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Multicultural group performs at AC BY JOSH HANTZ NEWS EDITOR The Idan Raichel Project, a popular band in Israel, is coming to Washington University tomorrow night. The band is known for its messages of love, tolerance and diversity, and has a heavy Ethiopian musical influence as well as Caribbean, Middle Eastern, Latin American and Mediterranean. “If you look at the band, you see they’re all about celebrating differences and multiculturalism,” said senior Alex Freedman, head of the event. “We hope students connect with this appreciation for diversity. We hope they realize that each culture has something unique and special to offer. We can really learn from each other.” Going along with this theme, six multicultural dance groups, including Bhangra, AfikyLoLo and Lunar New Year Festival, will kick off the night with an hour-long performance before the band takes the stage. “The dance show is going to be lights out,” said Freedman. “If anyone else but Idan was up there, it would be the main event.”

Raichel himself, 29, comes from an Eastern European family that promoted music in his childhood, although not necessarily from a cultural perspective. He said that was why he became open to music from around the world, especially Gypsy and tango. While in the Israeli army, he joined a rock band and toured military bases. There, he learned how to produce live shows. After being discharged, he developed his knowledge and skill of Ethiopian music and in 2002, he joined the music scene with the Project. The other band members come from such backgrounds as Sudan, Suriname and Yemen. Juniors Sarah Yael Morris and Laura Seidenberg, co-chairs for the concert, related the band’s diversity to Washington University’s. “What’s so great about a school like Wash. U. is that we are so diverse and have the ability to be so diverse,” said Morris. “It is something that everyone can benefit from. It represents a lot of openness in respecting everybody’s different backgrounds and being able to understand people that aren’t just

like us. If we foster that at this level, it will affect changes at a broader level.” She added that integrating ideas of diversity with an actual multicultural concert is a great way to promote that message. “In bringing Idan to Wash. U., we are really facilitating a huge event that will hopefully make our campus multicultural not only in definition, but also in practice,” said Morris. Freedman agrees. “A lot of times on campus, diversity means bringing in talking heads and 10 students coming to listen to them, but they’re the ones that need that the least,” he said. “To have a musical experience and celebration like this—it is something totally different. It can be very powerful and very moving. It’s something that hasn’t been done at Wash. U. before.” While more than a dozen groups including Jewish Student Union, St. Louis Hillel and Congress of the South 40 are officially sponsoring the event, the chairs have also gained support from 23 non-Jewish cultural groups. “Many cultural groups have


Israeli musician Idan Raichel will be performing in the Athletic Complex on Thursday night at 8 p.m. their own events and have their moment in the spotlight,” said Freedman. “But it’s always one group being showcased. That’s not what this concert is.” The University is the last of

Panel for peace draws crowd

the band’s four stops in America before it returns to Israel. The group has played at Brandeis University and in Miami and Chicago over the past week. Doors to the Athletic Com-

Local rapper Jibbs offers to open WILD BY MANDY SILVER SENIOR NEWS EDITOR


Shimon Katz and Sulaiman Al-Hamri speak to a crowd of over 100 people at Ursa’s Fireside on Tuesday, Jan. 30. Katz and Al-Hamri, who were brought to the University by Students for a Peaceful Palestinian-Israeli Future, are members of Combants for Peace and are now on a speaking tour of America. BY TROY RUMANS NEWS EDITOR An Israeli-Palestinian confl ict forum drew over 100 members of Washington University and the St. Louis community to Ursa’s Fireside on Monday, where an Israeli and a Palestinian discussed why they favored peace over militancy. The forum, hosted by Students for a Peaceful PalestinianIsraeli Future [SPPIF], featured Shimon Katz, an Israeli, and Sulaiman al-Hamri, a Palestinian, both of whom led a frank discussion about the Israeli-Palestinian confl ict. “It made me really happy to see all the people here. It’s good to know that people want peace,” said Andrea Ginsburg, a senior who attended the forum. “We’re taught to be scared [of the confl ict], and it helps to see real Palestinians and Israelis to break that down.” Junior Aviva Joffe, co-president of SPPIF, was impressed by the nature of the discussion. “I was really pleased by the event because people asked challenging questions. A lot of

what SPPIF tries to do is ask the hard questions,” said Joffe. “All attitudes should be shared and discussed, even those which disagree with us. The important thing is to sit and talk about it.” Al-Hamri and Katz presented unique views on the conflict, given their personal involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian situation. Al-Hamri spent four and a half years in Israeli prisons for his involvement in protests and demonstrations, before resolving to use non-violent methods to resolving the confl ict. “My family has spent a total of 25 years in Israeli prisons. We have paid the price in the confl ict, yet I remain committed to peace,” said al-Hamri. Katz acted as an officer in an elite Israeli Defense Force combat unit, until he also became interested in non-violent ways of living. Service in the army for an Israeli citizen is compulsory, however, which presents a predicament for Katz. “I do believe that as an Israeli citizen I am obliged to go to the army, just like I am obliged

to pay taxes,” said Katz. “So, I work to fi nd a middle path that will allow me to remain true to my values.” Though the two come from starkly contrasted backgrounds, both espoused the importance of peaceful cooperation. “It’s a duty to retaliate against an occupation–-whether for national motives or religious motives, but it is also a duty to do so peacefully,” said al-Hamri. For the most part, the attendees of the forum appreciated the diverse backgrounds of the two speakers. “It was nice to hear directly from the [combatants] involved, instead of the media,” said Tyson Meyer, a member of the local community who attended the forum. Not all present agreed with the way in which the Combatant’s message was framed. Following the presentation, Sophomore Michael Safyan handed out a pamphlet entitled “Big Lies: Demolishing the Myths of the Propaganda War Against Israel.” “Historical revisionism is lying about things of the past,”

said Safyan. “Revising the past by impugning my ancestors is not an acceptable grounds for a sustainable peace.” Safyan’s pamphlets were not sanctioned by any campus organization, and while he was allowed to hand them out, he was asked to stand outside Ursa’s. The event was sponsored by Combatants for Peace and Brit Tzedek ViShalom, The Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace. Amnesty International, Wash. U. Students for Israel, Skina, Model UN and the Muslim Student Association also co-sponsored the forum. Al-Hamri is the Palestinian coordinator for Combatants for Peace. He co-founded the movement in April 2006, and is currently on a 22-city tour throughout the United States. He has a master’s degree in American studies from Al-Quds University and a bachelor’s degree in social work and psychology. Katz will be beginning studies for an M.A. in clinical social work at the Yeshiva University in New York to pursue his goal of nonviolent service for the state.

The groundhog’s boxing showdown Reviews: Norah Jones and more Will St. Louis be doomed to more dreadful weather? Is spring’s relief in sight? Rachel Tepper has some thoughts on what Groundhog’s day has in store. Forum, Page 4

This week in Cadenza, reviewrs have their takes on Norah Jones’ new disc, “Catch and Release,” and “Smokin Aces.” Cadenza, Page 7

plex open at 6:30 p.m. The opening dance show begins at 7 p.m. and the band goes on at 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale in Mallinckrodt during the day and at the door for $5.

St. Louis native and former boxer, Jibbs, approached Team 31 with a bid to open WILD in late April, as confirmed by Team 31 co-chairs sophomore Randy Lubin and junior Pehr Hovey. The co-chairs said that the spring show’s headliner has already been secured, but declined further comment as to the specific artist. According to Hovey and Lubin, contracts with the opening bands will not be signed until March. Mike Kociela, managing director of Entertainment St. Louis, a third party contractor for Team 31, independently confirmed Jibbs’ bid, citing the rapper’s interest in “building a connection with the local college market.” Entertainment St. Louis has aided Team 31 in booking and producing the annual shows for the past five years. “Jibbs’ management ap-

proached me looking for college dates. I suggested Wash. U. and they were interested,” said Kociela. While Kociela placed the odds of Jibbs’ Wash. U. performance at 50 percent, he stated that Jibbs’ offer was low compared to other openers. “He shot us a very reasonable price,” agreed Lubin, who added that “for such a low price, there is no real downside.” Jibbs gained popularity after adapting the nursery rhyme “Do Your Ears Hang Low” into the hit song “Chain Hang Low.” The rapper, who is 16, began rapping at age eight after he caught the attention of his older brother, DJ Beats. Like Will Smith, Jibbs does not cuss in his songs. In August 2006, “Chain Hang Low” became the most popular rap download on iTunes. Jibbs’ debut album, Jibbs Featuring Jibbs, was released in October of that year.

