flavor technologies and differentiate ourselves from our largest competitors who do not have these capabilities,” a statement that rings true to this day. To fully understand and appreciate Rodney’s sentiments, you need to explore AFF’s own history and how they are an integral part of the Monster Energy family.

If you listen to a symphony orchestra, you’ve got anywhere from 100 to 200 people playing all kinds of instruments. You can sit and listen to the music, and it’s great. But now if you’re told to listen to the oboes, listen to the trumpets, now your mind can focus on that one instrument and you can hear it. But if you weren’t told to do so, you wouldn’t really hear an individual instrument.

He told me he barely made wages for 10 years, but he stuck to it because that was his passion. Then he got involved making some juices, somebody approached him and asked if he could do this, so he went out and bought a press, started pressing apples and selling fresh apple juice.”

History AFF has been creating unique fruit and flavor solutions for the food and beverage industry for more than fifty years. “In 1962, the founder [Fred Farago] was a flavor chemist. He started the company by doing bar mixes in a small tank in his home. He developed the bar mixes, put them in one-gallon jugs, and drove them around to all these local bars and just selling a gallon here and a gallon there,” Bill explained. “And then the company just grew from there, but it took him 10 years to get the company off the ground.

“[Fred Farago] worked directly with Tim Hansen, who was the former owner of Hansen Beverage. Tim Hansen used to come around a lot and he actually bought a lot of his juices and blends from us.” As Hansen’s eventually led to the creation of Monster Energy, the relationship remained intact. Prior to the acquisition, Rodney had “personally worked with and known [AFF] for over 20 years,” as mentioned in the news release of the acquisition. The acquisition not only allowed Monster Energy to secure the intellectual property of Monster Green and many other key flavors but offered the now parent company the opportunity to create the entire Monster finished product in-house through AFF.

AFF At A Glance AFF has approximately more than 350 customers in all different industries, from nutritional supplement companies, bakeries, frozen novelties, ice cream, dairy, other beverage companies, and everything in between. To accommodate all the different companies that utilize AFF, the company has two distinct divisions: fruit & juice processing and flavor. “[On the juice processing side] We actually bring in whole fruit – we wash it, grind it up, turn it into a mash, then do all kinds of enzyme treatments, separate the pulp, filter it, run it through a vacuum pan evaporator to remove all the water, and that’s how we make a concentrate,” Bill explained. Those concentrates are then blended with a variety of different products depending on the finished product that they are trying to produce. “That is a very oversimplified process, but it gives you a perspective on bringing whole fruit into a plant,” Bill stated. Flavors, on the other hand, are a different story. Flavors are generally made up of a whole variety of different ingredients, from essential oils to organic chemicals.




put all these chemicals together and taste ow it tastes too jam-y or it tastes more like the eaf of a strawberry rather than the fresh meat of berry. So now you make the adjustments and ntly adding different compounds and different adding or reducing others, until you get the characteristics. As Bill explained, you might with five or six different combinations that you nd pull different aspects from each. You may like en notes in one batch, and the sweet notes in r, and the floral notes in a third. Now you combine ombinations, and that’s how you sometimes with hundreds of ingredients in one product.

Innovation in Flavors Whether you want a single flavor or complex flavors and juices in a functional blend, AFF excels in product development and can create the perfect product that meets your needs. One could wonder if there is there anything truly new out there anymore? Or is it more nuances of what already exists?

“There’s always new compounds and ingredients being brought to the flavor industry,” Bill stated. “In general, probably every month, there are at least three or four new flavor ingredients that are made vailable to the industry. To give you an idea, we ly have about 7,000 ingredients that we work d just imagine the combinations you can make 00 ingredients. When you’re trying to produce some of these formulas could have 10 – 20 ents in it, while others can have 200 ingredients.”

o back years ago, when you tried to make a flavor, you were limited to whatever ingredients re available and back in the ‘60s and ‘70s, most were synthetic,” Bill continued. “From the e ‘80s into the ‘90s, there has been a big shift s the naturally derived flavor ingredients.”

