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The Psychology of Color at Home - Part II

Color at home has a deeper meaning with a myriad of benefits that can transform lives Oftentimes, interior designers use color or a specific tone of color as a tool to create spaces not only creatively but also with intention. Usually, the intent is an equal part of the task to create a space that is beautiful yet functional

Now that you are aware of the benefits of the colors blue, green, purple, black, white, andgray,asseeninThePsychologyofColor atHome-PartI,let’slookatyellow,orange, pink, red, and brown to learn how these colorscanbebeneficialtoyou


Yellow: recognized as the happy color, it is associated with gold and sunshine Known tofosterprosperityandeleganceinaspace, use it carefully as too much of it can overstimulate emotions. Consider it for a hallway,laundryroom,andkitchen

Orange: notable for positively affecting the mind, orange reminds us of sunshine and nature It stimulates appetite, mood, and creativity. Consider it for a home office, playroom,homegym,anddiningroom

Pink: known for being a feminine color, it may be used to create a passionate and lovingatmosphere It pairs really well with gray and evokes sensitivity and a nurturing feel Consideritforagirls’bedroom,powder room, walk-in closet, and living room But, beware as the right or wrong shade could makeorbreaktheoverallfeel

Red: there are many good things attached to this color: passion, ambition, leadership, and glamour It increases blood circulation and metabolism Use it cautiously to avoid overwhelm or pair it with a neutral tone to avoid fostering anger. Consider it in a creative space, powder room, home library, study,orlivingroom

Brown: not as popular as the others, this color is associated with earth and wood. Whileitpairsreallywellwithgreen-thinkof a tree and its trunk - brown symbolizes safety and promotes a feeling of warmth

Consider it for a living room, hallway, and foyer

Now that you know a bit more about color, let the knowledge of how it can influence the environment you live in, or work be a tool for you to use to create meaningful spaces for you If you have a hard time putting these concepts together, I highly recommend you get an expert to help - it willalwayssaveyoutime,money,andcostly mistakes

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