NEWS 1-3

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University neutrality limits discourse BY SAM GUZIK CONTRIBUTING REPORTER In an election year that many pundits have labeled critical to the future of the nation, free discussion and debate are crucial to the process of making informed decisions. At Washington University, however, many feel that such open discourse is sometimes stifled. Senior Aaron Keyak, president of College Democrats, notes that the University could do more to facilitate that kind of participation by relaxing some of the restrictions on partisan

speech. In the past two years, College Democrats have had to make alternate plans for programs that would have allowed University students to become involved with politics on a national scale by allowing them to interact with national figures. Last year, the College Democrats national convention had to be moved to the Saint Louis University campus because of University policies. “We could have brought John Kerry to campus, but couldn’t because of University rules,” said Keyak. “This would have

been a tremendous opportunity for an educational institution, but the University said ‘no.’” James McLeod, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, defended the University’s decisions because of certain constraints that must be placed upon partisanship in an educational community. Because of the University’s tax-exempt status and the Missouri State Charter that established the school, University policy does not permit facilities on campus to be used for campaign rallies or events, prohibits partisan political meetings

Availability of Plan B varies BY SARA RAJARAM CONTRIBUTING REPORTER With the election tomorrow, Plan B may be a deciding factor for many voters. Dr. Susan Wood, former assistant commissioner for Women’s Health at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), addressed the Plan B controversary on Friday as part of the FDA Hero Speaking Tour. Wood resigned from her position in August 2005 after the FDA ignored the advice of health professionals and postponed the approval of Plan B emergency contraception for people without a prescription. Wood recommended that

Plan B become available overthe-counter for women of all ages. This past August, the FDA approved the over-the-counter sale of Plan B for women at the age of 18 or above, with minors needing a prescription. Wood discussed this restriction as an example where government agencies have formed policies on the basis of political maneuvering instead of scientific facts. “Scientific data and professional scientists are being overruled,” said Wood. “In part, this is due to elected leaders using predetermined ideologies to ignore the science. It is also due

See PLAN B, page 2

and requires the University to maintain political neutrality. McLeod also stressed that members of the faculty feel strongly about having students speak up—both inside and outside of the classroom. “We applaud the principles of free speech and we have a special responsibility to encourage people to pursue that speech as a university,” said McLeod. Creating an atmosphere where there is free and meaningful discussion, however, is not simple. “Students are very nervous about the tone of discussions,”

said senior Meredith Davis, coeditor of the Washington University Political Review (WUPR) and a member of the StudentWorker Alliance (SWA). Davis suggested that despite some well-known stories of activism, such as the SWA sit-in two years ago, many students tend not to express their opinions in vocal and active ways. Instead, they choose more conservative, written forums like WUPR. Because the majority of the student body considers itself liberal, this often works to stifle the message of other sides of the

political spectrum. This type of closed-mindedness is a significant barrier to discussion not just in cases of partisanship, but in all types of discussion. “Students will condemn you just for speaking out as a Republican,” said junior Stacey Goodwin, president of the College Republicans. In addition to the barrier provided by single-mindedness, the largest roadblock to effective discussion is the perceived apathy of students on campus. “People need to quit seeing political speech as outside their lives,” said Davis.




With the Missouri Senatorial election only two days away, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) spoke in support of Claire McCaskill (Dem) Sunday night in Forest Park. The important election has garnered significant national attention, so much so that President George W. Bush visited Missouri to support incumbent Sen. Jim Talent (Rep) in June. Talent thanks Bush for speaking during a fundraiser for Talent’s campaign in Clayton, Mo., on Wednesday, June 28, 2006.

WU seniors make final four in Chevy Super Bowl Ad Challenge BY JOSH MALINA CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Three seniors were recognized as finalists last Tuesday in the Chev y Super Bowl College Ad Challenge, a national competition of college students to create an idea for a commercial to run during next year’s game. The students, Hubert Cheung of the Olin School of Business, and Shlomo Goltz and Nathan Heigert from the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts, were among only four other teams from across the country selected to present their ideas to Chevrolet ex-

ecutives and their ad agency. “Chevrolet Team 509” wined and dined with company executives, toured company headquarters and attended workshops on advertising—all before presenting their concept to Chevrolet on Monday morning. The winning team was announced later that day, but participants were legally bound to keep the results confidential until Chevrolet works out some remaining details, said a company spokesman. “It’s probably the hardest part,” said Heigert. “I really


Shlomo Goltz (left), Nathan Heigert (center) and Hubert Cheung (right) pose at the Chevy Superbowl College Ad Challenge in Detroit. The three Wash. U. seniors were named as finalists in the competition after pitching their ad idea to Chevy executives.

Rembrandt comes to Forest Park Students can view a collection of the famous Dutch artist’s paintings and etchings at the Saint Louis Art Museum in Forest Park. Scene gives you a brief inside look. Scene, Page 4

want to tell everyone.” Heigert served as chief illustrator for the team, designing the storyboards for the commercial. Goltz specializes in sound and motion design and helped relate the overall idea of the commercial to the Chevrolet executives. And Cheung, a marketing major, was charged with deciding how the ad would fit in with Chevrolet’s business goals. “My job was to decide, ‘How will this ad help sell Chevrolet’s cars?’” said Cheung. Cheung learned of the competition through the Adventures in Advertising group, a company he worked with on a marketing project last semester. He started asking around, looking for someone “art-oriented” who might be interested in the competition. On the day before the registration deadline, he found Goltz. “It was complete luck that we bumped into each other,” said Cheung of Goltz, who was only an acquaintance at the time. With the addition of Goltz, and then Heigert later, the team was building the diversity of talent that they felt was responsible for their success. “In our three-person team, I had no idea about business. Hubert had no idea about visuals,” said Goltz. “I think we were very lucky in that

we were the only team in the final round with a mixture of disciplines.” Although Cheung acknowledged creativity as a necessary part of advertising, he bases the team’s success in getting to the final round more on the merit of their ideas. “Advertisement is about selling a brand and a product, rather just making it look good,” said Cheung. Regardless of how they made it to the finals, once there the team spent many hours and late nights focusing on presentation. Marketers at Campbell-Ewald, Chevrolet’s advertising firm, coached team members on how to properly present their ideas to the Chevrolet executives. “Each team was provided professional support to develop their story boards,” said Kelly O’Neill, a Chevrolet advertising manager. “Each team did a fantastic job presenting their concepts.” As part of developing its concept, Chevrolet has plans to produce a short, realityTV spot for the weekend prior to the Super Bowl. Toward this end, TV cameras monitored the finalists the entire weekend, from the moment they got to the airport on Friday until they left Detroit three days later.

See AD CHALLENGE, page 2

Students dance the night away Dance Marathon was this weekend and Student Life was there. Check out photos from that crazy, crazy night, where even Chancellor Wrighton hit the dance floor. News, Page 3

INSIDE: Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Sudoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7



Senior News Editor / Mandy Silver /


dismissed at one time, bringing the total number of St. Louis priests that were demoted to eight. Over the past decade, the St. Louis archdiocese paid over $5.8 million to abuse victims. The four men are prohibited from representing themselves or acting as priests, and are henceforth returned to the status of laymen. The priests were dismissed without pension or long-term fi nancial assistance.

One Brookings Drive #1039 #42 Women’s Building Saint Louis, MO 63130-4899 News: (314) 935-5995 Advertising: (314) 935-6713 Fax: (314) 935-5938 e-mail: Copyright 2006 Editor in Chief: Sarah Kliff Associate Editor: Liz Neukirch Managing Editors: Justin Davidson, David Tabor Senior News Editor: Mandy Silver Senior Forum Editor: Daniel Milstein Senior Cadenza Editor: Ivanna Yang Senior Scene Editor: Erin Fults Senior Sports Editor: Andrei Berman Senior Photo Editor: David Brody Senior Graphics Editor: Rachel Harris News Editors: Troy Rumans, Laura Geggel Contributing Editor: Shweta Murthi Forum Editors: Tess Croner, Nathan Everly, Chelsea Murphy, Jill Strominger Cadenza Editors: Elizabeth Ochoa, Brian Stitt Scene Editors: Sarah Klein, Felicia Baskin Sports Editor: Scott Kaufman-Ross Photo Editors: David Hartstein, Meghan Luecke, Jason Hubert, Carolyn Goldstein Online Editor: Matt Rubin Design Chief: Laura McLean Production Chief: Anna Dinndorf Copy Chief: Mallory Wilder Copy Editors: Danny Bravman, Willie Mendelson, Ellen Jones, Indu Chandrasekhar Designers: Ellen Lo, Jamie Reed, Elizabeth Kaufman, Kate Ehrlich General Manager: Andrew O’Dell Advertising Manager: Sara Judd Copyright 2006 Washington University Student Media, Inc. (WUSMI). Student Life is the financially and editorially independent, student-run newspaper serving the Washington University community. First copy of each publication is free; all additional copies are 50 cents. Subscriptions may be purchased for $80.00 by calling (314) 935-6713. Student Life is a publication of WUSMI and does not necessarily represent, in whole or in part, the views of the Washington University administration, faculty or students. All Student Life articles, photos and graphics are the property of WUSMI and may not be reproduced or published without the express written consent of the General Manager. Pictures and graphics printed in Student Life are available for purchase; e-mail editor@ for more information. Student Life reserves the right to edit all submissions for style, grammar, length and accuracy. The intent of submissions will not be altered. Student Life reserves the right not to publish all submissions. If you’d like to place an ad, please contact the Advertising Department at (314) 935-6713. If you wish to report an error or request a clarification, e-mail

AD CHALLENGE n FROM PAGE 1 “We had cameras stuffed in our faces,” said Goltz. “It was surreal.” Cheung echoed his teammate’s view when he recalled what would happen if the TV crew heard something they liked, but didn’t get on tape. “They would say to us, ‘Oh wait, that was good, but there was background noise, so start over again,’” said Cheung. “It was very unnatural.” As of now, the group has no plans for further collaboration. Friends and family of the team members and the public will have to wait until the Super Bowl to see the group’s hard work.


NATIONAL Hussein sentenced to death Saddam Hussein and two other defendants were sentenced to death by hanging for their role in the 1982 crackdown in the Shiite town of Dujail. Another defendant was sentenced to life in prison, and three others received 15-year sentences. President Bush called the verdict a “milestone in the Iraqi people’s efforts to replace the rule of tyranny with the rule of law.” The decision will now be automatically sent to the appellate chamber of the Iraqi High Tribunal. The appeals process will likely take three to four weeks from that point. Iraqis, not the coalition, would carry out the executions.

LOCAL Four area priests defrocked for sexual abuse On Friday, the Vatican approved the dismissal of four St. Louis archdiocesan priests for sexually abusing minors. This marks the largest number of priests

Chocolate beer newest brew from Anheuser-Busch Not recommended for a keg stand, this after-dinner drink is the third holiday product created by Anheuser-Busch brewing company, after Michelob Celebrate Vanilla Oak and Budweiser Brew Masters’ Private Reserve. The beer is brewed with caramel, roasted malts, and cocoa beans and contains 8.5 percent alcohol per volume. The combination of beer and chocolate has been available for over 15 years, but Anheuser-Busch, the nation’s largest brewery, has joined the bandwagon with this seasonal offering.

Teen sentenced to life for killing classmate Alexander Stirlen, 18, was sentenced to life in prison without parole after brutally killing his classmate, Lindbergh High School junior Erin Mace, in September of last year. Stirlen pleaded guilty to fi rst-degree murder, rape, sodomy and setting fi re to a car, among other charges. Stirlen drove Mace to a levee where he

proceeded to bash her head with a baseball bat, and then raped and murdered her. Stirlen was not found to be eligible for an insanity plea.

UNIVERSITY Sam Fox slated to become Belgian ambassador Tom Korologos, White House aide during the Nixon and Ford administrations, is stepping down from his post as ambassador to Belgium. Sam Fox, for whom the School of Design and Visual Arts is named, is rumored to replace him. Fox is national chairman of the Jewish Republican Coalition and a major developer of St. Louis area businesses. Fox did not comment on these rumors.

White receives NCURA award The National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) awarded Cynthia White, director of the research office at Washington University, the 2006 Distinguished Service Award. The NCURA began giving the award in 2001 to nationwide members who have made remarkable contributions to the group. White has served as faculty in the “Fundamentals of Sponsored Project Administration” and as a member of the NCURA Board of Directors. She also has served on the 46th Annual Meeting Program Committee, chaired the Council’s Southeastern Region and continues to contribute to their newsletter. White will receive her award today at the 48th Annual NCURA meeting.