University earns C- in sustainability report BY BEN SALES SENIOR STAFF REPORTER Washington University ranks below average in sustainability among its peer institutions, according to a recent study. Out of seven categories, the University earned one B, four C’s and two F’s, which average to a C-. “The report was put together with the goal of providing clear information about different schools’ programs on sustainability on campus,” said Mark Orlowski, the executive director of the Sustainable Endowments Institute, which puts out the evaluation. “Students and administrators could refer to it as a resource to learn about what schools are doing [and] what the best practices are.”

INSIDE: Forum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Cadenza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sudoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Orlowski’s organization, which is based in Cambridge, Mass., looked at seven categories in their nationwide evaluation of 100 schools. Washington University earned a B in Food and Recycling and C’s in Administration, Climate Change and Energy, Green Building and Investment Priorities. The University earned failing grades in Endowment Transparency and Shareholder Engagement, areas that measure how the University manages its outside investments and corporate influence regarding sustainability. James McLeod, Dean of Students, said that although the University is not where it wants to be in terms of sustainability, it is in the pro-




Senior News Editor / Mandy Silver /


Low sodium levels at birth linked to obesity, other risks

One Brookings Drive #1039 #42 Women’s Building Saint Louis, MO 63130-4899 News: (314) 935-5995 Advertising: (314) 935-6713 Fax: (314) 935-5938 e-mail: Copyright 2007 Editor in Chief: Sarah Kliff Associate Editor: Liz Neukirch Managing Editors: Justin Davidson, David Tabor Senior News Editor: Mandy Silver Senior Forum Editor: Daniel Milstein Senior Cadenza Editor: Ivanna Yang Senior Scene Editor: Erin Fults Senior Sports Editor: Andrei Berman Senior Photo Editor: David Brody Senior Graphics Editor: Rachel Harris News Editors: Troy Rumans, Laura Geggel, Josh Hantz, Shweta Murthi News Manager: Elizabeth Lewis Assignments Editor: Sam Guzik Forum Editors: Tess Croner, Nathan Everly, Chelsea Murphy, Jill Strominger Cadenza Editors: Elizabeth Ochoa, David Kaminksy, Brian Stitt Scene Editors: Sarah Klein, Felicia Baskin Sports Editor: Scott Kaufman-Ross Photo Editors: Alwyn Loh, Lionel Sobehart, Eitan Hochster, Jenny Shao Online Editor: Matt Rubin Design Chief: Laura McLean Production Chief: Anna Dinndorf Copy Chiefs: Willie Mendelson, Indu Chandrasekhar Copy Editors: Troy Rumans Designers: Ellen Lo, Jamie Reed, Chris Maury, Kim Yeh, Dennis Sweeney, Courtney LeGates General Manager: Andrew O’Dell Advertising Manager: Sara Judd Copyright 2006 Washington University Student Media, Inc. (WUSMI). Student Life is the financially and editorially independent, student-run newspaper serving the Washington University community. First copy of each publication is free; all additional copies are 50 cents. Subscriptions may be purchased for $80.00 by calling (314) 935-6713. Student Life is a publication of WUSMI and does not necessarily represent, in whole or in part, the views of the Washington University administration, faculty or students. All Student Life articles, photos and graphics are the property of WUSMI and may not be reproduced or published without the express written consent of the General Manager. Pictures and graphics printed in Student Life are available for purchase; e-mail for more information. Student Life reserves the right to edit all submissions for style, grammar, length and accuracy. The intent of submissions will not be altered. Student Life reserves the right not to publish all submissions. If you’d like to place an ad, please contact the Advertising Department at (314) 935-6713. If you wish to report an error or request a clarification, e-mail

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children between the ages of 8 to 15. The study also found that those born with low blood sodium were 30 percent heavier by the early teenage years. Long-term high sodium intake has been strongly linked with obesity. Adult obesity may be tied in some instances to low sodium at birth. Researchers have suggested such a response could be an evolutionary adaptation, or a way for people to protect themselves from sodium deficiency and loss by creating stronger cravings for it. The children with the lowest blood sodium at birth consumed around 1,700 milligrams more sodium a day than the children born with regular sodium levels, well surpassing recommended daily intake. Connie Diekman, director of nutrition at the University, expressed doubts over the results. Daily sodium calculations were performed using food frequency questionnaires, which leave accuracy of results up to the memory of the participants. “What is the cause? That is what I wanted to see more research on, further studies tracking throughout someone’s childhood. It’s difficult when you do a food frequency study, combined with the fact this wasn’t an ongoing survey, to really say this caused that. Right now, it’s a hard leap to make,” said Diekman. Diekman also expressed concern that the study was only


White house accused of misleading public on global warming

Boy killed by car in school cafeteria

Representative Henry Waxman, D-California, the Democratic chairman of a House panel looking into the government’s response to changes in the global climate, reported that there is evidence that senior Bush officials actively misled the public about the science of global warming. Additionally, two private advocacy groups presented a survey that found that two in five of close to 300 climate scientists had complained of editing to their scientific papers that changed their meaning. Moreover, nearly half noted that they had been told to delete references to “global warming” or “climate change” from reports. President Bush has acknowledged the problem of global warming, but is against the imposition of mandatory caps of greenhouse gas emissions on the basis of the associated costs.

Senators assert right to block Bush on Iraq Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee began work yesterday to block President Bush’s plan to increase the level of troops to Iraq and place limits on the conduct of war there, possibly leading to a withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. Senator Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania, joined the committee. Senator Russell Feingold, D-Wisconsin, chairman for the hearing, stated he would soon introduce a resolution that would do much more. His plan would end all financing for the deployment of military forces in Iraq after six months, effectively calling for the withdrawal of American forces by the six-month deadline.

Ryan Wesling, an 8-year-old elementary school student, was killed on Monday when a vehicle crashed into the school cafeteria. Two other students were injured in the crash and released from St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Belleville. The driver of the vehicle was Grace Keim, an 84-year-old woman from Shiloh. The incident occurred around 11:30 a.m., just after most students had gone outside for recess. The car went through the cafeteria wall and drove through the room before coming to rest on the opposite wall. Local police are still investigating the accident, and no insight into how it occurred has been stated. No charges have been filed as of yet.

CONTRIBUTING REPORTER People who fi nd themselves constantly nibbling on tortilla chips and pretzels may have a predisposition for salty snacks. A team of Israeli researchers may have found a link between a love of salty foods and being born with low sodium. Consumption of too much sodium is a risk for obesity and other health issues. A study of 41 premature births in Israel found that low blood sodium at birth was linked to an increased desire for salty food and snacks in

UNIVERSITY Assembly series speaker cancelled Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s Jan. 31 Assembly series lecture has been cancelled due to scheduling conflicts. Gates is a professor of the Humanities and director of the W.E.B. DuBois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University. He has long been considered one of the most influential voices in America.


Freshman Nick McKenna enjoys some salty fries in Bear’s Den on Tuesday, Jan. 30. A new study shows that a desire for salty foods could be from low sodium levels as infants.

See SODIUM, page 6

POLICE BEAT Tuesday, Jan. 23 11:11 a.m. INFORMATION ONLY REPORTS—ANHEUSER BUSCH HALL— Complainant reported information on a disturbing, but non-threatening phone call. Disposition: Informational only. 11:16 a.m. LARCENY-THEFT—SIMON HALL—Complainant reported a departmental laptop missing from the copy/workroom area. The computer was last used on Dec. 22 and was discovered missing on Jan. 4. Estimated loss valued at $1700. Disposition: Pending. 9:13 p.m. LARCENY-THEFT— OLIN LIBRARY—Student reported unknown person(s) stole his white MacBook laptop and power cord from a table in Olin Library on level A. The student stated he left his laptop to get a drink of water, and when he returned the laptop was gone. No suspects or witnesses iden-

tified. Theft occurred between approximately 9 p.m. and 9:01 p.m. Estimated loss valued at $1500. Disposition: Pending.

