Besides being the time of the year when flowers bloom, and the weather is simply perfect, I tend to contemplate the deeper meaning of each season and what Mother Nature brings us. Winter, besides being the season that encourages us to stay indoors, is the season that allows us to look inward. Spring is the time to blossom: time to allow what we nurtured within ourselvesduringwintertimetocomeout,tobloom,justlikeflowersdo
Fromamorepracticalpointofview,Spring-atleasthereinNewOrleans-is Festival Season. Time to get out, enjoy some live music with family and friends, create wonderful memories, or simply enjoy being out, relishing the gloryofMotherNaturearoundthistimeoftheyear
WhetheryourapproachtoSpringisholisticornot,Ihopeyoutakethetimeto getoutandcelebrateyourself,nature,andbeingalive
Thesecondinstallmentofhowcolor affectsourmoodandfeelings at home
Stylingaconsoletable asymetrically.
Thesereneandpainterlylandscapesof AntonioFeruchi.
Color at home has a deeper meaning with a myriad of benefits that can transform lives Oftentimes, interior designers use color or a specific tone of color as a tool to create spaces not only creatively but also with intention. Usually, the intent is an equal part of the task to create a space that is beautiful yet functional
Now that you are aware of the benefits of the colors blue, green, purple, black, white, andgray,asseeninThePsychologyofColor atHome-PartI,let’slookatyellow,orange, pink, red, and brown to learn how these colorscanbebeneficialtoyou
Yellow: recognized as the happy color, it is associated with gold and sunshine Known tofosterprosperityandeleganceinaspace, use it carefully as too much of it can overstimulate emotions. Consider it for a hallway,laundryroom,andkitchen
Orange: notable for positively affecting the mind, orange reminds us of sunshine and nature It stimulates appetite, mood, and creativity. Consider it for a home office, playroom,homegym,anddiningroom
Pink: known for being a feminine color, it may be used to create a passionate and lovingatmosphere It pairs really well with
gray and evokes sensitivity and a nurturing feel Consideritforagirls’bedroom,powder room, walk-in closet, and living room But, beware as the right or wrong shade could makeorbreaktheoverallfeel
Red: there are many good things attached to this color: passion, ambition, leadership, and glamour It increases blood circulation and metabolism Use it cautiously to avoid overwhelm or pair it with a neutral tone to avoid fostering anger. Consider it in a creative space, powder room, home library, study,orlivingroom
Brown: not as popular as the others, this color is associated with earth and wood. Whileitpairsreallywellwithgreen-thinkof a tree and its trunk - brown symbolizes safety and promotes a feeling of warmth
Consider it for a living room, hallway, and foyer
Now that you know a bit more about color, let the knowledge of how it can influence the environment you live in, or work be a tool for you to use to create meaningful spaces for you If you have a hard time putting these concepts together, I highly recommend you get an expert to help - it willalwayssaveyoutime,money,andcostly mistakes
Thecolorsofspringare nature-inspiredand energizing.Useyellow, orange,pink,blue, green,andlavenderin bright orpasteltones tocreatewelcoming Springinspiredspaces inyourhome.
studioRicheDesigns by
studioRicheDesigns by
studioRicheDesigns by studioRicheDesigns by
A3-hourone-on-onein-homesessionto transformthatannoyingroom.
Furnishings, wall color, lighting, art , rugs as well as layout and color palette for this room were planned during the session.
Noticedthatthisroomhasnowindowtreatments?Ilovethemanyviewsofthe outdoorsandwellasthepopsofgreenandgoldinthelivingarea
Lovethisarchednookandthewhitebricks framingtheview
Oneofthefewroomwithwindowtreatments,I assumeitnevergetsdrawn Thebirdsaddatouchof whimsytotheheadboardinthisbedroom
Ihaveafeelingthisvanitywasa vintagechestofdrawers Ilovehowit wasingeniouslyretrofittedinthe powderroom
Theblackandwhitecontrastcreate theperfectmoodinthehallway
Interior Designer: Reagan Mattingly
Photography: Emily Minton Redfield
Published by: coloradohomesmag com
It is perfectly fine to hang an artwork asymmetrically as it is illustrated above Add a sculptural piece - such as a tall lamp or a tall vase with sprigs - to counterbalance Stack some decorative books in front of the artand add a smallvase with flowers ontopto complementthe colors in theartwork.
Having had the pleasure of visiting a few towns in Italy, I must say, Italy has a special place in my heart. However, witnessing my niece visiting Rome recently, left me wanting to go back rathersoonerthanlater.Assomeonewholovesandappreciates art and architecture, there is no better place to see tons of them. If you haven't been yet, CN Traveler's list of The Best Things to do in Rome might help you decide to just go! Rome is movingtothetopofmybucketlist.Thepictureabovesaysitall, wouldn'tyouagree?
IamapainterofLouisianalandscapes Myoilpaintingsarelooseand impressionisticinstylewithboldbrushstrokesofcolor.Ipaintmanyfacetsofthe Louisianalandscapefromthemarshandbayous,cypressandoaktrees, sugarcane,birdstoitsseafood Mymissionistocapturethebeautyofnaturethat isarounduseveryday.InaJanuary24,2019featureinTheAdvocate(Baton Rouge),Iwasquoted,“IdrawfromwhatIseearoundmeeveryday Thecane fields,bayous,trees,grassesandbirdsaremyinspiration.”
Born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil, Regina Corrêa came to visit New Orleans in 1999 and never left She holds degrees in Interior Design and Art History, loves red wine, traveling the world, architecture, museums, music, nature and walking around our beloved City Park
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I believe everyone deserves to be inspired and nurtured by the spaces they spend time in Since 2012 I’ ve been creating original spaces that are interesting, comfortable, functional, and deeply personal. I am here to serve you, take the stress off your hands, and deliver spaces you'll love for years to come.