Special majors offer new twist on curriculum BY ELIZABETH LEWIS STAFF REPORTER What do innovative Washington University students do when it is time to declare a major, but they do not see any major of interest when they pore through all of the course listings? Make their own, of course. The special major option for students provides a lot of options for students not interested in currently offered majors. Sean McWilliams, the assistant dean and academic coordinator in the College of Arts & Sciences, is in charge of the special majors program, and says that he allows the students a lot of freedom in their choices. “The basic requirements for a special major are very flexible, and [we are] very encouraging,” he said. But there are certain requirements associated with the major that must be met prior to approval. Among the requirements are submitting a proposal, getting two faculty members from different departments to endorse the idea (one of whom

will become the major advisor) and completing a total of 24 upper-level units from each department. During senior year, the student must also complete a capstone project that synthesizes what has been learned during the course of the major. “I begin conversation with the students sophomore year [about the capstone project]. It is a challenge to do a big project, but it is very rewarding,” said McWilliams. The special majors program is small, with only a handful of students choosing this path. But the individual attention helps the students to choose broad, diverse majors ranging from Computational Linguistics to Swahili Studies. Ian Schatzberg is a senior who chose to major in Visual Theoretical Studies. This gave him the opportunity to thoroughly examine how facets of pop culture, such as photography, video and film relate to the way that people see themselves. For his major, he takes classes from the Film and Media Studies and Comparative

Literature departments. “There was not a major [at the University] that was interested in mapping different relationships between media. It is a relatively new field,” said Schatzberg. The idea was born during Schatzberg’s sophomore year during conversations with his major advisor, Lutz Koepnick, professor of German. “The two of us created it. I did an individual project with him sophomore year on a book that the Frankfurt School [a school of philosophy and social theory] had written about mass media,” said Schatzberg. “I spent the summer thinking about the project and how I could turn the book into a major.” After searching the Internet and finding that Brown University offered a similar type of major, he e-mailed the link along with his idea to see if it could be turned into a special major. Senior Geneva Brundage is another student who discovered her passion sophomore year for her future major in Ethics and Value Theory.

Two years ago, as she was flipping through the course book with the deadline for declaring a major looming, she made a discovery. “Everything was interesting, but nothing stood out. I did not feel like I fit into any of the boxes. I pay so much to go here, [and] I wanted to study what I wanted to study,” said Brundage. When Brundage was a freshman, she had taken a freshman seminar called “The Search for Values.” The class and its late professor, David Hadas, had a profound effect on her. “He was very passionate about teaching, and it was a powerful experience to be in his class as a freshman,” said Brundage. “He had big picture ideas, and he inspired me to do [my major].” While she has appreciated being able to map out her own curriculum, she noted that it makes applying to law school a little more difficult because there is no “neat box” for her major on the application. Another disadvantage is that she must always explain her

program to other students with the risk that they will not understand what she is doing. “[My major] sounds cool to me, but when I go through a couple of sentences of explanation, I know that they probably will not understand. It is not as recognizable as Psychology or Spanish,” she said. Schatzberg also found new complications with his unique choice. “I do not have a community of people in a department to ask about immediate issues of subject matter,” said Schatzberg. “At times, it is a little frustrating because you are relying on faculty to answer questions that, if you had a student body in the major, you could ask them.” But both students agree that there are several advantages in doing a special major and encourage others to explore the option. “A lot can be had from combining elements from different departments,” said Brundage. “[You] can really find your passion, and you owe it to yourself to seek it out.”

cause birth control itself still requires a prescription. Talent and McCaskill both agree that pharmacists should have the right to refuse to fill contraceptive prescriptions. However, McCaskill, like Wood, believes that the pharmacies should have “at least one employee on staff who can fill out a prescription without delay.” “Pharmacists have right to raise their objections,” said junior Jessica Codr, president of Students for Life. “I am not explicitly in favor of government intervention to force pharmacists to fi ll prescriptions.” Codr is not opposed to the sale of Plan B over-the-counter because the medication acts to prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg, which she believes does not constitute abortion. Dave Shapiro, vice president of Students for Choice, believes that legislation protecting the pharmacists will inconvenience women who need the prescrip-

tion fi lled immediately. Plan B is most effective within the fi rst 72 hours of having unprotected intercourse. A delay in the access to the drug could allow enough time for the sperm to fertilize the egg, thereby creating an unwanted pregnancy. “I feel that pharmacists should not be allowed to use their own moral judgments when doctors, scientists and other health professionals have approved the use of emergency contraception. It makes it very hard for poorer people, for example, to obtain emergency contraception when the pharmacist does not fi ll it and there are not many pharmacies close by,” said Shapiro. Junior Stacey Goodwin, president of College Republicans, agreed. With regard to Plan B becoming available overthe-counter, Goodwin said, “I don’t have a problem with Plan B because it prevents the need for women to have abortions.”

PLAN B n FROM PAGE 1 to a lack of commitment to the scientific process.” Wood believes that ignorance of facts also plays a role in a majority of the legislation that protects the rights of pharmacists to decline filling emergency contraception prescriptions on moral grounds. “Much of the legislation does not take into account the rights of patients and doctors to have a prescription fi lled, regardless of whether it is emergency contraception or anything else,” said Wood. Wood suggested that legislation should also mandate that pharmacists alert the pharmacy of their moral objection. The pharmacy would then respond by ensuring that a pharmacist who would fi ll the prescription is always on duty alongside the objecting pharmacist. Thus, the pharmacist could refuse to fi ll the prescription without causing a woman any delay in obtaining Plan B.

“Any legislation should have provisions for women to get access to medications in a direct and timely fashion, and most of the legislation that has been proposed does not,” said Wood. “The moral issue must be balanced with the rights of patients.” Missouri does not have a law in place to protect the rights of pharmacists from dispensing Plan B or birth control, so companies are able to form their own policies. The local Walgreens allows their employees to refuse to dispense Plan B, but it does not have the policy that another pharmacist be present within the store to fi ll the medication, as Wood suggested. Walgreens, however, does require that the objecting pharmacist refer the patient to another pharmacist, who does not necessarily have to work within the Walgreens Company. Schnucks has a similar

policy. Paul Simon, senior communications specialist of Schnucks, said that their pharmacy usually only has one pharmacist on duty at a time. If pharmacists refuse to fi ll a prescription, they are obligated to refer the patient to an alternative pharmacist. “Although we respect our pharmacists’ personal objections, our first obligation is to our customers,” said Simon. Plan B is also available at Student Health Services.

Political Positions Claire McCaskill and Jim Talent disagree on the sale of Plan B and the issue of pharmacists’ rights. McCaskill supports the decision to make Plan B overthe-counter for adult women. Talent believes that Plan B is an “extremely high dosage of birth control,” and he opposes the over-the counter sale be-

Washington University School of Medicine: Family Therapy for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa


• If so, your family may be eligible to take part in a 6-month treatment study at Washington University funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. • Therapy is free, and involves no study medication. • The Washington University team is directed by Dr. Denise Wilfley, Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at Washington University and an internationally recognized expert in the treatment of eating disorders. • There is no fee for participating. The program will take place through the Weight Management and Eating Disorder Program at Washington University. For more information, call (314) 286-0076. Study Director: Denise E. Wilfley, Ph.D. Washington University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry 660 South Euclid St. Louis, MO 63110


Senior News Editor / Mandy Silver /


The Dance Marathon Executive Board reacts to the announcement of the total fundraising for the entire event. As of the unveiling at the end of the night, Dance Marathon had raised $105,049.59 for Children’s Miracle Network, doubling the total announced at last year’s event.

