INELECSO Innovation in Integrated Electrical Solutions
ABOUT US: INELECSO (Innova on in Integrated Electrical Solu ons) has as its main object: The import, sale, installa on and maintenance of cons tuent elements of photovoltaic and related electrical installa ons, construc on and maintenance of industrial electrical installa ons and loan services accessory installa on of underground high voltage At na onal and interna onal level. Also, we can make any other lawful business ac vity both in Colombia and abroad. We can carry out in general, all transac ons of any nature that these may be, related to the aforemen oned object, and any similar, connected or complementary ac vi es or to ease or develop trade and industry in society. MISSION: Contribute to the development of the na onal energy matrix massifying the use of photovoltaic solar energy advising, socializing, installing and maintaining these compa ble with the environment electrical installa ons. With our experience in Europe we want to contribute in the implementa on of underground high tension in the country. VIEW: To posi on high in the Colombian market as an alterna ve to fill the gap in the field of photovoltaic solar energy. Besides advising, market, install and maintain underground cable accessories and high voltage. VALUES: Confidence in our personal, commercial, labor, contractual and technological rela ons. Sustainability: saving and conscious consump on. Respect for the environment. Making a difference with a proac ve and passionate work.
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: PRODUCTS: INELECSO offers specialized products for installa on in the area of high medium and low voltage products for the opera on of photovoltaic solar energy. Our products are cer fied, guaranteed to be governed on all the rules should be for opera on. SERVICES: INELECSO has sales, distribu on, installa on, in the area of high medium and low voltage for na onal and interna onal territory, we have cer fied personnel in the areas for planning, management and installa on of our products. JOB: One of the most important components of our success is the excep onal people. We strive to a ract and retain outstanding employees. We have a number of ini a ves and programs that offer our employees the opportunity to grow and develop their careers, and receive rewards and recogni on for their efforts. In INELECSO offer an excellent benefit program for our employees including medical, dental and life insurance, a re rement plan, tui on reimbursement opportuni es to promote con nuing educa on and paid leave. You can get detailed informa on on our personnel department. HOW TO BUY: You can purchase our products on our nearest store or one of our distributors. If you need help choosing the right product, please contact our customer service. You can download our catalog in PDF or HTML format here. Our products are divided into categories for your convenience.
CONTACT: Contact us for more informa on about our products and services. Our customer service will help you ďŹ nd what you need and recommend accessories and op ons most appropriate delivery. Our customer service team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For reasons of safety and training, calls to / from the customer service can be recorded and monitored. ADDRESS: CALLE 16 # 28â€?43, BUCARAMANGA, COLOMBIA PHONE: 312 569 8278 MAIL: