Undergrads bolster Obama, McCain v On Super Tuesday, students mobilize to vote, taking advantage of South 40 polls
v Exit polls show stronger Obama,
McCain support than statewide results BY NEWS STAFF Washington University Students came out to vote yesterday in the presidential primaries at polling stations on Trinity Ave., Our Lady of Lourdes on Northmoor Dr. and—for the first time—on the South 40. Senators Barack Obama (D-IL) and Hillary Clinton (D-NY) split several key races across the country with Obama faring especially well in the Midwestern and Mountain states and Clinton in the Western and Northeastern states. Senator John McCain won a plurality of Republican primaries, though both of his leading competitors won victories around the nation. Students said that the new polling stations on the South 40 made voting easy and convenient. “It’s good because it’s so accessible,” said Student Union (SU) President Neil Patel. “Students just have to walk a short distance to get there. Because it’s visible it’s going to have an impact. It becomes part of the community.” The station on the South 40 was one of several efforts by student groups and the administration to encourage students to vote. Another service available to students for the first time this year was a shuttle service transporting them from Mallinckrodt to polling stations near campus. The shuttles were organized in part by the administration and paid for by a Student Union executive fund at a cost of
Students vote in the presidential primary Tuesday afternoon in Friedman Lounge in Wohl Center on the South 40. over $1400. “It’s a wonderful idea,” said SU Treasurer Marius Johnson. “It promotes good citizenship.” Johnson said that though SU was in favor of giving students an easier path to the voting booths, he is not sure whether the service will be available for the general election in November. “There’s going to be a couple of factors [regarding the shuttles’ availability],” he said. “It will depend on who the [SU] executives are.” Matt Adler, a student who spearheaded the shuttle ini-
Wash. U. voters turn out for Obama, McCain Obama 81.8% Clinton 19.2% Information was collected at all three polling locations for Wash. U. students.
Romney 25%
McCain 60%
Paul 10% Prefer not to respond 5%
Departing from the statewide trends in Missouri, Washington University students overwhelmingly voted for Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) and Senator John McCain (D-AZ), according to exit polls conducted by Student Life. Senators Obama and McCain both won hard fought victories in the state’s Super Tuesday contests by a very small margin. In data from exit polls conducted by Student Life within the three precincts in which most University students vote, Senator Obama received 80 percent of the student vote in the Democratic contest and Senator McCain received 60 percent of the student vote in the Republican contest. Senator Clinton garnered 20 percent of the votes among University students, considerably less than the 48 percent that she garnered statewide. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney brought in 25 percent of the student vote, while in the final statewide tally he finished third. Although Senator McCain won the Missouri primary, his margin among the general election was far smaller than among University students; as of press time, fewer than 10,000 votes separated Senator McCain from his nearest competitor, Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Student voting trends are largely in line with—though more pronounced than—the trends for surrounding St. Louis County where Senator Obama received 71 percent of the vote.
In line with trends from previous polls of the University community, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and healthcare topped students list of the largest factor in deciding for whom to vote. Breaking with the campuswide trend, those Democrats that voted for Senator Clinton were more likely to identify healthcare as the most pressing issue facing the nation. Throughout the election, Senator Obama has drawn media attention for the sustained support he has received from young voters-a group traditionally thought to be politically apathetic. “Young people have really woken up over these past four years,” said Tamia Booker, the campus events manager at the Center for American Progress. “So many things have happened and changed and young people have become more interested and more progressive.” Despite the relatively lackluster support for other candidates among University voters, nationwide all presidential candidates have enjoyed support from a new generation of voters. “I think that what Senator Obama did is really start the trend in terms of paying attention to young voters,” said Booker. “He did get a large turnout in Iowa, but when you go to New Hampshire you get a large turnout for Senator Clinton.” The exit poll was administered through the day by Student Life reporters at the three polling places in which the majority of University students vote: Wohl Center, Our Lady of Lourdes Church and Trinity Presbyterian Church.