SVEN THORGREN, EIKI HELGASON, HALLDOR HELGASON // SCANDALNAVIANS 2 TEASER With the shift toward naturally derived products, it’s hard to fully know what it means to have “natural flavors.” To put your curiosity at ease, “natural” just really means natural source, natural process, no artificial ingredients, no chemical solvents to pull those chemicals out, no synthetic. While “natural” is always in style, Bill eludes to a new trend for flavors that becoming popular. “The sweet-savory pairing is really trending right now. You go to a lot of restaurants and they always want to pair certain foods with wine, or certain foods together, or sauces, and that’s becoming really trendy in the industry.” Does that equate to a beverage? Bill believes it does, in some ways. “If you look at Reign Inferno Thermogenic Fuel Jalapeno Strawberry, that’s pairing a sweet with a savory.


Although the masses may not be looking for that, adding characteristics that you would not expect in a product that gives it a really unique, different taste. Anyone can make an orange or cherry drink, but when you make an orange drink that has all these little nuances in it, then suddenly it’s orange, yes, but it’s more than that.” While many of us are non-scientists, and will remain so for the rest of our lives, looking at this process from the perspective of scientist folk like Bill helps to further understand what helps a Monster product come to fruition, and how much time and energy goes into the product before it makes it over to Sales or Marketing. It gives us the opportunity to look at a Monster Energy, one note at a time. SCAN FOR AFF PODCAST



There’s something exceptional about the beginning of the year. A fresh start. Beginning with a clean slate. Our days begin to get longer again. Although this year starts with some of the baggage of 2020 still in tow, we can finally see the end of the extra weight that burdens us. More importantly we’ve gained perspective and can acknowledge the strength we’ve acquired through this turbulent period. We are stronger as a result of 2020. We are more resilient. We are more humble… and human. Hopefully, we are more enlightened and eager to pave new paths – to blaze new trails that reflect the spirit of where we came from, while holding a steady view of what’s ahead. Our future’s bright, we don’t have to remind you because that’s what brought you to this company in the first place.

We are Unleashed on Our Decade - the one where $10 Billion becomes our reality.

Share of Social Mind

We are Unleashed on the shifting preferences and affections of an altered consumer landscape. We are Unleashed into new channels of business, as purchasing habits evolve and technology transforms. We are Unleashed to dream up and to bring to reality new businesses and new brands that reflect our fast-changing world.

CBU Beacon Case Study

•Social media helps in establishing a bond among colleagues by providing them with the ability to better understand each other. This social connection could then help improve the overall work relationships.3

We are Unleashed to be better versions of ourselves because of all we went through. As a Monster Family, as people that care for one another, as individuals that live up to our collective values.

•Research has also confirmed that social media use by sales force improves sales performance.4 •Research has confirmed that younger buyers and sellers are more likely to prefer virtual, social media technologybased relationships, as opposed to the face-to-face relationships which are favored by their older colleagues.5

The word Unleashed implies action and movement. So, we must move. We have momentum, Monster Family! We finished 2020 strong and this year is off to an amazing start. There is no other option, we must move because Our Future waits for no one.

Introduction The pandemic has impacted our ability to steal share of mind from our bottlers and retailers with launch parties, after-meeting conversations and ride-alongs. Just like many of our other functions, we need to find a solution to steal share of mind in lieu of those physical connections. One solution is through connecting and relating to our customers and partners using the mediums they are familiar with to steal share of social mind.

After the chaos of 2020, after the divisiveness and shock, after the stormy waters comes the open sea. What’s in front of us is uncharted, and we are Unleashed into this world. We are Unleashed into the unknown and the unforeseen.

Social media is a new method of engaging and managing relationships and is increasingly relevant for personal and professional networking. Hence, a large proportion of salespeople, use relationship-oriented social media applications in various stages of the selling process.1 Social media technologies are driving revolutionary changes in the way contemporary selling is conducted. 2

1. “Utilization of Relationship Oriented Social Media in the Selling Process: A Comparison of Consumer (B2C) and Industrial (B2B) Salespeople”, 2013 2. Revolution in sales: The impact of social media and related technology on the selling environment., 2013



The customer connection possible through social media makes it a valuable tool for sales professionals. With the prevalence of access of social media through the “always on and mobile” devices, it has become integral to the life of the users. Salespeople use social media for professional use like prospecting for new customers, interacting with existing customers and supervisors in their organizations. Salespeople also use it for personal objectives like entertainment and socialization with friend and family, which may have impact on their work-related motivation also.

