Another Leap

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小 跃 进

第十届上海双年展 10th Shanghai BIENNALE 2014.11.22 - 2015.03.31

小跃进是又一次跃进。 与1958年开始的共产主义大跃进和1969年的阿波罗登月 跃进不同,小跃进是细微的、密集的、自下而上的、基 于无数个人意志力量的一次又一次(个体)集体行动。 小跃进是三千臭皮匠顶过诸葛亮的直接实践,是1+1>2的 反复演算。小跃进是集群跃进,是集智跃进。 1990年代以来的全球化浪潮及互联网发展,为小跃进的 开始提供了三个可能的理论和实践基础:生产工具的全 民共有,社交网络和移动互联网的逐步成熟,以及全新 的知识和经济生产模式。互联网设备和技术的更新和普 及,使得参与者从规模经济的流水线生产中获得解放; 互联网开放共享和陌生信任的共同协议,使得参与者在 贡献个体劳动的同时充分享受集体劳动成果;互联网渗 透和网罗众包的平台特性,使得参与者跨越专业藩篱和 身份限定。 小跃进展览批判性地回应了九十年代以来建筑和艺术领 域广泛出现的技术革命和“数字转向”:二者都不同程 度地把基于计算机和互联网的社会实践引向偏狭的工具 化方向。经由艺术家、建筑师、设计家、工程师之手, 小跃进试图展现的是一种互联网超越任何形式工具论的 可能性,一种混杂了政治经济地理的新型思考和行动范 式,一种潜在的尚不清晰的(无)意识形态。 小跃进不小。

This leap is Another Leap. Compared to “Great Leap Forward” implemented by the Communist Party of China in 1958, and “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” by Neil Armstrong of Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969, Another Leap is a tiny, intensive, and bottom-up leap. It is a series of collective actions based on individual will. It is a direct practice of “two heads are better than one”, an empirical iteration of “1+1>2”. It is a collective leap forwarded by many minds and many hands. Globalization and Internetization since 1990s provide three theoretical and practical foundations for Another Leap: the popularization of digital devices, the explosion of social network and mobile Internet, and the new paradigm of economy and production. Sharing and crowdsourcing advocated by internet protocol make it possible to liberate oneself from mass production of economy of scale, to contribute individual effort while enjoy collective fruits, and to practice beyond the given identity and discipline. Another Leap manifests itself as a critical response to the instrumental digitization emerged in architecture and art since 1990s, for it narrows our thinking and practicing to tamed instrumentalism. With participants including artist, architect, designer and engineer, Another Leap delivers a pragmatic implementation beyond any form of instrumentalism, an interdisciplinary thinking-doing across politics, economy and geography, and an unknown (de-) ideology that leads us forward. Another Leap is not just another leap.

上海当代艺术博物馆 5th Floor, Power Station of Art, Shanghai 2014.11.22 - 2015.03.31



Curators: Hong PU, Fei WANG 2014.05

a n o t h e r leapbyma nymindsm anyhands

第十届上海双年展 10TH SHANGHAI BIENNALE 2014.11.22 - 2015.03.31

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