Internet of Things for Rural/Urban Community Interaction
Internet of Things
Phisical Products in a Digital World
Connectiveness is the next level of user experience. Products begin to blur the boundaries between objects and services. The connection to the Web is a critical part of the experience. Thingfrastructure: each object leaks out a bit of information
Near Field of Communication
Near field communication, or NFC, is a set of short-range wireless technologies, typically requiring a distance of 4 cm or less. Touch interaction> by simply holding together a reader and a RFId tag short range RFId is performed.
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Attributes connected
Goals Alligned
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Integrated Solutions
Meta Products are the next generation consumer products. These products consist of both a physical and a web part. The phisical part often consists of sensors, actuators and/or interfaces, while the virtual part is a set of data hanging in the cloud. More and more value is shifted to the content rather than to the product itself.
Metaproducts Are web-enabled product service systems
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Strategy . Network focused design web service
. Combine Disciplines
. From context to technology . Applying data as material . Business modeling
Spimes Spimes applied in exhibitions
wayfinding tresure hunt
g Spimes are products that can be tracked through space and time. Everyday objects that have location awareness, social awareness, time awareness, and history. This neologism was coined by Bruce Sterling.
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software on running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP).
water relay
Garduino is a computer that runs your garden. Specifically, Garduino: Waters your plants when they’re thirsty Turns on supplemental lights when the sun’s not out long/bright enough Alerts you when temperatures are botanically uncomfortably chilly
Case Studies
BOTANICALLS Utilizing moisture sensors – which are attached to the plants – as well as an open-source telephony application called Asterisk, the programmed software triggers Asterisk to call a designated number whenever a plant needs watering. Upon answering the call, the plant owner is treated to an audio file – or the so-called ‘voice of the plant’ – which describes exactly what it needs. Interesting because it is a basic application of the idea of connecting people and plants through technology
Case Studies
NIKE+IPOD The Nike+iPodSports Kit is a device which measures and records the distance and pace of a walk or run. The Nike+iPodconsists of a small accelerometer[1] attached to or embedded in a shoe, which communicates with either the Nike+ Sportband, a receiver plugged into an iPod nano, or directly with a 2nd or 3rd Generation iPod Touch or iPhone3GS. If using the iPod or the iPhone3GS, iTunes software can be used to view the walk or run history
Case Studies
Case Studies
GLOW CAP GlowCaps use light and sound to signal when it is time to take a pill. GlowCaps sense when the bottle is opened and wirelessly relay their status to Vitality’s secure network. If the bottle is not opened two hours after a scheduled dose, the user is automatically reminded with a telephone call. Each week, a report summarizing progress is e-mailed to the GlowCap user. If the user chooses, a family member, friend or care-giver may also receive the report. GlowCaps can even call with refill reminders and connect the patient to their pharmacy as pills deplete. Interesting because
Case Studies
FOOD TRACER Using DTouchmarkers on the labels products can be recognized by the mobile phone, that can be used to retrieve information on the differentproducts on the shelves. Products can also be bookmarked, to check later further information on the computer.
User Understanding
Need of food education
Chongming has fresh air and healthy food Don’t wanna do the real farming work
Concerning for food safety (especiall for kids) Organic labels are just marketing for westerns Need convenient solutions Need to see and experience to trust
*In March/April 2010 a series of user interviews with representative members of the rural and urban community of Chongming and Shanghai has been made together with IDEO.
Users Profiles and Solutions Farmers
City People
PROBLEMS - Farmers can’t spread their information while there might be needs in the city - Farmers do not use computers&Internet, seldomly mobile phone.
Telephone Mobile Phone Television
Smartphone Computer with wireless connection
- Farmers do not want too many complications and lots of things to learn. - Farmers have their own daily routine. - Possible language barriers (farmers normally use chongming dialect and some of them might be illiterated)
Users Profiles and Solutions Farmers
NEEDS ABOUT PRODUCTS Sell more in a convenient way To rent their land / house INFORMATION Knowledge training Understanding the market SOCIAL CONNECTIONS To communicate with their kids in the city To let their kids be connected with the city To know more about the city
Users Profiles and Solutions City People
NEEDS ABOUT PRODUCTS High quality healthy food Lower price Convenience / quality balance INFORMATION The process of production INTERACTION RELATED AND NETWORKING Easy searching Be connected with others Fun Relax and easy to get
Users Profiles and Solutions .solving the digital divide
telephone mobile tv
computer mobile
Different interaction with a central hub that connects the rural and the urban community
Possible Applications