Wednesday, Jan. 24 12:10 a.m. TRESPASSING— OLIN LIBRARY—Subject was reported to be seen urinating in a plastic bottle while in an open lounge area of the 1st floor. Subject left prior to officer’s arrival, but later returned to the library. Officers identified the subject as homeless and issued a No Trespass Warning. Disposition: Cleared. 3:52 p.m. FRAUD—UNDESIGNATED AREA OFF CAMPUS—Fraudulent check activity investigation. Disposition: Pending. 10:01 p.m. AUTO ACCIDENT— UNDESIGNATED AREA OFF CAMPUS—Minor accident in-

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Disposition: Cleared by arrest. Saturday, Jan. 27

3:23 p.m. PROPERTY DAMAGE—REBSTOCK HALL—Maintenance reported subjects playing cricket in the Rebstock dock area had broken a window on the east side of the building. Subjects were contacted and identified. Maintenance cleaned up the glass and boarded the window. Damage to be paid for by involved parties. Disposition: Cleared. Friday, Jan. 26 5:55 p.m. VMCSL—ELIOT HOUSE—Based on earlier incident, ResLife conducted a search of a student’s room which revealed small quantities of suspected marijuana and cocaine. Student assigned to the room admitted to the possession. Student was arrested and booked at St. Louis County Jail.

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11:53 a.m. LARCENY-THEFT— HITZEMAN DORM—A student reports that during a party with about 20 guests, her iPod was stolen. The item, valued at $200.00, had been left on a table during the party. Time of occurrence: between Jan. 26 at 11 p.m. and Jan. 27 at 1 a.m. Disposition: Pending.

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11:22 a.m. FRAUD—WOMEN’S BUILDING—The Student Union Business Manager reported fraudulent purchases on their credit card. Total fraudulent purchases at this time are less than $200. Disposition: Under investigation. 8:08 p.m. BURGLARY—PARK HOUSE DORM—Student reported an unknown black female was in her unsecured dorm room upon her return. Suspect told student that she was there to work on a project with the complainant’s roommate and then left. Student verified this was false and contacted police. Jewelry and credit cards were reported missing. Time of occurrence: Jan 29 at 5:35 p.m. Disposition: Pending.

5:28 p.m. LARCENY-THEFT— GREGG DORM—Unsecured bicycle taken from walkway outside of Bear Bikes. Time of occurrence: Jan. 27 between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Total loss valued at $250. Disposition: Pending. Monday, Jan. 29 11:14 a.m. VMCSL—LIEN RESIDENCE HALL—During an investigation, a search of a student’s room was conducted which revealed small quantities

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of suspected marijuana and cocaine. Student assigned to the room admitted to the possession. Disposition: Cleared by arrest.

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Senior News Editor / Mandy Silver /


SUSTAINABILITY v FROM PAGE 1 cess of working towards that goal. “This is a priority for us,� said McLeod. “We do have a number of initiatives going. It does take time for those things to come to fruition.� The report said that the two F’s resulted from lack of information regarding the University’s activity in those areas, rather than from any explicit failure in policy. “We could not find any policies or statements about this on the school Web site, and we did not receive a response [from the University],� said Orlowski. “We were only able to gather data from public sources.� But McLeod said that the University was not sufficiently familiar with Sustainable Endowments to provide the needed figures. “Providing information to an outside organization is not as easy as many expect it to be,� he said. “You have to be organized in a way that the organization asks. I believe this is a new venture and I could imagine that we have not organized our own data in a way that is easier to get.� Orlowski added that those two categories reflect the school’s intention in furthering sustainability in its surrounding area, and that the University has a duty to use its local influence to propagate those initiatives. “You have certain rights and responsibilities to use your voice towards sustainability,� he said. “We were looking to see whether the University has anything in place to act on those resolutions.� McLeod said that the University does have mechanisms for sustainability funding in place, and that the administration is working to improve those funding plans. “We try very hard to invest our endowment prudently and responsibly,� said McLeod. “We want to be better every day. I expect us to be more and more focused on this in the future.� In terms of the other categories, Orlowski said that the University has made some notable accomplishments, but that there is still a wealth of untapped potential on campus. “On the campus side, Wash. U. is doing pretty well, but there are definitely opportunities to join those other schools,� he said. “There is certainly opportunity for improvement.� Emily Dangremond, president of Green Action, said that the intent of the study was good but that the school should be judged more strictly in terms of Food and Recycling, where it achieved its highest grade. “There are a lot of improvements we can have in food and recycling,� said Dangremond, a junior. “We do not have the same environmental ethic as other places do. We have some really active


people, and the administration is doing its part in trying to increase the amount of efficiency in building, but a lot of it is not very well publicized.� This improvement, said Orlowski, is the goal of the survey--to give schools information about their peers’ activities so as to spread knowledge of how to best further campus sustainability. “It is our hope to provide a measure of activity, for students and schools to understand where their peer institutions are, which schools are doing good work and which schools could use more resource and initiatives,� he said. “It is important not to focus on the grade, but on the great programs Wash. U. already has, to look at other institutions, learn from them, and adapt those programs.� Dangremond agreed that the goal of the survey should be increased awareness, but she said that that effort cannot come only from Green Action or another individual group. “In terms of improving the climate change and energy score, that will have to be more campus wide. That will take more than just one group,� she said. Overall, schools scored higher in on-campus activities, and, like the University, earned lower marks in the financial categories. Orlowski

attributed this tendency to on-campus activities being more visible to outside observers. “You can see a green building, you can taste organically grown food in the dining hall, but you can’t see, touch, feel or taste an investment or an endowment. It is not visible. Those are out of sight and out of mind.� Dangremond, however, said that she would have liked more emphasis on oncampus activity, and more evaluation of students’ efforts. “They could have had different groups for food and recycling and maybe a category for student involvement,� she said. “The way they did it was more from the administration’s standpoint. They might as well look more at on-campus things as well.� Despite current deficiencies, Orlowski noted that there is an upward trend in sustainability advocacy on college campuses, a pattern that should appear in next year’s report. “The trend is that there is more activity happening and excitement on campus in terms of sustainability,� he said. “It will be very exciting to see what is happening a year from now, to see the progress, the new initiatives being created.�

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Senior Forum Editor / Daniel Milstein /



Our daily Forum editors: Monday: Chelsea Murphy

To ensure that we have time to fully evaluate your submissions, guest columns should be e-mailed to the next issue’s editor or forwarded to by no later than 5 p.m. two days before publication. Late pieces will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. We welcome your submissions and thank you for your consideration.


Devlin interview reflects poor journalism I


usannah Cahalan, a University senior, made national news last week by publishing interviews with alleged kidnapper Michael Devlin. It wasn’t the content of the exclusive interviews that received the most attention, but rather her method of obtaining them. According to the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Cahalan signed in at Devlin’s jail as his friend, not identifying herself as a member of the media. While hundreds of journalists had their requests for interviews systematically denied, Cahalan got the story. Such an approach to journalism is not one we see appropriate as fellow journalists or as Washington University students. Though some have defended Cahalan’s alleged actions and used clips from her interview in their own reporting, Student Life believes that journalism requires a higher ethical standard. Cahalan’s exclusive interview with Devlin does not justify the

dishonest means she reportedly used to obtain it. Journalism, at its very core, demands a commitment to truth and devotion to the public. Seasoned journalists Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel surveyed hundreds of their colleagues to determine the main principles of journalism. Two points stood out at the top of their findings: that “journalism’s first obligation is to the truth” and “its first loyalty is to citizens.” When Cahalan deceived individuals in the pursuit of her story, she violated both of those principles. Most obviously, the commitment to truth and honesty was lost in the pursuit of this story. While she obtained an incredible and exclusive interview, she did so at the cost of staying committed to the accuracy and honesty that reporting and journalism depend upon. Perhaps even more disturbing though, Cahalan’s reported actions violated the journalist’s loyalty to their

citizens. The media exists to inform the public of relevant issues, to help the public make informed daily-life decisions and to serve as a check on the government. At the point where the media blatantly disregards the necessity of honesty and professional ethics, it sacrifices the principles that have allowed it a good relationship with the public. This relationship is necessary to allow the media to garner the information that is newsworthy. It is this relationship that allows individuals to work with the press to communicate vital information to the public when it is risky to that individual’s well-being. If the journalistic community shows it is concerned more with making deadlines and getting the scoop that it violates an individual’s expectations of privacy, it greatly betrays its public. Some journalists have taken the situation in a different light. Bill McClellan, a veteran columnist for

Wednesday: Nathan Everly Friday: Tess Croner

the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, recently argued that journalism should be viewed as a trade, as opposed to a profession, and as such requires only a base level of ethical code. Essentially, so long as a reporter “gets the story” and attempts to portray it accurately, he has fulfilled his ethical duties regardless of whether or not the individual he was speaking with understood that he was leaking his story to the public. The end of getting the information justifies the means, McClellan claims. Student Life does not share this view. The pursuit of a story, no matter how newsworthy or exclusive, cannot validate the use of dishonest techniques. Rather, it diminishes the credibility of all journalists and lessens the public’s ability to trust the media. Deceptive reporting may get the scoop, but it deals journalists a significant blow in maintaining—and even deserving—the trust of their public.


