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3 January 2011



人物 Figure 罗永浩 Luo Yonghao 简介:教师。高中辍学,曾经摆地摊、开羊肉串店、倒卖药材、做期货、销售电脑配件、从事 文学创作。 2001年至2006年在北京新东方学校任教,由于教学风格幽默诙谐并且具有高度理 想主义气质的感染力,所以极受学生欢迎。 Introduction: Teacher. Dropout when he was studied in high school.He ever had a street vendor, opened string mutton shop, reselling medicine, do futures, sales of computer accessories, in the literature. 2001 to 2006 taught at the Beijing New Oriental School,because of his teaching style of humor and highly idealistic temperament, so he is very popular among students.

主题 Main Topic

著作 Book



I do not have to rely on anyone

autobiography--"My truggle"




悠着点加息 Go easy enhance the interest

急着以控制物价为目的连番加息,可能会让中国经济陷入风险之中。 Eager to control prices for the purpose of successive interest rate, may make the Chinese economy into a risk.

一、在国际经济动荡之时,一旦进入通缩通道,可能会对中国经济不利。 A、At the period of the international economic turmoil, once enter deflation channel, may be have disadvantage to the Chinese economy. 二、加息可能进一步造成热钱的涌入。 B、Enhance interest rates may further result in an influx of hot money.

COLUMNS 面对官员,你坐得住吗? Face to the official, can you maintain sitting?

中国的每一个朝代,在开国之初都会展现宽松气象,然而,当政权稍有稳定,统治者对工商的 态度立即回发生微妙的变化。 Each dynasty in China, will present at the founding of the beginning of the loose weather, however, when the regime is slightly stable, the attitude of the rulers of the business immediately and subtle changes.

一、对于商人阶层“先用之,后弃之” A、For the merchant class "first used, then dumped " 二、当你是一个经商之人,面对官员,千万要堂堂正正地站着和坐住,否则某一天就会“爬”到地 上。 B、When you're a business person, the face of officials, be sure to stay upright standing and sitting, otherwise one day will "climb"to the ground.



《明镜》2010.12.20 "Der Spiegel" 利他与进化 Altruism and evolution 一、世界上没有单纯的利他主义者,人们只有在善行博得声望时才会显现出无私,而声望会给 他带来难以估计的益处——这就是为什么人们热爱吹嘘自己的乐善好施。 A、There is no purely altruistic in the world, it is only when the charity won reputation will appear selfless, and reputation will bring him difficult to estimate the benefits which is why people love bragging about their generosity. 二、利他是一种社会地位的象征,追求声望以及由此而生的合作欲望是人类进化的重要推动 力,合作可谓是继基因突变和自然选择之后人类的第三个进化环节。 B、Altruism is a social status symbol, the pursuit of prestige, and arises from the desire of cooperation is an important driving force of human evolution, cooperation can be described as mutation and natural selection, following after the third evolution of the human aspect.



发财要趁早 To be rich as early as possible

美国《福布斯》杂志近日评选出了全球十位最年轻的亿万富翁,其中有两位是来自中国的年轻 富豪。 U.S. "Forbes"magazine recently selected the world's top ten youngest billionaire, including two from China's younger tycoons. No.3 杨惠妍 Yang Huiyan Age:28 Field:Real Estate Assets:$3.4 billion No.9 李兆会 Li Zhaohui Age:28 Field:Manufacturing Assets:$1billion



Google你的身体 Google your body

搜索的边界在哪里? Google现在已经将人体也列入它的搜索范围了。 Where the boundaries of the search? Google is now also included in the body scope of its search.



扎克伯格来了 Zuckerberg is coming

扎克伯格的这次私人旅行会是Facebook进入中国的先兆么? Will Zuckerberg‘s personal travel be a precursor about it enter into China?



潮人在哪里? Where is the influx of people?

酷乐仕想要在饮料业开辟一块全新的市场,为此它必须显得与众不同。 Vitaminwater wants to open up a whole new beverage market, in order to this, it must make a difference. 一、广告词:“嘿,想什么呢?你以为多吃了几颗菠菜,就能变成大力 水手吗?你以为找到根大棒壮阳,就成了齐天大圣二代?独孤求败是 很帅,行侠仗义英雄救美,可惜那纯属瞎掰。还是多喝'龙卷C'实在, 它含那么多维C和多种维B,更有美妙的火龙果滋味,力量说来就来, 什么都是小菜一碟。” A、Advertisements: "Hey, what do you want to ? You think eating a few spinach, you can become popeye? You find the root of the stick that impotence, that you can become the Monkey second generation? uncontested top dog is Handsome, chivalric hero to save the beauty, is entirely in vain. So drink 'Tornado C ' , it contains so multi-dimensionalC and multi-dimensional B, a more beautiful dragon fruit taste, strength that come anytime,everything is a piece of cake. "



潮人在哪里? Where is the influx of people?

二、创意法则 Creativity rules: 1)产品外观要鹤立鸡群,识别度高;广告文案幽默诙谐,不板着脸说教;传达出特立独行的气 质。 1) The appearance of the product to stand out, identify high; ad copy humor, do not keep a straight face preaching; convey the maverick temperament. 2)一闪而过,勾引起消费者的好奇心,让他们想要。 2) The flash, hook caused by the curiosity of consumers, so they want to buy. 3)积极融入能够引领消费潮流的时尚意见领袖们的生活,然后利用网络广而告之,事半功倍。 3)Can lead the consumer to actively integrate into the trend of fashion opinion leaders in their life, and then advertised by the network more efficiently.



品牌注册 BRAND UP!

亚洲新兴经济体的企业急需构建自己的品牌,但这并不只是挑选一个标识,花钱做广告而已。 Asian emerging economies enterprises need to build their own brands, but that does not just pick a logo, spend money advertising it. 一、强化品牌和消费者的情感纽带。 A、Strengthen the brand and the emotional bond of consumers. 二、收购现成的品牌。 B、The acquisition of existing brands.

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