Dance Marathon The annual St. Louis Area Dance Marathon fundraiser was held Saturday, Nov. 4, in the Athletic Complex. The event, which serves as the culmination of a year-long fundraising effort, beneďŹ ts the Children’s Miracle Network of Greater St. Louis. The fundraiser is executed entirely by Washington University undergraduates. This year’s event featured over 850 dancers and raised a total of $105,049.59, roughly twice the total of last year’s Dance Marathon. The 12-hour dance-a-thon is intended to simulate the mental and physical challenges that face the “miracle childrenâ€? that beneďŹ t every year from Children’s Miracle Network.

Dancers participate in the “morale dance.� Dancers were taught the dance throughout the night and ultimately competed to see who knew it the best.










Chancellor Wrighton dances with students at Dance Marathon in the AC on Saturday night. The chancellor commended students for giving their time to such a worthy cause.




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Dance Marathon became “Club DM� at night. Dancers kept the energy high despite the fact they had been dancing all day.





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Senior Scene Editor / Erin Fults /



Rembrandt’s sketches on display in Forest Park BY DANIEL RIFF SCENE REPORTER Just a short walk from Washington University’s campus, some of the finest work from one of art’s great masterminds is on display. The Saint Louis Art Museum in Forest Park is celebrating Rembrandt van Rijn’s 400th birthday with an exhibit showing a collection of his etchings and other work. “Rembrandt: Master Etchings from St. Louis Collections,” opened Oct. 20 and will remain open and free to the public until mid-January. It features over 40 of the artist’s best prints, mostly from St. Louis collections. Paul Crenshaw, an assistant art history professor and Rembrandt expert, called the Dutchman, “one of the greatest artists of all time.” “We happen to have some first-rate art of his in this exhibit,” said Crenshaw. “There are extremely fine prints from collections here in St. Louis.” The show features a variety of Rembrandt’s work, including landscapes, portraits and religious scenes. Many of the prints are on Japanese paper while others

are done on vellum, a type of animal skin. “It’s a very accessible exhibit and they encourage you to take your time,” said freshman art student Allegra Fisher. “It’s never too crowded and you can get a small magnifying glass to examine the prints up close.” Rembrandt lived during the 17th century in the Netherlands. He created over 600 drawings and over 2,000 drawings and etchings, including dozens of self-portraits. One of those self-portraits, from 1669, is on display at the show. According to Crenshaw, it is his final self-portrait, as he died later that year. The Saint Louis Art Museum is borrowing the print from Mauritshuis, a museum in The Hague. Three of the most famous prints on display at the exhibit are the “Hundred Guilder Print” (1648), “The Three Crosses” (1653) and the “Ecce Homo,” which is also known as “Christ Presented to the People” (around 1655), according to Crenshaw. The “Hundred Guilder Print” portrays episodes that

occurred in Chapter 19 of the Gospel of Saint Matthew on Japanese paper. Crenshaw said that the work obtained its name because the prints fetched such high prices during Rembrandt’s lifetime. Although the print came to the museum directly from a St. Louis collection, it once belonged to Jan Six, one of Rembrandt’s major patrons. Many of the prints were done in dry point, including “The Three Crosses.” Dry point is a technique in which the artist bores directly into a copper plate. “Dry point is like running your finger through sand, but with dry point, you’re kicking up a lot of copper,” said Crenshaw. “It gives you a velvety line in your prints.” In the show, there are two versions, or “states,” of “The Three Crosses.” The third state is from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the fourth print is from Wash. U. Rembrandt made dramatic changes to the plate between the prints, which, Crenshaw believes, shows his impressive skill as an artist. The “Ecce Homo” is another famous print that is on display at the Saint

Louis Art Museum. It shows the scene when Pontius Pilate presents Christ to the people who want him to be executed. “It’s almost like you are one in the crowd that has to choose whether to condemn Christ,” said Crenshaw. In one state that the exhibit has on display, there is a crowd of people watching, while in the other, Rembrandt has scraped his plate to leave an eerie dungeon where the crowd had stood. While visiting the Saint Louis Art Museum, the public can also access their new study room for prints, drawings and photographs. After making an appointment, one can also see any of more than 14,000 works that are typically kept in storage. The collection includes art from Rembrandt, Degas and Picasso, according to the museum’s Web site. Crenshaw suggests that all Wash. U. students make the trip to Forest Park to see the Rembrandt exhibition. “It is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to have these things together and to see them all together, from public and private collections,” he said.


The Saint Louis Art Museum is currently home to a Rembrandt exhibit, housing a collection of the Dutch artist’s famous etchings and portraits.

Getting the go-ahead for going abroad BY SCOTT FABRICANT SCENE REPORTER If you are considering studying abroad, then it’s probably time you started thinking about it. It’s not as easy as hopping on a plane: there’s a lot of work to be done. Starting to plan as soon as possible is the most important step, according to Dr. Priscilla Stone, director of overseas undergraduate programs. You can start by trying to ask yourself these three questions: Where do I want to go? When can I go? And most importantly, can I actually go?

Where do I want to go? This may seem the easiest question, but it isn’t always. You first need to consider why you want to go. Are you going for your major or for a language? Are you going to experience the culture of a place radically different than what you’re used to or to just escape the Wash. U. Bubble? If you’re going for your major, try contacting your department’s study abroad advisor. Many majors have specific overseas programs associated with them. If you want to try somewhere unique, the Office of Overseas Studies knows how you can get there. Senior Micah King studied

abroad for a semester in Cameroon through the School for International Training. “Developing countries—subSaharan Africa in particular—are underrepresented and misunderstood by people in Northern countries such as ours. There is no way to understand except through experience,” said King. “Consider going to a non-Western or Southern country. Take a risk and push yourself into discomfort—that is where you grow most.” Studying abroad through a program such as the School for International Training requires a petition to the Overseas Stud-

ies office. But, if your request is valid, it will usually be approved. When can I go? This a question that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Many students automatically assume the spring semester of junior year is the best time to go, but it can be problematic. Because junior spring is most popular, it’s also the most crowded. You may be halfway across the world, but your rivals may be here at home snatching up all the summer jobs and internships. Tests such as the MCATs and GREs loom upon your return.