We’re getting another tuition increase?!

t’s becoming an annual tradition for the University to announce a tuition hike soon after winter break. Earlier this month the Executive Vice Chancellor sent out a mass mailing announcing that tuition would increase to $34,500. Now, as usual, this 5.2 increase increase from last year represents yet another year where the tuition hike is larger than the rate of infl ation. That difference may seem small, but it does add up in the long run. For example, tuition during the 2001-2002 school year was set at $25,700. A quick calculation using Nathan numbers from the United States Department of Labor Statistics would tell you that this amount would have to rise to $29,255 today in order to keep up with infl ation. And yet here we stand today with college tuition priced at $32,800 and another tuition hike looming. So what are the reasons for the steady rise in college tuition? They vary, of course, from year to year, but health care and energy bills are now seen as the primary culprits. According to the Commonfund Institute’s Higher Education Price Index, energy utility costs for all universities have risen by more than 25 percent since 2005. This increase is troubling, to be sure, but at least the University is capable of doing something about it. Energy conservation programs have been created to deal with the problem and these initiatives have usually been judicious and cost-effective (of course, this doesn’t include the $16,000 Olin Library solar panels which supply a mere 1/16,000th of the university’s power). The problem of rising health care costs, on the other hand, is a little more worrisome. In 2006, the Kaiser Family Foundation announced that premiums for employerbased health insurance plans rose by 7.7 percent. The problem of rising health care costs isn’t new, of course, and it isn’t something that is restricted solely to universities. On a national level, the cost of health care continues to rise with almost no end in sight. In 2004, the United States spent 1.9 trillion dollars on health care and easily topped every other country in the world in health care spending. According to ana-

lysts, this level of spending is expected to increase to around 2.9 trillion dollars by 2009 and reach 4 trillion dollars by 2015. What makes this even more worrisome is the fact that government entitlement programs such as Medicare and Medicaid foot a significant portion of this bill. Add in the new and hugely expensive Medicare prescription drug plan and you have a level of spending that is simply unsustainable in the long run. In short, there is a very real threat that health care entitlement programs will bankrupt the government. So what does a Everly looming national health care crisis have to do with Washington University in St. Louis? Quite a lot, actually. At some point the cost of health care is going to reach such an astronomical level that people will simply be unable to pay for it. You’re seeing evidence of that already with rising health insurance premiums. The only way that this country can control health care costs is by making choices, hard choices, about what it is willing to pay for. In much the same way, this University needs to decide how it will function and fi nancially sustain itself somehow without annual tuition hikes which shift the burden to students. A good fi rst step would be eliminating the mandatory student health insurance plan. It’s an expensive plan that doesn’t offer adequate coverage. Sure, raising tuition would be much less painful for the University. But it must realize that doing that is a short-term solution that will eventually become unsustainable. There will come a time when middle-class students, the ones who aren’t wealthy and don’t qualify for fi nancial aid, would rather forgo coming here than saddle themselves with huge amounts of debt. If this university lets that happen, then it will not, as the executive vice chancellor claimed, be “balancing rising expenses with offering an outstanding educational experience.” Instead, it will merely be building its reputation on the backs of its students. Nathan is a junior in Arts & Sciences and a Forum editor. He can be reached via email at

The case for more toilet paper BY JOSHUA MALINA STAFF COLUMNIST


n the many years since the industrial revolution, and progress in science more generally, toilet paper has made great leaps in comfort, design and overall utility. This University, however progressive it is in other areas of college life (see campus architecture), has ignored these steps forward in favor of thrift and cowardice, as they recurrently purchase thin, rough, non-perforated toilet paper. Such frugality is not only detrimental to

student life, but economically insensible, as the many costs involved with the use of poor quality toilet paper exceed in value what the University saves in dollars. The most obvious and irritating characteristic of cheap toilet paper is roughness. Frequent users of University toilet paper will testify to the reality of irritation, inflammation and even bleeding on contact areas that are common effects of poor quality paper use. These reactions, along with the serious mental effects involved with such an experience, constitute

real pain endured by theUniversity community that detracts from the utility of the student and teacher body, making them less effective at achieving (or distributing) an education commensurate with the university’s status as a research institution. The bottom line: the more time spent on taking care of their bodies, the more time considering their discomfort, the less time students and staff can allocate to the learning process. Another cost of the use of poor quality toilet paper on campus is a result of its thin-

ness, which forces members of the community to use more tissue per wipe. This not only increases the cost to University purchasing agents, who may have not considered what the community might do in the event of a thin tissue, but also adds to the time cost of each wipe. Couple this with the problem of toilet tissue non-perforation, and wiping can become an all day affair. But lay aside for a moment the pain of purse that the University may endure through such extra consumption, and the pain experienced by students and

teachers who use the toilet tissue, and consider another form of discomfort: fi lthiness. Although we may reasonably assume that the propensity of students to clean themselves in the bathroom stall may be highly inelastic, there is still some point where the cost in pain of that extra wipe will exceed the potential fi lth that students may elect to retain. So, although it would be true to assume that most bathroom users are fairly clean when they fi nish their duty, there will be some instances where a dirty bottom is better than an irritated one.

And for that crude reality, there is no solution but a change in university policy. As unimportant as it may sound, more money should be spent on university toilet paper to reach a higher quality of tissue. It would improve student and faculty life immensely more than that extra gothic façade or gargoyle that seems to always be just a pencil mark away from next semester’s budget. Joshua is a freshman in Arts & Sciences. He can be reached via e-mail at jrmalina@artsci.




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Senior Forum Editor / Daniel Milstein /






very now and then— and this may be especially true, for one reason or another, among Asian-American circles—certain horror stories surface concerning computer gaming and dismal school grades. Every time I hear, “Dr. Li’s son spends too much time at the computer,” I can imagine in my head the typical story: A fairly bright, promising student gets his fi rst taste of a computer game in middle school, or maybe later in high school. He—it’s much more often than not a he—is introduced to this unexpectedly entertaining game about, say, space aliens or medieval knights, by a classmate, a cousin, or, if the game is very popular, by mere word of mouth. “Just try it,” says a friend, “it’s fun; lots of kids

are doing it.” So it happens that he inserts a CD—probably a burned CD, not that he especially cares about this— into his computer. He plays the game at odd hours, which begin to creep up on him, and he begins to realize that he’s spent the last few hours tapping at the keyboard and clicking the mouse, hours originally set aside for SAT prep or the biology test on Wednesday. Months, even years pass. He continues to play computer games—he’s probably branched out and experimented with new ones—with schoolmates and friends, while his grades begin to plummet. Maybe his parents fi nd out and try to set limits, but having grown up in the Information Age, he can outsmart them in the field of computers and questionably obtained computer games. In short, he gets addicted to computer gaming. (Addiction is a word