With change to housing options, ResLife alters lottery
Forman resigns as SU secretary
STAFF REPORTER When students enter the housing lottery this year, they will notice some significant changes to the pecking order in certain rounds. In an effort to ensure housing for underclassmen, the Office of Residential Life approved a revised selection system designed to draw juniors and seniors away from the South 40 and into residences on the North Side of campus and off-campus. The second and third rounds of the lottery, which fill the North Side locations and the South 40, respectively, will undergo the most significant change. Students in search of apartments in Millbrook, Loop Lofts, Greenway, Rosedale, U-Drive and suites in the Village or Lopata House will select in the second round using their randomly assigned lottery numbers. The second round will also fill Village East, a new 152-bed apartment complex with double beds and four-person suites scheduled to open in the fall. Higher priority will be given to students who have lived in the Residential Life system the longest. Next, in the third round, the lottery will progress in reverse order, giving rising sophomores top priority on the South 40 and
then allowing remaining upperclassmen to fill vacant rooms. In modifying the selection process, Residential Life sought to encourage underclassmen to remain involved with their residential colleges on the South 40 and to help juniors and seniors
secure more independent housing on the other side of campus. In collaboration with a student task force, the change was made to “give priority to the students who we felt belonged living on the South 40,” said Cheryl Stephens, associate director of
Residential Life. “The seniority of your lottery number stays the same, but the South 40 is a reverse lottery.” The new wrinkle to the lottery comes in anticipation of the
See LOTTERY, page 2
Wash. U. students to ride microgravity plane BY JOHN SCOTT STAFF REPORTER Many people know it as the “Vomit Comet.” The formal name is the C9 microgravity plane, a NASA resource that will be used this spring by a group of students from Washington University’s Aerospace Systems Lab as part of the University’s nanosatellite project. The Bandit/Akoya project, a name that refers to the two satellites involved, has been underway since 2003. Since that time, the team has designed and built the two-part satellite. The test this spring will determine the functionality of Bandit’s maneuvering abilities in a zero gravity environment. Akoya, the host satellite, weighs
There’s always more online... Super Tuesday is barely over, but our commentary on this highly dramatic day has already begun. Check out our political unit blogs for all the action.
just 29 kilograms, while Bandit weighs three. During flight, Bandit can detach and maneuver around Akoya. The Bandit is designed to control and orient itself during flight but can also be controlled remotely. Sophomore Katie Sullivan, the team leader, said the satellite needs to be tested in a zero gravity environment in order to see if it can be maneuvered properly. “We have absolutely no idea how these things function in space. We want to see how it functions in zero gravity. The only way you can do that on earth is to take a plane and fly straight down,” said Sullivan. The test is part of NASA’s Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities Program. The
University is one of 11 schools participating in the Nanosat-5 competition. Junior Mary Mathias has worked on the project since last year. According to Mathias, a different team also performed tests on the satellite last year, but it did not yield the desired results. The problem was that the design of the experiment did not allow Bandit to move freely, as it was confined to a large box. This time, however, the satellite will not be confined. “It didn’t work so well because you have such a short time of microgravity, [and] it was hitting the sides of the box. We are going to do a free float this time,” said Mathias. According to Sullivan, allowing Bandit to free float will give
See PLANE, page 2
Cadenza takes on the Grammys Do you have any idea who should win big in this year’s Grammy awards? Let Cadenza’s staff help you out with both their top picks and their reasons to back them up. Cadenza, Page 4
NEWS EDITOR Citing “personal circumstances,” Rebecca Forman stepped down as Student Union secretary on Monday afternoon. She resigned via an e-mail to the Student Union (SU) executive board. “I have decided that it is in the best interest of the Student Union for me to step down as this organization’s secretary,” she wrote in the e-mail. “Due to personal circumstances, I have been unable to complete many of my duties to the extent that this organization deserves.” Forman says that she enjoyed her time at SU and that the decision did not stem from dissatisfactions she had with the organization or its members. “It was a personal and internal decision,” said Forman, a sophomore. “It had nothing to do with the people in Student Union. I have a lot of respect for them. I think they’re amazing people. It has nothing to do with Student Union being a bad organization.” Although she will no longer be involved with SU in an official capacity, Forman says that she looks forward to helping out with projects in the future. “I will continue to do a lot of work for Student Union,” she said. “I plan to attend a lot of
INSIDE: Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cadenza. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
meetings that I’ve always attended. I’m going to still help out with [public relations] for SU.” SU President Neil Patel hopes to see Forman stay active in SU and says that though he is sad to see her leave, he understands her decision. “It’s something she wanted to do and she did it for personal reasons,” he said. “She knows what she’s doing so I support her in what she’s doing.” Forman and Patel met prior to the official resignation, which— according to Forman—was hard to send due to her passion for her job and for the organization as a whole. “I cried a lot,” she said. “This was really one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make but I think I’m doing the right thing. I feel really good about my decision.” In the meantime, Patel is not sure what will happen to the now vacant space. The traditional procedure in such cases is for the president to appoint a candidate who must then be approved by the SU Senate and Treasury, though Patel says he may want a committee to replace Forman until the end of the term. “We need someone or a group of people to pick up the tasks and finish the year strong,” he said. “People are already com-
See FORMAN, page 2