You may also want to consider not just classes and tests, but personal obligations such as sports before deciding when you want to go. Senior Natalie Badowski, who studied abroad in Australia during the fall of her junior year, had a more personal reason. “I run on Wash. U.’s Varsity Track and Field team and our season is during the spring. I did not want to miss it, but I did want to go abroad, so I went in the fall,” she said. Summer is also a time to consider and is an option especially popular among students going abroad for their language or for field experience. No class

time is missed and you can fulfill those pesky distribution requirements without committing to another semester as a super senior. Can I go? Often the most difficult question, many students of more structured programs, such as pre-med or architecture, may think they don’t have time to go. And for some, such as engineers, it may seem downright crazy to go. “It is difficult to take technical classes in a different country and a different language,

See ABROAD, page 6

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Senior Forum Editor / Daniel Mistein /





Our daily Forum editors: Monday: Chelsea Murphy

Wednesday: Nathan Everly Friday: Tess Croner

To ensure that we have time to fully evaluate your submissions, guest columns should be e-mailed to the next issue’s editor or forwarded to by no later than 5 p.m. two days before publication. Late pieces will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. We welcome your submissions and thank you for your consideration.


Vote “yes” on Amendments 2 and 3 T

here are two amendments up for vote in tomorrow’s election that have a drastic impact on the health mission of Washington University. According to the plain language explanations of the amendments, Amendment 2 will, “allow Missouri patients and researchers access to any method of stem cell research, therapies and cures permitted under federal law. It will also set limits on any stem cell research, therapies and cures, including banning human cloning or attempted cloning.” Amendment 3, “creates a fund which will be used only to pay for programs to prevent and reduce tobacco use and to provide health care to low-insurance Missourians and Medicaid recipients and to cover administrative costs. These programs will be funded by

imposing a tax of 4 cents per cigarette and 20 percent on all other tobacco products.” Because these amendments further the important goals of providing health care, Student Life urges votes in favor of both amendments. There are two separate reasons for supporting Amendment 2. The fi rst is on principle and the second is an issue of practicality. The failure of Amendment 2 opens the door to legislation that would ban stem cell research in Missouri. Success of future legislation banning stem cell research in Missouri will likely do little to stop stem cell research, but simply means stem cell researchers leave Missouri institutions like the University in favor of institutions located in areas such as Illinois where stem cell research is strongly supported. According to the

Sept. 28, 2005, Student Life, after authorizing more than $10 million in state grants for stem cell research, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich wrote letters to several Missouri researchers including University professors, encouraging them to consider moving their work to the state of Illinois. This potential brain drain is clearly a harm to the University. The real effect of this amendment, then, would be that it would prevent the people from receiving treatment who are affl icted by diseases that could be cured by stem cell therapies but are too poor to cross state lines. Clearly, this is unjust. Aside from the practical implications of Amendment 2, the amendment is worth supporting in its own right. The simple facts are that stem cell research holds the greatest

possibility for curing diseases such as Parkinson’s, diabetes, ALS and Alzheimer’s and could help negate the effects of severe spinal cord injuries, strokes, heart attacks and cancer. Combined, these painful and life-taking diseases account for a significant amount of suffering worldwide and in the United States, and the possibility of stem cell research to save these lives should be investigated. University research scientist Steven Teitelbaum commented in the Spring 2005 Washington University magazine on a specific type of stem cell research Missouri opponents wanted to ban, saying, “As a physician, I could NOT sit across from a patient with Parkinson’s disease and say to that father or mother or neighbor: ‘Investigating a promising way to save your life is just not worth using a


Reconsider Talent Dear Editor: Last week, I got interviewed for an article for StudLife about what the College Republicans were doing for the election. I got questioned about why the College Republicans were not actively registering voters on campus like the College Democrats were. And I got questioned why the College Republicans where not registering voters just for the sake of supporting democracy. Do we not support democracy? Well, it’s hard to support democracy on a campus were one gets condemned for wearing a Talent for Senate t-shirt. It’s hard to support democracy on a campus where faculty members flip you off for setting up a table to recruit members to your organization. And it’s really hard to support democracy on a campus where the Chancellor sends out letters endorsing embryonic stem cell research and the student newspaper endorses

Claire McCaskill. Claire McCaskill may have gotten an endorsement from StudLife, but Jim Talent has been endorsed by newspapers across the state, including the Springfield News-Leader, the St. Joseph News-Press and the Sikeston Standard Democrat. Jim Talent is an alumnus of Washington University and has served Missourians for nearly twenty years. He served in the U.S. House for eight years, where he began making change in Washington by co-authoring the Welfare Reform bill, championing national security issues on the House Armed Services Committee and passing legislation to help lower health care costs. In 2002, Jim Talent was elected to serve in the U.S. Senate where he has continued to represent Missourians by fighting for Missouri jobs, health care, energy and the nation’s security. In response to StudLife’s endorsement, Senator Talent is not an opponent of

students. He served on the Education committee in the House for six years. Claire McCaskill cannot increase the Pell Grant status by herself. She’s running for Senate, not Superwoman. And yes, Jim Talent is pro-life. If you staunchly believe that abortion is the only issue worth voting on, then go vote for Claire. With all the violence in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the instabilities in North Korea, our nation needs experienced leaders committed to strengthening national security and support our military. I encourage all of the students, faculty and staff at Washington University to consider Jim Talent’s experience in Washington before jumping on the Democrat bandwagon and blindly voting for Claire McCaskill. -Stacey Goodwin President, College Republicans Class of 2008

pinpoint-sized ball of undifferentiated skin cells derived from an unfertilized egg and a simple skin cell.’ ” For the sake of these individuals, the ability to conduct and benefit from stem cell research should be protected. Unlike Amendment 2, Amendment 3 does not offer hope for curing diseases, but it does still have an important effect on people’s health. Not only will the money help fund smoking cessation and prevention programs, but, as Chancellor Wrighton pointed out in his Oct. 23 letter to the University community, “experience in other states has demonstrated that raising the tobacco tax is an effective method to reduce smoking, especially among children and teenagers.” Even if the tax did not act to deter smoking, the funding for programs

that will help reduce smoking makes the tax worthwhile. Though money from the tax would also be used to fund programs such as Medicaid, these programs are necessary to provide health care to people who would otherwise go without and need to be funded in some way. Because taxing cigarettes is likely to also deter usage and as a result prevent cancer related to smoking, getting this money by taxing cigarettes seems like a win-win proposal that will only improve health. Because preserving health is such an important issue, and the products of one or both of these amendments will likely affect the health of a large number of Americans and students now or at some point in the future, students should vote in favor of these amendments.