I use lightly here for fear of trivializing the more serious problem of drug addiction; I am certain, however, that few Washington University students are using heroin.) I am thinking back to high school because in college there is no longer the imposing, looming parental fi gure threatening to take away someone’s computer games, or video games—or for that matter, beer pong and hooking up. I am mentioning computer games, however, because they possess the capacity for addiction and obsession. The horror story extends into college, where the student spends time in front of the monitor to the point where his G.P.A. plummets even further down than it did in high school, past the 3.0 and into the 2.0-somethings. Time spent at the keyboard continues, for lack of intervention by parents and (perhaps) by friends. If

he’s fortunate, he realizes himself the degree of his involvement with computer games, and sets restrictions on himself, but the temptation is always there. The game of choice, when I was in middle school— when someone handed to me a burned computer game CD—was called “Starcraft”. Today, the game of choice— that is, the most addicting computer game—is called “World of Warcraft;” if all computer games were drugs, I have been told, “World of Warcraft” would be crack cocaine. If you do search for “Warcraft” on Facebook, you will fi nd a number of groups, including “The Girlfriend Coalition Against Warcraft,” “Warcraft Ate My Soul,” and “Center of Warcraft Rehabilitation.” Over winter break, I was deeply curious about the addictive properties of this game in particular, and

downloaded a 10-day trial version of the game. Some friends cautioned me against this, telling me things ranging from “prepare to say goodbye to life” to “stay away from that game, for the love of God.” From that experience of 10 days alone, I can only imagine of the nearendless potential a game like World of Warcraft has to addict and obsess any of its players. I am aware of the potential of any computer game— provided it is immersive and entertaining enough—to mesmerize me and drain away hours that could be put to better, more productive use, and this, I think, is true for many people in college as well. Faced with an eight-page literature essay or a stack of chemistry problem sets, it’s not easy to readily deny the urge to go do something—anything—else. Money and accessibility are not

problems. A game like World of Warcraft costs about $15 dollars a month—not overly expensive compared to, for example, movies—and the capability of anyone to obtain through the Internet games through questionable means (no one seems to care about that) is endlessly huge. The temptation is always there— not just to play “World of Warcraft” or (for nostalgia’s sake) “Super Mario,” but to watch “24” or “Grey’s Anatomy” for hours. What wards off the temptation is, of course, no longer those looming parental fi gures, but our looming desires to do something that’s not pointless. In other words, desires that partly mark the transition in college to adulthood. David is a sophomore in Arts & Sciences. He can be reached via e-mail at

Learning about life, courtesy of a soda can BY DENNIS SWEENEY STAFF COLUMNIST


oft drinks rot your teeth, break your bones, screw up your body’s ability to experience arousal, burn your stomach lining and destroy your life. Anybody who drinks Coca-cola, Sprite, Mountain Dew or any of the other nutritionless, body-assaulting products advertised by corporate suitsters who don’t care if their product makes you overweight or sterile is ridiculous. It is extremely easy to cut soft drinks out of your life—just drink water instead. There is no reason to disrespect yourself and all human life by drinking pop. That’s what I was thinking, at least. I mean, really, not drinking pop would probably be an easy thing to do that would significantly improve your long-term bodily well-being. I don’t drink pop. It made sense to me. But then I threw the idea out to my Diet Coke-drinking friend. I harped on her for a while about it, cited the weird chemicals found in the list of ingredients, and generally made a case for the fact that it is bad news. Then she asked, “Well what about coffee? That does the same stuff.” And I said, “Oh, but that’s ok.” I was, indeed, serious. But the point, after a few seconds of reflection, became clear. I do drink coffee occasionally, so I don’t find it particularly offensive; but I abstain from soft drinks, out of habit I guess, so I declare them to be the cause of all that is wrong in the world. It appears that it is easy to make a case for just about anything, no matter which side you are on. Take coffee, for example. The anti-coffee individual can say it stains your teeth, has more caffeine than most soft drinks, is grown by poor exploited peasants in South

American countries, gives you heart disease, and on and on. The coffee advocate can say that it tastes good, it doesn’t have a bunch of sugar like pop does, it is an authentic beverage that has been around for many centuries, it prevents diabetes and certain cancers, etc. etc. The only real truth that one can get out of such an argument is that people will find evidence for the side of something they naturally favor, and use it to back up the view that they originally held anyway because of personal preference. Most “evidence” to support a certain view, then, is rationalization. It is searching, after the opinion is firmly and arbitrarily entrenched in one’s mind, for facts to support that opinion. And if you don’t buy that, at least borrow this: almost anything can be defended. There are few things in the world that are unarguable, but those that are arguable are (we all know the futility of debating) hardly worth arguing about. For people to say “This is right, and that is wrong” is a fallacy. It would be more accurate to take a more utilitarian approach, and choose what is “most right” as what has the most benefits. But then again, the value placed on specific benefits are a result of personal value systems, so it ends up being a personal choice anyway. I guess it is all right to assert things like “There should be three more minutes added on to the time between classes at Wash. U.” like the Student Life Staff Editorial did Monday (“Seven minutes in hell,” Jan. 29, 2007). But it’s important to remember that everyone has their own reason for doing things—there is a reason it is seven minutes and not 10. And often those reasons are things that a person naturally tending toward the opposite belief may not have even thought of.


An upshot here is that it is not really worth it to stake the whole of your being on one argument. I mean, say you have a purpose, like helping people— that’s doing something unarguably good. But to support a certain, say, political view as if it is the same thing, as clear

and unarguable, as helping people, is to declare a right that you do not have—a declaration that is very dangerous. You might believe you have more pluses than the other team, but you do not have the unarguable right of way, and you ought not act like you do.

It is being obtuse to pretend that what one believes is obvious, that it is the truth. Like Jack Kerouac says in “The Dharma Bums,” “the fi nal sin, the worst, is righteousness.” Believing that my own beverage of choice is far more acceptable than another’s is just as absurd

as believing the same about any of my other opinions. Who am I to judge? Dennis is a freshman in Arts & Sciences. He can be reached via e-mail at djsweene@artsci.

Extra costs hurt low income students the most BY BEN PAVIOUR OP-ED SUBMISSION


tudents at Wash. U. are no strangers to an annual comprehensive bill that is fast encroaching on $50,000. The University has done a commendable job distributing financial aid and scholarships and is known for its generous grants that steers Ivy-bound students towards the Midwest. But the administration and the board of trustees need to address smaller costs that can quickly make the school unaffordable for lowincome students. In keeping with this year’s “Higher Sense of Purpose” theme, I would like the University to ask the following question before endorsing expensive add-ons to tuition and room and board: What would Mark Rank do? In a world where paying nearly $45,000 a year to go to school might already be a bit morally dubious, is it really necessary to charge students $6 for a box of cereal at Bear Mart? Low-income students

who might save significant amounts of money by going to an in-state, public institution are not likely to be swayed to move to St. Louis when they see that Wash. U. charges $44,240 a year and has the gumption to charge for services like the gym, internet and visits to the health center that are free at publics. Much of the debate over costs at Wash. U. last semester focused on ResTech’s terrible Internet service. These arguments have all been made before, but they are worth repeating: the Internet is unreliable, the lack of wireless in dorms puts Wash. U. at a competitive disadvantage with other elite institutions and, most importantly, charging an extra $270 for a service that has become essential to students and is free at almost every other college is outrageous. Charging for printing is equally offensive. At my high school, many of the pages that came through the library printers were rap lyrics and porn. Either students at Wash. U. are excep-

tionally good at hiding their Jeezy lyrics and Jenna pics in a layer of anthro readings or they are printing materials that they legitimately need for class. The library has set up yet another roadblock to learning for the economically disadvantaged. For now, at least, students are able to go elsewhere to print. Not all of these expenses are optional; Wash. U. requires all students to enroll in its $660 health insurance plan. The basic plan does not cover regular checkups, eye and dental exams, most prescription drugs and a long list of other obscure medical problems and situations (someone else will have to pay for your sex changes and injuries sustained while hang-gliding). Although lowincome students are more likely to need insurance, those who already have insurance will be forking over a substantial sum of money for overlapping coverage. Making the insurance plan optional might inconvenience Student Health, but it would not force students into purchasing

something that they may not need. Excessive charges seem to have become something of a school policy. Witness the changes enacted to the study abroad program in 2001. Beginning that year, all Wash. U. study abroad programs were revised to have costs comparable to spending a year at school. One of the many appealing aspects to studying abroad is that higher education is relatively cheap elsewhere compared to the United States, even including room and board and other expenses. For instance, King’s College in London charges £11,402 (about $22,000) in tuition per year for international arts and science students. Even taking into account exorbitant London rent, cost of living, health insurance and air travel, the total does not come close to Wash. U.’s $47,842 price tag. The University argues in a Record dispatch from Feb. 18, 1999 (when the changes were announced) that the extra funds will go towards “more faculty

involvement, more funds for program development, review and redesign, as well as some funds for scholarship support.” The impression I get from this bureaucratese is that the University has arbitrarily raised costs in the name of standardization. There are other areas that the university could stand to moderate costs—Bear Mart, with its $5 12-pack sodas, and the campus bookstore, with its overpriced office supplies, both dutifully exploit their respective monopolies— but I recognize that running a university like Wash. U. on a budget is a very difficult proposition these days. At the same time, the wealth

of Wash. U. students has not escaped the attention of college guidebooks and therefore prospective students; Princeton Review notes that although most students don’t fl aunt their wealth, “This is a rich school” and “many Washington students come from boatloads of money.” If the University continues to pay lip service to making higher education affordable to all students, it needs to address costs in ways that scholarships, loans, and grants do not. Ben is a freshman in Arts & Sciences. He can be reached via e-mail at bmpaviou@

CORRECTION A Student Life article, “Reduced tuition option eliminated,” (Jan. 19, 2007) incorrectly reported the semester in which the reduced tuition option will become unavailable. It will take effect in Fall 2007, not Spring 2007 as reported in the article. Student Life regrets this error.


