hello dear reader!
Greetings from São Paulo, Brazil! I am thrilled to be visiting my family after 3 very long years. Last time I visited was in 2019. It’s been very hard to be so far away, especially since the pandemic started Thankfullytheyarealldoingwell
Comingbackhereisalwaysfuntovisitwithfamilyandfriends. It is refreshingtomeetwiththemandreminisceontimesthatIwasso happyanddidn’trealize.ItisnotthatIamunhappy now Iamvery happy and grateful but at times we allow unimportant things to overshadowwhatissomeaningfulandrightinfrontofus!
While here, it seems time goes by twice as fast. But, I’ll be sure to relisheverymomentofit
What Is Your Interior Design Style? Part I
Often, people don’t know their own interior design style It is common to have more than one style in a home or even more so onethatisn’tclearlydefined In essence,
interiordesignstylesaredefinedbyacombinationof specific furniture, lighting, textiles, color palette and decor I have compiled a list that will help you in determiningyours
Traditional This style is based around English furniture and its details It trends toward forms and shapesthataremoresymmetrical Itsfurnishingsare detailed, and upholstery often has tufting and skirts. It is formal in both the look and feel of the fabrics, patterns,andshapes
Modern Clean lines, with very little embellishments and an overall neutral palette with some pops of color are the defining traits and form the main elementsofamodernhome
Transitional A fusion of traditional and modern styles This is my personal favorite as this style has a few classic details in its overall look and feel but the furnishingsaremorecleanlinedandmoderninstyle It is updated, more inviting than completely modern styleandlessfussythanaclassic,traditionalhome
Mid Century Modern This style first left its mark in the design world in the 50s and 60s and remains a favorite for the simple, cleanlined and minimalistic furnishingsmadeoutofwarmwoods
Bohemian AlsoknownasBoho,thisstyleisallabout natural materials and organic elements such as bambooandrattan Itsstyleisverylayeredwithamix
of natural and saturated, colored patterns and textiles
Eclectic A layered style with a hodgepodge of various elements that work well together It is similar to Boho style but, it is less organic and the styling is muchmorecuratedandlesscasualthanBohemian’s
Modern Farmhouse Currently en vogue on the DIY/renovation television programs, less rustic than farmhouse, this style is very cozy and inviting You’ll see textiles and nature inspired materials being anchoredbyshadesofblack,white,andgray.
Industrial Itsmainmaterialsaremetal,rusticwoods, andleather Industrialspacesfeelmoremasculinefor its factory/machinelike elements It’s a sterile look withaveryappealingvibe
Coastal Displays the casual ambiance with beach elements Its main elements are those found in beachy, coastal areas Soothing shades of blue and green, whitewashed woods, and whites define this style.It’scozyandcomfortable.
Contemporary Does not refer to a specific period of time.Itsaestheticsarealwaysofthepresentday,and the furnishings have clean, understated lines with lushfinishesandtextiles,givingthemastylishfeel
Hopefully these styles will help you either identify your own interior design style or serve as a guide to stir you in the right direction The most important thingisthatyouareworkingonidentifyingyourstyle, which in turn will allow you to create a home you are pleasedtobein,andenjoywithfamilyandfriends
Inspiration Boards
Where beautiful interiors are born!
Interior Designed
To Travel is to Live
As a huge fan of the series Outlander shot mostly in Scotland I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to share @cntraveler Guide to Edinburgh. I haven't been YET, but you bet it is on the bucket list. You bet I have my eyes on staying in one of those castles, right?! Because, why not?! Might as well make the experience complete. Can you guess which one is my favorite? What aboutyours? Slanjava!
Image by @mylittleedinburgh
Local Art John Turner
WhatdoyoulovethemostaboutcreatingartinNew Orleans?Whatparticularpartofyourimmediate environment,inyourneighborhoodspecificallyinfluences yourwork?
ThereisanidentitywithplaceinNewOrleansthat surroundsthecitywithasoulwarmingembrace This contactallowsarttohappen
IhavelivedintheQuarter,Marigny,theIrishChannel,and Uptown Eachhasgivenmeawealthofmaterial Uptown, whereInowlive,fascinatesmewithitsfamilies,dogs, snowballstands,andneighborhoodhangouts
Describeyourcreativeprocess.Arethereanyritualsorrites ofpassageyouexercisebeforeyoubeginanewpiece?
Iwillseeaconnectionbetweenelementsoreventsand thatsuggestsapainting Or,Imightjustseeafound compositionandgowithit
Beingaliveandinteractingwithavital,vibrant,fascinating worldisaterrificinspiration
PeirceandsemioticcognitiontoCharlieWardwhooncetold me “John,youcan’tsellthreepaintingsifyoudon’thave threepaintings”
InNewOrleans,artandmusicgohandinhand Whattype ofmusic,bandorsonglyricbestdescribesyourwork?
BornandraisedinMemphisIgrewuponRhythmandBlues andRockandRoll NewOrleansaddedJazz,andeachof thesegenreshasinformedmyworkbothformallyand spiritually
Absorbinglifeisthefirststepincreatingart So,youcanfind meworkingonmynextpaintinginacoffeeshop,walkingin AudubonPark,ordodgingshoppingcartsatWalmart
Bornandraisedin SãoPaulo,Brazil, ReginaCorreacame tovisitNewOrleans in1999andnever left.Sheholds degreesinInterior DesignandArt History,lovesred wine,travelingthe world,architecture, museums,music, natureandwalking aroundourbeloved CityPark.