ometime last summer, when I realized that I would soon be moving to St. Louis, I made some decisions about my major league sports alliances. I had never previously cared about professional sports, because my home state of Oklahoma can only claim one major-league team, which we only acquired because the Hornets needed somewhere to play basketball after Katrina hit New Orleans. Truth be told, I never really cared that much about sports at all, but when I did choose to pay attention, it was always the latest exploits of the Oklahoma University football team which commanded my gaze, rather than noble efforts of such floorfavorite teams such as the Giants or Bears. As evidence of how little I cared about professional football, I didn’t even know who Peyton and Eli Manning were before I moved here; my floormates had to enlighten me. Adrian Peterson and the hilariously disgraced Rhett Bomar were all I needed. Still, since I was moving to the (comparative) metropolis of St. Louis, I decided to permanently swear my allegiance to the

Rams, the Blues and, most of all, the Cardinals. This would go down in history as an excellent decision. As the regular season began to draw to a close, things didn’t seem to be going too well for the Cards. Sure, they’d probably make it to the postseason, but no one save the die-hard really expected them to go very far. Oh, how wrong they were. As the Cardinals entered the playoffs, they suddenly dropped onto my radar in a way that no baseball team had ever previously done. The only sporting event I’d ever followed more closely was last summer’s World Cup Tournament—and, incidentally, Germany got robbed. I suddenly began to care about what happened, and I even was able to spout off a few of the players’ names. As the Cards continued with their inevitable rise to the top, I cared more and more. And then they hit the National League Championship Series, playing the Mets. This was big. Basically, my entire floor was divided. Those from New York (about half) favored the Mets, while almost everyone else wanted their new hometown heroes to win the NLCS. No one was sure what would happen, but I had confidence in my new team. As game

seven approached, the tension in K2 tightened like a guitar string being tuned. And then, one epic game later, the Cards were in the World Series. I was rejoicing, my suitemate was crying, and all seemed right in the world of professional sports. Well, we all know how the World Series ended. And what a fi nish it was. I was sitting with my parents in a sports bar, which was stocked to the brim with Cardinals memorabilia and fans. When that third strike rocketed across the plate, the entire room exploded. Everyone was dancing and singing and slugging down Budweiser (the St. Louis treat!) in truly impressive quantities. It’s defi nitely something that I won’t soon forget. What a great welcome to this city. In closing, I’d just like to thank the Cardinals for making my fi rst semester so memorable and for showing me that professional sports can actually be interesting and more. I don’t know if I’ll be caring about the NFL anytime soon, but the NHL seems to be calling my name. Tom is a freshman in Arts & Sciences. He can be reached via e-mail at

Clarification of a misconstrued opinion


t has come to my attention that my article last week, “Halloween? More like Skank-o-ween?” may have been seriously misconstrued. In fact, I know it was by at least one person. I was accused of aligning my views with those of a rape apologist. While normally I do not feel the need to justify or clarify my Chelsea opinion to perfect strangers, I do feel that with an issue such as this, one that has personally affected my life, I need to clarify. I was merely pointing out that as girls, we unfortunately have to be more careful with our appearance. I realize while reading my article that I did

not stress the danger in dressing in a nearly naked manner. (To clarify, I never said anything about mini-skirts or lowcut tops, only underwear.) We, as women, are subject to more scrutiny than men. Therefore, dressing in underwear in public is going to be received a certain way. Whatever the case, you have to be prepared for Murphy the consequences. To suggest that by this statement, however, that I theoretically support rape or am a rape apologist is absolutely absurd. I don’t know about anyone else, but I have seen how rape apologists affect those who have been raped. I have sat next to a friend who couldn’t

get anyone to believe her, including her boyfriend, simply because she was “asking for it.” Forced sexual activity isn’t acceptable, regardless of “inviting” garb. For this very reason, among the obvious annoying social ramifications, which I apparently focused on too intensely, I mentioned this issue last week. It is important for women, myself included, to watch the way we present ourselves to the greater public, so that we do not end up in a situation we are not prepared to handle. It has been statistically proven that women are more likely to be the victims of sexual crimes. It is unfortunate, but very true. So, when I say that you can dress like a skank, but be prepared for a backlash, I did of course mean

the social ramifications. However, I should have stressed the unwanted and potentially dangerous consequences, which is the only thing I would like to amend. My opinion is just that: my opinion. Regardless of whether or not anyone likes it, it is what it is. And, it is most certainly not the opinion of a rape apologist. If anything, my experience with my friend is what has helped form the opinion I hold on the importance of not being naked or nearly naked in public. No girl should willingly put herself under the scrutiny that may follow. That being said, how much about a person can anyone know by just reading one dimension of her opinion and her personality? It is just as vacant as forming an opinion on someone’s ward-

robe on Halloween, which is what is so adamantly objected to in this case. I meant the article in a somewhat casual “hey, this really irks me” kind of way, and apparently did not formulate my opinion clearly. Rape is a serious issue and just as there should be no excuses made for it, it should never be taken lightly. The label of rape apologist, which is very offensive and hurtful, should not be thrown around lightly, especially in the case of a poorly written opinion editorial. So thank you for pointing out the responsibility I have to always write clearly about everything. And to clear things up, so that everyone knows where I stand on this issue and similar issues: There is no excuse for rape. All people should have

respect for themselves. Women, unfortunately, need to be aware of how people are going to judge them and that some of those people are pigs and can and will put them in bad situations. Judgment, unfortunately, does happen. Snap judgment, whether through appearance or through a misconstrued article, is bad. Always try to be aware of how you are presenting yourself to the world (apparently I need to follow this as well); not everyone has the best of intentions. Chelsea is a junior in the School of Art and a Forum Editor. She can be reached via e-mail at




Student Life welcomes letters to the editor and op-ed submissions from readers.

Editorials are written by the Forum editors and reflect the consensus of the editorial board. The editorial board operates independently of the newsroom.

Once an article has been published on, our Web site, it will remain there permanently. We do not remove articles from the site, nor do we remove authors’ names from articles already published on the Web, unless an agreement was reached prior to July 1, 2005.

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All submissions must include the writer’s name, class, address and phone number for verification. Student Life reserves the right to edit all letters for style, length, libel considerations and grammar. Letters should be no longer than 350 words in length. Readers may also submit longer articles of up to 750 words as guest columns. Student Life reserves the right to print any submission as a letter or guest column.