Senior Sports Editor / Andrei Berman /


SPORTS Women’s basketball: A powerhouse program yet again SPORTS REPORTER


would like to preface this article by saying that all of this is factually unsubstantiated. The following thoughts are merely my own musings. So how does women’s basketball coach Nancy Fahey do it? How do you lose two All-Americans and First Team UAA players and only return 14 points to a starting line-up and still sit atop arguably the toughest conference in Division III women’s basketball? Here are a few possibilities: 1. Hustling: Hustling is normally a good thing in basketball, but not in the Paul Newman sense. Fahey and her Bears were holding back in the non-conference games so the UAA opponents wouldn’t see the real deal. The Bears hid plays along with talented bench players so that the loss of sophomore Shanna-Lei Dacanay looked to be the final nail in the season’s coffin. Dropping out of the national rankings for the first time

in years (and then jumping to the 11th spot, the largest jump in poll history) was just all part of Fahey’s plan. Just call them “Fast Eddie� because the UAA just got played. 2. Bribery: In one of the largest scams to hit college basketball since the feces hit the fan in Michigan, Fahey and her staff paid the contending UAA schools to play poorly. How else can one explain the then second-ranked Yellow Jackets of Rochester shooting barely over 20 percent and NYU giving up 32 points to Sarah Schell? It could be that the Bears defense and Schell are just that good, but people still think there was only one shooter that day in Dallas, so why not a Division III basketball bribery scam? Could be fun. 3. Secret Scholarships: Perhaps Fahey and her staff have secretly been sliding money and other incentives in order to entice freshmen and transfers to choose the Danforth Campus over other schools. I suspect fake

cushy “jobs,� free clothing and even payoffs from alumni. There are far too many new and expensive cars parked by the Athletic Complex. Now that I think about it, they could just be from the law school, but I’m still suspicious. I’ve come up with some other potential reasons (some of which involve alien abduction, for which I had no conclusive evidence so I decided to withhold), but the above reasons should be enough to cause a reaction from the NCAA violations committee. It’s like Ohio State losing to Florida in the championship—it just doesn’t make any sense. There has to be a reason other than Fahey’s 472 wins and four National Championships. It can’t be that the Bears have had six different top scorers this season and are holding opponents to only 56 points per game. I demand an investigation before Fahey’s previously unranked team runs away with the UAA championship and into the postseason.

SODIUM v FROM PAGE 2 of premature babies, and that more research with normal weight newborns needs to be performed. Too much salty food can be a real issue. In addition to obesity, other health risks have been linked to high sodium. “High sodium intake can lead to health problems, though not everyone is susceptible. In people who are salt-sensitive, too much sodium can lead to hypertension or uid retention, and in some

people it affects overall kidney function,â€? said Diekman. Current dietary recommendations call for 2,300 milligrams of sodium every day. Diekman advises students to read food labels and check online so they’ll know how much sodium they’re consuming. “Good clues to high sodium are if you’re eating too many processed meals, quick grab foods, frozen items, or canned items. You’ll deďŹ nitely get more sodium than if you’re

eating fresh whole grains and fruits,� said Diekman. “Try to shift to lower sodium by getting fresh food in their natural state, not processed and preserved.�

MEN’S BASKETBALL STANDINGS Washington U. U. Chicago Carnegie Mellon Rochester Brandeis New York University Emory University Case Western Reserve

W 7 6 4 4 3 3 1 0

UAA L Pct. 0 1.000 1 .857 3 .571 3 .571 4 .429 4 .429 6 .143 7 .000

OVERALL W L Pct. 16 1 .941 15 3 .833 11 6 .647 13 5 .722 13 5 .722 14 4 .778 7 10 .412 4 14 .222

UPCOMING GAMES: Feb. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 9 Feb. 11 Feb. 16 Feb. 18 Feb. 24

@ NYU, 8 p.m. (ET) @ Brandeis, noon (ET) VS. Emory, 8 P.M. VS. Case, noon @ Carnegie Mellon, 8 p.m. (ET) @ Rochester, noon (ET) VS. U. Chicago, 3 p.m.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL STANDINGS Washington U. U. Chicago New York University Rochester Brandeis Carnegie Mellon Emory University Case Western Reserve

W 6 5 5 5 4 2 1 0

UAA L 1 2 2 2 3 5 6 7

Pct. .857 .714 .714 .714 .571 .286 .143 .000

OVERALL W L Pct. 14 4 .778 16 2 .889 16 2 .889 16 2 .889 14 3 .824 8 10 .444 7 11 .389 8 10 .444

UPCOMING GAMES: Feb. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 9 Feb. 11 Feb. 16 Feb. 18 Feb. 24

@ NYU, 6 p.m. (ET) @ Brandeis, 2 p.m. (ET) VS. Emory, 6 p.m. VS. Case, 2 p.m. @ Carnegie Mellon, 6 p.m. (ET) @ Rochester, 2 p.m. (ET) VS. U. Chicago, 3 p.m.


MEN VERSUS Saint Louis University Show-Me Showdown DePauw University Maroon Invitational WU Thanksgiving Invite Wheaton Invitiational Lindenwood University WU Invitational

W/L L 5th L 3rd 2nd 2nd W 2nd

VERSUS Saint Louis University Show-Me Showdown DePauw University Maroon Invitational WU Thanksgiving Invite Wheaton Invitiational Lindenwood University WU Invitational


W/L L 3rd W 2nd 2nd 2nd W 1st

Feb. 8-10 UAA Championships, Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 16-17 Midwest Invitational, Chicago, Ill. Mar. 8-10 NCAA Women’s Championships Mar. 15-17 NCAA Men’s Championships

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Senior Cadenza Editor / Ivanna Yang /





Awkward film departure from norm BY CECILIA RAZAK CADENZA REPORTER While watching “Catch and Release,” one is unsure whether to hate the fi lm for what it is, or love it for what it isn’t. What it is, is an odd, slightly stilted mix of romantic comedy and drama, with a lead who looks extremely uncomfortable in her own skin. What it isn’t is a typical Hollywood romantic comedy. Gray (Jennifer Garner), soon-to-be-bride turned nearly widow, is mourning the death of her fiancée Grady. Gray takes comfort in her late fiancée’s friends, benignly funny Sam (comic relief provided by Kevin Smith,) and Fritz (Timo-

Catch and Release Rating: ★★★✩✩ Director: Susannah Grant Starring: Jennifer Garner, Kevin Smith, Timothy Olyphant, and Sam Jaeger Now playing: Galleria 6

thy Olyphant, miscast) whom Grey assumes to be bit of a skeeze, and whom the audience recognizes from moment one as Act Two love interest. Director Susannah Grant makes her directorial debut after writing, among other women-championing fi lms, “Erin Brockovich” and “28 days.” She keeps things plodding along, not uninterestingly, but with little ingenuity. Things are falling dully and unremarkably into place when Grey makes a startling discovery about Grady’s past—namely that he had a young son with massage therapist Maureen (a fl ighty Juliette Lewis) who shows up unexpectedly one afternoon. Now forced to come to terms with the loss not only of the man she loved but also her image of that man, Gray must make nice with her new not-quite-stepson and his mother. Hilarity ensues. There are a few funny moments, mostly supplied by Kevin Smith as Sam, bespectacled, berobed and bepajamed, and in his natural habitat. Slightly glib but always ready with a deep, semi-apropos quote sto-

len from a Celestial Seasonings tea box, Smith plays the man we imagine he himself would be if he hired a makeup artist to make him look like he just got out of bed. For comic relief, Sam achieves a measure of depth, and here’s where “Catch and Release” diverges most notably from Hollywood formulas. These normally two-dimensional characters become almost three-dimensional, although perhaps struggling not to the extent one would in real life, but to a much greater extent than usual in the typical romantic comedy. Which, admittedly, is barely at all. A nice departure from Hollywood occurs when Maureen admits to Sam that she can’t raise this child, “it’s just too hard,” and then the convenient, unconvincing but completely expected plot device (such as Maureen disappearing without child in tow and Gray stepping in as mother figure to create a budding, befuddled family unit with previously untamable skeeze friend) fails to appear. And we thank the fi lm for giving us a little credit.