The FACTS about Social Media at Work

We, as a group of case-hardened and resilient individuals, are Unleashed to accomplish. To accomplish all the goals that we set for ourselves in 2021. To build our new business for our future. Brick by brick, store by store, bottler by bottler. To build it in a way that will afford us decades of prominence and growth in our industry.

What’s in front of us now, is what comes after.






•The more popular the social media is with the sales force as well as customers, the more would be its value and consequent use. Also, the proliferation of social media is dependent on the access to technology and its familiarity with the users. •The use of social media for professional relationship building and use as well as personal use is driven by formal or informal organizational norms, culture and demands which makes everyone behave in a particular manner as far as professional use is considered.6

Beacon Research and Proposal Beacons from the Central part of the United States saw the growing prevalence of social media in everyday life as an opportunity to increase share of mind with the Bottler frontline. From their perspective, introducing social media to their bottlers wouldn’t just benefit their communication needs, but would help with other personnel needs within the bottler organizations. Some examples they came up with are: •Stay connected with co-workers in other sales centers 3. The Effects Of Social Media In Today’s Workplace, Proceedings for the Northeast Region Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI), 2013 4. Social media and the sales force: The importance of extra-organizational cooperation and training on performance, Marketing Management Journal, 2012

This Information brought to you by the CBU Beacon Taskforce for Bottler Communication: Tom Bilski, Jose Galvez, Kyle Giles, Alan Hoftender, McRay Lanham, and Derek Schnurbusch.

•Receive regular updates on local incentives •Receive communication pertaining to upcoming innovation

DID YOU KNOW? As of 2019, the average daily social media usage of internet users (age 16-64) worldwide amounted to 144 minutes per day, up from 142 minutes in the previous year.

•Showcasing Account Manager WINS!!! •Share ideas between co-workers

Currently, the global social network penetration rate is 49 percent.




Southwest Bottling

Chicago/MN/WI MU’s are all using Yammer to share wins in their respective market units and entire GLCC footprint. 231

We want to incorporate our “Yammer worthy” tips to our bottler’s pages and pictures. 76

Monster Team opportunity to gain access to GLCC Yammer page as a better way to communicate programs, wins and market execution.

Houston CCSWB have been using GroupMe since 2019 to share wins in their respective market units. Monster Team successfully incorporated our “GSD” motto to our bottler’s GroupMe Monster pages.


GroupMe has been a better way to engage with our bottlers on incentives, wins and fulfilling market execution. Even those not using see the value…



Why bottlers are interested in implementing a social solution “This way I could see not only what my team is doing in the market, but also what other branches are doing in the market.” – General Manager, Al Sanderson Atlantic Bottling

“It will bring our company together more. I also think we could track pictures if needed for an incentive. I will get with my Digital Operations Manager to see if it’s an option.” – SVP (Commercial Marketing Officer), John Otterbeck Atlantic Bottling

“When there is an incentive, I could look on there to get the details instead of searching for it in my e mails.” – Account Manager, Will Deboard Atlantic Bottling

“Would love for things to be more streamlined.” – Walmart District Sales Manager, Jeff Ballew Heartland Coca-Cola

Want to implement a social strategy with your bottler? Reach out to your Sales Communications team today to get started. Samantha Amundson, Sales Communications Manager Tessa Sestito, Sales Communications Specialist

5. Revolution in sales: The impact of social media and related technology on the selling environment, 2012 6. Social Media Use by Frontline B2B Sales Force in India, 2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY // 2021 FIRST EDITION





Creative Director, Art Director, Designer


Craft a design solution to represent the brand by approaching the design with the company’s values in mind. The company was in the looks for a new visual identity—helping to execute a communication strategy, print and digital activations.








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