Editor in Chief: Sarah Kliff Associate Editor: Liz Neukirch Managing Editors: David Tabor, Justin Davidson Senior News Editor: Mandy Silver

Senior Photo Editor: David Brody Senior Forum Editor: Daniel Milstein Forum Editors: Tess Croner, Nathan Everly, Chelsea Murphy, Jill Strominger

Why do we do this? Because Google and other search engines cache our Web site on a regular basis. Our thought is this: once an article has been published online, it’s too late to take back. It is irrevocably part of the public sphere. As such, removing an article from our site would serve no purpose.


Senior Sports Editor / Andrei Berman /

How I became a soccer fan hadn’t lost a game in the everso-competitive University Athletic Association. The Red and Green played above and beyond themselves that afternoon, knowing that only a win would keep them on track for an NCAA tournament bid. Because the young team had struggled at the outset of its conference schedule, the squad found itself in a difficult midseason predicament. After UAA play with a pair of losses to league powers Emory and Carnegie Mellon respectively, the Bears essentially had to win-out to even have a shot at qualifying for the national tournament. And though the youthful team was full of spunk and had played marvelously in non-conference play, the chances of their running off a significant winstreak in Division III’s most powerful conference seemed nearly impossible. Led by the passion of junior co-captains Onyi Okoroafor and Elie Zenner and the magnificent goaltending of freshman John Smelcer, though, the Bears did just that. The team managed to win on the road against eventual conference champ and nationally ranked Case Western Reserve and tie Rochester, a team which was also ranked at that juncture of the season. Then they rattled off three straight league wins on Francis Field to conclude regular season play on a five game winning streak; a seven game stretch without a loss. They overtook NYU in the final weekend of league play to finish second in the league, virtually assuring themselves of an at-large bid to the NCAA tourney. Pairings for the bid dance will be announced early Monday morning after Student Life goes to press. You can bet that just after my 9 a.m. class on Monday morning, I’ll be checking to see what the team’s postseason picture looks like. And, assuming all goes as planned, you can bet that I’ll be at the team’s first tournament match. You should be too.



’ve never been much of a soccer fan. Like other naive American sports fans, I have traditionally subscribed to the belief that passionately supporting a soccer team—with the sport’s low scoring and lack of popularity in this country, particularly at the collegiate level—was a somewhat futile pastime. There have been exceptions, of course. My high school’s team made a run at the state title four falls ago and the playoff ride to the championship game was a thrilling one. Likewise, I followed our national team’s abysmal run at World Cup glory quite closely. But for the most part, soccer squads have failed to capture my attention. That all changed in the last ten days when I began to take an interest in the Wash. U. futbol squad. My interest began by accident. I had promised my childhood friend and UAA leading scorer, Ben Premo of Brandeis, that when he came to the Danforth Campus I would relentlessly heckle him. I went to the game and did just that, perhaps surprising the sparse crowd with my references to his younger sister’s name (Mercedes) and to his jersey number (2) being equivalent to his Grade Point Average. Though my intent that evening was to give a little ribbing to an old friend, I came away thoroughly impressed by the Bears’ style of play. A combination of precision passing, timely offense, and utter dominance of the midfield made the sub forty degree temperatures bearable. The dedication showed by the squad’s small but vocal fan base, led by junior ‘superfan’ and humorist Jeff Weiss, also proved endearing. In short, I left the contest a fan. I attended much of the team’s next game, an upset victory over the Violets of NYU, a team that, until last Sunday’s double overtime defeat at the hands of the Bears,


Women’s soccer defeats U. Chicago in season finale v Prepares for NCAA Tournament BY ARDEN FARHI SPORTS REPORTER Senior Sara Schroeder scored on a header in the 21st minute to propel the lady Bears to a 1-0 victory over the University of Chicago. With the win, the Bears closed out their regular season schedule on a school record 14-game winning streak. The game was highlighted by unusually sloppy play. Wash. U. (16-2, UAA 7-0) only managed six shots for the entire 90 minutes and goalie Carrie Sear was forced to

make six saves—a career high for the junior. The lone goal of the game came on a cross from junior Marin McCarthy. McCarthy left-footed the ball from the far side corner across the face of the goal and found Schroeder waiting three yards out for the header. Schroeder’s goal was her third this season. “We had some struggles today,” said Sear. “We were up and down, but it happens. We did what we had to do to win.” The Maroons had a chance to even the score in the 72nd minute. The Bears defensive back line pushed up field, trying to draw Chicago for-

ward Christine Farmer offside, but she slipped through for a one-on-one with Sear. Farmer’s shot sailed over the charging Sear and over the crossbar. The Bears committed a season high 15 fouls and lost the corner kick battle 8-2. Schroeder summed up the Bears’ lackluster performance: “It was a tough week. We came into the game, got ahead and relaxed. We should have kept up the intensity.” After nearly conceding a Chicago goal late in the second half, Schroeder added, “My dad’s been eating healthy and his blood pressure has been going down. I decided


Junior Marin McCarthy fights for the ball in a close game vs. Chicago; the Bears won 1-0. McCarthy went on to score the lone goal of the game, closing the Bears’ regular season. The team awaits its NCAA placement.


SOCCER v FROM PAGE 8 this year. Smelcer has been especially brilliant all year, coming up with huge saves game after game.” The Bears will continue to practice hard and prepare for post season play. “I believe in this team,” said Clarke. “Anything is possible with these guys.”

the team failed to receive an NCAA tournament bid,” he said. Okoroafor was also quick to credit success to other members of the team. “The team is really led by (fellow junior co-captain) Elie Zenner,” he said. “John Smelcer and John Hengel have been our leading freshmen

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today we needed to equalize it.” The team will find out its playoff fate Sunday night after Student Life goes to print. The Bears have already clinched a spot in the NCAA tournament because they won the UAA conference title last weekend, but the NCAA selection committee will announce where and when they will compete in the 60-team tournament. Ranked 1st in their region and 6th overall, it’s conceivable that the Bears would host a first or secondround tournament game. “A [first-round] bye would be nice,” said Schroeder. “The next six or seven games have to be a winning streak.”


Specials On Every Day That Ends in “Y”!

and the curriculums of foreign schools may not provide the classes you need,” said Engineering school sophomore Lee Cordova. Students may also have a lot of major and distribution requirements to fulfill and need to figure how and when they can take required courses. However, there are plenty of valuable resources on campus that can help. Each school has its own study abroad office. Arts & Sciences departments all have their own study abroad advisors, and everybody still has his or her four-year and major advisors. Talk to them; they can help you wade through the muck and confusion. For many students, study abroad may mean sacrifice: missing a sports season, a summer with no job, taking an extra language course, not taking that class only offered on odd years or even becoming a super senior and hanging around for another semester. For those students, there is a decision to make. The rewards of studying abroad can be great—learning about new cultures and seeing the world—but the price you pay is time away from your life here and now. So, all you students with your minds already halfway across the world (and far away from the last round of horrific midterms), there are still a lot of questions you should start to answer. The application and petition deadline for fall of next year is Feb. 1 and for Spring is May 1st. But before you get to your foreign paradise of choice, it is important to figure out what, why, where, when and how.