Still, the ending feels slapped on by the grubbing hands of producers insistent on the requisite romantic comedy dénouement. It’s unnecessary; the fi lm would conclude in a much subtler, gentler place if it ended ten minutes earlier. Because at heart this is a timeworn story, it would be nice if “Catch and Release” had something new to say, but it doesn’t. Its timid divergences from formula end up being little more than a tease, failing to deliver by succumbing to the drag of convention. The better ending would have been more ambiguous but also more contemplative, leaving us to ruminate on the nature of loss and the way these characters cope. Unfortunately, while we watch the players wriggle through a nearly adequate script, we also watch them do all the hackneyed two-dimensional things. Guy gets girl, girl loses guy, guy gets girl—we’ve seen it before, and while “Catch and Release” is not as exasperatingly common, it is still common, spoon feeding us its tried-and-true doctrines of love conquering all,

Movie’s cast outperforms script BY BRIAN STITT MOVIE EDITOR A much overlooked but nonetheless essential element in good storytelling is tone. Tone allows patients to regularly die on “Scrubs” without affecting the giddy mood and enables the Cohen brothers to use extremely dark material as comedy. From the looks of the trailer, “Smokin’ Aces” seemed to take the anarchy friendly tone of “Natural Born Killers” and blend it with Guy Ritchie-style kinetiscism and the smart crime sensibility of writer/director Joe Carnahan. The fi lm brims with thuggish charm, which draws the viewer in, but Carnahan never really gains traction. The reason, as you may have guessed, is a lack of cohesive tone. The story is simple, but

the script has half a brain so everything seems little clearer than it actually is. An aging mobster has put a million dollar contract out on Vegas magician and wannabe gangster Buddy “Aces” Israel (suddenly a headliner Jeremy Piven) who is about to rat to the feds for immunity. While FBI agents (Ray Liotta and Ryan Reynolds) try to track down Buddy to put him in protective custody, word on the contract gets out and a long list of hit men and women come out of the word work to collect the million dollar prize. Sort of. Andy Garcia gets a lot of screen time as the agents boss who is hammering out details for Buddy’s deal. It does involve a fairly interesting assortment of assassins (Neo-Nazi punkers the Tremor Brothers are a standout) and includes some hilarious

moments (Jason Batemen is brilliant as a spotty lawyer dripping with sleaze) and even some heartfelt, introspective moments with the boozy, strung-out Buddy “Aces.” But every time the movie starts to speed up, some story element comes in that needs 15 minutes of explanation and offers zero rewards. The movie lurches from fi rst gear to fi fth and then back to second so often that all of the great moments are lost in the bizarre transitions. Carnahan tried to shove two completely different moods together, which is doable (i.e. Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, Quentin Tarantino) but not without masterful control of tone. In “Smokin Aces” we have moments of unrestrained, lead-heavy, balls to the wall

shootouts, shoved next to long exposition scenes with Andy Garcia without any thought as to why this might seem odd. If Carnahan had embraced these differences and exploited them, it may have made the action seem even more over the top when at times even the Tremor brothers seem bored. What he gave us is a graceless pile with an interesting cast and unfulfi lled potential.

Smokin’ Aces Rating: ★★✩✩✩ Director: Susannah Grant Starring: Jennifer Garner, Kevin Smith, Timothy Olyphant, and Sam Jaeger Now playing: Esquire, Galleria 6


Jones’s voice makes for strong album BY ANDREW SENTER CADENZA REPORTER Norah Jones’ new album, “Not Too Late,” is an accomplished and at times magnificent blend of jazz and folk music. Jones is accompanied by a sterling set of musicians who elevate many of the tracks with their skilled artistry. But the true highlight of the album is Jones’s raspy and soulful voice, which she can skillfully

Norah Jones Not Too Late Rating: ★★★★✩ Tracks to download: “Sinking Soon,” “Sun Doesn’t Like You,” “Broken” For fans of: Alison Krauss, Joss Stone, Dido

manipulate into a sound that is either powerful or sensuous, depending on the situation. The album opens with “Wish I Could,” a pleasant song that feels a bit languid and is not particularly engaging. But this song is the exception. Following the opener is “Sinkin’ Soon,” a fantastic song that is accompanied by piano and banjo parts that evoke early folk and blues songs. Next is “The Sun Doesn’t Like You,” a beautiful song that Jones sings with a bittersweet conviction, reminding listeners how “Time

won’t pass us by/Won’t tell me lies/Someday we all have to die.” Afterwards is “Until the End,” a sweet and gentle song in which Jones sounds both confident and charming. The rest of the album follows in this general pattern. A few of the songs are not very engaging, such as “Thinking About You,” a listless love tune and “My Dear Country,” an unconvincing political statement. These songs are contrasted with pieces such as “Broken,” a haunting character study about a man who is misunderstood by society because “He’s got a broken voice/And a twisted smile/Blood on his shoes/And mud on his brow.” Jones is able to empathize with the protagonist in a way that makes the listener feel both compassion for the man and outrage at the society that judges him. Jones has also become adept at singing love songs, both about heartbreak and pleasure. “Little Room” is a joyful song that emphasizes how, in matters of the heart, the most important thing is who you are with. She is also able to sing about heartbreak, as in the touching “Wake Me Up.” In this song, Jones gently tells the listener how she would prefer to sleep off the day after a break up. She does not claim to be weak or helpless; she knows she will move on. But like many of us, she needs a little time to recover after being hurt.



Norah Jones performs at the Bridge School Benefit at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, CA on October 30, 2005. Norah Jones’ new album is a mature and confident record. Jones’ voice has developed into something that is able to evoke

a surplus of images in and emotions in the listener, and “Not Too Late” is a wonderful showcase for that.



Timothy Olyphant (left) and Jennifer Garner (right) star in Columbia Pictures’ Catch and Release. of living in the moment and of being yourself when you’re not letting your hair down. Most importantly, the fi lm suggests that we should learn not to treasure our initial misconceptions, but to look further and

embrace reality. A reality that, in the fi lm’s idealized Colorado setting, is eminently embraceable. So embraceable, in fact, that the moral falls flat. Why not enjoy the weather when it’s beautifully sunny?


We all love Nana BY BRIAN STITT MOVIE EDITOR When I was five years old my father sat me in front of the TV and popped a copy of “The Bridge on the River Kwai” into the VCR. I’m sure he was simply trying to keep me from watching “Katy the Caterpillar” for the 200th time but I also feel like it was an attempt to introduce me to one of the best male bonding movies ever created. At the time I thought the movie was incredibly long and boring, fair for a 5-year-old with ADD. I did get something from the experience, though, that my Dad may not have anticipated and certainly did not intend. When I revisited the film at age 11, remembering the enthusiasm in my Dad’s eyes when he watched Alec Guinness stare down Colonel Saito, I finally understood why two hours of marching, whistling and posturing was so exciting for him and it became so for me as well. I appreciated the film even more because I had such a strong memory of disliking it as a younger child. Having my opinion forcibly changed by a static piece of artwork was moving, and from that point on I refused to let my age dictate the kind of entertainment I would enjoy. I threw all age-appropriateness suggestions out the window and began enjoying the joys of all kinds of movies and television regardless of age level. This led not only to my fanaticism for the gritty and gut wrenching “Homicide: Life on the Street” when I was in grade school, but also to my growing addiction to the ridiculous Canadian melodrama “Degrassi: The Next Generation.” Now I enjoy watching everything from Jim Jarmusch movies to “The Wiggles.” The reason I bring up this seemingly pointless anecdote is even more self-serving than this column may seem up to this point. My favorite TV show has been pulled off of KETC, the local PBS affiliate, and I am raging. That pointless anecdote was an attempt to justify the fact that my current favorite show is a Canadain television show produced puppet show intended for preschoolers. “Nanalan’” follows the adventures of Mona, a 3-year-old girl, who spends every day with her Nana while Mom and Dad are at work. The cast also includes Nana’s dog Russell and Nana’s neighbor and sometime