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Senior Sports Editor / Andrei Berman /


SPORTS On to the Tournament v Volleyball wins UAA Title, advances to NCAA Tournament BY CARRIE JARKA SPORTS REPORTER The Bears volleyball team swept the UAA Championships in dominating fashion to win its 18th title overall and an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament. The Bears moved to 33-1 on the season with five wins coming this past weekend. In the first day of play, the Bears pounded Case Western Reserve University (30-17, 3019, 30-12). Junior Emilie Walk headlined the Bears output as she moved into sixth on the all-time Wash. U. block list with 395 as she collected seven blocks and 10 kills. Sophomore Nikki Morrison helped Walk with 10 kills of her own. “Our big focus is doing

the small things right and executing everything,” said senior Amy Bommarito. “It all starts with defense and the blockers doing their jobs. We always want to make sure we’re strong with that.” The second match-up for the Bears was against University of Rochester. In a strong offensive performance in which the Bears hit .417 for the game, Wash. U. defeated the Yellowjackets in three games (30-15, 30-17, 30-17). Junior Haleigh Spencer led the Bears with 13 kills while senior Whitney Smith added 12 kills and four blocks. “Our balance just shows the talent on our team,” said Bommarito. “We try to split the offense up cleanly, but it depends on the passes. It shows the talent across the board and our ability to use those talents as weapons.” The third game of the day featured another three game victory against the host of the tournament, Carnegie Mellon University (30-23, 30-20, 30-16). Spencer was a powerful force again, as she

collected 14 kills and 10 digs while Smith and junior Ellen Bruegge added four blocks apiece. The Bears entered the semifinals against 19thranked New York University on Saturday. In unrelenting fashion, the Bears pounded the Violets in three games (30-11, 30-25, 30-12). Smith led the solid Bears defense with 10 blocks while Bruegge added seven kills and six blocks. Walk’s five blocks put her over 400 total blocks for her career, making her the sixth player in University history to reach that plateau. As the Bears entered the championships match against 13th-ranked Emory University, they remained wary of the team that ended their 16-year UAA title streak last year. “We definitely did think back to last year and how much it hurt, and we didn’t want to repeat that,” said Bommarito. “It got our energy up. It was fun to play them and reclaim the title.” While the Eagles proved a

worthy adversary, they could not measure up to the solid defense and balanced offense of the Bears, as Wash. U. won the contest in three games (30-20, 31-29, 32-30). Walk led the offense with 10 kills and three blocks while Smith added seven kills and nine blocks. With her nine blocks, Smith joined Walk as the seventh player in school history to reach 400 career blocks. Her 194 blocks were tops in the UAA this year and the second most in the single season Wash. U. history. The Bears, who have not lost since September and have rattled off 25-straight victories, will host the NCAA Central Region Championship this weekend, with the brackets being announced on Monday. “It’s always nice to sleep in your own bed and not have to miss classes,” said Bommarito. “We’re psyched about playing in front of our home crowd, and it doesn’t hurt that the last time we hosted we won the National Championship.”


Junior Kathy Leeper spikes the ball in a recent game. The Bears won 3-0 this weekend against Emory.

Bears Defeat U. Chicago in nail biter


Sophomore Kellen Hayes, along with his teammates, congratulate junior Onyi Okoroafor after he scored the game-winning goal Saturday afternoon with less than 3 minutes left in regulation.

v Team will learn postseason fate early this morning BY TRISHA WOLF SPORTS REPORTER The impossible will likely become the possible come Monday morning. At the beginning of October, Washington University’s men’s soccer team was 0-2 in UAA play. Hopes of making the NCAA tournament seemed all but dashed. The team knew that they would have to win virtually every game to have a chance at post season play. One month later, this very lofty goal is on the

verge of reality. The Bears defeated the University of Chicago 1-0 Saturday, bringing their regular season to a close with a record of 12-3-2 (4-2-1 UAA). With New York University’s loss and Case Western Reserve University’s win this weekend, the Red and Green fi nished in second place in the UAA, just barely missing an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament. Had Case Western lost or tied the University of Rochester this weekend, the Bears would have taken both the men’s and women’s UAA titles in the same year for the fi rst time in school history. The men will know if they have been selected early Monday morning after Student Life has gone to

print. With this win though, Wash. U. put itself in an excellent position for a ubiquitous bid to the tournament. The UAA is frequently characterized as the toughest conference in Division III soccer, so it is expected that a second place fi nish should give the Bears an edge with the selection committee. After honoring seniors Matt Fenn and Brian Meyer before the game, the 25th-ranked Bears controlled the ball for the majority of play, out-shooting the Maroons 12-3. The Red and Green struggled, however, to fi nd the net throughout most of regulation play. Many of the players’ shots flew over the goal or curved just wide.

The Maroons’ goalie, senior Keith Crum, played an absolutely thrilling game, proving to be his squad’s most outstanding player on the field. Senior midfielder and Creve Coeur native Joe Frontczak also played well for Chicago. For the Bears, junior defenders Ethan Silver and Matt Hemphill played some of their best soccer of the season, showing great poise as they were able to keep the ball out of their half of play fairly consistently. The tempo of the game changed dramatically in the last three minutes when junior midfielder and co-captain Onyi Okoroafor scored on a one-timer off a cross from freshman forward John Hengel with 2:43 remaining.

This was Hengel’s team leading fi fth assist of the season. From there on out, the mood on the field and in the stands turned to complete jubilation. “The goal came at the right time,” said Okoroafor. “Even after falling behind in early UAA play, I still thought we could make the tournament or win the conference. We never gave up and kept working hard.” The Bears’ celebration, however, proved to be a bit premature. With twenty seconds remaining, Frontczak fi red a point-blank shot which freshman goalie John Smelcer was able to miraculously deflect. Smelcer showed maturity beyond his years, keeping his head in the game while the

rest of the team relaxed their level of intensity. This was Smelcer’s ninth shut-out of the season, dropping his goals-against average to 0.50. Head coach Joe Clarke was disappointed with his team’s lapse towards the end of the game. “We are our own worst enemy,” he said. “This moment was a perfect example of that and hopefully the players will learn from it.” Okoroafor poignantly summed up the team’s play both today and throughout the season: “This success had been two years coming, especially after the big disappointment the team faced my freshman year, during which, despite having a 12-5-2 record,

See SOCCER, page 6

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