love interest Mr. Wooka. The show plays as if Tom Green made a puppet show about a stoned toddler and I absolutely love it. From the meta-fictional aspects of Mona watching a puppet show put on by Mr. Wooka, a puppet himself, to the simple lessons learned on each episode like colors are different and some food is crunchy, this show fills me with unadulterated joy for one half hour. To illustrate my devotion, “Nanalan’” aired at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday mornings and I never missed an episode. Lack of sleep may play some small role in the borderline religious experience I enjoy while watching the show, but does that make it any less valid? Several weeks ago, however, my entire world came crashing down as if the Hindenberg and the Titanic collided in mid-air. Not only was my show pulled from the air, but all mention of it on the KETC Web site disappeared as if to specifically mock my affection for the program. I initially assumed it was a oneweek mistake but as the Saturdays came and went I was not treated to my usual thirty minutes of Nirvana but to brainless garbage like the insipid “Saddle Club” and the ridiculously idiotic “Dragon Tales.” I miss the simple and nuanced beauty of the improvised dialogue and the Tom Waits quality of Mr. Wooka’s singing voice (“We All Love our Nana” is my second favorite song right now behind “Gwen Stefani’s “The Sweet Escape”). I thought the Web site ( may pull me from the depths of my hell but the limited material served only to whet the blade that sliced my guts to pieces every weekend. I was unable even to procure DVD copies of the episodes finding only the early shorts that inspired the show. These are a small comfort but still I yearn for more. So I turn to you, dear readers, as a last resort. Call up the Nanalan Web site and peruse the videos and music available. If you find even one moment of joy on the entire site I encourage you to email programming at KETC via and tell them that you demand the return of Nanaland and preferably at a more college friendly time slot. And then all of my father’s best efforts to keep me from watching terrible children’s programming will not be in vain.


Senior Cadenza Editor / Ivanna Yang /



n. a technically brilliant, sometimes improvised solo passage toward the close of a concerto, an exceptionally brilliant part of an artistic work

arts & entertainment

Meet me at the mall...


How music influences the way we shop What is it about mall music that makes or breaks the shopping experience? Background music affects our emotions, our outlooks and our mindset more than we may actually realize. I set out to find what exactly sends us running away from a store or gives us that urge to splurge. Society today undoubtedly links fashion with music. Between the lyrics incorporating big name designers (“They buy me all these ice-ys/Dolce and Gabbana/Fendi and then Donna” or “They say they love my ass in/Seven jeans, True Religion/I say no, but they keep givin’”) and multiple designers with DJs, music inevitably manipulates the consumer. After a survey of the tunes that make us tick and the pulsing beats that encourage us to spend, I split the stores and their musical selections into three groups. EITAN HOCHSTER | STUDENT LIFE

stores: 1 Casual-wear Top hits and variations With distressed denim and unfussy Oxford shirts to give customers the perfect cavalier look, Abercrombie and Fitch was teeming with shoppers. The music was bass-heavy and featured the familiar thump of the Pet Shop Boys (a British electronic/pop/alternative group that has been around since the early ’80s). The music complemented the edgy garb with a sound so energized and elevating that the clothes nearly danced off the hangers by themselves. True to their trendy yet edgy merchandise and often innovative style combinations, Urban Outfitters is deeply in touch with the music world, releasing its own “mixtapes” and exposing its shoppers to a selection of often “underground” indie rock, alternative, electronic and techno. I was graced by the music of Thom Yorke as I walked in the door, and two Original Penguin sweater-clad employees greeted me with a “hey.” Going from the subtle electronica of good ol’ Thom to a song off The Walkmen’s new album, the shopping mood remained the same. The music inspired thinking: the loud yet strange sounds allowed the shopper to really hear the music rather than attempt to sing along and use the melodies to inspire creativity during the shopping process. Urban Outfitters delves into the unknown of music and shares it with eager shoppers.

boutiques: 2‘RefiUpscale ned’ musical selections In the world of boutiques and urbane chic, jazz is a must. In one such Milwaukee boutique, I was delighted to walk in to John Coltrane’s “Giant Steps,” getting me in the groove to shop in a smooth and classy way, providing the necessary funk to keep me going, but not overwhelm my senses. A little Herbie Hancock followed, though the sparsely stocked store was a bit too expensive and sophisticated for his sounds.

stores: 3 Department A musical medley The ultimate example of the changing dynamic of music from store to store is the classic department store. The experience of walking into Nordstrom differs depending on your department of choice. There is that larger-than-life shoe department with standard classical music to suit all tastes, or the makeup and handbag department, featuring only the most recognizable of oldies. Venturing onward to the more upscale but still youthful Savvy, geared towards young adults, the music selection of Radiohead and Wilco gained my approval. Both these artists are recognizable to the musically proficient, yet are still reminiscent of Urban’s cutting-edge tunes. Walking through the men’s department to the sound of more classical music (the store was not trying too hard to inspire shopping creativity in the males) brought me to the Juniors department where I was ostensibly blasted with top 40 hip-hop and pop jams. Bombarded with noise and teenage girls scrambling around to pick the perfect pants, I quickly exited the store and concluded my quest with a slight headache.


An unidentified man rides an escalator to the sound of ubiquitous elevator music at the Galleria Mall on Tuesday.

At the end of the day, music has the same effect in stores as it does in each and every one of our lives. It inspires shoppers, discourages shoppers and inevitably shapes the aura of stores, be they designer boutiques or your nearest Hot Topic. Even grocery stores delight hurried consumers with background noise. Searching for something new to tune into? Go shopping and see what music you can scout out. Maybe a dose of mall music is just what you need to get into a new groove, or to send you running back to your favorite albums. Just don’t let the melodies manipulate your wallet.


Band’s hype unfulfilled in new album BY REBECCA KATZ CADENZA REPORTER Oh, what a shame it is that yet another potentially promising indie band has gone to waste. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! (CYHSY) released their fi rst album in 2005, which was received with an insane amount of hype. Based on guest appearances by both David Bowie and David Byrne at their shows and the allure of a band name that actually commands you to applaud (whoever said not to judge a band by its name was dead wrong), CYHSY should be enticing, new, and fresh, right? Wrong. Their debut self-titled

album was praised by mp3 bloggers, but anyone who actually listened to it in its entirety and did not jam a pencil into his eye would have given it a less than impressive review. CYHSY released its second album, “Some Loud Thunder,” this time with a record label, a little over a year later. I was willing to give CYHSY a second chance, but the fi ve-member indie pop group disappointed me once again. The prime problem with “Some Loud Thunder” is the vocals. Contrary to popular belief, actually trying to sound like you cannot sing is not enjoyable. The title track is absolutely unbear-

able from the get-go. Alec Ounsworth’s voice is whiny and raspy, making it nearly impossible to make out more than four words in a row. “Underwater (You and Me)” has somewhat discernable lyrics, but the sound is repetitive and monotonous, and I truly could not wait for each song to end. The pain infl icted by listening closely to the droning and moaning of Ounsworth’s words was insurmountable. The instrumentals throughout the album, however, are actually pretty inventive, combining piano, guitar, harmonica and even some electric sounds to create unique melodies. The

introduction to “Goodbye to the Mother and the Cove” involves a violin and a guitar gradually integrated into a steady beat; unfortunately, as soon as the vocals began, I could not push the stop button fast enough to prevent the nails-on-the-chalkboard effect on my eardrums. The musical talent is just utterly conquered by the lack of vocal talent. Whoever declared music as solely lead vocals forgot the important aspects of harmony that adding backup voices can provide. CYHSY notably idolizes The Talking Heads, yet they fail to recognize that even David Byrne needed backup sometimes.

And his voice was not akin to the groans and moans of one of Jack Bauer’s tortured terrorists. I’m pretty sure Ounsworth could use all the help he can get. Is our pop scene really so desperate that a band with a catchy name, creative song titles and moderately publicized releases can gain a blind following? Personally, it was physically painful for me to listen to “Some Loud Thunder” in its entirety. I praise the musical talent in the band and the melodies are original. However, the lyrics could be incredibly inventive and no one would ever know due to the legitimate lack of quality in

Ounsworth’s voice. If you absolutely must check it out, stick to listening to the instrumentals. I would not clap my hands and say yeah! (or even take my hands out of my pockets for that matter) for this one.

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! Some Loud Thunder Rating: ✬✩✩✩✩ Tracks to download: Avoid downloading any tracks For fans of: The Arcade Fire Gone Wrong; The Good, the Bad and the Queen




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